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Extracellular matrix (ECM) underlies a complicated multicellular architecture that is subjected to significant forces from mechanical environment. Although various components of the ECM have been enumerated, mechanisms that evolve the sophisticated ECM architecture remain to be addressed. Here we show that periostin, a matricellular protein, promotes incorporation of tenascin-C into the ECM and organizes a meshwork architecture of the ECM. We found that both periostin null mice and tenascin-C null mice exhibited a similar phenotype, confined tibial periostitis, which possibly corresponds to medial tibial stress syndrome in human sports injuries. Periostin possessed adjacent domains that bind to tenascin-C and the other ECM protein: fibronectin and type I collagen, respectively. These adjacent domains functioned as a bridge between tenascin-C and the ECM, which increased deposition of tenascin-C on the ECM. The deposition of hexabrachions of tenascin-C may stabilize bifurcations of the ECM fibrils, which is integrated into the extracellular meshwork architecture. This study suggests a role for periostin in adaptation of the ECM architecture in the mechanical environment.  相似文献   

The olfactory system has a remarkable ability to detect and discriminate a vast variety of odorant molecules. In mammals, hundreds to thousands of odorant receptors (ORs) expressed in olfactory sensory neurons play an essential role in this discrimination. Odorants are recognized by ORs in a combinatorial fashion in which a single odorant activates a particular combination of receptors, leading to its perception as a particular aroma. It is well known that enantiomers emit different aromas in spite of exhibiting otherwise identical chemical properties. To elucidate the molecular basis for the difference, we recorded responses to l- and d-menthol in the mouse olfactory bulb and found that enantiomers elicited similar but overlapping and distinct receptor activation patterns. We then identified l-menthol-specific and d-menthol-biased receptors and performed detailed structure–activity relationship studies, revealing high stereoselectivity of the enantiospecific menthol receptor. The binding site on ORs appears to have evolved to distinguish subtle differences in very similar odorant structures.  相似文献   

熊燕飞  万里 《生物工程学报》2008,24(11):1907-1911
胶原与壳聚糖是2种具有较好生物相容性和一定力学强度的天然高分子,可在肌腱组织工程中用于细胞外基质的构建,但二者单独使用时各有不足.本研究利用二者性能上的互补,在一定的外力场作用下,采用EDC/NHS对2种天然高分子材料进行共价交联,获得具有一定空间取向和力学强度的多孔支架,然后引入细胞黏附因子RGD进行表面修饰,构建了具有较好组织相容性和细胞亲和性及适当降解速率的人工肌腱组织细胞外基质.对基质材料的力学性能、亲水性、体外降解速率等的检测和显微观察,结果显示:所构建的多孔支架材料柔软富有弹性,抗拉强度达:15.0Mpa,相应形变为:7.33%;孔隙率:79.4%;吸水率:772%;保水率:206%;在RPM1640培养液(含10%胎牛血清)和人血清中,3周总降解率分别为4.13%和37.2%,其降解速率可与肌腱修复周期相吻合,RGD修饰后材料对3T3-L1细胞具有较好的亲和性.有望成为理想的人工肌腱组织和人造皮肤细胞外基质,或整形手术的软组织填充材料.  相似文献   

KATP channels were reconstituted in COSm6 cells by coexpression of the sulfonylurea receptor SUR1 and the inward rectifier potassium channel Kir6.2. The role of the two nucleotide binding folds of SUR1 in regulation of KATP channel activity by nucleotides and diazoxide was investigated. Mutations in the linker region and the Walker B motif (Walker, J.E., M.J. Saraste, M.J. Runswick, and N.J. Gay. 1982. EMBO [Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.] J. 1:945–951) of the second nucleotide binding fold, including G1479D, G1479R, G1485D, G1485R, Q1486H, and D1506A, all abolished stimulation by MgADP and diazoxide, with the exception of G1479R, which showed a small stimulatory response to diazoxide. Analogous mutations in the first nucleotide binding fold, including G827D, G827R, and Q834H, were still stimulated by diazoxide and MgADP, but with altered kinetics compared with the wild-type channel. None of the mutations altered the sensitivity of the channel to inhibition by ATP4−. We propose a model in which SUR1 sensitizes the KATP channel to ATP inhibition, and nucleotide hydrolysis at the nucleotide binding folds blocks this effect. MgADP and diazoxide are proposed to stabilize this desensitized state of the channel, and mutations at the nucleotide binding folds alter the response of channels to MgADP and diazoxide by altering nucleotide hydrolysis rates or the coupling of hydrolysis to channel activation.  相似文献   

