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Trade-offs occur when two traits have opposing fitness effects such that positive selection on one trait is constrained by the negative fitness consequences of the other trait. To understand why trade-off may arise we need to study the genetic and non-genetic factors that influence associated traits because these may respond differently to selective pressure. Research into trade-offs has largely focused on the genetic basis of associated traits, yet both maternal effects and epigenetic effects have recently been shown to affect life history traits that play a role in trade-offs. In this study, we analyze genetic, epigenetic and life-history predictors of one of the most important trade-offs, that between offspring number and offspring mortality. Using a large-scale 3-generational intercross between two divergent mouse lines C57BL/6J and DBA/2J, we show that litter size differences between these lines, although significant, are surprisingly not the most important predictors of mortality. Offspring genotype, maternal effects and their interactions are the most influential factors determining mortality. We found significant paternal effects suggesting an important influence of paternal care or potentially the role of imprinted genes. Perhaps contrary to expectations our results further show that the trade-off between offspring number and mortality is not just a simple function of the two factors yielding, on average, an ‘optimal’ litter size at weaning. Indeed if one focused on litter size and mortality alone, the slope of relationship is the same for the two lines, yet they differ in the number of young at weaning. Our study reveals that a perceived trade-off between two traits is governed by a more complex set of interactions between genetic and non-genetic effects.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the effects of gestational undernutrition of rabbit does on growth, carcass composition and meat quality of the offsprings. Thirty primiparous non lactating rabbit does were artificially inseminated and randomly divided in three treatment groups: Control (C; fed to 100% of maintenance requirements throughout gestation, n = 10), early undernourished (EU; fed to 50% of maintenance requirements during days 7–19 of gestation, n = 10) and late undernourished (LU; fed to 50% of maintenance requirements during days 20-27 of gestation, n = 10). During the 4th week of the gestation period, LU does significantly lost weight compared to C and EU groups (P<0.05). At kindling, C does produced litters with higher proportions of stillborn kits (P<0.05) while the total litter size (alive and stillborn kits) was not different among groups (10.7, 12.8 and 12.7 kits in C, EU and LU groups, respectively). Kit birth weight tended to be lower in the LU group. During fattening, body weight and feed intake were not different among offsprings of the three experimental groups. Moreover, the maternal undernutrition did not have any impact on carcass composition of the offsprings in terms of carcass parts and internal organs weights as well as meat quality of L. lumborum muscle (pH24, colour, water holding capacity and shear values) at slaughter (70 days of age). Therefore, it can be concluded that the gestational undernutrition of the mother does not have detrimental effects on the productive and quality traits of the offsprings.  相似文献   

It is increasingly recognized that intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR) is associated with an increased risk of metabolic disorders in late life. Previous studies showed that mice exposed to LPS in late gestation induced fetal IUGR. The present study investigated the effects of maternal LPS exposure during pregnancy on metabolic phenotypes in female adult offspring. Pregnant mice were intraperitoneally injected with LPS (50 µg/kg) daily from gestational day (GD)15 to GD17. After lactation, female pups were fed with standard-chow diets (SD) or high-fat diets (HFD). Glucose tolerance test (GTT) and insulin tolerance test (ITT) were assessed 8 and 12 weeks after diet intervention. Hepatic triglyceride content was examined 12 weeks after diet intervention. As expected, maternal LPS exposure during pregnancy resulted in fetal IUGR. Although there was an increasing trend on fat mass in female offspring whose dams were exposed to LPS during pregnancy, maternal LPS exposure during pregnancy did not elevate the levels of fasting blood glucose and serum insulin and hepatic triglyceride content in female adult offspring. Moreover, maternal LPS exposure during pregnancy did not alter insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue and liver in female adult offspring. Further analysis showed that maternal LPS exposure during pregnancy did not exacerbate HFD-induced glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in female adult offspring. In addition, maternal LPS exposure during pregnancy did not aggravate HFD-induced elevation of hepatic triglyceride content in female adult offspring. In conclusion, LPS-induced IUGR does not alter metabolic phenotypes in adulthood.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by two core symptoms; impaired social interactions and communication, and ritualistic or repetitive behaviors. Both epidemiological and biochemical evidence suggests that a subpopulation of autistics may be linked to immune perturbations that occurred during fetal development. These findings have given rise to an animal model, called the “maternal immune activation” model, whereby the offspring from female rodents who were subjected to an immune stimulus during early or mid-pregnancy are studied. Here, C57BL/6 mouse dams were treated mid-gestation with saline, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to mimic a bacterial infection, or polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (Poly IC) to mimic a viral infection. Autism-associated behaviors were examined in the adult offspring of the treated dams. Behavioral tests were conducted to assess motor activity, exploration in a novel environment, sociability, and repetitive behaviors, and data analyses were carried independently on male and female mice. We observed a main treatment effect whereby male offspring from Poly IC-treated dams showed reduced motor activity. In the marble burying test of repetitive behavior, male offspring but not female offspring from both LPS and Poly IC-treated mothers showed increased marble burying. Our findings indicate that offspring from mothers subjected to immune stimulation during gestation show a gender-specific increase in stereotyped repetitive behavior.  相似文献   

