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M. HEALEY  M. OLSSON 《Austral ecology》2008,33(8):1015-1021
Males of the colour polymorphic Australian painted dragon lizard Ctenophorus pictus occur in red or yellow head colouration. In a previous experiment, we showed that red is associated with a higher probability of winning staged contests for resources (females or space) and that manipulation of male colouration by painting males in the opposing morph changed the dynamics of staged interactions by prolonging them 30‐fold. Thus, colour is linked to behavioural differences between males and is involved in information transfer between competing males. This inherent red dominance could result in yellow males being marginalized to poorer quality territories in terms of access to females, food, perch sites or shade. With an experiment in the wild, we test to what extent this prediction is upheld, and how colour manipulation affects morph‐specific success in territory acquisition when male body size, territory quality and emergence time from hibernation are controlled through manipulation or randomization. There was no significant effect of colour category per se, although on average red males remained closer to the release sites (our proxy for territory acquisition ability) than yellow males and artificially altered morphs moved the furthest away. There was a significant interaction effect between colour category and experimental release position, which may be linked to differences in how exposed (or not) these positions were and morph‐specific ability to cope with such exposure (e.g. ‘boldness’). Our data show that territory acquisition success is not merely a function of competitive ability but a composite outcome of a suite of factors, including signal perception.  相似文献   

We tested whether territorial defence is adaptive in male collared lizards by examining the extent to which territory owners monopolize females. We also tested whether females benefit by mating with multiple males using alternative tactics when local sex ratios varied. Surprisingly, neither the number of offspring that males sired, nor the number of females that males mated with varied as a consequence of highly variable local sex ratios. Moreover, both the number of offspring sired and the number of female mates were independent of male social status. Courtship frequency was under positive directional sexual selection for mating success for territorial males. None of the phenotypic traits that we examined were targets of sexual selection in nonterritorial males. Although offspring survivorship decreased with the degree of multiple mating, females mated multiply with similar numbers of territorial and nonterritorial males during all three seasons. Females did not obtain material or genetic benefits that balanced the apparent offspring survival cost imposed by mating with multiple males. Instead, females appeared to be ‘making the best of a bad job’, perhaps because the abundance of hiding places used by subordinate males makes it difficult for females to avoid male harassment. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 423–436.  相似文献   

