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The α-glucosidase gene (agdA) of Aspergillus nidulans has a single CGGN8CGG type AmyR binding site in its promoter region. The binding site is functional in vivo as a cis-element responsible for induction by starch, and mutational studies indicated that both the CGG triplets are required for high-level induction. A part of AmyR (residues 1-411; AmyR1-411), which was produced as a MalE fusion protein in E. coli, bound to the CGGN8CGG site of the agdA promoter. DNA binding profiles to the mutant binding sites that lacked both or either one of the CGG triplets suggested that AmyR1-411 can bind to a single CGG triplet site with low affinity and that two AmyR molecules cooperatively bind to the CGG direct repeat.  相似文献   

Generation of high-affinity monoclonal antibodies by immunization of chickens is a valuable strategy, particularly for obtaining antibodies directed against epitopes that are conserved in mammals. A generic procedure is established for the humanization of chicken-derived antibodies. To this end, high-affinity binders of the epidermal growth factor receptor extracellular domain are isolated from immunized chickens using yeast surface display. Complementarity determining regions (CDRs) of two high-affinity binders are grafted onto a human acceptor framework. Simultaneously, Vernier zone residues, responsible for spatial CDR arrangement, are partially randomized. A yeast surface display library comprising ≈300 000 variants is screened for high-affinity binders in the scFv and Fab formats. Next-generation sequencing discloses humanized antibody variants with restored affinity and improved protein characteristics compared to the parental chicken antibodies. Furthermore, the sequencing data give new insights into the importance of antibody format, used during the humanization process. Starting from the antibody repertoire of immunized chickens, this work features an effective and fast high-throughput approach for the generation of multiple humanized antibodies with potential therapeutic relevance.  相似文献   

Stability evaluation of many mutants can lead to a better understanding of the sequence determinants of a structural motif and of factors governing protein stability and protein evolution. The traditional biophysical analysis of protein stability is low throughput, limiting our ability to widely explore sequence space in a quantitative manner. In this study, we have developed a high-throughput library screening method for quantifying stability changes, which is based on protein fragment reconstitution and yeast surface display. Our method exploits the thermodynamic linkage between protein stability and fragment reconstitution and the ability of the yeast surface display technique to quantitatively evaluate protein-protein interactions. The method was applied to a fibronectin type III (FN3) domain. Characterization of fragment reconstitution was facilitated by the co-expression of two FN3 fragments, thus establishing a yeast surface two-hybrid method. Importantly, our method does not rely on competition between clones and thus eliminates a common limitation of high-throughput selection methods in which the most stable variants are recovered predominantly. Thus, it allows for the isolation of sequences that exhibit a desired level of stability. We identified more than 100 unique sequences for a β-bulge motif, which was significantly more informative than natural sequences of the FN3 family in revealing the sequence determinants for the β-bulge. Our method provides a powerful means for the rapid assessment of the stability of many variants, for the systematic assessment of the contribution of different factors to protein stability, and for enhancement of the protein stability.  相似文献   

