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Different proxies have been used to investigate Quaternary paleoclimate change. Here, we used weathering of calcium nodules in paleosols on China’s Loess Plateau as a proxy for Quaternary paleoclimate changes to provide an alternative indicator of these changes. Paleosol and carbonate nodules were collected from Luochuan and Lantian counties in Shaanxi Province, China. We found that this approach allowed quantitative reconstruction of temperature, rainfall, soil mineral composition, and the effects of weathering and leaching. The changes in carbonate content in the loess and paleosol sequences were controlled by alternating dry and wet climatic conditions. Nodule formation conditions were directly affected by the leaching and migration of elements. The loess and paleosol sequences developed calcium nodules, and their formation was closely related to the rainfall and leaching characteristics of the paleoclimate. The paleoclimate and soil minerals affected the vegetation types and directly influenced changes in the soil. During formation of the calcium nodules, the surface vegetation evolved slowly, and the number of species and quantity of vegetation both decreased.  相似文献   

It has often been asked which physiological advantages calcium (Ca2+) oscillations in non-excitable cells may have as compared to an adjustable stationary Ca2+ signal. One of the proposed answers is that an oscillatory regime allows a lowering of the average Ca2+ concentration, which is likely to be advantageous because Ca2+ is harmful to the cell in high concentrations. To check this hypothesis, we apply Jensen’s inequality to study the relation between the average Ca2+ concentration during oscillations and the Ca2+ concentration at the (unstable) steady state. Jensen’s inequality states that for a (strictly) convex function, the function value of the average of a set of argument values is lower than the average of the function values of the arguments from that set. We show that the kinetics of the Ca2+ efflux out of the cell is crucial in this context. By analytical calculations we derive that, if the Ca2+ efflux is a convex function of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, then oscillations lower the average Ca2+ concentration in comparison to the unstable steady state. If it is a concave function, the average Ca2+ concentration is increased, while it remains the same if that function is linear. We also analyse the case where the efflux obeys a Hill kinetics, which involves both a convex and a concave part. The results are illustrated by numerical simulations and simple example models. The theoretical predictions are tested with three experimental data sets from the literature. In two of them, the average appears to be higher than the steady-state value, while the third points to approximate equality. Thus oscillations may be used in real cells to tune the average Ca2+ concentration in both directions.  相似文献   

A computational method, to predict the pKa values of the ionizable residues Asp, Glu, His, Tyr, and Lys of proteins, is presented here. Calculation of the electrostatic free-energy of the proteins is based on an efficient version of a continuum dielectric electrostatic model. The conformational flexibility of the protein is taken into account by carrying out molecular dynamics simulations of 10 ns in implicit water. The accuracy of the proposed method of calculation of pKa values is estimated from a test set of experimental pKa data for 297 ionizable residues from 34 proteins. The pKa-prediction test shows that, on average, 57, 86, and 95% of all predictions have an error lower than 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 pKa units, respectively. This work contributes to our general understanding of the importance of protein flexibility for an accurate computation of pKa, providing critical insight about the significance of the multiple neutral states of acid and histidine residues for pKa-prediction, and may spur significant progress in our effort to develop a fast and accurate electrostatic-based method for pKa-predictions of proteins as a function of pH.  相似文献   



Eelgrass is a cosmopolitan seagrass species that provides important ecological services in coastal and near-shore environments. Despite its relevance, loss of eelgrass habitats is noted worldwide. Restoration by replanting plays an important role, and accurate measurements of the standing crop and productivity of transplants are important for evaluating restoration of the ecological functions of natural populations. Traditional assessments are destructive, and although they do not harm natural populations, in transplants the destruction of shoots might cause undesirable alterations. Non-destructive assessments of the aforementioned variables are obtained through allometric proxies expressed in terms of measurements of the lengths or areas of leaves. Digital imagery could produce measurements of leaf attributes without the removal of shoots, but sediment attachments, damage infringed by drag forces or humidity contents induce noise-effects, reducing precision. Available techniques for dealing with noise caused by humidity contents on leaves use the concepts of adjacency, vicinity, connectivity and tolerance of similarity between pixels. Selection of an interval of tolerance of similarity for efficient measurements requires extended computational routines with tied statistical inferences making concomitant tasks complicated and time consuming. The present approach proposes a simplified and cost-effective alternative, and also a general tool aimed to deal with any sort of noise modifying eelgrass leaves images. Moreover, this selection criterion relies only on a single statistics; the calculation of the maximum value of the Concordance Correlation Coefficient for reproducibility of observed areas of leaves through proxies obtained from digital images.


Available data reveals that the present method delivers simplified, consistent estimations of areas of eelgrass leaves taken from noisy digital images. Moreover, the proposed procedure is robust because both the optimal interval of tolerance of similarity and the reproducibility of observed leaf areas through digital image surrogates were independent of sample size.


