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A structurally preserved specimen of a freshwater sponge (Spongillidae, gen. et sp. indet.) is described from finely laminated, siliceous-clayey lake sediments of late Oligocene age of the locality Rott (Siebengebirge near Bonn, Germany). The preservation is caused by an early stabilization of the needle skeleton by phosphate minerals. The phosphate replaced the soft parts of the sponge body in its shape (without however preserving cellular details) and figures the original structure of the body with central cavity (spongocoel), canals and possibly flagellate chambers.  相似文献   

From the Upper Triassic (Norian) reef limestones north and west of Antalya (Taurus Mts., Turkey) the red algae (Solenoporaceans)Solenopora undata n. sp.,Parachaetetes clatratus n. sp.,Parachaetetes riedeli n. sp.,Parachaetetes tauricus n. sp., andTauristorea parallela n. gen., n. sp. are described.Tauristorea is characterized by cells orientated parallel to the Substrate (vertically to the growth direction of the alga). InSolenopora undata andParachaetetes clatratus some cavity structures occur, whose function as reproductive organs are discussed.  相似文献   

The Süßwasser-Schichten (Freshwater Beds) (Oligocene) in the Mainz Basin are a paleontologically poorly studied formation. A succession of predominantly lacustrine marls from Wolfsheim can be attributed to the Süßwasser-Schichten on basis of a palaeoecological and biostratigraphic analysis of its mammal teeth, fish otoliths, ostracods, mollusks, foraminifera and charophytes. The occurrence of the mammal speciesToeniodus aff.hexalophodus andIssiodoromys minor (primitive form) enables an attribution of the Süßwasser-Schichten to the reference level MP 24 of the eurasiatic mammal biostratigraphic zonation. As the reference fauna of level MP 24 is believed to occur in a lithostratigraphically markedly lower horizon, viz. the basal Cyrenenmergel (Cyrena Marl), a re-examination of its origin is suggested. The mammal age of the so-called Süßwasser-Schichten from the locality Heimersheimer Berg is MP 30. Therefore, we suggest a correlation of Heimersheimer Berg with the Mittlere Cerithien-Schichten (MiddleCerithium Beds). The fish fauna of Wolfsheim shows close biogeographical relationships with the fish fauna of Saint-Martin-de-Castillon in southern France and indicates an age around the Rupelian/Chattian boundary. It cannot be decided at the moment whether the Süßwasser-Schichten are of late Rupelian or early Chattian age.  相似文献   

All organic remains known from the Archean are in such a poor state of preservation, that their biogenicity has been repeatedly doubted. Structures of unquestionable organismic origin have been recently detected in cherts of the Onverwacht group in South Africa. The finds are preserved in a detailed three-dimensional condition. A radiometric age of more than 3 350 mio. y. for the stratum is indicated. With this date, the finds represent the oldest certain evidences of life on earth. Moreover the well-preserved details yield information on the principles of structure and growth of a primeval organism. The body is interpreted as a ramificational system of tiny droplike subunits and appears to be constructed according to the principle of consequent homonomy. It seems possible, that the finds represent an initial form of organismic evolution. With this statement and with the data presently known from the early tellural evolution, it seems possible and credible that life originated on Earth.  相似文献   

