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Alkali- and heat-treated norepinephrine, a catecholamine, induced flowering of short-day (SD) plant Lemna paucicostata 151 even under long-day (LD) conditions. Flowering induced with a lower concentration of heat-treated norepinephrine was promoted under SD conditions but inhibited by a night break. The related compounds L-dopa and dopamine also promoted flowering under SD conditions when they were heat-treated.  相似文献   

Acid treatment of (13S)-(9Z,11E)-13-hydroperoxy-9,11-octadecadienoic acid in tetrahydrofuran-water solvent afforded mainly (11R,12R,13S)-(Z)-12,13-epoxy-11-hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid, diastereomeric (Z)-11,12,13-trihydroxy-9-octadecenoic acids and four isomers of (E)-9,12,13(9,10,13)-trihydroxy-10(11)-octadecenoic acid. Other minor products were oxooctadecadienoic, (E)-9(13)-hydroxy-13(9)-oxo-10(11)-octadecenoic and (E)-12-oxo-10-dodecenoic acids. A heterolytic mechanism for acid catalysis was indicated, even though most of the products characterized also have been observed as a result of homolytic decomposition of the hydroperoxide via an oxy radical. Most of the products found in this study have been observed as metabolites of (13S)-(9Z,11E)-13-hydroperoxy-9,11-octadecadenoic acid in biological systems, and analogous compounds have been reported as metabolites of (12S)-(5Z,8Z,10E, 14Z)-12-hydroperoxy-5,8,10,14-hydroperoxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetraenoic acid in either blood platelets or lung tissue.  相似文献   

Specific leukotriene C4 (LTC4) binding sites were identified in membrane preparations from human fetal lung. Specific binding of [3H]-LTC4 represented 95 percent of total binding, reached steadystate within 10 minutes and was rapidly reversible upon addition of excess unlabeled LTC4. Binding assays were performed at 4°C under conditions which prevented metabolism of [3H]-LTC4 (80 mM serineborate, 10 mM cysteine, 10 mM glycine). Under these conditions, greater than 95 percent of the membrane bound radioactivity, as analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography, co-eluted with the LTC4 standard. Computer-assisted analyses of saturation binding data showed a single class of binding sites with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 26 + 6 nM and a density (Bmax) of 84 ± 18 pmol/mg protein. Pharmacological specificity was demonstrated by competition studies in which specific binding of [3H]-LTC4 was displaced by LTC4 and its structural analogs with inhibition constants (Kj) of 10 to 30 nM, whereas LTD4, diastereoisomers of LTD1, LTE4 and the end organ antagonist FPL 55712 were 150 to 700 fold less potent competitors than LTC4. These results provide evidence for specific, reversible, saturable, high affinity binding sites for [3H]-LTC4 in human fetal lung membranes.  相似文献   

The methanol-grown cells of Kloeckera sp. No. 2201 exhibit a markedly high catalase activity as compared with the glucose-grown and ethanol-grown cells. In this connection, specific organelles (“microbodies”) appear only in the methanol-grown cells. When the yeast cells harvested from a methanol medium (cells whose catalase activity had been enhanced to an appreciable extent: “partially induced cells”) were transferred into media containing glucose, ethanol or methanol as the sole carbon and energy source, further increase of catalase activity was mediated only by methanol. This induction of catalase activity was partially inhibited by cycloheximide at its high concentration, but chloramphenicol did not show any effect. Glucose inhibited strongly the induction by methanol, while galactose gave no effect. Electron microscopical observation revealed that the development of microbodies in the cells growing on methanol was hardly affected by cycloheximide. Disappearance of microbodies was observed electron microscopically after the methanol-grown cells (partially induced cells) were transferred to a methanol-glucose medium and cultivated for 8 hr. 3′,5′-Cyclic AMP or dibutyryl-3′,5′-cyclic AMP could not eliminate the inhibitory effect of glucose on the catalase induction. Addition of caffeine or theophylline did not promote the action of the cyclic nucleotides. 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole inhibited only 40% of the hydrogen peroxide-decomposing activity in the cell homogenate of methanol-grown cells even at its concentration of as high as 10 mm, while sodium azide inhibited the enzyme activity completely at the concentration of 1 mm.  相似文献   

