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The viral protein Nef contributes to the optimal infectivity of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses. The requirement for Nef during viral biogenesis particles suggests that Nef might play a role in this process. Alternatively, because Nef is incorporated into viruses, it might play a role when progeny virions reach target cells. We challenged these hypotheses by manipulating the amounts of Nef incorporated in viruses while keeping its expression level constant in producer cells. This was achieved by forcing the incorporation of Nef into viral particles by fusing a Vpr sequence to the C-terminal end of Nef. A cleavage site for the viral protease was introduced between Nef and Vpr to allow the release of Nef fragments from the fusion protein during virus maturation. We show that the resulting Nef-CS-Vpr fusion partially retains the ability of Nef to downregulate cell surface CD4 and that high amounts of Nef-CS-Vpr are incorporated into viral particles compared with what is seen for wild-type Nef. The fusion protein is processed during virion maturation and releases Nef fragments similar to those found in viruses produced in the presence of wild-type Nef. Unlike viruses produced in the presence of wild-type Nef, viruses produced in the presence of Nef-CS-Vpr do not have an increase in infectivity and are as poorly infectious as viruses produced in the absence of Nef. These findings demonstrate that the presence of Nef in viral particles is not sufficient to increase human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infectivity and suggest that Nef plays a role during the biogenesis of viral particles.  相似文献   

The peptidyl-prolyl isomerase cyclophilin A (CypA) increases the kinetics by which human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) spreads in tissue culture. This was conclusively demonstrated by gene targeting in human CD4(+) T cells, but the role of CypA in HIV-1 replication remains unknown. Though CypA binds to mature HIV-1 capsid protein (CA), it is also incorporated into nascent HIV-1 virions via interaction with the CA domain of the Gag polyprotein. These findings raised the possibility that CypA might act at multiple steps of the retroviral life cycle. Disruption of the CA-CypA interaction, either by the competitive inhibitor cyclosporine (CsA) or by mutation of CA residue G89 or P90, suggested that producer cell CypA was required for full virion infectivity. However, recent studies indicate that CypA within the target cell regulates HIV-1 infectivity by modulating Ref1- or Lv1-mediated restriction. To examine the relative contribution to HIV-1 replication of producer cell CypA and target cell CypA, we exploited multiple tools that disrupt the HIV-1 CA-CypA interaction. These tools included the drugs CsA, MeIle(4)-CsA, and Sanglifehrin; CA mutants exhibiting decreased affinity for CypA or altered CypA dependence; HeLa cells with CypA knockdown by RNA interference; and Jurkat T cells homozygous for a deletion of the gene encoding CypA. Our results clearly demonstrate that target cell CypA, and not producer cell CypA, is important for HIV-1 CA-mediated function. Inhibition of HIV-1 infectivity resulting from virion production in the presence of CsA occurs independently of the CA-CypA interaction or even of CypA.  相似文献   

APOBEC3G is promiscuous with respect to its antiretroviral effect, requiring that it be packaged into diverse retrovirus particles. Here, we show that most virally encoded human immunodeficiency virus type 1 particle components are dispensable for APOPEC3G incorporation. However, replacement of the nucleocapsid (NC) Gag domain with a leucine zipper abolished APOBEC3G incorporation. Moreover, coprecipitation analysis showed that APOBEC3G-Gag interaction requires NC and nonspecific RNA. These observations suggest that APOBEC3G exploits an essential property of retroviruses, namely, RNA packaging, to infiltrate particles. Because it is, therefore, difficult to evolve specific sequences that confer escape from APOBEC3G, these findings may explain why lentiviruses evolved an activity that induces its destruction.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection of human macrophages can be inhibited by antibodies which bind to the tetraspanin protein CD63, but not by antibodies that bind to other members of the tetraspanin family. This inhibitory response was limited to CCR5 (R5)-tropic virus and was only observed using macrophages, but not T cells. Here, we show that recombinant soluble forms of the large extracellular domain (EC2) of human tetraspanins CD9, CD63, CD81, and CD151 produced as fusion proteins with glutathione S-transferase (GST) can all potently and completely inhibit R5 HIV-1 infection of macrophages with 50% inhibitory concentration values of 0.11 to 1.2 nM. Infection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells could also be partly inhibited, although higher concentrations of EC2 proteins were required. Inhibition was largely coreceptor independent, as macrophage infections by virions pseudotyped with CXCR4 (X4)-tropic HIV-1 or vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-G glycoproteins were also inhibited, but was time dependent, since addition prior to or during, but not after, virus inoculation resulted in potent inhibition. Incubation with tetraspanins did not decrease CD4 or HIV-1 coreceptor expression but did block virion uptake. Colocalization of fluorescently labeled tetraspanin EC2 proteins and HIV-1 virions within, and with CD4 and CXCR4 at the cell surfaces of, macrophages could be detected, and internalized tetraspanin EC2 proteins were directed to vesicular compartments that contained internalized dextran and transferrin. Collectively, the data suggest that the mechanism of inhibition of HIV-1 infection by tetraspanins is at the step of virus entry, perhaps via interference with binding and/or the formation of CD4-coreceptor complexes within microdomains that are required for membrane fusion events.  相似文献   

