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In an effort to discover new mouse models of cardiovascular disease using N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis followed by high-throughput phenotyping, we have identified a new mouse mutation, C699Y, in the LDL receptor (Ldlr), named wicked high cholesterol (WHC). When WHC was compared with the widely used Ldlr knockout (KO) mouse, notable phenotypic differences between strains were observed, such as accelerated atherosclerotic lesion formation and reduced hepatosteatosis in the ENU mutant after a short exposure to an atherogenic diet. This loss-of-function mouse model carries a single base mutation in the Ldlr gene on an otherwise pure C57BL/6J (B6) genetic background, making it a useful new tool for understanding the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and for evaluating additional genetic modifiers regulating hyperlipidemia and atherogenesis. Further investigation of genomic differences between the ENU mutant and KO strains may reveal previously unappreciated sequence functionality.  相似文献   

While establishing a new mouse strain, we discovered a novel mutant mouse that exhibited ataxia. Mating experiments showed that the mutant phenotype was due to a single autosomal recessive gene, which we have termed joggle (gene symbol: jog). The ataxia becomes apparent around postnatal day 12, when the mice first attempt to walk, and worsens thereafter. The life span of the mutant mouse is comparable to that of the wild-type mouse. After 21 days of age, the cerebellum weights of the jog/jog mice are significantly lower than those of the wild-type mice. These observations indicate that jog/jog mutant mice could be useful models for biomedical research.  相似文献   

Neurological mouse mutants provide an opportunity to dissect the complex mechanisms that underlie vertebrate brain development. Advances in genetic technologies have permitted the identification of genes disrupted in many mutants, allowing a molecular interpretation of the phenotypes. For several decades, the spontaneous mutant mouse reeler has been used as a model for the analysis of the development of laminated brain structures. In this ataxic mutant, the migration of many neurons is aberrant, resulting in disrupted cellular organization. Recently, reelin, the gene disrupted in the reeler mouse, has been identified. reelin encodes a novel extracellular molecule that controls neural cell positioning through mechanisms that are not yet completely understood. Analysis of the expression pattern and the properties of the reelin gene product (Reelin) suggests models for its function during brain development. Furthermore, the recent identification of genes that may function in the Reelin signaling pathway advances our knowledge of the molecular basis of neuronal migration. BioEssays 20 :235–244, 1998.© 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A new mouse mutant (A2G-adr) with abnormal muscle function is described and has been compared with the 129 Re dystrophic mouse. The mutation, which is due to an autosomal gene defect, results in myotonic-like spasms, progressive muscle weakness and a reduced lifespan. Affected animals were consistently lighter than normal littermates; comparison of organ weights and organ-to-bodyweight ratios indicated a slower growth rate in the mutants.  相似文献   

We have identified a new mutant mouse that we have named new mouse neurological mutant 3 (NM3); it may be a useful model to understand the underlying molecular and genetic basis of Parkinson's disease (PD). A mouse carrying the NM3 mutation arose spontaneously in an RIIIS/J breeding colony and was identified as having a movement disorder. Upon neurological examination of these mice, their movement was found to be slow and abnormal, with characteristic choreaform and bradykinetic-type movements, typical of PD. The importance of the gene mutation in NM3 in the molecular pathway involved in this pathology is underscored by the fact that these mice do not survive past weaning age if they are homozygous for the genetic mutation. We localized the gene mutation by positional cloning and genetic mapping to mouse chromosome 2 in an area that corresponds to human chromosome 2q24-31, which does not contain any known genes associated with PD. However, there was a significant decrease of 15-20% in the levels of dopamine, and its principal metabolite, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, in the midbrain of affected mice. Low concentrations of these substances are associated with PD in human patients, making these mutant mice candidates for studies of this disease.  相似文献   

A recessively inherited, spontaneous mutation named Spinner-IBMM (SI) was identified in a transgenic mouse colony in our institute. SI mutant mice displayed hyperactivity, including a severe circling behavior, ataxia and inability to swim. Gene mapping revealed that the causative gene was located on a 35 Mb DNA fragment on chromosome 9. Candidate genes sequencing in this DNA fragment identified a new mutant allele in the Tmie gene. The identified mutant is characterized by a nucleotide deletion in exon 5, leading to a frameshift and a premature STOP codon. It has been reported that inactivating mutations in the mouse Tmie gene result in an identical phenotype, probably resulting from defects in the inner ear. However, the exact function of the Tmie protein in the ear and other organs is still unknown. The analysis of this new mouse mutant could contribute to a better understanding of Tmie functions in vivo in the ear and other organs.  相似文献   

Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy (INAD) is a rare autosomal recessive hereditary neurodegenerative disease of humans. So far, no responsible gene has been cloned or mapped to any chromosome. For chromosome mapping and positional cloning of the responsible gene, establishment of an animal model would be useful. Here we describe a new mouse model for INAD, named inad mouse. In this mouse, the phenotype is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, symptoms occur in the infantile period, and the mouse dies before sexual maturity. Axonal dystrophic change appearing as spheroid bodies in central and peripheral nervous system was observed. These features more closely resembled human INAD than did those of the gad mouse, the traditional mouse model for INAD. Linkage analysis linked the inad gene to mouse Chromosome 1, with the highest LOD score (=128.6) at the D1Mit45 marker, and haplotype study localized the inad gene to a 7.5-Mb region between D1Mit84 and D1Mit25. In this linkage area some 60 genes exist: Mutation of one of these 60 genes is likely responsible for the inad mouse phenotype. Our preliminary mutation analysis in 15 genes examining the nucleotide sequence of exons of these genes did not find any sequence difference between inad mouse and C57BL/6 mouse.  相似文献   

We have isolated a hyperrecombinogenic Nicotiana tabacum mutant. The mutation, Hyrec, is dominant and segregates in a Mendelian fashion. In the mutant, the level of mitotic recombination between homologous chromosomes is increased by more than three orders of magnitude. Recombination between extrachromosomal substrates is increased six- to ninefold, and intrachromosomal recombination is not affected. Hyrec plants were found to perform non-homologous end joining as efficiently as the wild type, ruling out the possibility that the increase in homologous recombination is due to a defect in end joining. In addition, Hyrec plants show significant resistance to gamma-irradiation, whereas UV resistance is not different from the wild type. This suggests that homologous recombination can be strongly up-regulated in plants. Moreover, Hyrec constitutes a novel type of mutation: no similar mutant was reported in plants and hyperrecombinogenic mutants from other organisms usually show sensitivity to DNA damaging agents. We discuss the insight that this mutant provides into understanding the mechanisms of recombination plus the potential application for gene targeting in plants.  相似文献   

Gracile axonal dystrophy (GAD), a new neurological mutant in the mouse   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new neurological mutant has been found in the F2 offspring of CBA/Nga and RFM/Nga mice. Affected mice exhibited ataxia beginning at about 80 days of age, followed by tremor, difficulty in moving, and muscular atrophy of the hind limbs. The neurological signs became progressively severe, and death occurred by 5 to 6 months of age. Since the animals could be distinguished from normal mice by the abnormal positions of the hind limbs when the mouse was hung by the tail after 1 month of age, they could be bred until onset of the signs. Pathological examination revealed neuroaxonal dystrophy and degeneration in the gracile nucleus of the medulla oblongata and the gracile fascicules of the spinal cord, which could be the main cause of the clinical signs. The mutation is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. It was, therefore, named gracile axonal dystrophy (GAD) with the gene symbol gad. The mice could be a new pathological model for the study of neuroaxonal dystrophy.  相似文献   

The recessive mutant mice bate palmas (bapa) ‐ claps in Portuguese arose from N‐ethyl‐N‐nitrosourea mutagenesis. A single nucleotide, T > C, change in exon 13, leading to a Thr1289Ala substitution, was identified in the lysine (K)‐specific methyltransferase 2D gene (Kmt2d) located on chromosome 15. Mutations with a loss‐of‐function in the KMT2D gene on chromosome 12 in humans are responsible for Kabuki syndrome (KS). Phenotypic characterization of the bapa mutant was performed using a behavioral test battery to evaluate the parameters related to general activity, the sensory nervous system, the psychomotor system, and the autonomous nervous system, as well as to measure motor function and spatial memory. Relative to BALB/cJ mice, the bapa mutant showed sensory and psychomotor impairments, such as hypotonia denoted by a surface righting reflex impairment and hindquarter fall, and a reduction in the auricular reflex, suggesting hearing impairment. Additionally, the enhanced general activity showed by the increased rearing and grooming frequency, distance traveled and average speed possibly presupposes the presence of hyperactivity of bapa mice compared with the control group. A slight motor coordination dysfunction was showed in bapa mice, which had a longer crossing time on the balance beam compared with BALB/cJ controls. Male bapa mice also showed spatial gait pattern changes, such as a shorter stride length and shorter step length. In conclusion, the bapa mouse may be a valuable animal model to study the mechanisms involved in psychomotor and behavior impairments, such as hypotonia, fine motor coordination and hyperactivity linked to the Kmt2d mutation.  相似文献   

A new relaxed mutant of Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A new relaxed mutant of Bacillus subtilis was isolated by screening Rifr clones for alterations in stringent control. The Rifr relaxed mutant which is described was found to contain a second-site mutation conferring a relaxed response to an energy source downshift and was partially relaxed after amino acid starvation. The new rel locus, called relG, was distinct from the two other known rel loci in B. subtilis, relA, and relC.  相似文献   

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