Johan Fischer 《Ethnos》2013,78(1):29-50
Much current anti-consumerist and anti-globalisation discourseidentifies boycotting as an immensely powerful force. Religious and secular activists alike promote consumer boycotts as a type of practised resistance that promises to break US economic, military and culturalhegemony. Obviously, consumers' supportis essential for the success of such boycotts, and I argue that insufficient anthropological attention has been paid to the micro-sociallogics of modern forms of boycotting. This article examines the political and cultural effects of the Islamic opposition's call to boycott US goods in Malaysia in the wake of 9/11. I shall show how this issue evokes a wide range of contestations and paradoxesin the everydaylives of suburban Malay Muslim middle-class families. Most of all, the boycott confronts divergent Malay middle-class groups with the problem of how to translate intentionality into practice.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Süßwasserschwämme (Spongilliden) lassen sich in 120-1-Aquarien mit Herkunftswasser der Schwämme kultivieren. Das gut durchlüftete Wasser soll nicht wärmer als 17°C sowie mit den Zusätzen Aquatonic und Schwarztorf versehen sein. Anstelle des Teichbzw. Flußwassers kann auch Leitungswasser oder eine Mischung von Leitungs- und vollentsalztem Wasser verwendet werden. Das Wasser der Aquarien ist alle vier Monate zu erneuern.Als Kulturgefäße eignen sich Glas- und Kunststoffschalen. Diese werden mittels spezieller Halter in die Aquarien eingebracht.Langzeitkulturen bieten beste Voraussetzungen für die Schwammforschung.
Permanent cultures of freshwater sponges (Porifera, Spongillidae) in the laboratory
Summary Freshwater sponges (Spongillidae) can be cultivated in 120-1 aquariums with water from the natural sponge habitats. The well-aired water should not be warmer than 17°C and should contain Aqua-tonic and black peat. Instead of habitat water, tap water or a mixture of tap and distilled water may be used. The water in the aquariums should be renewed every 4 months.For the culture we use glass or plastic vessels. These are mounted in the aquariums by special holders.Permanent cultures offer ideal conditions for sponge research.

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A report is presented on freshwater animals collected in 1993 in the Sefid Rud catchment area and the basin of Anzali (Gilan, Iran). Some species are recorded for the first time for Iran. There is a considerable number of species of North American origin (neophytes, neozoans), e.g. Gambusia holbrooki, Rhithropanopeus harrisii, and Azolla sp.  相似文献   

An eugnath diplopode is described from Miocene lacustrine carbonates of the impact crater Nördlinger Ries. A further systematic classification is impossible, because gonopodes, which are the most important taxonomic characteristics, are not preserved. The primary calcite-impregnated integument has been dolomitized with structural preservation. In fractures, a differentiation of endo-and exocuticle is visible by distinct ultrastructures. The epicuticle is not preserved. Concentric arched structures, which display the orientation of former chitin-protein-microfibres, are preserved by the arrangement of dolomite crystallites. Concerning the diagenetic history of the Ries-lake-carbonates this is an argument for an early, near-surface dolomitization.  相似文献   

