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A recent study filling the gap in the genome sequence in the left arm of chromosome 2 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe revealed a homolog of budding yeast Vba2p, a vacuolar transporter of basic amino acids. GFP-tagged Vba2p in fission yeast was localized to the vacuolar membrane. Upon disruption of vba2, the uptake of several amino acids, including lysine, histidine, and arginine, was impaired. A transient increase in lysine uptake under nitrogen starvation was lowered by this mutation. These findings suggest that Vba2p is involved in basic amino acid transport in S. pombe under diverse conditions.  相似文献   

粟酒裂殖酵母全基因组中含信号肽蛋白质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘玉岭  柳云帆  谢建平 《遗传》2007,29(2):250-256
对粟酒裂殖酵母全基因组3条染色体上的4,997个蛋白序列进行了全局性的分析,利用signalP3.0软件分析这些蛋白的N-末端信号肽序列, 预测有N-末端分泌信号肽序列的蛋白196个;利用TMpred 软件分析跨膜结构, 预测跨膜蛋白117个; 使用PrositeScan程序分析膜脂蛋白的脂结合位点, 预测有膜脂结合蛋白13个, 进而预测分泌性蛋白序列66个。使用Target P分析66个分泌蛋白的蛋白序列, 研究这些蛋白在细胞中的定位。这些分泌蛋白的功能涉及粟酒裂殖酵母的营养、生殖、细胞间以及细胞与环境间的交流等许多方面, 对细胞的生存和繁殖有重要意义, 在系统生物学的研究中有重要参考价值。粟酒裂殖酵母分泌组的研究也将为粟酒裂殖酵母作为药物筛选模型以及开发为外源蛋白表达的宿主提供基础。  相似文献   

Nine sam mutants that undergo sexual differentiation without requiring starvation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe were previously isolated. In this study, we identified a nonsense mutation on the pka1 locus in the sam6 mutant. pka1 encodes a catalytic subunit of protein kinase A (PKA). Replacement and overexpression of pka1 suppressed the KCl sensitivity and hyper-mating phenotype of sam6, confirming that sam6 is an allele of pka1. To characterize further the regulation of Pka1, we tested the physical interaction between Pka1 and Cgs1 (a regulatory subunit of PKA). Pka1 and Cgs1 physically interacted under glucose-limited conditions but not under glucose-rich conditions. In addition, the formation of a Pka1-Cgs1 complex was detected under glucose-limited conditions by Blue Native PAGE. Furthermore, the Pka1 protein was found to be phosphorylated under glucose-starved conditions, and at the same time its localization shifted from the nucleus towards the cytoplasm (mainly the vacuoles), suggesting a strong relationship among phosphorylation, complex formation, and the cytoplasmic distribution of Pka1.  相似文献   

The moc1 gene in Schizosaccharomyces pombe was found as to overcome sterility caused by high expression of adenylyl cyclase. The moc1 gene was found to be identical with sds23 and psp1. Although psp1 has been reported to be essential for growth, sds23 has not been. To clarify this apparent discrepancy, we first assessed independently the phenotypes of the moc1 disruptant. We confirmed that the deletion mutant of moc1 is sterile, sensitive to high salt, and grows slowly at higher and lower temperatures, and that mutant cells are elongated. Besides these phenotypes, we found that viability of the moc1 disruptant was rapidly lost at the stationary phase. We confirmed that the Moc1 protein is phosphorylated in the stationary phase and also under nitrogen-starved conditions. We examined the significance of this phosphorylation of Moc1 by creating the S333A or S333D mutant Moc1. Interestingly, while S333D mutant Moc1 is lower in inducing sexual development, S333A mutant Moc1 is higher in this than the wild type, suggesting that phosphorylation of Moc1 affects sexual development. The other phenotypes, such as sensitivity to high salt and higher temperature and elongation of cells, were not affected by mutation of S333A nor S333D. We found that Moc1-GFP localized to both the cytosol and the nucleus during mitotic growth, but accumulated in the nucleus in mating cells and then enriched in spores, and that this localization shift was negatively regulated by the cAMP pathway. This and the observations above suggest that nuclear localized Moc1 is an inducer of sexual development. Thus, in addition to the roles of moc1/sds23/psp1 in mitosis and stress response, it is also important for the survival and sexual development of fission yeast, but phosphorylation of Moc1 only affects the sexual development.  相似文献   