Mimicry is a widespread phenomenon. Vertebrate visual mimicry often operates in an intraspecific sexual context, with some males resembling conspecific females. Pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) dorsal plumage varies from the ancestral black to female‐like brown. Experimental studies have shown that conspecific and heterospecific (collared flycatcher, F. albicollis) individuals of both sexes respond, at least initially, to brown individuals as if they were female. We quantified the perceptual and biochemical differences between brown feathers and found that brown pied flycatcher males are indistinguishable from heterospecific, but not from conspecific, females in both aspects. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of a visual mimetic signalling system in a sexual context where the model is heterospecific to the mimic. By only mimicking heterospecific females, brown pied flycatcher males can establish territories next to the more dominant collared flycatcher in sympatry, suffer less aggression by darker conspecifics in allopatry and preserve within‐species sexual recognition throughout the breeding range. A closer look at the evolutionary history and ecology of these two species illustrates how such a mimetic system can evolve. Although likely rare, this phenomenon might not be unique to Ficedula flycatchers.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions often vary in space and time, and this may explain variation in the expression of phenotypic traits related to individual quality, such as ornamental coloration. Furthermore, the direction and strength of the relationship between coloured trait expression and individual quality might vary under contrasting conditions. These issues have been explored in adult birds but much less so in nestlings, which are more likely to experience different selective pressures and different physiological trade‐offs than adults. Here, we empirically investigated the effects of contrasting breeding and diet conditions on the expression of carotenoid‐based colour traits displayed by marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) nestlings. We studied the variation in coloration, body condition, and immune responsiveness of nestlings in four populations over a 5‐year period. We characterized spatiotemporal differences in rearing conditions experienced by C. aeruginosus nestlings in terms of breeding (laying date, clutch size, and number of nestlings hatched and fledged) and diet (percentage of mammal in diet and prey diversity) conditions. We found that breeding conditions influenced the co‐variation between coloration and immune responsiveness in female nestlings, and that diet conditions influenced the condition‐dependence of nestling coloration in later‐hatched nestlings. In addition, breeding conditions influenced nestling body condition and immune responsiveness, whereas diet conditions influenced nestling coloration and body condition. Our study highlights that nestling phenotype (levels of signalling, circulating carotenoids, and immunity) varies both spatially and temporally, and that some of this variation is related to differences in breeding and diet conditions. Moreover, under contrasting conditions, the direction of the relationships between nestling carotenoid‐based coloration and nestling quality may also vary. In order to fully understand the evolution and maintenance of colour traits in nestling birds, studies and experiments should ideally be replicated under contrasting rearing conditions. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Genetically based variation in coloration occurs in populations of many organisms belonging to various taxa, including birds, mammals, frogs, molluscs, insects and plants. Colour polymorphism has evolved in raptors more often than in any other group of birds, suggesting that predator–prey relationships was a driving evolutionary force. Individuals displaying a new invading colour morph may enjoy an initial foraging advantage because prey have difficulties in learning the colour of a rare morph (apostatic selection), or because morphs provide alternative foraging benefits allowing differently coloured individuals to exploit distinct food niches (disruptive selection). Plumage polymorphism should therefore have evolved in species that prey upon animals having the physiological ability to distinguish between differently coloured predators but also to flee once a predator has been detected. From this assumption, we can predict that closely related polymorphic and monomorphic species prey upon different animals. They may also differ in morphology, because foraging upon different prey may require different foraging modes, and in turn different morphological structures. We tested these two predictions in a comparative study of raptors. As expected, polymorphic and monomorphic species had a different diet, and there was a difference in wing length between polymorphic and monomorphic species within two genera ( Buteo and Accipiter ). Across all raptors for which phylogenetic relationships are known, polymorphic species preyed more often upon mammals than did monomorphic ones. These two types of raptor did not differ in the frequency of birds, insects and reptiles in their diets. We discuss these results in the light of the hypothesis that predator–prey relationships played a role in the evolution of colour polymorphism. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 565–578.  相似文献   

Colour ornamentation in animals is exceptionally diverse, but some colours may provide better signals of individual quality or more efficient visual stimuli and, thus, be more often used as sexual signals. This may depend on physiological costs, which depend on the mechanism of colour production (e.g. exogenously acquired colouration in passerine birds appears to be most sexually dichromatic). We studied sexual dichromatism in a sample of 27 Australasian parrot species with pigment- (melanin and psittacofulvin) and structural-based colouration, to test whether some of these types of colouration are more prominent in sexual ornamentation. Unlike passerines, in which long wavelength colouration (yellow to red) usually involves exogenous and costly carotenoid pigments, yellow to red colouration in parrots is based on endogenously synthesized psittacofulvin pigments. This allows us to assess whether costly exogenous pigments are necessary for these plumage colours to have a prominent role in sexual signalling. Structural blue colouration showed the largest and most consistent sexual dichromatism, both in area and perceptually relevant chromatic differences, indicating that it is often ornamental in parrots. By contrast, we found little evidence for consistent sexual dichromatism in melanin-based colouration. Unlike passerines, yellow to red colouration was not strongly sexually dichromatic: although the area of colouration was generally larger in males, colour differences between the sexes were on average imperceptible to parrots. This is consistent with the idea that the prominent yellow to red sexual dichromatism in passerines is related to the use of carotenoid pigments, rather than resulting from sensory bias for these colours.  相似文献   

