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草莓果实经-50和-100 kV*m-1高压静电场处理后,呼吸速率受到明显抑制,果实中可溶性固形物含量较高,多聚半乳糖醛酸酶和羧甲基纤维素酶活性降低,果实硬度下降缓慢.  相似文献   

This work investigates the effect of direct-current electric field on the extracellular enzymatic activity, concentration and other experimental parameters of laccase from Trametes versicolor. The results showed that laccase could significantly contribute to the change of pH at the end of graphite electrode. In addition, it increased the electrical conductivity of the water. In the experiment, the optimum pH and catalytic pH range for laccase activity were 3.0 and pH 2.5–4.0. The application of 6 V direct current showed significant effects on the laccase enzyme activity. The activity of laccase was enhanced in the anodic region, but at the same time was strongly inhibited at the cathode. The electric charge characteristics of laccase were changed when exposed to electric field, and some laccases molecules moved to the anode, which produced a slight migration phenomenon. This study is the basis of combination of laccase and electrical technology, at the same time, providing a new direction of enhancing laccase activity. Compared to immobilization, using electric field is simple, no chemical additives, and great potential.  相似文献   

Nickel-contaminated sediment can be remediated by electrokinetic techniques. In practical application, nickel may migrate into deep layers and potentially pollute unpolluted layers. In this study, the influence of different types of electric field operation modes on nickel migration in sediment layers was studied. The following experiments were conducted: without current application (NC), with horizontal electric field (HEF), with vertical electric field (VEF), and 2D electric field (horizontal and vertical). The following Ni overall removal efficacies were achieved: 48.9, 49.4, 55.7, and 58.1 after VEF, NC, 2D, and HEF, respectively. Using a vertical electric field in 2D and VEF resulted in less Ni found in the vertical sediment bed (25% and 60%, respectively). The available Ni content in a contaminated sediment bed decreased significantly after using the electrokinetic treatments: 46%, 62%, and 79% after HEF, VEF, and 2D, respectively. Vertical electric field is the most efficient for Ni removal in terms of the amount of Ni that migrated into deeper layers of sediment bed and its amount in mobile form. Thus, the vertical electric field is a promising and practical method for the remediation of nickel-contaminated sediments. Risk analysis indicated the efficiency of EK treatment as available Ni content was reduced after the applied treatments to a degree that poses no risk for the environment.  相似文献   

利用激光、高压静电场对自交不亲和的羽衣甘蓝的花粉进行处理,以期克服其自交不亲和。通过对处理后的花粉的表面结构和蛋白酶活性及其萌发情况的研究,进一步分析激光、高压静电场的生物效应。同时利用分子生物学手段Northern杂交技术,检测了经激光、高压静电场处理的花粉,在授粉后柱头上SLG和SRK基因表达的差异,以探讨激光、高压静电场对生殖反应作用的分子机制。结果表明:通过适宜剂量的激光、高压静电场处理,羽衣甘蓝的花粉萌发率提高,成熟花粉水溶性总蛋白,α-淀粉酶活力,总淀粉酶活力均不同程度的提高,同时自交亲和指数和结籽率提高。从花粉的表面结构的电镜显微观察分析,花粉壁的雕纹受到了伤害,网脊线有轻微断裂,网眼变大。授粉后,取不同时间间隔的柱头样品提取总RNA,利用Northern杂交技术检测SLG和SRK基因的表达量,授粉后24 h激光处理和高压静电场处理与对照比较,SLG和SRK基因的表达量均降低。  相似文献   

脉冲电场对水结构影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究了脉冲电场对水的导电率、pH值、折射率、透光率影响。结果表明,1.0×105v/m脉冲电场处理去离子水、蒸馏水5、30min后,电导率、折射率增加;透光率、pH值降低。电处理水具有“记忆”效应。对自来水作相同处理后,除电导率没测到变化外,其它指标也有变化。研究发现,电场处理水引起其结构改变,电场强度起决定作用,其次是处理时间。本文还探讨了作用机理。  相似文献   

