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Three of six independently derived defective interfering (DI) particles of Sindbis virus generated by high-multiplicity passaging in cultured cells have tRNAAsp sequences at the 5' terminus of their RNAs (Monroe and Schlesinger, J. Virol. 49:865-872, 1984). In the present work, we found that the 5'-terminal sequences of the three tRNAAsp-negative DI RNAs were all derived from viral genomic RNA. One DI RNA sample had the same 5'-terminal sequence as the standard genome. The DI RNAs from another DI particle preparation were heterogeneous at the 5' terminus, with the sequence being either that of the standard 5' end or rearrangements of regions near the 5' end. The sequence of the 5' terminus of the third DI RNA sample consisted of the 5' terminus of the subgenomic 26S mRNA with a deletion from nucleotides 24 to 67 of the 26S RNA sequence. These data showed that the 5'-terminal nucleotides can undergo extensive variations and that the RNA is still replicated by virus-specific enzymes. DI RNAs of Sindbis virus evolve from larger to smaller species. In the two cases in which we followed the evolution of DI RNAs, the appearance of tRNAAsp-positive molecules occurred at the same time as did the emergence of the smaller species of DI RNAs. In pairwise competition experiments, one of the tRNAAsp-positive DI RNAs proved to be the most effective DI RNA, but under identical conditions, a second tRNAAsp-positive DI RNA was unable to compete with the tRNAAsp-negative DIs. Therefore, the tRNAAsp sequence at the 5' terminus of a Sindbis DI RNA is not the primary factor in determining which DI RNA becomes the predominant species in a population of DI RNA molecules.  相似文献   

I isolated at least 30 different vesicular stomatitis virus defective interfering (DI) genomes, distinguished by chain length, by five independent undiluted passages of a repeatedly cloned virus plaque. Labeling of the 3' hydroxyl ends of these DI genomes and RNase digestion studies demonstrated that the ends of these DI genomes were terminally complementary to different extents (approximately 46 to 200 nucleotides). Mapping studies showed that the complementary ends of all of the DI genomes were derived from the 5' ends of the nondefective minus-strand genome. Regardless of the extent of terminal complementarity, all of the DI genomes synthesized the same 46-nucleotide minus-strand leader RNA.  相似文献   

Defective interfering particles of Sindbis virus contain 20S RNA identical to that found in BHK cells co-infected with standard and defective virions. We have characterized these RNAs by their oligonucleotide fingerprints. Most of the oligonucleotides were identical to those found in the mRNA (26S RNA) that codes for the virion structural proteins. Three oligonucleotides found in 20S RNA were absent from the 26S RNA pattern and may represent sequences from the 5' end of the virion RNA. Previous difficulties in describing the nature of the defective virion RNA were due to the aggregated state of the RNA. Nucleocapsids obtained from standard and defective virions were essentially the same size and had about the same density, suggesting that defective particles contain more than a single molecule of 20S RNA.  相似文献   

The intracellular defective RNAs generated during high-multiplicity serial passages of mouse hepatitis virus JHM strain on DBT cells were examined. Seven novel species of single-stranded polyadenylic acid-containing defective RNAs were identified from passages 3 through 22. The largest of these RNAs, DIssA (molecular weight [mw], 5.2 X 10(6)), is identical to the genomic RNA packaged in the defective interfering particles produced from these cells. Other RNA species, DIssB1 (mw, 1.9 X 10(6) to 1.6 X 10(6)), DIssB2 (mw, 1.6 X 10(6)), DIssC (mw, 2.8 X 10(6)) DIssD (mw, 0.82 X 10(6)), DIssE (mw, 0.78 X 10(6)), and DIssF (mw, 1.3 X 10(6)) were detected at different passage levels. RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotide fingerprinting demonstrated that all these RNAs were related and had multiple deletions of the genomic sequences. They contained different subsets of the genomic sequences from those of the standard intracellular mRNAs of nondefective mouse hepatitis virus JHM strain. Thus these novel intracellular viral RNAs were identified as defective interfering RNAs of mouse hepatitis virus JHM strain. The synthesis of six of the seven normal mRNA species specific to mouse hepatitis virus JHM strain was completely inhibited when cells were infected with viruses of late-passage levels. However, the synthesis of RNA7 and its product, viral nucleoprotein, was not significantly altered in late passages. The possible mechanism for the generation of defective interfering RNAs was discussed.  相似文献   

Recombination between Sindbis virus RNAs.   总被引:27,自引:18,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

