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为了探讨我国西双版纳热带季雨林的能量分配和平衡问题,利用涡度相关系统和常规气象仪器的连续监测结果,分析了不同季节的能量通量特征和闭合特点。结果表明,西双版纳热带季雨林全年的净辐射、潜热通量、显热通量、土壤热通量和热储存量分别是4546.07、2453.24、492.22、-10.47和45.93 MJ/m^(2),土壤为热源,潜热年总值占净辐射的54.0%,显热占10.8%,能量以蒸发散为主要的耗损形式。辐射和能量有明显的日变化和季节动态,各能量分量的日变化几乎都呈白天高夜间低的单峰趋势,反照率整体为0.10~0.12,波动不大;波文比季节差异明显,为0~0.8。热带季雨林的全年闭合度为0.67,未考虑热储量时,闭合度为0.51~0.79,考虑热储量为0.53~0.80。可见,在林冠茂密的热带季雨林中,热储量对能量闭合度的贡献不大,忽略热储量并不是导致能量不闭合的主要原因。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林下砂仁拔除后的生态恢复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
 种植砂仁(Amomum villosum)对西双版纳热带雨林植物多样性的影响引起了人们的关注。通过西双版纳热带雨林下种植的砂仁拔除后的生态恢复两年的研究工作,结果表明砂仁排除后:1)林下植物数量显著增加,超过同等类型的没种过砂仁的原始热带雨林;植物种类、物种多样性和均匀度都有大幅度增加,与原始热带雨林差别不大;群落组成成分仍向着热带雨林演替,优势种不明显,其中,草本和蕨类植物增加显著;2)林下植物生长速率在旱季与原始林差别不大,但在雨季可有较快生长;生物量在两年内可达到(636.1±43.4) g·m-2,超过原始林,特别是草本和蕨类植物生长较快;3)土壤含水量得到提高,与原始林相比差异不显著,并且,涵养水源的能力有所增加;深层土壤有机质的含量增加显著,速效磷含量需要更长时间的植被恢复才能有所提高,速效钾受淋洗作用的影响,地表有大量损失。文中最后讨论指出,热带林下砂仁实现斑块式的轮歇种植是协调保护与发展的较好方法,这在偏远少数民族地区有着较好的可行性。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林145个树种繁殖体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了西双版纳热带季节雨林20公顷动态监测样地中145个树种的繁殖体特征。结果表明:雨季散布的种类最多(71.03%),在雾凉季及干热季散布的种类相对较少;果实类型以核果,蒴果,浆果居多,黑色、黄色、褐色果实最为常见;动物散布的种类最多(56.55%),其次为机械散布,独立散布,风力散布;大种子树种(种子最大长度〉10mm)较占优势(53.10%);树种单粒种子重量从2.3×10^-5~22.29g不等,但76.55%的种子的重量集中在0.01~10g之间;干热季散布的种子平均重量显著高于雨季和雾凉季;独立散布的种子重量最大,风力散布的种子重量最小,而机械弹射的种子重量和动物散布的种子重量之间差异不显著;树种的成年个体最大胸径与种子重量之间存在显著正相关。  相似文献   

对我国西南特有的菊科单种属植物栌菊木10个居群、149个个体、11个酶系统及16个酶位点的水平淀粉凝胶电泳分析表明,栌菊木的遗传多样性水平在特有种中较高,在居群水平上,平均每个位点的等位基因数A=1.1—1.4,多态位点百分数P=6.3%—43.8%,实际杂合度Ho=0.063~0.250,期望杂合度He=0.043~0.194;物种水平上A=1.6,P=37.5%,Ho=0.143,He=0.141。居群间遗传一致度I=0.902—1.000,杂合性基因多样度比率FST为0.2395。栌菊木居群间分化程度较大,云南南盘江流域碧云寺居群遗传多样性较低,明显低于金沙江流域的居群。栌菊木可能是来自冈瓦纳古陆祖先的后裔,可能是古地中海退却以后在金沙江干热河谷分化出来的特有属,并且可能由于湿度等生态因子的限制,其分布区未能进一步扩大,仅在南盘江流域形成零散分布。等位酶分析结果还表明栌菊木遗传多样性总体水平较高,建议对遗传多样性较高的金沙江流域的居群加以保护。  相似文献   

