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During previous work on deriving inosine-producing mutants of Escherichia coli, we observed that an excess of adenine added to the culture medium was quickly converted to hypoxanthine. This phenomenon was still apparent after disruption of the known adenosine deaminase gene (add) on the E. coli chromosome, suggesting that, like Bacillus subtilis, E. coli has an adenine deaminase. As the yicP gene of E. coli shares about 35% identity with the B. subtilis adenine deaminase gene (ade), we cloned yicP from the E. coli genome and developed a strain that overexpressed its product. The enzyme was purified from a cell extract of E. coli harboring a plasmid containing the cloned yicP gene, and had significant adenine deaminase [EC] activity. It was deduced to be a homodimer, each subunit having a molecular mass of 60 kDa. The enzyme required manganese ions as a cofactor, and adenine was its only substrate. Its optimum pH was 6.5-7.0 and its optimum temperature was 60°C. The apparent Km for adenine was 0.8 mM.  相似文献   

Using an inosine-producing mutant of Escherichia coli, the contributions of the central carbon metabolism for overproducing inosine were investigated. Sodium gluconate instead of glucose was tested as a carbon source to increase the supply of ribose-5-phosphate through the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. The edd (6-phosphogluconate dehydrase gene)-disrupted mutant accumulated 2.5 g/l of inosine from 48 g/l of sodium gluconate, compared with 1.4 g/l of inosine in the edd wild strain. The rpe (ribulose phosphate 3-epimerase gene)-disrupted mutant resulted in low cell growth and low inosine production on glucose and on gluconate. The disruption of pgi (glucose-6-phosphate isomerase gene) was effective for increasing the accumulation of inosine from glucose but resulted in low cell growth. The pgi-disrupted mutant accumulated 3.7 g/l of inosine from 40 g/l of glucose when 8 g/l of yeast extract was added to the medium. Furthermore, to improve effective utilization of adenine, the yicP (adenine deaminase gene)-disrupted mutant was evaluated. It showed higher inosine accumulation, of 3.7 g/l, than that of 2.8 g/l in the yicP wild strain when 4 g/l of yeast extract was added to the medium.  相似文献   

Mevalonate is a useful metabolite synthesized from three molecules of acetyl-CoA, consuming two molecules of NADPH. Escherichia coli ( E. coli) catabolizes glucose to acetyl-CoA via several routes, such as the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas (EMP) and the oxidative pentose phosphate (oxPP) pathways. Although the oxPP pathway supplies NADPH, it is disadvantageous in terms of acetyl-CoA supply, compared with the EMP pathway. In this study, the optimal flux ratio between the EMP and oxPP pathways on the mevalonate yield was investigated. Expression level of pgi was controlled by isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) inducible promoter in an engineered mevalonate-producing E. coli strain. The relationship between the flux ratio and mevalonate yield was evaluated by changing the flux ratio by varying IPTG concentration. At the stationary phase, the mevalonate yield was maximum at an EMP flux of 39.7%, and was increased by 25% compared with that with no flux control (EMP flux of 70.4%). The optimal flux ratio was consistent with the theoretical value based on the mass balance of NADPH. The flux ratio between EMP and oxPP pathways affects the synthesis fluxes of mevalonate and acetate from acetyl-CoA. Fine tuning of the flux ratio would be necessary to achieve an optimized production of metabolites that require NADPH.  相似文献   

