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The cytotoxin ricin disables translation by depurinating a conserved site in eukaryotic rRNA. In vitro selection has been used to generate RNA ligands (aptamers) specific for the catalytic ricin A-chain (RTA). The anti-RTA aptamers bear no resemblance to the normal RTA substrate, the sarcin-ricin loop (SRL), and were not depurinated by RTA. An initial 80-nucleotide RNA ligand was minimized to a 31-nucleotide aptamer that contained all sequences and structures necessary for interacting with RTA. This minimal RNA formed high affinity complexes with RTA (K(d) = 7.3 nM) which could compete directly with the SRL for binding to RTA. The aptamer inhibited RTA depurination of the SRL and could partially protect translation from RTA inhibition. The IC(50) of the aptamer for RTA in an in vitro translation assay is 100 nM, roughly 3 orders of magnitude lower than a small molecule inhibitor of ricin, pteroic acid, and 2 orders of magnitude lower than the best known RNA inhibitor. The novel anti-RTA aptamers may find application as diagnostic reagents for a potential biological warfare agent and hold promise as scaffolds for the development of strong ricin inhibitors.  相似文献   

The modification reaction of 28 S rRNA in eukaryotic ribosomes by ricin A-chain was characterized. To examine whether ricin A-chain release any bases from 28 S rRNA, rat liver ribosomes were incubated with a catalytic amount of the toxin, and a fraction containing free bases and nucleosides was prepared from the postribosomal fraction of the reaction mixture by means of ion-exchange column chromatography. Thin-layer chromatographic analysis of this fraction revealed a release of 1 mol of adenine from 1 mol of ribosome. When the ribosomes or naked total RNAs were treated with ricin A-chain in the presence of [32P] phosphate, little incorporation of the radioactivity into 28 S rRNA was observed, indicating that the release is not mediated by phosphorolysis. Thus, considering together with the previous result (Endo, Y., Mitsui, K., Motizuki, M., and Tsurugi, K. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 5908-5912), the results in the present experiments demonstrated that ricin A-chain inactivates the ribosomes by cleaving the N-glycosidic bond of A4324 of 28 S rRNA in a hydrolytic fashion.  相似文献   

The plant toxin ricin is synthesized in castor bean seeds as an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-targeted precursor. Removal of the signal peptide generates proricin in which the mature A- and B-chains are joined by an intervening propeptide and a 9-residue propeptide persists at the N terminus. The two propeptides are ultimately removed in protein storage vacuoles, where ricin accumulates. Here we have demonstrated that the N-terminal propeptide of proricin acts as a nonspecific spacer to ensure efficient ER import and glycosylation. Indeed, when absent from the N terminus of ricin A-chain, the non-imported material remained tethered to the cytosolic face of the ER membrane, presumably by the signal peptide. This species appeared toxic to ribosomes. The propeptide does not, however, influence catalytic activity per se or the vacuolar targeting of proricin or the rate of retrotranslocation/degradation of A-chain in the cytosol. The likely implications of these findings to the survival of the toxin-producing tissue are discussed.  相似文献   

X-ray analysis of substrate analogs in the ricin A-chain active site.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Ricin A-chain is an N-glycosidase that hydrolyzes the adenine ring from a specific adenosine of rRNA. Formycin monophosphate (FMP) and adenyl(3'-->5')guanosine (ApG) were bound to ricin A-chain and their structures elucidated by X-ray crystallography. The formycin ring stacks between tyrosines 80 and 123 and at least four hydrogen bonds are made to the adenine moiety. A residue invariant in this enzyme class, Arg180, appears to hydrogen bond to N-3 of the susceptible adenine. Three hypothetical models for binding a true hexanucleotide substrate, CGAGAG, are proposed. They incorporate adenine binding, shown by crystallography, but also include geometry likely to favor catalysis. For example, efforts have been made to orient the ribose ring in a way that allows solvent attack and oxycarbonium stabilization by the enzyme. The favored model is a simple perturbation of the tetraloop structure determined by nuclear magnetic resonance for similar polynucleotides. The model is attractive in that specific roles are defined for conserved protein residues. A mechanism of action is proposed. It invokes oxycarbonium ion stabilization on ribose by Glu177 in the transition state. Arg180 stabilizes anion development on the leaving adenine by protonation at N-3 and may activate a trapped water molecule that is the ultimate nucleophile in the depurination.  相似文献   

