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We present the first evidence for sexual deception by female mimicry in birds. Using live, caged birds we show that territorial male pied flycatchers behave aggressively toward bright-colored males but display sexually toward female-like male intruders. We also show that the males that are fooled are those that lack recent sexual experience. All male pied flycatchers are dull-colored in winter. It is possible that young males are more constrained during the spring molt than older males since the former are more dull-colored in spring. According to the molt-constraints hypothesis a subadult plumage would be maladaptive in the breeding season. Analysis of male settling pattern at breeding sites in spring suggests that brownish males are allowed to settle closer to already-established males than dark-colored males. This result suggests an adaptive value of having a subadult plumage color, in particular for young males arriving late from spring migration. However, we also show that mimicry incurs a cost, that of increased aggression from females, which may explain why female-like males have reduced mating success.  相似文献   

The hormonal control of territorial aggression in male and female vertebrates outside the breeding season is still unresolved. Most vertebrates have regressed gonads when not breeding and do not secrete high levels of sex steroids. However, recent studies implicate estrogens in the regulation of non-breeding territoriality in some bird species. One possible source of steroids during the non-breeding season could be the adrenal glands that are known to produce sex steroid precursors such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). We studied tropical, year-round territorial spotted antbirds (Hylophylax n. naevioides) and asked (1). whether both males and females are aggressive in the non-breeding season and (2). whether DHEA is detectable in the plasma at that time. We conducted simulated territorial intrusions (STIs) with live decoys to male and female free-living spotted antbirds in central Panama. Non-breeding males and females displayed robust aggressive responses to STIs, and responded more intensely to decoys of their own sex. In both sexes, plasma DHEA concentrations were detectable and higher than levels of testosterone (T) and 17beta-estradiol (E(2)). In males, plasma DHEA concentrations were positively correlated with STI duration. Next, we conducted STIs in captive non-breeding birds. Captive males and females displayed robust aggressive behavior. Plasma DHEA concentrations were detectable in both sexes, whereas T was non-detectable (E(2) was not measured). Plasma DHEA concentrations of males were positively correlated with aggressive vocalizations and appeared to increase with longer STI durations. We conclude that male and female spotted antbirds can produce DHEA during the non-breeding season and DHEA may serve as a precursor of sex steroids for the regulation of year-round territorial behavior in both sexes.  相似文献   

Testosterone promotes aggressive behaviour in male vertebrates during the breeding season, but the importance of testosterone in female aggression remains unclear. Testosterone has both beneficial and detrimental effects on behaviour and physiology, prompting the hypothesis that selection favours an association between aggression and testosterone only in certain contexts in which intense or persistent aggression may be beneficial. We tested this hypothesis in a year-round territorial female buff-breasted wrens (Thryothorus leucotis), by exposing free-living females to experimental intrusions in different social (either single female or male, or paired decoys) and seasonal (pre-breeding or breeding) contexts. Females responded more aggressively to intrusions by females and pairs than to males. However, female intrusions elicited stronger responses during pre-breeding, whereas responses to pair intrusions were more intense during breeding. Territorial females had elevated testosterone levels after female intrusions and intermediate levels after pair intrusions during pre-breeding, but the levels of testosterone remained low after these intrusions during breeding. These results demonstrate seasonal differences in circulating testosterone following territorial aggression in female buff-breasted wrens and are suggestive of differences according to social context as well. Context-dependent elevation of testosterone implies that selection acts directly on female vertebrates to shape patterns of testosterone secretion.  相似文献   