Expression of plasmid-encoded genes in bacteria is the most common strategy for the production of specific proteins in biotechnological processes. However, the synthesis of plasmid-encoded proteins and plasmid-DNA replication often places a metabolic load (metabolic burden) into the cell's biochemical capacities that usually reduces the growth rate of the producing culture (Glick BR. Biotechnol Adv 1995;13:247-261). This metabolic burden may be related to a limited capacity of the cell to supply the extra demand of building blocks and energy required to replicate plasmid DNA and express foreign multicopy genes. Some of these required blocks are intermediaries of the pentose phosphate (PP) pathway, e.g., ribose-5-phosphate, erythrose-4-phosphate. Due to the important impact of metabolic burden on biotechnological processes, several groups have worked on developing strategies to overcome this problem, like reduction of plasmid copy number (Seo JH, Bailey JE. Biotechnol Bioeng 1985;27:1668-1674; Jones KL, Kim S, Keasling JD. Metab Eng 2000;3:328-338), chromosomal insertion of the gene which product is desired, or changing the plasmid-coded antibiotic resistance gene (Hong Y, Pasternak JJ, Glick BR. Can J Microbiol 1995;41:624-628). However, few efforts have been attempted to overcome the reduction of growth rate due to protein over-expression, by modifying central metabolic pathways (Chou C-H, Bennett GN, San KY. Biotechnol Bioeng 1994;44:952-960). We constructed a high-copy number plasmid carrying the gene for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, zwf, under the control of an inducible trc promoter (pTRzwf04 plasmid). By transforming a wild-type strain and inducing with IPTG, it was possible to recover growth-rate from 0.46 h(-1) (uninduced) to 0.64 h(-1) (induced). The same transformation in an Escherichia coli zwf(-), allows a growth-rate recovery from 0.43 h(-1) (uninduced) to 0.62 h(-1) (induced). We also studied this effect as part of a laboratory-scale biotechnology process: production of a recombinant insulin peptide by co-transforming E. coli JM101 strain with pTRzwf07, a low-copy-number plasmid that carries the same inducible construction as pTRzwf04, and with the pTEXP-MMRPI vector that carries a TrpLE-proinsulin hybrid gene. In this system, production of TrpLE-proinsulin strongly reduces growth rate; however, overexpression of zwf gene recovers with a growth rate from 0.1 h(-1) in the TrpLE-proinsulin induced strain, to 0.37 h(-1) when both zwf and TrpLE-proinsulin genes were induced. In this paper, we show that the engineering of the pentose phosphate pathway by modulation of the zwf gene expression level partially overcomes the possible bottleneck for the supply of building blocks and reducing power synthesized through the PP pathway, that are required for plasmid replication and plasmid-encoded protein expression.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains lacking phosphoglucose isomerase (pgi1) cannot use the pentose phosphate (PP) pathway to oxidize glucose, which has been explained by the lack of mechanism for reoxidation of the NADPH surplus. Consistent with this, the defective growth on glucose of a ENYpgi1 strain can be partially restored by expressing the Escherichia coli transhydrogenase udhA. In this work it was found that growth of V5 (wine yeast-derived) and FY1679 (isogenic to S288C) pgi1 mutants is not rescued by expression of udhA. Moreover, the flux through the PP pathway of 11 S. cerevisiae strains from various origins was estimated, by calculating the ratio between the enzymatic activity of the G6PDH and HXK, placed at the glycolysis-PP pathway branch point. The results show that ENY.WA-1A exhibited the highest ratio (1.5-3-fold) and the highest G6PDH activity. Overexpression of ZWF1 encoding the G6PDH in V5pgi1udhA did not rescue growth on glucose, suggesting that steps downstream the G6PDH might limit the PP pathway in this strain. As a whole, these data highlight a great intraspecies diversity in the PP pathway capacity among S. cerevisiae strains and suggest that a low capacity may be the prime limiting factor in glucose oxidation through this pathway.  相似文献   

