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A glycoprotein (EGP) was purified from the skin mucus of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica . Apparent average molecular mass of the EGP was estimated to be 500 000. The EGP was found to contain 30·8% NeuAc, 26·4% GalNAc, 6·4% Gal, 0·4% NeuGc and 25·1% Thr‐rich protein. EGP was treated with alkaline borohydride for the release of carbohydrate chains (oligosaccharide alditols). Three carbohydrate chains were isolated from the released carbohydrate chains by Sephadex G‐25 (superfine) gel filtration and HPLC. Using 1H‐NMR spectroscopy, methylation analysis and glycosidase digestion, the structures of the three carbohydrate chains were determined to be NeuAcα2→6GalNAc‐ ol , NeuAcα2→3GalNAc‐ ol and NeuAcα2→6(GalNAcα1→3)GalNAc‐ ol . An overall structure for the sialoglycoprotein from the skin mucus is proposed: the molecule is considered to consist of highly glycosylated 10 glycopeptide units (containing >40 carbohydrate chains) that are linked to the hydroxyl amino acids and spaced on average two amino acids apart.  相似文献   

The efficiency of developing polymorphic microsatellite markers from 2 repeat enriched libraries was evaluated. Thirty-six polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for rainbow trout, 27 of which were informative in a mapping family. The ability of each marker to amplify genomic DNA from other salmonids was also observed. Received March 1, 2001; accepted May 1, 2001.  相似文献   

鲫鱼血清和皮肤粘液IgM的分离纯化及部分性质的鉴定   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用盐析法结合葡聚糖凝胶柱 ,分离纯化鲫鱼血清IgM ;然后制备兔抗鲫鱼血清IgM多克隆抗体 ,将其偶联到Sepharose 4B上制成亲和柱 ,用于分离纯化皮肤粘液IgM。结果表明 :33%~ 4 5 %硫酸铵溶液沉淀处理可以去除鲫鱼血清中除IgM外的很多杂蛋白 ,再经葡聚糖凝胶柱纯化 ,IgM纯度可达 80 %以上 ,其重链和轻链的分子量分别为 79和 2 5kDa ;以兔抗鲫鱼血清IgM多克隆抗体亲和柱分离皮肤粘液IgM ,分离效果良好 ,IgM重链的分子量为 88kDa ;Westernblot显示兔抗鲫鱼血清IgM多克隆抗体识别的是血清和皮肤粘液IgM的重链部分。用ELISA测定鲫鱼血清中IgM含量在一年中的变化 ,结果表明IgM在春夏季的含量高于秋冬季  相似文献   

利用放射免疫分析法对饲养于恒定水温和自然光照下的雌性虹鳟血浆中皮质醇和性激素含量的周年变化进行了测定.结果表明:1)根据性腺结构指数和性激素分泌量判断,三龄时,雌性虹鳟达到性成熟;2)在血浆中不仅性激素而且皮质醇的变化水平与性腺结构指数的变化高度相关.排卵前性激素的水平都较高,伴随着排卵的进行性激素水平下降.而且在产卵季节虹鳟血浆中皮质醇水平也较高,三龄时皮质醇水平与性腺结构指数的相关系数为0.86.这些结果提示,皮质醇在虹鳟的繁殖过程中可能发挥某种作用.  相似文献   

以噬菌体EMBL3作为载体,构建了虹鳟鱼的全基因文库,制备了包装蛋白效率达4.6×10~8Pfu/μgDNA.基因文库重组噬菌的量为8.2×10~5pfu/μgDNA.同时用含虹鳟鱼生长激素基因cDNA的pAF-51△S作为探针,从该文库中筛选出两个阳性噬斑,复筛获得90%以上的阳性斑。并从阳性克隆中回收虹鳟收生长激素基因片段为6kb,亚克隆到puc-18质粒中,进行了酶切分析。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of an early boost of cortisol exposure in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs during fertilisation on subsequent behavioural responses when exposed to a sudden stimulus in larvae and juveniles. At 55 d post‐fertilisation (dpf), treatment had no effect on high accelerations occurring after a sudden event. At 146 dpf, these high accelerations were more frequent in cortisol‐treated fish than in controls. At 146 dpf also, swimming activity was increased in cortisol‐treated fish both before and after the sudden stimulus. This study underlines the important behavioural modifications in both larvae and juveniles, linked to a change in the surrounding environment of the embryo. Indeed, fish exposed to cortisol as eggs showed a higher level of fearfulness later in life. Our findings are of major interest for stress management in an aquaculture context and also allow for a better understanding of the long‐lasting effects of a permanent and/or acute stress – mediated by cortisol – that could be encountered by females, affecting population's life history trajectory.  相似文献   