脑深部电刺激已成为许多神经和精神疾病的有效治疗方法。然而,侵入性的电极植入会带来手术并发症的风险,并且刺激靶区在植入后很难改变。经颅磁刺激和经颅电刺激等非侵入性刺激方法为调节大脑功能提供了新的途径。但是,尚未证明这些非侵入性脑刺激方法可以直接调节脑深部神经元活动而不影响皮层神经元。因此,这些方法主要用于调节大脑表层脑区的神经活动。时域相干(temporal interference,TI)刺激是通过两个高频电场相互作用,产生低频包络调节神经活动的一种非侵入式脑深部电刺激的新方法,该方法有望解决无创脑深部刺激的需求。本文首先介绍TI刺激的概念以及安全性,然后阐述TI刺激现有研究中的电场分析方法,并讨论电场分析相关的生理模型建模方法和仿真平台以及TI刺激诱发场分布的研究进展与在动物和人体中的应用进展。最后,本文展望了TI刺激技术未来发展方向,以期为无创脑深部刺激研究提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同强度高压电场对A549肺癌细胞肿瘤转移生物学特性的影响。方法:选择处于生长周期的A549细胞,共分为7个组进行研究,其中A-F组为实验组,G组为不施加电场的空白对照组,A施加500V/cm强度高压电场,F组施加1750V/cm的高压电场,电压场强间隔为250V/cm。采取粘附实验、侵袭及转移实验,检验A549细胞在不同强度高压电场中,其肿瘤生物学转移特性的改变。结果:①各实验组与对照组、各实验组之间的细胞粘附能力,均存在显著性差异(P〈0.05);②电场强度≥750V/cm时,各实验组之间、及其与对照组之间的细胞迁移能力,存在显著性差异(P〈0.05);③电场强度≥1000V/cm时,各组与对照组间的细胞侵袭能力,存在显著性差异(P〈0.05);④电场强度为1000-1250V/cm的各组与1500-1750V/cm各组间的细胞侵袭能力,存在显著性差异,有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:不同强度的电场抑制A549肺癌细胞的程度不同,随着强度的增加,A549细胞粘附、迁移和侵袭能力的抑制现象依次出现,并随着电场强度的增加其抑制程度也持续增加。  相似文献   

Oleshkevich  A. A.  Novikov  V. E.  Danilova  M. A. 《Biophysics》2020,65(4):557-563
Biophysics - Studies on the effects of an electromagnetic field on the activity of recombinant luciferase in the luciferase–luciferin–ATP-Mg2+ system were conducted. The enzymatic...  相似文献   

Cell-surface engineering (Ueda et al., 2000) has been applied to develop a novel technique to visualize yeast in bread dough. Enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) was bonded to the surface of yeast cells, and 0.5% EGFP yeasts were mixed into the dough samples at four different mixing stages. The samples were placed on a cryostat at ?30 °C and sliced at 10 μm. The sliced samples were observed at an excitation wavelength of 480 nm and a fluorescent wavelength of 520 nm. The results indicated that the combination of the EGFP-displayed yeasts, rapid freezing, and cryo-sectioning made it possible to visualize 2-D distribution of yeast in bread dough to the extent that the EGFP yeasts could be clearly distinguished from the auto-fluorescent background of bread dough.  相似文献   


The effects of including a reaction field contribution on the structure and dynamics of liquid water have been investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. Reaction field effects are determined for two models of water, the simple point charge (SPC) model and the extended simple point charge (SPC/E) model, and at two temperatures (277 K and 300 K). Inclusion of the reaction field leads to a reduced system density, an increase in translational diffusion, which is model dependent, an increase in internal energy, and an increase in rotational diffusion rates, in addition to the large (known) changes in the dielectric properties of liquid water. It is concluded that continued use of the reaction field technique should involve a reparameterization of the water model and not merely a merging with the original model parameters.  相似文献   

