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Orthopoxvirus species like cowpox, vaccinia and monkeypox virus cause zoonotic infections in humans worldwide. Infections often occur in rural areas lacking proper diagnostic infrastructure as exemplified by monkeypox, which is endemic in Western and Central Africa. While PCR detection requires demanding equipment and is restricted to genome detection, the evidence of virus particles can complement or replace PCR. Therefore, an easily distributable and manageable antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of orthopoxviruses was developed to facilitate particle detection. By comparing the virus particle binding properties of polyclonal antibodies developed against surface-exposed attachment or fusion proteins, the surface protein A27 was found to be a well-bound, highly immunogenic and exposed target for antibodies aiming at virus particle detection. Subsequently, eight monoclonal anti-A27 antibodies were generated and characterized by peptide epitope mapping and surface plasmon resonance measurements. All antibodies were found to bind with high affinity to two epitopes at the heparin binding site of A27, toward either the N- or C-terminal of the crucial KKEP-segment of A27. Two antibodies recognizing different epitopes were implemented in an antigen capture ELISA. Validation showed robust detection of virus particles from 11 different orthopoxvirus isolates pathogenic to humans, with the exception of MVA, which is apathogenic to humans. Most orthopoxviruses could be detected reliably for viral loads above 1 × 103 PFU/mL. To our knowledge, this is the first solely monoclonal and therefore reproducible antibody-based antigen capture ELISA able to detect all human pathogenic orthopoxviruses including monkeypox virus, except variola virus which was not included. Therefore, the newly developed antibody-based assay represents important progress towards feasible particle detection of this important genus of viruses.  相似文献   


The mechanism of antitumor activity of 2′-C-cyano-2′-deoxy-1-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (CNDAC) has been examined. Intracellular metabolism of CNDAC using human leukemia cell lines are described. Incorporation of CNDAC triphosphate into DNA and the consequence of this incorporation have been evaluated in vitro using DNA primer extension assay with purified human DNA polymerase α and defined DNA primer/templates.  相似文献   


For the purpose of improvement of the in vivo antitumor activity of 2′-deoxy-2′-methylidenecytidine (DMDC, 1), we synthesized its various acyl and benzyl derivatives and evaluated them for their antitumor activity against P388 murine leukemia in mice. In terms of minimum effective dose (30% increase in life span), 5′-O-stearoyl DMDC showed two-fold higher antitumor activity than DMDC on a molar basis, when intraperitoneally (i.p.) administered to mice once a day. The antitumor activities of some other acyl derivatives were almost comparable to that of DMDC, while benzyl derivatives had no antitumor activity. Results on the hydrolysis of 5′-O-acyl derivatives by porcine liver esterase showed that at least these derivatives should not be resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis for exhibiting antitumor activity. After either an i.p. or oral dose of 3′-O-benzyl DMDC, very low concentrations of blood DMDC were seen compared with those after administration of DMDC, suggesting that the inactivity of benzyl derivatives as prodrugs was due to the minimal level of DMDC in circulation after administration.  相似文献   

A new inhibitor of dopamine β-hydroxylase, dopastin, has been isolated. The dopastin-producing strain was found in a mushroom culture, and after being separated, it was confirmed to be a member of Pseudomonas. Dopastin was obtained as colorless needles, mp 116~119°C, (c=0.5, С2Н5ОН), C9H17N3O3. The catalytic hydrogenation afforded dihydro-dopastin which also inhibits dopamine β-hydroxylase.  相似文献   

A critical feature of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of human tuberculosis (TB), is its ability to survive and multiply within macrophages, making these host cells an ideal niche for persisting microbes. Killing the intracellular tubercle bacilli is a key requirement for efficient tuberculosis treatment, yet identifying potent inhibitors has been hampered by labor-intensive techniques and lack of validated targets. Here, we present the development of a phenotypic cell-based assay that uses automated confocal fluorescence microscopy for high throughput screening of chemicals that interfere with the replication of M. tuberculosis within macrophages. Screening a library of 57,000 small molecules led to the identification of 135 active compounds with potent intracellular anti-mycobacterial efficacy and no host cell toxicity. Among these, the dinitrobenzamide derivatives (DNB) showed high activity against M. tuberculosis, including extensively drug resistant (XDR) strains. More importantly, we demonstrate that incubation of M. tuberculosis with DNB inhibited the formation of both lipoarabinomannan and arabinogalactan, attributable to the inhibition of decaprenyl-phospho-arabinose synthesis catalyzed by the decaprenyl-phosphoribose 2′ epimerase DprE1/DprE2. Inhibition of this new target will likely contribute to new therapeutic solutions against emerging XDR-TB. Beyond validating the high throughput/content screening approach, our results open new avenues for finding the next generation of antimicrobials.  相似文献   

