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Variation in learning abilities within populations suggests that complex learning may not necessarily be more adaptive than simple learning. Yet, the high cost of complex learning cannot fully explain this variation without some understanding of why complex learning is too costly for some individuals but not for others. Here we propose that different social foraging strategies can favor different learning strategies (that learn the environment with high or low resolution), thereby maintaining variable learning abilities within populations. Using a genetic algorithm in an agent-based evolutionary simulation of a social foraging game (the producer-scrounger game) we demonstrate how an association evolves between a strategy based on independent search for food (playing a producer) and a complex (high resolution) learning rule, while a strategy that combines independent search and following others (playing a scrounger) evolves an association with a simple (low resolution) learning rule. The reason for these associations is that for complex learning to have an advantage, a large number of learning steps, normally not achieved by scroungers, are necessary. These results offer a general explanation for persistent variation in cognitive abilities that is based on co-evolution of learning rules and social foraging strategies.  相似文献   

Bekoff [J. Consci. Stud. 8 (2001) 81] argued that mammalian social play is a useful behavioral phenotype on which to concentrate in order to learn more about the evolution of fairness. Here, we build a game theoretical model designed to formalize some of the ideas laid out by Bekoff, and to examine whether ‘fair’ strategies can in fact be evolutionarily stable. The models we present examine fairness at two different developmental stages during an individual's ontogeny, and hence we create four strategies—fair at time 1/fair at time 2, not fair at time 1/not fair at time 2, fair at time 1/not fair at time 2, not fair at time 1/fair at time 2. Our results suggest that when considering species where fairness can be expressed during two different developmental stages, acting fairly should be more common than never acting fairly. In addition, when no one strategy was evolutionarily stable, we found that all four strategies we model can coexist at evolutionary equilibrium. Even in the absence of an overwhelming database from which to test our model, the general predictions we make have significant implications for the evolution of fairness.  相似文献   

I formulate a simple model of the ultimatum game, in which a proposer and a responder can receive a reward if they agree on how to divide this reward between them. The model is easy to analyse and shows that strong tendencies to fair division are expected when evolution of strategy frequencies follow the traditional gradient dynamics assumed in evolutionary models. The mean stable offer is typically around 20-40% although this depends on the maximum payoff and if rejection thresholds can evolve independently from proposals. The stable proportion offered at evolutionary equilibrium increases with the maximum payoff, if proposal and acceptance thresholds are dictated by the same strategy and cannot evolve independently. If proposal and acceptance evolve independently, the stable proportion instead decreases with the maximum payoff. The stable outcome may also show substantial variation.  相似文献   

We develop a suite of models with varying complexity to predict elk movement behavior during the winter on the Northern Range of Yellowstone National Park (YNP). The models range from a simple representation of optimal patch choice to a dynamic game, and we show how the underlying theory in each is related by the presence or absence of state- and frequency-dependence. We compare predictions from each of the models for three variables that are of basic and applied interest: elk survival, aggregation, and use of habitat outside YNP. Our results suggest that despite low overall forage depletion in the winter, frequency-dependence is crucial to the predictions for elk movement and distribution. Furthermore, frequency-dependence interacts with mass-dependence in the predicted outcome of elk decision-making. We use these results to show how models that treat single movement decisions in isolation from the seasonal sequence of decisions are insufficient to capture landscape scale behavior.  相似文献   

Summary Bradshaw (1965) proposed that phenotypic plasticity would be more common than adaptive genetic variability in species for which environmental fluctuations occur over periods roughly equal to that species' generation time. In an effort to examine this notion, sources of seasonal variation in two components of oviposition behavior in an east Texas population of pipevine swallowtail butterflies (Battus philenor) were investigated under natural and seminatural conditions. Variability in a visually-based prealighting component involving orientation to leaf shape was primarily due to phenotypic plasticity in the form of adult learning; no seasonally-based genotypic differences in leaf-shape discrimination behavior were observed. By contrast, a chemotactile post-alighting component involving elicitation of oviposition after landing on the host plant was not phenotypically plastic, i.e., not susceptible to learning. In addition, only slight and nonsignificant seasonally-based differences in post-alighting responses to different host species were observed.  相似文献   

