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When vertebrates face stressful events, the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis is activated, generating a rapid increase in circulating glucocorticoid (GC) stress hormones followed by a return to baseline levels. However, repeated activation of HPA axis may lead to increase in oxidative stress. One target of oxidative stress is telomeres, nucleoprotein complexes at the end of chromosomes that shorten at each cell division. The susceptibility of telomeres to oxidizing molecules has led to the hypothesis that increased GC levels boost telomere shortening, but studies on this link are scanty. We studied if, in barn swallows Hirundo rustica, changes in adult erythrocyte telomere length between 2 consecutive breeding seasons are related to corticosterone (CORT) (the main avian GC) stress response induced by a standard capture-restraint protocol. Within-individual telomere length did not significantly change between consecutive breeding seasons. Second-year individuals showed the highest increase in circulating CORT concentrations following restraint. Moreover, we found a decline in female stress response along the breeding season. In addition, telomere shortening covaried with the stress response: a delayed activation of the negative feedback loop terminating the stress response was associated with greater telomere attrition. Hence, among-individual variation in stress response may affect telomere dynamics.  相似文献   

Stress during early development can induce substantial long‐term effects in organisms. In the case of birds, despite growth compensations, nestlings reared under harsh conditions typically show reduced survival chances in adulthood. It has been proposed that environmental early‐life stressors could affect longevity via effects on telomere length, possibly mediated through oxidative stress. However, the link between these processes is not clear. In this study, we experimentally manipulated brood size in spotless starlings (Sturnus unicolor) to test the causal relationship between early stress, oxidative and corticosterone‐mediated stress and telomere shortening. Our results show that experimentally enlarged brood sizes led to a reduction in morphometric development on nestlings, the effect being stronger for females than males. Additionally, basal corticosterone levels increased with increasing brood size in female nestlings. Neither plasma antioxidant status nor malondialdehyde levels (a marker of lipid peroxidation) were affected by experimental brood size, although the levels of a key intracellular antioxidant (glutathione) decreased with increasing brood size. We found that the treatment showed a quadratic effect on nestling telomere lengths: these were shortened either by increases or by decreases in the original brood size. Our study provides experimental evidence for a link between developmental stress and telomere length, but does not support a direct causal link of this reduction with corticosterone or oxidative stress. We suggest that future studies should focus on how telomere length responds to additional markers of allostatic load.  相似文献   

How can adverse experiences in early life, such as maltreatment, exert such powerful negative effects on health decades later? The answer may lie in changes to DNA. New research suggests that exposure to stress can accelerate the erosion of DNA segments called telomeres. Shorter telomere length correlates with chronological age and also disease morbidity and mortality. Thus, telomere erosion is a potential mechanism linking childhood stress to health problems later in life. However, an array of mechanistic, methodological, and basic biological questions must be addressed in order to translate telomere discoveries into clinical applications for monitoring health and predicting disease risk. This paper covers the current state of the science and lays out new research directions.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of maternal androgens in avian eggs affect numerous traits, including oxidative stress. However, current studies disagree as to whether prenatal androgen exposure enhances or ameliorates oxidative stress. Here, we tested how prenatal testosterone exposure affects oxidative stress in female domestic chickens (Gallus gallus) during the known oxidative challenge of an acute stressor. Prior to incubation, eggs were either injected with an oil vehicle or 5 ng testosterone. At either 17 or 18 days post-hatch, several oxidative stress markers were assessed from blood taken before and after a 20 min acute stressor, as well as following a 25 min recovery from the stressor. We found that, regardless of yolk treatment, during both stress and recovery all individuals were in a state of oxidative stress, with elevated levels of oxidative damage markers accompanied by a reduced total antioxidant capacity. In addition, testosterone-exposed individuals exhibited poorer DNA damage repair efficiencies in comparison with control individuals. Our work suggests that while yolk androgens do not alter oxidative stress directly, they may impair mechanisms of oxidative damage repair.  相似文献   

