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The density, population, length, yield and sex proportion of the mollusks Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis were studied in Bahía de Golfito, Golfo Dulce, Pacific coast of Costa Rica from February 1998 to February 1999. A. tuberculosa was more abundant (0.9 units m(-2)), than A. similis (0.2 units m(-2)); the highest abundance was found at the canal mouths. The average lengths were 43.3 mm for A. tuberculosa and 42.8 mm for A. similis (both under the Costa Rican legal minimal length for exploitation: 47 mm). Maximum lengths were measured in the middle and upstream Canal Mayor, respectively: 43.0 mm and 43.4 mm. The correlation between length and fresh weight was 0.81 (Pearson). The average total weights were 26.2 g for A. tuberculosa and 19.1 g for A. similis. The condition index (a meat yield measurement) was higher in A. similis (21.2%) than in A. tuberculosa (17.2%). The maximum yield for both species lies in the 31-35 mm range. The male ratio was 43.7%. A species recovery plan is urgent because these results suggest both a decrease in density and illegal exploitation.  相似文献   

In this paper spermatogenesis and sperm ultrastructure of the cockle Anadara granosa are studied using transmission electron microscopy. The spermatocyte presents electron-dense vesicles and the arising axoneme that begins to form the flagellum. During spermatid differentiation, proacrosomal vesicles appear to migrate towards the presumptive anterior pole of the nucleus; eventually these vesicles become acrosome. The spermatozoon of Anadara granosa is of the primitive type. The acrosome, situated at the apex of the nucleus, is cap-shaped and deeply invaginated at the inner side. The spherical nucleus of the spermatozoon contains dense granular chromatin and shows invagination at the posterior poles. The centriole shows the classic nine triplets of microtubules. The middle piece consists of the centriolar complex surrounded by five giant mitochondria. It is shown that the ultrastructure of spermatozoa and spermiogenesis of Anadara granosa reveals a number of features that are common among bivalves. Received: 29 September 1998 / Received in revised form: 20 May 1999 / Accepted: 14 June 1999  相似文献   

Wild populations of the pustulose ark, Anadara tuberculosa (Bivalvia), an emblematic species of the East Pacific mangrove ecosystem declined in South American countries (Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru) mainly due to overharvesting and habitat loss or degradation. Understanding the genetic aspects of geographic variations and population structure of A. tuberculosa, currently unknown, appears as a priority to fishery authorities in order to elaborate integrated and collaborative conservation policies for fishery management, aquaculture, and stock enhancement programs. We used mtDNA sequence data to investigate haplotype diversity, genetic structure, and demography of A. tuberculosa. Results indicate genetic homogeneity of populations distributed north and south of the equator, respectively. However, statistically significant differentiation emerged between northern and southern populations with pairwise фST values ranging between 0.036 and 0.092. The oceanic current system acting in the area (Panama Current and Humboldt Current) might play a role in limiting the larval dispersal of the species, still poorly understood. Demography reconstruction supported recent population expansion, possibly started after last glacial maximum. Our results would suggest separate and independent management of populations north and south of the equator.  相似文献   

Anadara tuberculosa is one of the most abundant mollusks of commercial importance in Costa Rica. Its habitat water is a potential source of fecal and chemical contamination to humans. We wanted to asses enterovirus, mainly poliovirus and hepatitis A virus and chemicals such as sulphates and nitrates in meat and body fluids. Thirteen samples were taken from four sites in Nicoya Gulf, three sites in the Sierpe-Térraba mangrove (Pacific of Costa Rica) and from five fish markets in San José, the capital of Costa Rica. Samples were tested for 1) fecal coliforms (Most Probable Number/100 ml), 2) isolation of enterovirus in cell culture (Hep-2, FrhK-4), 3) cell cytotoxicity in Vero cells and 4) the ability to inactivate 10 ID50% of poliovirus in cell culture. The Most Probable Number/100 ml in surrounding water was higher than the accepted standard for recreational waters, although the number of fecal coliforms in meats and body fluids was lower than in the external water. No cytopathogenic agents were isolated, but we found nitrate and sulphate concentrations that exceeded maxima for human consumption and recreation. The intrinsic cytotoxicity of the samples was at a 1/8 dilution, but some samples were cytotoxic at dilutions of 1/128. Body fluids were more cytotoxic than meats, but a positive correlation between cytotoxicity and chemical contamination was not determined: apparently other pollutants not identified in this study were responsible. Fluid and meat capacity to inactivate 10 ID50% of poliovirus in cell culture was demonstrated. Samples that were toxic for cell cultures also showed a higher percentage of poliovirus inactivation. Monitoring chemical pollution in these waters is highly recommended.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the occurrence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in cockles (Anadara granosa) at a harvesting area and to detect the presence of virulent strains carrying the thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) and TDH-related hemolysin genes (trh) using PCR. Of 100 samples, 62 were positive for the presence of V. parahaemolyticus with an MPN (most probable number) value greater than 3.0 (>1100 MPN per g). The PCR analysis revealed 2 samples to be positive for the tdh gene and 11 to be positive for the trh gene. Hence, these results demonstrate the presence of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in cockles harvested in the study area and reveal the potential risk of illness associated with their consumption.  相似文献   

