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Experiments were carried out to see if isolated inner arm dyneins could functionally combine with axonemes lacking them. High-salt extract from the axoneme of Chlamydomonas oda1 mutant lacking outer-arm dynein was added to the demembranated cell models of ida1oda1 lacking inner arm dynein f (dynein I1) and outer arm dynein. After incubation, the originally paralyzed ida1oda1 axonemes recovered the ability to beat in the presence of ATP. A similar good motility recovery after incubation with crude oda1 extract was observed in ida9oda2 lacking outer arm and inner arm dynein c, and partial recovery in ida4oda1 lacking outer arm and inner arm species a, c, and d. These observations indicate that dynein f and dynein c can functionally bind with mutant axonemes lacking them. A method for combining isolated inner arm dyneins with axonemes in a functionally active manner should provide a powerful experimental tool with which to study the mechanism of beating.  相似文献   

Radial spokes (RSs) are ubiquitous components in the 9 + 2 axoneme thought to be mechanochemical transducers involved in local control of dynein-driven microtubule sliding. They are composed of >23 polypeptides, whose interactions and placement must be deciphered to understand RS function. In this paper, we show the detailed three-dimensional (3D) structure of RS in situ in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella and Tetrahymena thermophila cilia that we obtained using cryoelectron tomography (cryo-ET). We clarify similarities and differences between the three spoke species, RS1, RS2, and RS3, in T. thermophila and in C. reinhardtii and show that part of RS3 is conserved in C. reinhardtii, which only has two species of complete RSs. By analyzing C. reinhardtii mutants, we identified the specific location of subsets of RS proteins (RSPs). Our 3D reconstructions show a twofold symmetry, suggesting that fully assembled RSs are produced by dimerization. Based on our cryo-ET data, we propose models of subdomain organization within the RS as well as interactions between RSPs and with other axonemal components.  相似文献   

Analysis of serial cross-sections of the Chlamydomonas flagellum reveals several structural asymmetries in the axoneme. One doublet lacks the outer dynein arm, has a beak-like projection in its B-tubule, and bears a two-part bridge that extends from the A-tubule of this doublet to the B-tubule of the adjacent doublet. The two doublets directly opposite the doublet lacking the arm have beak-like projections in their B-tubules. These asymmetries always occur in the same doublets from section to section, indicating that certain doublets have consistent morphological specializations. These unique doublets give the axoneme an inherent structural polarity. All three specializations are present in the proximal portion of the axoneme; based on their frequency in random cross-sections of isolated axonemes, the two-part bridge and the beak-like projections are present in the proximal one quarter and one half of the axoneme, respectively, and the outer arm is absent from the one doublet greater than 90% of the axoneme's length. The outer arm-less doublet of each flagellum faces the other flagellum, indicating that each axoneme has the same rotational orientation relative to the direction of its effective stroke. This strongly suggests that the direction of the effective stroke is controlled by a structural component within the axoneme. The striated fibers are associated with specific triplets in a manner suggesting that they play a role in setting up or maintaining the 180 degrees rotational symmetry of the two flagella.  相似文献   

In addition to the previously studied pf-14 and pf-1 loci in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, mutations for another five genes (pf-17, pf- 24, pf-25, pf-26, and pf-27) have been identified and characterized as specifically affecting the assembly and function of the flagellar radial spokes. Mutants for each of the newly identified loci show selective alterations for one or more of the 17 polypeptides in the molecular weight range of 20,000-130,000 which form the radial spoke structure. In specific instances the molecular defect has been correlated with altered radial spoke morphology. Biochemical analysis of in vivo complementation in mutant X wild-type dikaryons has provided indirect evidence that mutations for four of the five new loci (pf-17, pf-24, pf-25, and pf-26) reside in structural genes for spoke components. In the case of pf-24, the identity of the mutant gene product was supported by analysis of induced intragenic revertants. In contrast to the other radial spoke mutants thus far investigated, evidence suggests that the gene product in pf-27 is extrinsic to the radial spokes and is required for the specific in vivo phosphorylation of spoke polypeptides.  相似文献   

