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Human activities are changing habitats and climates and causing species' ranges to shift. Range expansion brings into play a set of powerful evolutionary forces at the expanding range edge that act to increase dispersal rates. One likely consequence of these forces is accelerating rates of range advance because of evolved increases in dispersal on the range edge. In northern Australia, cane toads have increased their rate of spread fivefold in the last 70 years. Our breeding trials with toads from populations spanning the species' invasion history in Australia suggest a genetic basis to dispersal rates and interpopulation genetic variation in such rates. Toads whose parents were from the expanding range front dispersed faster than toads whose parents were from the core of the range. This difference reflects patterns found in their field-collected mothers and fathers and points to heritable variance in the traits that have accelerated the toads' rate of invasion across tropical Australia over recent decades. Taken together with demonstrated spatial assortment by dispersal ability occurring on the expanding front, these results point firmly to ongoing evolution as a driving force in the accelerated expansion of toads across northern Australia.  相似文献   

Individuals in the vanguard of a species invasion face altered selective conditions when compared with conspecifics behind the invasion front. Assortment by dispersal ability on the expanding front, for example, drives the evolution of increased dispersal, which, in turn, leads to accelerated rates of invasion. Here I propose an additional evolutionary mechanism to explain accelerating invasions: shifts in population growth rate (r). Because individuals in the vanguard face lower population density than those in established populations, they should (relative to individuals in established populations) experience greater r-selection. To test this possibility, I used the ongoing invasion of cane toads (Bufo marinus) across northern Australia. Life-history theory shows that the most efficient way to increase the rate of population growth is to reproduce earlier. Thus, I predict that toads on the invasion front will exhibit faster individual growth rates (and thus will reach breeding size earlier) than those from older populations. Using a common garden design, I show that this is indeed the case: both tadpoles and juvenile toads from frontal populations grow around 30 per cent faster than those from older, long established populations. These results support theoretical predictions that r increases during range advance and highlight the importance of understanding the evolution of life history during range advance.  相似文献   

Cane toads (Bufo marinus) are now moving about 5 times faster through tropical Australia than they did a half-century ago, during the early phases of toad invasion. Radio-tracking has revealed higher daily rates of displacement by toads at the invasion front compared to those from long-colonised areas: toads from frontal populations follow straighter paths, move more often, and move further per displacement than do toads from older (long-established) populations. Are these higher movement rates of invasion-front toads associated with modified locomotor performance (e.g. speed, endurance)? In an outdoor raceway, toads collected from the invasion front had similar speeds, but threefold greater endurance, compared to conspecifics collected from a long-established population. Thus, increased daily displacement in invasion-front toads does not appear to be driven by changes in locomotor speed. Instead, increased dispersal is associated with higher endurance, suggesting that invasion-front toads tend to spend more time moving than do their less dispersive conspecifics. Whether this increased endurance is a cause or consequence of behavioural shifts associated with rapid dispersal is unclear. Nonetheless, shifts in endurance between frontal and core populations of this invasive species point to the complex panoply of traits affected by selection for increased dispersal ability on expanding population fronts.  相似文献   

In an invasive species, selection for increased rates of dispersal at the expanding range front may favor the evolution of reduced investment into any trait that does not contribute to more rapid dispersal. Thus, populations at the invasion front may exhibit reduced investment into the immune system. To test this prediction, cane toads (Rhinella marina) from parents collected from populations across the toads’ invasion history in tropical Australia were raised in a standard environment. When their immune systems were challenged by injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide, the toads’ metabolic rates rose by up to 40%. The magnitude of elevation in metabolic rate was lower in toads derived from the invasion front than in those from long-established populations. Our results support the hypothesis that an animal’s investment in immune defenses can be modified by selective forces that arise in the course of a biological invasion.  相似文献   

