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Since the soluble oligomers of 42-residue amyloid β (Aβ42) might be neurotoxins at an early stage of Alzheimer's disease (AD), inhibition of soluble Aβ42 oligomerization should be effective in the treatment of AD. We have found by phage display that a 7-residue peptide, SRPGLRR, exhibited inhibitory activity against soluble 37/48 kDa oligomers of Aβ42. In the present study, we newly prepared 3- and 4-residue random peptides libraries and performed pannings of them against soluble Aβ42 to search for important factors in the inhibition of Aβ42 oligomerization. After the fifth round, arginine-containing peptides were enriched in both libraries. SDS-PAGE and size-exclusion chromatography indicated that the inhibitory activities of 4-residue peptides against the soluble 37/48 kDa oligomers of Aβ42 were higher than those of the 3-residue peptides, and RFRK exhibited strong inhibitory activity as well as SRPGLRR. These short peptides should be useful for the suppression of soluble Aβ42 oligomer formation.  相似文献   


Aberrant β-catenin activation promotes the proliferation and survival of several types of tumor cells, including colorectal cancer (CRC) cells. Synthetic peptides are drug candidates for treating various diseases; however, peptide inhibitors of β-catenin have been rarely reported. A series of peptide inhibitors for β-catenin (F15A1–9k, F15A2–9k, and F15A3–9k) were designed and synthesized, and then used to treat human CRC cells (HT-29). Next, a series of in vitro assays, including cell counting, colony formation, flow cytometry, and Transwell assays, were performed to assess the biological effects of the peptides on CRC cells. Mouse xenograft models of HT-29 tumors were also used to evaluate the inhibitory effect of the peptide inhibitors on β-catenin expression in vivo. The inhibitory effect of the peptide inhibitors on β-catenin production was tested in a confocal laser scanning microscope study (CLSMS), and by H&E, TUNEL, and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining. The peptide inhibitors significantly reduced the viability of HT-29 cells in time- and concentration-dependent manners. Moreover, the peptide inhibitors for β-catenin significantly inhibited CRC tumorigenesis both in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, the peptide inhibitors for β-catenin inhibited the angiogenesis activity of HT-29 cells. When administered by itself, F15A2–9k blocked cell division, induced apoptosis, and reduced the migration and invasion capabilities of HT-29 cells, while a combination of F15A1–9k, F15A2–9k, and F15A3–9k showed even stronger inhibitory effects on HT-29 cells. In summary, the peptides designed to inhibit β-catenin demonstrated anti-tumor activity both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting their potential as therapeutic agents for treating CRC.


Intermediate amyloidogenic states along the amyloid β peptide (Aβ) aggregation pathway have been shown to be linked to neurotoxicity. To shed more light on the different structures that may arise during Aβ aggregation, we here investigate surfactant-induced Aβ aggregation. This process leads to co-aggregates featuring a β-structure motif that is characteristic for mature amyloid-like structures. Surfactants induce secondary structure in Aβ in a concentration-dependent manner, from predominantly random coil at low surfactant concentration, via β-structure to the fully formed α-helical state at high surfactant concentration. The β-rich state is the most aggregation-prone as monitored by thioflavin T fluorescence. Small angle x-ray scattering reveals initial globular structures of surfactant-Aβ co-aggregated oligomers and formation of elongated fibrils during a slow aggregation process. Alongside this slow (minutes to hours time scale) fibrillation process, much faster dynamic exchange (kex ∼1100 s−1) takes place between free and co-aggregate-bound peptide. The two hydrophobic segments of the peptide are directly involved in the chemical exchange and interact with the hydrophobic part of the co-aggregates. Our findings suggest a model for surfactant-induced aggregation where free peptide and surfactant initially co-aggregate to dynamic globular oligomers and eventually form elongated fibrils. When interacting with β-structure promoting substances, such as surfactants, Aβ is kinetically driven toward an aggregation-prone state.  相似文献   

There have been many reports suggesting that soluble oligomers of amyloid β (Aβ) are neurotoxins causing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Although inhibition of the soluble oligomerization of Aβ is considered to be effective in the treatment of AD, almost all peptide inhibitors have been designed from the β-sheet structure (H14-D23) of Aβ1-42. To obtain more potent peptides than the known inhibitors of the soluble-oligomer formation of Aβ1-42, we performed random screening by phage display. After fifth-round panning of a hepta-peptide library against soluble Aβ1-42, novel peptides containing arginine residues were enriched. These peptides were found to suppress specifically 37/48 kDa oligomer formation and to keep the monomeric form of Aβ1-42 even after 24 h of incubation, as disclosed by SDS–PAGE and size-exclusion chromatography. Thus we succeeded in acquiring novel efficient peptides for inhibition of soluble 37/48 kDa oligomer formation of Aβ1-42.  相似文献   