Various optically active hydroxy derivatives of polyunsaturated fatty acids were easily oxidised to their corresponding keto derivatives using Dess-Martin periodinane. The reaction was run on the millimolar scale with good yields and without appreciable isomerisation of the surrounding double bonds. Reduction of these keto compounds to yield back the starting alcohols, but now as racemic mixtures, was also conducted using CeCl(3)-NaBH(4), once again without noticeable modification of the stereochemistry of the double bonds. These reactions proved the usefulness of the chemoenzymatic access to oxylipins through the use of lipoxygenases with various regiospecificity, combined with chemical transformations of the formed hydro(pero)xides.  相似文献   

Lipoxygenases have been classified according to their specificity of fatty acid oxygenation and for several plant enzymes pH-dependent alterations in the product patterns have been reported. Assuming that the biological role of mammalian lipoxygenases is based on the formation of specific reaction products, pH-dependent alterations would impact enzymes' functionality. In this study we systematically investigated the pH-dependence of vertebrate lipoxygenases and observed a remarkable stability of the product pattern in the near physiological range for the wild-type enzyme species. Site-directed mutagenesis of selected amino acids and alterations in the substrate concentrations induced a more pronounced pH-dependence of the reaction specificity. For instance, for the V603H mutant of the human 15-lipoxygenase-2 8-lipoxygenation was dominant at acidic pH (65%) whereas 15-H(p)ETE was the major oxygenation product at pH 8. Similarly, the product pattern of the wild-type mouse 8-lipoxygenase was hardly altered in the near physiological pH range but H604F exchange induced strong pH-dependent alterations in the positional specificity. Taken together, our data suggest that the reaction specificities of wild-type vertebrate lipoxygenase isoforms are largely resistant towards pH alterations. However, we found that changes in the assay conditions (low substrate concentration) and introduction/removal of a critical histidine at the active site impact the pH-dependence of reaction specificity for some lipoxygenase isoforms.  相似文献   

6, 9-Deepoxy-6, 9-(phenylimino)-Δ 6, 8-prostaglandin I1 (U-60257) and its methyl ester (U-56467) are selective inhibitors of leukotriene C and D biosynthesis both invitro and in vivo. In this study, we demonstrated that the principal site of inhibition may be arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase, the initial enzyme of leukotriene biosynthesis. U-60257 and its methyl ester block LTB4 synthesis in human peripheral neutrophils with an ID50 of 1.8 and 0.42 μM respectively. This inhibitory action of U-60257 on neutrophil 5-lipoxygenase can be reduced or reversed by a high concentration of exogenous arachidonic acid. U-60257 at 100 μM has no apparent effect on the following enzymes. 1) cyclooxygenase of sheep vesicular gland or human platelets; 2) 12-lipoxygenase of human platelets and 3) soybean 15-lipoxygenase. Thus, we conclude that U-60257 and its methyl ester potent and selective inhibitors of arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase.  相似文献   

The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on photosynthesis, dark respiration, and photorespiration were studied in Lemna gibba L. plants. The initial concentration of ABA in the nutrient solution was 10−7M and in a few experiments, 10−6M. The cultures were grown in the same solution for time periods ranging from one hour to 12 days. Net photosynthesis, measured as CO2 uptake by infrared gas analyser technique, was inhibited after four hours of ABA treatment and reached a minimum after four to seven days depending on the time of the year. After 12 days a substantial recovery of photosynthesis was observed. Dark respiration was significantly stimulated after two to seven days of ABA treatment but then returned to the control level. The transient effects of ABA on photosynthesis and dark respiration corresponded to the previously measured time course of [14C]-ABA uptake by Lemna . Photorespiration measured as oxygen inhibition of photosynthesis was not affected by ABA.  相似文献   

5-Lipoxygenase (ALOX5) plays a key role in the biosynthesis of pro-inflammatory leukotrienes whereas 15-lipoxygenases (ALOX15) have been implicated in the formation of pro-resolving eicosanoids (lipoxins, resolvins). Recently, it has been suggested that a phosphorylation mimicking mutant (Ser663Asp) of a stabilized variant of human ALOX5 exhibits dominant arachidonic acid 15-lipoxygenase activity (> 95%). To test whether similar alterations in the reaction specificity can also be observed for ALOX5 orthologs of other species we expressed wildtype and phosphorylation mimicking mutants (Ser271Asp, Ser523Asp, Ser663Asp, Ser663Glu) of human, mouse and zebrafish ALOX5 in pro- and eukaryotic overexpression systems and characterized their reaction specificities. We found that neither of the phosphorylation mimicking mutants produced significant amounts of 15-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid and the 5-lipoxygenation/15-lipoxygenation ratio for all wildtype and mutant enzyme species was lower than 100:2. Taken together, this data suggest that phosphorylation of native ALOX5 orthologs of different vertebrates may not induce major alterations in the reaction specificity and thus may not inverse their biological activity.  相似文献   