The extant anomalodesmatan bivalves have always proved rather enigmatic and difficult to interpret, both in terms of their relationships to other bivalve taxa and the interrelationships of the constituent families. These difficulties stem from their diverse and often highly specialized life habits which have resulted in a wide array of disparate morphologies, and also from the fact that many are extremely rare. Classifications based on morphological characters have been dogged by fears that convergent and parallel evolution has masked phylogenetic signals. Molecular surveys of members of 12 of the 15 constituent families, using the 18S rRNA gene, have revealed that anomalodesmatans are robustly monophyletic and lie within the basal heterodonts. The Anomalodesmata should no longer be regarded as a subclass, but as a part of the Heterodonta. Here we present an enhanced analysis of 32 anomalodesmatan species (representatives of 12 families). Our results, subjected to Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses, challenge our understanding of the internal relationships within the Anomalodesmata. In particular they indicate the need for a re-distribution of the families traditionally placed in the Thracioidea and Pandoroidea into a 'thraciid' lineage (Thraciidae + Cleidothaeridae + Myochamidae) and a 'lyonsiid' lineage (polyphyletic Lyonsiidae + Clavagellidae + Laternulidae + Pandoridae). The endolithic Clavagella and endobenthic Brechites and Penicillus form a robust clade. The hypothesis that the carnivorous septibranchs are monophyletic can, thus far, be neither supported nor rejected. Mapping critical morphological characters onto our molecular results provides evidence of multiple loss of some characters (e.g. prismato-nacreous shell microstructure and shell spicules) and also multiple gain of others (e.g. chondrophores).  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 148 , 395–420.  相似文献   

The New Zealand freshwater mussels are taxonomically revised and compared with key Australian and South American taxa using DNA sequence data. Three living species are recognised: Echyridella menziesii, Echyridella aucklandica and Echyridella onekaka. Cucumerunio websteri websteri and Cucumerunio websteri delli, are treated as junior synonyms of Unio aucklandica, which is transferred from Cucumerunio (and Hyridella) to Echyridella. Lectotypes are designated for Unio waikarensis and Unio hochstetteri, which are illustrated together with primary type specimens of other relevant taxa. The type locality of U. aucklandica is restricted to the catchment of the Kawakawa River.  相似文献   

Abstract. The external epithelial cilia and other surface structures of the nuculoid protobranchs Nuculana pernula and Nucula nitidosa were studied. The gill lamellae and labial palps are partly covered with very long cilia. These have a modified slender distal portion, an ordinary metazoan-type basal body, a basal foot. and a single, long cross-striated rootlet. In cilia on the gills of N. nitidosa , the basal foot is thick and attaches to the next basal body directly behind. Unciliated surface areas on the gills, labial palps, and foot are covered with a dense brushborder of microvilli. We observed no specific homologies between the cilia of the protobranchs studied and the epidermal cilia of the enigmatic Xenoturbella bocki , hence the recent hypothesis of a close connection of the latter to the protobranch bivalves is questioned.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within Pectinidae (Bivalvia, Pteriomorphia) have been investigated primarily for Pacific and Western Atlantic or commercially valuable taxa. Most molecular phylogenetic studies have revealed monophyly of pectinid bivalves but interrelationships of the different clades are still inconsistent. However, non-commercial European Pectinidae has mostly been neglected in earlier investigations and therefore the evolution and radiation of the European Pectinidae is poorly understood. Since the fossil record of this group is well investigated, the evolutionary age of phylogenetic diversification and radiation events within this group can be dated. Thus, the connection of geological and climatic changes to radiation events within this group can be assessed. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within European Pectinidae using mitochondrial (12S and 16S) and nuclear (18S, 28S and H3) gene markers and performed relaxed molecular clock approaches to gain information on the evolutionary age and the connection between Cenozoic climatic changes and diversification within this group. The results show concordance of radiation events with the Middle Miocene cooling event and the following climatic period with slowly decreasing temperatures. However, geological changes such as the uplift of the Gomphotherium Landbridge or the closure and re-opening of the Strait of Gibraltar also had great impact on diversification and distribution patterns within European Pectinidae.  相似文献   