The associations among aggression, testosterone (T), and reproductive success have been well studied, particularly in male birds. In many species, males challenged with simulated or real territorial intrusions increase T and levels of aggression, outcomes linked to higher dominance status and greater reproductive success. For females, the patterns are less clear. Females behave aggressively towards one another, and in some species, females respond to a social challenge with increases in T, but in other species they do not. Prior work on female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) had shown that experimental elevation of T increases social status and intrasexual aggression. Here, we conducted two experiments designed to answer three questions: Are endogenous concentrations of T associated with dominance status in captive female juncos? Does dominance status influence readiness to breed in female juncos? And do captive females increase T in response to a challenge? In the first experiment, we introduced two females to a breeding aviary, allowed them to form a dominance relationship and then introduced a male. We found that dominant females were more likely to breed than subordinates, but that dominance status was not predicted by circulating T. In the second experiment, we allowed a resident male and female to establish ownership of a breeding aviary (territory) then introduced a second, intruder female. We found that resident females were aggressive towards and dominant over intruders, but T did not increase during aggressive interactions. We suggest that during the breeding season, intrasexual aggression between females may influence reproductive success, but not be dependent upon fluctuations in T. Selection may have favored independence of aggression from T because high concentrations of T could interfere with normal ovulation or produce detrimental maternal effects.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms in weaponry and aggression are common in species in which one sex (usually males) competes for access to mates or resources necessary for reproduction – sexually dimorphic weaponry and aggression, in other words, are frequently the result of intrasexual selection. In snapping shrimp, the major chela (snapping claw) can be a deadly weapon, and males of many species have larger chelae than females, a pattern readily interpreted as resulting from intrasexual selection. Thus, males might be expected to show more sex‐specific aggression than females, and be more aggressive overall. We tested these predictions in two species of snapping shrimp in a territorial defense context. Neither of these predictions was supported: in both species, females, but not males, engaged in sex‐specific aggression and females were more aggressive than males overall. These contrasting sexual dimorphisms – larger weaponry in males but higher aggression in females – highlight the importance of considering the function of weaponry and aggression in contexts other than direct competitions over mates. In addition, species differences in the degree of sexual dimorphism in chela size were due to differences in female, not male, chela size, and the species with greater sexual dimorphism in weaponry was significantly less aggressive overall; also, while paired and solitary males did not differ in residual chela size, for the species with greater sexual dimorphism, females carrying embryos had smaller residual chela sizes. These results suggest that understanding the sexual dimorphisms in weaponry and aggression in snapping shrimp requires understanding the relative costs and benefits of both in females as well as males.  相似文献   

We studied territorial behaviour of Calomys musculinus, a promiscuous-polygynous species, in order to test the predictions that during the breeding period, home-range-owner females are more aggressive than home-range intruders and that males do not display territorial behaviour. At the core of the breeding season, we conducted 136 intrasexual and 66 intersexual encounters. The study was carried out in four 0.25-ha enclosures, each containing one independent population. We studied territorial behaviour utilising focal animal sampling to record behaviour. Encounters were conducted in a circular opaque arena (COA) near the home-range’s activity mathematical centre (AMC). Amicable behaviour was not observed in any of the 78 trials among females. The rates of aggressive and submissive behaviour per female–female encounters varied in relation to whether they were home-range owners or intruders, the former being aggressive, the latter submissive. So we could link these drives to the territorial behaviour of C. musculinus. This result fits well with the already known territoriality of C. musculinus during the breeding season. In contrast, the 58 intrasexual male encounters did not show direct aggressive interactions between them. The rates of the different behaviours between males did not vary in relation to whether they were home-range owners or intruders. In our study, which took place during the breeding period, C. musculinus males were nonterritorial, and they never exhibited aggressiveness towards females.  相似文献   

Status signals are linked to fighting ability and enable competitors to gain access to resources without risking injury in aggressive combat. The relationship between testosterone (T), a hormone that mediates aggression, and signals of status is well studied in males, but little is known about the relationship between T and female signals of status. Female and male American goldfinches Spinus tristis express a dynamic carotenoid‐based orange bill color during the breeding season and previous work has demonstrated that females use orange bill color to communicate competitive ability during intrasexual competition. We test the hypothesis that female bill color reflects baseline T, which would allow receivers to directly assess a competitor's aggressive potential. We found a positive relationship between T and bill coloration in females, indicating that bill color has the ability to signal female competitive status. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that female bill color is a reliable signal of fighting ability, and indicates that females, like males, may use coloration to signal their hormonally mediated aggressive potential.  相似文献   

Nesting holes are a scarce resource for obligated cavity‐nesting birds and an important selective force for the evolution of aggressive female behaviours, which may be mediated by testosterone (T) levels. It is known that during periods of intense intrasexual competition such as initial breeding stages, females are highly aggressive towards intruding females. Here, we studied the implications of T levels for female–female competition by comparing levels of aggressiveness towards simulated female intruders (decoys) in two populations of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) with a marked difference in breeding density. To this end, we exposed free‐living females to simulated territorial intrusions during 30 min when nest construction was almost complete. T levels of females were measured at the beginning of incubation under the assumption that they are positively associated with T levels during nest building. We also related aggressiveness to T levels in both populations. Furthermore, we aimed at detecting whether variation of T levels may explain female incubation attendance. Females showed higher T levels in the populations where pied flycatchers were exposed to a higher likelihood of conspecific interactions (high breeding density) than in the population with low breeding density. Female territorial presence, vigilance at the nest box and proximity to decoys were negatively related to circulating T levels in the high‐density population, but not in the low‐density population. Differences in T levels between populations did not result in differences in female incubation attendance, but T levels were negatively related to the incubation attendance in females from the population showing high T levels. In our populations, T levels in females prior to laying reflect the need to defend nesting cavities which is higher at high breeding density and in subdominant females. High T levels are costly in terms of incubation attendance.  相似文献   

