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Aim The influence of the last glaciation on the shallow‐water marine malacofauna of the Azores Islands is reviewed. We test, for this fauna, the ‘Pleistocene temperature theory’ of J.C. Briggs, which hypothesizes that a (supposed) lack of endemics in the older (Azorean endemic) fauna resulted from extinctions caused by a severe drop in sea surface temperatures during the Pleistocene. Location Santa Maria Island, Azores, Portugal. Methods We compare the fossil mollusc fauna of Prainha, Praia do Calhau and Lagoinhas Pleistocene outcrops with the recent mollusc fauna of the Azores Islands. We dated the fossil fauna, using shells of Patella aspera Röding, 1798, by standard U/Th methodology at the GEOTOP laboratory (Université du Québec à Montreal, Canada). Results Dating of the shells of P. aspera indicates that the deposition of the lower unit of the Prainha outcrop corresponded to Marine Oxygen Isotope Substage 5e (MISS 5e). Not a single endemic Azorean species of mollusc that is present in the Pleistocene fossil record has since become extinct, and we found no signs of ‘mass extinctions’ in the littoral marine molluscs of the Azores. The only species that were extirpated from these islands were thermophilic molluscs and littoral bivalves living in fine sand. Main conclusions Our results do not support Briggs’‘Pleistocene temperature theory’. Nor did we find evidence supporting the hypothesis that most of the marine organisms now present in the Azores recolonized the islands after the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

Mariana Swiftlets (Aerodramus bartschi) are federally listed as endangered, with populations currently limited to just three islands in the Mariana Islands plus an introduced population on the Hawaiian island of O'ahu. Before efforts are made to reintroduce Mariana Swiftlets to other islands in the Mariana archipelago, additional information is needed concerning their breeding biology. Therefore, our objective was to examine the reproductive biology of Mariana Swiftlets over five annual cycles on the Hawaiian island of O'ahu. This introduced population used a human‐made tunnel for roosting and nesting, and was studied as a surrogate to negate interference with endangered populations in the Mariana Islands. Active nests (= 478) were observed in every month of the year, with peak nesting activity between May and September. All clutches consisted of one egg. Mean duration of incubation and nestling periods were 23.9 d (range = 18–30 d, = 233) and 55.0 d (range = 41–84 d, = 228), respectively. Estimated nest success was 63%. Over half (52%) of nest failures were attributed to eggs found on the tunnel floor. Predation by rats (Rattus spp.) was also an important cause of nest failure and often resulted in the loss of most active nests. However, Mariana Swiftlets did re‐nest after these predation events. Our results suggest that rat predation of both nests and adults may limit growth of the Mariana Swiftlet population on O'ahu, and could also affect the chances for successful establishment of relocated populations in the Mariana Islands. Another limiting factor on O'ahu is that only one nesting site is apparently available on the island. Current goals for downlisting Mariana Swiftlets from endangered to threatened include establishing populations on Guam, Rota, Aguiguan, and Saipan. To meet these goals, the population of Mariana Swiftlets on O'ahu can be important for testing reintroduction techniques, learning more about the natural history of these swiftlets, and providing individuals for reintroduction efforts in the Mariana Islands.  相似文献   

We describe an extinct parrot from late Quaternary fossil bone deposits on the Chatham Islands, located c. 800 km east of mainland New Zealand. Mitochondrial DNA analyses and osteological characters confirm that the Chatham Islands parrot was a sister taxon to the New Zealand kaka (Nestor meridionalis Gmelin, 1788). The relatively large femur : humerus length ratio and broad pelvis of the Chatham Islands parrot indicate that it had a more terrestrial habit than the kaka. Stable dietary isotope analyses (δ 15N and δ 13C) of Chatham Islands parrot bones suggest that the species may have been mainly herbivorous, although further analyses are required to confirm this. The presence of Chatham Islands parrot bones in early midden deposits shows that the species persisted into the post‐settlement era, and became extinct possibly as a result of habitat loss, hunting pressure, and rat predation following initial Polynesian settlement of the islands (sometime between the 13th and 16th centuries AD). © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