电场处理柠条种子对干旱条件下幼叶基因表达的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以沙生植物柠条锦鸡儿为材料,设计自然对照(CK)、干旱处理对照(SCK)、电场处理(电场强度2kV/cm,电场频率15kHz,处理时间5min)种子后在干旱条件下进行种子发芽(ET),并采用3个锚定引物和26个随机引物形成78组引物,利用DDRT-PCR技术,分析电场处理柠条种子在干旱胁迫条件下生长的幼苗幼叶基因表达水平的变化,从基因转录水平探讨电场对柠条锦鸡儿抗旱性的影响机理。结果显示:(1)干旱胁迫组相对于自然对照组增加条带282条,缺失条带179条;电场处理组相对于自然对照组增加条带303条,缺失条带200条;电场处理组相对于干旱胁迫组增加条带236条,缺失条带257条。(2)回收差异片段获得电场处理诱导的3个差异表达序列(EST-1、EST-2、EST-3),经Blastn比对,EST-1与大豆LOC100305895(LOC100305895)一致性为76%,EST-2与鹰嘴豆UDP-N-乙酰氨基葡糖肽N-乙酰葡糖胺基转移酶SEC-like(LOC101506182)选择性剪切体X2一致性为88%,EST-3与百脉根克隆JCVI-FLLj-5M12一致性为88%。(3)经Blastx比对,EST-1与1-脱氧-D-木酮糖-5-磷酸还原异构酶(390aa)145~195氨基酸序列一致性达到52%,EST-2(308bp)与氧连N-乙酰葡萄糖胺转移酶(744aa)706~744氨基酸序列一致性高达97%,EST-3与酰基辅酶A结合蛋白(90aa)氨基酸序列一致性高达97%。研究结果为进一步从基因表达的角度分析电场的生物效应及其提高抗逆性的分子机理,为电场处理植物种子的农业技术应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

It is already known that electrostatic, magnetostatic, extremely low-frequency electric fields, and pulsed electric field could be utilized in cancer treatment. The healing effect depends on frequency and amplitude of electric field. In the present work, a simple theoretical model is developed to estimate the intensity of electrostatic field that damages a living cell during division. By this model, it is shown that magnification of electric field in the bottleneck of dividing cell is enough to break chemical bounds between molecules by an avalanche process. Our model shows that the externally applied electric field of 4?V/cm intensity is able to hurt a cancer cell at the dividing stage.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether transient permeabilization caused by the application of pulsed electric field would give rise to transient changes in the potato tissue viscoelastic properties. Potato tissue was subjected to nominal field strengths (E) ranging from 30 to 500 V/cm, with a single rectangular pulse of 10−5, 10−4, or 10−3 s. The changes on the viscoelastic properties of potato tissue during pulsed electric fields (PEF) were monitored through small amplitude oscillatory dynamic rheological measurements. The elastic (G′) and viscous moduli (G″) were measured every 30 s after the delivery of the pulse and the loss tangent change (tan-δ) was calculated. The results were correlated with measurements of changes on electrical resistance during the delivery of the pulse. Results show a drastic increase of tan-δ in the first 30 s after the application of the pulse, followed by a decrease 1 min after pulsation. This response is strongly influenced by pulsing conditions and is independent of the total permeabilization achieved by the pulse. Our results, supported by similar measurements on osmotically dehydrated control samples, clearly show that PEF causes a rapid change of the viscoelastic properties of the tissue that could be attributed to a partial loss in turgor pressure. This would be an expected consequence of electroporation. The recovery of tan-δ to values similar to those before pulsation strongly suggests recovery of cell membrane properties and turgor, pointing at reversible permeabilization of the cells. A slight increase of stiffness traduced by a negative change of tan-δ after application of certain PEF conditions may also give an indication of events occurring on cell wall structure due to stress responses. This study set the basis for further investigations on the complex cell stress physiology involving both cell membrane functional properties and cell wall structure that would influence tissue physical properties upon PEF application.  相似文献   

目的寻找一种高效快捷有效地降解猪血红蛋白(Hb)新方法。方法在波型为双向方波,电极间距离为1.2 cm,脉冲频率为200 kHz的脉冲电场下,利用胰蛋白酶在温度为37℃,水解时间为4 h条件下水解猪血红蛋白。结果在脉冲电场作用下,胰蛋白酶水解血红蛋白获得的降解产物,利用高效凝胶色谱、紫外可见扫描及SDS-PAGE蛋白质电泳检测,发现其吸收峰或色带明显多于单一利用胰蛋白酶降解血红蛋白所得降解产物的吸收峰或色带。结论当脉冲电场通过血红蛋白时,血红蛋白内部的分子结构便产生斯塔克效应(Stark effect),引起血红蛋白分子剧烈振动,从而改变其分子结构振辐、吸收峰和偶极矩,并分别引起斯塔克频率、偶极矩、极化率的改变、使血红蛋白分子结构的极化跃迁和超极化,因此,在脉冲电场作用下,促进了血红蛋白酶解反应。  相似文献   

