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Morphological and biochemical analyses have identified a set of proteins which together form a structure known as the adherens junction. Elegant experiments in tissue culture support the idea that adherens junctions play a key role in cell-cell adhesion and in organizing cells into epithelia. During normal embryonic development, cells quickly organize epithelia; these epithelial cells participate in many of the key morphogenetic movements of gastrulation. This prompted the hypothesis that adherens junctions ought to be critical for normal embryonic development. Drosophila Armadillo, the homologue of vertebrate beta-catenin, is a core component of the adherens junction protein complex and has been hypothesized to be essential for adherens junction function in vivo. We have used an intermediate mutant allele of armadillo, armadilloXP33, to test these hypotheses in Drosophila embryos. Adherens junctions cannot assemble in the absence of Armadillo, leading to dramatic defects in cell-cell adhesion. The epithelial cells of the embryo lose adhesion to each other, round up, and apparently become mesenchymal. Mutant cells also lose their normal cell polarity. These disruptions in the integrity of epithelia block the appropriate morphogenetic movements of gastrulation. These results provide the first demonstration of the effect of loss of adherens junctions on Drosophila embryonic development.  相似文献   

Drosophila parkin, the ortholog of the human parkin gene, responsible for a familiar form of autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism, has been shown previously to be involved in Drosophila male fertility. Loss-of-function mutations in the parkin gene cause failure of spermatid individualization by affecting the proper progression of the actin-based investment cones that assemble in the nuclear region, but fail to translocate in synchrony down the cyst. In parkin mutants, the investment cones are scattered along the post-elongated spermatid bundles and fail to act properly in the process of sperm individualization. Using phase-contrast and electron microscopy analysis, we demonstrate that the parkin spermatids assemble a seemingly normal onion-stage nebenkern, but when the axoneme elongates only one mitochondrial derivative unfurls from the nebenkern. This unique mitochondrial derivative undergoes abnormal shaping and condensation during spermatid elongation. Our results indicate that parkin gene function is necessary for mitochondrial morphogenesis during earlier and later phases of spermiogenesis. The failure of cyst individualization may be due to the sensitivity of investment cone movement to the perturbation of mitochondrial morphology during spermatid elongation.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins (PITPs) are highly conserved polypeptides that bind phosphatidylinositol or phosphatidylcholine monomers, facilitating their transfer from one membrane compartment to another . Although PITPs have been implicated in a variety of cellular functions, including lipid-mediated signaling and membrane trafficking, the precise biological roles of most PITPs remain to be elucidated . Here we show for the first time that a class I PITP is involved in cytokinesis. We found that giotto (gio), a Drosophila gene that encodes a class I PITP, serves an essential function required for both mitotic and meiotic cytokinesis. Neuroblasts and spermatocytes from gio mutants both assemble regular actomyosin rings. However, these rings fail to constrict to completion, leading to cytokinesis failures. Moreover, gio mutations cause an abnormal accumulation of Golgi-derived vesicles at the equator of spermatocyte telophases, suggesting that Gio is implicated in membrane-vesicle fusion. Consistent with these results, we found that Gio is enriched at the cleavage furrow, the ER, and the spindle envelope. We propose that Gio mediates transfer of lipid monomers from the ER to the equatorial membrane, causing a specific local enrichment in phosphatidylinositol. This change in membrane composition would ultimately facilitate vesicle fusion, allowing membrane addition to the furrow and/or targeted delivery of proteins required for cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Clathrin has previously been implicated in Drosophila male fertility and spermatid individualization. To understand further the role of membrane transport in this process, we analyzed the phenotypes of mutations in Drosophila auxilin (aux), a regulator of clathrin function, in spermatogenesis. Like partial loss-of-function Clathrin heavy chain (Chc) mutants, aux mutant males are sterile and produce no mature sperm. The reproductive defects of aux males were rescued by male germ cell-specific expression of aux, indicating that auxilin function is required autonomously in the germ cells. Furthermore, this rescue depends on both the clathrin-binding and J domains, suggesting that the ability of Aux to bind clathrin and the Hsc70 ATPase is essential for sperm formation. aux mutant spermatids show a deficit in formation of the plasma membrane during elongation, which probably disrupts the subsequent coordinated migration of investment cones during individualization. In wild-type germ cells, GFP-tagged clathrin localized to clusters of vesicular structures near the Golgi. These structures also contained the Golgi-associated clathrin adaptor AP-1, suggesting that they were Golgi-derived. By contrast, in aux mutant cells, clathrin localized to abnormal patches surrounding the Golgi and its colocalization with AP-1 was disrupted. Based on these results, we propose that Golgi-derived clathrin-positive vesicles are normally required for sustaining the plasma membrane increase necessary for spermatid differentiation. Our data suggest that Aux participates in forming these Golgi-derived clathrin-positive vesicles and that Aux, therefore, has a role in the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton controls the overall structure of cells and is highly polarized in chemotaxing cells, with F-actin assembled predominantly in the anterior leading edge and to a lesser degree in the cell's posterior. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) has emerged as a central player in controlling actin polymerization. We have investigated WASP function and its regulation in chemotaxing Dictyostelium cells and demonstrated the specific and essential role of WASP in organizing polarized F-actin assembly in chemotaxing cells. Cells expressing very low levels of WASP show reduced F-actin levels and significant defects in polarized F-actin assembly, resulting in an inability to establish axial polarity during chemotaxis. GFP-WASP preferentially localizes at the leading edge and uropod of chemotaxing cells and the B domain of WASP is required for the localization of WASP. We demonstrated that the B domain binds to PI(4,5)P2 and PI(3,4,5)P3 with similar affinities. The interaction between the B domain and PI(3,4,5)P3 plays an important role for the localization of WASP to the leading edge in chemotaxing cells. Our results suggest that the spatial and temporal control of WASP localization and activation is essential for the regulation of directional motility.  相似文献   