范洁琼  邓小龙  冯碧薇  王继峰  余垚  吕红 《遗传》2013,35(8):1030-1039
丝/苏氨酸特异性钙调磷酸酶(Calcineurin, CN)是一种在真核生物中广泛存在的蛋白, 是参与转录调控的重要分子。裂殖酵母中的CN是由催化亚基Ppb1和调节亚基Cnb1组成的异源二聚体。文章报道了裂殖酵母中cnb1+的缺失引起细胞生长速度缓慢, 产生多隔膜现象, 胞质分裂受阻滞。胞质分裂过程中, Cnb1与Ppb1组成CN复合物, 与收缩环在分裂平面上共定位, 并与收缩环一起收缩。cnb1Δ菌株的隔膜成熟过程存在缺陷, 微管出现纵穿隔膜的现象。上述结果说明Cnb1可能参与隔膜的成熟过程。此外, 还检测了cnb1D菌株中胞裂蛋白的信号。胞裂蛋白包括Spn1、Spn2、Spn3和Spn4, 它们是引导隔膜降解的重要分子。结果显示, 在cnb1D菌株中, 80%左右的细胞在隔膜处缺失Spn2和Spn3的信号, 20%左右的细胞缺失Spn1和Spn4的信号。由于胞裂蛋白的蛋白表达量在cnb1D中没有降低, 因此胞裂蛋白信号的消失不是转录缺陷引起的, 这暗示Cnb1可能采用了不依赖转录的方式来调控胞裂蛋白环的稳定性。以上结果提示, Cnb1可能通过影响隔膜的成熟及胞裂蛋白环的稳定性参与调节裂殖酵母的胞质分裂过程。  相似文献   

Abstract Study of the plasma membrane sterol composition in the yeasts Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Schizosaccharomyces octosporus revealed the presence of ergosterol, lanosterol, dehydroergosterol, fecosterol, episterol and 24-methylene-24,25-dihydrolanosterol (eburicol), a C-31 derivative. The growth of both yeasts in the presence of ketoconazole led to a decrease by 85% of the ergosterol content while the levels of lanosterol and eburicol increased. This suggests that in the biosynthetic pathway of ergosterol in Schizosaccharomyces species, the transmethylation process on the C-24 may occur directly on lanosterol and not only on zymosterol. On the other hand, it cannot be excluded that in the genus Schizosaccharomyces two routes exist from lanosterol to ergosterol: the classical one via a direct C-14, C-4 demethylation of lanosterol and the second one via the formation of a C-31 derivative followed by demethylations.  相似文献   

