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A diet containing a high concentration of soy isoflavone was administered to laying hens and the contents of the isoflavones transferred to the plasma and egg yolk were measured. A method for quantitatively measuring the concentration of isoflavone in the yolk was first established, before a high concentration of soy isoflavone was administered to the laying hens over an 18-day period. The concentrations of isoflavone in the plasma and egg yolk reached their highest on the 12th day of the feeding period, the values being 3,167 nmol/l and 65.29 μg/100g, respectively. The concentration of cholesterol in the yolk was slightly affected during the early stages of the feeding period. These findings clearly demonstrate that soy isoflavone was transferred into the yolk from the feed and that the cholesterol concentration in the yolk was affected by administering the soy isoflavone-enriched feed.  相似文献   

Phosvitin, a phosphoprotein known as an iron-carrier in egg yolk, binds almost all the yolk iron. In this study, we investigated the effect of phosvitin on Fe(II)-catalyzed hydroxyl radical (?OH) formation from H2O2 in the Fenton reaction system. Using electron spin resonance (ESR) with 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) and deoxyribose degradation assays, we observed by both assays that phosvitin more effectively inhibited ?OH formation than iron-binding proteins such as ferritin and transferrin. The effectiveness of phosvitin was related to the iron concentration, indicating that phosvitin acts as an antioxidant by chelating iron ions. Phosvitin accelerates Fe(II) autoxidation and thus decreases the availability of Fe(II) for participation in the ?OH-generating Fenton reaction. Furthermore, using the plasmid DNA strand breakage assay, phosvitin protected DNA against oxidative damage induced by Fe(II) and H2O2. These results provide insight into the mechanism of protection of the developing embryo against iron-dependent oxidative damage in ovo.  相似文献   

The Egg Yolk Reaction Produced by Several Species of Bacteria   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
S ummary . A study of the egg yolk reaction produced by various species of bacteria has shown that it is caused by the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine. Staphylococcus aureus and Serratia marcescens degrade phosphatidylcholine by a series of hydrolytic reactions which are initiated by phosphatidylcholine: cholesterol o -acyltransferase. The degradation of phosphatidylcholine results in the formation of a sub-surface, opaque homogeneous zone around colonies growing on egg yolk agar and a collar of lipid material floating on the surface of egg yolk broth. This reaction may not be shown by all species growing in egg yolk media but it can be demonstrated if enzyme extracts are used.  相似文献   

Rhodotorula mucilaginosa was cultivated in a yeast propagator, for the production of biomass and carotenoids. A spray-dried preparation of the yeast was incorporated into the diets of laying chickens for the promotion of egg yolk color. Several aspects of the effect of media on growth and carotenogenesis of pigmented yeast were examined. Addition of 1 to 2% of Rhodotorula yeast to the feeding mixture considerably improved egg yolk color. The possibility of using carotenogenic yeasts as a feed supplement is suggested.  相似文献   

A technique is described which allows the replacement of 50% of the yolk of the embryonated hen's egg with large volumes of diverse but chemically defined solutions. By using an electrosurgical unit and a polyethylene tunnel, the procedure was performed on eggs from days 3 through 7 with greater than 90% surgical success and viability for the short term. More than 50% of the eggs replaced showed viability for 2 weeks, and a significant proportion went full term. 32PO4 and amino acids (3H and 14C) added to the replaced eggs were incorporated into the macromolecules of the embryo and yolk sac as well as into parasitic rickettsiae cultivated in the replaced eggs. The incorporated 32PO4 was shown to be assimilated into a variety of biochemical species.  相似文献   

A technique is described which allows the replacement of 50% of the yolk of the embryonated hen''s egg with large volumes of diverse but chemically defined solutions. By using an electrosurgical unit and a polyethylene tunnel, the procedure was performed on eggs from days 3 through 7 with greater than 90% surgical success and viability for the short term. More than 50% of the eggs replaced showed viability for 2 weeks, and a significant proportion went full term. 32PO4 and amino acids (3H and 14C) added to the replaced eggs were incorporated into the macromolecules of the embryo and yolk sac as well as into parasitic rickettsiae cultivated in the replaced eggs. The incorporated 32PO4 was shown to be assimilated into a variety of biochemical species.  相似文献   

卵黄抗体性能稳定,具有较强抵抗热酸、碱的能力,室温下可保持6个月的活性,4℃下放置几年活性不减,易于大规模生产等许多优点,卵黄免疫球蛋白的纯化方法 和哺乳动物的纯化方法 不同,包括有机物沉淀法,有机溶剂抽提法,天然胶法和水稀释法等粗提方法;凝胶过滤层析,离子交换层析和亲和层析等精细纯化方法。本文就卵黄抗体的分离和纯化方法的优缺点作一比较。  相似文献   