The present method provides simplified, unbiased and non-destructive measurements of eelgrass leaf area. These measurements, in conjunction with allometric methods, can predict the dynamics of eelgrass biomass and leaf growth through indirect techniques, reducing the destructive effect of sampling, fundamental to the evaluation of eelgrass restoration projects thereby contributing to the conservation of this important seagrass species.

Emotional signals are perceived whether or not we are aware of it. The evidence so far mostly came from studies with facial expressions. Here, we investigated whether the pattern of non-conscious face expression perception is found for whole body expressions. Continuous flash suppression (CFS) was used to measure the time for neutral, fearful, and angry facial or bodily expressions to break from suppression. We observed different suppression time patterns for emotions depending on whether the stimuli were faces or bodies. The suppression time for anger was shortest for bodily expressions, but longest for the facial expressions. This pattern indicates different processing and detection mechanisms for faces and bodies outside awareness, and suggests that awareness mechanisms associated with dorsal structures might play a role in becoming conscious of angry bodily expressions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the enzyme reduction of the disulfide bond and the following results have been found.

In enzyme preparation, antioxidants showed a stability effect and EDTA appeared to have both enzyme stabilization and solubilization. On the distribution of the enzyme activity in subcellular fractions, the water soluble fraction appeared to contain the major released enzyme activity. The enzyme was inhibited with several metals. Hg2+ and transition metals were the most toxic. The substrate specificity of this enzyme was wide for the low molecular substrates, but the protein disulfide reducing activity was not detected in this preparation. It was assumed that the thiol-disulfide transhydrogenase was coupled with glutathione reductase and the disulfide substrates were reduced by the system involving the two enzymes. A new method for the direct recording of an enzyme-catalyzed thiol-disulfide interchange using diphenyl disulfide and p,p-dinitro diphenyl disulfide was devised.  相似文献   

Elevated IL-7 in the target tissues is closely associated with multiple autoimmune disorders, including Sjögren’s syndrome (SS). We recently found that IL-7 plays an essential role in the development and onset of primary SS (pSS) in C57BL/6.NOD-Aec1Aec2 mice, a well-defined mouse model of primary SS. However, environmental signals that cause excessive IL-7 production are not well-characterized. Innate immune signaling plays a critical role in shaping the adaptive immune responses including autoimmune responses. We and others have previously shown that innate immune signaling can induce IL-7 expression in lungs and intestines of C57BL/6 mice. In this study, we characterized the effects of poly I:C, a double-stranded RNA analog and toll-like receptor 3 agonist, on the induction of IL-7 expression in salivary glands and on pSS development. We showed that poly I:C administration to C57BL/6 mice rapidly induced IL-7 expression in the salivary glands in a type 1 IFN- and IFN-γ-dependent manner. Moreover, poly I:C-induced IL-7 contributed to the optimal up-regulation of CXCL9 in the salivary glands, which may subsequently promote recruitment of more IFN-γ-producing T cells. Repeated administration of poly I:C to C57BL/6.NOD-Aec1Aec2 mice accelerated the development of SS-like exocrinopathy, and this effect was abolished by the blockade of IL-7 receptor signaling with a neutralizing antibody. Finally, poly I:C or a combination of IFN-α and IFN-γ induced IL-7 gene expression and protein production in a human salivary gland epithelial cell line. Hence, we demonstrate that IL-7 expression in the salivary gland cells can be induced by poly I:C and delineate a crucial mechanism by which innate immune signals facilitate the development of pSS, which is through induction of IL-7 in the target tissues.  相似文献   

In this study, six novel benzothiazole derivatives based on the bithiophene structure were developed as potential β-amyloid probes. In vitro binding studies using Aβ aggregates showed that all of them demonstrated high binding affinities with Ki values ranged from 0.11 to 4.64 nM. In vitro fluorescent staining results showed that these compounds can intensely stained Aβ plaques within brain sections of APP/PS1 transgenic mice, animal model for AD. Two radioiodinated compounds [125I]-2-(5′-iodo-2,2′-bithiophen-5-yl)-6-methoxybenzo[d]thiazole [125I]10 and [125I]-2-(2,2′-bithiophen-5-yl)-6-iodobenzo[d]thiazole [125I]13 were successfully prepared through an iododestannylation reaction. Furthermore, in vitro autoradiography of the AD model mice brain sections showed that both [125I]10 and [125I]13 labeled the Aβ plaques specifically with low background. In vivo biodistribution studies in normal mice indicated that [125I]13 exhibited high brain uptake (3.42% ID/g at 2 min) and rapid clearance from the brain (0.53% ID/g at 60 min), while [125I]10 showed lower brain uptake (0.87% ID/g at 2 min). In conclusion, these preliminary results of this study suggest that the novel radioiodinated benzothiazole derivative [125I]13 may be a candidate as an in vivo imaging agent for detecting β-amyloid plaques in the brain of AD patients.  相似文献   