A synthetic route to (1S,2S,3R,5S)-3-(6-amino-9H-purin-9-yl)-5-fluorocyclopentane-1,2-diol (that is, the 4′-fluoro derivative of 4′-deoxy-5′-noraristeromycin, 3) is described via a fluorinated cyclopentanol, which is in contrast to existing schemes where fluorination occurred once the purine ring was present. Compound 3 was assayed versus a number of viruses. A favorable response was observed towards measles (IC50 of 1.2 μg/mL in the neutral red assay and 14 μg/mL by the visual assay) but this was accompanied by cytotoxicity in the CV-1 host cells (21–36 μg/mL). Among the viruses unaffected by 3 were human cytomegalovirus and the poxviruses (vaccinia and cowpox), which are three viruses that were inhibited by the 4′,4′-difluoro analog of 3 (that is, 2).  相似文献   

Development of reliable, easy-to-use, rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) to detect glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency at point of care is essential to deploying primaquine therapies as part of malaria elimination strategies. We assessed a kit under research and development called CareStart™ G6PD deficiency screening test (Access Bio, New Jersey, USA) by comparing its performance to quantitative G6PD enzyme activity using a standardized spectrophotometric method (‘gold standard’). Blood samples (n = 903) were collected from Cambodian adults living in Pailin province, western Cambodia. G6PD enzyme activities ranged from 0 to 20.5 U/g Hb (median 12.0 U/g Hg). Based on a normal haemoglobin concentration and wild-type G6PD gene, the normal values of G6PD enzymatic activity for this population was 3.6 to 20.5 U/g Hg (95th percentiles from 5.5 to 17.2 U/g Hg). Ninety-seven subjects (10.7%) had <3.6 U/g Hg and were classified as G6PD deficient. Prevalence of deficiency was 15.0% (64/425) among men and 6.9% (33/478) among women. Genotype was analyzed in 66 G6PD-deficient subjects and 63 of these exhibited findings consistent with Viangchang genotype. The sensitivity and specificity of the CareStart™ G6PD deficiency screening test was 0.68 and 1.0, respectively. Its detection threshold was <2.7 U/g Hg, well within the range of moderate and severe enzyme deficiencies. Thirteen subjects (1.4%, 12 males and 1 female) with G6PD enzyme activities <2 U/g Hg were falsely classified as “normal” by RDT. This experimental RDT test here evaluated outside of the laboratory for the first time shows real promise, but safe application of it will require lower rates of falsely “normal” results.  相似文献   

Anaerobic fermentation of biodegradable organic materials is usually carried out to obtain the final product, methane, a valuable energy source. However, it is also well known that various intermediates are produced in this process, e.g. ethanol, volatile organic acids and hydrogen. All these species have applications and value as fuels or chemicals. This paper shows a critical analysis of the potential of using anaerobic fermentation by mixed cultures to produce intermediates, e.g. ethanol, acetic, lactic and butyric acid and hydrogen, rather than methane. This paper discusses the current processes to produce these chemicals and compares them with the alternative approach of using open mixed cultures to produce them simultaneously via fermentation from renewable resources. None of these chemicals is currently produced via mixed culture fermentation: ethanol and lactic acid are usually produced in pure culture fermentation using food crops, e.g. corn or sugar cane, as starting materials; hydrogen, acetic and butyric acids are mainly produced via chemical synthesis from fossil fuel derived starting materials. A possible flow-sheet for the production of these chemicals from organic waste using mixed culture fermentation is proposed and the advantages and disadvantages of this process compared to current processes are critically discussed. The paper also discusses the research challenges which need to be addressed to make this process feasible.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1985,144(1):113-126
A white-rot fungus Dichomitus squalens, when grown on 1% wheat-straw glucuronoarabinoxylan under aerated submerged conditions, secreted an α-l-arabinofuranosidase (4.3 nkat/mL). The enzyme was purified 70-fold by ammonium sulfate precipitation, chromatofocusing on PBE 94, gel filtration on Ultrogel AcA 54, rechromatofocusing on PBE 94, and lectin affinity chromatography on Concanavalin A-Ultrogel. The enzyme is a glycoprotein having a molecular weight of 60,000 and a pI of 5.1. The enzyme exhibited maximal activity at pH 3.5 and at 60°, and was fully inactivated within 30 min at 70°. The Km value for p-nitrophenyl α-l-arabinofuranoside was 1.64mm. The α-l-arabinofuranosidase liberated arabinose from sugar-beet arabinan, wheat-straw and oat-spelt arabinoxylans, and wheat-bran heteroxylan, and was inactive towards gum arabic.  相似文献   