Sex differences in behavior, morphology, and physiology are common in animals. In many bird species, differences in the feather colors of the sexes are apparent when judged by human observers and using physical measures of plumage reflectance, cryptic (to human) plumage dichromatism has also been detected in several additional avian lineages. However, it remains to be confirmed in almost all species whether sexual dichromatism is perceivable by individuals of the studied species. This latter step is essential because it allows the evaluation of alternative hypotheses regarding the signaling and communication functions of plumage variation. We applied perceptual modeling of the avian visual system for the first time to an endemic New Zealand bird to provide evidence of subtle but consistent sexual dichromatism in the whitehead, Mohoua albicilla. Molecular sexing techniques were also used in this species to confirm the extent of the sexual size dimorphism in plumage and body mass. Despite the small sample sizes, we now validate previous reports based on human perception that in male whiteheads head and chest feathers are physically brighter than in females. We further suggest that the extent of sexual plumage dichromatism is pronounced and can be perceived by these birds. In contrast, although sexual dimorphism was also detectable in the mass among the DNA‐sexed individuals, it was found to be less extensive than previously thought. Sexual size dimorphism and intraspecifically perceivable plumage dichromatism represent reliable traits that differ between female and male whiteheads. These traits, in turn, may contribute to honest communication displays within the complex social recognition systems of communally breeding whitehead and other group‐breeding taxa. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Categorizing individuals into discrete forms in colour polymorphic species can overlook more subtle patterns in coloration that can be of functional significance. Thus, quantifying inter-individual variation in these species at both within- and between-morph levels is critical to understand the evolution of colour polymorphisms. Here we present analyses of inter-individual colour variation in the Reunion grey white-eye (Zosterops borbonicus), a colour polymorphic wild bird endemic to the island of Reunion in which all highland populations contain two sympatric colour morphs, with birds showing predominantly grey or brown plumage, respectively. We first quantified colour variation across multiple body areas by using a continuous plumage colour score to assess variation in brown-grey coloration as well as smaller scale variation in light patches. To examine the possible causes of among-individual variation, we tested if colour variation in plumage component elements could be explained by genotypes at two markers near a major-effect locus previously related to back coloration in this species, and by other factors such as age, sex and body condition. Overall, grey-brown coloration was largely determined by genetic factors and was best described by three distinct clusters that were associated to genotypic classes (homozygotes and heterozygote), with no effect of age or sex, whereas variation in smaller light patches was primarily related to age and sex. Our results highlight the importance of characterizing subtle plumage variation beyond morph categories that are readily observable since multiple patterns of colour variation may be driven by different mechanisms, have different functions and will likely respond in different ways to selection.  相似文献   

Conspicuous colouration increases male reproductive success through female preferences and/or male–male competition. Despite the advantages of conspicuous colouration, inconspicuous male morphs can exist simultaneously in a population due to genetic diversity, condition dependence or developmental constraints. We are interested in explaining the male dichromatism in Xanthagrion erythroneurum damselflies. We reared these damselflies in outdoor insectaries under natural conditions and showed that this species undergoes ontogenetic colour changes. The younger males are yellow and change colour to red 6–7 days after their emergence. We took red and yellow male reflectance spectra and found that red males are brighter than yellow males. Next, we aimed to determine whether ontogenetic colour change signals sexual maturity with field observations and laboratory experiments. Our field observational data showed that red males are in higher abundance in the breeding territory, and they have a higher mating frequency than yellow males. We confirmed these field observations by enclosing a red and a yellow male with two females and found that yellow males do not mate in presence of red males. To determine whether colour change signals sexual maturity, we measured mating success of males before and after colour changes by enclosing a single male at different age (day 3-day 7) and colour (yellow, intermediate and red) with a single female in a mating cage. Males did not mate when yellow but the same male mated after it changed colour to red, suggesting the ontogenetic colour change signals sexual maturity in this species. Our study shows that male dichromatism can be age-dependent and ontogenetic colour change can signal age and sexual readiness in non-territorial insects.  相似文献   

