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An analysis has been made of the effect of ammonium and of lithium ions upon frog nerve deprived of sodium. Ammonium ions cannot substitute for sodium ions and restore the excitability of the nerve fibers; nor can they increase the L fraction of the membrane potential and the efficiency of the nerve reaction. Certain observations, however, indicate that the presence of ammonium ions outside the nerve fibers may delay the development of inexcitability in a sodium-free medium of nerve fibers restored by a moderate amount of sodium ions. Lithium ions can substitute for sodium and restore to nerve fibers of the A and C groups the ability to conduct impulses; the effect upon B fibers has not been investigated. Lithium cannot substitute for sodium in the role that sodium plays in the creation of the L fraction and in the establishment of the nerve reaction. In this respect lithium and sodium have opposite effects. This fact establishes an important difference between the two physiological responses that the nerve fibers can produce, the nerve impulse and the nerve reaction. With untreated nerve the depolarization of nerve by lithium ions at high concentrations is preceded by a phase of hyperpolarization; with nerve deprived of sodium the depolarization begins without delay.  相似文献   

The action of acetazolamine on sodium transport in Rana esculenta skin was studied with the external face bathed in dilute (2mMM) or concentrated (Ringer) solutions of sodium chloride.The absorption of Na+ from a dilute solution is inhibited at an acetazolamide concentration of 10−5M. This is due to an inhibition of the influx: the efflux remains unchanged. Acetazolamide has no effect, however, on transport from Ringer solution.The graphic determination of the Na+ transport pool at the 2 mM NaCl concentration showed that acetazolamide diminished the pool without affecting the t12. The inhibitor had no effect on the pool at the higher (Ringer) concentration.These results indicate that acetazolamide acts on the external barrier of the sodium transport compartment without affecting the active pump of this ion when it is being transported from a dilute sodium chloride solution.  相似文献   

Pharmacological modifications of the sodium channels of frog nerve   总被引:37,自引:19,他引:18  
Voltage clamp measurements on myelinated nerve fibers show that tetrodotoxin, saxitoxin, and DDT specifically affect the sodium channels of the membrane. Tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin render the sodium channels impermeable to Na ions and to Li ions and probably prevent the opening of individual sodium channels when one toxin molecule binds to a channel. The apparent dissociation constant of the inhibitory complex is about 1 nM for the cationic forms of both toxins. The zwitter ionic forms are much less potent. On the other hand, DDT causes a fraction of the sodium channels that open during a depolarization to remain open for a longer time than is normal. The effect cannot be described as a specific change in sodium inactivation or as a specific change in sodium activation, for both processes continue to govern the opening of the sodium channels and neither process is able to close the channels. The effects of DDT are very similar to those of veratrine.  相似文献   

Na transport across frog skin at low external Na concentrations   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Isolated frog skin was bathed with a dilute solution containing 1 mm NaCl on the outside and with normal Ringer’s solution on the inner surface. Net Na flux was determined by simultaneous measurement of unidirectional fluxes with Na22 and Na24 and intracellular electrical potentials were examined with microelectrodes. There was a net inward transport of Na under both open-circuit and short-circuit conditions. The short-circuit current was approximately 15% greater than the net Na flux; the discrepancy could be accounted for by a small outward flux of Cl. The electrical potential profile did not differ greatly from that observed in skins bathed on the outside with normal Ringer’s solution. Under open-circuit conditions, there were usually several potential steps and under short-circuit conditions the cells were negative relative to the bathing solutions. Estimates of epithelial Na concentrations utilizing radioactive Na suggested that if all epithelial Na were in a single compartment, an active entry step would be necessary to allow a net inward Na transport. The results could also be explained by a series arrangement of Na compartments without necessarily postulating an active Na entry. The behavior of the potential profile suggested that this latter alternative was more likely.  相似文献   

The influence of external sodium ions on the sodium pump in erythrocytes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. A study has been made of the interaction between Na(+) and K(+) on the adenosine triphosphatase activity of erythrocyte ;ghosts', and on the K(+) influx and Na(+) efflux of intact erythrocytes. The adenosine triphosphatase activity and the ion movements were greater at a low external K(+) concentration in the absence of Na(+) than they were in the presence of 150mm-Na(+). The inhibition by external Na(+) of K(+) influx had an inhibitory constant of 5-10mm. 2. Activation by K(+) of kidney microsomal adenosine triphosphatase was retarded by Na(+), and activation by Na(+) was retarded by K(+). Fragmented erythrocyte membranes behaved similarly. 3. These observations suggest that there is competition between Na(+) and K(+) at the K(+)-sensitive site of the membrane.  相似文献   