In the course of selecting a useful mutant strain for a fermentative production of L-valine, it was found that an arginine-pyrimidine auxotroph of Paracolobactrum coliforme accumulated Nδ-acetyl-L-ornithine (δ-AO) in the culture medium. The accumulation of it reached a level of 16 mg/ml with medium containing 12.5 % glucose, 2.2% (NH4)2SO4, 0.5% peptone and 300 μg/ml of uracil. The wild strain 775 also accumulated 1.4 mg/ml of δ-AO in the medium supplemented with a high level (300μg/ml) of uracil when L-ornithine (10 mg/ml) was added in the middle phase of fermentation. The mutant cells elongated under the condition with limited supply of uracil.

The mechanism of the accumulation of δ-AO was discussed from the information of relevant biosynthetic regulation in other organisms.  相似文献   

An improved method for the synthesis of 3-deoxy-3-carboxymethyl nucleosides was suggested. Oxidation of 5-O-benzoyl-1,2-O-isopropylidene-α-D-xylofuranose resulted in the 3-keto derivative, which was treated with triethylphosphonoacetate in the presence of sodium hydride to obtain the 3-deoxy-3-ethoxycarbonylmethylene derivative. Hydrogenation of the unsaturated compound proceeded strictly stereospecifically and gave the product with the ribo-configuration. Acetolysis of the resulting compound with AcOH-Ac2O-CH3SO3H led to 1,2-di-O-acetyl-5-O-benzoyl-3-deoxy-3-ethoxycarbonylmethyl-D-ribofuranose, whose interaction with persilylated nucleic bases gave 3-deoxy-3-ethoxycarbonylmethylnucleosides in a total yield of 42–49% from the starting compound.  相似文献   

The work at hand describes the production of the zearalenone (ZON) metabolites zearalenone-4-glucoside (ZON-4G), a-zearalenol-4-glucoside (oc-ZOL-4G) and ß-zearalenol-4-glucoside (ß-ZOL-4G). In a first step a genetically modified yeast strain, expressing theArabidopsis thaliana UDP-glu-cosyltransferase UGT73C6, was treated with ZON to produce ZON-4G. The substance was purified by solid phase extraction and subsequent reversed phase preparative HPLC prior to the reduction with sodium borohydride to yield 0C-ZOL-4G and ß-ZOL-4G. The identity and purity of the substances were confirmed by13C-and1H-NMR as well as by HPLC-UV. In total, 50 mg of ZON were used to produce 5 mg of a-ZOL-4G with a purity of 98%, 6 mg of ß-ZOL-4G with a purity of 99% and 5 mg of ZON-4G with a purity of 99%.  相似文献   

The cultivation of Brevibacterium ammoniagenes IFO 12071 with pantothenic acid, cysteine, and 5′-adenylic acid gave coenzyme A in a high yield. The organism was stabilized by repeated single colony isolations. The culture conditions optimal for the production of coenzyme A were investigated, and the yield of coenzyme A in the culture broth reached more than 3 mg/ml.