海南铜铁岭热带低地雨林群落特征研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
根据样方调查的结果,分析了海南岛铜铁岭热带低地雨林群落的种类组成、区系成分、外貌特征和年龄结构.结果表明,在2600m2样方中,有维管束植物88科186属258种;优势科为番荔枝科、大戟科、茜草科、樟科、芸香科、桃金娘科等.区系地理成分可分为10种类型,热带分布的属占绝对优势,达94.89%.群落的生活型以高位芽为主,群落外貌主要由革质、单叶和中型叶为主的常绿阔叶林高位芽植物决定.群落成层现象明显,可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层,乔木层可再划分为2~3个亚层.种群频度分布规律为A>B>C>D>E 按Raunkiaer将频度指数划分 ,属于A级的种类占优势,为总种数的70.54%,大部分种类具有10个以下个体.乔木径级分布呈金字塔形,小径级占优势.  相似文献   

热带雨林木质藤本植物叶片性状及其关联   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带雨林中木质藤本植物较为丰富。随着全球气候变化加剧,木质藤本植物的丰富度具有不断增加的趋势,有可能对热带森林的结构、功能和动态产生重要影响。然而,目前对木质藤本响应环境变化的机制所知甚少。本研究以13个科20种热带雨林常见木质藤本植物为材料,测定了冠层叶片的17个形态特征及结构性状,并分析了性状间的相互关系。结果表明,叶片相对含水量的种间变异最小(变异系数为5%),而上表皮厚度的种间变异最大(变异系数为80%),其它性状的种间变异系数为24%~61%。木质藤本植物的叶脉密度、叶片密度均与气孔密度呈显著正相关,叶片干物质含量与比叶面积呈显著负相关。与相同生境的树木相比,木质藤本的叶面积更小、气孔密度和叶片密度更低、比叶面积更高,但两种植物类群的叶片横切面组织结构厚度无显著差异。研究结果对理解木质藤本植物的生态适应性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

保护行为学: 正在兴起的保护生物学分支学科   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
过去的30年里, 人们利用动物行为的进化生物学方法来解决保护实践中遇到的问题, 行为学、行为生态学与保护生物学相结合, 产生了保护生物学的一个新分支学科--保护行为学。保护行为学的研究目的是: 从物种保护实践中发现环境对动物行为的影响以及行为的生态适应性, 并把动物行为学和行为生态学理论应用到物种保护实践中, 从而促进物种保护工作。目前全球有10%的物种濒临灭绝, 生物多样性保护日趋紧迫, 保护行为学的诞生为行为学和保护生物学研究带来了新的机遇, 也表明行为学家和保护生物学家正在担负起挽救濒危物种的使命。不久的将来, 保护行为学及其相关学科将更加繁荣。  相似文献   

热带雨林剑叶凤尾蕨(Pteris ensiformis)对光强变化的适应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
野外调查表明剑叶凤尾蕨能适应不同的光环境,本研究测定剑叶凤尾蕨在两种不同光环境下的适应能力,在热带雨林林下和林窗生长40d后,林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨比林窗生长的植株有较多的叶片数,大的冠幅,高的叶绿素含量和表观量子效率。同时。林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨有高的光化学效率和较低的非光化学耗散能力,这说明低光植物表现出有较高的能量转换能力,而两种光强生长的剑叶凤尾蕨最大光合放氧速率相似。这可能与在高光下的非辐射耗散的提高和光合机构的损伤有关,研究结果表明,剑叶凤尾蕨通过光合器官的调整对不同光强的适应。以促进剑叶凤尾蕨在不同光环境的生长能力。  相似文献   

中国热带植物种质资源的保护与创新利用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
文章通过解析中国热带植物种质资源的收集、保存、鉴定和育种利用以及存在的问题,从遗传改良角度。归纳了热带植物的4个共性特征,据此提出资源保护和创新利用的7点战略构想。包括功能基因发掘、分子标记辅助选择、体细胞再生和加倍单倍体培育4项资源利用关键技术,并强调了基于分子指纹的原位保护、建圃保护、资源网络共享以及法规建设公共教育在完善濒危植物保护中的重要作用。  相似文献   

