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The formation of oxidized proteins is one of the highlights of oxidative stress. In order not to accumulate such proteins have to be degraded. The major proteolytic system responsible for the removal of oxidized proteins is the proteasome. The proteasome is distributed throughout the cytosolic and nuclear compartment of mammalian cells, with high concentrations in the nucleus. On the other hand a major part of protein oxidation is taking place in the cytosol. The present review highlights the current knowledge on the intracellular distribution of oxidized proteins and put it into contrast with the concentration and distribution of the proteasome.  相似文献   

Pre-mRNAs associate in the nucleus with specific RNA-binding proteins to form heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) complexes. The hnRNP proteins participate directly or indirectly in the processing of pre-mRNAs into mature mRNAs. Recent studies have shown that some hnRNP proteins shuttle continuously between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The export of shuttling hnRNP proteins from the nucleus is mediated by specific nuclear export sequences (NESs) within the proteins. In addition, shuttling hnRNP proteins appear to remain bound to exported mRNAs in transit through nuclear pores. As discussed in this review, the picture that is emerging is that nuclear export of mRNAs is mediated by the export of NES-containing hnRNP proteins to which they are bound.  相似文献   

It was previously shown that cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages ingest anionic derivatives of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and ferritin by fluid-phase endocytosis and accumulate them in lysosomes. Cationic derivatives were taken up by adsorptive endocytosis and transported to lysosomes but subsequently appeared also in stacked cisternae, tubules, and vesicles of the Golgi complex. In the present investigation, the effect of molecular net charge on the rate of cellular inactivation of a protein was studied. The results demonstrate that anionized HRP was inactivated at a higher initial rate than cationized HRP. This is in agreement with the finding that the cationic protein partly escaped from the digestive compartment of the cells, that means the lysosomes. The effects of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)--a diterpene ester and a tumor promoter--and monensin--a carboxylic ionophore and a perturbant of the Golgi complex--on fluid-phase endocytosis of HRP and intracellular transport of cationized ferritin (CF) were also studied. PMA stimulated fluid-phase endocytosis of HRP but did not interfere with transport of CF to the Golgi complex. Contrarily, monensin inhibited uptake of HRP and almost totally blocked transport of CF to the Golgi complex. The findings support the idea that membrane and content of endocytic vesicles are treated separately. The content is emptied into lysosomes where macromolecular material normally is degraded. The membrane becomes part of the lysosomal envelope in connection with endocytic vesicle-lysosome fusion. Subsequently, membrane patches are detached from the lysosomes and reutilized. This is at least partly mediated via the Golgi complex and particularly its tubular and vesicular parts. Since the cationic tracers do not bind to the membrane in a stable way, it is not possible to extend the conclusions to individual membrane constituents.  相似文献   

Rapid intracellular turnover of adenovirus 5 early region 1A proteins   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The half-life of the adenovirus 5 early region 1A (E1A) proteins was examined in productively infected and transformed cells. In HeLa cells infected with adenovirus 5, the half-life of the E1A proteins was approximately 30 min; in the transformed 293 cells, the constitutively expressed E1A proteins had a half-life of approximately 120 min. In HeLa cells, the E1A proteins produced by an adenovirus mutant that expresses only the 13S mRNA had a half-life of about 35 min; E1A proteins produced by a mutant that express only the 12S mRNA had a half-life of about 80 min. This difference in the stability of these two classes of E1A proteins helps explain why the steady-state level of the 12S class is usually equal to or greater than that of the 13S class, despite the fact that the concentration of the 13S mRNA is about four times greater than the concentration of the 12S mRNA.  相似文献   

Our previous observations on the synthesis and transport of secretory proteins in the pancreatic exocrine cell were made on pancreatic slices from starved guinea pigs and accordingly apply to the resting, unstimulated cell. Normally, however, the gland functions in cycles during which zymogen granules accumulate in the cell and are subsequently discharged from it in response to secretogogues. The present experiments were undertaken to determine if secretory stimuli applied in vitro result in adjustments in the rates of protein synthesis and/or of intracellular transport. To this intent pancreatic slices from starved animals were stimulated in vitro for 3 hr with 0.01 mM carbamylcholine. During the first hour of treatment the acinar lumen profile is markedly enlarged due to insertion of zymogen granule membranes into the apical plasmalemma accompanying exocytosis of the granule content. Between 2 and 3 hr of stimulation the luminal profile reverts to unstimulated dimensions while depletion of the granule population nears completion. The acinar cells in 3-hr stimulated slices are characterized by the virtual complete absence of typical condensing vacuoles and zymogen granules, contain a markedly enlarged Golgi complex consisting of numerous stacked cisternae and electron-opaque vesicles, and possess many small pleomorphic storage granules. Slices in this condition were pulse labeled with leucine-3H and the route and timetable of intracellular transport assessed during chase incubation by cell fractionation, electron microscope radioautography, and a discharge assay covering the entire secretory pathway. The results showed that the rate of protein synthesis, the rate of drainage of the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (RER) compartment, and the over-all transit time of secretory proteins through the cells was not accelerated by the secretogogue. Secretory stimulation did not lead to a rerouting of secretory proteins through the cell sap. In the resting cell, the secretory product is concentrated in condensing vacuoles and stored as a relatively homogeneous population of spherical zymogen granules. By contrast, in the stimulated cell, secretory proteins are initially concentrated in the flattened saccules of the enlarged Golgi complex and subsequently stored in numerous small storage granules before release. The results suggest that secretory stimuli applied in vitro primarily affect the discharge of secretory proteins and do not, directly or indirectly, influence their rates of synthesis and intracellular transport.  相似文献   