Misfolded proteins associated with diverse aggregation disorders assemble not only into a single toxic conformer but rather into a suite of aggregated conformers with unique biochemical properties and toxicities. To what extent small molecules can target and neutralize specific aggregated conformers is poorly understood. Therefore, we have investigated the capacity of resveratrol to recognize and remodel five conformers (monomers, soluble oligomers, non-toxic oligomers, fibrillar intermediates, and amyloid fibrils) of the Aβ1–42 peptide associated with Alzheimer disease. We find that resveratrol selectively remodels three of these conformers (soluble oligomers, fibrillar intermediates, and amyloid fibrils) into an alternative aggregated species that is non-toxic, high molecular weight, and unstructured. Surprisingly, resveratrol does not remodel non-toxic oligomers or accelerate Aβ monomer aggregation despite that both conformers possess random coil secondary structures indistinguishable from soluble oligomers and significantly different from their β-sheet rich, fibrillar counterparts. We expect that resveratrol and other small molecules with similar conformational specificity will aid in illuminating the conformational epitopes responsible for Aβ-mediated toxicity.  相似文献   

In contrast to the general tendency of hydrophobicity-toxicity relationship of amyloid ?? peptide, we have previously found that the replacement of Asn27 of amyloid ??(25?C35) peptide with Ala yielded a more hydrophobic but less toxic analog and that of Met35 gave a less hydrophobic but more toxic one. To reveal the unique role of these two residues in the neurotoxicity of amyloid ??(1?C42) peptide, the major peptide constituent of amyloid plaques in human brain, we synthesized two analogs N27A and M35A in which Asn27 and Met35 of amyloid ??(1?C42) peptide was replaced with Ala, respectively. The former showed much weaker toxicity than the native peptide, while the latter showed almost an equivalent toxicity, indicating that the side chain amide group of Asn27 has an essential role for the toxicity of amyloid ?? peptides.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most lethal human cancers. The search for targeted treatments has been hampered by the lack of relevant animal models for the genetically diverse subsets of HCC, including the 20-40% of HCCs that are defined by activating mutations in the gene encoding β-catenin. To address this chemotherapeutic challenge, we created and characterized transgenic zebrafish expressing hepatocyte-specific activated β-catenin. By 2 months post fertilization (mpf), 33% of transgenic zebrafish developed HCC in their livers, and 78% and 80% of transgenic zebrafish showed HCC at 6 and 12 mpf, respectively. As expected for a malignant process, transgenic zebrafish showed significantly decreased mean adult survival compared to non-transgenic control siblings. Using this novel transgenic model, we screened for druggable pathways that mediate β-catenin-induced liver growth and identified two c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitors and two antidepressants (one tricyclic antidepressant, amitriptyline, and one selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) that suppressed this phenotype. We further found that activated β-catenin was associated with JNK pathway hyperactivation in zebrafish and in human HCC. In zebrafish larvae, JNK inhibition decreased liver size specifically in the presence of activated β-catenin. The β-catenin-specific growth-inhibitory effect of targeting JNK was conserved in human liver cancer cells. Our other class of hits, antidepressants, has been used in patient treatment for decades, raising the exciting possibility that these drugs could potentially be repurposed for cancer treatment. In support of this proposal, we found that amitriptyline decreased tumor burden in a mouse HCC model. Our studies implicate JNK inhibitors and antidepressants as potential therapeutics for β-catenin-induced liver tumors.  相似文献   

Random oligonucleotide fragments were designed and amplified by PCR and fused with the activating domain of pGAD424 to construct a random peptide library. The DNA fragment encoding beta-lactamase was fused with the binding domain of pGBT9(+2). Subsequently, using yeast two-hybrid system we found two positive clones encoding peptides P1 and P2 that have the ability to bind beta-lactamase in vivo. The genes encoding P1 and P2 were cloned into pGEX-4T-1. GST-peptide fusion proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli and isolated by glutathione-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography. Finally, P1 and P2 were cleaved from the fusion protein with thrombin and purified by ultrafiltration. Inhibition assay of peptides with beta-lactamase in vitro indicated that only P1 has the ability to inhibit beta-lactamase.  相似文献   