肌腱蛋白R(Tenascin-R)研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肌腱蛋白R(tenascin-R, TN-R)是一种重要的细胞外基质糖蛋白(extracellular matrix,ECM).分布于中枢神经系统, 主要在髓鞘形成早期的少突胶质细胞中表达,成熟的胶质细胞及某些神经元(如脊髓,视网膜, 小脑和海马的中间神经元)也有表达.TN-R具有复杂的结构,由三种不同的结构域组成,从氨基端到羧基端依次为:类似于表皮生长因子的重复片段, 类似于Ⅲ型纤连蛋白重复片段,类似(血)纤维蛋白原片段组成.TN-R具有多种复杂的功能, 对神经元具有排斥作用,促进或抑制神经元突起的生长, 诱导神经元形态的极性化, 并和髓鞘的形成有关,TN-R结构的复杂性和功能的多样性提示,TN-R有多个受体存在,已经发现的受体有F3/F11,MAG,XL1,Xprocan等.  相似文献   

High-molecular-weight N-isopropylacrylamide copolymers with small amounts of sulfonylurea (SU, typically 2-4 mol% in the feed) were synthesized by free radical polymerization in benzene. SU-incorporated polymer solutions (5, 6, 8, and 10% w/v) in a culture medium (pH 7.4, 0.15 M ionic strength) with islet cells were mixed and poured into Millicells which supported gel formation. In order to increase the gelation temperature, the SU-incorporated copolymer gel, p(NiPAAm-co-SU), was blended with the p(NiPAAm-co-AAc) polymer at a ratio of 4 to 96. Interaction between the islet cells and the synthetic matrix of SU-incorporated copolymer gel resulted in effective cell viability and such cell functions as insulin secretion. To verify the specific interaction between the SU (K+ channel closer)-incorporated copolymer and islet cells, the cells were pretreated with diazoxide, an agonist of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel (K+ channel opener), before interaction between the polymer and islet cells. This treatment suppressed the action of SU on the islet cells. The results from this study provide evidence that the SU-incorporated copolymer stimulated insulin secretion by specific interaction between SU moieties in the polymer and the islet cells.  相似文献   

The past several decades of research into calcium signaling have focused on intracellular calcium (Cai2+), revealing both exquisite spatial and dynamic control of this potent second messenger. Our understanding of Cai2+ signaling has benefited from the evolution of cell culture methods, development of high affinity fluorescent calcium indicators (both membrane-permeant small molecules and genetically encoded proteins), and high-resolution fluorescence microscopy. As our understanding of single cell calcium dynamics has increased, translational efforts have attempted to push calcium signaling studies back into tissues, organs and whole animals. Emerging results from these more complicated, diffusion-limited systems have begun to define a role for extracellular calcium (Cao2+) as an agonist, spurred by the cloning and characterization of a G protein-coupled receptor activated by Cao2+ (the calcium sensing receptor, CaR). Here, we review the current state-of-the art for measurement of Cao2+ fluctuations, and the evidence that fluctuations in Cao2+ can act as primary signals regulating cell function. Current results suggest that Cao2+ in bone and epidermis may act as a chemotactic homing signal, targeting cells to the appropriate tissue locations prior to initiation of the differentiation program. Cai2+ signaling-mediated Cao2+ fluctuations in interstitial spaces may integrate cell signaling responses in multicellular networks through activation of CaR. Appreciation of the importance of Cao2+ fluctuations in coordinating cell function will likely spur identification of additional, niche-specific Ca2+ sensors, and provide unique insights into the regulation of multicellular signaling networks.  相似文献   


Indoor mold represents an important environmental concern, but a fundamental knowledge of fungal growth stages is needed to limit indoor fungal proliferation on finishing materials used in buildings. The present study focused on the succession of germination stages of the common indoor fungus Penicillium rubens on a gypsum substrate. This substrate is used as a model system representing porous materials that are widely used in indoor environments. Imaging with cryo-scanning electron microscopy showed that the formation of an extracellular matrix (ECM) is a phase of the isotropic growth of P. rubens that is uniquely related to germinating conidia. Furthermore, the ECM is observed only when a dry-state inoculation of the surface is applied, i.e., applying conidia directly from a 7-day-old colony, mimicking airborne contamination of the surface. When inoculation is done by spraying an aqueous conidial suspension, no ECM is observed. Moreover, it is concluded that the formation of an ECM requires active processes in the fungal cell. The porosity of the substrate proved that the ECM substance has high-viscosity characteristics. The present results stress that studies of indoor fungal growth should consider the method of inoculation, knowing that the common aqueous suspension may obscure specific stages in the initial phases of germination.  相似文献   



We previously reported in vitro maintenance and proliferation of human small intestinal epithelium using Matrigel, a proprietary basement membrane product. There are concerns over the applicability of Matrigel-based methods for future human therapies. We investigated type I collagen as an alternative for the culture of human intestinal epithelial cells.