Adversities in pregnancy, including poor diet and stress, are associated with increased risk of developing both metabolic and mental health disorders later in life, a phenomenon described as fetal programming or developmental origins of disease. Predominant hypotheses proposed to explain this relationship suggest that the adversity imposes direct changes to the developing fetus which are maintained after birth resulting in an increased susceptibility to ill health. However, during pregnancy the mother, the developing fetus, and the placenta are all exposed to the adversity. The same adversities linked to altered offspring outcome can also result in suboptimal maternal care, which is considered an independent adverse exposure for the offspring. Recent key experiments in mice reveal the potential of prenatal adversity to drive alterations in maternal care through abnormal maternal–pup interactions and via alterations in placental signaling. Together, these data highlight the critical importance of viewing fetal programming holistically paying attention to the intimate, bidirectional, and reiterative relationship between mothers and their offspring.  相似文献   

The following work provides basic information about the life history of 10 Cuban species of the family Poeciliidae. Adult fish stocks were captured in their natural habitat, and litters obtained from them were raised and maintained in captivity for 19 weeks. For each species, we present the mean value of newborn length (TLo), age at sexual maturity (AM), total length at sexual maturity (TLM), as well as the patterns of postnatal growth in aquarium conditions, which were described using size–age curves and nonlinear regression equations (Richards model). There are differences in growth dynamics among species. In general, growth rates differ for both sexes in all poeciliids studied, males maturing earlier than females, who reach higher values of total length at the 19th week (TLf). Sexual size dimorphism could be explained by the specific roles of each sex (fecundity in females and early maturity in males) while differences in growth among species could be related to their distribution patterns in the wild. The data summarized in this contribution can be useful for the conservation of these fish species. Zoo Biol 32:251–256, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated replicated differentiation in four lineages of livebearing fishes (two with the genus Poecilia and two within Gambusia), which inhabit freshwater habitats and have also colonized sulfide springs in Oklahoma, Mexico, and Venezuela. Sulfide springs are characterized by extreme hypoxia and high concentrations of toxic hydrogen sulfide, which provide a strong source of divergent selection compared to adjacent non-sulfidic habitats. Using geometric morphometric analysis of body shape, we found that sulfide spring populations significantly differ from relatives from regular freshwater habitats in all four lineages investigated. Differentiation is characterized by strong patterns of convergent evolution, with sulfide spring populations consistently exhibiting an increase in head size, even though the magnitude and nature differences varied across lineages. Head size is strongly correlated with an increase in gill size in sulfide spring populations of the genus Poecilia, which facilitates efficient oxygen acquisition in the hypoxic H2S-environment and directly affects survival. The convergent patterns of differentiation support previous findings about the effects of sulfide on trait evolution.  相似文献   

两种雀形目鸟类孵化行为对子代质量的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对高寒草甸地面营巢的小云雀 (Alaudagulgula)和灌丛筑巢的黄嘴朱顶雀 (Acanthisflavirostris)繁殖方式的研究表明 :①小云雀孵化异步性较弱 (1d) ;平均卵重与产卵顺序不显著相关 ,但最后 1枚卵最重 ;出壳顺序与雏鸟生长率极显著正相关 (P <0 0 1) ;出壳顺序对幼鸟的雏期和离巢体重无显著影响 (P >0 0 5 )。②黄嘴朱顶雀孵化异步性较强 (2~ 3d) ;平均卵重与产卵顺序显著正相关 (P <0 0 5 ) ,最后 1枚卵最重 ,第 1枚次之 ;出壳顺序对雏鸟生长率、雏期和离巢体重均无显著影响 (P >0 0 5 )。结果分析表明 ,2种雀形目鸟类都选择了异步孵化和加强窝雏数对策的繁殖模式。  相似文献   