E. F. Abel 《Oecologia》1971,6(2):133-151
Zusammenfassung Erstmals konnten Putzsymbiosen zwischen Süßwasserfischen im natürlichen Biotop beobachtet werden. Die sowohl intra-als auch interspezifischen fakultativen Symbiosen wurden bei Bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus amarus), Laube (Alburnus alburnus), Schleie (Tica tinca), sowie bei juvenilen Rotaugen (Rutilus rutilus), Rotfedern (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) und Flußbarschen (Perca fluviatilis) festgestellt. Bei Übertragung der Putzstimmung im Schwarmverband kann ein Putzen im Kollektiv auftreten, wo jeder jeden putzt bzw. dazu auffordert. Das Ausgangsverhalten zum Geputztwerden ist die Einstellung der Lokomotion (Putzstarre), wobei die beobachteten Süßwasserfische im Gegensatz zu marinen Fischen selbst in der Aufforderungsstellung kompensatorische Flossenbewegungen durchführen. Diese einleitende Reglosigkeit kann bereits Putzen durch den Partner auslösen, dessen Bereitschaft mit zunehmender Schrägstellung des Putzkunden gesteigert wird. Das Kopfabwärtsstehen erfolgt durch passives Absinken des Körpervorderteiles, woraus sich stammesgeschichtlich das aktive Schräg-bis Kopfstehen als Aufforderungssignal entwickelt haben dürfte (Laube, Rotfeder, Rotauge). Wahrscheinlich kann die steile Aufforderungsstellung durch Selbstdressur und durch Nachahmen individuell gelernt werden. Fische, die auffordernde Partner anschwimmen, nehmen bei diesen häufig statt zu putzen ebenfalls die Aufforderungsstellung ein; entweder durch Stimmungsübertragung, oder das Anschwimmen erfolgte bereits in der Erwartung, dort ebenfalls geputzt zu werden. Selten treten Kopfzucken (Alburnus) oder Körperrütteln (Scardinius) als wahrscheinlich zusätzliche Aufforderungssignale auf. Attrappenversuche zeigen, daß alle Details des auffordernden Fisches realisiert sein müssen, um als Aufforderung zu wirken, was auf einen gelerten Auslösemechanismus schließen läßt. Die juvenilen Flußbarsche zeigen als Aufforderung neben leichter Schrägstellung ein Zeitlupen-Scheuern vor dem Partner im freien Wasser, was aus dem Verhalten des Normalscheuerns der selbständigen Körperreinigung abzuleiten ist, wobei der Bitterling Zwischenstufen aufweist (Schein-Scheuern).Ein weit ausholender Schwansschlag, möglicherweise ein ÜbersprungverhaIten, löst die Spannung der Putzstarre. Diese überbetonte Intentionsbewegung zum Schwimmstart läßt noch keinen Ansatz zur Signalbildung erkennen. Zu denken wäre an das Körperschütteln mancher Putzkunden tropischer Meere, um die spezialisierten Putzerfische fortzuschicken. Diese fehlen jedoch im einheimischen Süßwasser, wodurch auch das Überwiegen der Putzaufforderungen gegenüber der Putztätigkeit verständlich wird.
Summary Cleaning symbioses are described for the first time between fresh water fishes in their natural habitat. The symbioses are only facultative and were observed intra-and intorspecifically between members of the species Rhodeus amarus, Alburnus alburnus, Tinca, tinca and juvenile Rutilus rutilus, Scardinius erythrophthalmus and Perca fluviatilis.When the motivation to become cleaned is transmitted within a school of fish, mutual cleaning and inviting each other is common. The first stage in cleaning behaviour is cessation of movement and maintenance of a rigid posture which in these species of fish—contrary to marine species—is accompanied by compensatory fin movements.The more vertical the motionless posture of a fish the more active is the cleaning response of the partner. The vertical position is attained by passive sliding down of the head part. This form of display may be learned individually by imitation and (or) by trial and error.Fish approaching an inviting partner very often assume the invitation posture themselves instead of starting with the cleaning activity. This may be explained by transmission of the mood of invitation or because the invitation display raises the expectation in the approaching fish to become cleaned. Occasionally the invitation display is enhanced by head jerks (in Alburnus) or by body wriggling (in Scardinius).Tests with dummies prove that all details of the invitation pattern have to be fulfilled in order to make it acceptable as such by the partner. This points towards a learned releasing mechanism. Juveniles of Perca fluviatilis, besides assuming a slightly oblique posture, also show an additional feature of the invitation display by slow rubbing motions in front of swimming partners. This sslow motion rubbing may have developed from the normal cleaning behaviour which consists in rubbing the body against the ground. Intermediate stages between these two functions of rubbing motions are shown by Rhodeus amarus (apparent rubbing).The motionless posture of invitation is broken by a large beating of the tail, which may be a displacement activity. This exaggerated intention movement has, however, not yet evolved into a social signal, comparable, for example, to the body shaking of some marine fish by which these induce their cleaners to leave. There are no specialized cleaning fishes in fresh water which explains the dominance of invitation dispays over cleaning activities.

Zusammenfassung Die ölkanÄle vonHeracleum sphondylium undDorema ammoniacum wurden elektronen-mikroskopisch untersucht, um Aufschlüsse über den Exkretionsproze\ zu gewinnen. Die Drüsenepithelzellen vonHeracleum enthalten zahlreiche glatte, tubulÄre Elemente des endoplasmatischen Reticulums. Die Leukoplasten sind teilweise vom endoplasmatischen Reticulum eingehüllt. Sie enthalten viele tubulÄre Strukturen. Die Dictyosomen bilden Sekretvesikel, die vermutlich Wandmaterial und Schleim extruieren. Die Drüsenzellen vonDorema sind im Prinzip Ähnlich gebaut. Jedoch haben die Leukoplasten noch mehr Tubuli, und das tubulÄre, glatte endoplasmatische Reticulum ist nicht so stark entwickelt. Der Kanalinhalt ist anders zusammengesetzt. Die Ergebnisse werden mit Angaben aus der Literatur verglichen, und verschiedene Möglichkeiten für den Weg des Exkretes werden diskutiert.
The fine structure of oil glandsIV. The oil channels of umbelliferae:Heracleum sphondylium andDorema ammoniacum
Summary The oil channels ofHeracleum sphondylium andDorema ammoniacum were studied by electron microscopy in different stages of development with regard to the excretion process. Characteristic features of theHeracleum gland cells are a smooth endoplasmic reticulum consisting of a network of tubules, elements of the endoplasmic reticulum which envelope partly the leucoplasts, and irregular tubular structures within these plastids. The dictyosomes extrude secretion vesicles which may contain wall substances and the mucilagous constituents of the excretion. The content of the channel is poorly preserved in its arrangement. The gland cells ofDorema have a similar structure. There are certain differences in the content of the channel. The tubular elements within the leucoplasts are more prominent. The smooth, tubular endoplasmic reticulum is not so conspicuous. The results were compared with other reports, and possibilities for the way of the excretion were discussed.