12/15-Lipoxygenases (12/15-LOX) have been implicated in inflammatory and hyperproliferative diseases but the numerous aspects of structural biology of these enzymes are far from clear. Early mutagenesis data and structural modeling of enzyme–substrate complexes suggested that Arg403, which is localized at the entrance of the putative substrate binding pocket, might interact with the fatty acid carboxylic group. On the other hand, side-chain of Arg403 is a part of an ionic network with the residues of α2-helix, which undergoes pronounced conformation changes upon inhibitor binding. To explore the role of Arg403 for catalysis in more detail we exchanged positively charged Arg403 to neutral Leu and quantified structural and functional consequences of the alteration at the site of mutation using fluorometric techniques. We found that a loss of electrostatic interaction between Arg403 and negatively charged amino acid residues of α2-helix has only minor impact on protein folding, but partially destabilized the tertiary structure of the enzyme. We hypothesize that interaction of Arg403 with the substrate's carboxylate might be involved in a complex mechanism triggering conformational changes of the α2-helix, which are required for formation of the catalytically competent dimer r12/15-LOX complex at pre-catalytic stages.  相似文献   

玉米赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone,以下简称ZEN)被证明具有动物雌性激素的作用(Mirocha等 1967),并且是某些真菌的一种性激素(Mirocha等1968)。李季伦等首次报道ZEN与高等植物的生长与发育有关(1980)。现已证实ZEN与植物的春化作用(孟繁静等1986)、短日光周期诱导(韩玉珍和孟繁静1990)、以及花器官的发生、分化乃至开花和受精等(阙月美等1990)  相似文献   

Intralipid is a fat emulsion that is regularly infused into humans and animals. Despite its routine use, Intralipid infusion can cause serious adverse reactions, including immunosuppression. Intralipid is a complex mix of proteins, lipids, and other small molecules, and the effect of its infusion on the human plasma metabolome is unknown. We hypothesized that untargeted metabolomics of human plasma after an Intralipid infusion would reveal novel insights into its effects. We infused Intralipid and saline into 10 healthy men in a double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment and used GC/MS, LC/MS, and NMR to profile the small-molecule composition of their plasma before and after infusion. Multivariate statistical analysis of the 40 resulting plasma samples revealed that after Intralipid infusion, a less-well-characterized pathway of linoleic acid metabolism had resulted in the appearance of (9Z)-12,13-dihydroxyoctadec-9-enoic acid (12,13-DHOME, P < 10(-3)), a leukotoxin that has powerful physiological effects and is known to inhibit the neutrophil respiratory burst. Intralipid infusion caused increased plasma 12,13-DHOME. Given that 12,13-DHOME is known to directly affect neutrophil function, we conclude that untargeted metabolomics may have revealed a hitherto-unknown mechanism of intralipid-induced immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Incubation of peripheral blood leukocytes with arachidonic acid (and ionophore A23187) led to the formation of leukotriene B4, Δ6-trans-leukotriene B4, Δ6-trans-12-epi-leukotriene B4, 5-hydroxy-icosatetraenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-icosatetraenoic acid and of 5S,12S-dihydroxy-6,8,10,14-(E,Z,E,Z)-icosatetraenoic acid (5S,12S-DiHETE). Incubation of leukocytes with leukotriene A4 resulted in the formation of leukotriene B4 and of its two Δ6-trans-isomers but not of the 5S,12S-DiHETE. 18O2 labeling experiments have shown that the hydroxyl groups at C5 and C12 in the 5S,12S-DiHETE are derived from molecular oxygen. The tetraacetylenic analog of arachidonic acid was found to be a potent inhibitor of the formation of the 5S,12S-DiHETE whereas it potentiated the synthesis of the 5-hydroxy acid and of leukotriene B4. Addition of the 12-hydroxy-icosatetraenoic acid to leukocytes, or of the 5-hydroxy-icosatetraenoic acid to a suspension of platelets caused the formation of the 5S,12S-DiHETE. It is concluded that the 5S,12S-DiHETE is not derived from leukotriene A4 but is a product of the successive reactions of arachidonic acid with two lipoxygenases of different positional specificities.  相似文献   

