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The enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) has been isolated from a mutant strain of Salmonella typhimurium, constructed by Kustu, which lacks the enzymatic activity for adenylylation of glutamine synthetase. Thus the purified GS is uniformly unadenylylated, as confirmed by gel electrophoresis and enzyme assays. It crystallizes readily in many morphologies, at least six of which are distinct polymorphs. The most favorable crystal form for structural studies belongs to space group C2, with unit cell dimensions a = 235.5 A, b = 134.5 A, c = 200.1 A, beta = 102.8 degrees, and with one GS molecule per asymmetric unit. The crystals diffract to about 2.8 A resolution in rotation X-ray photographs and thus appear suitable for structural studies at moderate resolution. These crystals are isomorphous with crystalline GS from Escherichia coli in both adenylylated and unadenylylated states, suggesting that the enzymes from the two bacteria are similar molecules, and that adenylylation does not greatly affect the conformation of the molecule.  相似文献   

The binding of Mn2+ to the anthranilate synthetase-phosphoribosyltransferase enzyme complex from Salmonella typhimurium was examined by electron paramagnetic resonance studies. Two types of binding sites were observed: one to two tight sites with a dissociation constant of 3–5 μm and five to six weaker sites with a dissociation constant of 40–70 μm. The activator constant for Mn2+ was found to be 9 μm for the glutamine-linked anthranilate synthetase activity and 4 μm for the phosphoribosyltransferase activity. These values are both in the range of the dissociation constant for the tight sites. Water proton relaxation rate measurements showed that the binary enhancement values for both classes of sites were equivalent, ?b = 10.7 ± 2.0. The addition of chorismate to the Mn2+-enzyme complexes when predominantly the tight Mn2+ sites were occupied resulted in a large decrease in the observed enhancement (?T = 2.0). Addition of 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate to the enzyme-Mn2+ complexes caused large decreases in the water proton relaxation rate (?T = 1.5) when tight or tight plus weaker Mn2+ sites were occupied. No changes in the water proton relaxation rate were observed when glutamine, pyruvate, or anthranilate were added; a small decrease was observed when enzyme-Mn2+ was titrated with tryptophan. Tryptophan significantly altered the effect of the binding of chorismate but not of 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate. The effect of tryptophan on the water proton relaxation rate of a Mn2+-enzyme-chorismate complex using a variant enzyme complex which is tryptophan hypersensitive (P. D. Robison, and H. R. Levy, 1976, Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 445, 475–485) occurred at lower concentrations than for the normal enzyme complex. The uncomplexed anthranilate synthetase subunit was titrated with Mn2+ and found to have one to two binding sites with a dissociation constant of 300 ± 100 μm. This dissociation constant is much larger than the activator constant for Mn2+ for uncomplexed anthranilate synthetase which was determined to be 4 μm. These results indicate that the Mn2+-binding sites on anthranilate synthetase are altered when the enzyme complex is formed and that both chorismate and 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate interact closely with enzyme-bound Mn2+ or cause a large effect upon its environment.  相似文献   

Diphosphopyridine nucleotide-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase from bovine heart was inactivated at neutral pH by bromoacetate and diethyl pyrocarbonate and by photooxidation in the presence of methylene blue or rose bengal. Inactivation by diethyl pyrocarbonate was reversed by hydroxylamine. Loss of activity by photooxidation at pH 7.07 was accompanied by progressive destruction of histidine with time; loss of 83% of the enzyme activity was accompanied by modification of 1.1 histidyl residues per enzyme subunit. The pH-rate profiles of inactivation by photooxidation and by diethyl pyrocarbonate modification showed an inflection point around pH 6.6, in accord with the pKa for a histidyl residue of a protein. Partial protection against inactivation by photooxidation or diethyl pyrocarbonate was obtained with substrate (manganous isocitrate or magnesium isocitrate) or ADP; the combination of substrate and ADP was more effective than the components singly. As demonstrated by differential enzyme activity assays between pH 6.4 and pH 7.5 with and without 0.67 mm ADP, modification of the reactive histidyl residue of the enzyme caused a preferential loss of the positive modulation of activity by ADP. The latter was particularly apparent when substrate partially protected the enzyme against inactivation by rose bengal-induced photooxidation.  相似文献   