The use of microsatellites for studies of population structure, as markers in genome mapping, and for parentage control has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, the presence of null alleles can lead to confounding results when using microsatellites. In the Omy3DIAS microsatellite, the presence of a null allele was discovered by analysis of family material. The null allele was sequenced after amplification with new primers located farther away from the repeat sequence. The null allele was shown to be caused by a deletion of a 4-bp sequence, which was part of a repetitive sequence within one of the primer recognition sites. As this phenomenon has been seen in other cases of null alleles, this observation leads to the recommendation to avoid repetitive sequences of any kind within primer sequences. Allele-specific amplification of the null allele revealed the presence of a single variant of this allele. Received January 31, 2000; accepted May 5, 2000.  相似文献   

The cryopreservation of isolated fish blastomeres is likely to provide a valid alternative to embryo cryopreservation, the results of which are still discouraging. A repeatable technique for the cryopreservation of rainbow trout blastomeres has been established and the effect of embryonic developmental stage on freezing tolerance evaluated. Embryos at Ballard 6A, 6B, and 6C stages were dechorionated and left to dissociate in a Ca2+- and Mg2+-free medium. Cryoprotection was provided by step-wise addition of 1.4 M 1,2-propanediol. Cells were loaded into the middle of 250-μl straws and slowly frozen to −80°C before being plunged into LN2. A low thawing rate was adopted, followed by step-wise removal of the cryoprotectant. Morphological evaluation was by microscopy and video recording. Metabolic activity and survival rate were determined by FDA and PI staining, by recovery of the ability to reassociate after 24 h culture in Leibovitz L15 + 2% Ultroser, and by measuring DNA synthesis in 6B cells by the method of BrdU incorporation. Survival rates were 53 ± 9.3, 88 ± 1.7, and 95 ± 0.5% for stage 6A, 6B, and 6C cells, respectively. While 6A cells reassociated into clumps of cells, 6B and 6C cells formed holoblastic morulas in 24 h; proliferation of 6B cells was comparable to fresh control cells. The relationship between freezing tolerance and the physiological events occurring during early embryonic development is discussed in light of these results and conclusions are drawn that envisage the transfer of frozen-thawed blastomeres into recipient embryos.  相似文献   

We report the efficient delivery of a foreign gene into muscle of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss with a gene gun. The foreign gene was a reporter gene, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT). Two CAT-containing plasmids were used: pCMV-CAT, which contains cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter, and pSV2-CAT, which contains the simian virus 40 early promoter. All plasmids were introduced by particle bombardment using a gene gun. During the 90-day sampling period following bombardment, CAT was strongly and stably expressed in the muscle of all the fish bombarded with pCMV-CAT and pSV2-CAT. No CAT expression was detected in the blood samples until 90 days after introduction, when it was found in only one fish from the pCMV-CAT group and one from the pSV2-CAT group. The stable and long-term expression of plasmid DNA in muscle makes muscle an attractive target tissue for the introduction of viral DNA for the purpose of DNA vaccination. Received June 5, 1999; accepted November 2, 1999.  相似文献   

The cryopreservation of isolated fish blastomeres is likely to provide a valid alternative to embryo cryopreservation, the results of which are still discouraging. A repeatable technique for the cryopreservation of rainbow trout blastomeres has been established and the effect of embryonic developmental stage on freezing tolerance evaluated. Embryos at Ballard 6A, 6B, and 6C stages were dechorionated and left to dissociate in a Ca2+- and Mg2+-free medium. Cryoprotection was provided by step-wise addition of 1.4 M 1,2-propanediol. Cells were loaded into the middle of 250-μl straws and slowly frozen to -80 degreesC before being plunged into LN2. A low thawing rate was adopted, followed by step-wise removal of the cryoprotectant. Morphological evaluation was by microscopy and video recording. Metabolic activity and survival rate were determined by FDA and PI staining, by recovery of the ability to reassociate after 24 h culture in Leibovitz L15 + 2% Ultroser, and by measuring DNA synthesis in 6B cells by the method of BrdU incorporation. Survival rates were 53 +/- 9.3, 88 +/- 1.7, and 95 +/- 0.5% for stage 6A, 6B, and 6C cells, respectively. While 6A cells reassociated into clumps of cells, 6B and 6C cells formed holoblastic morulas in 24 h; proliferation of 6B cells was comparable to fresh control cells. The relationship between freezing tolerance and the physiological events occurring during early embryonic development is discussed in light of these results and conclusions are drawn that envisage the transfer of frozen-thawed blastomeres into recipient embryos. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were obtained from the kidney and gill tissues of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, infected with infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV). The results of single-pass sequencing of ESTs from 198 clones (AU081027–AU081192) from kidney complementary DNA and 45 clones (AU081193–AU081236) from gill cDNA are reported herein. Sequences of the cDNA clones were compared with sequences in the GenBank database. Fourteen clones (20%) appeared to be completely unknown and may represent newly described genes, whereas 158 clones (80%) were identified on the basis of matches to sequences in the database. Three of the unidentified sequences were isolated from both the kidney and the gill cDNA libraries. However, no sequences were identical between kidney and gill clones. Received December 7, 1999; accepted April 28, 2000.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been used as an indicator of transgene expression in living cells and organisms. For testing the utility of GFP in rainbow trout, we microinjected fertilized eggs with four types of supercoiled constructs containing two variants of GFP complementary DNA (S65T and EGFP), driven by two ubiquitous regulatory elements, human cytomegalovirus immediate early enhancer-promoter (CMV) and Xenopus laevis elongation factor 1α enhancer-promoter (EF1). Green fluorescence was first observed at 3 days postfertilization, when the embryo was in the mid-blastula stage. Fluorescence could be detected mosaically in various types of embryonic cells and tissues of swim-up fry. Both the percentage of fluorescent cells and the fluorescence intensity of GFP-expressing cells on blastoderms, measured with a microscopic photometry system, were highest in CMV-EGFP-microinjected embryos. We conclude that GFP is capable of producing detectable fluorescence in rainbow trout, and can be a powerful tool as a cell marker and reporter gene for cold-water fish, and that analysis of GFP expression in living cells is useful for characterizing the activity of cis-elements in vivo. Received December 21, 1998; accepted March 31, 1999.  相似文献   