Nef is an accessory protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) that enhances the infectivity of progeny virions when expressed in virus-producing cells. The requirement for Nef for optimal infectivity is, at least in part, determined by the envelope (Env) glycoprotein, because it can be eliminated by pseudotyping HIV-1 particles with pH-dependent Env proteins. To investigate the role of Env in the function of Nef, we have examined the effect of Nef on the infectivity of Env-deficient HIV-1 particles pseudotyped with viral receptors for cells expressing cognate Env proteins. We found that Nef significantly enhances the infectivity of CD4-chemokine receptor pseudotypes for cells expressing HIV-1 Env. Nef also increased the infectivity of HIV-1 particles pseudotyped with Tva, the receptor for subgroup A Rous sarcoma virus (RSV-A), even though Nef had no effect if the pH-dependent Env protein of RSV-A was used for pseudotyping. However, Nef does not always enhance viral infectivity if the normal orientation of the Env-receptor interaction is reversed, because the entry of Env-deficient HIV-1 into cells expressing the vesicular stomatitis virus G protein was unaffected by Nef. Together, our results demonstrate that the presence of a viral Env protein during virus production is not required for the ability of Nef to increase viral infectivity. Furthermore, since the infectivity of Tva pseudotypes was blocked by inhibitors of endosomal acidification, we conclude that low-pH-dependent entry does not always bypass the requirement for Nef.  相似文献   

Nef enhances the serine phosphorylation of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 matrix (MA) protein, which suggests that MA may be a functional target of Nef. Using mutants that remain infectious despite the absence of most or all of MA, we show in the present study that the ability of Nef to enhance virus infectivity is not compromised even if MA is entirely replaced by a heterologous lipid anchor.  相似文献   

We have identified three types of cytoskeletal proteins inside human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) virions by analyzing subtilisin-digested particles. HIV-1 virions were digested with protease, and the treated particles were isolated by sucrose density centrifugation. This method removes both exterior viral proteins and proteins associated with microvesicles that contaminate virion preparations. Since the proteins inside the virion are protected from digestion by the viral lipid envelope, they can be isolated and analyzed after treatment. Experiments presented here demonstrated that this procedure removed more than 95% of the protein associated with microvesicles. Proteins in digested HIV-1(MN) particles from infected H9 and CEM(ss) cell lines were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography, protein sequencing, and immunoblotting. The data revealed that three types of cytoskeletal proteins are present in virions at different concentrations relative to the molar level of Gag: actin (approximately 10 to 15%), ezrin and moesin (approximately 2%), and cofilin (approximately 2 to 10%). Our analysis of proteins within virus particles detected proteolytic fragments of alpha-smooth muscle actin and moesin that were cleaved at sites which might be recognized by HIV-1 protease. These cleavage products are not present in microvesicles from uninfected cells. Therefore, these processed proteins are most probably produced by HIV-1 protease digestion. The presence of these fragments, as well as the incorporation of a few specific cytoskeletal proteins into virions, suggests an active interaction between cytoskeletal and viral proteins.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) enhance human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection of CD4(+) T lymphocytes in trans. The C-type lectin DC-SIGN, expressed on DCs, binds to the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 and confers upon some cell lines the capacity to enhance trans-infection. Using a short hairpin RNA approach, we demonstrate that DC-SIGN is not required for efficient trans-enhancement by DCs. In addition, the DC-SIGN ligand mannan and an anti-DC-SIGN antibody did not inhibit DC-mediated enhancement. HIV-1 particles were internalized and were protected from protease treatment following binding to DCs, but not from binding to DC-SIGN-expressing Raji cells. Thus, DC-SIGN is not required for DC-mediated trans-enhancement of HIV infectivity.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 contains a transmembrane glycoprotein with an unusually long cytoplasmic domain. To determine the role of this domain in virus replication, a series of single nucleotide changes that result in the insertion of premature termination codons throughout the cytoplasmic domain has been constructed. These mutations delete from 6 to 192 amino acids from the carboxy terminus of gp41 and do not affect the amino acid sequence of the regulatory proteins encoded by rev and tat. The effects of these mutations on glycoprotein biosynthesis and function as well as on virus infectivity have been examined in the context of a glycoprotein expression vector and the viral genome. All of the mutant glycoproteins were synthesized, processed, and transported to the cell surface in a manner similar to that of the wild-type glycoprotein. With the exception of mutants that remove the membrane anchor domain, all of the mutant glycoproteins retained the ability to cause fusion of CD4-bearing cells. However, deletion of more than 19 amino acids from the C terminus of gp41 blocked the ability of mutant virions to infect cells. This defect in virus infectivity appeared to be due at least in part to a failure of the virus to efficiently incorporate the truncated glycoprotein. Similar data were obtained for mutations in two different env genes and two different target cell lines. These results indicate that the cytoplasmic domain of gp41 plays a critical role during virus assembly and entry in the life cycle of human immunodeficiency virus type 1.  相似文献   