目的:基于转酮酶基因缺失菌株MG1655-ΔtktA,研究启动子替换L-组氨酸操纵子前导区及6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶基因zwf、6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶基因gnd、PRPP合成酶基因prs的过表达对大肠杆菌产L-组氨酸的影响。方法:通过Red重组系统用T5启动子替换L-组氨酸操纵子前导区;构建gnd和zwf串联表达载体gnd-zwf-pSTV28,prs表达载体prs-pQE30。通过摇瓶发酵,考察上述改造对大肠杆菌积累L-组氨酸的影响。结果:测定结果显示,改造菌株的发酵液中均能实现L-组氨酸积累,平均分别为MG1655-ΔtktA-PT5,60.12 mg/L;MG1655-ΔtktA-PT5(prs-pQE30),66.47mg/L;MG1655-ΔtktA-PT5(zwf-gnd-pSTV28),89.69 mg/L;MG1655-ΔtktA-PT5(prs-pQE30,zwf-gnd-pSTV28),111.56 mg/L。结论:L-组氨酸操纵子前导区的修饰使菌株合成L-组氨酸的能力大大增强,而氧化戊糖磷酸途径的加强和PRPP合成酶活性的提高能够进一步提高产量。  相似文献   

Among various routes for the biological hydrogen production, the NAD(P)H-dependent pentose phosphate (PP) pathway is the most efficient for the dark fermentation. Few studies, however, have focused on the glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase, encoded by zwf, as a key enzyme activating the PP pathway. Although the gluconeogenic activity is essential for activating the PP pathway, it is difficult to enhance the NADPH production by regulating only this activity because the gluconeogenesis is robust and highly sensitive to concentrations of glucose and AMP inside the cell. In this study, the FBPase II (encoded by glpX), a regulation-insensitive enzyme in the gluconeogenic pathway, was activated. Physiological studies of several recombinant, ferredoxin-dependent hydrogenase system-containing Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) strains showed that overexpression of glpX alone could increase the hydrogen yield by 1.48-fold compared to a strain with the ferredoxin-dependent hydrogenase system only; the co-overexpression of glpX with zwf increased the hydrogen yield further to 2.32-fold. These results indicate that activation of the PP pathway by glpX overexpression-enhanced gluconeogenic flux is crucial for the increase of NAD(P)H-dependent hydrogen production in E. coli BL21(DE3).  相似文献   

大肠杆菌作为一种重要的模式工业微生物,在医药、化工、农业等方面具有广泛的应用.近30年来,多种代谢工程改造的新策略和新技术,被用于设计、构建和优化大肠杆菌化学品细胞工厂,极大地提高了生物法合成化学品的生产速率和产量.文中将从大肠杆菌途径设计、合成途径创建与优化和细胞全局优化三个方面,对大肠杆菌代谢改造起重要推动作用的技...  相似文献   

目的了解临床分离的耐环丙沙星的大肠埃希菌质粒介导的喹诺酮类耐药基因的携带情况,并进行相关耐药机制的分析。方法采用VITEK-2全自动微生物检测系统鉴定细菌,用K-B法检测细菌对16种常用抗生素的敏感性,采用聚合酶链反应检测喹诺酮类耐药基因qnrS、qnrA、qnrB、qepA和aac(6′)-Ib,并对阳性的aac(6′)-Ib结果进行测序分析。结果 30株耐环丙沙星的大肠埃希菌中,2株(6.67%)检出qepA基因,8株(26.67%)检出aac(6′)-Ib基因,经测序证实其中6株为aac(6)′-Ib-cr(20.0%)。未检出qnrS、qnrA和qnrB基因。结论对环丙沙星耐药的大肠埃希菌携带aac(6′)-Ib-cr和qepA基因,引起质粒介导的对喹诺酮类抗菌药物的低水平耐药。  相似文献   

考察过表达氨基葡萄糖脱氨酶对氨基葡萄糖合成及大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中心碳代谢的影响。实验结果表明:过表达氨基葡萄糖脱氨酶使得在36 g/L葡萄糖,pH为9.0的发酵条件下,发酵24 h后,重组菌发酵液中氨基葡萄糖、丙酮酸和乙酸的量分别是对照菌Rosetta的2.1、1.48和1.74倍;而乳酸的量为2.53 g/L,对照菌Rosetta发酵液中的乳酸含量未检测到,重组菌发酵液中柠檬酸及α-酮戊二酸的含量分别是Rosetta的2.99和2.73倍。  相似文献   