Sugars are utilized poorly in fish mainly because of low rates of transport across plasma membrane and phosphorylation. To evaluate whether it is possible to augment carbohydrate metabolism in fish using heterologous genes, expression of human glucose transporter type 1 (hGLUT1) and rat hexokinase type II (rHKII) complementary DNAs cloned with cytomegalovirus promoter was followed in rainbow trout embryos. Both genes were transcribed. Hexokinase activity, undetectable in control, was found in transformed blastulas. Increased rates of 14C-methylglucose uptake and sensitivity to cytochalasin B indicated the presence of facilitative hexose transport due to hGLUT1 expression. Effect of hGLUT1 on production of 14CO2 from glucose was greater than that of rHKII. Coexpression of the genes did not increase the rate of glucose oxidation compared with expression of hGLUT1 alone. Received; accepted June 30, 1998.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. An intracellular protozoon was discovered in the epithelium of young rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) exposed for as short a time as 1 hr to water known to contain infective stages of Myxosoma cerebralis. Light- and electron-microscopic examination of this tissue revealed what appeared to be a proliferative stage (presumptive schizont) of a sporozoon; other possible stages in the life cycle were also observed. The relationship of this unidentified protozoon to M. cerebralis remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Smears were taken from the eyes, spleen and blood from rainbow trout collected from a fish farm and classified as clinically sick, under treatment, recovered and apparently healthy. The smears were examined microscopically and the bacteria present identified as Aeromonads or Streptococci. The results indicated a high incidence of Aeromonads in the eye and the spleen but not the blood in all groups including those apparently healthy while streptococci were present in the blood as well as the eye and the spleen.  相似文献   

Summary The morphologic and functional properties of explant out-growth cells and epithelial cells isolated from swine trachea epithelium by proteolysis were examined. A mixed population of ciliated, serous, and basal cells, obtained from out-growths, from proteolysis of trachea epithelium, and from unattached explants in organ culture, all yielded cell cultures that were composed almost entirely of mucus-secreting cells. When the cells were grown in primary or secondary culture on a modified collagen matrix in supplemented HAM:DMEM (1:1) medium they expressed a mucus-secreting phenotype with numerous mucus granules at various stages of maturation and incorporated [3H]GlcN and35SO4 into secreted mucin glycoproteins. Results obtained in these studies suggest that extensive transdifferentiation of ciliated and serous cells to mucus-secreting cells occurs after the release and during subsequent attachment and culture. Ciliated cells containing mucus granules were seen in various stages of cilia resorption. Basal cells containing mucus granules were also frequently observed. The number of mucus-secreting cells and the synthesis of mucin glycoproteins increased dramatically with time of attachment and culture, whereas cell proliferation, population doubling time of 72 h, and incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA increased much more slowly. The number of mucus-secreting cells correlated closely with the level of secretion of mucin glycoproteins. Taken collectively, these studies help to elucidate the transdifferentiation process, which dramatically increases the number of mucus-secreting cells after disruption and release of epithelial cells from swine tracheobronchial epithelium. A similar mechanism involving disruption of the extracellular matrix may be involved in the stimulation of hypersecretion of mucus and mucin glycoproteins by chemical and infections irritants.  相似文献   

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