野外调查表明剑叶凤尾蕨能适应不同的光环境.本研究测定剑叶凤尾蕨在两种不同光环境下的适应能力.在热带雨林林下和林窗生长40d后,林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨比林窗生长的植株有较多的叶片数,大的冠幅,高的叶绿素含量和表观量子效率.同时,林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨有高的光化学效率和较低的非光化学耗散能力,这说明低光植物表现出有较高的能量转换能力.而两种光强生长的剑叶凤尾蕨最大光合放氧速率相似,这可能与在高光下的非辐射耗散的提高和光合机构的损伤有关.研究结果表明,剑叶凤尾蕨通过光合器官的调整对不同光强的适应,以促进剑叶凤尾蕨在不同光环境的生长能力.  相似文献   

Effects of dry season upon a tropical rainforest ecosystem are analysed by employing the microcomputer model developed in a previous paper (Oikawa, 1985). Surplus production (P s) illustrated in a three-dimensional figure linearly decreases with the length of dry season (λ). Simulation experiments demonstrate that all the three strata constituting the tropical rainforest ecosystem model are able to exist stably and perpetually unless λ exceeds four months. However, it is suggested that the dry season lasting five months brings about a transition from a tropical rainforest to a subtropical deciduous forest, because the upper story fails in a stable and perpetual occurrence at λ =5 months. Though the total living phytomass gradually decreases with prolonged dry season within four months, supplementary increase of living phytomass is observed in the middle story. A considerable amount of soil organic dead accumulated is also observed with increasing dry season, so that fairly constant ecosystem biomass including soil organic dead is predicted independent of the length of dry season so long as it is less than five months.  相似文献   

Tree biodiversity data is presented for a 1-ha permanent study plot on a low slope position of the Kuala Belalong valley in Temburong District, Brunei, Borneo. This is the first study in the region to document the tree flora of a low slope. All trees 5cm at 1.3m were mapped, measurements of dbh and height taken, and identified to species and morpho-species level. The total and relative values of each family for density, diversity, dominance and Importance Value Indices were calculated. A total of 1062 stems were recorded on the plot (1019 live, 43 dead) with a total of 278 species representing 110 genera in 49 families. The most ecologically significant family as determined by the Family Importance Value (FIV) was Euphorbiaceae with a value of 40 and'the'most significant species, using the Importance Value (IV), was morpho-speciesFordia splendissima with an IV of 29. The total basal area of all living trees was 31.43m2. Forest structure was marked by a few tall (>45m) emergents, for example,Koompassia excelsa, Crypteronia griffithii and two species of the Dipterocarpaceae family, however, lower understorey and sub-canopy species dominated the plot with the average height of all individuals over the hectare being 11m.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林与橡胶林林冠的持水能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王馨  张一平 《应用生态学报》2006,17(10):1782-1788
基于2003~2004年的实验室和野外实测数据,采用尺度上推法对西双版纳地区热带季节雨林和橡胶林林冠持水能力进行了研究.结果表明,热带季节雨林林冠持水 能力为0.45~0.79 mm、橡胶林为0.48~0.71 mm,其中林冠木质部分(枝和树皮)的持水能力占较大优势;雾凉季(11月至翌年2月)和干热季(3~4月)的 林冠持水能力高于雨季(5~10月);林冠各部分达到饱和所需的时间为叶(5 min)<树皮(2~3 h)<枝(2.5~4 h).对两种林分林冠各部分在浸水/风干过程 的分析结果表明,叶易吸水和风干,在历时较短的降雨事件中是林冠截留的主体,在林地中,面积指数较大的枝和树皮吸水和风干较难,在强度大、历时长的降雨事件中可 以较好地发挥截留作用.与橡胶林相比,热带季节雨林林冠持水能力虽较小,但是其多层林冠结构林冠持水能力较强.  相似文献   