Ricin is a highly toxic protein produced by the castor plant Ricinus communis. The toxin is relatively easy to isolate and can be used as a biological weapon. There is great interest in identifying effective inhibitors for ricin. In this study, we demonstrated by three independent assays that a component of reconstituted powdered milk has a high binding affinity to ricin. We discovered that milk can competitively bind to and reduce the amount of toxin available to asialofetuin type II, which is used as a model to study the binding of ricin to galactose cell-surface receptors. Milk also removes ricin bound to the microtiter plate. In parallel experiments, we demonstrated by activity assay and by immuno-PCR that milk can bind competitively to 1 ng/ml ricin, reducing the amount of toxin uptake by the cells, and thus inhibit the biological activity of ricin. The inhibitory effect of milk on ricin activity in Vero cells was at the same level as by anti-ricin antibodies. We also found that (a) milk did not inhibit ricin at concentrations of 10 or 100 ng/ml; (b) autoclaving 10 and 100 ng/ml ricin in DMEM at 121 °C for 30 min completely abolished activity; and (c) milk did not affect the activity of another ribosome inactivating protein, Shiga toxin type 2 (Stx2), produced by pathogenic Escherichia coli O157:H7. Unlike ricin, which is internalized into the cells via a galactose-binding site, Stx2 is internalized through the cell surface receptor glycolipid globotriasylceramides Gb3 and Gb4. These observations suggest that ricin toxicity may possibly be reduced at room temperature by a widely consumed natural liquid food.  相似文献   

A DNA sequence encoding the A chain of ricin toxin (RTA) from the castor bean plant, Ricinus communis, was placed under GAL1 promoter control and transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Induction of expression of RTA was lethal. This lethality was the basis for a selection of mutations in RTA which inactivated the toxin. A number of mutant alleles which encoded cross-reactive material were sequenced. Eight of the first nine mutant RTAs studied showed single-amino-acid changes involving residues located in the proposed active-site cleft.  相似文献   

To assess the biological activity and pharmacokinetic properties of nonglycosylated ricin A-chain (RA), we have obtained the polypeptide following expression of a synthetic 842-bp RA gene in Escherichia coli. Expression of the gene was carried out using the phage T5 PN25 promoter fused to the E. coli lac operator. The RA polypeptide was synthesized in a completely soluble form and was purified in one step by immunoabsorption. It was shown to be as cytotoxic for a human cell line as both native RA and chemically deglycosylated native RA. Reconstituted whole ricin and an immunotoxin containing the recombinant RA were also biologically active. Immunotoxins made with recombinant and deglycosylated RA had similar clearance rates in vivo showing, after a short period of rapid elimination, stabilities far higher than that of an immunotoxin made with native RA. Our results show that the complete elimination of sugar side chains from the RA is not sufficient to entirely eradicate the rapid initial in vivo clearance of RA-based biologicals.  相似文献   



Ricin is a lethal toxin that inhibits protein synthesis. It is easily extracted from a ubiquitously grown plant, Ricinus communis, and thus readily available for use as a bioweapon (BW). Anti-ricin antibodies provide the only known therapeutic against ricin intoxication.  相似文献   

M P Ready  Y Kim  J D Robertus 《Proteins》1991,10(3):270-278
Ricin A-chain is an N-glycosidase that attacks ribosomal RNA at a highly conserved adenine residue. The enzyme is representative of a large family of medically significant proteins used in the design of anticancer agents and in the treatment of HIV infection. The x-ray structure has been used as a guide to create several active site mutations by directed mutagenesis of the cloned gene. Glu177 is a key catalytic residue, and conversion to Gln reduces activity 180-fold. Asn209 is shown to participate in substrate binding by kinetic analysis. Conversion to Ser increases Km sixfold but has no effect on kcat. Conversion of Tyr80 and Tyr123 to Phe decreases activity by 15- and 7-fold respectively. A mechanism of action is proposed that involves binding of the substrate adenine in a syn configuration that resembles the transition state; the putative oxycarbonium ion is probably stabilized by interaction with Glu177.  相似文献   