Maternal Influences on Variation in Egg Sizes in Temperate Marine Fishes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
SYNOPSIS. We examine the variation in egg sizes of marine teleostsand evaluate the maternal contribution to this variability.At the species level, egg sizes in 309 North Atlantic fishesrange from 0.3 to 18.0 mm diameter (median = 1.1), size at hatchingvaries directly with egg size, and large adult size is associatedwith large eggs but the relationship is weak. Within populations,egg sizes are distributed normally with a median coefficientof variation of 4% (n = 56 species). Egg size varied among femalesin all cases for which female-level data were found. Estimatesof the variance components of egg size due to females were foundfor three species and, as a percentage of total variance, are71 % for capelin, Mallotus villosus, 46% for winter flounder,Pleuronectes americanus, and 35% for Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua.For cod, which spawn multiple egg batches per year, an additionalbatches-within-females component was estimated to be 26%. Sizeat hatching also differs among sibgroups and is generally directlyrelated to egg size at the individual level. We modelled fishgrowth by allowing individuals to grow at exponential ratesfrom a normal distribution of initial sizes. Comparing sizevariation in model fish to empirical evidence suggests thatvariation in initial sizes, propagated by growth, could accountfor a large fraction of the size variation observed months afterhatching in natural populations. We view size variation in youngmarine fishes to be largely of maternal origin and environmentallymodulated, which if true has special consequences for fisheriesand aquaculture.  相似文献   

The process of ecological speciation drives the evolution of locally adapted and reproductively isolated populations in response to divergent natural selection. In Southern Mexico, several lineages of the freshwater fish species of the genus Poecilia have independently colonized toxic, hydrogen sulfide-rich springs. Even though ecological speciation processes are increasingly well understood in this system, aligning the taxonomy of these fish with evolutionary processes has lagged behind. While some sulfide spring populations are classified as ecotypes of Poecilia mexicana, others, like P. sulphuraria, have been described as highly endemic species. Our study particularly focused on elucidating the taxonomy of the long described sulfide spring endemic, Poecilia thermalis Steindachner 1863, and investigates if similar evolutionary patterns of phenotypic trait divergence and reproductive isolation are present as observed in other sulfidic species of Poecilia. We applied a geometric morphometric approach to assess body shape similarity to other sulfidic and non-sulfidic fish of the genus Poecilia. We also conducted phylogenetic and population genetic analyses to establish the phylogenetic relationships of P. thermalis and used a population genetic approach to determine levels of gene flow among Poecilia from sulfidic and non-sulfidic sites. Our results indicate that P. thermalis'' body shape has evolved in convergence with other sulfide spring populations in the genus. Phylogenetic analyses placed P. thermalis as most closely related to one population of P. sulphuraria, and population genetic analyses demonstrated that P. thermalis is genetically isolated from both P. mexicana ecotypes and P. sulphuraria. Based on these findings, we make taxonomic recommendations for P. thermalis. Overall, our study verifies the role of hydrogen sulfide as a main factor shaping convergent, phenotypic evolution and the emergence of reproductive isolation between Poecilia populations residing in adjacent sulfidic and non-sulfidic environments.  相似文献   

