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The adenovirus L1 52/55-kDa protein is required for viral DNA packaging and interacts with the viral IVa2 protein, which binds to the viral packaging sequence. Previous reports suggest that the IVa2 protein plays a role in viral DNA packaging and that this function of the IVa2 protein is serotype specific. To further examine the function of the IVa2 protein in viral DNA packaging, a mutant virus that does not express the IVa2 protein was constructed by introducing two stop codons at the beginning of the IVa2 open reading frame in a full-length bacterial clone of adenovirus type 5. The mutant virus, pm8002, was defective for growth in 293 cells, although it replicated its DNA and produced early and late viral proteins. Electron microscopic and gradient analyses revealed that the mutant virus did not assemble any viral particles in 293 cells. In 293-IVa2 cells, which express the IVa2 protein, infectious viruses were produced, although the titer of the mutant virus was lower than that of the wild-type virus, indicating that these cells may not fully complement the mutation. The mutant viral particles produced in 293-IVa2 cells were heterogeneous in size and shape, less stable, and did not traffic efficiently to the nucleus. Marker rescue experiments with a wild-type IVa2 DNA fragment confirmed that the only mutations present in pm8002 were in the IVa2 gene. The results indicate that the IVa2 protein is required for adenovirus assembly and suggest that virus particles may be assembled around the DNA rather than DNA being packaged into preformed capsids.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated previously that the adenovirus L1 52/55-kDa protein binds to the viral IVa2 protein in infected cells. The significance of this interaction was unclear, however, based on the known functions of these two proteins: the 52/55-kDa protein is required for viral DNA packaging, while the IVa2 protein is a transactivator of the major late promoter (MLP). In this report, we have attempted to elucidate a role for each of the two proteins in the other's known function. There is no apparent effect of the 52/55-kDa protein on the interaction of the IVa2 protein with the MLP. Surprisingly, however, we found that the IVa2 protein can interact with the adenoviral packaging signal and that this interaction involves DNA sequences that have previously been demonstrated to be required for packaging.  相似文献   

Although it has been demonstrated that the adenovirus IVa2 protein binds to the packaging domains on the viral chromosome and interacts with the viral L1 52/55-kDa protein, which is required for viral DNA packaging, there has been no direct evidence demonstrating that the IVa2 protein is involved in DNA packaging. To understand in greater detail the DNA packaging mechanisms of adenovirus, we have asked whether DNA packaging is serotype or subgroup specific. We found that Ad7 (subgroup B), Ad12 (subgroup A), and Ad17 (subgroup D) cannot complement the defect of an Ad5 (subgroup C) mutant, pm8001, which does not package its DNA due to a mutation in the L1 52/55-kDa gene. This indicates that the DNA packaging systems of different serotypes cannot interact productively with Ad5 DNA. Based on this, a chimeric virus containing the Ad7 genome except for the inverted terminal repeats and packaging sequence from Ad5 was constructed. This chimeric virus replicates its DNA and synthesizes Ad7 proteins, but it cannot package its DNA in 293 cells or 293 cells expressing the Ad5 L1 52/55-kDa protein. However, this chimeric virus packages its DNA in 293 cells expressing the Ad5 IVa2 protein. These results indicate that the IVa2 protein plays a role in viral DNA packaging and that its function is serotype specific. Since this chimeric virus cannot package its own DNA, but produces all the components for packaging Ad7 DNA, it may be a more suitable helper virus for the growth of Ad7 gutted vectors for gene transfer.  相似文献   