Human small intestine was procured from fresh surgical pathology specimens. Small intestinal crypts were isolated using EDTA chelation. Intestinal subepithelial myofibroblasts were isolated from a pediatric sample and expanded in vitro. After suspension in Matrigel or type I collagen gel, crypts were co-cultured above a confluent layer of myofibroblasts. Crypts were also grown in monoculture with exposure to myofibroblast conditioned media; these were subsequently sub-cultured in vitro and expanded with a 1∶2 split ratio. Cultures were assessed with light microscopy, RT-PCR, histology, and immunohistochemistry.


Collagen supported viable human epithelium in vitro for at least one month in primary culture. Sub-cultured epithelium expanded through 12 passages over 60 days. Histologic sections revealed polarized columnar cells, with apical brush borders and basolaterally located nuclei. Collagen-based cultures gave rise to monolayer epithelial sheets at the gel-liquid interface, which were not observed with Matrigel. Immunohistochemical staining identified markers of differentiated intestinal epithelium and myofibroblasts. RT-PCR demonstrated expression of α-smooth muscle actin and vimentin in myofibroblasts and E-Cadherin, CDX2, villin 1, intestinal alkaline phosphatase, chromogranin A, lysozyme, and Lgr5 in epithelial cells. These markers were maintained through several passages.


Type I collagen gel supports long-term in vitro maintenance and expansion of fully elaborated human intestinal epithelium. Collagen-based methods yield familiar enteroid structures as well as a new pattern of sheet-like growth, and they eliminate the need for Matrigel for in vitro human intestinal epithelial growth. Future research is required to further develop this cell culture system for tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   