研究了西双版纳热带雨林地区雌雄异株植物对叶榕(Ficus hispida L.)的生物学、传粉物候学以及榕小蜂(Ceratosolen solmsi marchali Mayr)的传粉和繁殖行为.研究结果表明:雌雄异株的对叶榕与其他雌雄同株的榕属植物不同,它的种子形成与传粉者有着更为复杂的相互关系.对叶榕一年结隐花果6~8次,结果高峰期4~5次,其中雄性植株仅产生花粉和孕育榕小蜂,而雌性植株(无雄蕊)则需榕小蜂带花粉进入隐花果内,进行传粉授精,使之发育成种子.对叶榕的成熟花粉不能从花药开裂处自行散发出来,必须由榕小蜂采集才能散落.榕小蜂雌蜂羽化、交配后,找到雄花区,用足、触角、口器在推动中采集花粉.雌蜂飞出熟榕果找寻雌株或雄株榕树上的幼嫩隐花果,一般需3~67 min;一部分雌蜂在雄株中寻找幼嫩的隐花果,进去产卵繁殖,另一部分雌蜂则寻找雌株雌花期嫩隐花果进去传粉.雌蜂在雌株榕树的隐花果内传粉时间为15~23 h,在雄株榕树的隐花果内产卵时间为6~9 h.对叶榕小蜂在雌株上进入单个隐花果的数量多少关系到雌花结实率;观察表明,每个隐花果最佳进蜂数为2头;榕小蜂传粉后榕树成熟种子形成率在54.1%~82.5%之间,平均为73.8%;而在雄株上雌蜂进蜂数量则关系到榕小蜂在隐花果内的产卵率,每个隐花果最佳进蜂数为3~4头,产卵率在72.3%~93.8%之间,平均为84.4%.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林对叶榕传粉生物学(英)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了西双版纳热带雨林地区雌雄异株植物对叶榕 (FicushispidaL .)的生物学、传粉物候学以及榕小蜂(CeratosolensolmsimarchaliMayr)的传粉和繁殖行为。研究结果表明 :雌雄异株的对叶榕与其他雌雄同株的榕属植物不同 ,它的种子形成与传粉者有着更为复杂的相互关系。对叶榕一年结隐花果 6~ 8次 ,结果高峰期 4~ 5次 ,其中雄性植株仅产生花粉和孕育榕小蜂 ,而雌性植株 (无雄蕊 )则需榕小蜂带花粉进入隐花果内 ,进行传粉授精 ,使之发育成种子。对叶榕的成熟花粉不能从花药开裂处自行散发出来 ,必须由榕小蜂采集才能散落。榕小蜂雌蜂羽化、交配后 ,找到雄花区 ,用足、触角、口器在推动中采集花粉。雌蜂飞出熟榕果找寻雌株或雄株榕树上的幼嫩隐花果 ,一般需 3~ 6 7min ;一部分雌蜂在雄株中寻找幼嫩的隐花果 ,进去产卵繁殖 ,另一部分雌蜂则寻找雌株雌花期嫩隐花果进去传粉。雌蜂在雌株榕树的隐花果内传粉时间为 15~ 2 3h ,在雄株榕树的隐花果内产卵时间为 6~ 9h。对叶榕小蜂在雌株上进入单个隐花果的数量多少关系到雌花结实率 ;观察表明 ,每个隐花果最佳进蜂数为 2头 ;榕小蜂传粉后榕树成熟种子形成率在 5 4 .1%~ 82 .5 %之间 ,平均为 73.8% ;而在雄株上雌蜂进蜂数量则关系到榕小蜂在隐花果内的产卵率 ,  相似文献   

A microcomputer model for forest carbon dynamics with five functional comparments (atmosphere, foliage, woody-parts, roots and dead biomass in the soil) is constructed which incorporates dry-matter production processes of trees such as photosynthesis, respiration and allocation of photosynthate. The effect of photosynthesis rate at saturated light and dark respiration rate of a single leaf upon surplus production (P s) is three-dimensionally illustrated as a function of cumulative leaf area index (LAI) and extinction coefficient of light. Probable values of the physiological parameters in this model are determined by repeated simulation experiments. The successional pattern during a period of 100 years is simulated, demonstrating stable and perpetual occurrence of a tropical rainforest ecosystem composed of three strata. The model is also analyzed in terms of response of relative initial density of trees, thereby displaying the law of constant final yield in a forest ecosystem. The model outputs of carbon fluxes and phytomasses at the steady state agree quite well with field data already obtained from a tropical rainforest at Pasoh.  相似文献   