Adenovirus binds to rat brain microtubules in vitro.   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We have found by negative staining electron microscopy that when similar concentrations of adenovirus and reovirus (viruses of about the same diameter, 75 to 80 nm, and density, 1.34 to 1.36 g/cm3) were incubated with a carbon support film containing microtubules, 72% of adenovirus on the grid, but only 32% (equivalent to random association) of reovirus, were associated with microtubules. Similar concentrations of both larger and smaller particles, such as polystyrene latex spheres and coliphage f2, also exhibited a low degree of interaction, viz., 17 to 37%, with microtubules. Moreover, 90% of microtubule-associated adenovirus binds to within +/- 4 nm of the edge of microtubules, but lower fractions (again equivalent to a random association) of the other particles bind to the edge of the microtubules. The mechanism behind this phenomenon, which we denote as "edge binding," is presently obscure; however, it provides us with a second, albeit empirical, method to distinguish between the microtubular association of adenovirus and other particles. We found that edge binding of adenovirus also occurred when adenovirus was initially placed on the carbon support film and then incubated with microtubules and when adenovirus and microtubules were mixed prior to placement on the support. In contrast, reovirus or the other particles prepared by similar techniques exhibited a random amount of edge binding. The binding of adenovirus appears to involve the hexon capsomers of the virion since (i) high resolution electron micrographs showed that the edge of the virus was in contact with the edge of the microtubules, and (ii) adenovirions briefly treated with formamide to remove pentons and fibers bind as efficiently as intact virions. Core structures, which were obtained by further formamide degradation of the virion, do not associate with microtubules. These observations support the hypothesis of Dales and Chardonnet (1973) that the transport of adenovirions within infected cells is mediated by interaction with microtubules.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicle protein 2 binds adenine nucleotides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synaptic vesicle protein 2 (SV2) is required for normal calcium-regulated secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters. Neurons lacking the two most widely expressed isoforms, SV2A and SV2B, have a reduced readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles, indicating that SV2 contributes to vesicle priming. The presence of putative ATP-binding sites in SV2 suggested that SV2 might be an ATP-binding protein. To explore this, we examined the binding of the photoaffinity reagent 8-azido-ATP[gamma] biotin to purified, recombinant SV2 in the presence and absence of other nucleotides. Our results indicate that SV2A and SV2B bind nucleotides, with the highest affinity for adenine-containing nucleotides. SV2A contains two binding sites located in the cytoplasmic domains preceding the first and seventh transmembrane domains. These results suggest that SV2-mediated vesicle priming could be regulated by adenine nucleotides, which might provide a link between cellular energy levels and regulated secretion.  相似文献   

During adenovirus virion assembly, the packaging sequence mediates the encapsidation of the viral genome. This sequence is composed of seven functional units, termed A repeats. Recent evidence suggests that the adenovirus IVa2 protein binds the packaging sequence and is involved in packaging of the genome. Study of the IVa2-packaging sequence interaction has been hindered by difficulty in purifying the protein produced in virus-infected cells or by recombinant techniques. We report the first purification of a recombinant untagged version of the adenovirus IVa2 protein and characterize its binding to the packaging sequence in vitro. Our data indicate that there is more than one IVa2 binding site within the packaging sequence and that IVa2 binding to DNA requires the A-repeat consensus, 5'-TTTG-(N(8))-CG-3'. Furthermore, we present evidence that IVa2 forms a multimeric complex on the packaging sequence. These data support a model in which adenovirus DNA packaging occurs via the formation of a IVa2 multiprotein complex on the packaging sequence.  相似文献   

Adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) DNA packaging is initiated in a polar fashion from the left end of the genome. The packaging process is dependent on the cis-acting packaging domain located between nucleotides 230 and 380. Seven AT-rich repeats that direct packaging have been identified within this domain. A1, A2, A5, and A6 are the most important repeats functionally and share a bipartite sequence motif. Several lines of evidence suggest that there is a limiting trans-acting factor(s) that plays a role in packaging. Both cellular and viral proteins that interact with adenovirus packaging elements in vitro have been identified. In this study, we characterized a group of recombinant viruses that carry site-specific point mutations within a minimal packaging domain. The mutants were analyzed for growth properties in vivo and for the ability to bind cellular and viral proteins in vitro. Our results are consistent with a requirement of the viral IVa2 protein for DNA packaging via a direct interaction with packaging sequences. Our results also indicate that higher-order IVa2-containing complexes that form on adjacent packaging repeats in vitro are the complexes required for the packaging activity of these sites in vivo. Chromatin immunoprecipitation was used to study proteins that bind directly to the packaging sequences. These results demonstrate site-specific interaction of the viral IVa2 and L1 52/55K proteins with the Ad5 packaging domain in vivo. These results confirm and extend those previously reported and provide a framework on which to model the adenovirus assembly process.  相似文献   

P J Jackson  D A Harris 《FEBS letters》1988,229(1):224-228
The specific, mitochondrial ATP synthase protein (IF1) was covalently cross-linked to its binding site on the catalytic sector of the enzyme (F1-ATPase). The cross-linked complex was selectively cleaved, leaving IF1 intact to facilitate the subsequent purification of the F1 fragment to which IF1 was cross-linked. This fragment was identified by sequence analysis as comprising residues 394-459 on the F1 beta-subunit, near the C-terminus. This finding is discussed in the light of secondary structure predictions for both IF1 and the F1 beta-subunit, and sequence homologies between mitochondrial and other ATP synthases.  相似文献   