张艳军  张晓云  李志敏  叶勤 《微生物学报》2011,51(10):1358-1363
【目的】本文通过分析在基本培养基中添加腺嘌呤对大肠杆菌DH5α和其耐乙酸突变株DA19代谢流分布的影响,从而进一步了解二者在代谢调控方面的差异。【方法】对2个菌株分别在氮源限制基本培养基及添加腺嘌呤的氮源限制基本培养基中进行连续培养,分析两者代谢流变化差异,并与酶活测定结果进行比较。【结果】添加腺嘌呤降低了DH5α的葡萄糖比消耗速率和乙酸的比生成速率,提高了菌体关于葡萄糖的得率,而丙酮酸比生成速率变化不明显。与MN培养基相比,添加腺嘌呤后DH5α降低了乙酸分流比,提高了分泌丙酮酸和三羧酸循环分流比,同时明显改变了磷酸果糖激酶、6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶和乙酸激酶酶活。与DH5α不同,添加腺嘌呤使得DA19的丙酮酸比生成速率增加了近57%,而其它参数无明显改变。与MN培养基相比,DA19在添加腺嘌呤后降低了三羧酸循环分流比,大大提高了分泌丙酮酸分流比,而关键酶活未发生明显改变。酶活变化与代谢流结果基本一致。【结论】由于大肠杆菌DH5α和DA19嘌呤核苷酸从头合成途径能力存在差异,因此添加腺嘌呤对两个菌株的代谢流分布产生了完全不同的影响。  相似文献   

为考察组氨酸标签(His-tag)对Brevibacterium sp.DGCDC-82中胆固醇氧化酶基因(ChoAb)在大肠杆菌中表达的影响,将PCR扩增后得到的结构基因与pET28a(+)连接,构建重组质粒pETChoAb(不带His-tag),pETChoAbn(His-tag位于N端)和pETChoAbc(His-tag位于C端)并在大肠杆菌中进行表达.对重组酶进行酶活检测,结果表明His-tag位于ChoAb的C端和N端,COD单位体积酶活由未带标签时的1.72 U/mL分别提高到4.03 U/mL和11.36 U/mL.利用软件Quantity One对SDS-PAGE电泳条带进行灰度分析,结果显示与不带His-tag的COD相比,His-tag位于ChoAb的C端和N端,COD表达量由8.8%增加到16.4%与72.3%.同时菌体浓度分别提高了1.2倍和3.2倍.作为纯化标签,该研究结果对His-tag用于诊断用酶COD的分离纯化可以提供一定的理论指导.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌的phn操纵子与膦酸酯(Pn)的利用密切相关。实验利用PCR扩增、TA克隆等方法,获得了大肠杆菌phn操纵子中phnE、phnF和phnG基因的亚克隆,并进行了序列测定。通过P1噬菌体转导,构建了phnF的TnphoA’9转座子插入突变体JW19,该突变仅对大肠杆菌的AEPn同化有微弱的影响,而利用phnE和phnG序列与染色体重组构建的phnF全缺失突变株JW67,则几乎不能在AEPn培养基上生长。通过phnF基因的诱导高表达,用亲和柱层析分离纯化了PhnF蛋白,达到电泳纯。并且用凝胶延滞的方法观察到,PhnF蛋白与phn操纵子DNA片段相互作用后,可使凝胶图谱类型发生改变。  相似文献   


The idea that plasmids replicate within hosts at the expense of cell metabolic energy and preformed cellular blocks depicts plasmids as a kind of molecular parasites that, even when they may eventually provide plasmid-carrying strains with growth advantages over plasmid-free strains, doom hosts to bear an unavoidable metabolic burden. Due to the consistency with experimental data, this idea was rapidly adopted and used as a basis of different hypotheses to explain plasmid-host interactions. In this article we critically discuss current ideas about plasmid effects on host metabolism, and present evidence suggesting that the complex interaction between plasmids and hosts is related to the alteration of the cellular regulatory status.  相似文献   