To investigate the contributions of phosphatidylethanolamine to the growth and morphogenesis of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we have characterized three predicted genes in this organism, designated psd1, psd2, and psd3, encoding phosphatidylserine decarboxylases, which catalyze the conversion of phosphatidylserine to phosphatidylethanolamine in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. S. pombe mutants carrying deletions in any one or two psd genes are viable in complex rich medium and synthetic defined minimal medium. However, mutants carrying deletions in all three psd genes (psd1-3Δ mutants) grow slowly in rich medium and are inviable in minimal medium, indicating that the psd1 to psd3 gene products share overlapping essential cellular functions. Supplementation of growth media with ethanolamine, which can be converted to phosphatidylethanolamine by the Kennedy pathway, restores growth to psd1-3Δ cells in minimal medium, indicating that phosphatidylethanolamine is essential for S. pombe cell growth. psd1-3Δ cells produce lower levels of phosphatidylethanolamine than wild-type cells, even in medium supplemented with ethanolamine, indicating that the Kennedy pathway can only partially compensate for the loss of phosphatidylserine decarboxylase activity in S. pombe. psd1-3Δ cells appear morphologically indistinguishable from wild-type S. pombe cells in medium supplemented with ethanolamine, but when cultured in nonsupplemented medium, they produce high frequencies of abnormally shaped cells as well as cells exhibiting severe septation defects, including multiple, mispositioned, deformed, and misoriented septa. Our results demonstrate that phosphatidylethanolamine is essential for cell growth and for normal cytokinesis and cellular morphogenesis in S. pombe, and they illustrate the usefulness of this model eukaryote for investigating potentially conserved biological and molecular functions of phosphatidylethanolamine.Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is a major phospholipid component of cell membranes in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms (34, 35). There are three distinct pathways for PE synthesis in eukaryotic cells: (i) decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine (PS) via reactions catalyzed by PS decarboxylase (PSD) enzymes; (ii) the CDP-ethanolamine branch of the Kennedy pathway, which converts ethanolamine to PE (34); and (iii) acylation of lysophosphatidylethanolamine (21, 29), a reaction that in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is catalyzed by the enzyme Ale1 (22). Genetic studies have demonstrated that PE is essential for cell viability in S. cerevisiae, although the minimal threshold of PE required for cell growth in this organism can apparently be provided by any of the routes of PE synthesis listed above (22). In contrast, the results of mouse knockout experiments indicate that both PSD- and Kennedy pathway-catalyzed pathways for PE synthesis are essential for embryonic development (9, 28, 35).While PE is present in most, if not all, eukaryotic cell membranes, it is particularly enriched in the membranes of mitochondria (32, 35, 37). Indeed, S. cerevisiae mutants carrying a null mutation in the PSD1 gene, which encodes a mitochondrially localized PSD, exhibit phenotypes indicative of mitochondrial dysfunction, as do cells derived from mouse embryos carrying a disruption of the Psid gene, which encodes a protein highly homologous in structure to S. cerevisiae Psd1 (28, 32). A second PSD enzyme in S. cerevisiae, encoded by the PSD2 gene, is localized to Golgi and vacuolar membranes (33, 37). Consistent with a role in vacuolar function, PE has been implicated in the process of autophagy by genetic studies utilizing S. cerevisiae vacuolar targeting mutants and by studies showing that Atg8, a ubiquitin-like protein required for yeast autophagy, is conjugated to PE, as are several related mammalian proteins (19, 20, 27).Interestingly, studies utilizing a streptavidin-conjugated form of the PE-binding peptide cinnamycin demonstrated that PE is enriched at cell division sites in S. cerevisiae, the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and mammalian cells (6, 11). Moreover, streptavidin-conjugated cinnamycin was shown to inhibit the disassembly of the contractile ring and the completion of cytokinesis in cultures of Chinese hamster ovary cells, and a PE-deficient cell line from the same species was found to arrest growth in cytokinesis with an intact contractile ring (7). PE has also been shown to be enriched at the growing ends of interphase S. pombe cells and at the emerging bud cortex in dividing cells of S. cerevisiae, findings that implicate PE in processes controlling polarized cell growth (11).Although S. pombe mutants defective in enzymes that directly catalyze PE synthesis have not been described previously, we recently showed that mutants carrying a null mutation in the PS synthase gene pps1 are ethanolamine auxotrophs that exhibit severe morphology- and cytokinesis-defective phenotypes under ethanolamine-limited growth conditions (17). These findings implicated PE in the regulation of cellular morphogenesis and cytokinesis in S. pombe. To investigate the biological functions of PE in S. pombe, in particular its contributions to the control of cell morphology and cytokinesis, we have in the present study generated and characterized mutants carrying null mutations in three open reading frames predicted to encode PSD enzymes in this organism. In this paper, we describe the phenotypes of S. pombe PSD-null mutants, which demonstrate central roles for PE in the regulation of cell morphology and cytokinesis in this model eukaryote.  相似文献   

PhoX homology (PX) domain-containing proteins play critical roles in vesicular trafficking, protein sorting, and lipid modification in eukaryotic cells. Several proteins with PX domains contain an associated domain termed PXA (PX-associated). Although PXA domain-containing proteins are required for some important cellular processes, the function of the PXA domain is unknown. We identified three PXA domain-containing proteins in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. S. pombe Pxa1p (SPAC5D6.07c) contained only the PXA domain, not the PX domain. To elucidate the role of the PXA domain in eukaryotic cells, we constructed and characterized a disruption mutant, pxa1. The pxa1 disruptant contained enlarged vacuoles and exhibited mislocalization of vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). The conversion rate from pro- to mature-CPY was greatly impaired in pxa1 cells, and fluorescence microscopy indicated that a sorting receptor for CPY, Vps10p, mislocalized to the vacuolar membrane. The mutants were also deficient in vacuolar sorting of a multivesicular body (MVB) marker, a ubiquitin-GFP-carboxypeptidase S (Ub-GFP-CPS) fusion protein. Taken together, these results indicate that Pxa1 protein is required for normal vacuole function and morphology in S. pombe.  相似文献   

