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Proteomic profiling of the mouse spermatozoon has generated a unique and valuable inventory of candidates that can be mined for potential contraceptive targets and to further our understanding of the PTMs that regulate the functionality of this highly specialized cell. Here we report the identification of 858 proteins derived from mouse spermatozoa, 23 of which demonstrated testis only expression. The list contained many proteins that are known constituents of murine spermatozoa including Izumo, Spaca 1, 3, and 5, Spam 1, Zonadhesin, Spesp1, Smcp, Spata 6, 18, and 19, Zp3r, Zpbp 1 and 2, Spa17, Spag 6, 16, and 17, CatSper4, Acr, Cylc2, Odf1 and 2, Acrbp, and Acrv1. Certain protein families were highly represented in the proteome. For example, of the 42 gene products classified as proteases, 26 belonged to the 26S-proteasome. Of the many chaperones identified in this proteome, eight proteins with a TCP-1 domain were found, as were seven Rab guanosine triphosphatases. Finally, our list yielded three putative seven-transmembrane proteins, two of which have no known tissue distribution, an extragenomic progesterone receptor and three unique testis-specific kinases all of which may have some potential in the future regulation of male fertility.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence has revealed an endocrine function for skeletal muscle; in fact, certain anti‐inflammatory cytokines are secreted only from contractile skeletal muscle. However, the skeletal muscle secretome as a whole is poorly characterized, as is how it changes in response to extracellular stimuli. Herein, we sought to identify and characterize the members of the skeletal muscle secretome, and to determine which protein secretion levels were modulated in response to insulin stimulation. To conduct these studies, we treated differentiated L6 rat skeletal muscle cells with insulin or left them untreated, and we comparatively analyzed the proteins secreted into the media. We fractionated this conditioned media using offline RP HPLC, digested the fractionated proteins, and analyzed the resulting peptides with LC‐ESI‐MS/MS. We identified a total of 254 proteins, and by using three different filtering methods, we identified 153 of these as secretory proteins. Fourteen proteins were secreted at higher levels under insulin stimulation, including several proteins known to be highly secreted in metabolic diseases; 19 proteins were secreted at lower levels under insulin stimulation. These result not only pinpointed several previously unknown, insulin induced, secretory proteins of skeletal muscle, it also described a novel approach for conditioned secretome analysis.  相似文献   

The hair follicle dermal papilla is composed primarily of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins secreted by resident fibroblasts. Dermal papilla is endowed with hair morphogenic properties, yet its composition is poorly characterized. In an attempt to understand its specificity better, we compared the protein composition of ECM secreted by cultured dermal papilla fibroblasts with that of dermal fibroblasts. ECM proteins are generally large, difficult to solubilize, and abundantly post-translationally modified. We thus implemented an original protocol for analyzing them: ECM samples were enzymatically digested directly in the culture flasks and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Sequencing of proteolytic peptides by MS/MS yielded protein identification. The relative abundance of a given protein in dermal fibroblast versus dermal papilla samples was estimated by comparing proteolytic peptide intensities detected by MS. Using this approach, several matrix proteins were found to be present at markedly different levels in each ECM type; in particular, thrombospondin 1 and fibronectin appeared to be overrepresented in the dermal papilla fibroblast ECM. MS results were supported by Western blot and immunostaining experiments. In addition, peptide intensities were processed in two ways, which proved to favor either the quantification accuracy or the information precision at the sequence level.  相似文献   

Lee YS  Chen PW  Tsai PJ  Su SH  Liao PC 《Proteomics》2006,6(7):2236-2250
Exposure to oil mist has been associated with a variety of acute and chronic respiratory effects. Using proteomics approaches to investigate exposure-associated proteins may provide useful information to understand the mechanisms of associated respiratory effects. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in rat bronchoalveolar lavage fluid proteins associated with oil mist exposure using nano-HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. The results revealed that 29 proteins exhibited significant changes after exposure. These proteins included surfactant-associated proteins (SP-A and SP-D), inflammatory proteins (complement component 3, immunoglobulins, lysozyme, etc.), growth factors (e.g., transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha)), calcium-binding proteins (calcyclin, calgranulin A, calreticulin, and calvasculin), and other proteins (e.g., cathepsin D, saposin, and intestinal trefoil factor). To further evaluate changes in protein levels, a simple quantitative strategy was developed in this study. A large decrease in protein levels of SP-A and SP-D (0.24- and 0.38-fold, respectively) following exposure was observed. In contrast, protein levels of TGF-alpha and calcium-binding proteins were significantly increased (4.46- and 1.4-1.8-fold, respectively). Due to the diverse functions of these proteins, the results might contribute to understand the mechanisms involved in lung disorders induced by oil mist exposure.  相似文献   