The perception of predation risk could affect prey phenotype both within and between generations (via parental effects). The response to predation risk could involve modifications in physiology, morphology, and behavior and can ultimately affect long‐term fitness. Among the possible modifications mediated by the exposure to predation risk, telomere length could be a proxy for investigating the response to predation risk both within and between generations, as telomeres can be significantly affected by environmental stress. Maternal exposure to the perception of predation risk can affect a variety of offspring traits but the effect on offspring telomere length has never been experimentally tested. Using a live‐bearing fish, the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), we tested if the perceived risk of predation could affect the telomere length of adult females directly and that of their offspring with a balanced experimental setup that allowed us to control for both maternal and paternal contribution. We exposed female guppies to the perception of predation risk during gestation using a combination of both visual and chemical cues and we then measured female telomere length after the exposure period. Maternal effects mediated by the exposure to predation risk were measured on offspring telomere length and body size at birth. Contrary to our predictions, we did not find a significant effect of predation‐exposure neither on female nor on offspring telomere length, but females exposed to predation risk produced smaller offspring at birth. We discuss the possible explanations for our findings and advocate for further research on telomere dynamics in ectotherms.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance and oxidative stress are associated with accelerated telomere attrition in leukocytes. Both are also implicated in the biology of aging and in aging-related disorders, including hypertension. We explored the relations of leukocyte telomere length, expressed by terminal restriction fragment (TRF) length, with insulin resistance, oxidative stress and hypertension. We measured leukocyte TRF length in 327 Caucasian men with a mean age of 62.2 years (range 40-89 years) from the Offspring cohort of the Framingham Heart Study. TRF length was inversely correlated with age (r = -0.41, P < 0.0001) and age-adjusted TRF length was inversely correlated with the Homeostatic Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) (r =-0.16, P = 0.007) and urinary 8-epi-PGF(2alpha) (r = -0.16, P = 0.005) - an index of systemic oxidative stress. Compared with their normotensive peers, hypertensive subjects exhibited shorter age-adjusted TRF length (hypertensives = 5.93 +/- 0.042 kb, normotensives = 6.07 +/- 0.040 kb, P = 0.025). Collectively, these observations suggest that hypertension, increased insulin resistance and oxidative stress are associated with shorter leukocyte telomere length and that shorter leukocyte telomere length in hypertensives is largely due to insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress have been implicated in cellular senescence, apoptosis, aging and aging-associated pathologies. Telomere shortening and genomic instability have also been associated with replicative senescence, aging and cancer. Here we show that mitochondrial dysfunction leads to telomere attrition, telomere loss, and chromosome fusion and breakage, accompanied by apoptosis. An antioxidant prevented telomere loss and genomic instability in cells with dysfunctional mitochondria, suggesting that reactive oxygen species are mediators linking mitochondrial dysfunction and genomic instability. Further, nuclear transfer protected genomes from telomere dysfunction and promoted cell survival by reconstitution with functional mitochondria. This work links mitochondrial dysfunction and genomic instability and may provide new therapeutic strategies to combat certain mitochondrial and aging-associated pathologies.  相似文献   

In a broad range of species—including humans—it has been demonstrated that telomere length declines throughout life and that it may be involved in cell and organismal senescence. This potential link to ageing and thus to fitness has triggered recent interest in understanding how variation in telomere length is inherited and maintained. However, previous studies suffer from two main drawbacks that limit the possibility of understanding the relative importance of genetic, parental and environmental influences on telomere length variation. These studies have been based on (i) telomere lengths measured at different time points in different individuals, despite the fact that telomere length changes over life, and (ii) parent–offspring regression techniques, which do not enable differentiation between genetic and parental components of inheritance. To overcome these drawbacks, in our study of a songbird, the great reed warbler, we have analysed telomere length measured early in life in both parents and offspring and applied statistical models (so-called ‘animal models'') that are based on long-term pedigree data. Our results showed a significant heritability of telomere length on the maternal but not on the paternal side, and that the mother''s age was positively correlated with their offspring''s telomere length. Furthermore, the pedigree-based analyses revealed a significant heritability and an equally large maternal effect. Our study demonstrates strong maternal influence on telomere length and future studies now need to elucidate possible underlying factors, including which types of maternal effects are involved.  相似文献   