Two distinct spontaneous variants of the murine anti-digoxin hybridoma 26-10 were isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting for reduced affinity of surface antibody for antigen. Nucleotide and partial amino acid sequencing of the variant antibody variable regions revealed that 1 variant had a single amino acid substitution: Lys for Asn at heavy chain position 35. The second variant antibody had 2 heavy chain substitutions: Tyr for Asn at position 35, and Met for Arg at position 38. Mutagenesis experiments confirmed that the position 35 substitutions were solely responsible for the markedly reduced affinity of both variant antibodies. Several mutants with more conservative position 35 substitutions were engineered to ascertain the contribution of Asn 35 to the binding of digoxin to antibody 26-10. Replacement of Asn with Gln reduced affinity for digoxin 10-fold relative to the wild-type antibody, but maintained wild-type fine specificity for cardiac glycoside analogues. All other substitutions (Val, Thr, Leu, Ala, and Asp) reduced affinity by at least 90-fold and caused distinct shifts in fine specificity. The Ala mutant demonstrated greatly increased relative affinities for 16-acetylated haptens and haptens with a saturated lactone. The X-ray crystal structure of the 26-10 Fab in complex with digoxin (Jeffrey PD et al., 1993, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 90:10310-10314) reveals that the position 35 Asn contacts hapten and forms hydrogen bonds with 2 other contact residues. The reductions in affinity of the position 35 mutants for digoxin are greater than expected based upon the small hapten contact area provided by the wild-type Asn. We therefore performed molecular modeling experiments which suggested that substitution of Gln or Asp can maintain these hydrogen bonds whereas the other substituted side chains cannot. The altered binding of the Asp mutant may be due to the introduction of a negative charge. The similarities in binding of the wild-type and Gln-mutant antibodies, however, suggest that these hydrogen bonds are important for maintaining the architecture of the binding site and therefore the affinity and specificity of this antibody. The Ala mutant eliminates the wild-type hydrogen bonding, and molecular modeling suggests that the reduced side-chain volume also provides space that can accommodate a congener with a 16-acetyl group or saturated lactone, accounting for the altered fine specificity of this antibody.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence derived from a genomic clone and two cDNA clones of the creA gene of Aspergillus nidulans is presented. The gene contains no introns. The derived polypeptide of 415 amino acids contains two zinc fingers of the C2H2 class, frequent S(T)PXX motifs, and an alanine-rich region indicative of a DNA-binding repressor protein. The amino acid sequence of the zinc finger region has 84% similarity to the zinc finger region of Mig1, a protein involved in carbon catabolite repression in yeast cells, and it is related both to the mammalian Egr1 and Egr2 proteins and to the Wilms' tumor protein. A deletion removing the creA gene was obtained, by using in vitro techniques, in both a heterokaryon and a diploid strain but was unobtainable in a pure haploid condition. Evidence is presented suggesting that the phenotype of such a deletion, when not complemented by another creA allele, is leaky lethality allowing limited germination of the spore but not colony formation. This phenotype is far more extreme than that of any of the in vivo-generated mutations, and thus either the gene product may have an activator activity as well as a repressor function or some residual repressor function may be required for full viability.  相似文献   

核桃JrCBF基因的克隆与表达和单核苷酸多态性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据CBF基因氨基酸保守序列设计简并引物,运用cDNA末端快速扩增(RACE)技术克隆核桃JrCBF基因cDNA全长序列。用实时荧光定量PCR分析JrCBF基因在低温胁迫下的表达模式,并分析JrCBF基因的单核苷酸多态性。结果获得长度为879 bp的CBF基因cDNA全长序列,编码214个氨基酸,命名为JrCBF;低温能诱导JrCBF基因的表达,4℃处理2 h后表达量开始增加,8 h后达到最大值;自然越冬条件下,JrCBF基因在花芽中表达量呈现先上升后下降的趋势,在寒冬时期(1月份)表达量最高;单核苷酸多态性分析JrCBF基因序列中有28个SNPs位点和7个Indels标记,存在2个突变热点区;单倍型分析显示15份材料可分为9个单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.9238。本研究为通过基因工程手段培育抗寒核桃品种和分子标记辅助育种提供了帮助。  相似文献   

Amino acid uptake in fungi is mediated by general and specialized members of the yeast amino acid transporter (YAT) family, a branch of the amino acid polyamine organocation (APC) transporter superfamily. PrnB, a highly specific l-proline transporter, only weakly recognizes other Put4p substrates, its Saccharomyces cerevisiae orthologue. Taking advantage of the high sequence similarity between the two transporters, we combined molecular modeling, induced fit docking, genetic, and biochemical approaches to investigate the molecular basis of this difference and identify residues governing substrate binding and specificity. We demonstrate that l-proline is recognized by PrnB via interactions with residues within TMS1 (Gly56, Thr57), TMS3 (Glu138), and TMS6 (Phe248), which are evolutionary conserved in YATs, whereas specificity is achieved by subtle amino acid substitutions in variable residues. Put4p-mimicking substitutions in TMS3 (S130C), TMS6 (F252L, S253G), TMS8 (W351F), and TMS10 (T414S) broadened the specificity of PrnB, enabling it to recognize more efficiently l-alanine, l-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid, and glycine without significantly affecting the apparent Km for l-proline. S253G and W351F could transport l-alanine, whereas T414S, despite displaying reduced proline uptake, could transport l-alanine and glycine, a phenotype suppressed by the S130C mutation. A combination of all five Put4p-ressembling substitutions resulted in a functional allele that could also transport l-alanine and glycine, displaying a specificity profile impressively similar to that of Put4p. Our results support a model where residues in these positions determine specificity by interacting with the substrates, acting as gating elements, altering the flexibility of the substrate binding core, or affecting conformational changes of the transport cycle.  相似文献   