We used microsatellite markers to assess the population genetic structure of the scribbled rabbitfish Siganus spinus in the western Pacific. This species is a culturally important food fish in the Mariana Archipelago and subject to high fishing pressure. Our primary hypothesis was to test whether the individuals resident in the southern Mariana Island chain were genetically distinct and hence should be managed as discrete stocks. In addition to spatial sampling of adults, newly‐settled individuals were sampled on Guam over four recruitment events to assess the temporal stability of the observed spatial patterns, and evidence of self‐recruitment. We found significant genetic structure in S. spinus across the western Pacific, with Bayesian analyses revealing three genetically distinct clusters: the southern Mariana Islands, east Micronesia, and the west Pacific; with the southern Mariana Islands being more strongly differentiated from the rest of the region. Analyses of temporal samples from Guam indicated the southern Mariana cluster was stable over time, with no genetic differentiation between adults versus recruits, or between samples collected across four separate recruitment events spanning 11 months. Subsequent assignment tests indicated seven recruits had self‐recruited from within the Southern Mariana Islands population. Our results confirm the relative isolation of the southern Mariana Islands population and highlight how local processes can act to isolate populations that, by virtue of their broad‐scale distribution, have been subject to traditionally high gene flows. Our results add to a growing consensus that self‐recruitment is a highly significant influence on the population dynamics of tropical reef fish.  相似文献   

The co-occurrence of vertebrate trace and body fossils within a single geological formation is rare and the probability of these parallel records being contemporaneous (i.e. on or near the same bedding plane) is extremely low. We report here a late Pleistocene locality from the Victorian Volcanic Plains in south-eastern Australia in which demonstrably contemporaneous, but independently accumulated vertebrate trace and body fossils occur. Bite marks from a variety of taxa are also present on the bones. This site provides a unique opportunity to examine the biases of these divergent fossil records (skeletal, footprints and bite marks) that sampled a single fauna. The skeletal record produced the most complete fauna, with the footprint record indicating a markedly different faunal composition with less diversity and the feeding traces suggesting the presence, amongst others, of a predator not represented by either the skeletal or footprint records. We found that the large extinct marsupial predator Thylacoleo was the only taxon apparently represented by all three records, suggesting that the behavioral characteristics of large carnivores may increase the likelihood of their presence being detected within a fossil fauna. In contrast, Diprotodon (the largest-ever marsupial) was represented only by trace fossils at this site and was absent from the site''s skeletal record, despite its being a common and easily detected presence in late Pleistocene skeletal fossil faunas elsewhere in Australia. Small mammals absent from the footprint record for the site were represented by skeletal fossils and bite marks on bones.  相似文献   

Proportions of marine vs. terrestrial resources in prehistoric human diets in the southern Mariana Islands (Guam, Rota, Saipan), Micronesia, have been estimated by analysis of stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen in bone collagen and of carbon in apatite. The isotopic composition of marine and terrestrial food resources from the Marianas have also been determined. Experimental evidence shows that collagen carbon isotopes mainly reflect those of dietary protein sources and thus overestimate the contribution of marine animal foods. Marine protein consumption apparently ranges from ∼20% to ∼50% on these islands. Experiments also demonstrate the carbon isotope ratio of bone apatite carbonate accurately reflects that of the whole diet. Carbonate carbon isotope data suggest some individuals consumed significant amounts of 13C-enriched (C4) plants or seaweeds. Sugar cane is an indigenous C4 crop and seaweeds are eaten throughout the Pacific, but they have not been considered by archaeologists to have been prehistoric dietary staples. Apatite carbon isotope analysis has apparently identified previously unrecognized prehistoric dietary adaptations in the Mariana Islands, but this must be confirmed by archaeobotanical evidence. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:343–361, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many bird species were extirpated or became extinct when prehistoric man reached oceanic islands We list > 200 species of extinct island birds only recorded as sub-fossils and which probably vanished due to prehistoric man In addition we list c 160 cases where an extant species has been found as subfossil on islands where it no longer occurs Several species today considered endemic to single islands of island groups had a much wider distribution in the past Biogeographic analyses of insular avifaunas are almost meaningless it the extensive prehistoric extinctions are not taken into account
Most extinct species belong to Anatidae Rallidae and Drcpanididae while local extirpations are numerous among doves and seabirds Smaller birds are rare mainly due to sampling bias and taphonomic factors The bird populations were depleted mainly by overhunting predation by introduced vertebrates and alteration of the original vegetation
Prehistoric humans on islands although dependent on limited animal resources regularly failed to exploit these in a sustainable way Several cases where human populations disappeared from islands in the Pacific may have been due to over-exploitation of native animals
Prehistoric man reached most tropical and temperate islands and most of the few remaining island faunas have been severely depleted in historic times The prehistoric extinctions emphasize the extreme vulnerability and value of the very few pristine island faunas that still remain  相似文献   