The polo gene of Drosophila melanogaster is the founding member of the polo-like kinase family which is conserved among eukaryotes. POLO has been implicated in the organisation and function of the mitotic apparatus. Furthermore, POLO has been shown to be required for normal spermatogenesis. To characterize further the role of POLO in spermatogenesis, polo mutants were analysed by immunostaining with specific antibodies and phase contrast microscopy. Immunofluorescence shows that POLO localises to the centrosomes, the centromere/kinetochore and the spindle midzone. The meiotic phenotype of various mutant allelic combinations was also studied in detail. Observation of mutant live testes indicates cytological abnormalities in all meiotic cell types, including variable DNA content and multipolar spindles. Primary spermatocytes in polo mutant testes contain an abnormal DNA content, suggesting failure of chromosome segregation during gonial division. Immunostaining of polo mutant cells with α-tubulin shows several abnormalities of the meiotic spindle, including a significantly reduced central spindle. Our results suggest that polo has multiple functions during spermatogenesis. Received: 5 August 1998; in revised form: 3 September 1998 / Accepted: 3 September, 1998  相似文献   

Niemann–Pick C (NPC) disease is a lethal neurodegenerative disorder affecting cellular sterol trafficking. Besides neurodegeneration, NPC patients also exhibit other pleiotropic conditions, indicating that NPC protein is required for other physiological processes. Previous studies indicated that a sterol shortage that in turn leads to a shortage of steroid hormones (for example, ecdysone in Drosophila) is likely to be the cause of NPC disease pathology. We have shown that mutations in Drosophila npc1, one of the two NPC disease-related genes, leads to larval lethal and male infertility. Here, we reported that npc1 mutants are defective in spermatogenesis and in particular in the membrane-remodeling individualization process. Interestingly, we found that ecdysone, the steroid hormone responsible for the larval lethal phenotype in npc1 mutants, is not required for individualization. However, supplying 7-dehydrocholesterol can partially rescue the male infertility of npc1 mutants, suggesting that a sterol shortage is responsible for the spermatogenesis defects. In addition, the individualization defects of npc1 mutants were enhanced at high temperature, suggesting that the sterol shortage may lead to temperature-sensitive defects in the membrane-remodeling process. Together, our study reveals a sterol-dependent, ecdysone-independent mechanism of NPC1 function in Drosophila spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

We describe here a new member of the kinesin superfamily in Drosophila, KLP3A (Kinesin-Like-Protein-at-3A). The KLP3A protein localizes to the equator of the central spindle during late anaphase and telophase of male meiosis. Mutations in the KLP3A gene disrupt the interdigitation of microtubules in spermatocyte central spindles. Despite this defect, anaphase B spindle elongation is not obviously aberrant. However, cytokinesis frequently fails after both meiotic divisions in mutant testes. Together, these findings strongly suggest that the KLP3A presumptive motor protein is a critical component in the establishment or stabilization of the central spindle. Furthermore, these results imply that the central spindle is the source of signals that initiate the cleavage furrow in higher cells.  相似文献   