Because telomere length and dynamics relate to individual growth, reproductive investment and survival, telomeres have emerged as possible markers of individual quality. Here, we tested the hypothesis that, in species with parental care, parental telomere length can be a marker of parental quality that predicts offspring phenotype and survival. In king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), we experimentally swapped the single egg of 66 breeding pairs just after egg laying to disentangle the contribution of prelaying parental quality (e.g., genetics, investment in the egg) and/or postlaying parental quality (e.g., incubation, postnatal feeding rate) on offspring growth, telomere length and survival. Parental quality was estimated through the joint effects of biological and foster parent telomere length on offspring traits, both soon after hatching (day 10) and at the end of the prewinter growth period (day 105). We expected that offspring traits would be mostly related to the telomere lengths (i.e., quality) of biological parents at day 10 and to the telomere lengths of foster parents at day 105. Results show that chick survival up to 10 days was negatively related to biological fathers’ telomere length, whereas survival up to 105 days was positively related to foster fathers’ telomere lengths. Chick growth was not related to either biological or foster parents’ telomere length. Chick telomere length was positively related to foster mothers’ telomere length at both 10 and 105 days. Overall, our study shows that, in a species with biparental care, parents’ telomere length is foremost a proxy of postlaying parental care quality, supporting the “telomere – parental quality hypothesis.”  相似文献   

It has been suggested that reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a role in the neuronal damage occurring in ischemic injury and neurodegenerative disorders and that their neutralization by antioxidant drugs may delay or minimize neurodegeneration. In the present study we examine whether vinpocetine can act as an antioxidant and prevent the formation of ROS and lipid peroxidation in rat brain synaptosomes. After ascorbate/Fe2+ treatment a significant increase in oxygen consumption (about 5-fold) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) formation (about 7-fold) occurred as compared to control conditions. Vinpocetine inhibited the ascorbate/Fe2+ stimulated consumption of oxygen and TBARS accumulation, an indicator of lipid peroxidation, in a concentration-dependent manner. The ROS formation was also prevented by vinpocetine. Oxidative stress increased significantly the fluorescence of the probes 2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH2-DA) (about 6-fold) and dihydrorhodamine (DHR) 123 (about 10-fold), which is indicative of intrasynaptosomal ROS generation. Vinpocetine at 100 μM concentration decreased the fluorescence of DCFH2-DA and DHR 123 by about 50% and 83%, respectively. We conclude that the antioxidant effect of vinpocetine might contribute to the protective role exerted by the drug in reducing neuronal damage in pathological situations.  相似文献   

Conditions experienced during early life can influence the development of an organism and several physiological traits, even in adulthood. An important factor is the level of oxidative stress experienced during early life. In birds, extra-genomic egg substances, such as the testosterone hormone, may exert a widespread influence over the offspring phenotype. Interestingly, testosterone can also upregulate the bioavailability of certain antioxidants but simultaneously increases the susceptibility to oxidative stress in adulthood. However, little is known about the effects of maternally derived yolk testosterone on oxidative stress in developing birds. Here, we investigated the role of yolk testosterone on oxidative stress of yellow-legged gull chicks during their early development by experimentally increasing yolk testosterone levels. Levels of antioxidants, reactive oxygen species and lipid oxidative damage were determined in plasma during nestlings'' growth. Our results revealed that, contrary to control chicks, birds hatched from testosterone-treated eggs did not show an increase in the levels of oxidative damage during postnatal development. Moreover, the same birds showed a transient increase in plasma antioxidant levels. Our results suggest that yolk testosterone may shape the oxidative stress-resistance phenotype of the chicks during early development owing to an increase in antioxidant defences and repair processes.  相似文献   

To examine the expression profile of oxidative stress responsive genes in Spodoptera litura, we constructed a cDNA library from S. litura injected with hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)). Using a microarray chip composed of 2,964 cDNAs, we screened gene expression at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 h post H(2)O(2) injection. Data were clustered into 15 groups of genes that behave similarly across each time course. Seventy-three genes were identified as being at least twofold up- or downregulated after treatment with H(2)O(2) in S. litura. We constructed expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for genes that changed at least twofold after treatment with H(2)O(2) . The functional classification of these ESTs based on Gene Ontology showed that the ESTs are rich in genes involved in oxidoreductase activity (5.7%), defense (14.3%), cellular process (22.9%), and development (17.1%).  相似文献   