We sampled the lizard fauna of twenty-two small islets fringing the Pacific island of Guam and used these data to shed light on the processes responsible for present-day diversity. Habitat diversity, measured by islet area and vegetation complexity, was significantly correlated with the number of species found on an islet. However, islet distance and elevation were not significant predictors of diversity. Distribution patterns were slightly different for the two major families in our sample, Scincidae and Gekkonidae: skinks needed larger islets to maintain a population than did geckos. Presence/absence patterns were highly and significantly nested, and population density was correlated with the number of islets on which a species was found. An area cladogram was poorly supported and showed no faunal similarity between nearby islands. These patterns indicate that extinctions on most islets were due mostly to non-catastrophic, long-acting biological causes. The presence on the islets of species extirpated on Guam and the lack of significant nestedness on islands with greater maximum elevation highlight the impact that predators (primarily brown treesnakes) can have. Our findings also show that small reserves will not suffice to protect endangered lizard faunas, and that the islets may serve as a short-term repository of such species until snake-free areas can be established on Guam  相似文献   

Invasive species often have dramatic negative effects that lead to the deterioration and loss of biodiversity frequently coupled with the burden of expensive biocontrol programs and subversion of socioeconomic stability. The fauna and flora of oceanic islands are particularly susceptible to invasive species and the increase of global movements of humans and their products since WW II has caused numerous anthropogenic translocations and increased the ills of human-mediated invasions. We use a multi-locus genomic dataset to identify geographic origin, pace, pattern and historical process of an invasive scincid lizard (Carlia) that has been inadvertently introduced to Guam, the Northern Marianas, and Palau. This lizard is of major importance as its introduction is thought to have assisted in the establishment of the invasive brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis) on Guam by providing a food resource. Our findings demonstrate multiple waves of introductions that appear to be concordant with movements of Allied and Imperial Japanese forces in the Pacific during World War II.  相似文献   

The site of Cessaniti (Vibo Valentia, Italy) has been well known since the 19th century for the richness and good preservation of its Miocene fauna and flora. The sedimentary succession of the site represents a paralic system that evolved toward an open-marine environment recording the Tortonian transgression. The fossil assemblage contains rich invertebrate (corals, bivalves, gastropods, brachiopods, echinoids, benthic and planktonic foraminifers) and vertebrate faunas (proboscideans, rhinoceroses, giraffids, bovids, sirenids, marine turtles, and fish remains). The fossils recovered at the Cessaniti site have a relevant role in phylogenetic studies and paleogeographic reconstructions of Late Miocene environments of the southern Italy. This research is focused on the microstructure and preservation state of the fossil bones. Samples of Metaxytherium sp. bones have been analyzed to understand the diagenetic profile of the bone assemblages that characterizes the taphonomic history of the Cessaniti site. The analyses provided a comprehensive account of how bone mineral (bioapatite) has been altered and demonstrated that the post-burial processes did not significantly affect the micromorphological and biogeochemical features of the bones. The excellent preservation state of the bones strengthens the importance of the Cessaniti site for studies of the Mediterranean Miocene vertebrate fauna.  相似文献   

A diverse, new lizard assemblage from the early Oligocene of Belgium is described. The Boutersem railway local fauna is the most species‐rich lizard assemblage yet reported from the European early Oligocene. Four lizard taxa are present: Lacertidae, Anguidae, Scincoidea and Platynota. One new species is described, Folisaurus boutersemensis sp. nov . This fauna provides new insight into the profound turnover that took place during the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in Europe. The new fauna confirms a marked decrease in diversity across the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Two groups encountered in the European late Eocene became extinct (Iguanidae*, Glyptosaurinae). Estimates of species‐level extinctions range up to 80%. These estimates include members of virtually all the families present in the late Eocene. The relative importance of climate change and biotic interactions in controlling this pattern is discussed, and negative interactions between lizards and new carnivorous mammals are favoured. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 148–170.  相似文献   

We performed the first combined‐data phylogenetic analysis of ictalurids including most living and fossil species. We sampled 56 extant species and 16 fossil species representing outgroups, the seven living genera, and the extinct genus ?Astephus long thought to be an ictalurid. In total, 209 morphological characters were curated and illustrated in MorphoBank from published and original work, and standardized using reductive coding. Molecular sequences harvested from GenBank for one nuclear and four mitochondrial genes were combined with the morphological data for total evidence analysis. Parsimony analysis recovers a crown clade Ictaluridae composed of seven living genera and numerous extinct species. The oldest ictalurid fossils are the Late Eocene members of Ameiurus and Ictalurus. The fossil clade ?Astephus placed outside of Ictaluridae and not as its sister taxon. Previous morphological phylogenetic studies of Ictaluridae hypothesized convergent evolution of troglobitic features among the subterranean species. In contrast, we found morphological evidence to support a single clade of the four troglobitic species, the sister taxon of all ictalurids. This result holds whether fossils are included or not. Some previously published clock‐based age estimates closely approximate our minimum ages of clades.  相似文献   