Evolutionary processes play an important role in shaping the dynamics of range expansions, and selection on dispersal propensity has been demonstrated to accelerate rates of advance. Previous theory has considered only the evolution of unconditional dispersal rates, but dispersal is often more complex. For example, many species emigrate in response to crowding. Here, we use an individual-based model to investigate the evolution of density dependent dispersal into empty habitat, such as during an invasion. The landscape is represented as a lattice and dispersal between populations follows a stepping-stone pattern. Individuals carry three ‘genes’ that determine their dispersal strategy when experiencing different population densities. For a stationary range we obtain results consistent with previous theoretical studies: few individuals emigrate from patches that are below equilibrium density. However, during the range expansion of a previously stationary population, we observe evolution towards dispersal strategies where considerable emigration occurs well below equilibrium density. This is true even for moderate costs to dispersal, and always results in accelerating rates of range expansion. Importantly, the evolution we observe at an expanding front depends upon fitness integrated over several generations and cannot be predicted by a consideration of lifetime reproductive success alone. We argue that a better understanding of the role of density dependent dispersal, and its evolution, in driving population dynamics is required especially within the context of range expansions.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which invasive species spread through new areas can influence the spatial scale of their impact. Although previous research has focused on 'natural' dispersal rates following initial introductions, human-aided inadvertent dispersal by 'stowaways' on commercial and domestic transport is thought to be a major contributor to long-distance dispersal. Few data exist to support this assumption. Cane toads Bufo marinus were introduced to north-eastern Australia in 1935, and have since dispersed rapidly through the tropics. Based on information accumulated by community groups in Sydney, 400 km south of the cane toads' current Australian distribution, we document high rates of translocation (at least 50 toads arriving in Sydney per year). Most toads were translocated on commercial truck transport carrying landscaping and building materials from the current range of the cane toads in New South Wales and Queensland, and resulted in highly clumped locations of toad arrival reflecting primary truck transport destinations. Most introductions involved single toads (68 of 102 translocation events), but some introductions involved two to 19 animals. Adults of both sexes were represented equally but juveniles were rarely detected. High rates of translocation of adult toads of both sexes suggest that the eventual distribution of cane toads in Australia may be limited by the animals' bioclimatic tolerances rather than by an inability to reach suitable habitats, even in areas far distant from the toads' current range.  相似文献   

At an invasion front, energetic and physiological trade‐offs may differ from those at the range‐core as a result of selection for enhanced dispersal, combined with a low density of conspecifics (which reduces pathogen transmission and competition for food). We measured traits related to energy stores and immunity in wild cane toads (Rhinella marina) across a 750‐km transect from their invasion front in tropical Australia, back into sites colonized 21 years earlier. Several traits were found to vary with population age; some linearly and others in a curvilinear manner. The relative size of spleens and fat bodies was highest in the oldest and newest populations, where rates of lungworm infection were lowest. Toads from older populations produced more corticosterone in response to a standardized stressor, and had higher lymphocyte counts (but lower basophil counts). The amount of skin swelling elicited by phytohaemagglutinin injection did not vary geographically, although recruitment of leukocytes to the injected tissue was higher in toads from long‐colonized areas. Because this was a field‐based study, we cannot differentiate the effects of population age, toad density or pathogen pressure on our measures of stress and immune responses, nor can we distinguish whether the causation involves hard‐wired adaptive processes or phenotypically plastic responses. Nonetheless, our data demonstrate substantial variation in immune systems among toads at varying distances from an invasion front, showing that a biological invasion imposes strong pressures on physiological systems of the invader.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that individuals at an expanding range edge will disperse faster than conspecifics in long-colonized locations, but direct evidence is rare. Previous reports of high rates of dispersal of cane toads (Rhinella marina) at the invasion front have been based on studies at a single site in the Northern Territory. To replicate the earlier work, we radio-tracked free-ranging toads in the Kimberley region of northwestern Australia (at the westward-spreading invasion front) and 500 km northeast, on the Adelaide River floodplain of the Northern Territory (where toads had already been present for 6 years). For comparison, we also radio-tracked native frogs (Litoria caerulea and L. splendida) at the same sites. Consistent with the earlier reports, invasion-front cane toads travelled further per day, were more highly directional, and re-used refuge sites less frequently, than did conspecifics from an already-colonized site. In contrast, native frogs showed similar movement patterns in the two study areas. Our results confirm previous reports, and suggest that accelerated dispersal may be a common feature of individuals at the vanguard of a biological invasion.  相似文献   