Here, we report that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Env glycoprotein is located mainly in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) due to determinants present in the cytoplasmic domain of the transmembrane gp41 glycoprotein (TMgp41). Internalization assays demonstrated that Env present at the cell surface returns to the TGN. We found that the cytoplasmic domain of TMgp41 binds to TIP47, a protein required for the transport of mannose-6-phosphate receptors from endosomes to the TGN. Overexpression of a mutant of TIP47 affected the transport of Env from endosomes to the TGN. Retrograde transport of Env to the TGN requires a Y(802)W(803) diaromatic motif present in the TMgp41 cytoplasmic domain. Mutation of this motif abolished both targeting to the TGN as well as interaction with TIP47. These data support the view that binding of TIP47 to HIV-1 Env facilitates its delivery to the TGN. Lastly, we show that virus mutated in the Y(802)W(803) motif is poorly infectious and presents a defect in Env incorporation, supporting a model in which retrograde transport of Env is implicated in the optimization of fully infectious HIV-1 production.  相似文献   

We investigated the infectivities and replicative capacities of a large panel of variants of the molecular human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) NL4-3 clone that differ exclusively in the V3 region of the viral envelope glycoprotein and the nef gene. Our results demonstrate that Nef enhances virion infectivity and HIV-1 replication independently of the viral coreceptor tropism.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to establish whether antibody directed against the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) principal gp120 type-specific neutralization determinant can abolish the infectivity of HIV-1 in chimpanzees. Challenge inocula of the IIIb virus isolate were mixed in vitro with either immunoglobulin G (IgG) from an uninfected chimpanzee, nonneutralizing IgG from an HIV-seropositive human, a virus-neutralizing murine monoclonal antibody directed against the HIV-1 IIIb isolate, or virus-neutralizing IgG from a chimpanzee infected with the IIIb isolate. Both neutralizing antibodies were directed against the principal neutralization determinant of the challenge isolate. Establishment of infection following inoculation of each virus-antibody mixture into chimpanzees was assessed by virus-specific antibody development and by virus isolation. No protective effect was noted either with the control IgG or with the nonneutralizing anti-HIV IgG. By contrast, the polyclonal chimpanzee virus-neutralizing IgG prevented HIV-1 in vivo infection, while the neutralizing monoclonal antibody notably decreased the infectivity of the challenge virus. Hence, antibody to the gp120 principal neutralization determinant is able both to prevent HIV-1 infection in vitro and to inhibit infection in vivo.  相似文献   