Encapsulation of antibodies isolated from chicken egg yolk (IgY) in egg lecithin/cholesterol liposomes was attempted. IgY was successfully encapsulated into the liposomes by using the dehydration-rehydration method. Electron microscopic observation demonstrated that the liposomes prepared by this method were large multilamellar vesicles with a diameter of several μm. The encapsulation efficiency was improved by increasing the rehydration temperature to 60°C. The cholesterol/lecithin ratio also affected the efficiency, giving the highest value at a ratio of 1/4 (mol/mol). Some efflux of glucose through the liposomal membranes was observed, particularly for the liposome with a low cholesterol content, but that of IgY was not detected, irrespective of the cholesterol content. Encapsulation reduced the activity loss of the IgY antibodies under acidic conditions. IgY encapsulated in the liposomes was also markedly resistant to pepsin hydrolysis, which usually results in complete loss of activity with unencapsulated IgY, suggesting that liposomal encapsulation is an effective means for protecting IgY under gastric conditions.  相似文献   

卵黄抗体是鸡产生的主要抗体,鸡被免疫后,IgY被持续地被合成、分泌到血液中,并被选择性地转移、富集到蛋黄中。母鸡产生的IgY可为它们的后代抵抗常见的禽类病原体提供有效的体液免疫保护。就有关寄生虫卵黄抗体的研制情况及其在兽医寄生虫病诊断、治疗等的应用情况做一综述。  相似文献   

The presence of two major egg polypeptides was demonstrated in the plant-parasitic nematode Heterodera glycines. The polypeptides were present in equal amounts in, and were most abundant in, eggs from yellow females. They were also present in brown females but were not detected in second-stage juveniles (J2). The two major egg polypeptides, MEP-I and MEP-II, accounted for more than 50% of the total protein in egg extracts evaluated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. During development of females from the yellow stage to the brown stage, the levels of MEP-I and MEP-II declined at twice the rate as total protein. MEP-I and MEP-II had estimated molecular masses of 190 kD and 180 kD, respectively, similar to those reported for female-specific proteins, vitellins, from free-living nematodes.  相似文献   

The three white perch (Morone americana) vitellogenins (VtgAa, VtgAb, VtgC) were quantified accurately and precisely in the liver, plasma, and ovary during pre-, early-, mid-, and post-vitellogenic oocyte growth using protein cleavage-isotope dilution mass spectrometry (PC-IDMS). Western blotting generally mirrored the PC-IDMS results. By PC-IDMS, VtgC was quantifiable in pre-vitellogenic ovary tissues and VtgAb was quantifiable in pre-vitellogenic liver tissues however, neither protein was detected by western blotting in these respective tissues at this time point. Immunohistochemistry indicated that VtgC was present within pre-vitellogenic oocytes and localized to lipid droplets within vitellogenic oocytes. Affinity purification coupled to tandem mass spectrometry using highly purified VtgC as a bait protein revealed a single specific interacting protein (Y-box binding protein 2a-like [Ybx2a-like]) that eluted with suramin buffer and confirmed that VtgC does not bind the ovary vitellogenin receptors (LR8 and Lrp13). Western blotting for LR8 and Lrp13 showed that both receptors were expressed during vitellogenesis with LR8 and Lrp13 expression highest in early- and mid-vitellogenesis, respectively. The VtgAa within the ovary peaked during post-vitellogenesis, while VtgAb peaked during early-vitellogenesis in both white perch and the closely related striped bass (M. saxatilis). The VtgC was steadily accumulated by oocytes beginning during pre-vitellogenesis and continued until post-vitellogenesis and its composition varies widely between striped bass and white perch. In striped bass, the VtgC accounted for 26% of the vitellogenin-derived egg yolk, however in the white perch it comprised only 4%. Striped bass larvae have an extended developmental window and these larvae have yolk stores that may enable them to survive in the absence of food for twice as long as white perch after hatch. Thus, the VtgC may play an integral role in providing nutrients to late stage fish larvae prior to the onset of exogenous feeding and its composition in the egg yolk may relate to different early life histories among this diverse group of animals.  相似文献   

目的 纯化鹭科具有代表性的夜鹭及鸬鹚科具有代表性的鸬鹚的卵黄抗体IgY。方法 采用了水稀释法和硫酸铵分级沉淀法粗提IgY,再过HiTrap IgY Purification HP柱子进一步纯化。结果 经两步纯化,得到了纯化的鸬鹚和夜鹭的卵黄抗体IgY,经SDS-PAGE检测为电泳纯,夜鹭和鸬鹚的卵黄抗体的相对分子质量约为180×10^3。结论 证实了鸬鹚和夜鹭的卵黄抗体IgY的存在及其特性,为这两种鸟类的卵黄抗体IgY纯化,二级抗体制备提供了参考。  相似文献   