GIT1-like proteins are GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) for Arfs and interact with a variety of signaling molecules to function as integrators of pathways controlling cytoskeletal organization and cell motility. In this report, we describe the characterization of a Drosophila homologue of GIT1, dGIT, and show that it is required for proper muscle morphogenesis and myotube guidance in the fly embryo. The dGIT protein is concentrated at the termini of growing myotubes and localizes to muscle attachment sites in late stage embryos. dgit mutant embryos show muscle patterning defects and aberrant targeting in subsets of their muscles. dgit mutant muscles fail to localize the p21-activated kinase, dPak, to their termini. dPak and dGIT form a complex in the presence of dPIX and dpak mutant embryos show similar muscle morphogenesis and targeting phenotypes to that of dgit. We propose that dGIT and dPak are part of a complex that promotes proper muscle morphogenesis and myotube targeting during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The Apaf-1 protein is essential for cytochrome c-mediated caspase-9 activation in the intrinsic mammalian pathway of apoptosis. Although Apaf-1 is the only known mammalian homologue of the Caenorhabditis elegans CED-4 protein, the deficiency of apaf-1 in cells or in mice results in a limited cell survival phenotype, suggesting that alternative mechanisms of caspase activation and apoptosis exist in mammals. In Drosophila melanogaster, the only Apaf-1/CED-4 homologue, ARK, is required for the activation of the caspase-9/CED-3-like caspase DRONC. Using specific mutants that are deficient for ark function, we demonstrate that ARK is essential for most programmed cell death (PCD) during D. melanogaster development, as well as for radiation-induced apoptosis. ark mutant embryos have extra cells, and tissues such as brain lobes and wing discs are enlarged. These tissues from ark mutant larvae lack detectable PCD. During metamorphosis, larval salivary gland removal was severely delayed in ark mutants. However, PCD occurred normally in the larval midgut, suggesting that ARK-independent cell death pathways also exist in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

The receptor for activated C kinase 1 (RACK1) is a conserved scaffold protein that helps regulate a range of cell activities including cell growth, shape, and protein translation. We report that a homologue of RACK1 is required for cytokinesis in pathogenic Trypanosoma brucei. The protein, referred to as TRACK, is comprised of WD repeat elements and can complement cpc2 null mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. TRACK is expressed throughout the trypanosome life cycle and is distributed predominantly in a perinuclear region and the cytoplasm but not along the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrion, or cleavage furrow of dividing cells. When tetracycline-inducible RNA interference (RNAi) is used to deplete the cellular content of TRACK, the cells remain metabolically active, but growth is inhibited. In bloodstream forms, growth arrest is due to a delay in the onset of cytokinesis. By contrast, procyclic forms are able to initiate cytokinesis in the absence of TRACK but arrest midway through cell cleavage. The RNAi cells undergo multiple rounds of partial cytokinesis and accumulate nuclei and cytoplasmic extensions with attached flagella. The TRACK RNAi construct is also inducible within infected mice. Under these conditions parasites are eliminated from peripheral blood within 3 days post-infection. Taken as a whole, these data indicate that trypanosomes utilize a RACK1 homologue to regulate the final stages of mitosis. Moreover, disrupting the interaction between TRACK and its partners might be targeted in the design of novel therapies.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying completion of cytokinesis are still poorly understood. Here, we show that the Drosophila orthologue of mammalian Citron kinases is essential for the final events of the cytokinetic process. Flies bearing mutations in the Drosophila citron kinase (dck) gene were defective in both neuroblast and spermatocyte cytokinesis. In both cell types, early cytokinetic events such as central spindle assembly and contractile ring formation were completely normal. Moreover, cytokinetic rings constricted normally, leading to complete furrow ingression. However late telophases of both cell types displayed persistent midbodies associated with disorganized F actin and anillin structures. Similar defects were observed in dck RNA interference (RNAi) telophases, which, in addition to abnormal F actin and anillin rings, also displayed aberrant membrane protrusions at the cleavage site. Together, these results indicate that mutations in the dck gene result in morphologically abnormal intercellular bridges and in delayed resolution of these structures, suggesting that the wild-type function of dck is required for abscission at the end of cytokinesis. The phenotype of Dck-depleted cells is different from those observed in most Drosophila cytokinesis mutants but extraordinarily similar to that caused by anillin RNAi, suggesting that Dck and anillin are in the same pathway for completion of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Centrosomin is a 150 kDa centrosomal protein of Drosophila melanogaster. To study the function of Centrosomin in the centrosome, we have recovered mutations that are viable but male and female sterile (cnnmfs). We have shown that these alleles (1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and hk21) induce a maternal effect on early embryogenesis and result in the accumulation of low or undetectable levels of Centrosomin in the centrosomes of cleavage stage embryos. Hemizygous cnn females produce embryos that show dramatic defects in chromosome segregation and spindle organization during the syncytial cleavage divisions. In these embryos the syncytial divisions proceed as far as the twelfth cycle, and embryos fail to cellularize. Aberrant divisions and nuclear fusions occur in the early cycles of the nuclear divisions, and become more prominent at later stages. Giant nuclei are seen in late stage embryos. The spindles that form in mutant embryos exhibit multiple anomalies. There is a high occurrence of apparently linked spindles that share poles, indicating that Centrosomin is required for the proper spacing and separation of mitotic spindles within the syncytium. Spindle poles in the mutants contain little or no detectable amounts of the centrosomal proteins CP60, CP190 and (gamma)-tubulin and late stage embryos often do not have astral microtubules at their spindle poles. Spindle morphology and centrosomal composition suggest that the primary cause of these division defects in mutant embryos is centrosomal malfunction. These results suggest that Centrosomin is required for the assembly and function of centrosomes during the syncytial cleavage divisions.  相似文献   