The phylogenetic history, paleontological implications, and ecology of larger New Zealand Recent species of Neilo (sensu stricto) are discussed. N. wairoana delli, N. blacki, and N. (Pseudomalletia) aoteana are described as new. The following taxa are reduced to chronosubspecies: N. jugifera Marwick - of N. australis (Quoy & Gaimard); N. annectens Powell and N. rugata Dell - of N. sublaevis Marwick; N. sinangula Finlay - of N. awamoana Finlay.  相似文献   

Food selection by Dreissena polymorpha Pallas (Mollusca: Bivalvia)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
SUMMARY. The role of the selection systems in the mantle cavity and the stomach of Dreissena polymorpha was investigated by comparing the composition of particles in the plankton, the stomach and the mid-gut. Both systems selected particles of 15–40 μm for food. The selection mechanism functioned more efficiently in the presence of simple algal mixtures than in the presence of lake plankton, but did not function at all in animals fed after 16 h starvation. The composition of successive pseudo-faecal pellets differed. It is concluded that selection of different kinds of particle occurs in specific places in the mantle cavity. Cryptomonas spp. were highly preferred as food. Indications were found that not only does size-selection occur, but also selection of a chemical nature.  相似文献   

The largest Recent family of Bivalvia, the marine Veneridae with approximately 800 species, comprises one of the least understood and most poorly defined molluscan taxa, despite including some of the most economically important and abundant bivalves, for example quahog, Pismo clams, and Manila clams. A review of previous phylogenetic analyses including the superfamily Veneroidea (Veneridae, Petricolidae, Glauconomidae, Turtoniidae, Neoleptonidae) and within the Veneridae shows minimal taxon sampling leading to weak conclusions and few supported synapomorphies. New phylogenetic analyses on 114 taxa tested the monophyly of Veneroidea, Veneridae, and 17 nominal venerid subfamilies, using morphological (conchological, anatomical) data and molecular sequences from mitochondrial (16S, cytochrome oxidase I) and nuclear (28S, histone 3) genes. Morphological analyses using 45 exemplar taxa and 23 traditional characters were highly homoplastic and failed to reconstruct traditional veneroid classification. Full morphological analyses (31 characters) supported the monophyly of Veneroidea and Veneridae but only when certain taxa were excluded, revealing analytical difficulties caused by a suite of characters associated with neotenous or miniaturized morphology. Molecular analyses resulted in substantially higher clade consistency. The combined molecular data set resulted in significant support for a particular topology. The monophyly of Veneridae was supported only when Petricolidae and Turtoniidae were subsumed, and recognized as members with derived or neotenous morphologies, respectively. Morphological character mapping on molecular trees retained a high level of homoplasy, but revealed synapomorphies for major branch points and supported six subfamily groups (Dosiniinae, Gemminae, Samarangiinae, Sunettinae, Tapetinae, combined Chioninae + Venerinae). Glauconomidae and Neoleptonidae are provisionally maintained in Veneroidea pending further study; Petricolinae and Turtoniinae are placed in Veneridae. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 148 , 439–521.  相似文献   