The advantages and disadvantages of the present method were discussed by comparing them with our original dried cell method.  相似文献   


Crystal structure analysis of 2′,3′-dideoxy-3′-fluorocytidine (1) and its prodrug derivative, N4-dimethylaminomethylene-2′,3′-dideoxy-3′-fluorocytidine (2), active anti-HIV nucleoside analogues, reveals that both structures adopt an anti conformation about the glycosyl bond. The furanose ring is C2′-endo for (2) and C2′-endo/C1′-exo and C2′-endo/C3′-exo for the two independent molecules of (1), respectively.  相似文献   



Mutations associated with HIV drug resistance have been extensively characterized at the HIV-1 polymerase domain, but more studies have verified that mutations outside of the polymerase domain also results in resistance to antiviral drugs. In this study, mutations were identified in 354 patients experiencing antiretroviral therapy (ART) failure and in 97 naïve-therapy patients. Mutations whose impact on antiviral drugs was unknown were verified by phenotypic testing.


Pol sequences of HIV subtype B obtained from patients experiencing ART failure and from naïve-therapy patients were analyzed for mutations distinct between two groups. Mutations that occurred at a significantly higher frequency in the ART failure than the naïve-therapy group were submitted to the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database (SHDB) to analyze the correlation between HIV mutations and drug resistance. For mutations whose impact on the antiviral drug response is unknown, the site-directed mutagenesis approach was applied to construct plasmids containing the screened mutations. 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) to AZT, EFV and NVP was measured to determine the response of the genetically constructed viruses to antiviral drugs.


7 mutations at 6 positions of the RT region, D123E, V292I, K366R, T369A, T369V, A371V and I375V, occurred more frequently in the ART failure group than the naïve-therapy group. Phenotypic characterization of these HIV mutants revealed that constructed viruses with mutations A371V and T369V exhibited dual resistance to AZT and EFV respectively, whereas the other 5 mutations showed weak resistance. Although the impact of the other six mutations on response to NVP was minimal, mutation T369V could enhance resistance to NVP.


This study demonstrated that mutations at the RT C-terminal in subtype B′ could result in resistance to RT inhibitors if the mutations occurred alone, but that some mutations could promote susceptibility to antiviral drugs.  相似文献   

We efficiently synthesized 2′-O,4′-C-aminomethylene-bridged nucleic acid (2′,4′-BNANC) monomers bearing the four nucleobases, guanine, adenine, thymine, and 5-methylcytosine and incorporated these monomers into oligonucleotides. Initially, we carried out the transglycosylation reaction on several 2′-O-substituted 5-methyluridines to evaluate the effects of 2′-substitutions on this reaction. Under the optimized conditions, purine nucleobases were successfully introduced, and 2′,4′-BNANC monomers bearing adenine or guanine were obtained over several steps. In addition, the improved synthesis of the 2′,4′-BNANC monomers bearing thymine or 5-methylcytosine was also achieved. The obtained 2′,4′-BNANC monomers were subsequently incorporated into oligonucleotides and the duplex-forming abilities of the modified oligonucleotides were investigated. Duplexes containing 2′,4′-BNANC monomers in both or either strands were found to possess excellent thermal stabilities.  相似文献   

The methods of synthesis of conjugates of anti-HIV nucleosides with various compounds, such as protease inhibitors, peptides, polysaccharides, and bicyclames are considered; they are designated for the combined therapy of HIV.  相似文献   

The leptin gene (LEP) is considered as a functional candidate for production traits in livestock due to its crucial role in energy homeostasis. Because polymorphisms in regulatory sequences may affect gene expression, we searched for them in the 3′UTR of LEP and analyzed their association with production traits. Four breeds and a composite line were studied. In the Polish Landrace and Polish Large White breeds, 8 SNPs and 1 indel were observed; whereas, in the Duroc breed, 9 specific SNPs were found. Pietrain and Line 990 were monomorphic. One SNP (g.+168C>T), observed in the Duroc breed only, was located within a target site for microRNA (miR-9). Association studies showed a weak association between one SNP (c.+846C>T) and abdominal fat weight in the Polish Landrace only. Thus, we concluded that contribution of polymorphisms in the 3′UTR to phenotypic variability of pig production traits is marginal. Moreover, we presented an overview of known polymorphisms (128) in the pig leptin gene.  相似文献   

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