Through the continuing accumulation of fossil evidence, it is clear that the avifauna of the Hawaiian Islands underwent a large‐scale extinction event around the time of Polynesian arrival. A second wave of extinctions since European colonization has further altered this unique avifauna. Here I present the first systematic analysis of the factors characterizing the species that went extinct in each time period and those that survived in order to provide a clearer picture of the possible causal mechanisms. These analyses were based on mean body size, dietary and ecological information and phylogenetic lineage of all known indigenous, non‐migratory land and freshwater bird species of the five largest Hawaiian Islands. Extinct species were divided into ‘prehistoric’ and ‘historic’ extinction categories based on the timing of their last occurrence. A model of fossil preservation bias was also incorporated. I used regression trees to predict probability of prehistoric and historic extinction based on ecological variables. Prehistoric extinctions showed a strong bias toward larger body sizes and flightless, ground‐nesting species, even after accounting for preservation bias. Many small, specialized species, mostly granivores and frugivores, also disappeared, implicating a wide suite of human impacts including destruction of dry forest habitat. In contrast, the highest extinction rates in the historic period were in medium‐sized nectarivorous and insectivorous species. These differences result from different causal mechanisms underlying the two waves of extinction.  相似文献   

When the extinction of some species results in loss of ecosystem functions, other species may be able to compensate for this loss. Functional compensation has recently been observed on islands where species are likely to become extinct; however, few studies have analysed functional compensation by scavengers in insular environments. Here, we investigated the ecosystem functions of vertebrate and invertebrate scavengers on Honshu, the main island of Japan, and offshore islands (four of the Oki Islands). The Oki Islands lack several native vertebrate scavengers (raccoon dogs, boars, martens, and foxes) that are abundant on Honshu. We experimentally placed mouse carcasses on the forest floors of Honshu (12 sites) and the Oki Islands (7 sites on Dōgo, 4 sites on Nishinoshima, 4 sites on Nakanoshima, and 3 sites on Chiburijima) in September–October 2014 and 2015. Nearly all of the mouse carcasses (95–100%) placed on the forest floor disappeared within 1 week. However, the relative importance of vertebrate and invertebrate scavengers varied among islands. Vertebrate and invertebrate scavengers contributed equally on Honshu (carcass removal by vertebrates, 47%), whereas vertebrate scavengers rarely contributed to carcass removal on three of the Oki Islands (carcass removal by vertebrates: 17% on Dōgo, 30% on Nishinoshima, and 5% on Nakanoshima). Consequently, invertebrate scavengers (Nicrophorus burying beetles) functionally compensated for the low species diversity of vertebrate scavengers on the three islands (carcass burial by Nicrophorus beetles, 65–95%). However, on the small island of Chiburijima, introduced raccoon dogs contributed to nearly all of the removals (93%), suggesting that introduced scavengers can compensate for the functional reduction. This functional compensation by scavengers may help stabilise the functions and/or services of scavengers in island environments.  相似文献   


A new species of the lacazelline brachiopod genus Ospreyella is described from shallow cryptic habitats in Palau, western Caroline Islands and Arnd Atoll, Pohnpei, eastern Caroline Islands, north‐western Pacific Ocean. This new taxon, here named Ospreyella palauensis, and representing the third discovery of a species of Ospreyella from the Indo‐Pacific region, is compared with the other two recently described extant species of the genus, O. depressa Lüter from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and O. maldiviana Logan from the Maldive Islands, northern Indian Ocean. An ontogenetic sequence is described for the new species and compared with those previously described for other Holocene lacazellines. Additionally, a study of ontogenetic stages in Thecidellina congregata from Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands shows early‐stage similarities to those of the new species and other lacazellines. These observations on development in extant forms provide important analogies for comparison with ontogenetic stages in ancestral fossil forms and information which may be useful in reconstructing thecideide phylogenetic history.  相似文献   