Properties of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) have been extensively studied since their first derivation in 2006. However, the modification in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and detoxification caused by reprogramming still needs to be further elucidated. The objective of this study was to compare the response of iPSC generated from menstrual blood–derived mesenchymal stem cells (mb‐iPSC), embryonic stem cells (H9) and adult menstrual blood–derived mesenchymal stem cells (mbMSC) to ROS exposure and investigate the effects of reprogramming on cellular oxidative stress (OS). mbMSC were extremely resistant to ROS exposure, however, mb‐iPSC were 10‐fold less resistant to H2O2, which was very similar to embryonic stem cell sensitivity. Extracellular production of ROS was also similar in mb‐iPSC and H9 and almost threefold lower than in mbMSC. Furthermore, intracellular amounts of ROS were higher in mb‐iPSC and H9 when compared with mbMSC. As the ability to metabolize ROS is related to antioxidant enzymes, we analysed enzyme activities in these cell types. Catalase and superoxide dismutase activities were reduced in mb‐iPSC and H9 when compared with mbMSC. Finally, cell adhesion under OS conditions was impaired in mb‐iPSC when compared with mbMSC, albeit similar to H9. Thus, reprogramming leads to profound modifications in extracellular ROS production accompanied by loss of the ability to handle OS.  相似文献   

氧化胁迫是生物体面对逆境时的重要反应。在与逆境和活性氧做斗争的过程中,细胞进化出一套完整的应答调控机制,通过调节体内活性氧的代谢平衡,来保护DNA、脂质和蛋白质等免受氧化攻击。本文以酿酒酵母为例,根据近年来国内外研究的进展,围绕其在氧化胁迫应答过程中的三道保护屏障,即抗氧化物质和防御酶系统、转录调节和氧化物降解以及细胞器自噬,综述了其抗氧化代谢机理,为深入认识细胞的抗氧化应答机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

We observed an unexpectedly strong association of three different endogenous aldehydes and noted that the association could be explained by multiple reactions in which oxidative stress increased the formation of endogenous aldehydes and endogenous aldehydes increased oxidative stress. These interactions make it reasonable to assess multiple exposures to endogenous oxidative and aldehyde stress with less specific measures such as advanced glycation end-products or protein carbonyls.  相似文献   

tRNA cleavage is a conserved response to oxidative stress in eukaryotes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent results have identified a diversity of small RNAs in a wide range of organisms. In this work, we demonstrate that Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a small RNA population consisting primarily of tRNA halves and rRNA fragments. Both 5′ and 3′ fragments of tRNAs are detectable by Northern blot analysis, suggesting a process of endonucleolytic cleavage. tRNA and rRNA fragment production in yeast is most pronounced during oxidative stress conditions, especially during entry into stationary phase. Similar tRNA fragments are also observed in human cell lines and in plants during oxidative stress. These results demonstrate that tRNA cleavage is a conserved aspect of the response to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Jian Lu  Yie Liu 《The EMBO journal》2010,29(2):398-409
Telomeres consist of short guanine‐rich repeats. Guanine can be oxidized to 8‐oxo‐7,8‐dihydroguanine (8‐oxoG) and 2,6‐diamino‐4‐hydroxy‐5‐formamidopyrimidine (FapyG). 8‐oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (Ogg1) repairs these oxidative guanine lesions through the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Here we show that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae ablation of Ogg1p leads to an increase in oxidized guanine level in telomeric DNA. The ogg1 deletion (ogg1Δ) strain shows telomere lengthening that is dependent on telomerase and/or Rad52p‐mediated homologous recombination. 8‐oxoG in telomeric repeats attenuates the binding of the telomere binding protein, Rap1p, to telomeric DNA in vitro. Moreover, the amount of telomere‐bound Rap1p and Rif2p is reduced in ogg1Δ strain. These results suggest that oxidized guanines may perturb telomere length equilibrium by attenuating telomere protein complex to function in telomeres, which in turn impedes their regulation of pathways engaged in telomere length maintenance. We propose that Ogg1p is critical in maintaining telomere length homoeostasis through telomere guanine damage repair, and that interfering with telomere length homoeostasis may be one of the mechanism(s) by which oxidative DNA damage inflicts the genome.  相似文献   

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