Yeasts being simple eukaryotes are established genetic systems that are often employed to solve important biological questions. Recently, it has become evident that certain cell death programs exist in these unicellular organisms. For example, it has been shown recently that strains of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe deficient in triacylglycerol synthesis undergo cell death with prominent apoptotic markers. This minireview is intended to discuss key developments that have rendered fission yeast useful both as a tool and as a model for apoptosis and lipoapoptosis research. It is attempted to delineate a putative signaling pathway leading to the execution of lipoapoptosis in the fission yeast. Although in its infancy, apoptosis research in the fission yeast promises exciting breakthroughs in the near future.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA that encodes a 142-kDa protein by immunoscreening of a Schizosaccharomyces pombe expression library with a new antibody, mAb8, that reveals spindle poles and equatorial ring-like structures in several organisms. This cDNA encodes a putative protein which we termed Alm (for abnormal long morphology). The protein is predicted to be a coiled-coil protein, containing a central α-helical domain flanked by non-helical terminal domains. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that Alm1 is localized in the medial region of the cell from anaphase to the end of cytokinesis. Cells carrying an alm1::ura4 + disruption are viable and exhibit an elongated morphology. Homozygous alm1::ura4 + diploids sporulated normally but the spores did not germinate. Spores that have inherited the disruption allele from a heterozygous alm1 + / alm1::ura4 + diploid germinated but generated smaller colonies. We propose that Alm1 participates in the structural organization of the medial region in S. pombe. Received: 9 April 1999 / Accepted: 22 October 1999  相似文献   

We have cloned a new gene, pdh1, from genomic DNA of fissionyeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. pdh1 is actively transcribedas 1400-nucleotide mRNA in vegetatively growing cells and cancode for a 226 amino acid polypeptide (pdh1p). Computationalstructural prediction has revealed that the pdh1p is a highlyhydrophobic protein with seven transmembrane domains. The predictionhas also detected a possible C-kinase phosphorylation site withinthe longest hydrophilic loop.  相似文献   

Recombinant protein secretion in yeasts poses a burden to the metabolism of the host cell. Consequently, unfavorable cultivation conditions during strain screening or process development can lead to limitations in the energy and carbon metabolism of the cell, constraining the cell's ability to secrete the protein of interest. Recently, we demonstrated that improving cultivation conditions by using substrate mixtures of glycerol and acetate strongly elevated secretion of the homologous model protein maltase in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In this work, we investigated if these previous findings were also applicable to the expression of recombinant proteins. Strains were constructed secreting either green fluorescent protein or a fluorescent single‐chain antibody fragment. These strains were cultivated under fermentative and respiratory growth conditions on glucose as sole carbon source and on mixtures of glucose/acetate and glycerol/acetate. We observed an increase in the specific secretion of both recombinant proteins by 1.8‐ and 3.8‐fold, respectively. This clearly demonstrates that the proper choice of process conditions and the applied carbon sources have a significant impact on the secretion of at least two recombinant proteins in S. pombe allowing an improved production of the protein of interest.  相似文献   

Abstract The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has a unique organization of sulfur amino acid metabolism: it has two distinct O -acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylases (homocysteine synthases). Similar to Enterobacteriaceae, S. pombe lacks cystathionine β-synthase and cystathionine γ-lyase - the enzymes of the reverse transsulfuration pathway, by which methionine is readily metabolized to cysteine - a likely effector in the sulfur metabolite repression system. Consequently no repression of sulfate assimilation is observed when methionine is added to the growth medium.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a popular model organism to study various cellular processes, although research tools available for S. pombe are relatively inadequate. To facilitate genetic and biochemical investigation in S. pombe, we report here a system of vectors for genomic FLAG epitope-tagging. These vectors enable us to amplify gene-targeting fragments for integration into specific loci of the S. pombe genome. All vectors in this report were designed to express FLAG epitope-tagged proteins from their endogenous genomic loci. Vectors for N-terminal FLAG epitope-tagging allow us to control protein expression levels using the wild-type nmt1 promoter, its weaker derivatives, and the urg1 promoter. These vectors are available with various antibiotic markers including kanMX6, hphMX6, natMX6 and bleMX6, and the his3(+) marker. Vectors for C-terminal FLAG epitope-tagging were designed to express FLAG-fusion proteins under the control of their native promoters at their own genomic loci, allowing us to characterize protein functions under physiological conditions. These vectors are available with kanMX6, hphMX6, nat-MX6 and bleMX6 markers. The series of vectors described in this report should prove useful for protein studies in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression systems based on tobacco BY‐2 cells, Arabidopsis cell cultures, Xenopus oocytes, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and human HeLa cells have been used to express and characterize PIN, ABCB (PGP), and AUX/LAX auxin transporters from Arabidopsis. However, no single system has been identified that can be used for effective comparative analyses of these proteins. We have developed an accessible Schizosaccharomyces pombe system for comparative studies of plant transport proteins. The system includes knockout mutants in all ABC and putative auxin transport genes and Gateway®‐compatible expression vectors for functional analysis and subcellular localization of recombinant proteins. We expressed Arabidopsis ABCB1 and ABCB19 in mam1pdr1 host lines under the inducible nmt41 promoter. ABCB19 showed a higher 3H‐IAA export activity than ABCB1. Arabidopsis PIN proteins were expressed in a mutant lacking the auxin effluxer like 1 (AEL1) gene. PIN1 showed higher activity than PIN2 with similar protein expression levels. Expression of AUX1 in a permease‐deficient vat3 mutant resulted in increased net auxin uptake activity. Finally, ABCB4 expressed in mam1pdr1 displayed a concentration‐dependent reversal of 3H‐IAA transport that is consistent with its observed activity in planta. Structural modelling suggests that ABCB4 has three substrate interaction sites rather than the two found in ABCB19, thus providing a rationale for the observed substrate activation. Taken together, these results suggest that the S. pombe system described here can be employed for comparative analyses and subsequent structural characterizations of plant transport proteins.  相似文献   