A modified sol-gel method for a one-step on-column frit preparation for fused-silica capillaries and its utility for peptide separation in LC-MS/MS is described. This method is inexpensive, reproducible, and does not require specialized equipments. Because the frit fabrication process does not damage polyimide coating, the frit-fabricated column can be tightly connected on-line for high pressure LC. These columns can replace any capillary liquid transfer tubing without any specialized connections up-stream of a spray tip column. Therefore multiple columns with different phases can be connected in series for one- or multiple-dimensional chromatography.  相似文献   

Recent developments in chromatography, such as ultra-HPLC and superficially porous particles, offer significantly improved peptide separation. The narrow peak widths, often only several seconds, can permit a 15-min liquid chromatography run to have a similar peak capacity as a 60-min run using traditional HPLC approaches. In theory, these larger peak capacities should provide higher protein coverage and/or more protein identifications when incorporated into a proteomic workflow. We initially observed a decrease in protein coverage when implementing these faster chromatographic approaches, due to data-dependent acquisition (DDA) settings that were not properly set to match the narrow peak widths resulting from newly implemented, fast separation techniques. Oversampling of high-intensity peptides lead to low protein-sequence coverage, and tandem mass spectra (MS/MS) from lower-intensity peptides were of poor quality, as automated MS/MS events were occurring late on chromatographic peaks. These observations led us to optimize DDA settings to use these fast separations. Optimized DDA settings were applied to the analysis of Trypanosome brucei peptides, yielding peptide identifications at a rate almost five times faster than previously used methodologies. The described approach significantly improves protein identification workflows that use typical available instrumentation.  相似文献   

A major challenge facing current mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics research is the large concentration range displayed in biological systems, which far exceeds the dynamic range of commonly available mass spectrometers. One approach to overcome this limitation is to improve online reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RP-LC) separation methodologies. LC mobile-phase modifiers are used to improve peak shape and increase sample load tolerance. Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) is a commonly used mobile-phase modifier, as it produces peptide separations that are far superior to other additives. However, TFA leads to signal suppression when incorporated with electrospray ionization (ESI), and thus, other modifiers, such as formic acid (FA), are used for LC-MS applications. FA exhibits significantly less signal suppression, but is not as effective of a modifier as TFA. An alternative mobile-phase modifier is the combination of FA and ammonium formate (AF), which has been shown to improve peptide separations. The ESI-MS compatibility of this modifier has not been investigated, particularly for proteomic applications. This work compares the separation metrics of mobile phases modified with FA and FA/AF and explores the use of FA/AF for the LC-MS analysis of tryptic digests. Standard tryptic-digest peptides were used for comparative analysis of peak capacity and sample load tolerance. The compatibility of FA/AF in proteomic applications was examined with the analysis of soluble proteins from canine prostate carcinoma tissue. Overall, the use of FA/AF improved online RP-LC separations and led to significant increases in peptide identifications with improved protein sequence coverage.  相似文献   

The identification and characterization of proteins in complex biological samples such as body fluids, require powerful and reliable tools. Mass spectrometry is today one of the most important methods in such research. This paper reports on the results from the first experiment where a tryptic digest of cerebrospinal fluid was analyzed applying reversed phase liquid chromatography coupled on-line to a 9.4 T Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer. In total, 70 204 peaks were detected, which originated from 16 296 isotopic clusters corresponding to 6551 unique peptide masses. From these masses, 39 proteins were identified in the sample. The amount of sample required for one experiment corresponds to 32 microL of cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

Landscape of the hnRNP K protein-protein interactome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K is an ancient RNA/DNA-binding protein that is involved in multiple processes that compose gene expression. The pleiotropic action of K protein reflects its ability to interact with different classes of factors, interactions that are regulated by extracellular signals. We used affinity purification and MS to better define the repertoire of K protein partners. We identified a large number of new K protein partners, some typically found in subcellular compartments, such as plasma membrane, where K protein has not previously been seen. Electron microscopy showed K protein in the nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, and in vicinity of plasma membrane. These observations greatly expanded the view of the landscape of K protein-protein interaction and provide new opportunities to explore signal transduction and gene expression in several subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