Cell growth kinetics and reactor concepts constitute essential knowledge for Bioprocess-Engineering students. Traditional learning of these concepts is supported by lectures, tutorials, and practicals: ICT offers opportunities for improvement. A virtual-experiment environment was developed that supports both model-related and experimenting-related learning objectives. Students have to design experiments to estimate model parameters: they choose initial conditions and ‘measure’ output variables. The results contain experimental error, which is an important constraint for experimental design. Students learn from these results and use the new knowledge to re-design their experiment. Within a couple of hours, students design and run many experiments that would take weeks in reality. Usage was evaluated in two courses with questionnaires and in the final exam. The faculties involved in the two courses are convinced that the experiment environment supports essential learning objectives well.  相似文献   

The Amazon and Atlantic Forest are considered the world's most biodiverse biomes. Human and climate change impacts are the principal drivers of species loss in both biomes, more severely in the Atlantic Forest. In response to species loss, the main conservation action is the creation of protected areas (PAs). Current knowledge and research on the PA network's conservation efficiency is scarce, and existing studies have mainly considered a past temporal view. In this study, we tested the efficiency of the current PA network to maintain climatically stable areas (CSAs) across the Amazon and Atlantic Forest. To this, we used an ecological niche modeling approach to biome and paleoclimatic simulations. We propose three categories of conservation priority areas for both biomes, considering CSAs, PAs and intact forest remnants. The biomes vary in their respective PA networks' protection efficiency. Regarding protect CSAs, the Amazon PA network is four times more efficient than the Atlantic Forest PA network. New conservation efforts in these two forest biomes require different approaches. We discussed the conservation actions that should be taken in each biome to increase the efficiency of the PA network, considering both the creation and expansion of PAs as well as restoration programs.  相似文献   

Further analysis of tropical rainforest dynamics and stability in relation to stem mortality has been conducted using a microcomputer model developed in a previous study (Oikawa, 1985). By simulation experiments covering a period of 100 years, the effects of changing stem mortality (δc) upon a tropical rainforest were investigated. Increasing stem mortality ranging from a standard value (3%yr−1) to a 4-fold value (12%yr−1) brings about decreases in stem biomass and thus total living biomass, and a contrasting increase of stem litterfall flux at the steady state of the forest ecosystem. At the same time, the decreased stem biomass at the steady state is predicted to result in increases of gross production (P g) and net production (P n), and an improvement in production efficiency of the model rainforest expressed as theP n/Pg ratio. similar simulation experiments predict that the improved production efficiency in the forest with a 4-fold stem mortality is able to enhance tolerance to less productive environments such as a prolonged dry season or a reduced incident light flux density. On the other hand, the standard stem mortality (δc=3%yr−1), which was estimated as a probable value for the Pasoh forest, West Malaysia, is considered to approximate the lower threshold necessary for attaining forest stability. Based on the results obtained, the significance of δc for the dynamics and stability of a tropical rainforest ecosystem is discussed in relation to the competition and tolerance of trees. In addition, the effectiveness of the simulation approach adopted here is emphasized. Titles are tentative translations by the author for original titles in Japanese.  相似文献   

We present the first detailed analysis of subfossil testate amoebae from a tropical peatland. Testate amoebae were analysed in a 4-m peat core from western Amazonia (Peru) and a transfer function developed from the site was applied to reconstruct changes in water table over the past ca. 8,000 years. Testate amoebae were in very low abundance in the core, especially in the lower 125 cm, due to a combination of poor preservation and obscuration by other organic matter. A modified preparation method enabled at least 50 testate amoebae to be counted in each core sample. The most abundant taxa preserved include Centropyxis aculeata, Hyalosphenia subflava, Phryganella acropodia and Trigonopyxis arcula. Centropyxis aculeata, an unambiguous wet indicator, is variably present and indicates several phases of near-surface water table. Our work shows that even degraded, low-abundance assemblages of testate amoebae can provide useful information regarding the long-term ecohydrological developmental history of tropical peatlands.  相似文献   

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