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锦鸡儿属7种植物叶的生理生化分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对锦鸡儿属7种植物的叶片进行了生理生化指标测定,包括游离脯氨酸、丙二醛和保护酶(过氧化物酶POD、过氧化氢酶CAT)等的含量,并对同一地区引种的不同种及分布于不同地区的同一植物进行了对比分析。结果表明:同一地区引种的不同植物的生理特征表现出明显的趋同,旱生植物趋于中生化,中生植物趋于旱生化以此共同适应相同的环境;不同地区的同一植物表现出一定适应性分化,说明植物为适应不同的生态环境进行着相应的生理调节。  相似文献   

基于形态特征和ITS序列对7个鹅膏菌属菌株的分类鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以采自浙江省丽水地区的7个鹅膏菌属菌株作为研究材料,在基于形态特征进行初步鉴定的基础上,对7种鹅膏菌的rDNAITS区段进行克隆测序和序列特征比较分析。进一步对ITS序列进行核酸序列数据库GenBank同源性检索比对,将从GenBank检索获得的9个最相似物种的ITS序列连同7种鹅膏菌的ITS序列一起作系统发育分析。结果表明:基于ITS序列对f6、f9和f493个菌株的分子鉴定支持了基于形态特征的鉴定结果,对f5的分子鉴定不支持形态鉴定的结果,f8为鹅膏菌属内某种,f66为鹅膏菌属内某种,并与Amanitafulva,A.atrofusca,A.orientifulva3种鹅膏菌的亲缘关系较近,f7与另外6种鹅膏菌的亲缘关系相差甚远。研究结果提示基于分子水平上的ITS序列分析不能单方面作为大型真菌分类鉴定的可靠依据,可以作为基于传统形态学分类鉴定的辅助参考依据。  相似文献   

In Cactaceae, wood anatomy is related to stem morphology in terms of the conferred support. In species of cacti with dimorphic wood, a unique process occurs in which the cambium stops producing wide-band tracheids (WBTs) and produces fibers; this is associated with the aging of individuals and increases in size. Stem support and lignification have only been studied in fibrous tree-like species, and studies in species with WBTs or dimorphic wood are lacking. In this study, we approach this process with a chemical focus, emphasizing the role of wood lignification. We hypothesized that the degree of wood lignification in Cactaceae increases with height of the species and that its chemical composition varies with wood anatomy. To test this, we studied the chemical composition (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin content) in 13 species (2 WBTs wood, 3 dimorphic, and 8 fibrous) with contrasting growth forms. We also analyzed lignification in dimorphic and fibrous species to determine the chemical features of WBTs and fibers and their relationship with stem support. The lignin contents were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and high performance liquid chromatography. We found that 11 species have a higher percentage (>35%) of lignin in their wood than other angiosperms or gymnosperms. The lignin chemical composition in fibrous species is similar to that of other dicots, but it is markedly heterogeneous in non-fibrous species where WBTs are abundant. The lignification in WBTs is associated with the resistance to high water pressure within cells rather than the contribution to mechanical support. Dimorphic wood species are usually richer in syringyl lignin, and tree-like species with lignified rays have more guaiacyl lignin. The results suggest that wood anatomy and lignin distribution play an important role in the chemical composition of wood, and further research is needed at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Methylphosphotriester DNA shows a number of interesting bio‐organic properties. Its behavior is quite different from selected modified DNAs as the related methylphosphonate oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