Polypeptides from flagella or axonemes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were analyzed by labeling cellular proteins by prolonged growth on 35S- containing media and using one- and two-dimensional electrophoretic techniques which can resolve greater than 170 axonemal components. By this approach, a paralyzed mutant that lacks axonemal radial spokes, pf14, has been shown to lack 17 polypeptides in the molecular weight range of 20,000 to 124,000 and in the isoelectric point range of 4.8- 7.1. Five of those polypeptides are also missing in the mutant pf-1 which lacks only radial spokeheads. The identification of the 17 polypeptides missing in pf-14 as components of radial spoke structures and the localization of the polypeptides lacking in pf-1 within the spokehead, are supported by experiments of chemical dissection of wild- type axonemes. Extraction procedures that solubilize outer and inner dynein arms preserve the structure of the radial spokes along with the 17 polypeptides in question. Six radial spoke polypeptides are solubilized in conditions that cause disassembly of radial spokeheads from the stalks and those components include the five polypeptides missing in pf-1. No Ca++- or Mg++-activated ATPase activities were found to be associated with solubilized preparations of wild-type radial spokeheads. In vivo pulse 32P incorporation experiments provide evidence that greater than 80 axonemal components are labeled by 32P and that five of the radial spoke stalk polypeptides are modified to different extents.  相似文献   

The flagella of Chlamydomonas reinhardii have been studied by electron microscopy using a critical point drying technique. Details of the three-dimensional arrangement of the axoneme are to a great extent preserved by the use of this method, and the radial spokes have been shown to form a double spiral along the flagellar shaft. The axial displacement of paired groups on adjacent doublet microtubules is 22.2 nm, and the pitch of each helix is 200 nm. It is probable that the paired groups of spokes are the remains of triplets in the in vivo organelle.  相似文献   

The substructure of the components of the axoneme interior--the inner dynein arms, the radial spokes, and the central pair/projection complex--was analyzed for Chlamydomonas. Tetrahymena, Strongelocentrotus, and Mnemiopsis using the quick-freeze, deep-etch technique. The inner arms are shown to resemble the outer arms in overall molecular organization, but they are disposed differently on the microtubule and have two distinct morphologies--dyads with two heads and triads with three. The dyads associate with spokes S3 and S2; the triads associate with S1. The spokes form a three-start right-handed helix with a 288-nm rise; the central pair makes a shallow left-handed twist. The spoke heads are shown to be made up of four major subunits; two bind to the spoke shaft and two bind to a pair of central-sheath projections.  相似文献   

The flagella of the biflagellate unicellular alga Chlamydomonas have long been known to contain the microtubule-dependent motor protein dynein, but recent findings indicate they also contain multiple members of the kinesin superfamily. Two of these kinesin-like proteins are restricted to a single central-pair microtubule, raising the question of how proteins are targeted to specific microtubules within the flagellum. The kinesin-like proteins on the central-pair microtubules may cause the central-pair apparatus to rotate or twist during flagellar beating. Other kinesins within the flagellum may participate in movements associated with the flagellar membrane.  相似文献   

Ciliates and flagellates temporarily swim backwards on collision by generating a mechanoreceptor potential. Although this potential has been shown to be associated with cilia in Paramecium, the molecular entity of the mechanoreceptor has remained unknown. Here we show that Chlamydomonas cells express TRP11, a member of the TRP (transient receptor potential) subfamily V, in the proximal region of the flagella, and that suppression of TRP11 expression results in loss of the avoiding reaction. The results indicate that Chlamydomonas flagella exhibit mechanosensitivity, despite constant motility, by localizing the mechanoreceptor in the proximal region, where active bending is restricted.  相似文献   

Inner dynein arms in cilia and flagella contain actin as a subunit; however, the function of this actin is totally unknown. Here we performed chemical crosslinking experiments to examine the interaction of actin with other subunits. Six of the seven Chlamydomonas inner-arm dynein species separated by anion-exchange chromatography contain actin and either one of the two previously identified light chains, p28 and centrin, in a mutually exclusive manner. Western blotting of chemically crosslinked dyneins indicated that actin is directly associated with p28 and centrin but not with the dynein heavy chains (HCs). In contrast, p28 and centrin both appeared to interact directly with the N-terminal half of the HCs. Thus it is likely that actin is associated with the heavy chains through p28/centrin. These light chains may well function in the assembly or targeting of the inner arm to the correct axonemal location.  相似文献   

T-shape radial spokes regulate flagellar beating. However, the precise function and molecular mechanism of these spokes remain unclear. Interestingly, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella lacking a dimeric heat shock protein (HSP) 40 at the spokehead-spokestalk juncture appear normal in length and composition but twitch actively while cells jiggle without procession, resembling a central pair (CP) mutant. HSP40(-) cells begin swimming upon electroporation with recombinant HSP40. Surprisingly, the rescue doesn't require the signature DnaJ domain. Furthermore, the His-Pro-Asp tripeptide that is essential for stimulating HSP70 adenosine triphosphatase diverges in candidate orthologues, including human DnaJB13. Video microscopy reveals hesitance in bend initiation and propagation as well as irregular stalling and stroke switching despite fairly normal waveform. The in vivo evidence suggests that the evolutionarily conserved HSP40 specifically transforms multiple spoke proteins into stable conformation capable of mechanically coupling the CP with dynein motors. This enables 9 + 2 cilia and flagella to bend and switch to generate alternate power strokes and recovery strokes.  相似文献   