Summary Monogonont rotifers reproduce parthenogenetically or sexually. The proportion of sexual females in a population (rate of mixis) can be modified by external factors. Published data about these factors are inconsistent and in part even contradictory (Table 1).In summer 1967 we made quantitative plankton studies in 15 tanks (0.3 to 50 m3). The following parameters were recorded every third day: population density, egg rate (eggs/female), and rate of mixis of the three rotifer species Brachionus calyciflorus, B. rubens and B. angularis; pH, temperature, rainfall, and phytoplankton biomass (dry weight). The latter was subdivided into three categories: ultra, nanno and micro-plankton.A correlation analysis of the environmental factors revealed many intercorrelations (Table 2). The coefficients of correlation between each rate of mixis and all other parameters are given in Table 3. A most striking result is the absence of significant correlations among the rates of mixis of the three species. This means that the periods of sexuality of the three related species are independent of one another in the same biotope. No one factor shows a consistent positive or negative correlation with the rates of mixis of all three species. But there are no contradictions, i.e., none of the parameters is correlated positively in one species and negatively in another species. Positive correlations (or none) are demonstrated with temperature, changing of temperature, and micro-phytoplankton; negative correlations (or none) with total phytoplankton, ultra-phytoplankton, nanno-phytoplankton, eggs/female, and population density of the competing Brachionus species; in no case are significant correlations found with pH and rainfall. That factors with significant correlations do not show these correlations with all species could be due to different threshold values of the mixis-inducing factors in the three rotifer species.In one respect our analysis is at variance with previous findings: whereas in all published data the population growth rate promotes the rate of mixis, we find in no case a significantly positive correlation between the rate of mixis and the population growth rate, or the rate of eggs/female. In some cases we find a significantly negative correlation.At present it is difficult to decide, whether the significant factors influence the rate of mixis directly or indirectly. The intercorrelations of the factors (Table 2) suggest that in many if not most cases these influences are indirect. tionsdichte von B. calyciflorus (bei B. rubens). Der letzte Effekt ist wahrscheinlich auf Konkurrenz zurückzuführen (Halbach, in Vorbereitung).