It has been shown that adenosine deaminase (ADA; EC behaves as an ecto-enzyme anchored to membrane proteins, among them A(1) adenosine receptors (A(1)Rs). Bovine ADA interacts with A(1)Rs from many species and regulates agonists binding to receptors in an activity-independent form. However, it was not known whether human ADA exerted any effect on the agonist binding to human A(1)Rs, because of both technical difficulties in obtaining pure human ADA and tissues containing human A(1)Rs. In this study, human ADA was purified to homogeneity. Taking in consideration that A(1)Rs form homodimers and taking advantage of a new procedure to fit binding data to receptors dimers, which allows to calculate ligand dissociation constants and the degree of cooperativity between the two subunits in the dimer, here it is demonstrated that human ADA markedly enhances the agonist and antagonist affinity and abolishes the negative cooperativity on agonist binding to human striatal A(1)Rs. ADA also increases the ability of the agonist to decrease the forskolin-induced cAMP levels. The results show that human ADA, apart from reducing the adenosine concentration and thus preventing A(1)R desensitization, binds to A(1)R behaving as an allosteric effector that markedly enhances agonist affinity and increases receptor functionality. The physiological role of the interaction is to make receptors more sensitive to adenosine. This powerful regulation has important implications for the physiology and pharmacology of neuronal A(1)Rs.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi consume significant amounts of plant assimilated C, but this C flow has been difficult to quantify. The neutral lipid fatty acid 16:1ω5 is a quantitative signature for most arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in roots and soil. We measured carbon transfer from four plant species to the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices by estimating 13C enrichment of 16:1ω5 and compared it with 13C enrichment of total root and mycelial C. Carbon allocation to mycelia was detected within 1 day in monoxenic arbuscular mycorrhizal root cultures labeled with [13C]glucose. The 13C enrichment of neutral lipid fatty acid 16:1ω5 extracted from roots increased from 0.14% 1 day after labeling to 2.2% 7 days after labeling. The colonized roots usually were more enriched for 13C in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal neutral lipid fatty acid 16:1ω5 than for the root specific neutral lipid fatty acid 18:2ω6,9. We labeled plant assimilates by using 13CO2 in whole-plant experiments. The extraradical mycelium often was more enriched for 13C than was the intraradical mycelium, suggesting rapid translocation of carbon to and more active growth by the extraradical mycelium. Since there was a good correlation between 13C enrichment in neutral lipid fatty acid 16:1ω5 and total 13C in extraradical mycelia in different systems (r2 = 0.94), we propose that the total amount of labeled C in intraradical and extraradical mycelium can be calculated from the 13C enrichment of 16:1ω5. The method described enables evaluation of C flow from plants to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to be made without extraction, purification and identification of fungal mycelia.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex meshwork of cross-linked proteins that provides biophysical and biochemical cues that are major regulators of cell proliferation, survival, migration, etc. The ECM plays important roles in development and in diverse pathologies including cardio-vascular and musculo-skeletal diseases, fibrosis, and cancer. Thus, characterizing the composition of ECMs of normal and diseased tissues could lead to the identification of novel prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers and potential novel therapeutic targets. However, the very nature of ECM proteins (large in size, cross-linked and covalently bound, heavily glycosylated) has rendered biochemical analyses of ECMs challenging. To overcome this challenge, we developed a method to enrich ECMs from fresh or frozen tissues and tumors that takes advantage of the insolubility of ECM proteins. We describe here in detail the decellularization procedure that consists of sequential incubations in buffers of different pH and salt and detergent concentrations and that results in 1) the extraction of intracellular (cytosolic, nuclear, membrane and cytoskeletal) proteins and 2) the enrichment of ECM proteins. We then describe how to deglycosylate and digest ECM-enriched protein preparations into peptides for subsequent analysis by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Incorporation of strontium into otoliths of an estuarine fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patterns of Sr/Ca variability in fish otoliths have been widely applied as tracers of movement between freshwater and marine habitats, with the assumption that low salinity habitats correspond to lower otolith levels of Sr/Ca. On the other hand, fluvial estuaries can contain steep gradients in Sr/Ca, and in some estuaries, freshwater values of Sr/Ca can exceed marine values, which are relatively constant across marine habitats. Therefore, to interpret Sr/Ca variability in otoliths of fish that move through estuaries, information is needed about both the incorporation of strontium into otoliths and the nature of the gradient of Sr/Ca in the water. We conducted four experiments to evaluate the incorporation of strontium into fish otoliths under estuarine conditions, using white perch (Morone americana) as a model estuarine fish. One laboratory and the two field experiments tested the relationship between Sr/Ca in the otolith and that in the water. A fourth experiment investigated the effect of salinity, independently of the water chemistry (Sr was manipulated while maintaining a constant salinity and Ca level). All four experiments supported a direct relationship between Sr/Ca in the otolith and the water, across a range of estuarine salinities. Results also indicated that the incorporation of strontium into otoliths of estuarine fishes should be constant across broad gradients of Sr/Ca in estuarine waters. While the experiments supported past applications of tracing estuarine and diadromous movements with otolith Sr/Ca chronologies, we emphasize the need to understand the underlying nature of Sr/Ca gradients in estuaries, which may limit or confound reconstructions of estuarine habitat use.  相似文献   

MAGP1 is an extracellular matrix protein that, in vertebrates, is a ubiquitous component of fibrillin-rich microfibrils. We previously reported that aged MAGP1-deficient mice (MAGP1Δ) develop lesions that are the consequence of spontaneous bone fracture. We now present a more defined bone phenotype found in MAGP1Δ mice. A longitudinal DEXA study demonstrated age-associated osteopenia in MAGP1Δ animals and μCT confirmed reduced bone mineral density in the trabecular and cortical bone. Further, MAGP1Δ mice have significantly less trabecular bone, the trabecular microarchitecture is more fragmented, and the diaphyseal cross-sectional area is significantly reduced. The remodeling defect seen in MAGP1Δ mice is likely not due to an osteoblast defect, because MAGP1Δ bone marrow stromal cells undergo osteoblastogenesis and form mineralized nodules. In vivo, MAGP1Δ mice exhibit normal osteoblast number, mineralized bone surface, and bone formation rate. Instead, our findings suggest increased bone resorption is responsible for the osteopenia. The number of osteoclasts derived from MAGP1Δ bone marrow macrophage cells is increased relative to the wild type, and osteoclast differentiation markers are expressed at earlier time points in MAGP1Δ cells. In vivo, MAGP1Δ mice have more osteoclasts lining the bone surface. RANKL (receptor activator of NF-κB ligand) expression is significantly higher in MAGP1Δ bone, and likely contributes to enhanced osteoclastogenesis. However, bone marrow macrophage cells from MAGP1Δ mice show a higher propensity than do wild-type cells to differentiate to osteoclasts in response to RANKL, suggesting that they are also primed to respond to osteoclast-promoting signals. Together, our findings suggest that MAGP1 is a regulator of bone remodeling, and its absence results in osteopenia associated with an increase in osteoclast number.  相似文献   