Both uncomplexed subunits of the anthranilate synthetase-phosphoribosyltransferase enzyme complex from Salmonella typhimurium have an absolute requirement for divalent metal ions which can be satisfied by Mg2+, Mn2+, or Co2+. The metal ion kinetics for uncomplexed anthranilate synthetase give biphasic double-reciprocal plots and higher apparent Km values than those for anthranilate synthetase in the enzyme complex. In contrast, the apparent Km values for phosphoribosyltransferase are the same whether the enzyme is uncomplexed or complexed with anthranilate synthetase. This suggests that the metal ion sites on anthranilate synthetase, but not those on phosphoribosyltransferase, are altered upon formation of the enzyme complex. These results and the results of studies reported by others, suggest that complex formation between anthranilate synthetase and phosphoribosyltransferase leads to marked alterations at the active site of the former, but not the latter enzyme. Uncomplexed anthranilate synthetase can be stoichiometrically labeled with Co(III) under conditions which lead to inactivation of 75% of its activity. A comparison of the effects of anthranilate and tryptophan on phosphoribosyltransferase activity in the uncomplexed and complexed forms shows that anthranilate, but not tryptophan, inhibits the uncomplexed enzyme. The complexed phosphoribosyltransferase shows substrate inhibition by anthranilate binding to the phosphoribosyltransferase subunits. In contrast, in a tryptophan-hypersensitive variant complex, anthranilate inhibits phosphoribosyltransferase activity by acting on the anthranilate synthetase subunits. The data are interpreted to mean that there are two classes of binding sites for anthranilate, one on each type of subunit, which may participate in the regulation of anthranilate synthetase and phosphoribosyltransferase under different conditions.  相似文献   

Several chalcone derivatives; e.g. Ro 09-0204, Ro 09-0323 and Ro 09-0501 were found to reduce markedly the revertant increase of Salmonella typhimurium TA100 by benzo(a)pyrene during the incubation with S-9 Mix. The antimutagenic activity was 100 - 700 times stronger than that of L-ascorbic acid. Effect on other mutagens, the structure activity relationship and the possible mechanism of action are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A sensitive radiochemical assay for measurement of histidinol dehydrogenase is presented. The method is based upon separation of the product of the reaction. [14C]histidine, from the substrate, [14C]histidinol, on small Dowex 50 columns. The assay can be performed on cell extracts or on toluenized cells and is approximately 100 times more sensitive than previously reported assays for this enzyme.[14C]histidinol is obtained in high yields through conversion of uniformly labeled 14C-glucose by a strain of Salmonella typhimurium derepressed for the histidine operon and blocked at the histidinol dehydrogenase step. Accumulated [14C]histidinol is purified from the culture supernatant by ion-exchange chromatography.This sensitive assay has facilitated measurement of reduced levels of histidine operon expression in promoter mutants, and has been adapted for study of histidine operon regulation in a cell free protein synthesizing system.  相似文献   

Citrate transport in Salmonella typhimurium.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Citrate was rapidly metabolized in wild-type cells of Salmonella typhimurium but actively accumulated in both aconitase mutants and fluorocitrate-poisoned cells. In aconitase mutants citrate was transported by a single high affinity system (Km 23 μm, Vmax 27.2 nmol min?1 mg?1), characterized by a single pH optimum of 7.0 and a Q10 of 3.0, and was stimulated by Na+. cis-Aconitate, tricarballylate, trans-aconitate, and dl-fluorocitrate were weak competitive inhibitors of citrate transport whereas various other tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and carboxylates were ineffective. Spontaneous citrate transport mutants were unable to oxidize citrate, cis-aconitate, or tricarballylate. Such mutants were specific for citrate and transported dicarboxylates normally whereas dicarboxylate transport mutants transported and oxidized citrate normally. In whole cells of an aconitase mutant citrate transport was strongly dependent on an energy source. d(?)-Lactate dehydrogenase mutants were singularly defective in energization by d(?)-lactate. Membrane vesicles of wild-type cells were capable of energized transport by d(?)-lactate or ascorbate-phenyl-methyl sulfonate. Citrate transport in whole cells was primarily energized aerobically, and ATPase deficient mutants were still able to transport citrate in whole cells.  相似文献   