Pieter W.  Kat 《Journal of Zoology》1983,201(3):395-416
Simultaneous hermaphroditism is an infrequent mode of reproduction among bivalves of the family Unionidae: only five of the 220 North American species are simultaneous hermaphrodites. However, hermaphroditic individuals of otherwise predominantly dioecious species have been encountered in 30 of I01 species examined. These hermaphroditic individuals as well as simultaneous hermaphrodites can exhibit considerable variability in the ratio of spermatogenic: oogenic tissue within the gonad, and the purposes of this paper are to determine the underlying causes of both this variability and the occurrence of occasional hermaphroditic individuals among dioecious species. Results indicate that the ratio of male: female gonodal tissue of a simultaneous hermaphrodite is bimodally distributed, and several hypotheses to account for this observation are presented. It is proposed that populations occurring in different habitats and under conditions of different individual density are subject to fundamentally different sexual selection pressures acting on ratios of allocation to male and female gametes. Occasional hermaphroditism among otherwise predominantly dioecious species was in this study associated with infection of the gonads by digenean trematodes. A model of sexual determination among unionids presented in this paper proposes that sex is determined by genetically controlled hormone levels: occasional hermaphrodites result from alterations in these hormone levels caused by developmental errors and trematodal infections which mimic the results of such errors. Predictions of this model are consistent with observed levels of variability in male: females gonadal tissue among occasional hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the potential of cockle shells as an environmental recorder, examining the environmental factors controlling the shell growth of the intertidal Anadara granosa from west coast of Malaysia. Subdaily environmental factors were recorded from December 2011 to November 2012. A total of 600 individuals were collected on a monthly basis and the shells sectioned from umbo to ventral margin, polished, etched and photographed under a light microscope to observe microgrowth bands and increments. Comparison of correlation matrix between mean increment width and each environmental factor indicated that shell growth had the highest positive correlation with seawater temperature (+0.72) and weak positive correlation with salinity (+0.53). Multiple regression analysis was used to assess independent associations between shell mean increment width and environmental parameters. Study model showed that 60.8% of the variation in shell growth could be explained by temperature, salinity, rainfall and tidal change. Individually, temperature and salinity made the greatest unique contribution to explain shell growth, respectively (p < 0.01). Laboratory results showed shell growth was in a linear trend to optimum temperature and salinity. These findings provide a basis for the interpretation of the temporal changes in shell microgrowth patterns in terms of environmental conditions of cockle shells.  相似文献   

The diet of the cockle Anadara antiquata L. was studied along Dar es Salaam coast during the N-E Monsoon season. No zooplankton were found in the 80 cockle guts examined. 27 phytoplankton genera were identified, an indication of wide phytophagy. Members of classes Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Pyrophyceae and Prasnophyceae were very prevalent in the diet. Scenedesmus, Chlamydomonas, Palmeria, Exuviella, and Coscinodiscus showed the highest recurrence frequencies per gut.  相似文献   

Donax serra burrows powerfully and rapidly in the same manner as other infaunal bivalves except that the turgidity of the foot is increased by a standing pressure of up to 3 kPa in the pedal haemocoel. The standing pressure, upon which probing and adduction pulses are superimposed, is derived from muscular tension acting on the blood in the pedal haemocoel, which is held at near constant volume by the closure of Keber's valve. Blood flow through the foot is thus reduced to a minimum at the time of maximal pedal activity and it is possible that pedal respiration is anaerobic during burrowing.
Extension of the foot is brought about by blood flow and antagonistic musclc action using blood in the pedal haemocoel as the fluid of a classical fluid-muscle system. There is no evidence of the presence of a muscular antagonistic system causing pedal protraction as occurs in the columellar muscle of some cyrtosome molluscs.  相似文献   

The razor clam Solen marginatus has a diploid chromosome number of 38. The karyotype consists of one metacentric/submetacentric, three submetacentric/metacentric, five submetacentric, one submetacentric/subtelocentric, one subtelocentric/submetacentric, six subtelocentric and two telocentric chromosome pairs. Staining with chromomycin A3 revealed bright positive bands subcentromerically in the long arms of one medium-sized subtelocentric pair, while DAPI staining showed uniform fluorescence in all chromosomes of the complement. Fluorescence in situ hybridization using an 18S-5.8S-28S rDNA probe locates these loci at the subcentromeric region of one subtelocentric pair and at the subtelomeric region of another subtelocentric pair.  相似文献   

Growth and sexual maturity in Saccostrea palmula were studied between May 1998 and May 1999, in Morales estuary, Punta Morales, Puntarenas, Costa Rica (n = 540 individuals according to sample size equation). The weight-length relationship for the population was Pt = 2.13 x 10(-2) Lt1.6602 and von Bertalanffy growth function was Lt = 68.2 (l- e -0.1577 t). The mean sex ratio was 1.00 male: 0.92 females with sexually mature individuals found throughout the year. Spawning activity was highest between November and January. The mean condition index (IC = PCF/PV x 100) for the population was 121.53 +/- 2.24 and the mean meat yield was 10.32 +/- 1.64%.  相似文献   

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