I A Skul'ski?  A V Lapin 《Tsitologiia》1983,25(11):1284-1288
It has been shown that Tl+ accumulated in the frog skin cells (Rana temporaria) inhibits irreversibly the unidirectional transport of Na+ estimated by the short circuit current (SCC). The inhibiting effect of Tl+ cannot be attributed to a decrease of Na+ penetration through the apical membranes. The influx of 22Na+ from mucosal bathing solution into the skin poisoned with Tl+ was about 50% of that observed in the intact skin, while the SCC was completely inhibited. The activity of the ouabain-sensitive Na+/K+ pumps located in the basolateral cell membranes was estimated by studying the uptake of 86Rb+ as a tracer for K+. This activity was high enough to maintain the ion composition of epithelial cells in spite of their ability to accomplish the undirectional transport of Na+. Tl+ seems to inhibit the production of respiration energy utilized in the undirectional Na+ transport, while the ion homeostasis of epithelial cells may be supported by the Na+/K+ pumps consuming energy of glycolytic reactions.  相似文献   

The properties of voltage-dependent Na channels modified by veratridine (VTD) were studied in voltage-clamped nodes of Ranvier of the frog Rana pipiens. Two modes of gating of VTD-modified channels are described. The first, occurring on a time scale of milliseconds, is shown to be the transition of channels between a modified resting state and a modified open state. There are important qualitative and quantitative differences of this gating process in nerve compared with that in muscle (Leibowitz et al., 1986). A second gating process occurring on a time scale of seconds, was originally described as a modified activation process (Ulbricht, 1969). This process is further analyzed here, and a model is presented in which the slow process represents the gating of VTD-modified channels between open and inactivated states. An expanded model is a step in the direction of unifying the known rapid and slow physiologic processes of Na channels modified by VTD and related alkaloid neurotoxins.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of media with different ionic composition on calcium efflux from the dorsal head of semitendinosus muscles ofRana pipiens was studied. The reduction in the fractional loss of45Ca, when going from normal Ringer's solution to an ONa–OCa medium, was 60%. Withdrawal of only Na or Ca from the external medium also caused a significant drop in the fractional loss (33% and 34%, respectively). The effect of different concentrations of Ca (studied in the absence of the external Na) was also studied. It was found that a linear function could describe the relationship between the calcium-dependent calcium efflux and the external calcium concentration. These results indicate that calcium efflux from frog muscle fibers consists of three major components: one that is dependent on the presence of calcium in the external medium, one that is dependent on the presence of sodium in the external medium, and one that persists in the absence of these two cations.  相似文献   

H E Statham  C J Duncan 《Life sciences》1977,20(11):1839-1845
MEPP frequency at the frog neuromuscular junction maintained in saline with normal [K]o was insensitive to reductions in [Na]o at 130°C. However, at 23°C, decreasing [Na]o causes a progressive rise in MEPP frequency; there is an approximately linear relationship between log [Na]o and the rate of spontaneous release. The effect of reducing [Na]o is dependent on [Ca]o; thus MEPP frequency is unaffected, even at 23°C, by changes in [Na]o when [Ca]o is reduced to the low level of 5 × 10?7M. It is suggested that: (i) MEPP frequency is determined by [Ca]i at the presynaptic terminals (ii) Reductions in [Na]o cause an increase in Ca-influx. At 13°C the presynaptic terminals are able to maintain [Ca]i constant when challenged whereas, at 23°C, there is a mobilization of Ca from intracellular storage sites and under these conditions [Ca]i is not maintained constant in the face of a rise in Ca-influx (associated with a reduction in [Na]o) and MEPP frequency consequently rises. The ways in which both extracellular and intracellular Na affect [Ca]i and MEPP frequency are discussed.  相似文献   