In many species, females show reduced expression of a trait that is under sexual selection in males, and this expression is thought to be maintained through genetic associations with the male phenotype. However, there is also the potential for the female trait to convey an advantage in intrasexual conflicts over resources. We tested this hypothesis in a feral population of Soay sheep, in which males and females have a polymorphism for horn development, producing either full (normal horned), reduced (scurred) or no (polled, females only) horns. During the lambing period, females who possessed horns were more likely to initiate and win aggressive interactions, independent of age, weight and birthing status. The occurrence of aggression was also context dependent, decreasing over the lambing period and associated with local density. Our results demonstrate that a trait that confers benefits to males during intrasexual competition for mates may also be used by females in intrasexual competition over resources: males use weaponry to gain mates, whereas females use weaponry to gain food.  相似文献   

The challenge hypothesis poses that in socially monogamous vertebrates, males increase circulating testosterone in response to aggressive challenges to promote intense and persistent aggression. However, in bird species that raise only a single brood during short breeding seasons as well as those with essential male parental care, males lack the well-documented testosterone response to social challenges. We tested male behavioral and hormonal responses to social challenges in a neotropical bird species, the buff-breasted wren (Thryothorus leucotis), which is single-brooded with extensive male parental care, but in contrast to most species studied to date, has a long breeding season. We presented live female, male, and paired decoys with song playback for 30 min during pre-breeding and breeding periods. Males responded aggressively to all intruders, but male decoys elicited somewhat weaker responses overall. Responses to female decoys were most intense during pre-breeding, whereas pair decoys elicited stronger responses at breeding. Plasma testosterone concentrations did not differ between challenged and unchallenged males, or among males exposed to different decoys or during different seasons. Plasma corticosterone in pre-breeding males was higher in challenged than unchallenged males and varied positively with the duration of social challenge. Circulating dehydroepiandrosterone concentrations were similar in challenged and unchallenged males, but correlated positively with the proportion of time males spent in close proximity to the decoy. Both testosterone and corticosterone results support recent findings, suggesting that brood number and essential male care, but not breeding-season length, may be important determinants of male hormonal responsiveness during aggressive interactions.  相似文献   

We investigated territorial behavior and circulating testosterone (T) levels in a multiple-brooded population of the European stonechat, a socially monogamous passerine bird with biparental care. Between arrival at and departure from the breeding territories, we (1) quantified behavior of both sexes in response to a simulated territorial intrusion (STI) of a male conspecific and (2) measured plasma T concentrations in males and females. Male response scores to a STI and male T concentrations varied with phase, but there was no temporal association between plasma T levels and the intensity of territorial behavior. During both two sexual and two parental phases, at least half of the tested males showed aggressive responses. About 20% of the tested males responded with courtship prior to laying of the first clutch, but none of the males courted during later phases. Age had a positive overall effect on male plasma T. Females also reacted to the STI of a male, but their responses did not vary with breeding phase. Female plasma T varied with phase, being elevated during production of the first but not of the second clutch. As with males, female responses to the STI were not correlated with T levels. Responses of pair partners were positively correlated with each other. We conclude that modulation of male territorial aggression with breeding phase is not regulated by changes of plasma T concentrations. In light of other studies showing reduced male aggression by pharmacological inhibition of cellular actions of T, we propose that T is permissive for male territorial aggression, but does not mediate short-term changes associated with breeding phase. The function of the high female plasma T concentrations during formation of first clutches could be related to the production of eggs with high concentrations of androgens.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of the behavioural interactions between males and females is crucial for elucidating the selection pressures shaping mating system evolution; however, these interactions are often difficult to observe, particularly in free-living populations. We simulated extraterritorial intrusions by presenting conspecific models on to territories of a Neotropical migratory passerine, the yellow-breasted chat, Icteria virens. Simulated intrusions elicited different responses based on the sex of the focal individual and the sex and species of the model. Behavioural responses of the focal individuals were largely directed towards conspecific models, whereas simulated heterospecific intrusions, using a Carolina wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus, model, elicited minimal response. Male song was not related to any particular model presentation. Males directed mating behaviours, including courtship displays and copulations, exclusively towards the female conspecific model. Males behaved aggressively towards the conspecific male model. In contrast, females never showed any courtship behaviour towards the male model and showed significant aggression towards the conspecific female model. The results of this study reveal that territorial aggression in yellow-breasted chats is strongly intrasexual. Additionally, simulated female extraterritorial intrusions, but not male intrusions, resulted in extrapair courtship and copulation. This pattern is likely to be typical of many socially monogamous species and points to the behavioural mechanisms underlying both monogamy and extrapair mating systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. Aggressive behaviour occurring in intrasexual competition is an important trait for animal fitness. Although female intrasexual aggression is reported in several insect species, little is known about female competition and aggressive interactions in polygynous male lekking species. The interactions of female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (a male lekking species), with other females and mating pairs under laboratory conditions are investigated. Mature, unmated (virgin) females are aggressive against each other and against mating pairs, whereas immature females are not. Female aggression against other females decreases dramatically after mating; however, mated females maintain aggression against mating pairs. In addition, higher intrasexual aggression rates are observed for mature, virgin females than for virgin males of the same age. The results show that female aggressiveness is virginity related, suggesting female competition for mates. These findings have important implications for understanding the physiological aspects of a complex social behaviour such as aggression and should stimulate further research on female agonistic behaviour in male lekking mating systems.  相似文献   