A proteomics-based approach was used for characterizing wheat gliadins from an Italian common wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivar. A two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) map of roughly 40 spots was obtained by submitting the 70% alcohol-soluble crude protein extract to isoelectric focusing on immobilized pH gradient strips across two pH gradient ranges, i.e., 3-10 or pH 6-11, and to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis in the second dimension. The chymotryptic digest of each spot was characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and nano electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis, providing a "peptide map" for each digest. The measured masses were subsequently sought in databases for sequences. For accurate identification of the parent protein, it was necessary to determine de novo sequences by MS/MS experiments on the peptides. By partial mass fingerprinting, we identified protein molecules such as alpha/beta-, gamma-, omega-gliadin, and high molecular weight-glutenin. The single spots along the 2-DE map were discriminated on the basis of their amino acid sequence traits. alpha-Gliadin, the most represented wheat protein in databases, was highly conserved as the relative N-terminal sequence of the components from the 2-DE map contained only a few silent amino acid substitutions. The other closely related gliadins were identified by sequencing internal peptide chains. The results gave insight into the complex nature of gliadin heterogeneity. This approach has provided us with sound reference data for differentiating gliadins amongst wheat varieties.  相似文献   

Sirtuins are a family of NAD+‐dependent protein deacetylases that regulate cellular functions through deacetylation of a wide range of protein targets. Overexpression of Sir2, the first gene discovered in this family, is able to extend the life span in various organisms. The anti‐aging effects of human homologues of sirtuins, SIRT1‐7, have also been suggested by animal and human association studies. However, the precise mechanisms whereby sirtuins exert their anti‐aging effects remain elusive. In this study, we aim to identify novel interacting partners of SIRT1 and SIRT3, two human sirtuins ubiquitously expressed in many tissue types. Our results demonstrate that SIRT1 and SIRT3 are localized within different intracellular compartments, mainly nuclei and mitochondria, respectively. Using affinity purification and MALDI‐TOF/TOF‐MS/MS analysis, their potential interacting partners have been identified from the enriched subcellular fractions and specific interactions confirmed by co‐immunoprecipitation and Western blotting experiment. Further analyses suggest that overexpression of SIRT1 or SIRT3 in HEK293 cells could induce hypoacetylation and affect the intracellular localizations and protein stabilities of their interacting partners. Taken together, the present study has identified a number of novel SIRT protein interacting partners, which might be critically involved in the anti‐aging and metabolic regulatory activities of sirtuins.  相似文献   

We describe a liquid chromatography (LC) tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) method for the determination of 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5-methylTHF) and folic acid concentrations and enrichments in human plasma. It was used to study absorption and initial metabolism in five volunteers with two simultaneously administered oral test doses ([(13)C(6)]folic acid in capsules and [(2)H(2)]folic acid in a drink). [(13)C(5)]5-methylTHF and [(2)H(4)]folic acid were used as internal standards. Plasma samples (2 ml) were purified using folate binding protein affinity columns, followed by a concentration step. After LC separation, folates were detected using positive electrospray ionization MS-MS under multiple reaction monitoring conditions. Calibrations were linear for 5-methylTHF over the range 1.2 x 10(-11) (=limit of detection) to 3.2 x 10(-7)mol/L and for folic acid over the range 5 x 10(-10) (=limit of detection) to 4.5 x 10(-8)mol/L. For 5-methylTHF concentration in plasma, intraassay coefficient of variation was within 8.6% (and for unlabeled 5-methylTHF it was within 2.8%) and interassay coefficient of variation was within 9.0%. For folic acid concentrations these coefficient of variations were within 7.5% and within 6.5%, respectively. The [(13)C(6)] and [(2)H(2)] isotopomers of folic acid and 5-methylTHF were measured in the plasma of each volunteer for 8h. After accounting for the time delay due to capsule opening, the modeling results showed no significant differences in absorption time, first pass effect, and elimination rate in the folic acid test doses in capsule or drink. We conclude that LC-MS-MS offers increased sensitivity for quantification of plasma concentrations and enrichments of 5-methylTHF and folic acid and is applicable to stable-isotope studies in humans.  相似文献   

An LC-MS/MS method has been developed for the identification of three species of herb used as the traditional Chinese medicine Langdu, namely Stellera chamaejasme L., Euphorbia ebracteolata Hayata and E. fischeriana Steud. As these herbs contain different mixtures of marker compounds, they could be unambiguously differentiated from each other by comparing their respective characteristic segmental multiple reaction monitoring profiles. The profiles indicated that S. chamaejasme contained daphnetin, skimmetine, stellerin, chamaechromone and neochamaejasmin, E. fischeriana contained ebracteolata compound B, ingenol, jolkinolide B and fischeriana A, whilst E. ebracteolata contained ebracteolata compounds B and C along with ingenol. These results were confirmed from the respective MS/MS spectra. The method has been successfully applied to differentiate these herbs from the related species Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) Schott and E. kansui Liou.  相似文献   