The overall reaction catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex from rat epididymal fat tissue is inhibited by glyoxylate at concentrations greater than 10 μm. The inhibition is competitive with respect to pyruvate; Ki was found to be 80 μm. Qualitatively similar results were observed using pyruvate dehydrogenase from rat liver, kidney, and heart. Glyoxylate also inhibits the pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase from rat epididymal fat, with the inhibition being readily detectable using 50 μm glyoxylate. These effects of glyoxylate are largely reversed by millimolar concentrations of thiols (especially cysteine) because such compounds form relatively stable adducts with glyoxylate. Presumably these inhibitions by low levels of glyoxylate had not been previously observed, because others have used high concentrations of thiols in pyruvate dehydrogenase assays. Since the inhibitory effects are seen with suspected physiological concentrations, it seems likely that glyoxylate partially controls the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase in vivo.  相似文献   

We investigated by stopped-flow techniques the oxidation of benzyl alcohol catalyzed by horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase varying the concentration of the reagents, pH and temperature. The course of the reaction under enzymelimiting conditions is biphasic and the measured amplitude of the initial step corresponds under saturation conditions to half of the total enzyme concentration (half-burst). The fast initial step (with a maximum rate of 20 s?1 at pH 7.0) shows an isotope effect of approximately 2, which indicates that this rate contains a contribution from a hydrogen transfer. It is also shown that this rate differs by at least one order of magnitude with respect to that of the hydrogen transfer during benzaldehyde reduction. The half-of-the-sites reactivity of alcohol dehydrogenase in the initial transient process is obtained independent of reagent concentration, pH and/or temperature. It is obtained also when coenzyme analogues are substituted for NAD, and when different alcohols are substituted for benzyl alcohol. These data are taken to demonstrate unequivocally that the half-of-the-sites reactivity of alcohol dehydrogenase cannot be due to an interplay of rate constants (as proposed by various authors) and must rather be ascribed to a kinetic non-equivalence of the two subunits when active ternary complexes are being formed. When oxidation of benzyl alcohol is carried out in the presence of 0.1 m-isobutyramide (which makes a very tight complex with NADH at the enzyme active site), reaction stops after formation of an amount of NADH product that is equivalent to one half of the enzyme active site concentration.This is considered in the light of the pyrazole experiment designed by McFarland &; Bernhard (1972), in which reduction of benzaldehyde is carried out in the presence of pyrazole (which forms a very tight ternary complex with NAD at the enzyme active site). In this case, reaction stops after formation of an amount of NAD-product which is equivalent to the total enzyme active site concentration. It is shown that accommodation of these two seemingly contradictory sets of data poses severe restrictions on the alcohol dehydrogenase mechanism. In particular, it is shown that the only mechanism that adheres to such requirements is one in which the two subunits have distinct and alternating functions in each enzyme cycle. These two functions are the triggering of the chemical transformation and the chemical transformation itself. It is also shown that binding of NAD-substrate to one subunit triggers chemical reactivity in the other NAD-alcohol-containing subunit, whereas on aldehyde reduction, the triggering event is desorption of alcohol product from the first reacted subunit.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of puromycin on mouse oocyte chromosomes during meiotic maturation in vitro. Puromycin treatment for 6 hr at 100 μg/ml almost completely, but reversibly, suppressed [35S]methionine incorporation into oocyte protein at all stages of maturation tested. Nevertheless, oocytes treated at the germinal vesicle stage underwent germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and chromosome condensation. These oocytes completed nuclear maturation to metaphase II (MII) if the inhibitor was withdrawn. Prolonged (24-hr) treatment, however, caused the chromsomes to degenerate. The chromosomes of oocytes treated shortly after GVBD for 6 hr remained condensed, but the oocytes failed to form a polar body. However, 24-hr treatment caused the chromosomes to decondense to form an interphase nucleus. Oocytes treated near MI for 6 hr gave off a polar body during the treatment, and their chromosomes decondensed to form a nucleus, which remained as long as the treatment was continued. However, if the puromycin was withdrawn, the chromosomes recondensed to a state morphologically similar to that at MII. Thus, the chromosome decondensation induced by protein synthesis inhibition at MI was reversible. Oocytes treated at MII, several hours after first polar body formation, also underwent chromosome decondensation to form a nucleus. In the continuous presence of puromycin, the chromosomes remained decondensed, but neither DNA synthesis nor mitosis occurred. However, following puromycin withdrawal, these occytes synthesised DNA and underwent mitosis. Thus, protein synthesis inhibition at MII, by parthenogenetically activating the oocytes, caused irreversible chromosome decondensation. Based on these observations, we discussed the roles of protein synthesis in the regulation of oocyte chromosome behaviour during meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