The evolution of parent-offspring communication was mostly studied from the perspective of parents responding to begging signals conveying information about offspring condition. Parents should respond to begging because of the differential fitness returns obtained from their investment in offspring that differ in condition. For analogous reasons, offspring should adjust their behavior to cues/signals of parental condition: parents that differ in condition pay differential costs of care and, hence, should provide different amounts of food. In this study, we experimentally tested in the European earwig (Forficula auricularia) if cues of maternal condition affect offspring behavior in terms of sibling cannibalism. We experimentally manipulated female condition by providing them with different amounts of food, kept nymph condition constant, allowed for nymph exposure to chemical maternal cues over extended time, quantified nymph survival (deaths being due to cannibalism) and extracted and analyzed the females’ cuticular hydrocarbons (CHC). Nymph survival was significantly affected by chemical cues of maternal condition, and this effect depended on the timing of breeding. Cues of poor maternal condition enhanced nymph survival in early broods, but reduced nymph survival in late broods, and vice versa for cues of good condition. Furthermore, female condition affected the quantitative composition of their CHC profile which in turn predicted nymph survival patterns. Thus, earwig offspring are sensitive to chemical cues of maternal condition and nymphs from early and late broods show opposite reactions to the same chemical cues. Together with former evidence on maternal sensitivities to condition-dependent nymph chemical cues, our study shows context-dependent reciprocal information exchange about condition between earwig mothers and their offspring, potentially mediated by cuticular hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Early life events can significantly alter the development of the nociceptive circuit. In fact, clinical work has shown that maternal adversity, in the form of depression, and concomitant selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment influence nociception in infants. The combined effects of maternal adversity and SSRI exposure on offspring nociception may be due to their effects on the developing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system. Therefore, the present study investigated long-term effects of maternal adversity and/or SSRI medication use on nociception of adult Sprague-Dawley rat offspring, taking into account involvement of the HPA system. Dams were subject to stress during gestation and were treated with fluoxetine (2×/5 mg/kg/day) prior to parturition and throughout lactation. Four groups of adult male offspring were used: 1. Control+Vehicle, 2. Control+Fluoxetine, 3. Prenatal Stress+Vehicle, 4. Prenatal Stress+Fluoxetine. Results show that post-operative pain, measured as hypersensitivity to mechanical stimuli after hind paw incision, was decreased in adult offspring subject to prenatal stress alone and increased in offspring developmentally exposed to fluoxetine alone. Moreover, post-operative pain was normalized in prenatally stressed offspring exposed to fluoxetine. This was paralleled by a decrease in corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) levels in prenatally stressed offspring and a normalization of serum CBG levels in prenatally stressed offspring developmentally exposed to fluoxetine. Thus, developmental fluoxetine exposure normalizes the long-term effects of maternal adversity on post-operative pain in offspring and these effects may be due, in part, to the involvement of the HPA system.  相似文献   

Perivascular macrophages (PVMs) constitute a subpopulation of resident macrophages in the central nervous system (CNS). They are located at the blood-brain barrier and can contribute to maintenance of brain functions in both health and disease conditions. PVMs have been shown to respond to particle substances administered during the prenatal period, which may alter their phenotype over a long period. We aimed to investigate the effects of maternal exposure to ultrafine carbon black (UfCB) on PVMs and astrocytes close to the blood vessels in offspring mice. Pregnant mice were exposed to UfCB suspension by intranasal instillation on gestational days 5 and 9. Brains were collected from their offspring at 6 and 12 weeks after birth. PVM and astrocyte phenotypes were examined by Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining, transmission electron microscopy and PAS-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) double staining. PVM granules were found to be enlarged and the number of PAS-positive PVMs was decreased in UfCB-exposed offspring. These results suggested that in offspring, “normal” PVMs decreased in a wide area of the CNS through maternal UfCB exposure. The increase in astrocytic GFAP expression level was closely related to the enlargement of granules in the attached PVMs in offspring. Honeycomb-like structures in some PVM granules and swelling of astrocytic end-foot were observed under electron microscopy in the UfCB group. The phenotypic changes in PVMs and astrocytes indicate that maternal UfCB exposure may result in changes to brain blood vessels and be associated with increased risk of dysfunction and disorder in the offspring brain.  相似文献   

母性行为是动物以维持幼崽的生存及生理健康为主要目的的一种基本行为,母性行为作为重要的早期经历对动物的个体发展有深远影响。动物的行为在时间和环境中具有一致性,多个行为特征的一致性加权被称为气质特征,气质特征的差异是犬(Canis lupus familiaris)能否顺利通过培训成为导盲犬的决定性因素。其中,胆量是决定导盲犬培训成功与否的重要气质特征。本研究以中国导盲犬大连培训基地的拉布拉多种犬及幼犬为研究对象,探究母性行为水平对幼犬胆量的影响。本研究通过视频观察记录拉布拉多犬哺乳期前21 d的母性行为变量时长,对在哺乳区内、身体接触、哺乳和舔舐幼犬4项变量进行主成分分析后将7只实验犬分为母性行为高水平与低水平两组。对两组犬生产的共54只幼犬于6 ~ 8周龄时进行幼犬胆量行为测试,根据胆量行为测试的评分标准对幼犬的行为表现进行评分,统计分析母性行为高水平组与低水平组其幼犬的胆量是否存在差异。本研究结果表明,母性行为低水平组的幼犬在胆量测试中面对陌生环境、突然出现的响声刺激、突然打开的雨伞刺激以及陌生人的游戏邀请时均表现出更大的胆量。在被动测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的探索潜伏时长显著短于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),探索范围显著大于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),紧张程度极显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.01);在金属响声测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的惊吓反应(P < 0.01)和紧张程度(P < 0.01)均极显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬;在雨伞测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的紧张程度显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05);在玩具测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的玩耍兴趣显著高于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),紧张程度显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05);在斜坡隧道测试中,母性行为低水平组幼犬的紧张程度显著低于母性行为高水平组幼犬(P < 0.05),通过斜坡的用时短于母性行为高水平组幼犬,但经统计检验无显著差异(P > 0.05)。本研究的结论为低母性行为水平带给幼犬强度适当的早期生活压力,使幼犬面对新环境刺激时表现出更好的适应能力和较大的胆量。本研究为工作犬种犬的筛选提出新的建议:母性行为水平低的种犬对幼犬胆量的发展有更好的影响。  相似文献   