There is significant interest in characterization of the human plasma proteome due to its potential for providing biomarkers applicable to clinical diagnosis and treatment and for gaining a better understanding of human diseases. We describe here a strategy for comparative proteome analyses of human plasma, which is applicable to biomarker identifications for various disease states. Multidimensional liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been applied to make comparative proteome analyses of plasma samples from an individual prior to and 9 h after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration. Peptide peak areas and the number of peptide identifications for each protein were used to evaluate the reproducibility of LC-MS/MS and to compare relative changes in protein concentration between the samples following LPS treatment. A total of 804 distinct plasma proteins (not including immunoglobulins) were confidently identified with 32 proteins observed to be significantly increased in concentration following LPS administration, including several known inflammatory response or acute-phase mediators such as C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and A2, LPS-binding protein, LPS-responsive and beige-like anchor protein, hepatocyte growth factor activator, and von Willebrand factor, and thus, constituting potential biomarkers for inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Deoxynivalenol (DON)-glucosides were successfully synthesized in a two-step reaction from 1-β-Bromo-1-deoxy-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-α-D-gluco-pyranose and 3-Acetyl-DON or 15-Acetyl-DON. After purification of the reaction products, the mycotoxin conjugates were for the first time characterized by means of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer in combination with a linear ion trap. Due to different fragmentation behaviour it was also possible to distinguish between the two glucosides. Presented at the 25th Mykotoxin Workshop in Giessen, Germany, May 19–21, 2003  相似文献   

In mass spectrometry‐based proteomics, most conventional search engines match spectral data to sequence databases. These search databases thus play a crucial role in the identification process. While search engines can derive peptides in silico from protein sequences, this is usually limited to standard digestion algorithms. Customized search databases that provide detailed control over the search space can vastly outperform such standard strategies, especially in gel‐free proteomics experiments. Here we present Database on Demand, an easy‐to‐use web tool that can quickly produce a wide variety of customized search databases.  相似文献   

The performances of five different ESI sources coupled to a polystyrene–divinylbenzene monolithic column were compared in a series of LC‐ESI‐MS/MS analyses of Escherichia coli outer membrane proteins. The sources selected for comparison included two different modifications of the standard electrospray source, a commercial low‐flow sprayer, a stainless steel nanospray needle and a coated glass Picotip. Respective performances were judged on sensitivity and the number and reproducibility of significant protein identifications obtained through the analysis of multiple identical samples. Data quality varied between that of a ground silica capillary, with 160 total protein identifications, the lowest number of high quality peptide hits obtained (3012), and generally peaks of lower intensity; and a stainless steel nanospray needle, which resulted in increased precursor ion abundance, the highest‐quality peptide fragmentation spectra (5414) and greatest number of total protein identifications (259) exhibiting the highest MASCOT scores (average increase in score of 27.5% per identified protein). The data presented show that, despite increased variability in comparative ion intensity, the stainless steel nanospray needle provides the highest overall sensitivity. However, the resulting data were less reproducible in terms of proteins identified in complex mixtures – arguably due to an increased number of high intensity precursor ion candidates.  相似文献   

A concept of unique peptides(CUP)was proposed and implemented to identify whole-cell proteins from tandem mass spectrometry(MS/MS)ion spectra.A unique peptide is defined as a peptide,irrespective of its length,that exists only in one protein of a proteome of interest,despite the fact that this peptide may appear more than once in the same protein.Integrating CUP,a two-step whole-cell protein identification strategy was developed to further increase the confidence of identified proteins.A dataset containing 40,243 MS/MS ion spectra of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and protein identification tools including Mascot and SEQUEST were used to illustrate the proposed concept and strategy.Without implementing CUP,the proteins identified by SEQUEST are 2.26 fold of those identified by Mascot.When CUP was applied,the proteins bearing unique peptides identified by SEQUEST are3.89 fold of those identified by Mascot.By cross-comparing two sets of identified proteins,only 89 common proteins derived from CUP were found.The key discrepancy between identified proteins was resulted from the filtering criteria employed by each protein identification tool.According to the origin of peptides classified by CUP and the commonality of proteins recognized by protein identification tools,all identified proteins were cross-compared,resulting in four groups of proteins possessing different levels of assigned confidence.  相似文献   

Xu H  Yang L  Xu P  Tao Y  Ma Z 《Proteomics》2007,7(2):177-179
cTrans is a comprehensive utility used to generate polypeptide databases from cDNA sequences. The goal is achieved through integrating four main functions, including retrieving sequences of species of interest from the downloaded packages from dbEST of GenBank, format conversion, checking and deleting vector and adaptor contamination, and translating the cDNA sequences in all six frames and selecting specific translations for database construction in a user-defined length threshold. In addition, this utility is also applicable to cDNA sequences produced by users themselves.  相似文献   

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