Herbaceous plant diversity including rare aquatic species has been lost in many countries by agricultural intensification and abandonment. In paddy fields of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), irrigation facilities have been constructed rapidly since 1997. The aim of this study was to clarify the impacts of double rice cropping accompanied by the introduction of irrigation systems on herbaceous plant diversity and utilization in paddy fields of southern Lao PDR. Ground vegetation surveys and interviews were conducted in Kok Deau and Lak 30 villages in Champasak Province, and propagule bank survey was conducted in Kok Deau village. The species richness and species diversity, measured by the Shannon’s diversity index, were not significantly different between the irrigated and rainfed paddies (p?>?0.05), when compared in both the wet and dry seasons. However, double rice cropping with irrigation systems affected herbaceous plant species composition in paddy fields. Increased use of chemical fertilizers in irrigated paddies resulted in predominance of tall undesirable species, such as Fimbristylis miliacea (L.) Vahl and Echinochloa colona (L.) Link. Small and frequently submerged species were dominant in the ground vegetation and propagule banks of the rainfed paddies. Since small submerged species are often sensitive to environmental changes, increase of irrigated paddy area may lead to a decrease in the variety of aquatic herbaceous plants in Lao PDR. While a total of 9 herbaceous plant species were utilized as foods in the villages, no change was recognized by farmers in species composition and frequency of utilization of paddy plants as food before and after the development of the irrigation systems.


Hilgendorf’s (1866) publication on the phylogenyof Planorbis multiformis from Steinheim, Swabian Mountains, is one of the most important contributions of paleontology to early Darwinism. At the same time it helped to lay the foundation for paleontological phylogenetics. Hilgendorf’s unpublished dissertation of 1863, the newly rediscovered collection to his dissertation and the document-file ofHilgendorf’s graduation from Tübingen University help to trace back the origin of Hilgendorf’s ideas.Hilgendorf’s collection contains the oldest phylogenetic tree, which is known so far.  相似文献   

Transplantation of neural-like cells is considered as a promising therapeutic strategy developed for neurodegenerative disease in particular for ischemic stroke. Since cell survival is a major concern following cell implantation, a number of studies have underlined the protective effects of preconditioning with hypoxia or hypoxia mimetic pharmacological agents such as deferoxamine (DFO), induced by activation of hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) and its target genes. The present study has investigated the effects of DFO preconditioning on some factors involved in cell survival, angiogenesis, and neurogenesis of neural-like cells derived from human Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells (HWJ-MSCs) in presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). HWJ-MSCs were differentiated toward neural-like cells for 14 days and neural cell markers were identified using immunocytochemistry. HWJ-MSC-derived neural-like cells were then treated with 100 µM DFO, as a known hypoxia mimetic agent for 48 h. mRNA and protein expression of HIF-1 target genes including brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) significantly increased using RT-PCR and Western blotting which were reversed by HIF-1α inhibitor, while, gene expression of Akt-1, Bcl-2, and Bax did not change significantly but pAkt-1 was up-regulated as compared to poor DFO group. However, addition of H2O2 to DFO-treated cells resulted in higher resistance to H2O2-induced cell death. Western blotting analysis also showed significant up-regulation of HIF-1α, BDNF, VEGF, and pAkt-1, and decrease of Bax/Bcl-2 ratio as compared to poor DFO. These results may suggest that DFO preconditioning of HWJ-MSC-derived neural-like cells improves their tolerance and therapeutic potential and might be considered as a valuable strategy to improve cell therapy.  相似文献   

Following the premises of the multitarget-directed ligands approach for the drug R&D against neurodegenerative diseases, where Alzheimer’s disease (AD) outstands, we have synthesized and evaluated analogues of the gramine derivative ITH12657 (1-benzyl-5-methyl-3-(piperidin-1-ylmethyl-1H-indole, 2), which had shown important neuroprotective properties, such as blocking effect of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCC), and prevention of phosphoprotein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) inhibition. The new analogues present different substitutions at the pending phenyl ring, what slightly modified their pharmacological characteristics. The VGCC blockade was enhanced in derivatives possessing nitro groups, while the pro-PP2A feature was ameliorated by the presence of fluorine. Chlorine atoms supplied good activities over the two biological targets aimed; nevertheless that substitution provoked loss of viability at 100-fold higher concentrations (10?μM), what discards them for a deeper pharmacological study. Overall, the para-fluorine derivative of ITH12657 was the most promising candidate for further preclinical assays.  相似文献   

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