Exposure of cells to heat induces thermotolerance, a transient resistance to subsequent heat challenges. It has been shown that thermotolerance is correlated in time with the enhanced synthesis of heat shock proteins. In this study, the association of induced heat shock proteins with various cellular fractions was investigated and the heat-induced changes in skeletal protein composition in thermotolerant and control cells was compared. All three major heat shock proteins induced in Chinese hamster fibroblasts after a 46 degrees C, 4-min heat treatment (70, 87, and 110 kDa) were purified with the cytoplasmic fraction, whereas only the 70-kDa protein was also found in other cell fractions, including that containing the cellular skeleton. Immediately after a second heat treatment at 45 degrees C for 45 min, the 110-kDa protein from thermotolerant cells also purified extensively with the cellular skeletal fraction. In this regard, the 110-kDa protein behaved similarly to many other cellular proteins, since we observed an overall temperature-dependent increase in the total labeled protein content of the high-salt-resistant cellular skeletal fraction after heat shock. Pulse-chase studies demonstrated that this increased protein content gradually returned to normal levels after a 3-hr incubation at 37 degrees C. The alteration or recovery kinetics of the total labeled protein content of the cellular skeletal fraction after heat shock did not correlate with the dramatic increase in survival observed in thermotolerant cells. The relationship between heat shock proteins and thermotolerance, therefore, does not correlate directly with changes in the heat-induced cellular alterations leading to differences in protein fractionation.  相似文献   

Cathepsin S was detected in bovine kidney, spleen, lymph nodes and lung by immunochemical methods. The immunostaining of cathepsin S in kidney was concentrated to the cells of the proximal tubule, where the enzyme was present in cytoplasmic granules. The purification method for cathepsin S from bovine spleen involved (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, chromatography on CM-Sephadex C-50, gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 and chromatofocusing (pH 8.0-6.0). The enzyme was partially destroyed by autolysis of the homogenate at pH 4.2. The isoelectric point of cathepsin S was 7.0. Cathepsin S was found to hydrolyse proteins at a similar rate to cathepsin L below pH 7.0. At pH values of 7.0-7.5 cathepsin S retained most of its activity, whereas cathepsin L was completely inactive.  相似文献   

Proteins with molecular weights of around 100,000 (designated 100K) are found in all coated vesicles. Five monoclonal antibodies have been raised against the major 100K proteins of bovine brain coated vesicles, which migrate on SDS gels as three closely spaced bands. One antibody stains the middle band (band B), two stain both upper and lower bands (bands A and C), and two stain the lower band (band C) only. Thus, the polypeptides in bands A and C are related (but not identical), a result confirmed by NH2-terminal sequencing. Other tissues were found to express proteins corresponding to, and co-migrating with, bands B and C but not band A. Only the two antibodies that recognize both A and C stained fixed and permeabilized tissue culture cells; they both showed a punctate pattern in the plane of the plasma membrane. Double labeling with anti-clathrin antibodies confirmed that the dots correspond to coated pits and vesicles. However, perinuclear staining seen with anti-clathrin, corresponding to Golgi-derived coated vesicles, was conspicuously absent with the two monoclonal antibodies. Affinity-purified polyclonal antisera against the 100K proteins, reported earlier, gave perinuclear as well as punctate staining; these included one antiserum which gave mainly perinuclear staining (Robinson, M. S., and B. M. F. Pearse, 1986, J. Cell Biol., 102:48-54). Thus, different 100K proteins appear to be found in different membrane compartments. Since the 100K proteins are thought to lie between clathrin and the membrane proteins of the vesicle, these results may help to explain how different membrane proteins can be sorted into coated vesicles in different parts of the cell.  相似文献   

This brief review provides a framework for discussing current approaches being used to determine the cellular localization and function of the high mobility group chromosomal (HMG) proteins. The four main constituents of this group (HMG 1, 2, 14, 17) are present in all four eukaryotic kingdoms, have a relatively well conserved primary sequence and contain several functional domains which enable them to interact with DNA, histones and other components of the genome. The evolutionary conservation in the primary and tertiary structure as well as the observed correlations between cell phenotype and quantitative changes in protein levels and in post-synthesis modifications suggests that these proteins are components obligatory for proper cellular function. Proteins HMG 1, 2 are DNA-binding proteins which can distinguish between various types of single-stranded regions of the genome. Proteins HMG 14, 17 may be involved in maintaining specific chromatin regions in particular conformations. The data available presently suggests that these proteins are important structural elements of chromatin and chromosomes.  相似文献   