Causes, consequences and pheromonal regulation of male contest and female choice in the staphylinid beetle, Aleochara curtula (Goeze), have been investigated in the field and in the laboratory. At the feeding and mating site (carcass) the sex ratio is male biased. Polyandry is affected by prolonged copulations, spermatophore plugs and anti-aphrodisiac pheromones transferred from the male, and by female repulse behaviour as well. Aggression of competing males leads to expulsion of inferior males from the carcass. Young, starved and multiply mated males, which need access to the food resource, produce the female sex pheromone. They release homosexual responses, but also avoid intrasexual aggression. On the other hand, females behave aggressively towards individuals bearing the female sex pheromone or repulse their copulatory attempts. Those males of insufficient physiological condition produce a lighter spermatophore and fertilize less eggs. The adaptive significance of female mimicry, male mating tactics, and female choice is discussed.  相似文献   

Seasonal plasticity in aggression is likely to be shaped by the contexts in which aggression is beneficial, as well as the constraints inherent in its underlying mechanisms. In males, seasonal plasticity in testosterone (T) secretion is thought to underlie seasonal plasticity in conspecific aggression, but it is less clear how and why female aggression may vary across different breeding stages. Here, we integrate functional and mechanistic perspectives to begin to explore seasonal patterns of conspecific aggression in female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), a songbird with intense female–female competition and T‐mediated aggression. Female tree swallows elevate T levels during early breeding stages, coinciding with competition for nest boxes, after which time T levels are roughly halved. However, females need to defend ownership of their nesting territory throughout the breeding season, suggesting it may be adaptive to maintain aggressive capabilities, despite low T levels. We performed simulated territorial intrusions using 3D‐printed decoys of female tree swallows to determine how their aggressive response to a simulated intrusion changes across the breeding season. First, we found that 3D‐printed decoys produce data comparable to stage‐matched studies using live decoys, providing researchers with a new, more economical method of decoy construction. Further, female aggressiveness remained relatively high through incubation, a period of time when T levels are quite low, suggesting that other mechanisms may regulate conspecific female aggression during parental periods. By showing that seasonal patterns of female aggression do not mirror the established patterns of T levels in this highly competitive bird, our findings provide a unique glimpse into how behavioural mechanisms and functions may interact across breeding stages to regulate plasticity.  相似文献   

Social selection is expected to favour the evolution of female aggressive defence of nesting resources in cavity-nesting birds, which may be also mediated by testosterone (T) levels. Male T levels could express male dominance and thereby territorial safety for female partners and thereby reduce their need for aggressive defence. Here, we explored the role of T levels in female-female competition in a songbird, the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. In an experiment with female decoys placed close to the nestbox at the end of laying, we explored if female aggressiveness is related to their own T level or to mate T level. T levels of males and females were measured in the middle of the nestling period. Mean female aggressiveness towards decoys in three presentations was estimated through proximity to the decoy and number of attacks by females, two variables which were positively associated. Aggressiveness by female nest owners to female decoys was negatively related to male T level but unrelated to own T level. There was no assortative mating with respect to T level. Female aggressiveness is more strongly related to the hormonal status of mates than to their own.  相似文献   