为探索圈养鹤类的血液生化指标差异,本研究对白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)、丹顶鹤(G.japonensis)、黑冠鹤(Balearica pavonina)、黑颈鹤(G.nigricollis)、灰冠鹤(B.regulorum)、蓝鹤(Anthropoides paradiseus)和白枕鹤(G.vipio)的10项血液生化指标(总胆固醇、甘油三酯、总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白等)进行统计分析,并与国际物种信息系统(ISIS)提供的数据进行比较。结果表明,1)不同鹤类之间总胆固醇差异显著,而甘油三酯和血糖没有显著性差异,除了黑冠鹤和灰冠鹤的总胆固醇以及蓝鹤的血糖外,其余鹤类的常值均高于ISIS的平均值。2)不同鹤类之间的总蛋白、球蛋白和白蛋白的浓度差异显著,但总蛋白、球蛋白和白蛋白均在ISIS的正常范围内。3)不同鹤类间肌酐和尿酸不具有显著性差异,其中尿酸低于ISIS平均值,但仅尿素氮差异显著。不同鹤类之间血液生化指标存在差异,与圈养鹤的营养水平和环境有关。因此血液生化指标对于圈养鹤类营养状态和健康情况的判断具有重要参考价值,对圈养动物饲养管理具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

没药的化学成分及其生物活性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
没药属(Commiphora)植物分泌的胶状树脂作为没药(myrrh)为世界多个国家常用植物药,其所含成分包括萜类、甾体、黄酮、木脂素等次生代谢产物.现代药理研究表明没药提取物和所含的化学成分具有细胞毒、抗细菌、抗真菌、镇痛、抗氧化、抗炎等生物活性.本文综述了国内外没药化学成分和生物活性的研究概况.  相似文献   

Cactaceae family has heterogeneity in the accumulation of lignocellulose due to the diversity of shapes and anatomy of the wood. Most studies focus on fibrous and dimorphic species; but the non-fibrous species are poorly studied. The aims of this work were to analyze the syringyl/guaiacyl ratio of lignin and its distribution in secondary xylem, especially in non-fibrous species. The syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) ratio was quantified from 34 species of cacti by nitrobenzene oxidation of free-extractive wood. The distribution of lignocellulose in wood sections stained with safranin O/fast green was determined with epifluorescence microscopy. The S/G ratio was heterogeneous; most of the non-fibrous species had a higher percentage of syringyl, while the fibrous ones accumulate guaiacyl. Fluorescence emission showed that vessel elements and wide-band tracheids had similar tonalities. It is hypothesized that the presence of a higher percentage of syringyl in most cacti is part of the defense mechanism against pathogens, which together with the succulence of the stem represent adaptations that contribute to survival in their hostile environments.  相似文献   

Three bisexual Pratylenchus species, P. penetrans, P. vulnus and P. coffeae have n = 5, 6 and 7 chromosomes, respectively, and reproduce by cross-fertilization. The monosexual P. scribneri comprises two chromosomal and reproductive forms. One has n = 6 chromosomes and reproduces by meiotic parthenogenesis, the other has a somatic chromosome number of approximately 25 and reproduces by mitotic parthenogenesis. The monosexual species P. zeae, P. brachyurus and P. neglectus have somatic chromosome numbers of approximately 21 to 26, 30 to 32, and 20, respectively, and reproduce by mitotic parthenogenesis. All mitotic parthenogenetic forms probably are polyploid. The phyletic relationships of some species are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

以赤茄(Solanum integrifolium)和栽培品种远缘杂交选育得到的核质互作型雄性不育系05-506及其保持系05-507为材料,测定并分析了叶片激素、叶绿素、游离总氨基酸、可溶性糖含量及光合特性.结果表明,茄子不育系苗期叶片中IAA和GA3含量低于保持系,ZR含量高于保持系,ABA/(IAA+ZR+GA3)比值约为保持系的1.3倍;不育系叶绿素含量幼苗期低于保持系,盛花期和保持系相近,结果期高于保持系;可溶性糖和游离总氨基酸含量高低随光合速率的变化而变化,幼苗期C/N比值低,盛花期C/N比值增大,碳水化合物代谢加强,结果期C/N比值下降,但不育系下降幅度较保持系少.不育系与保持系的Pn日变化均呈双峰曲线,即有光合"午休"现象;Pn值顺序不育系为幼苗期<盛花期<结果期,保持系为幼苗期<结果期<盛花期;不育系在营养生长和生殖生长时期的光饱和点均高于保持系,光补偿点在幼苗期和盛花期高于保持系,但结果期比保持系低.  相似文献   