A strain of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe was aerobically grown in a cell-recycle fermentor under various operating conditions, i.e., different bleeding rates and various separate feed rates of glucose and basal medium. Carbon and energy balances were analyzed during steady-state culture regimes, allowing growth yields and maintenance coefficients to be determined under glucose-limited and glucose-excess environments. Special attention was given to the metabolic shift from purely oxidative to respirofermentative glucose catabolism resulting from a change in the growth-limiting factor. No maintenance requirements for the carbon source and for energy were observed during glucose-limited culture regimes and oxidative catabolism. Under glucose excess and respirofermentative metabolism, the m(G) coefficient was shown to be growth-linked, whereas the enhancement of the apparent m(e) coefficient observed for increased residual glucose concentrations could be assigned to a decline in the ATP yield. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vpr induces cell death in mammalian and fssion yeast cells, suggesting that Vpr may affect a conserved cellular process. It is unclear, however, whether Vpr-induced yeast cell death mimics Vpr-mediated apoptosis in mammalian cells. We have recently identified a number of Vpr suppressors that not only suppress Vpr-induced cell death in fission yeast, but also block Vpr-induced apoptosis in mammalian cells. These findings suggest that Vpr-induced cell death in yeast may resemble some of the apoptotic processes of mammalian cells. The goal of this study was to develop and validate a fission yeast model system for future studies of apoptosis. Similar to Vpr-induced apoptosis in mammalian cells, we show here that Vpr in fission yeast promotes phosphatidylserine externalization and induces hyperpolarization of mitochondria, leading to changes of mitochondrial membrane potential. Moreover, Vpr triggers production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), indicating that the apoptotic-like cell death might be mediated by ROS. Interestingly, Vpr induces unique morphologic changes in mitochondria that may provide a simple marker for measuring the apoptotic-like process in fission yeast. To verify this possibility, we tested two Vpr suppressors (EF2 and Hspl6) that suppress Vpr-induced apoptosis in mammalian cells in addition to a newly identified Vpr suppressor (Skpl). All three proteins abolished cell death mediated by Vpr and restored normal mitochondrial morphology in the yeast cells. In conclusion, Vpr-induced cell death in fission yeast resembles the mammalian apoptotic process. Fission yeast may thus potentially be used as a simple model organism for the future study of the apoptotic-like process induced by Vpr and other proapoptotic agents.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe has four α-amylase homologs (Aah1p-Aah4p) with a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) modification site at the C-terminal end. Disruption mutants of aah genes were tested for mislocalization of vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y (CPY), and aah3Δ was found to secrete CPY. The conversion rate from pro- to mature CPY was greatly impaired in aah3Δ, and fluorescence microscopy inidicated that a sorting receptor for CPY, Vps10p, mislocalized to the vacuolar membrane. These results indicate that aah3Δ had a defect in the retrograde transport of Vps10p, and that Aah3p is the first S. pombe specific protein required for vacuolar protein sorting.  相似文献   

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