The polypeptide composition of Chlamydia was examined by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. When the polypeptide patterns of purified infectious elementary bodies (EB) of C. psittaci meningopneumonitis strain, 6BC strain, and C. trachomatis T'ang strain were compared, no significant differences were observed. The polypeptide patterns of whole EB and reticulate bodies (RB) appeared to overlap, but differences were found. In EB cell walls, nine main and several minor bands of polypeptides were observed in gels containing sodium lauryl sulfate, and the eighth main band from the top of the gel stained positive with periodic acid-Schiff reagent. On the other hand, the polypeptides in bands 3, 6, and 8 in EB cell walls were missing or minor in RB cell walls, and the ninth band was clearly stained by PAS. Band 8 was also stained slightly. Purified subunits, which occur as a lattice structure on the inside layer of EB cell walls but are largely missing in RB cell walls, contained bands 4, 6, and 8, and band 8 was PAS positive. These results indicate that significant polypeptide synthesis or reorganization in the cell walls occurs during the growth cycle.  相似文献   

The Egg Yolk and Lipolytic Reactions of Coagulase Positive Staphylococci   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The composition of egg yolk media is important for the identification of egg yolk positive strains of coagulase positive staphylococci. Media with glucose allowed the detection of more egg yolk positive strains than those without it. However, the presence of 50% CO2 in the incubation atmosphere allowed a greater number of egg yolk positive strains to be detected regardless of whether glucose was present or not. This was due to the suppression of lipase activity by CO2 thus allowing total lipid separation indicative of the egg yolk phenomenon. Staphylococcus aureus strains from human nares were egg yolk positive and strongly lipolytic while strains of animal origin and epidermal necrolysis were egg yolk negative and weakly lipolytic.  相似文献   

目的:研究抗甲型流感卵黄抗体的制备与纯化,并探讨其效价随免疫时间的变化关系。方法:用灭活甲型流感病毒复合抗原免疫蛋鸡,用PEG6000对卵黄抗体进行分离提取,SDS-PAGE法对其进行分子量测定,考马斯亮蓝法对其含量和纯度进行测定,用微量凝集法检测蛋鸡血清抗体和卵黄抗体的效价。结果:提取得到的卵黄抗体重链分子量为66 kDa、轻链分子量分26 kDa,每毫升卵黄液可得到纯度为95.80%的卵黄抗体9.98mg,回收率93.01%;高效价持续时间90 d以上;免疫蛋鸡血清和卵黄中3种特异性抗体的消长规律基本相似,但抗体水平之间存在明显的差异。结论:采用灭活甲型流感病毒复合抗原免疫蛋鸡可制备高效价、高纯度抗甲型流感卵黄抗体,为卵黄抗体在甲型流感防治中的应用研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

An improved one-step method for the preparative separation of three subfraotions of high-density lipoproteins from normal human serum has been developed. It employs the method of rate zonal ultracentrifugation in a Z-60 rotor using a discontinuous NaBr gradient in the density range of 1.0 - 1.4. The density gradients were monitored directly by a flow-through density meter allowing the direct read-out of the actual densities in the process of filling and emptying the rotor. The separation of the three density fractions from 5 to 15 ml serum was achieved during a single 12 hours run at 59.000 rpm. The three fractions showed characteristically different patterns on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and differences in their lipid and protein composition.  相似文献   

The aggregates in gelled yolk were isolated by gel filtration with a Sepharose 4B column, after suspension in 1 m NaCl, and then they were identified by chemical analysis and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. No significant difference was found in lipid and protein composition between the aggregates and the low density lipoprotein in plasma (LDLP). It was concluded that the aggregates in gelled yolk were composed only of LDLP which suggested that the other yolk components (i.e. lipovitellins, livetins and phosvitin) might not directly participate in yolk gelation. However, the possibility that low deensity lipoprotein in granule (LDLG) might be partly responsible for gelation can not be excluded, because the lipid and protein composition of LDLG and LDLP were almost the same and LDLG also aggregated during the freezing as well as LDLP.  相似文献   

The supplementation of egg yolk phospholipid (PL) containing phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) to a cholesterol-free purified diet causes a reduction in the serum cholesterol level in rats [J. Nutr., 112,1805 (1982)]. The present study was carried out to determine if dietary egg yolk PL also exerts this hypocholesterolemic action in rats given a high cholesterol diet and if this action is influenced by the constituent fatty acids. Egg yolk PL suppressed the elevation of serum cholesterol irrespective of its fatty acid composition, while purified PC had no effect, suggesting that the ethanolamine portion is responsible for this hypocholesterolemic effect. Egg yolk PL and PC containing longer-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids) lowered the serum triglyceride level, while their hydrogenated forms did not. The present results, therefore, indicate that the hypolidemic effect of dietary egg yolk PL can be modulated by the combination of the constituent fatty acids as well as the base moieties. This hypolipidemic effect, however, appeared not to be related to the activities of adipocyte lipoprotein lipase and serum lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase.  相似文献   

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