In frequency-dependent games, strategy choice may be innate or learned. While experimental evidence in the producer-scrounger game suggests that learned strategy choice may be common, a recent theoretical analysis demonstrated that learning by only some individuals prevents learning from evolving in others. Here, however, we model learning explicitly, and demonstrate that learning can easily evolve in the whole population. We used an agent-based evolutionary simulation of the producer-scrounger game to test the success of two general learning rules for strategy choice. We found that learning was eventually acquired by all individuals under a sufficient degree of environmental fluctuation, and when players were phenotypically asymmetric. In the absence of sufficient environmental change or phenotypic asymmetries, the correct target for learning seems to be confounded by game dynamics, and innate strategy choice is likely to be fixed in the population. The results demonstrate that under biologically plausible conditions, learning can easily evolve in the whole population and that phenotypic asymmetry is important for the evolution of learned strategy choice, especially in a stable or mildly changing environment.  相似文献   

Infanticide by newly immigrated or newly dominant males is reported among a variety of taxa, such as birds, rodents, carnivores and primates. Here we present a game theoretical model to explain the presence and prevalence of infanticide in primate groups. We have formulated a three-player game involving two males and one female and show that the strategies of infanticide on the males' part and polyandrous mating on the females' part emerge as Nash equilibria that are stable under certain conditions. Moreover, we have identified all the Nash equilibria of the game and arranged them in a novel hierarchical scheme. Only in the subspace spanned by the males are the Nash equilibria found to be strict, and hence evolutionarily stable. We have therefore proposed a selection mechanism informed by adaptive dynamics to permit the females to transition to, and remain in, optimal equilibria after successive generations. Our model concludes that polyandrous mating by females is an optimal strategy for the females that minimizes infanticide and that infanticide confers advantage to the males only in certain regions of parameter space. We have shown that infanticide occurs during turbulent changes accompanying male immigration into the group. For changes in the dominance hierarchy within the group, we have shown that infanticide occurs only in primate groups where the chance for the killer to sire the next infant is high. These conclusions are confirmed by observations in the wild. This model thus has enabled us to pinpoint the fundamental processes behind the reproductive decisions of the players involved, which was not possible using earlier theoretical studies.  相似文献   

Phenotypic polymorphism is a consequence of developmental plasticity, in which the trajectories of developing organisms diverge under the influence of cues. Environmental and genetic phenotype determination are the two main categories of polymorphic development. Even though both may evolve as a response to varied environments, they are traditionally regarded as fundamentally distinct phenomena. They can however be joined into a single framework that emphasizes the parallel roles of environmental and genetic cues in phenotype determination. First, from the point of view of immediate causation, it is common that phenotypic variants can be induced either by environmental or by allelic variation, and this is referred to as gene-environment interchangeability. Second, from the point of view of adaptation, genetic cues in the form of allelic variation at polymorphic loci can play similar roles as environmental cues in providing information to the developmental system about coming selective conditions. Both types of cues can help a developing organism to fit its phenotype to selective circumstances. This perspective of information in environmental and genetic cues can produce testable hypotheses about phenotype determination, and can thus increase our understanding of the evolution of phenotypic polymorphism.  相似文献   

To investigate the genotype-phenotype link in a polyclonal cancer cell population, here we introduce evolutionary game theory into our previously developed agent-based brain tumor model. We model the heterogeneous cell population as a mixture of two distinct genotypes: the more proliferative Type A and the more migratory Type B. Our agent-based simulations reveal a phase transition in the tumor's velocity of spatial expansion linking the tumor fitness to genotypic composition. Specifically, velocity initially falls as rising payoffs reward the interactions among the more stationary Type A cells, but unexpectedly accelerates again when these A-A payoffs increase even further. At this latter accelerating stage, fewer migratory Type B cells appear to confer a competitive advantage in terms of the tumor's spatial aggression over the overall numerically dominating Type A cells, which in turn leads to an acceleration of the overall tumor dynamics while its surface roughness declines. We discuss potential implications of our findings for cancer research.  相似文献   