After an absence of 50 years, the currant pug moth, Eupithecia assimilata Doubleday (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), has reappeared as an important pest of hops, Humulus lupulus L. (Cannabaceae), in the UK. Pheromone gland extracts from virgin female E. assimilata moths were shown to contain (3Z,6Z)‐cis‐9,10‐epoxyheneicosadiene (3Z,6Zcis‐9,10‐epoxy‐21:H) by gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry. (3Z,6Z,9Z)‐heneicosatriene (3Z,6Z,9Z‐21:H) was also found as a minor component in one of two extracts. In field experiments, significant numbers of male E. assimilata moths were caught in traps baited with the (9S,10R)‐enantiomer of 3Z,6Zcis‐9,10‐epoxy‐21:H but not in those baited with the (9R,10S)‐enantiomer or racemic mixture. Addition of 3Z,6Z,9Z‐21:H at the ratio present in gland extracts greatly reduced the attractiveness of the epoxydiene.  相似文献   

The major components of the sex pheromone of Dioryctria abietivorella (Groté) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were recently identified as (9Z,11E)‐tetradecadien‐1‐yl acetate (9Z,11E‐14:Ac) and a polyunsaturated, long‐chain hydrocarbon (3Z,6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)‐pentacosapentaene (C25 pentaene). The optimal ratio of these components and the role of potential minor components were not fully determined in the initial short report on the pheromone's identification. We tested different ratios of the two major components loaded into grey halobutyl rubber septum dispensers, placed in sticky traps deployed in conifer breeding arboreta. The optimal ratio of the two components was 200 µg 9Z,11E‐14:Ac to 2000 µg C25 pentaene. (Z)‐9‐Tetradecen‐1‐yl acetate, which had been identified previously in female pheromone gland extracts, and five other potential minor pheromone components, were tested individually as additions to the optimized two‐component lure blend. None of the ternary blends were more attractive than the optimized two‐component blend, at the ratios tested. Two lure adjuvants, a UV stabilizer (Sumisorb 300) and the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene, added individually or together, did not affect the attractiveness of the optimized lure blend. The Pherotech diamond sticky trap baited with the optimized lure blend was the most effective trap design among eight types of sticky trap and a bucket style trap that were tested. Traps baited with synthetic lures were as attractive as traps baited with virgin female moths. The optimized two‐component lure blend in the Pherotech diamond trap is recommended for monitoring fir coneworm infestations. The availability of an effective synthetic pheromone opens the possibility for control tactics using mating disruption or attract‐and‐kill techniques.  相似文献   

Preincubation of rabbit neutrophils with the synthetic chemotactic factor f-Met-Leu-Phe has been found to diminish the ability of these cells to mobilize calcium upon subsequent stimulation by f-Met-Leu-Phe or by leukotriene B4. The preexposure of the neutrophils to leukotriene B4 on the other hand results in a diminished subsequent response to itself but an unaltered response to f-Met-Leu-Phe. These results demonstrate that deactivation can be observed at the level of calcium mobilization, strengthen the postulated second messenger role of calcium in neutrophils and imply that neutrophil activation by chemotactic factors can bypass the arachidonic acid metabolic pathway.  相似文献   