本文采用根尖压片法对豆科(Leguminosae)木蓝属(IndigoferaL.)植物的7个种:多花木蓝(Indigofera amblyantha Craib)、河北木蓝(I.bungeana Walp.)、滇木蓝(I.delavayi Franch.)、腺毛木蓝(I.scabrida Dunn)、四川木蓝(I.szechuensis Craib)、刺序木蓝(I.silvestrii Pamp.)、尖叶木蓝(I.zollingeriana Miq.)的染色体数目和核型进行了研究。结果表明:除了尖叶木蓝染色体数目为2n=4x=32(四倍体)外,其余6种木蓝的染色体数目均为2n=2x=16(二倍体)。尖叶木蓝和刺序木蓝核型分类为2A型,其余5种木蓝的核型均为1A型。种间核型差异很小。供试种主要包含中部着丝点区染色体。滇木蓝、腺毛木蓝、刺序木蓝、四川木蓝和尖叶木蓝的核型分析为首次报道。  相似文献   

The host suitability to Ditylenchus destructor of seven common weed species in peanut (Arachis hypogaea) fields in South Africa was determined. Based on the number of nematodes per root unit, white goosefoot (Chenopodium album), feathertop chloris (Chloris virgata), purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus), jimson weed (Datura stramonium), goose grass (Eleusine indica), khaki weed (Tagetes minuta), and cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) were poor hosts. Ditylenchus destructor survived on all weed species; population densities increased in peanut hulls and caused severe damage to seeds of peanut grown after weeds. Roots of purple nutsedge left in the soil suppressed populations of D. destructor and root and pod development in peanut grown after the weed. However, nematode populations in peanut hulls and seeds were not suppressed. Some weed species, especially purple nutsedge which is common in peanut fields, can be used to indicate the presence of D. destructor in the absence of peanut.  相似文献   

From study of cultural and biochemical characteristics of 40 strains of Herellea, Mima, or Flavobacterium species, a proposed schema for identification was developed. The reactions observed by agglutination, gel diffusion, and immunofluorescence suggest antigenic heterogeneity of this group of organisms.  相似文献   

蝙蝠科七种蝙蝠的核型   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
报道了贵州7 种蝙蝠科蝙蝠的核型。伏翼和印度伏翼的染色体数为2n = 26 , 常染色体都由10 对双臂染色体和2 对微小点状染色体组成, N.F = 44 , 性染色体是大小悬殊的端着丝粒染色体; 两者核型的主要区别在于前者的No.3 是中着丝粒染色体, 后者为亚中着丝粒染色体; 大鼠耳辐(四川亚种) 、水鼠耳蝠和西南鼠耳蝠的染色体数都是2n = 44 , 常染色体都由4 对中着丝粒染色体和17 对端着丝粒染色体组成, N.F = 50 , 其中大鼠耳蝠(四川亚种) 和水鼠耳蝠核型非常相似, 西南鼠耳蝠与前二者有一定区别; 山蝠(福建亚种) 是2n = 36 , 常染色体包括7 对中着丝粒染色体、1 对亚中着丝粒染色体和9 对端着丝粒染色体, N.F = 50 ; 南蝠2n = 50 , 常染色体由24 对端着丝粒染色体组成, N.F = 48 , X染色体是最大的中着丝粒染色体。  相似文献   

纳米生物复合探针具有多功能复合、多检测路径、易于信号放大、制备简便等多种优越性。基于其优越的光学性质,人们可以利用常规光学设备实现生物检测,甚至可以实现目视检测。现就本实验室在光学纳米生物探针制备和应用的研究进展作一简要综述,所述纳米生物探针类型主要有:基于表面等离子体效应的纳米生物探针、基于量子效应的纳米生物探针和基于比表面效应的纳米生物探针,并介绍如何应用这些探针进行生物传感和生物芯片的构建。  相似文献   