The fine structure, protein composition, and roles in flagellar movement of specific axonemal components were studied in wild-type Chlamydomonas and paralyzed mutants pf-14, pf-15A, and pf-19. Electron microscope examination of the isolated axoneme of pf-14 showed that it lacks the radial spokes but is otherwise structurally normal. Comparison of isolated axonemes of wild type and pf-14 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the mutant is missing a protein of 118,000 mol wt; this protein is apparently a major component of the spokes. Pf-15A and pf-19 lack the central tubules and sheath; axonemes of these mutants are missing three high molecular weight proteins which are probably components of the central tubule-central sheath complex. Under conditions where wild-type axonemes reactivated, axonemes of the three mutants remained intact but did not form bends. However, mutant and wild-type axonemes underwent identical adenosine triphosphate-induced disintegration after treatment with trypsin; the dynein arms of the mutants are therefore capable of generating interdoublet shearing forces. These findings indicated that both the radial spokes and the central tubule-central sheath complex are essential for conversion of interdoublet sliding into axonemal bending. Moreover, because axonemes of pf-14 remained intact under reactivating conditions, the nexin links alone are sufficient to limit the amount of interdoublet sliding that occurs. The axial periodicities of the central sheath, dynein arms, radial spokes, and nexin links of Chlamydomonas were determined by electron microscopy using the lattice-spacing of crystalline catalase as an internal standard. Some new ultrastructural details of the components are described.  相似文献   

Subsidiary components of the flagella of Chlamydomonas reinhardii   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

The directional flow generated by motile cilia and flagella is critical for many processes, including human development and organ function. Normal beating requires the control and coordination of thousands of dynein motors, and the nexin-dynein regulatory complex (N-DRC) has been identified as an important regulatory node for orchestrating dynein activity. The nexin link appears to be critical for the transformation of dynein-driven, linear microtubule sliding to flagellar bending, yet the molecular composition and mechanism of the N-DRC remain largely unknown. Here, we used proteomics with special attention to protein phosphorylation to analyze the composition of the N-DRC and to determine which subunits may be important for signal transduction. Two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry of WT and mutant flagellar axonemes from Chlamydomonas identified 12 N-DRC-associated proteins, including all seven previously observed N-DRC components. Sequence and PCR analyses identified the mutation responsible for the phenotype of the sup-pf-4 strain, and biochemical comparison with a radial spoke mutant revealed two components that may link the N-DRC and the radial spokes. Phosphoproteomics revealed eight proteins with phosphorylated isoforms for which the isoform patterns changed with the genotype as well as two components that may play pivotal roles in N-DRC function through their phosphorylation status. These data were assembled into a model of the N-DRC that explains aspects of its regulatory function.  相似文献   

Sexual adhesion between Chlamydomonas reinhardtii gametes elicits a rise in intracellular cAMP levels, and exogenous elevation of intracellular cAMP levels in gametes of a single mating type induces such mating responses as cell wall loss, flagellar tip activation, and mating structure activation (Pasquale, S. M., and U. W. Goodenough. 1987. J. Cell Biol. 105:2279-2292). Here evidence is presented that sexual adhesion mobilizes agglutinin to the flagellar surface, and that this mobilization can be induced by exogenous presentation of cAMP to gametes of a single mating type. It is proposed that Chlamydomonas adhesion entails a positive feedback system--initial contacts stimulate the presentation of additional agglutinin--and that this feedback is mediated by adhesion-induced cAMP generation.  相似文献   

To analyze the function of ciliary polycystic kidney disease 2 (PKD2) and its relationship to intraflagellar transport (IFT), we cloned the gene encoding Chlamydomonas reinhardtii PKD2 (CrPKD2), a protein with the characteristics of PKD2 family members. Three forms of this protein (210, 120, and 90 kD) were detected in whole cells; the two smaller forms are cleavage products of the 210-kD protein and were the predominant forms in flagella. In cells expressing CrPKD2-GFP, about 10% of flagellar CrPKD2-GFP was observed moving in the flagellar membrane. When IFT was blocked, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of flagellar CrPKD2-GFP was attenuated and CrPKD2 accumulated in the flagella. Flagellar CrPKD2 increased fourfold during gametogenesis, and several CrPKD2 RNA interference strains showed defects in flagella-dependent mating. These results suggest that the CrPKD2 cation channel is involved in coupling flagellar adhesion at the beginning of mating to the increase in flagellar calcium required for subsequent steps in mating.  相似文献   

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