Abstract Cane toads (Bufo marinus) are large toxic anurans that have spread through much of tropical Australia since their introduction in 1935. Our surveys of the location of the toad invasion front in 2001 to 2005, and radiotracking of toads at the front near Darwin in 2005, reveal much faster westwards expansion than was recorded in earlier stages of toad invasion through Queensland. Since reaching the wet‐dry tropics of the Northern Territory, the toads have progressed an average of approximately 55 km year−1 (mean rate of advance 264 m night−1 along a frequently monitored 55‐km road transect during the wet season of 2004–2005). Radiotracking suggests that this displacement is due to rapid locomotion by free‐ranging toads rather than human‐assisted dispersal; individual toads frequently moved >200 m in a single night. One radiotracked toad moved >21 800 m in a 30‐day period; the fastest rate of movement yet recorded for any anuran. Daily displacements of radiotracked toads varied with time and local weather conditions, and were highest early in the wet season on warm, wet and windy nights. The accelerated rate of expansion of the front may reflect either, or both: (i) evolved changes in toads or (ii) that toads have now entered an environment more favourable to spread. This accelerated rate of expansion means that toads will reach the Western Australian border and their maximal range in northern Australia sooner than previously predicted.  相似文献   

Estimating the rate and scale of dispersal is essential for predicting the dynamics of fragmented populations, yet empirical estimates are typically imprecise and often negatively biased. We maximized detection of dispersal events between small, subdivided populations of water voles (Arvicola terrestris) using a novel method that combined direct capture-mark-recapture with microsatellite genotyping to identify parents and offspring in different populations and hence infer dispersal. We validated the method using individuals known from trapping data to have dispersed between populations. Local populations were linked by high rates of juvenile dispersal but much lower levels of adult dispersal. In the spring breeding population, 19% of females and 33% of males had left their natal population of the previous year. The average interpopulation dispersal distance was 1.8 km (range 0.3-5.2 km). Overall, patterns of dispersal fitted a negative exponential function. Information from genotyping increased the estimated rate and scale of dispersal by three- and twofold, respectively, and hence represents a powerful tool to provide more realistic estimates of dispersal parameters.  相似文献   

Combating invasive species requires a detailed, mechanistic understanding of the manner and speed with which organisms expand their ranges. Biological control efforts provide an opportunity to study the process of species invasions and range expansions under known initial conditions. This study examines the rate, pattern and mechanisms of spread for two populations of the biological control agent Pseudacteon tricuspis, phorid-fly parasitoids of imported fire ants. We employ a trap-based survey method that detects phorid flies in low-density populations, and provides data on abundance. This technique allows us to differentiate between continuous population spread and effective long-distance dispersal and to examine density gradients of phorid flies across the expanding population front. We find that occupied sites in front of the leading edge of continuous populations were common; forming small populations we refer to as satellite populations. Satellite populations are tens of kilometers from the nearest possible source. Wind governs the dynamics of spread in these two central Texas populations. Population edges expanding with the wind exhibited a higher frequency of effective long-distance dispersal than did populations expanding into the wind. This enhanced effective long-distance dispersal rate translated into a five times faster rate of spread for population edges traveling with the wind. This planned invasion shares many characteristics in common with unplanned species invasions including: protracted establishment phase during which densities were below detection thresholds, and slow initial spread immediately after establishment followed by rapid, accelerating spread rates as population sizes grew.  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of increased dispersal rate during a population's range expansion provides a unique opportunity to detect trade‐offs between dispersal and reproduction. If a high reproductive rate slows down an individual's dispersal, vanguard individuals should exhibit a lower reproductive output than conspecifics from long‐colonized areas. In the present study, we demonstrate a reduction in reproductive rate in highly dispersive invasion‐front populations of cane toads in tropical Australia.  相似文献   