The extensive diversity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and its capacity to mutate and escape host immune responses are major challenges for AIDS vaccine development. Ancestral sequences, which minimize the genetic distance to circulating strains, provide an opportunity to design immunogens with the potential to elicit broad recognition of HIV epitopes. We developed a phylogenetics-informed algorithm to reconstruct ancestral HIV sequences, called Center of Tree (COT). COT sequences have potentially significant benefits over isolate-based strategies, as they minimize the evolutionary distances to circulating strains. COT sequences are designed to surmount the potential pitfalls stemming from sampling bias with the consensus method and outlier bias with the most-recent-common-ancestor approach. We computationally derived COT sequences from circulating HIV-1 subtype B sequences for the genes encoding the major viral structural protein (Gag) and two regulatory proteins, Tat and Nef. COT genes were synthesized de novo and expressed in mammalian cells, and the proteins were characterized. COT Gag was shown to generate virus-like particles, while COT Tat transactivated gene expression from the HIV-1 long terminal repeat and COT Nef mediated downregulation of cell surface major histocompatibility complex class I. Thus, retrodicted ancestral COT proteins can retain the biological functions of extant HIV-1 proteins. Additionally, COT proteins were immunogenic, as they elicited antigen-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses in mice. These data support the utility of the COT approach to create novel and biologically active ancestral proteins as a starting point for studies of the structure, function, and biological fitness of highly variable genes, as well as for the rational design of globally relevant vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin A (CypA), a cytoplasmic, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) CA-binding protein, acts after virion membrane fusion with human cells to increase HIV-1 infectivity. HIV-1 CA is similarly greeted by CypA soon after entry into rhesus macaque or African green monkey cells, where, paradoxically, the interaction decreases HIV-1 infectivity by facilitating TRIM5alpha-mediated restriction. These observations conjure a model in which CA recognition by the human TRIM5alpha orthologue is precluded by CypA. Consistent with the model, selection of a human cell line for decreased restriction of the TRIM5alpha-sensitive, N-tropic murine leukemia virus (N-MLV) rendered HIV-1 transduction of these cells independent of CypA. Additionally, HIV-1 virus-like particles (VLPs) saturate N-MLV restriction activity, particularly when the CA-CypA interaction is disrupted. Here the effects of CypA and TRIM5alpha on HIV-1 restriction were examined directly. RNA interference was used to show that endogenous human TRIM5alpha does indeed restrict HIV-1, but the magnitude of this antiviral activity was not altered by disruption of the CA-CypA interaction or by elimination of CypA protein. Conversely, the stimulatory effect of CypA on HIV-1 infectivity was completely independent of human TRIM5alpha. Together with previous reports, these data suggest that CypA protects HIV-1 from an unknown antiviral activity in human cells. Additionally, target cell permissivity increased after loading with heterologous VLPs, consistent with a common saturable target that is epistatic to both TRIM5alpha and the putative CypA-regulated restriction factor.  相似文献   

Virion infectivity factor (Vif) is essential for the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in vivo, but its function remains uncertain. Recently, we have shown that Vif proteins are able to form multimers, including dimers, trimers, or tetramers. Because the multimerization of Vif proteins is required for Vif function in the viral life cycle, we propose that it could be a novel target for anti-HIV-1 therapeutics. Through a phage peptide display method, we have identified a set of 12-mer peptides containing a PXP motif that binds to HIV-1 Vif protein. These proline-enriched peptides potently inhibited the Vif-Vif interaction in vitro. We have also screened a set of synthesized Vif peptides (15-mer), which covers all the amino acids of the HIV-1 Vif protein sequence, for their ability to inhibit the Vif-Vif interaction in vitro. We demonstrated that Vif-derived proline-enriched peptides that contain the (161)PPLP(164) domain are able to inhibit the Vif-Vif interaction. Conversely, the deletion of the (161)PPLP(164) domain of Vif protein will significantly impair the capability of Vif proteins to interact with each other, indicating that the (161)PPLP(164) domain plays a key role in Vif multimerization. All these results demonstrate that the proline-enriched peptides block the multimerization of Vif through interfering with the polyproline interfaces of Vif formed by (161)PPLP(164) domain. Moreover, these peptides which inhibit the Vif-Vif interaction in vitro potently inhibit HIV-1 replication in the "nonpermissive" T-cells. We propose that this study starts a novel strategy to develop structural diverse inhibitors of Vif such as peptidomimetics or small organic molecules.  相似文献   

Preintegration complexes (PICs) mediate retroviral integration, and recent results indicate an important role for the inner nuclear membrane protein emerin in orienting human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) PICs to chromatin for integration. Two other host cell proteins, the barrier-to-autointegration factor (BAF) and lamina-associated polypeptide 2alpha (LAP2alpha), seemed to play a similar preintegrative role for Moloney murine leukemia virus (MMLV) in addition to HIV-1. In contrast, we determined efficient HIV-1 and MMLV infection of HeLa-P4 cells following potent down-regulation of emerin, BAF, or LAP2alpha protein by using short interfering RNA. Mouse embryo fibroblasts ablated for emerin protein through gene knockout support the same level of HIV-1 infection as cells derived from wild-type littermate control animals. As the expression of human emerin in mouse knockout cells fails to affect the level of infectivity achieved in its absence, we conclude that HIV-1 efficiently infects cells in the absence of emerin protein and, by extension, that emerin is not a universally important regulator of HIV-1 infectivity.  相似文献   

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