Although the formation of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits in the brain is a hallmark of Alzheimer disease (AD), the soluble oligomers rather than the mature amyloid fibrils most likely contribute to Aβ toxicity and neurodegeneration. Thus, the discovery of agents targeting soluble Aβ oligomers is highly desirable for early diagnosis prior to the manifestation of a clinical AD phenotype and also more effective therapies. We have previously reported that a novel 15-amino acid peptide (15-mer), isolated via phage display screening, targeted Aβ and attenuated its neurotoxicity (Taddei, K., Laws, S. M., Verdile, G., Munns, S., D''Costa, K., Harvey, A. R., Martins, I. J., Hill, F., Levy, E., Shaw, J. E., and Martins, R. N. (2010) Neurobiol. Aging 31, 203–214). The aim of the current study was to generate and biochemically characterize analogues of this peptide with improved stability and therapeutic potential. We demonstrated that a stable analogue of the 15-amino acid peptide (15M S.A.) retained the activity and potency of the parent peptide and demonstrated improved proteolytic resistance in vitro (stable to t = 300 min, c.f. t = 30 min for the parent peptide). This candidate reduced the formation of soluble Aβ42 oligomers, with the concurrent generation of non-toxic, insoluble aggregates measuring up to 25–30 nm diameter as determined by atomic force microscopy. The 15M S.A. candidate directly interacted with oligomeric Aβ42, as shown by coimmunoprecipitation and surface plasmon resonance/Biacore analysis, with an affinity in the low micromolar range. Furthermore, this peptide bound fibrillar Aβ42 and also stained plaques ex vivo in brain tissue from AD model mice. Given its multifaceted ability to target monomeric and aggregated Aβ42 species, this candidate holds promise for novel preclinical AD imaging and therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Our study focused on the relationship between amyloid β 1–42 (Aβ), sphingosine kinases (SphKs) and mitochondrial sirtuins in regulating cell fate. SphK1 is a key enzyme involved in maintaining sphingolipid rheostat in the brain. Deregulation of the sphingolipid metabolism may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Mitochondrial function and mitochondrial deacetylases, i.e. sirtuins (Sirt3,-4,-5), are also important for cell viability. In this study, we evaluated the interaction between Aβ1–42, SphKs and Sirts in cell survival/death, and we examined several compounds to indicate possible target(s) for a strategy protecting against cytotoxicity of Aβ1–42. PC12 cells were subjected to Aβ1–42 oligomers and SphK inhibitor SKI II for 24–96 h. Our data indicated that Aβ1–42 enhanced SphK1 expression and activity after 24 h, but down-regulated them after 96 h and had no effect on Sphk2. Aβ1–42 and SKI II induced free radical formation, disturbed the balance between pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins and evoked cell death. Simultaneously, up-regulation of anti-oxidative enzymes catalase and superoxide dismutase 2 was observed. Moreover, the total protein level of glycogen synthase kinase-3β was decreased. Aβ1–42 significantly increased the level of mitochondrial proteins: apoptosis-inducing factor AIF and Sirt3, -4, -5. By using several pharmacologically active compounds we showed that p53 protein plays a significant role at very early stages of Aβ1–42 toxicity. However, during prolonged exposure to Aβ1–42, the activation of caspases, MEK/ERK, and alterations in mitochondrial permeability transition pores were additional factors leading to cell death. Moreover, SphK product, sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), and Sirt activators and antioxidants, resveratrol and quercetin, significantly enhanced viability of cells subjected to Aβ1–42. Our data indicated that p53 protein and inhibition of SphKs may be early key events responsible for cell death evoked by Aβ1–42. We suggest that activation of S1P-dependent signalling and Sirts may offer a promising cytoprotective strategy.  相似文献   

Aggregations of proteins are in many cases associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s (AD). Small compounds capable of inhibiting protein aggregation are expected to be useful for not only in the treatment of disease but also in probing the structures of aggregated proteins. In previous studies using phage display, we found that arginine-rich short peptides consisting of four or seven amino acids bound to soluble 42-residue amyloid β (Aβ42) and inhibited globulomer (37/48 kDa oligomer) formation. In the present study, we searched for arginine-containing small molecules using the SciFinder searching service and tested their inhibitory activities against Aβ42 aggregation, by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-PAGE and thioflavine T binding assay. Commercially available Arg-Arg-7-amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin was found to exhibit remarkable inhibitory activities to the formation of the globulomer and the fibril of Aβ42. This chimera-type tri-peptide is expected to serve as the seed molecule of a potent inhibitor of the Aβ aggregation process.  相似文献   