Although the process of conidial germination in filamentous fungi has been extensively studied, many aspects remain to be elucidated since the asexual spore or conidium is vital in their life cycle. Breakage and reformation of cell wall polymer bonds along with the maintenance of cell wall plasticity during conidia germination depend upon a range of hydrolytic enzymes whose activity is analogous to that of expansins, a highly conserved group of plant cell wall proteins with characteristic wall loosening activity. In the current study, we identified and characterized the eglD gene in Aspergillus nidulans, an expansin-like gene the product of which shows strong similarities with bacterial and fungal endo-beta1,4-glucanases. However, we failed to show such activity in vitro. The eglD gene is constitutively expressed in all developmental stages and compartments of A. nidulans asexual life cycle. However, the EglD protein is exclusively present in conidial cell walls. The role of the EglD protein in morphogenesis, growth and germination rate of conidia was investigated. Our results show that EglD is a conidial cell wall localized expansin-like protein, which could be involved in cell wall remodeling during germination.  相似文献   

A homolog of Aspergillus nidulans pdcA that is probably one of the most highly expressed in Aspergillus oryzae ATCC 22788 was isolated, as measured by the frequency among randomly selected 324 expressed sequence tags. It has an 1,632 bp open reading frame for a polypeptide of about 60 kDa. Its amino acid sequence revealed 74% identity and 84% similarity to that of A. nidulans pyruvate decarboxylase.  相似文献   

β1,3-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖转移酶-2,-8(β3GnT-2, β3GnT-8)共同参与多聚N-乙酰氨基乳糖([Galβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→3]n)的合成,从而使得细胞表面的相应糖链结 构延长进而影响细胞的恶性转化.已有研究表明,在全反式维甲酸诱导人白血病细胞株 HL-60分化过程中β3GnT-2,-8的表达上调,但其分子机制不明.本文旨在探讨ATRA诱导 HL-60分化过程中,转录因子Ets-1对β3GnT-2,-8表达调控的分子机制.采用10-6 mol/L ATRA 诱导人白血病细胞株HL-60向粒系分化,RT-PCR检测到细胞中Ets-1的表达 明显增加;进一步采用染色质免疫沉淀(ChIP)结合电泳迁移率变动实验(EMSA)检测 证实,有活化的Ets-1结合至β3GnT-2/-8基因调控区. 以上结果表明,转录因子Ets-1对 人白血病细胞株HL-60分化过程中β3GnT-2,-8基因有表达调控作用.  相似文献   

鳜鱼基因表达转录分析中的内参选择比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前基因表达的转录分析多采用单一或多个看家基因作为内参来校正目的基因的表达量。该实验以鳜鱼6个不同组织和5个不同胚胎发育阶段为研究对象,应用实时荧光定量PCR技术,观察了GAPDH、β-actin和18S rRNA三个看家基因mRNA水平的表达情况。geNorm统计分析表明,胚胎发育阶段β-actin表达最为稳定;不同的组织样品间,GAPDH表达最为稳定;而18S rRNA 的表达在不同的发育阶段不稳定。当利用多基因作为内参时,使用两个最稳定表达的看家基因即可对目的基因的表达进行准确校正。该结果证实了基因表达转录分析中内参基因选择的必要性,同时为鳜鱼等鱼类基因表达分析时内参基因的选择提供有价值的参考  相似文献   

Abstract On minimal medium in the absence of added choline, conidiospores of the cho C3 choline-requiring mutant of Aspergillus nidulans germinated and grew normally for approximately 17 h at 37°C. After this period a characteristic aberant morphology was produced by the swelling of small regions at or close to the majority of hyphal apices, creating spherical structures up to 10 μm in diameter from hyphae which were typically 1–2 μm in diameter. During the swelling of these structures, apical extension showed and stopped. This apparently indicated a switch from polarised to unpolarised growth. Electron microscopic examination of ultrathin sections of the swellings indicated that they had thicker walls (158.2 ± 42.1 nm) than the immediately adjacent hyphae (88.0 ± 17.6 nm) and that wall thickness of the swellings increased with increasing age and size. However, the absence of any accumulation of cytoplasmic vesicles within the swellings indicated that they were not simply produced by diversion that they normal polarised flow of vesicles from the tip to the side walls of hyphae.  相似文献   

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