Adenoviral (Ad) infection typically poses little health risk for immunosufficient individuals. However, for immunocompromised individuals, such as AIDS patients and organ transplant recipients, especially pediatric heart transplant recipients, Ad infection is common and can be lethal. Ad DNA packaging is the process whereby the Ad genome becomes encapsulated by the viral capsid. Specific packaging is dependent upon the packaging sequence (PS), which is composed of seven repeated elements called A repeats. The Ad protein, IVa2, which is required for viral DNA packaging, has been shown to bind specifically to synthetic DNA probes containing A repeats I and II, however, the molecular details of this interaction have not been investigated. In this work we have studied the binding of a truncated form of the IVa2 protein, that has previously been shown to be sufficient for virus viability, to a DNA probe containing A repeats I and II. We find that the IVa2 protein exists as a monomer in solution, and that a single IVa2 monomer binds to this DNA with high affinity (Kd <  10 nM), and moderate specificity, and that the trIVa2 protein interacts in a fundamentally different way with DNA containing A repeats than it does with non-specific DNA. We also find that at elevated IVa2 concentrations, additional binding, beyond the singly ligated complex, is observed. When this reaction is modeled as representing the binding of a second IVa2 monomer to the singly ligated complex, the Kd is 1.4 ± 0.7 µM, implying a large degree of negative cooperativity exists for placing two IVa2 monomers on a DNA with adjacent A repeats.  相似文献   

Six different biotinylated radicicol derivatives were synthesized as affinity probes for identification of cellular radicicol-binding proteins. Derivatives biotinylated at the C-17 (BR-1) and C-11 (BR-6) positions retained the activity of morphological reversion in v-src-transformed 3Y1 fibroblasts. Two radicicol-binding proteins, 120 and 90-kDa in size, were detected in HeLa cell extracts by employing BR-1 and BR-6, respectively. The 90-kDa protein bound to BR-6 was identified to be Hsp90 by immunoblotting. The 120-kDa protein bound to BR-1 was purified from rabbit reticulocyte lysate, and its internal amino acid sequence was identical to that of human and rat ATP citrate lyase. The identity of the 120-kDa protein as ATP citrate lyase was confirmed by immunoblotting. Interaction between BR-1 and ATP citrate lyase was blocked by radicicol but not by herbimycin A that interacts with Hsp90. These results suggest that radicicol binds the two proteins through different molecular portions of its structure. BR-1-bound ATP citrate lyase isolated from rabbit reticulocyte lysate showed no enzymatic activity. The activity of rat liver ATP citrate lyase was inhibited by radicicol and BR-1 but not by BR-6. Kinetic analysis demonstrated that radicicol was a non-competitive inhibitor of ATP citrate lyase with K(i) values for citrate and ATP of 13 and 7 microm, respectively.  相似文献   

Assembly of adenovirus particles is thought to be similar to that of bacteriophages, in which the double-stranded DNA genome is inserted into a preformed empty capsid. Previous studies from our and other laboratories have implicated the viral IVa2 protein as a key component of the encapsidation process. IVa2 binds to the packaging sequence on the viral chromosome in a sequence-specific manner, alone and in conjunction with the viral L4 22K protein. In addition, it interacts with the viral L1 52/55-kDa protein, which is required for DNA packaging. Finally, a mutant virus that does not produce IVa2 is unable to produce any capsids. Therefore, it has been proposed that IVa2 nucleates capsid assembly. A prediction of such a model is that the IVa2 protein would be found at a unique vertex of the mature virion. In this study, the location of IVa2 in the virion has been analyzed using immunogold staining and electron microscopy, and the copy number of IVa2 in virions was determined using three independent methods, quantitative mass spectrometry, metabolic labeling, and Western blotting. The results indicate that it resides at a unique vertex and that there are approximately six to eight IVa2 molecules in each particle. These findings support the hypothesis that the IVa2 protein plays multiple roles in the viral assembly process.  相似文献   