SB056 is a novel semi-synthetic antimicrobial peptide with a dimeric dendrimer scaffold. Active against both Gram-negative and -positive bacteria, its mechanism has been attributed to a disruption of bacterial membranes. The branched peptide was shown to assume a β-stranded conformation in a lipidic environment. Here, we report on a rational modification of the original, empirically derived linear peptide sequence [WKKIRVRLSA-NH2, SB056-lin]. We interchanged the first two residues [KWKIRVRLSA-NH2, β-SB056-lin] to enhance the amphipathic profile, in the hope that a more regular β-strand would lead to a better antimicrobial performance. MIC values confirmed that an enhanced amphiphilic profile indeed significantly increases activity against both Gram-positive and -negative strains. The membrane binding affinity of both peptides, measured by tryptophan fluorescence, increased with an increasing ratio of negatively charged/zwitterionic lipids. Remarkably, β-SB056-lin showed considerable binding even to purely zwitterionic membranes, unlike the original sequence, indicating that besides electrostatic attraction also the amphipathicity of the peptide structure plays a fundamental role in binding, by stabilizing the bound state. Synchrotron radiation circular dichroism and solid-state 19F-NMR were used to characterize and compare the conformation and mobility of the membrane bound peptides. Both SB056-lin and β-SB056-lin adopt a β-stranded conformation upon binding POPC vesicles, but the former maintains an intrinsic structural disorder that also affects its aggregation tendency. Upon introducing some anionic POPG into the POPC matrix, the sequence-optimized β-SB056-lin forms well-ordered β-strands once electro-neutrality is approached, and it aggregates into more extended β-sheets as the concentration of anionic lipids in the bilayer is raised. The enhanced antimicrobial activity of the analogue correlates with the formation of these extended β-sheets, which also leads to a dramatic alteration of membrane integrity as shown by 31P-NMR. These findings are generally relevant for the design and optimization of other membrane-active antimicrobial peptides that can fold into amphipathic β-strands.  相似文献   



Presenilin 1(PS1) is the catalytic subunit of γ-secretase, the enzyme responsible for the Aβ C-terminal cleavage site, which results in the production of Aβ peptides of various lengths. Production of longer forms of the Aβ peptide occur in patients with autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease (AD) due to mutations in presenilin. Many modulators of γ-secretase function have been described. We hypothesize that these modulators act by a common mechanism by allosterically modifying the structure of presenilin.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To test this hypothesis we generated a genetically encoded GFP-PS1-RFP (G-PS1-R) FRET probe that allows monitoring of the conformation of the PS1 molecule in its native environment in live cells. We show that G-PS1-R can be incorporated into the γ-secretase complex, reconstituting its activity in PS1/2 deficient cells. Using Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based approaches we show that various pharmacological and genetic manipulations that target either γ-secretase components (PS1, Pen2, Aph1) or γ-secretase substrate (amyloid precursor protein, APP) and are known to change Aβ42 production are associated with a consistent conformational change in PS1.


These results strongly support the hypothesis that allosteric changes in PS1 conformation underlie changes in the Aβ42/40 ratio. Direct measurement of physiological and pathological changes in the conformation of PS1/γ-secretase may provide insight into molecular mechanism of Aβ42 generation, which could be exploited therapeutically.  相似文献   

β-D-galactofuranose (Galf) is a component of polysaccharides and glycoconjugates and its transferase has been well analyzed. However, no β-D-galactofuranosidase (Galf-ase) gene has been identified in any organism. To search for a Galf-ase gene we screened soil samples and discovered a strain, identified as a Streptomyces species by the 16S ribosomal RNA gene analysis, that exhibits Galf-ase activity for 4-nitrophenyl β-D-galactofuranoside (pNP-β-D-Galf) in culture supernatants. By draft genome sequencing of the strain, named JHA19, we found four candidate genes encoding Galf-ases. Using recombinant proteins expressed in Escherichia coli, we found that three out of four candidates displayed the activity of not only Galf-ase but also α-L-arabinofuranosidase (Araf-ase), whereas the other one showed only the Galf-ase activity. This novel Galf-specific hydrolase is encoded by ORF1110 and has an optimum pH of 5.5 and a Km of 4.4 mM for the substrate pNP-β-D-Galf. In addition, this enzyme was able to release galactose residue from galactomannan prepared from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, suggesting that natural polysaccharides could be also substrates. By the BLAST search using the amino acid sequence of ORF1110 Galf-ase, we found that there are homolog genes in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, indicating that Galf-specific Galf-ases widely exist in microorganisms.  相似文献   