Tumor-treating fields (TTFields) are low-intensity and intermediate-frequency alternating electric fields that have been found to inhibit tumor cell growth. While effective, the mechanism by which TTFields affect cell growth is not yet clearly understood. Although numerous mathematical studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields on single cells exist, the effect of TTFields on single cells have been analyzed less frequently. The goal of this study is to explore through a mathematical analysis the effects of TTFields on single cells, with particular emphasis on the thermal effect. We examine herein two single-cell models, a simplified spheroidal model and a simulation of a U-87 MG glioblastoma cell model obtained from microscopic images. A finite element method is used to analyze the electric field distribution, electromagnetic loss, and thermal field distribution. The results further prove that the electric field in the cytoplasm is too weak and its thermal damage can be excluded as a mechanism for cell death in TTFields. Bioelectromagnetics. 2020;41:438–446. © 2020 Bioelectromagnetics Society.  相似文献   

低频交变磁场对肿瘤细胞作用的理论分析和实验结果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了低频交变磁场对细胞作用的理论机理和实验结果。交变磁场和交变磁场感应的电场对运动离子产生电场力,加速离子的运行。基于该理论分析,设计了一系列的实验来验证假定的理论,实验采用两种肿瘤细胞系(HL-60 and SK-Hep-1)。将肿瘤细胞暴露于50Hz,20mT连续正弦磁场4天,每24小时检测上清液Na^+和K^+浓度。结果发现,照射组和对照组的Na^+和K^+浓度有显著变化,实验结果和理论分析相符。  相似文献   

基于多层电介质模型,对于适应于球形生物细胞的脉冲电场,提出了一种等效电路模型,在相同频域下,内膜和外膜的变化趋势相同,频域分析表明,不同频谱场将引起不同的生物医学效应.我们针对癌症细胞计算了跨膜电压,并讨论了脉冲和跨膜电压以及阻抗的关系.结果表明不同的频域和不同的持续时间对细胞的内膜和外膜有选择性的影响,时域和频域的分析显示,在细胞上有一个窗口,当持续时间在10-8~10-6 s之间,细胞内膜的电压将高于细胞外膜的电压.窗口效应为解释生物细胞的脉冲电学效应提供了一种参考思路.  相似文献   

龟类野外活动具有时间尺度上的差异性和周期性,温度、湿度、光照、天气、年龄和性别差异等各种因子对龟的野外活动有着不同程度的影响.从日活动、季节活动两个不同时间尺度对龟类野外活动节律的研究成果做了系统总结,将休眠作为一种特殊的季节活动进行了小结,并对影响龟类野外活动节律的相关因子进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   

In repeated short-term tests (four sessions, each of 45-minute duration), and one longer test (a 23.5-hour session), behavior of rats was evaluated in a long, narrow shuttlebox. One side of the box was exposed to an electric field at various strengths, while a visually identical opposite side was shielded from exposure. In the short-term tests, rats generally remained shielded from electric fields of 90 kV/m and greater during the first session, and maintained this response in subsequent sessions. In the longer test, this same preference response was demonstrated at field strengths of 75 kV/m and greater; however, at 25 and 50 kV/m, rats exhibited a statistically significant preference for the exposed region of the shuttlebox, but only during the light portion of a 12-hour light: 12-hour dark cycle. Exposed animals made more traverses than sham-exposed controls between the two ends of the shuttlebox during the first hour of the test. The experimental data support the hypothesis that the observed behavioral effects are the result of direct interaction of the electric field with the animal, and not the result of secondary factors such as electric shock, corona discharge, audible noise, ozone, or vibration of the experimental apparatus.  相似文献   

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