The Rengen Grassland Experiment (RGE), set up on a Nardus grassland in 1941, consists of a control and five fertilizer treatments (Ca, CaN, CaNP, CaNP-KCl and CaNP-K2SO4). In 2005, soil chemical properties were analyzed to investigate the effect of soil variables on biomass production, plant species composition and species richness of vascular plants. Further, the effect of sampling scale (from 0.02 to 5.76 m2) on species richness was investigated. Soil properties (plant-available contents of K, P, C:N ratio, and pH) and biomass production were found to be strictly dependent on the fertilizers applied. Diversification of soil P content between treatments with and without P application is still in progress. Biomass production was most positively affected by P and K soil contents under N application. Furthermore, pH had a small positive effect on biomass production, and C:N ratio a moderately negative one. Two types of nutrient limitation were recognized: (1) limitation of total biomass production and (2) limitation of individual plant species. Long-term addition of a limiting nutrient affected the grassland ecosystem in three ways: (1) causing a change in plant species composition without significant increase in total biomass production, (2) causing no change in species composition but with significant increase in total biomass production, and (3) causing substantial change in plant species composition accompanied by significant increase in total biomass production. The explanatory power of all measured soil properties on plant species composition was almost the same as the power of the treatment effect (61.7% versus 62% of explained variability in RDA). The most powerful predictors of plant species composition were soil P, K and Mg contents, pH, and biomass production. The soil P content and biomass production were the only variables leading to a significant negative effect on species richness. An almost parallel increase in species richness with increasing sampling area was detected in all treatments. Constant differences among treatments were independent of sampling area.  相似文献   

7种橐吾属植物的核型   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
研究了7种橐吾属(Ligularia)植物的染色体和核形态。干崖子橐吾(L.kanaitzensis)的核型为2n=2x=58=26m+28sm 4st;窄头橐吾(L.stenocephala)的核型为2n=2x=58=26m 32sm;细茎橐吾(L.hookeri)的核型为2n=2x=58=30m 26sm 2st;宽戟橐吾(Llatihastata)的核型为2n=2x=58=28m 26sm(2sat) 4st;网脉橐吾(L.dictyoneura)的核型为2n=2x=58=26m 28sm 2st 2t;蹄橐吾(L.hodgsonii)的核型为2n=2x=58=28m 28sm 2t;棉毛橐吾(L.vellerea)的核型为2n=2x=58=22cm 34sm 2t。虽然这7个种的染色体数目相同,2n=58,核型主要是由m和sm染色体构成,但各类的染色体数目在种间有差异。核的对称性高,着丝点端值(T.C)为61.45%-64.96%。除窄头橐吾和鹿蹄橐吾的染色体数与前人报道的相同外,其它5个种的染色体数目和核型为首次报道。  相似文献   

Citrus fruits have potential health-promoting properties and their essential oils have long been used in several applications. Due to biological effects described to some citrus species in this study our objectives were to analyze and compare the phytochemical composition and evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of essential oils (EO) obtained from four different Citrus species. Mice were treated with EO obtained from C. limon, C. latifolia, C. aurantifolia or C. limonia (10 to 100 mg/kg, p.o.) and their anti-inflammatory effects were evaluated in chemical induced inflammation (formalin-induced licking response) and carrageenan-induced inflammation in the subcutaneous air pouch model. A possible antinociceptive effect was evaluated in the hot plate model. Phytochemical analyses indicated the presence of geranial, limonene, γ-terpinene and others. EOs from C. limon, C. aurantifolia and C. limonia exhibited anti-inflammatory effects by reducing cell migration, cytokine production and protein extravasation induced by carrageenan. These effects were also obtained with similar amounts of pure limonene. It was also observed that C. aurantifolia induced myelotoxicity in mice. Anti-inflammatory effect of C. limon and C. limonia is probably due to their large quantities of limonene, while the myelotoxicity observed with C. aurantifolia is most likely due to the high concentration of citral. Our results indicate that these EOs from C. limon, C. aurantifolia and C. limonia have a significant anti-inflammatory effect; however, care should be taken with C. aurantifolia.  相似文献   

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