Alzheimer''s disease (AD, OMIM: 104300), a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with no cure to date, is caused by the generation of amyloid-beta-42 (Aβ42) aggregates that trigger neuronal cell death by unknown mechanism(s). We have developed a transgenic Drosophila eye model where misexpression of human Aβ42 results in AD-like neuropathology in the neural retina. We have identified an apical-basal polarity gene crumbs (crb) as a genetic modifier of Aβ42-mediated-neuropathology. Misexpression of Aβ42 caused upregulation of Crb expression, whereas downregulation of Crb either by RNAi or null allele approach rescued the Aβ42-mediated-neurodegeneration. Co-expression of full length Crb with Aβ42 increased severity of Aβ42-mediated-neurodegeneration, due to three fold induction of cell death in comparison to the wild type. Higher Crb levels affect axonal targeting from the retina to the brain. The structure function analysis identified intracellular domain of Crb to be required for Aβ42-mediated-neurodegeneration. We demonstrate a novel neuroprotective role of Crb in Aβ42-mediated-neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence implicates Aβ peptides self-assembly and fibril formation as crucial events in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. Thus, inhibiting Aβ aggregation, among others, has emerged as a potential therapeutic intervention for this disorder. Herein, we employed 3-aminopyrazole as a key fragment in our design of non-dye compounds capable of interacting with Aβ42 via a donor-acceptor-donor hydrogen bond pattern complementary to that of the β-sheet conformation of Aβ42. The initial design of the compounds was based on connecting two 3-aminopyrazole moieties via a linker to identify suitable scaffold molecules. Additional aryl substitutions on the two 3-aminopyrazole moieties were also explored to enhance π-π stacking/hydrophobic interactions with amino acids of Aβ42. The efficacy of these compounds on inhibiting Aβ fibril formation and toxicity in vitro was assessed using a combination of biophysical techniques and viability assays. Using structure activity relationship data from the in vitro assays, we identified compounds capable of preventing pathological self-assembly of Aβ42 leading to decreased cell toxicity.  相似文献   

The extent to which proteins aggregate into distinct structures ranging from prefibrillar oligomers to amyloid fibrils is key to the pathogenesis of many age-related degenerative diseases. We describe here for the Alzheimer's disease-related amyloid β peptide (Aβ) an investigation of the sequence-based determinants of the balance between the formation of prefibrillar aggregates and amyloid fibrils. We show that by introducing single-point mutations, it is possible to convert the normally harmless Aβ40 peptide into a pathogenic species by increasing its relative propensity to form prefibrillar but not fibrillar aggregates, and, conversely, to abolish the pathogenicity of the highly neurotoxic E22G Aβ42 peptide by reducing its relative propensity to form prefibrillar species rather than mature fibrillar ones. This observation can be rationalized by the demonstration that whereas regions of the sequence of high aggregation propensity dominate the overall tendency to aggregate, regions with low intrinsic aggregation propensities exert significant control over the balance of the prefibrillar and fibrillar species formed, and therefore play a major role in determining the neurotoxicity of the Aβ peptide.  相似文献   

Recent advances in nanotechnologies have led to wide use of nanomaterials in biomedical field. However, nanoparticles are found to interfere with protein misfolding and aggregation associated with many human diseases. It is still a controversial issue whether nanoparticles inhibit or promote protein aggregation. In this study, we used molecular dynamics simulations to explore the effects of three kinds of carbon nanomaterials including graphene, carbon nanotube and C60 on the aggregation behavior of islet amyloid polypeptide fragment 22–28 (IAPP22–28). The diverse behaviors of IAPP22–28 peptides on the surfaces of carbon nanomaterials were studied. The results suggest these nanomaterials can prevent β-sheet formation in differing degrees and further affect the aggregation of IAPP22–28. The π–π stacking and hydrophobic interactions are different in the interactions between peptides and different nanoparticles. The subtle differences in the interaction are due to the difference in surface curvature and area. The results demonstrate the adsorption interaction has competitive advantages over the interactions between peptides. Therefore, the fibrillation of IAPP22–28 may be inhibited at its early stage by graphene or SWCNT. Our study can not only enhance the understanding about potential effects of nanomaterials to amyloid formation, but also provide valuable information to develop potential β-sheet formation inhibitors against type II diabetes.  相似文献   

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