We have recently identified a protein, consisting of seven WD repeats, presumably forming a beta-propeller, and a domain identified in Fab1p, YOTB, VAC1p, and EEA1 (FYVE) domain, ProF. The FYVE domain targets the protein to vesicular membranes, while the WD repeats allow binding of the activated kinases Akt and protein kinase (PK)Czeta. Here, we describe the vesicle-associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2) as interaction partner of ProF. The interaction is demonstrated with overexpressed and endogenous proteins in mammalian cells. ProF and VAMP2 partially colocalize on vesicular structures with PKCzeta and the proteins form a ternary complex. VAMP2 can be phosphorylated by activated PKCzeta in vitro and the presence of ProF increases the PKCzeta-dependent phosphorylation of VAMP2 in vitro. ProF is an adaptor protein that brings together a kinase with its substrate. VAMP2 is known to regulate docking and fusion of vesicles and to play a role in targeting vesicles to the plasma membrane. The complex may be involved in vesicle cycling in various secretory pathways.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism for packaging of the adenovirus (Ad) genome into the capsid is likely similar to that of DNA bacteriophages and herpesviruses-the insertion of viral DNA through a portal structure into a preformed prohead driven by an ATP-hydrolyzing molecular machine. It is speculated that the IVa2 protein of adenovirus is the ATPase providing the power stroke of the packaging machinery. Purified IVa2 binds ATP in vitro and, along with a second Ad protein, the L4 22-kilodalton protein (L4-22K), binds specifically to sequences in the Ad genome that are essential for packaging. The efficiency of binding of these proteins in vitro was correlated with the efficiency of packaging in vivo. By utilizing a virus unable to express IVa2, pm8002, it was reported that IVa2 plays a role in assembly of the empty virion. We wanted to address the question of whether the ATP binding, and hence the putative ATPase activity, of IVa2 was required for its role in virus assembly. Our results show that ATPase activity was not required for the assembly of empty virus particles. In addition, we present evidence that particles were assembled in the absence of IVa2 by using two viruses null for IVa2-a deletion mutant virus, ΔIVa2, and the previously described mutant virus, pm8002. Empty virus particles produced by these IVa2 mutant viruses did not contain detectable viral DNA. We conclude that the major role of IVa2 is in viral DNA packaging. A characterization of the empty particles obtained from the IVa2 mutant viruses compared to wild-type empty particles is presented.  相似文献   

The bacterial transposon Tn7 encodes five transposition genes tnsABCDE. We report a simple and rapid procedure for the purification of TnsC protein. We show that purified TnsC is active in and required for Tn7 transposition in a cell-free recombination system. This finding demonstrates that TnsC participates directly in Tn7 transposition and explains the requirement for tnsC function in Tn7 transposition. We have found that TnsC binds adenine nucleotides and is thus a likely site of action of the essential ATP cofactor in Tn7 transposition. We also report that TnsC binds non-specifically to DNA in the presence of ATP or the generally non-hydrolyzable analogues AMP-PNP and ATP-gamma-S, and that TnsC displays little affinity for DNA in the presence of ADP. We speculate that TnsC plays a central role in the selection of target DNA during Tn7 transposition.  相似文献   

Alpha-actinin-2, a cytoskeletal protein, binds to angiogenin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Angiogenin is an angiogenic factor which is involved in tumorigenesis. However, no particular intracellular protein is known to interact directly with angiogenin. In the present study, we reported the identification of alpha-actinin-2, an actin-crosslinking protein, as a potential angiogenin-interacting partner by yeast two-hybrid screening. This interaction was confirmed by different approaches. First, angiogenin was pulled down together with His-tagged alpha-actinin-2 by Ni(2+)-agarose resins. Second, alpha-actinin-2 was coimmunoprecipitated with angiogenin by anti-angiogenin monoclonal antibody. Third, the in vivo interaction of these two proteins was revealed by fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis. Since members of alpha-actinin family play pivotal roles in cell proliferation, migration, and invasion, the interaction between alpha-actinin-2 and angiogenin may underline one possible mechanism of angiogenin in angiogenesis. Our finding presents the first evidence of an interaction of a cytosolic protein with angiogenin, which might be a novel interference target for anti-angiogenesis and anti-tumor therapy.  相似文献   

Hsp70 escort proteins (Hep) have been implicated as essential for maintaining the function of yeast mitochondrial hsp70 molecular chaperones (mtHsp70), but the role that escort proteins play in regulating mammalian chaperone folding and function has not been established. We present evidence that human mtHsp70 exhibits limited solubility due to aggregation mediated by its ATPase domain and show that human Hep directly enhances chaperone solubility through interactions with this domain. In the absence of Hep, mtHsp70 was insoluble when expressed in Escherichia coli, as was its isolated ATPase domain and a chimera having this domain fused to the peptide-binding domain of HscA, a soluble monomeric chaperone. In contrast, these proteins all exhibited increased solubility when expressed in the presence of Hep. In vitro studies further revealed that purified Hep regulates the interaction of mtHsp70 with nucleotides. Full-length mtHsp70 exhibited slow intrinsic ATP hydrolysis activity (6.8+/-0.2 x 10(-4) s(-1)) at 25 degrees C, which was stimulated up to 49-fold by Hep. Hep also stimulated the activity of the isolated ATPase domain, albeit to a lower maximal extent (11.5-fold). In addition, gel-filtration studies showed that formation of chaperone-escort protein complexes inhibited mtHsp70 self-association, and they revealed that Hep binding to full-length mtHsp70 and its isolated ATPase domain is strongest in the absence of nucleotides. These findings provide evidence that metazoan escort proteins regulate the catalytic activity and solubility of their cognate chaperones, and they indicate that both forms of regulation arise from interactions with the mtHsp70 ATPase domain.  相似文献   

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