Gene duplication is an important evolutionary process thought to facilitate the evolution of phenotypic diversity. We investigated if gene duplication was associated with the evolution of phenotypic differences in a highly social insect, the honeybee Apis mellifera. We hypothesized that the genetic redundancy provided by gene duplication could promote the evolution of social and sexual phenotypes associated with advanced societies. We found a positive correlation between sociality and rate of gene duplications across the Apoidea, indicating that gene duplication may be associated with sociality. We also discovered that genes showing biased expression between A. mellifera alternative phenotypes tended to be found more frequently than expected among duplicated genes than singletons. Moreover, duplicated genes had higher levels of caste‐, sex‐, behavior‐, and tissue‐biased expression compared to singletons, as expected if gene duplication facilitated phenotypic differentiation. We also found that duplicated genes were maintained in the A. mellifera genome through the processes of conservation, neofunctionalization, and specialization, but not subfunctionalization. Overall, we conclude that gene duplication may have facilitated the evolution of social and sexual phenotypes, as well as tissue differentiation. Thus this study further supports the idea that gene duplication allows species to evolve an increased range of phenotypic diversity.  相似文献   



Organisms are capable of developing different phenotypes by altering the genes they express. This phenotypic plasticity provides a means for species to respond effectively to environmental conditions. One of the most dramatic examples of phenotypic plasticity occurs in the highly social hymenopteran insects (ants, social bees, and social wasps), where distinct castes and sexes all arise from the same genes. To elucidate how variation in patterns of gene expression affects phenotypic variation, we conducted a study to simultaneously address the influence of developmental stage, sex, and caste on patterns of gene expression in Vespula wasps. Furthermore, we compared the patterns found in this species to those found in other taxa in order to investigate how variation in gene expression leads to phenotypic evolution.  相似文献   

We present a model of predator and prey grouping strategies using game theory. As predators respond strategically to prey behavior and vice versa, the model is based on a co-evolution approach. Focusing on the "many eyes-many mouths" trade-off, this model considers the benefits and costs of being in a group for hunting predators and foraging prey: predators in a group have more hunting success than solitary predators but they have to share the prey captured; prey in a group face a lower risk of predation but greater competition for resources than lone prey. The analysis of the model shows that the intersections of four curves define distinct areas in the parameter space, corresponding to different strategies used by predators and prey at equilibrium. The model predictions are in accordance with empirical evidence that an open habitat encourages group living, and that low risks of predation favor lone prey. Under some conditions, continuous cycling of the relative frequencies of the different strategies may occur. In this situation, the proportions of grouped vs. solitary predators and prey oscillate over time.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence for nongenetic inheritance, the ecological conditions that favour the evolution of heritable parental or grandparental effects remain poorly understood. Here, we systematically explore the evolution of parental effects in a patch‐structured population with locally changing environments. When selection favours the production of a mix of offspring types, this mix differs according to the parental phenotype, implying that parental effects are favoured over selection for bet‐hedging in which the mixture of offspring phenotypes produced does not depend on the parental phenotype. Positive parental effects (generating a positive correlation between parental and offspring phenotype) are favoured in relatively stable habitats and when different types of local environment are roughly equally abundant, and can give rise to long‐term parental inheritance of phenotypes. By contrast, unstable habitats can favour negative parental effects (generating a negative correlation between parental and offspring phenotype), and under these circumstances, even slight asymmetries in the abundance of local environmental states select for marked asymmetries in transmission fidelity.  相似文献   

Partner choice is a critical stage of many biological interactions, from mating to cooperation. When the quality of the potential partners is unknown, one way to choose is to rely on signaling: costly signals can reveal the quality of the sender and allow the receiver to choose. In some cases, however, signaling (or an active choice based on signals) is not possible, for example in the initiation of the symbiosis between the squid Euprymna scolopes and the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri. How is partner choice possible in this and other similar cases? I show that in a game with asymmetric information without signaling, imposing a deliberate cost for establishing the interaction allows the non-informed individual to attract the right partner if the cost induces only high quality individuals to accept the interaction. Furthermore, imposing different costs and rewards may induce the informed individuals to screen themselves according to their types, and therefore allow the non-informed individual to establish an association with the correct partners in the absence of signaling.  相似文献   