We have completely sequenced a defective interfering viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus. This RNA (S14) is a simple internal deletion of its parental dsRNA, M1, of 1.9 kilobases. The 5' 964 bases of the M1 plus strand encode the type 1 killer toxin of the yeast. S14 is 793 base pairs (bp) long, with 253 bp from the 5' region of its parental plus strand and 540 bp from the 3' region. All three defective interfering RNAs derived from M1 that have been characterized so far preserve a large 3' region, which includes five repeats of a rotationally symmetrical 11-bp consensus sequence. This 11-bp sequence is not present in the 5' 1 kilobase of the parental RNA or in any of the sequenced regions of unrelated yeast viral dsRNAs, but it is present in the 3' region of the plus strand of another yeast viral dsRNA, M2, that encodes the type 2 killer toxin. The 3' region of 550 bases of the M1 plus strand, previously only partially sequenced, reveals no large open reading frames. Hence only about half of M1 appears to have a coding function.  相似文献   

A method for obtaining large quantities of defective interfering (DI) rabies virus particles that fulfill all the criteria delineated by Huang and Baltimore (1970) is described. The purified rabies DI virion was found to be much shorter (60 to 80 nm) than the complete virion (180 nm) and to have a viral genome of about half the size of normal rabies RNA but with all of the structural proteins of standard virions. Rabies DI virions were noninfectious for both cells in culture and for animals. As determined by in vitro and in vivo techniques, interference with the replication of standard virus was specific to rabies virus. The possible role of rabies DI virion in the pathogenicity of rabies virus infection and in the establishment of attenuated strains for use as live rabies vaccines is discussed.  相似文献   

RNA recombination plays an important role in the diversification and evolution of RNA viruses. Most of these events are believed to be mediated by an actively copying viral replicase switching from a donor template to an acceptor template, where it resumes synthesis. In addition, intramolecular replicase-mediated events (i.e., rearrangements) can lead to the generation of replicable deleted forms of a viral genome, termed defective interfering (DI) RNAs. To gain further insight into the recombination process, the effect of various primary and secondary structures on recombination site selection in vivo was examined using plant RNA tombusviruses. The effect of sequence identity and complementarity on deletion events that generate DI RNAs was also investigated. Our results suggest that (1) 5' termini and strong hairpin structures in donor templates represent preferred sites for recombinations, (2) junction sites in acceptor templates do not occur in double-stranded regions, (3) nucleotide homology can shift donor and acceptor recombination sites closer to regions of identity and, (4) both sequence identity and complementarity can direct deletion sites in DI RNAs. These results further define RNA determinants of tombusvirus RNA recombination and rearrangement.  相似文献   

C Zhang  A E Simon 《Journal of virology》1994,68(12):8466-8469
A turnip protoplast system has been used to study the effects of template size and sequence on the replication and/or stability of a small defective interfering (DI) RNA associated with turnip crinkle virus. Our results indicated that as little as a single base difference in the size of the molecule in some regions, rather than the specific sequence, affected the level of DI RNA accumulating in protoplasts.  相似文献   

We have analyzed atypical tomato bushy stunt virus defective interfering (DI) RNA species which accumulated during a passage series in protoplasts. We present a rationale for the order of appearance of these molecules and show, using competition assays, that either segment duplication or single nucleotide insertion can enhance DI RNA competitiveness. Possible mechanisms for the introduction of the modifications observed in these DI RNAs are discussed.  相似文献   

We have analyzed Semliki Forest virus defective interfering RNA molecules, generated by serial undiluted passaging of the virus in baby hamster kidney cells. The 42 S RNA genome (about 13 kb 2) has been greatly deleted to generate the DI RNAs, which are heterogeneous both in size (about 2 kb) and sequence content. The DI RNAs offer a system for exploring binding sites for RNA polymerase and encapsidation signals, which must have been conserved in them since they are replicated and packaged. In order to study the structural organization of DI RNAs, and to analyze which regions from the genome have been conserved, we have determined the nucleotide sequences of (1) a 2.3 kb long DI RNA molecule, DI309, (2) 3′-terminal sequences (each about 0.3 kb) of two other DI RNAs, and (3) the nucleotide sequence of 0.4 kb at the extreme 5′ end of the 42 S RNA genome.The DI309 molecule consists of a duplicated region with flanking unique terminal sequences. A 273-nucleotide sequence is present in four copies per molecule. The extreme 5′-terminal nucleotide sequence of the 42 S RNA genome is shown to contain domains that are conserved in the two DI RNAs of known structure: DI309, and the previously sequenced DI301 (Lehtovaara et al., 1981). Here we report which terminal genome sequences are conserved in the DI RNAs, and how they have been modified, rearranged or amplified.  相似文献   

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