Ricin A-chain is an N-glucosidase that attacks ribosomal RNA at a highly conserved adenine residue. Our recent crystallographic studies show that not only adenine and formycin, but also pterin-based rings can bind in the active site of ricin. For a better understanding of the means by which ricin recognizes adenine rings, the geometries and interaction energies were calculated for a number of complexes between ricin and tautomeric modifications of formycin, adenine, pterin, and guanine. These were studied by molecular mechanics, semi-empirical quantum mechanics, and ab initio quantum mechanical methods. The calculations indicate that the formycin ring binds better than adenine and pterin better than formycin, a result that is consistent with the crystallographic data. A tautomer of pterin that is not in the low energy form in either the gas phase or in aqueous solution has the best interaction with the enzyme. The net interaction energy, defined as the interaction energy calculated in vacuo between the receptor and an inhibitor minus the solvation energy of the inhibitor, provides a good prediction of the ability of the inhibitor to bind to the receptor. The results from experimental and molecular modeling work suggest that the ricin binding site is not flexible and may only recognize a limited range of adenine-like rings. Proteins 31:33–41, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Recently we have developed blocked ricin, a derivative of native ricin in which the galactose-binding sites of the B-chain are blocked by covalent modification with affinity ligands. This modification impedes the binding function of the B-chain, while sparing its ability to facilitate the entry of the toxic subunit of ricin, the A-chain, into the cytoplasm. Immunotoxins prepared with blocked ricin approach the cytotoxic potency of native ricin with antibody-dependent specificity. Here we report that the high cytotoxic potency of these immunoconjugates, which is attributed to the preserved translocation function of the ricin B-chain, is dependent on the minimal residual lectin activity of blocked ricin. Our findings support the notion that two functions of ricin, membrane binding and translocation, cannot be separated.  相似文献   

    The therapeutic activity of ricin A-chain immunotoxins is undermined by their rapid clearance from the bloodstream of animals by the liver. This uptake has generally been attributed to recognition of the mannose-terminating oligosaccharides present on ricin A-chain by receptors present on the non-parenchymal (Kupffer and sinusoidal) cells of the liver. However, we demonstrate here that, in the mouse, the liver uptake of a ricin A-chain immunotoxin occurs in both parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells in equal amounts. This is in contrast to the situation in the rat, where uptake of the immunotoxin is predominantly by the non-parenchymal cells. Recognition of sugar residues on the A-chain portion of the immunotoxin plays an important role in the liver uptake by both cell types in both species. However it is not the only mechanism since, firstly, an immunotoxin containing ricin A-chain which had been effectively deglycosylated with metaperiodate and cyanoborohydride was still trapped to a significant extent by hepatic non-parenchymal cells after it was injected into mice. Secondly, deglycosylation, while eliminating uptake of the free A-chain by parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells in vitro, only reduced the uptake of an immunotoxin by either cell type by about half. Thirdly, the addition of excess D-mannose or L-fucose inhibited the uptake of free A-chain by mouse liver cell cultures by more than 80% but only inhibited the uptake of the native A-chain immunotoxin by about half and had little effect on the uptake of the deglycosylated ricin A-chain immunotoxin. Recognition of the antibody portion of the immunotoxin by liver cells seems improbable, since antibody alone or an antibody-bovine serum albumin conjugate were not taken up in appreciable amounts by the cultures. Possibly attachment of the A-chain to the antibody exposes sites on the A-chain that are recognised by liver cells in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

    Approximately equal amounts of 125I-mAb 225 (a monoclonal antibody recognizing the human epidermal growth factor receptor) and 125I-labeled epidermal growth factor (125I-EGF) were bound by HeLa cells. However, these two EGF receptor binding moieties had different fates after binding. Sixty percent of cell-associated 125I-EGF was internalized. The majority of internalized 125I was released from the cell within 2 hr. In contrast, whereas only 30% of bound 125I-mAb 225 was internalized by HeLa cells, the internalized radioactivity remained cell-associated. EGF and mAb 225 were used to construct ricin A-chain (RTA) conjugates. The two chimeric molecules, EGF-RTA and mAb 225-RTA, were equally toxic to human HeLa cells. EGF-RTA was also toxic to murine 3T3 cells. In contrast, mAb 225-RTA was not toxic to 3T3 cells, consistent with the human EGF-receptor specificity of mAb 225. Neither conjugate was cytotoxic to EGF receptor-deficient 3T3-NR6 cells. Rapidity and potency of protein synthesis inhibition of HeLa cells were equivalent for the two chimeric conjugates, as was the degree to which colony-forming ability was reduced. However, ammonium chloride enhanced the toxicity of EGF-RTA but not mAb 225-RTA, suggesting that the two toxic chimeric toxins--like the unconjugated receptor-binding moieties--are processed differently by HeLa cells.  相似文献   