Characterization of ligand-induced states of maize homoserine dehydrogenase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The threonine-sensitive homoserine dehydrogenase (L-homoserine: NAD(P)+ oxido-reductase), isolated from seedlings of Zea mays L., is characterized by variable kinetic and regulatory properties. Previous analysis of this enzyme suggested that it is capable of ligand-mediated interconversions among four kinetically distinct states (S. Krishnaswamy and J. K. Bryan (1983) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 222, 449-463). These forms of the enzyme have been identified and found to differ in oligomeric configuration and conformation. In the presence of KCl and threonine a rapid equilibrium among three species of the enzyme (B, T, and K) is established. Each of these species can undergo a unique slow transition to a steady-state form under assay conditions. Results obtained from gel-filtration chromatography and sucrose density centrifugation indicate that the B and steady-state forms are tetramers and the T and K states are dimers. Evidence is presented to indicate that the rapid conversion from one dimeric species to the other can only occur via formation of the tetrameric B state. Chromatography under reacting-enzyme conditions provides direct support for the slow formation of a common steady-state species from any one of the other forms of the enzyme. The rate of transition is influenced by threonine, homoserine, NAD+, and, for transitions involving association reactions, by enzyme concentration. Small, reproducible differences in the apparent size of the T and K forms, and the B and steady-state species, are attributed to changes in conformation. This conclusion is supported by differential susceptibility of the enzymic states to proteolytic inactivation, by different rates of inactivation by dithio-bis-nitrobenzoate, and by alterations in their thermal stability. In addition, the B, T, and K states of the enzyme exhibit unique intrinsic fluorescence spectra. Spectral changes are shown to closely parallel changes in kinetic and hysteretic properties of the enzyme. The results of diverse methods of analysis are internally consistent, and provide considerable support for the conclusion that this pleiotropic regulatory enzyme can exist in any of several physically distinct states.  相似文献   

Hybridization of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase from rat liver is found to be located on the outer surface of the inner membrane of mitochondria. Dihydroorotate can diffuse freely from the cytosol into the mitochondria. Orotate can also diffuse freely from the mitochondria into the cytosol for futher conversion to UMP. Therefore, no active transport of either dihydroorotate or orotate is required in pyrimidine biosynthesis. The Km for l-dihydroorotate is 5.2 ± 0.6 μm. pd-Dihydroorotate is not a substrate for the enzyme but is a competitive inhibitor with a Ki of 1.4 mm. Of the compounds tested as analogs for dihydroorotate or metabolites related to pyrimidine biosynthesis, orotate is the strongest inhibitor, with a Ki of 8.4 μm. The Ki values for 2,4-dinitrophenol and barbiturate are 180 and 56 μm, respectively.  相似文献   

The 20-kDa light chain isolated from gizzard myosin has recently been reported to be phosphorylated by casein kinase II at a site distinct from that phosphorylated by Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent myosin light-chain kinase. In the present study, the site phosphorylated by casein kinase II has been analyzed through procedures including tryptic digestion of the radioactively phosphorylated light chain and CNBr cleavage of the purified tryptic phosphopeptide, followed by amino acid analysis of these phosphopeptides. Comparison of the amino acid compositions of these peptides with the previously reported sequence has indicated that the phosphorylation site is threonine-134 of the light chain. The significance of the phosphorylation of the light chain by casein kinase II, as well as the substrate specificity of the protein kinase, is discussed on the basis of the result.  相似文献   