Dispersal strategies are one of the most important determinants of range dynamics and a surrogate for invasiveness. We tested three inter‐related hypotheses derived from demographic and ecological models: (H1) short‐distance dispersal strategies arise at native range margins due to their demographic advantage; (H2) in non‐native areas a high diffusion rate is favoured at the advancing range front for niche filling; (H3) environmental deterioration can increase dispersal and lead to a ‘good–stay, bad–disperse’ strategy. Spatially and temporally explicit rates of spread and dispersal kernels of the European starling Sturnus vulgaris were generated for its native range (Britain) using ringing records from 1909 to 2008, and for a non‐native area (South Africa) using ringing data and distributional records since its introduction in 1897. There was a marked spatial and temporal variation in the rate of spread within both native and non‐native ranges. In the native range the rate of spread declined with increasing distance from the species’ European distribution (contradicting H1). In the non‐native range the rate of spread increased with distance from the introduction locality (supporting H2). The annual rate of spread in the native range also increased significantly when environmental conditions were deteriorating as indicated by marked population declines and relatively low abundance (H3), providing clear evidence for flexible dispersal strategies based on a ‘good–stay, bad–disperse’ rule. Starlings’ dispersal kernel followed an inverse power law and showed strong anisotropy and significant divergence between native and invasive populations, suggesting a flexible strategy comprising a dynamic response to spatial and temporal environmental variation with implications for predicting dispersal and range dynamics arising from environmental change.  相似文献   

The pattern of colonization of the Moreton Bay region in southeast Queensland, Australia, by the giant toad, Bufo marinus , is described. Estimates are made of the rates of colonization in this and other regions. The mean values obtained range from 2.5 km/year in the south to 15.1 km/year in the north. The analysis suggests that colonization has been discontinuous in many areas, probably as a result of occasional, long-distance transportation of toads by humans. The variation in colonization rate is related in a predictable way to variation in environmental factors such as temperature and topography. In areas where discontinuities are least likely, colonization rates are used to estimate rates of continuous dispersal. These are combined with estimates of population density, sex ratios and offspring number variance to obtain estimates of genetic neighbourhood size. These are much greater than estimates of the effective size of B. marinus populations determined from gene frequency variances. The reasons for and implications of this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

The evolutionary trajectories associated with demographic, genetic and spatial disequilibrium have become an issue of growing interest in population biology. Invasive species provide unique opportunities to explore the impact of recent range expansion on life‐history traits, making it possible to test for a spatial arrangement of dispersal abilities along the expanding range, in particular. We carried out controlled experiments in laboratory conditions to test the hypothesis of an increase in dispersal capacity with range expansion in Harmonia axyridis, a ladybird that has been invading Europe since 2001. We found a marked increase in the flight speed of the insects from the core to the front of the invasion range in two independent sampling transects. By contrast, we found that two other traits associated with dispersal (endurance and motivation to fly off) did not follow the same spatial gradient. Our results provide a striking illustration of the way in which predictable directional genetic changes may occur rapidly for some traits associated with dispersal during biological invasions. We discuss the consequences of our results for invasion dynamics and the evolutionary outcomes of spatially expanding populations.  相似文献   

Robust estimates of dispersal are critical for understanding population dynamics and local adaptation, as well as for successful spatial management. Genetic isolation by distance patterns hold clues to dispersal, but understanding these patterns quantitatively has been complicated by uncertainty in effective density. In this study, we genotyped populations of a coral reef fish (Amphiprion clarkii) at 13 microsatellite loci to uncover fine‐scale isolation by distance patterns in two replicate transects. Temporal changes in allele frequencies between generations suggested that effective densities in these populations are 4–21 adults/km. A separate estimate from census densities suggested that effective densities may be as high as 82–178 adults/km. Applying these effective densities with isolation by distance theory suggested that larval dispersal kernels in A. clarkii had a spread near 11 km (4–27 km). These kernels predicted low fractions of self‐recruitment in continuous habitats, but the same kernels were consistent with previously reported, high self‐recruitment fractions (40–60%) when realistic levels of habitat patchiness were considered. Our results suggested that ecologically relevant larval dispersal can be estimated with widely available genetic methods when effective density is measured carefully through cohort sampling and ecological censuses, and that self‐recruitment studies should be interpreted in light of habitat patchiness.  相似文献   