Quantifying the dependency between mRNA abundance and downstream cellular phenotypes is a fundamental open problem in biology. Advances in multimodal single‐cell measurement technologies provide an opportunity to apply new computational frameworks to dissect the contribution of individual genes and gene combinations to a given phenotype. Using an information theory approach, we analyzed multimodal data of the expression of 83 genes in the Ca2+ signaling network and the dynamic Ca2+ response in the same cell. We found that the overall expression levels of these 83 genes explain approximately 60% of Ca2+ signal entropy. The average contribution of each single gene was 17%, revealing a large degree of redundancy between genes. Using different heuristics, we estimated the dependency between the size of a gene set and its information content, revealing that on average, a set of 53 genes contains 54% of the information about Ca2+ signaling. Our results provide the first direct quantification of information content about complex cellular phenotype that exists in mRNA abundance measurements.  相似文献   

D-甘露醇(D-mannitol)作为合成抗肿瘤药和免疫刺激剂的重要前体被广泛应用于制药和医疗等行业,酶法合成D-甘露醇反应成本昂贵无法满足工业化生产。本研究首先筛选关键酶获得较优性能的甘露醇脱氢酶Lp MDH和用于辅因子NADH再生的葡萄糖脱氢酶Ba GDH,在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)BL21(DE3)中共表达,实现了基于双酶级联反应催化底物D-果糖合成D-甘露醇,D-甘露醇的初步摩尔转化率为59.7%。针对双酶级联催化反应中辅酶再生用酶与催化用酶表达量不协调的问题,通过增加Bagdh拷贝量来提高辅因子循环能力,获得了双酶催化速率平衡的重组大肠杆菌E.coli BL21/pETDuet-Lpmdh-Bagdh-Bagdh。进一步对重组菌的全细胞转化条件进行优化,确定了最适转化条件为反应温度30℃,初始pH值6.5,菌体量OD600=30,底物D-果糖100.0 g/L,辅底物葡萄糖与底物1︰1摩尔当量。于最优转化条件下5 L发酵罐转化24 h,D-甘露醇的最高产量为81.9g/L,摩尔转化率为81.9%。本研究提供了一种绿色、高效生物催化生产D-甘露醇的方法,为实现其规模化生产奠定了基础,同时也对其他相关稀有糖醇的研究具有指导意义。  相似文献   

In common with many other groups, nematodes express globins with unknown functions. Nematode globin-like genes can be divided into class 1 globins, similar to vertebrate myoglobins, and a wide range of additional classes. Here we show that class 1 nematode globins possess a huge amount of diversity in gene sequence and structure. There is evidence for multiple events of gene duplication, intron insertion and loss between species, and for allelic variation effecting both synonymous and non-synonymous sites within species. We have also examined gene expression patterns in class I globins from a variety of species. The results show variation in the degree of gene expression, but the tissue specificity and temporal specificity of expression may be more conserved in the phylum. Because the structure-function relationships for the binding and transport of oxygen by globins are well understood, the consequences of genetic variation causing amino acid changes are explored. The gene family shows great promise for discovering unique insights into both structure-function relationships of globins and their physiologial roles.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect that noise has on the evolution of measurement strategies and competition in populations of organisms with sensory systems of differing fidelities. We address two questions motivated by experimental and theoretical work on sensory systems in noisy environments: (1) How complex must a sensory system be in order to face the need to develop adaptive measurement strategies that change depending on the noise level? (2) Does the principle of competitive exclusion for sensory systems force one population to win out over all others? We find that the answer to the first question is that even very simple sensory systems will need to change measurement strategies depending on the amount of noise in the environment. Interestingly, the answer to the second question is that, in general, at most two populations with different fidelity sensory systems may co-exist within a single environment.  相似文献   

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