The interplay between colour vision and animal signalling is of keen interest to behavioural ecologists and evolutionary biologists alike, but is difficult to address in terrestrial animals. Unlike most avian lineages, in which colour vision is relatively invariant among species, the fairy‐wrens and allies (Maluridae) show a recent gain of ultraviolet sensitivity (UVS). Here, we compare the rates of colour evolution on 11 patches for males and females across Maluridae in the context of their visual system. We measured reflectance spectra for 24 species, estimating five vision‐independent colour metrics as well as metrics of colour contrast among patches and sexual dichromatism in a receiver‐neutral colour space. We fit Brownian motion (BM) and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) models to estimate evolutionary rates for these metrics and to test whether male coloration, female coloration or dichromatism was driven by selective regimes defined by visual system or geography. We found that in general male coloration evolved rapidly in comparison with females. Male colour contrast was strongly correlated with visual system and expanded greatly in UVS lineages, whereas female coloration was weakly associated with geography (Australia vs. Papua New Guinea). These results suggest that dichromatism has evolved in Maluridae as males and females evolve at different rates, and are driven by different selection pressures.  相似文献   

木棉(Bombax ceiba)花大、红色, 多为鸟媒传粉, 但也存在频率极低的黄花个体, 有蜜蜂访花。本文对比研究了海南岛木棉红花、黄花的花部特征及传粉过程, 以解释黄花个体的适应意义。木棉两种花色表型的花蜜组分(葡萄糖和果糖)及挥发性物质(烷烃类、酯类、酚类等)没有显著差异, 但黄花花瓣的反射波长范围均在鸟类与蜜蜂视觉范围内, 可同时吸引鸟和蜜蜂。木棉黄花的雌雄异熟程度较小(花粉活性时期与柱头可受期重叠较大), 可在传粉媒介访花次数有限的情况下同时输出或接受花粉。另一方面, 黄花有着更大程度的柱头探出式雌雄异位, 降低了较小程度雌雄异熟可能导致的自交与雌雄功能干扰。木棉存在明显的花粉限制, 且黄花的坐果率(1.08 ± 0.56)%显著低于红花(3.27 ± 0.93)%。我们推测, 黄花个体可能通过增加木棉访花者类群多样性、降低雌雄异熟程度而提高了木棉的繁殖成功率, 也通过吸引蜜蜂而降低了蜜蜂对红花鸟媒传粉的干扰。  相似文献   

Sneaking is common in nest-building fish with paternal care,but the role of nest-opening size in protecting against entryby sneaker males has never been tested before. Using the sandgoby (Pomatoschistus minutus), a fish with exclusive paternalcare, experimental manipulations of nest openings provided nosupport for the hypothesis that nest openings serve as physicalor visual defense or that sneaker males prefer to parasitizenests with wide openings. Female mating preference was alsonot influenced by nest-opening size. However, female courtshipbehavior and visibility were important cues for sneaker males.Most sneak entries occurred when the nest holder was occupiedwith courtship, chasing another sneaker male or nest building.In half the cases of observed sneak entry, the sneaker malefertilized eggs, also when sneaking only occurred before spawning.Sneak entry and its duration were good estimates of stolen paternity,but neither sneak entries nor degree of fertilizations werecorrelated with filial cannibalistic behavior. Testes size didnot explain parasitic spawning success in replicates with geneticallydetermined sneaking. However, all sneaker males without breedingcoloration had huge testes and small sperm duct glands, whereasnest-holding males had small testes and large sperm duct glands,and sneaker males with breeding coloration were intermediate.  相似文献   

Promiscuity drives sexual selection in a socially monogamous bird   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many socially monogamous species paradoxically show signs of strong sexual selection, suggesting cryptic sources of sexual competition among males. Darwin argued that sexual selection could operate in monogamous systems if breeding sex ratios are biased or if some males attract highly fecund females. Alternatively, sexual selection might result from promiscuous copulations outside the pair bond, although several recent studies have cast doubt on this possibility, in particular by showing that variance in apparent male reproductive success (number of social young) differs little from variance in actual male reproductive success (number of young sired). Our results from a long-term study of the socially monogamous splendid fairy-wren (Malurus splendens) demonstrate that such comparisons are misleading and do not adequately assess the effects of extra-pair paternity (EPP). By partitioning the opportunity for selection and calculating Bateman gradients, we show that EPP has a strong effect on male annual and lifetime fitness, whereas other proposed mechanisms of sexual selection do not. Thus, EPP drives sexual selection in this, and possibly other, socially monogamous species.  相似文献   