The parasitic protozoan Trypanosoma brucei contains two type III phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases (alpha and beta). We have cloned the gene encoding the T. brucei type III phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta (TbPI4KIII-beta), expressed the protein in COS-7 cells, and confirmed that the protein catalyzes the phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol. Depletion of TbPI4KIII-beta in procyclic T. brucei by RNA interference (RNAi) resulted in inhibition of cell growth and a distorted cellular morphology. RNAi cells had a distorted Golgi apparatus, and lysosomal and flagellar pocket proteins were mislocalized. Ultrastructural analysis revealed the internal accumulation of a heterogeneous population of vesicles, abnormal positioning of organelles, and a loss of cell polarity. Scanning electron microcopy revealed a twisted phenotype, and dividing cells often exhibited a detached daughter flagellum and lacked a cleavage furrow. Cell cycle analysis confirmed that cells depleted of TbPI4KIII-beta have a postmitotic cytokinesis block that occurs after a single round of mitosis, suggestive of a specific cell cycle block. In summary, TbPI4KIII-beta is an essential protein in procyclic T. brucei, required for maintenance of Golgi structure, protein trafficking, normal cellular shape, and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

In spermatogenesis, the Golgi apparatus is important for the formation of the acrosome, which is a sperm‐specific organelle essential for fertilization. Comprehensive examinations of the spatiotemporal distribution and morphological characterizations of the Golgi in various cells during spermatogenesis are necessary for functional analyses and mutant screenings in the model eukaryote Drosophila. Here, we examined the distribution and morphology of the Golgi during Drosophila spermatogenesis with immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. In pre‐meiotic germ cells, the Golgi apparatuses were distributed evenly in the cytoplasm. In contrast, they were located exclusively in two regions near the poles during the meiotic metaphase, where they were segregated prior to the chromosomes. In cells in anaphase to telophase, the Golgi were predominantly left behind in the equatorial region between the separating daughter nuclei. After completion of meiosis, the dispersed Golgi were assembled at the apical side of the spermatid nucleus to form the acrosome. Further investigation of the Golgi distribution in β2‐tubulin mutants showed aberrant and uneven distributions of the Golgi among sister cells in the meiotic spermatocytes and in the post‐meiotic spermatids. At the ultrastructural level, the Golgi apparatus in pre‐meiotic spermatocytes comprised a pair of stacks. The two stacks were situated adjacent to each other, as if they had duplicated before entering into meiotic division. These results highlight the dynamic nature of the Golgi during spermatogenesis and provide a framework for analyzing the correlations between the dynamics of the Golgi and its function in sperm development.  相似文献   

We performed a functional analysis of fascetto (feo), a Drosophila gene that encodes a protein homologous to the Ase1p/PRC1/MAP65 conserved family of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). These MAPs are enriched at the spindle midzone in yeast and mammals and at the fragmoplast in plants, and are essential for the organization and function of these microtubule arrays. Here we show that the Feo protein is specifically enriched at the central-spindle midzone and that its depletion either by mutation or by RNAi results in aberrant central spindles. In Feo-depleted cells, late anaphases showed normal overlap of the antiparallel MTs at the cell equator, but telophases displayed thin MT bundles of uniform width instead of robust hourglass-shaped central spindles. These thin central spindles exhibited diffuse localizations of both the Pav and Asp proteins, suggesting that these spindles comprise improperly oriented MTs. Feo-depleted cells also displayed defects in the contractile apparatus that correlated with those in the central spindle; late anaphase cells formed regular contractile structures, but these structures did not constrict during telophase, leading to failures in cytokinesis. The phenotype of Feo-depleted telophases suggests that Feo interacts with the plus ends of central spindle MTs so as to maintain their precise interdigitation during anaphase-telophase MT elongation and antiparallel sliding.  相似文献   

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