Adult birds tend to show high fidelity to their breeding territory or disperse over relatively short distances. Gene flow among avian populations is thus expected to occur primarily through natal dispersal. Although natal dispersal is a critical demographic process reflecting the area over which population dynamics take place, low recapture rates of birds breeding for the first time have limited our ability to reliably estimate dispersal rates and distances. Stable isotope approaches can elucidate origins of unmarked birds and so we generated year- and age-specific δ2H and δ34S feather isoscapes (ca. 180 000 km2) of coastal-breeding Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla) and used bivariate probability density functions to assign the likely natal areas of 35 males recruited as first-year breeders into a population located in northwestern New Brunswick, Canada. Most individuals (80–94% depending on the magnitude of an age correction factor used; i.e. 28–33 out of 35) were classified as residents (i.e. fledged within our study area) and estimated minimum dispersal distances of immigrants were between 40 and 240 km. Even when considering maximum dispersal distances, the likely origin of most first-year breeders was<200 km from our study area. Our method identified recruitment into our population from large geographic areas with relatively few samples whereas previous mark-recapture based methods have required orders of magnitude more individuals to describe dispersal at such geographic scales. Natal dispersal movements revealed here suggest the spatial scale over which many population processes are taking place and we suggest that conservation plans aiming to maintain populations of Ovenbirds and ecologically-similar species should consider management units within 100 or at most 200 km of target breeding populations.  相似文献   

In species undergoing range expansion, newly established populations are often more dispersive than older populations. Because dispersal phenotypes are complex and often costly, it is unclear how highly dispersive phenotypes are maintained in a species to enable their rapid expression during periods of range expansion. Here I test the idea that metapopulation dynamics of local extinction and recolonization maintain distinct dispersal strategies outside the context of range expansion. Western bluebirds display distinct dispersal phenotypes where aggressive males are more dispersive than nonaggressive males, resulting in highly aggressive populations at the edge of their expanding range. I experimentally created new habitat interior to the range edge to show that, as on the range front, it was colonized solely by aggressive males. Moreover, fitness consequences of aggression depended on population age: aggressive males had high fitness when colonizing new populations, while nonaggressive males performed best in an older population. These results suggest that distinct dispersal strategies were maintained before range expansion as an adaptation for the continual recolonization of new habitat. These results emphasize similarities between range expansion and metapopulation dynamics and suggest that preexisting adaptive dispersal strategies may explain rapid changes in dispersal phenotypes during range expansion.  相似文献   

1. Evolutionary increases in dispersal‐related traits are frequently documented during range expansions. Investment in flight‐related traits is energetically costly and a trade‐off with fecundity may be expected during range expansion. 2. However, in contrast to wing‐dimorphic species, this trade‐off is not general in wing‐monomorphic species. In the absence of a dispersal‐‐fecundity trade‐off, an increased investment in clutch size at the expansion front is expected possibly at a cost of reduced offspring size. 3. The study evaluated investment in female flight morphology and fecundity‐related traits (clutch size, hatchling size) and potential trade‐offs among these traits in replicated populations of the poleward range‐expanding damselfly Coenagrion scitulum. 4. Females at the expansion front had a higher relative thorax length, indicating an increased investment in flight; this can be explained by spatial sorting of dispersal ability or in situ natural selection at the expansion front. Edge females produced larger hatchlings, however, this pattern was totally driven by the population‐specific thermal larval regimes and could not be attributed to the range expansion per se. By contrast, clutch sizes did not differ between core and edge populations. There was no signal of a dispersal–fecundity trade‐off either for a trade‐off between clutch size and hatchling size. 5. These results indicate that evolution of a higher dispersal ability at the expansion front of C. scitulum does not trade off with investment in fecundity, hence a dispersal–fecundity trade‐off is unlikely to slow down range expansion of this species.  相似文献   

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