Intracellular nucleoprotein complexes containing SV40 supercoiled DNA were purified from cell lysates by chromatography on hydroxyapatite columns followed by velocity sedimentation through sucrose gradients. The major protein components from purified complexes were identified as histone-like proteins. When analyzed by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, complex proteins comigrated with viral core polypeptides VP4, VP5, VP6, and VP7. (3H) tryptophan was not detected in polypeptides from intracellular complexes or in the histone components from purified SV40 virus. However, a large amount of (3H) tryptophan was found in the viral polypeptide VP3 relative to that incorporated into the capsid polypeptides VP1 and VP2. Intracellular complexes contain 30 to 40% more protein than viral cores prepared by alkali dissociation of intact virus, but when complexes were exposed to the same alkaline conditions, protein also was removed from complexes and they subsequently co-sedimented with and had the same buoyant density as viral cores. The composition and physical similarities of nucleoprotein complex and viral cores indicate that complexes may have a role in the assembly of virions.  相似文献   

A kinetic analysis of the appearance of 14C-labelled proteins in the surface membranes isolated from exponentially growing neuroblastoma cells (N2a) showed that the total membrane proteins reached a steady-state specific radioactivity in 18-20 h. However, examination of individual protein bands resolved by sodium dodecyl sulphate-urea-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis illustrated that differences in the kinetics of specific surface-membrane proteins could be detected. Although most of the protein bands reached a steady-state specific radioactivity at a time similar to that for total membrane proteins, at least two bands (mol. wt. 180000 and 130000) attained the steady-state within 8-10 h. It was shown by the use of dual-labelling techniques that these two protein bands turned over in the surface membranes of neuroblastoma N2a cells at least 180 and 150% faster than the total membrane protein. These two proteins were glycosylated and located on the outer surface of the cells, since they were labelled with radioactive carbohydrates and readily removed by treatment of the intact neuroblastoma cell with proteinases.  相似文献   

Summary Collagens of most connective tissues are subject to continuous remodelling and turnover, a phenomenon which occurs under both physiological and pathological conditions. Degradation of these proteins involves participation of a variety of proteolytic enzymes including members of the following proteinase classes: matrix metalloproteinases (e.g. collagenase, gelatinase and stromelysin), cysteine proteinases (e.g. cathepsin B and L) and serine proteinases (e.g. plasmin and plasminogen activator). Convincing evidence is available indicating a pivotal role for matrix metalloproteinases, in particular collagenase, in the degradation of collagen under conditions of rapid remodelling, e.g. inflammation and involution of the uterus. Under steady state conditions, such as during turnover of soft connective tissues, involvement of collagenase has yet to be demonstrated. Under these circumstances collagen degradation is likely to take place particularly within the lysosomal apparatus after phagocytosis of the fibrils. We propose that this process involves the following steps: (i) recognition of the fibril by membranebound receptors (integrins?), (ii) segregation of the fibril, (iii) partial digestion of the fibril and/or its surrounding noncollagenous proteins by matrix metalloproteinases (possibly gelatinase), and finally (iv) lysosomal digestion by cysteine proteinases, such as cathepsin B and/or L. Modulation of this pathway is carried out under the influence of growth factors and cytokines, including transforming growth factor β and interleukin 1α.  相似文献   

The synthesis, subcellular distribution and turnover of dopamine beta-hydroxylase was studied in organ cultures of rat adrenal medullae and superior cervical ganglia. After exposure to [3H]leucine for 1 or 3 h, the tissues were homogenized at various time intervals and the amount of labelled dopamine beta-hydroxylase in different subcellular fractions (cytosol, soluble and membrane-bound fraction of catecholamine storage vesicles) was determined by immunoprecipitation and subsequent electrophoresis. In cultured adrenal medullae, induction of dopamine beta-hydroxylase initiated in vivo by administration of reserpine affected both soluble and membrane-bound pools of dopamine beta-hydroxylase to a similar extent after pulse-labelling for 1 or 3 h. The half-lives of dopamine beta-hydroxylase, which amounted to 6 h for the cytosol, 7.5 h for the soluble vesicular and 32 h for the membrane-bound vesicular pools were not altered by pretreatment with reserpine. In superior cervical ganglia the half-lives of the soluble pools were 2-3 times longer than in the adrenal medulla, whereas the half-life of the membrane-bound fraction was the same as in the adrenal medulla. In both organs the most heavily labelled fraction (both after a pulse of 1 or 3 h) was always that of the vesicular membrane, suggesting that newly-synthesized dopamine beta-hydroxylase is immediately incorporated into the storage vesicles and not via release into the cytosol from the site of synthesis. The fact that the half-life of membrane-bound dopamine beta-hydroxylase is markedly longer than that of the two soluble pools suggests that the single pools are not only independently supplied by newly-synthesized DBH but there is also no appreciable subsequent exchange between soluble and membrane-bound pools.  相似文献   

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