Within-sex colour variation is a widespread phenomenon in animals that often plays a role in social selection. In males, colour variation is typically associated with the existence of alternative reproductive strategies. Despite ecological conditions theoretically favourable to the emergence of such alternative strategies in females, the social significance of colour variation in females has less commonly been addressed, relative to the attention given to male strategies. In a population of the common lizard, females display three classes of ventral colouration: pale yellow, orange and mixed. These ventral colours are stable through individual's life and maternally heritable. Females of different ventral colourations displayed different responses of clutch size, clutch hatching success and clutch sex-ratio to several individual and environmental parameters. Such reaction patterns might reflect alternative reproductive strategies in females. Spatial heterogeneity and presence of density- and frequency-dependent feedbacks in the environment could allow for the emergence of such alternative strategies in this population and the maintenance of colour variation in females.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, pair-bonded males often continue to provide care to all offspring in their nests despite some degree of paternity loss due to female extra-pair copulation. Previous theoretical models suggested that females can use their within-pair offspring as ‘hostages'' to blackmail their social mates, so that they continue to provide care to the brood at low levels of cuckoldry. These models, however, rely on the assumption of sufficiently accurate male detection of cuckoldry and the reduction of parental effort in case of suspicion. Therefore, they cannot explain the abundant cases where cuckolded males continue to provide extensive care to the brood. Here we use an analytical population genetics model and an individual-based simulation model to explore the coevolution of female fidelity and male help in populations with two genetically determined alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs): sneakers that achieve paternity solely via extra-pair copulations and bourgeois that form a mating pair and spend some efforts in brood care. We show that when the efficiency of mate guarding is intermediate, the bourgeois males can evolve to ‘specialize'' in providing care by spending more than 90% of time in helping their females while guarding them as much as possible, despite frequent cuckoldry by the sneakers. We also show that when sneakers have tactic-specific adaptations and thus are more competitive than the bourgeois in gaining extra-pair fertilizations, the frequency of sneakers and the degrees of female fidelity and male help can fluctuate in evolutionary cycles. Our theoretical predictions highlight the need for further empirical tests in species with ARTs.  相似文献   

An often underappreciated function of signals is to notify receivers of the presence and position of senders. The colours that ornament the mouthparts of nestling birds, for example, have been hypothesized to evolve via selective pressure generated by parents'' inability to efficiently detect and feed nestlings without such visually conspicuous targets. This proposed mechanism has primarily been evaluated with comparative studies and experimental tests for parental allocation bias, leaving untested the central assumption of this detectability hypothesis, that provisioning offspring is a visually challenging task for avian parents and conspicuous mouths help. To test this assumption, I manipulated the mouths of nestling house sparrows to appear minimally and maximally conspicuous, and quantified prey transfer difficulty as the total duration of a feeding event and the number of transfer attempts required. Prey transfer to inconspicuous nestlings was, as predicted, more difficult. While this suggests that detectability constraints could shape nestling mouth colour evolution, even minimally conspicuous nestlings were not prohibitively difficult for parents to feed, indicating that a more nuanced explanation for interspecific diversity in this trait is needed.  相似文献   

Male ram cichlid, Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, spent significantly more time associating with animated female images compared to static images of the same female, indicating that males of the species reliably respond to computer-animated images of conspecific females. Female M. ramirezi temporarily display a pink-coloured belly, and this study showed that males spent significantly more time associating with animated female images displaying a pink-coloured belly compared to animated female images with pink belly colour removed. This is the first study to report male mate choice in M. ramirezi, a neotropical monogamous dwarf cichlid.  相似文献   

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