Ionic currents through sodium channels modified by batrachotoxin were measured by the voltage clamp method on a myelinated frog nerve fiber membrane. The reversal potential (Erev) of steady-state currents was shown to be on the average 5 mV less positive than Erev corresponding to the initial (peak) values of the currents. The results of control experiments using procaine and tetrodotoxin showed that the change in Erev observed during a depolarizing pulse is not connected with the presence of unmodified sodium channels or unblocked potassium channels, with nonlinearity of leakage, or with a change in transmembrane gradients of current-carrving cations. In experiments with measurement of "instant" currents it was shown that Erev becomes less positive as the amplitude and duration of preliminary depolarization increase. The results support the view that sodium-potassium selectivity of batrachotoxin-modified sodium channels depends on potential.  相似文献   

The effects of glutaraldehyde on sodium channel gating were investigated in the membrane of the node of Ranvier in frog nerve fiber. It was found that treating the membrane with glutaraldehyde slows the rate of inactivation, renders the inactivation curve considerably less steep, and leads to the appearance of a steady-state current component. It also decelerated the activation rate and reduced the slope of the central portion of the activation curve, which was shifted over to depolarization at the membrane. This produced no significant change in the effective charge in the effective charge of activation as determined from the limiting logarithmic slope of the activation curve. The mechanisms possibly underlying these changes in sodium channel gating are discussed.Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 579–586, September–October, 1986.  相似文献   

Currents through batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified sodium channels were measured under voltage clamp conditions on the Ranvier node membrane. Potential-dependence of the fraction of activated BTX-modified channels was determined on the basis of data showing nonlinearity of the momentary current-voltage characteristic curve in the region of high negative potentials. BTX induces a shift of the sodium channel activation curve toward negative potentials on average by 67 mV, but does not, under these circumstances, alter the potential-sensitivity of their activation mechanism. The results of experiments with preliminary depolarization, of varied amplitude and duration, showed that BTX-modified sodium channels are capable of partial inactivation. The high level of steady-state conduction of the modified channels is evidently due to the fact that as a result of modification by BTX the open state of the channel becomes energetically more advantageous than the inactivated state. It is concluded that the action of BTX on inactivation differs in principle from the action of pronase.Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. A. V. Vishnevskii Institute of Surgery, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 18–26. January–February, 1984.  相似文献   

Kitada  Yasuyuki 《Chemical senses》1994,19(6):627-640
In single water-sensitive fibers (water fibers) of the frogglossopharyngeal nerve, application of a solution of 500 mMcholine Cl to the tongue elicited responses of varying magnitude.Some water fibers (plain choline-insensitive water fibers) barelyresponded to the solution, while some water fibers (plain choline-sensitivewater fibers) exhibited a considerable response to this solution.NiCl2. which is barely effective in producing neural responseat concentrations below 5 mM, induced the response of plaincholine-insensitrve water fibers to choline+ ions. It was confirmed,in a collision test, that the Ni2+-induced responses to choline+ions were derived from water fibers. However, NiCl2 did notaffect the magnitude of me response generated by choline+ ionsin plain choline-sensitive water fibers. The concentration-responsecurve for choline Cl in the presence of 1 mM NiCl2 for plaincholine-insensitive water fibers was similar to the curves obtainedin the absence of NiCl2 for plain choline-sensitive water fibers.Other organic salts, such as tris(hydroxymethyl)arrdnomethane-HCl,triethanotamine-HCl and tetraethylammonium Cl, elicited no responseor only a very small response from water fibers, and NiCl2 didnot affect these responses. It is suggested that there existsa choline receptor for the response to choline+ ions in theapical membrane of frog taste cells and that Ni2+ ions exposethe sites of such choline receptors, which are deeply embeddedin the receptor membrane, to the outside medium. The effectof Ni2+ ions results in an increase in the number of the cholinereceptor sites available for binding of choline+ ions. The rankorder of effectiveness of transition metal ions in elicitingthe appearance or enhancement of the response to choline Clwas Ni2+ > Co2+ > Mn2+. Mg2+ ions had no effect on theresponse to choline+ ions. A similar rank order was previouslyobtained in enhancement of the responses to Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na2+ions (Kitada, 1994a). It seems likely that the mechanism forenhancement or elicitation of the response to choline+ ionsby the transition metal ions has features in common with thatfor enhancement of the responses to Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ ions.  相似文献   

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