High yield purification of soluble guanylate cyclase from bovine lung   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), the main target of nitric oxide (NO), is a cytosolic, heme-containing, heterodimeric enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of guanosine 5′-triphosphate (GTP) to 3,5′-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and pyrophosphate (PPi) in the presence of Mg2+. Cyclic GMP is then involved in transmitting the NO activating signals to a variety of downstream effectors such as cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels, protein kinases, and phosphodiesterases. In this work, sGC has been purified from bovine lung. The lungs were subjected to grinding and extraction with buffer at physiological pH followed by centrifugation. The resulting solution was subjected to successive column chromatography on DEAE- and Q-Sepharose, Ceramic Hydroxyapatite, Resource Q, and GTP–agarose. The purified enzyme migrated as a two-band protein on SDS–PAGE corresponding to sGC subunits α (Mr = 77,532) and β (Mr = 70,500) and had an A280nm/A430nm of 1 indicating one heme per heterodimer. The yield of enzyme was 8–10 mg from 4 to 5 kg bovine lungs. Vmax and Km of non-stimulated sGC were 22 nmol/mg/min and 180 μM, respectively. Upon stimulation with the NO donor 3-ethyl-3-(ethylaminoethyl)-1-hydroxy-2-oxo-1-triazene, the Vmax increased to 1330 nmol/mg/min while the Km dropped to 43 μM. The quality and quantity of enzyme make it suitable for studies to probe the structure and catalytic mechanism of this enzyme and for research related to drug discovery.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) has been purified from 100 L cell culture infected by baculovirus using the newer and highly effective titerless infected-cells preservation and scale-up (TIPS) method. Successive passage of the enzyme through DEAE, Ni2+-NTA, and POROS Q columns obtained approximately 100 mg of protein. The sGC obtained by this procedure was already about 90% pure and suitable for various studies which include high throughput screening (HTS) and hit follow-up. However, in order to obtain enzyme of greater homogeneity and purity for crystallographic and high precision spectroscopic and kinetic studies of sGC with select stimulators, the sGC solution after the POROS Q step was further purified by GTP-agarose affinity chromatography. This additional step led to the generation of 26 mg of enzyme that was about 99% pure. This highly pure and active enzyme exhibited a Mr = 144,933 by static light scattering supportive of a dimeric structure. It migrated as a two-band protein, each of equal intensity, on SDS–PAGE corresponding to the α (Mr 77,000) and β (Mr 70,000) sGC subunits. It showed an A430/A280 = 1.01, indicating one heme per heterodimer, and a maximum of the Soret band at 430 nm indicative of a penta-coordinated ferrous heme with a histidine as the axial ligand. The Soret band shifted to 398 nm in the presence of an NO donor as expected for the formation of a penta-coordinated nitrosyl-heme complex. Non-stimulated sGC had kcat/Km = 1.7 × 10−3 s−1 μM−1 that increased to 5.8 × 10−1 s−1 μM−1 upon stimulation with an NO donor which represents a 340-fold increase due to stimulation. The novel combination of using the TIPS method for co-expression of a heterodimeric heme-containing enzyme, along with the application of a reproducible ligand affinity purification method, has enabled us to obtain recombinant human sGC of both the quality and quantity needed to study structure–function relationships.  相似文献   

The lipid dynamics of the adrenocortical microsomal membranes was studied by monitoring the fluorescence anisotropy and excited state lifetime of a set of anthroyloxy fatty acid probes (2-, 7-, 9- and 12-(9-anthroyloxy)-stearic acid (AP) and 16-(9-anthroyloxy)palmitic acid (AS). It was found that a decreasing polarity gradient from the aqueous membrane interface to the membrane interior, was present. This gradient was not modified by the proteins, as evidenced by comparison of complete membranes and derived liposomes, suggesting that the anthroyloxy probes were not in close contact with the proteins. An important change of the value of the mean rotational relaxation time as a function of the position of the anthroyl ring along the acyl chain was evidenced. In the complete membranes, a relatively more fluid medium was evidenced in the C16 as compared to the C2 region, while the rotational motion appeared to be the most hindered at the C7–C9 level. In the derived liposomes, a similar trend was observed but the mobility was higher at all levels. The decrease of the mean rotational relaxation time was more important for 12-AS and 16-AP. Temperature dependence of the mean rotational relaxation time of 2-AS, 12-AS and 16-AP in the complete membranes revealed the existence of a lipid reorganization occurring around 27°C and concerning mainly the C16 region. The extent to which the acyl chain reacted to this perturbation at the C12 level depended on pH. The presence of proteins increased the apparent magnitude of this reorganization and also modified the critical temperature from approx. 23°C in the derived liposomes to approx. 27°C in the complete membranes. Thermal dependence of the maximum velocity of the 3-oxosteroid Δ54-isomerase, the second enzyme in the enzymatic sequence, responsible for the biosynthesis of the 3-oxo4-steroids in the adrenal cortex microsomes, was studied. The activation energy of the catalyzed reaction was found to be low and constant (2–5 kcal · mol?1) in the temperature range 16–40°C at pH 7.5, 8.5 and 9, corresponding to the minimum, intermediate and maximum rate, respectively. A drastic increase of the activation energy (20 kcal · mol?1) was observed at temperature below 16°C at pH 7.5. A correlated change of the pKESapp as function of temperature was detected; at 36°C pKESapp = 8.3 while at 13°C the value shifted to 8.7. The pH range of the group ionization was narrower at 13°C. In contrast with the behaviour of the 3β-hydroxy5-steroid dehydrogenase, the 3-oxosteroid Δ54-isomerase was apparently unaffected by the lipid reorganization at 27°C. It is suggested that this enzyme possesses a different and more fluid lipid environment than the bulk lipids.  相似文献   

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