Herrn Prof. Dr. H.-J. Autrum in Verehrung und Dankbarkeit zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die durch Selbstbefruchtung entstandenen Anteile (kurz Selbstungsanteile) im Polycross-Saatgut von homozygoten Roggen-Inzuchtlinien wurden ermittelt durch visuelle Bestimmung der relativen Häufigkeit von Linienpflanzen in den einzelnen Polycross-Nachkommenschaften. Der Einfluß genetischer und umweltbedingter Effekte auf die Variation der Selbstungsanteile wurde untersucht.In den Jahren 1960 und 1961 wurde in Scharnhorst und von 1966 bis 1968 in Hohenheim je eine Polycross-Isolierparzelle angelegt. Die Selbstungsanteile wurden in den jeweils nachfolgenden Jahren bestimmt. Die Mittelwerte von 41 zusammenfassend analysierten Linien schwankten zwischen 4,3% und 85,9% und betrugen im Durchschnitt 46,45%. Die Jahresmittelwerte variierten von 34,93% bis 56,37%. Die phänotypische Varianz wurde zu 57,31% durch Unterschiede zwischen den Nachkommenschaften, dagegen nur zu 16,00% durch Genotyp-Umwelt Interaktionen verursacht. Für die mittleren Selbstungsanteile von Linien verschiedener Ausgangssorten wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede gefunden. Die Selbstungsrate lag bei Anbau von 4 Pflanzen je Polycross-Teilstück geringfügig höher als bei Anbau von l Pflanze je Teilstück.In der Diskussion wurden mögliche Ursachen für die unterschiedliche Selbstungsneigung der Linien besprochen und die züchterischen Konsequenzen der Befunde für die Schätzung der Kombinationsfähigkeit und für den Aufbau synthetischer Sorten erörtert.
Breeding rye varieties from inbred linesI. Selfing-proportions in polycross progenies
Summary Proportions of polycross seed resulting from self-fertilization (selfing-proportions in short) were ascertained in homozygous inbred lines of rye (Secale cereale L.). The proportions could be determined in polycross progenies by visually recognizable differences between mbred and hybrid plants. The influence of genetic and environmental factors on the variability of the selfing-proportions was investigated.Polycross nurseries were planted in 1960 and 1961 at Scharnhorst, and in 1966 through 1968 at Hohenheim. Selfing-proportions were determined in 1961, 1962 and 1967 to 1969, respectively. Mean values varied among 41 lines from 4.3% to 85.9%, and among years from 34.93% to 56.37%, with an overall mean of 46.45%. Estimates of variance components showed 57.31% of the phenotypic variance to be caused by genetic effects, and only 16.00% by genotype-environment interactions. No significant variation was found between mean selfing-proportions of lines from different varietal sources. Polycross blocks with 4 plants per plot exhibited slightly higher selfing-proportions than blocks with 1 plant per plot.The findings are discussed as to various possible explanations, and with special regard to their bearing on the evaluation of combining ability and on establishing synthetic varieties.

Angenommen durch F. Mechelke  相似文献   

M. Kluge  B. Heininger 《Planta》1973,113(4):333-343
Summary Kinetic studies on the release of [14C] malate into unlabelled buffer in tissue slices of Bryophyllum leaves labelled by 14CO2 dark fixation showed a curve characterized by three phases. According to literature, these phases indicate malate efflux from free space, cytoplasm and vacuoles. From the curves obtained it could be estimated that the cytoplasmatic pool of [14C] malate after 14CO2 dark fixation is higher in acidified tissue (i.e. high malate content) than in deacidified tissue (i.e. low malate content). Efflux of [14C] malate from the vacuoles is also higher in acidified tissue. It increases when the malate solution enclosed in the vacuoles becomes more concentrated. This could be demonstrated in experiments in which water was extracted from the labelled tissue by raising the osmotic potential of the buffers in which the tissue slices were suspended. The increase of [14C] malate efflux from the vacuoles followed a sigmoid curve when plotted against the osmotic potential of the washing buffer, i.e. agaisnt the degree of dehydratation of the tissue.The osmotic potential of the buffer in which leaf tissue of Bryophyllum was suspended also had an effect on the distribution of radiocarbon among the metabolites when the tissue was allowed to fix 14CO2 in the light. In deacidified tissue the incorporation of 14C into malate was inhibited whereas label found in carbohydrates (starch + sucrose) remained nearly unchanged when the osmotic potential of the buffer increased up to 12 atm. This effect is explained in terms of inhibition of PEP-carboxylase by a growing cytoplasmic malate pool, which is caused by the increasing malate efflux from the vacuole and by retarded malate flux from cytoplasm into vacuole under these conditions. However, in acidified tissue labelling of malate was already low with no osmotic stress, and no further inhibition of malate synthesis could be observed when the osmotic potential of the buffer was increased.Label found in starch after 14CO2–fixation decreased in the light under osmotic stress, with more label being transferred into sucrose. This effect could be interpreted as osmoregulation which forces the cells of the leaf tissue to produce osmotically effective substances to balance the higher osmotic potential of the buffer.
Abkürzungen und Symbole CAM Crassulacean Acid Metabolism - FW Frischgewicht - PEP Phosphoenolpyruvat - * potentieller osmotischer Druck  相似文献   

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Tillandsia mollis sp. n. is related toT. usneoides (L.) L. but differs mainly in the densely lepidote sepals and the soft and thick round leaves.  相似文献   

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