Mammalian oocytes are surrounded by a highly hydrated hyaluronan (HA)-rich extracellular matrix with embedded cumulus cells, forming the cumulus cell·oocyte complex (COC) matrix. The correct assembly, stability, and mechanical properties of this matrix, which are crucial for successful ovulation, transport of the COC to the oviduct, and its fertilization, depend on the interaction between HA and specific HA-organizing proteins. Although the proteins inter-α-inhibitor (IαI), pentraxin 3 (PTX3), and TNF-stimulated gene-6 (TSG-6) have been identified as being critical for COC matrix formation, its supramolecular organization and the molecular mechanism of COC matrix stabilization remain unknown. Here we used films of end-grafted HA as a model system to investigate the molecular interactions involved in the formation and stabilization of HA matrices containing TSG-6, IαI, and PTX3. We found that PTX3 binds neither to HA alone nor to HA films containing TSG-6. This long pentraxin also failed to bind to products of the interaction between IαI, TSG-6, and HA, among which are the covalent heavy chain (HC)·HA and HC·TSG-6 complexes, despite the fact that both IαI and TSG-6 are ligands of PTX3. Interestingly, prior encounter with IαI was required for effective incorporation of PTX3 into TSG-6-loaded HA films. Moreover, we demonstrated that this ternary protein mixture made of IαI, PTX3, and TSG-6 is sufficient to promote formation of a stable (i.e. cross-linked) yet highly hydrated HA matrix. We propose that this mechanism is essential for correct assembly of the COC matrix and may also have general implications in other inflammatory processes that are associated with HA cross-linking.  相似文献   

A binding site model for the opioid family of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) is proposed based on the message-address concept of ligand recognition. Using ligand docking studies of the universal opioid antagonist, naltrexone, the structural basis for ‘message’ recognition is explored across all three receptor types, μ, δ, and κ. The binding mode proposed and basis for selectivity are also rationalized using the naltrexone-derived ligands, naltrindole (NTI) and norbinaltorphimine (nor BNI). These ligands are docked to the receptor according to the common naltrexone core or message. The resulting orientation places key ‘address’ elements in close proximity to amino acid residues critical to selectivity among receptor types. Selectivity is explained by sequence differences in the μ, δ, and κ receptors at these recognition points. Support for the model is derived from site directed mutagenesis studies and ligand binding data for the opioid receptors and other related GPCRs. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Eric J. Simon  相似文献   

Brillouin spectroscopy is an emerging technique in the biomedical field. It probes the mechanical properties of a sample through the interaction of visible light with thermally induced acoustic waves or phonons propagating at a speed of a few km/sec. Information on the elasticity and structure of the material is obtained in a nondestructive contactless manner, hence opening the way to in vivo applications and potential diagnosis of pathology. This work describes the application of Brillouin spectroscopy to the study of biomechanics in elastin and trypsin-digested type I collagen fibers of the extracellular matrix. Fibrous proteins of the extracellular matrix are the building blocks of biological tissues and investigating their mechanical and physical behavior is key to establishing structure-function relationships in normal tissues and the changes which occur in disease. The procedures of sample preparation followed by measurement of Brillouin spectra using a reflective substrate are presented together with details of the optical system and methods of spectral data analysis.  相似文献   

HER-2/neu胞外配体结合区2在大肠杆菌中可溶性表达及纯化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用PCR技术扩增HER 2 neu胞外配体结合区 2 (RLD2 )cDNA ,并将扩增的基因片段克隆于硫氧还蛋白 (TrxA)原核表达载体中 ,获得TrxA RLD2融合蛋白的可溶性表达 .通过插入偶联翻译序列 ,实现TrxA与RLD2蛋白在大肠杆菌中的共表达 .表达产物经免疫印记检测可被抗HER 2 neu特异性抗体识别 .经离子交换层析和钴亲和层析纯化 ,RLD2蛋白的纯度达 90 % .用质谱法分析RLD2蛋白的分子量 ,与预期值相符 .结果表明 ,利用TrxA表达体系在大肠杆菌中获得了HER 2 neuRLD2蛋白高效可溶性表达  相似文献   

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