Mechanism of tyrosine hydroxylase activation by phosphorylation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It was found that the fluorescence of 1,N6-ethenoadenosine triphosphate (ε-ATP) bound to myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) is resistant to quenching by acrylamide, while free ε-ATP is effectively quenched. Thus in the presence of acrylamide the bound ε-ATP is still highly fluorescent, while free ε-ATP is much less fluorescent. The Stern-Volmer constants of bound and free ε-ATP are 6.83 and 57.86 M?1, respectively. Therefore it is easy to distinguish spectro-scopically the nucleotide-ligated S-1 from nucleotide-free S-1. Moreover acrylamide does not alter the S-1-Mg2+-ε-ATPase behavior.  相似文献   

As a means of comparing the functional properties of an enzyme in dilute solution in vitro with those for the same enzyme acting in its normal cellular environment, a study was conducted with 4-substituted pyrazoles as inhibitors of rat liver alcohol dehydrogenase in vitro and ethanol oxidation in isolated rat hepatocytes. Inhibitor constants (Ki's) for the same set of pyrazole derivatives were also determined for human liver alcohol dehydrogenase. The best-fitting equations were derived to relate the Ki's to the chemical nature of substituents. These quantitative structure-activity relationships show that pyrazoles with stronger electron-withdrawing substituents are weaker inhibitors both for the enzyme in vitro and, to an equal extent, for ethanol oxidation by intact cells. Inhibitor effectiveness is also dependent on substituent hydrophobicity, but, while increasing hydrophobicity makes stronger inhibitors of the enzyme in vitro, it can diminish the effectiveness in vivo by decreasing permeability through the cell membrane. A structure-activity analysis of published Ki's for pyrazoles acting against human pi-ADH indicates that its active site differs from those in other alcohol dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase is inhibited more by palmitoyl-CoA when the reduced form of triphosphopyridine nucleotide instead of the reduced form of diphosphopyridine nucleotide is the coenzyme. Inhibition is further enhanced by α-ketoglutarate and malate. Thus, for example, in the presence of TPNH plus malate, the amount of palmitoyl-CoA required for 50% inhibition is 10-fold lower (0.03 μm) than previously reported values obtained with reduced diphosphopyridine nucleotide as a coenzyme. Allosteric modifiers such as ATP, GTP, and leucine decrease inhibition of glutamate dehydrogenase by palmitoyl-CoA. Palmitoyl-CoA and ADP are competitive. Thus, the palmitoyl-CoA binding site is apparently in the vicinity of the site of these allosteric modifiers and is probably at the ADP site. The fact that ADP (which has only one site per polypeptide chain) can completely prevent inhibition by palmitoyl-CoA suggests that there is only one kinetically significant palmitoyl-CoA binding site per polypeptide chain. This is consistent with the fact that adding one equivalent of palmitoyl-CoA per polypeptide chain inhibits about 80%. The high affinity of glutamate dehydrogenase for palmitoyl-CoA enables it to successfully compete with other mitochondrial proteins for palmitoyl-CoA.  相似文献   

A non-equilibrium thermodynamic model of oxidative phosphorylation is formulated, which allows us to take into account some non-local effects. In this way, we compute the influence of the tangential resistivity of the inner mitochondrial membrane to proton current, as well as that of the distance between active sites, on the stoichiometry and efficiency of energy conversion.  相似文献   

Xanthine dehydrogenase (EC, an essential enzyme for ureide metabolism was purified from the cytosol fraction of soybean nodules. The purified xanthine dehydrogenase was shown to be homogeneous by electrophoresis and a pI of 4.7 was determined by isoelectric focusing. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 285,000 and two subunits of molecular weight 141,000 each. The holoenzyme contained 1.7 (±0.7) mol Mo and 8.1 (±2.0) mol Fe/mol enzyme and the enzyme also contained FMN and is thus a molybdoironflavoprotein. Soybean xanthine dehydrogenase is the second enzyme in plants demonstrated to contain Mo and the first xanthine-oxidizing enzyme reported to contain FMN, rather than FAD as the flavin cofactor.  相似文献   

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