Our study investigated relationships between a precocial bird’s fearfulness and maternal care, and the implication of maternal care as a vector for non-genomic transmission of fearfulness to chicks. We compared care given to chicks between two sets of female Japanese quail selected to present either high (LTI) or low fearfulness (STI). Chicks, from a broiler line, were adopted by these females following a sensitization procedure. Chicks’ fearfulness after separation from their mother was assessed by well-established procedures. LTIs took longer to present maternal responses, pecked chicks more during the first days post-hatch, presented impaired maternal vocal behaviour and were globally less active than STI females. Chicks mothered by LTIs presented more fearful reactions than did chicks mothered by STIs, supporting the hypothesis of a non-genetic maternal transmission of fearfulness. We suggest that the longer latencies required by LTIs to become maternal are a consequence of their greater fear of chicks, and that their lower general and vocal activity could be components of a heightened antipredatory strategy. We discuss the transmission of maternal fearfulness to fostered chicks, taking into account the possible implication of several well-known mechanisms underlying maternal effects.  相似文献   

Sprague-Dawley dams were fed either a protein-calorie deficient or control diet from day 5 to day 21 after parturition. The concentrations of seven amino acids (aspartate, glutamate, gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine, glutamine, serine, and taurine) were determined in brain regions from 17-day-old undernourished offspring and from 35-day-old rehabilitated rats. The brain regions examined were the cortex, cerebellum, corpus striatum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, brainstem, and midbrain. At 17 days of age, taurine was the amino acid with the highest concentration, whereas at 35 days glutamate had the highest concentration. This change was due to the fact that the concentration of taurine decreased significantly in all brain regions between 17 and 35 days, whereas the concentration of glutamate remained high or increased somewhat in all brain regions except the hypothalamus and brainstem. When the age-matched offspring of control and undernourished rats were compared, several interesting and significant differences were found. The concentrations of glutamate and aspartate were significantly lower (decreased 16-34%) in the cerebellum, brainstem, cortex, and midbrain in 17-day-old undernourished rats. The aspartate level was also significantly decreased in the corpus striatum and hypothalamus in 17-day-old offspring. However, the deficiencies of aspartate and glutamate were transient and reversible. In contrast, the concentration of taurine was increased in the hypothalamus (31%) and hippocampus (12-33%) at both 17 and 35 days of age and in the midbrain (17%) at 17 days. Other transient abnormalities in amino acid levels were found in undernourished offspring. The results of these experiments suggest that undernutrition during lactation causes delayed CNS development, which is manifested in altered concentrations of the neurotransmitters aspartate, glutamate, and taurine.  相似文献   

Maternal alcohol consumption at a level that does not affect calorie intake increases cholesterol concentration and content as well as incorporation of labeled glucose into cholesterol in the brain and spinal cord of newborn rat pups. Continued consumption of alcohol during lactation also affects the galactolipid concentration in the brain and spinal cord of pups at 21 days of age, and this increase seems mainly to be due to an increase in content of myelin lipids. Analysis of myelin shows that the concentration of phospholipids also increases in this fraction. The increase in incorporation of labeled glucose into these membrane lipids suggests an increase in the synthesis of these lipids, which prevents fluidization of the membrane by alcohol. That in the brainstem the increase in levels of cholesterol and galactolipids is higher than in other regions and that there is also an increase in content of sphingomyelin, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine suggest that the brainstem needs better protection against fluidization.  相似文献   

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