Territorial aggression can influence males’ ability to obtain high‐quality resources and access to mates; however, in many species, the reproductive consequences of variation in aggression are unknown. In this study, we investigated how individual variation in aggressive behavior relates to reproductive success in socially monogamous, genetically polygynous song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Prior research in this species shows that male song sparrows differ in their willingness to engage in agonistic interactions with territorial intruders and that individual variation in aggression appears to have functional significance. Aggressive males have been shown to obtain territories where females produce larger clutch sizes, suggesting that individuals who display high levels of territorial aggression are defending high‐quality territories or females. Further, aggressive males are considered a greater threat to territory‐holding males than less aggressive males. In this study, we ask whether individual differences in aggression are linked to differences in extra‐pair reproductive success, annual reproductive success, and offspring quality. We did not uncover a relationship between aggression and annual reproductive success or patterns of extra‐pair paternity. However, we found that the nestlings of aggressive males grew at a faster rate than the nestlings of less aggressive males. Future studies should attempt to identify mechanisms to explain the relationship between offspring growth rate and male aggression and investigate whether faster offspring growth rates translate to greater survival and recruitment of offspring.  相似文献   

Duets are a jointly produced signal where two or more individuals coordinate their vocalizations by overlapping or alternating their songs. Duets are used in a wide array of contexts within partnerships, ranging from territory defence to pair bond maintenance. It has been proposed that pairs that coordinate their songs might also better coordinate other activities, including nest building, parental care and defending shared resources. Here, we tested in the riverside wren (Cantorchilus semibadius), a neotropical duetting species that produces highly coordinated duet songs, whether males and females show similar responses to playback. During territorial disputes in songbird species, individuals tend to direct their attention towards same‐sex territorial intruders, but this bias might be less pronounced in duetting species. We performed a dual‐speaker playback experiment to examine how mated individuals respond to speakers broadcasting female‐versus‐male duet contributions. We found that riverside wrens have high levels of converging behaviour by duetting and remaining in close proximity to one another when responding to simulated paired intruders. Males and females spent more than 80% of their time less than 1 m apart while defending their territory. Both individuals in a pair aggressively engaged with both male and female simulated trespassers by approaching equally close and spending equal time near the two speakers. These results suggest that both sexes perceive a paired territorial intrusion as a similar threat and that both partners are highly invested in defending the shared resources. This study is one of the few to demonstrate equal attention and aggression from mated pairs towards simulated same‐sex and opposite‐sex intruders. We suggest that pairs responding together, in close proximity to one another, might be favourable in duetting species when defending the territory because maintaining a close distance between partners facilitates the extreme coordination of their joint territorial signals.  相似文献   

The social organisation of a free-living population of wild rabbits was examined. Discrete breeding groups were recognised which consisted of individuals who shared access to underground refuges. Males attempted to maximise their access to females by a) occupying large home ranges; b) defending female access indirectly through territorial defence; c) defending female access directly within groups. Females defended nest site access within groups. Intergroup interactions between females were rare because of limited home range overlap. Interruption of female-female aggression by males was observed suggesting that conflicts of interest arose between the sexes. Adult-juvenile aggression was primarily intra-sexual; females initiated more interactions than males who adopted a protective role in some cases.  相似文献   

We analysed the temporal and sexual patterns of intra- and interspecific aggression in sympatric harriers during the breeding season, to determine the main resource defended (food, nest sites, mates) and how factors such as body size or breeding system (territorial versus colonial) influence aggressive behaviour. We predicted that if aggression is (at least partly) related to competition for food, the hen harrier, Circus cyaneus, because of its large size and territorial system, should be more aggressive (both intra- and interspecifically) than the smaller, colonial Montagu's harrier, Circus pygargus. The intraspecific aggression rate of both harriers peaked early in the season, was mainly intrasexual and increased with the number of neighbours. These patterns support the mate competition hypothesis to explain intraspecific aggression in both species. Montagu's harriers were more aggressive towards conspecifics than hen harriers. Their aggression rates towards heterospecifics were high at the start of the season then decreased, supporting the hypothesis that interspecific aggression serves primarily for nest site defence. Hen harriers showed lower interspecific aggression rates in the prelaying period and a gradual increase throughout the breeding cycle, particularly by females, who hunt around the nest for food for the nestlings. These patterns correspond to food competition, as food resources around the nest are probably more important and interspecific intrusion more costly for territorial hen harriers than for colonial Montagu's harriers. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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