【目的】构建禽致病性大肠杆菌(Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli,APEC)VI型分泌系统2(Type VI secretion system 2,T6SS2)结构基因vgrG缺失株,研究其对APEC生物学特性及致病性的影响。【方法】通过Red同源重组方法构建DE719菌株vgrG基因缺失株,并利用低拷贝质粒pSTV28构建互补株。比较分析野生株、缺失株与互补株的生长特性、运动性、生物被膜形成能力、黏附侵袭能力、动物致病力等差异。【结果】vgr G基因缺失不影响DE719的生长速度、运动能力及生物被膜形成能力。致病性试验表明缺失vgrG导致体内定殖能力及致病力显著下降,然而对DF-1细胞的黏附能力增强。【结论】T6SS2核心组分VgrG在APEC感染过程中发挥重要作用,为了解APEC的致病作用提供参考。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌tyrR基因剔除及其对苯丙氨酸生物合成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TyrR是大肠杆菌芳香族氨基酸生物合成和运输途径中的一种全局性调控蛋白质。采用双交换同源重组的方法定位突变大肠杆菌染色体tyrR基因 ,在该基因中插入带有卡那霉素抗性基因的DNA片段 ,使之失活 ,实现基因剔除。经PCR、DNA测序、lacZ报告基因等多种方法证实了基因剔除的可靠性。tyrR基因剔除后 ,大肠杆菌芳香族氨基酸生物合成中受TyrR蛋白调控的关键酶的酶活力有所提高 :3 脱氧 2 阿拉伯庚酮糖 7 磷酸合成酶(DAHPS ,由aroG编码 )酶活力提高了 1.0 8倍 ,转氨酶 (AT ,由tyrB编码 )酶活力提高了 2 .70倍 ;突变菌株发酵生产苯丙氨酸的能力提高了 1.5 9倍 ;同时 ,与芳香族氨基酸运输相关的通透酶基因aroP(P)的阻遏被解除 ,细胞运输芳香族氨基酸的能力提高了 70 .2 %。  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) are a physiologically, immunologically and genetically diverse collection of strains that pose a serious water-borne threat to human health. Consequently, immunological and PCR assays have been developed for the rapid, sensitive detection of presumptive EHEC. However, the ability of these assays to consistently detect presumptive EHEC while excluding closely related non-EHEC strains has not been documented. We conducted a 30-month monitoring study of a major metropolitan watershed. Surface water samples were analyzed using an immunological assay for E. coli O157 (the predominant strain worldwide) and a multiplex PCR assay for the virulence genes stx(1), stx(2) and eae. The mean frequency of water samples positive for the presence of E. coli O157, stx(1) or stx(2) genes, or the eae gene was 50%, 26% and 96%, respectively. Quantitative analysis of selected enriched water samples indicated that even in samples positive for E. coli O157 cells, stx(1)/stx(2) genes, and the eae gene, the concentrations were rarely comparable. Seventeen E. coli O157 strains were isolated, however, none were EHEC. These data indicate the presence of multiple strains similar to EHEC but less pathogenic. These findings have important ramifications for the rapid detection of presumptive EHEC; namely, that current immunological or PCR assays cannot reliably identify water-borne EHEC strains.  相似文献   

人甲状旁腺激素在大肠杆菌中的表达及鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
化学合成人甲状旁腺激素(hPTH)全长基因,克隆到大肠杆菌表达载体pBV220和pET22b中,获得了高表达。经破菌、阳离子交换层析、反相层析纯化获得了纯度大于95%的纯品。N端测序、质谱分析结果表明重组hPTH 结果完整,N端无Met或fMet。生物活性试验证明重组hPTH具有激活腺苷酸环化酶、增加骨质量和骨密度等作用。  相似文献   

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