    In continuation of our efforts to study the solution structure and conformational dynamics of insulin by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, we have synthesized and examined the biological activity of five insulin analogues in which selected naturally occurring residues in the A-chain have been replaced with the strongly fluorescent tryptophan residue. The potency of these analogues was evaluated in lipogenesis assays in isolated rat adipocytes, in receptor binding assays using rat liver plasma membranes, and in two cases, in receptor binding assays using adipocytes. [A3 Trp]insulin displays a potency of 3% in receptor binding assays in both liver membranes and in adipocytes, but only 0.06% in lipogenesis assays as compared to porcine insulin. [A10 Trp] insulin displays a potency ofca. 40% andca. 25% in rat liver receptor binding and lipogenesis assays, respectively. [A13 Trp]insulin displays a potency ofca. 39% in rat liver receptor binding assays, but onlyca. 9% in receptor binding in adipocytes; in lipogenesis assays, [A13 Trp] insulin displays a potency ofca. 12%, comparable to its potency in adipocyte receptor binding assays. [A15 Trp]insulin exhibits a potency of 18% and 9% in rat liver receptor binding and lipogenesis assays, respectively. The doubly substituted analogue, [A14 Trp, A19 Trp] insulin, displays a potency ofca. 0.7% in both rat liver receptor binding assays and lipogenesis assays. These data suggest two major conclusions: (1) the A3 and A15 residues lie in sensitive regions in the insulin molecule, and structural modifications at these positions have deleterious effects on biological activity of the hormone; and (2) [A13 Trp]insulin appears to be a unique case in which an insulin analogue exhibits a higher potency when assayed in liver tissue than when assayed in fat cells.  相似文献   

    EcoRII Methyltransferase (M.EcoRII) which methylates the second C in the sequence CCWGG (W = A/T) is autogenously regulated by binding to the 5' regulatory region of its gene. DNase I footprinting experiments demonstrated that purified M.EcoRII protected a 47-49 bp region of DNA immediately upstream of the ecoRIIM coding region. We have studied this interaction with mutants of the enzyme, in vitro by DNA binding and in vivo by investigating the repression in trans of expression of beta-galactosidase from an ecoRIIM-lacZ operon fusion. Two catalytically active mutants failed to repress expression of the fusion whereas catalytically inactive mutants had repressor activity. However, with one of the catalytically inactive mutants, C186S, in which the catalytic Cys was replaced with Ser, and which bound unmethylated CCWGG sequences, repression could only be demonstrated when those sequences in cellular DNA were methylated by supplying a cloned dcm gene in trans. In vitro binding of the DNA fragment containing the ecoRIIM regulatory region was detected only with the mutants that showed repressor activity, including C186S. Results indicate that down-regulation of the gene in vivo and binding to the promoter in vitro are not dependent on the catalytic properties of M.EcoRII. Mobility shift experiments with C186S also revealed that it could bind either the promoter or unmethylated CCWGG sites, but not both. We conclude that the concentration of unmethylated CCWGG sites controls expression from the ecoRIIM promoter.  相似文献   

    An antibiotic produced by the symbiotic actinomycete Frankia strain AiPs1 was isolated from culture broth using optimized thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods. The novel compound that was isolated, dubbed frankiamide, displayed antimicrobial activity against all 14 Gram-positive bacterial strains and six pathogenic fungal strains tested. The pathogenic actinomycete Clavibacter michiganensis and the ooymycete Phytophthora were especially susceptible. In addition to displaying antimicrobial activity, frankiamide also strongly inhibited 45Ca2+ fluxes in clonal rat pituitary GH4C1 tumor cells and was comparable to a frequently used calcium antagonist, verapamil hydrochloride. The results of HPLC analysis, supported by both nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy studies, showed that frankiamide has a high affinity for Na+ ions. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 27, 62–66. Received 26 February 2001/ Accepted in revised form 01 June 2001  相似文献   

    Sympathetic nerves and catecholamines exert growth-promoting trophic influences on arterial smooth muscle in vivo, but the molecular signals mediating these trophic effects are unknown. We report here that the alpha-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine (PE) produced dose-dependent stimulation of platelet-derived growth factor A-chain (PDGF-A) gene expression in rat thoracic aorta via agonist occupancy of alpha 1-adrenergic receptors. Increases in aortic PDGF-A mRNA levels were rapid (maximal at 6 h, 10-fold) and transient. Among seven different tissues studied, PE evoked significant increases in PDGF-A mRNA levels only in the aorta. When periaortic fatty/connective tissues normally adherent to thoracic aorta were examined separately from the remaining aortic vessel wall (endothelium removed), stimulated PDGF-A gene expression was found only in vessel wall (presumably smooth muscle). The physiological alpha-adrenergic agonist norepinephrine also increased aortic PDGF-A mRNA levels. Angiotensin II or endothelin, despite producing blood pressure increases similar to PE, had little or no effect on PDGF-A mRNA abundance in rat aorta. PE-stimulated PDGF-A gene expression was accompanied by increased expression of other growth-related genes including c-fos, c-myc, and ornithine decarboxylase but not DNA synthesis. These results suggest a mechanism for previously described trophic effects of sympathetic nerves and catecholamines on arterial smooth muscle mass, i.e. regulation of growth-related gene expression via alpha 1-adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

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