Janet Franklin  David W. Steadman 《Oikos》2008,117(12):1885-1891
Using data on prehistoric and modern birds from seven islands in the Kingdom of Tonga, we demonstrate that there is no positive relationship between species richness (S) and island area (A) over the observed range of A (1.8–259 km2). The uniform S‐values occur across more than three orders of magnitude of A when prehistoric data are included, and the strongest predictor of S on any island is the level of fossil sampling (number of identified bones). Below a minimum value for A (in Tonga < 1.8 km2), S declines to zero as A does the same. Within the ranges of island elevation (E) and inter‐island isolation (I) among the seven islands, neither E (11–312 m) nor I (0.6–38 km) has much if any effect on S. Under natural (pre‐human) conditions, a positive species‐area relationship may not be a valid generalization for birds on oceanic islands.  相似文献   

Recent studies of island biotas have suggested that the impact of man on indigenous flora and fauna is much greater than previously suspected. This impact resulted in the introduction of many new species and the extinction of many unique life-forms. Henderson Island, in the Pitcairn Group, has been found to be an excellent laboratory for the study of natural faunal turnover and the impact of people on the natural environment. This was principally due to the island's remote location and its limestone structure, which resulted in the excellent preservation of fossil remains. During the Sir Peter Scott Commemorative Expedition to the Pitcairn Islands, extensive excavations were undertaken resulting in the collection of 42213 bird bones. It was possible to identify 31%. Of the 31 taxa identified, four seabirds appear to be vagrants, a surprisingly high number illustrating that the uncritical evaluation of fossil bird lists from other islands risks over-estimating the number of indigenous species. As a result of the arrival of Polynesian people during the first half of this millennium, half of Henderson's endemic landbirds became extinct, as did most of the small ground-nesting seabirds. The lower sea level during cold stages creates many temporary limestone 'high' islands. This results in many 'former-atolls' developing geological and ecological similarity to Henderson. Hence lower sea-level greatly facilitates the movement of flora and fauna between currently isolated oceanic 'high' islands.  相似文献   

The end‐Devonian mass extinction has been framed as a turning point in vertebrate evolution, enabling the radiation of tetrapods, chondrichthyans and actinopterygians. Until very recently ‘Romer's Gap’ rendered the Early Carboniferous a black box standing between the Devonian and the later Carboniferous, but now new Tournaisian localities are filling this interval. Recent work has recovered unexpected tetrapod and lungfish diversity. However, the composition of Tournaisian faunas remains poorly understood. Here we report on a Tournaisian vertebrate fauna from a well‐characterized, narrow stratigraphic interval from the Ballagan Formation exposed at Burnmouth, Scotland. Microfossils suggest brackish conditions and the sedimentology indicates a low‐energy debris flow on a vegetated floodplain. A range of vertebrate bone sizes are preserved. Rhizodonts are represented by the most material, which can be assigned to two taxa. Lungfish are represented by several species, almost all of which are currently endemic to the Ballagan Formation. There are two named tetrapods, Aytonerpeton and Diploradus, with at least two others also represented. Gyracanths, holocephalans, and actinopterygian fishes are represented by rarer fossils. This material compares well with vertebrate fossils from other Ballagan deposits. Faunal similarity analysis using an updated dataset of Devonian–Carboniferous (Givetian–Serpukhovian) sites corroborates a persistent Devonian/Carboniferous split. Separation of the data into marine and non‐marine partitions indicates more Devonian–Carboniferous faunal continuity in non‐marine settings compared to marine settings. These results agree with the latest fossil discoveries and suggest that the Devonian–Carboniferous transition proceeded differently in different environments and among different taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Coucals are large, predatory, primarily ground‐dwelling cuckoos of the genus Centropus, with 26 extant species ranging from Africa to Australia. Their evolutionary and biogeographical history are poorly understood and their fossil record almost non‐existent. Only one species (Centropus phasianinus) currently inhabits Australia, but there is now fossil evidence for at least three Pleistocene species. One of these (Centropus colossus) was described from south‐eastern Australia in 1985. Here we describe additional elements of this species from the same site, and remains of two further extinct species from the Thylacoleo Caves of the Nullarbor Plain, south‐central Australia. The skeletal morphology and large size of the three extinct species indicates that they had reduced capacity for flight and were probably primarily ground‐dwelling. The extinct species include the two largest‐known cuckoos, weighing upwards of 1 kg each. They demonstrate that gigantism in this lineage has been more marked in a continental context than on islands, contrary to the impression gained from extant species. The evolutionary relationships of the Australian fossil coucals are uncertain, but our phylogenetic analysis indicates a possible close relationship between one of the Nullarbor species and extant Centropus violaceus from the Bismarck Archipelago. The presence of three coucals in southern Australia markedly extends the geographical range of the genus from tropical Australia into southern temperate regions. This demonstrates the remarkable and consistent ability of coucals to colonize continents despite their very limited flying ability.  相似文献   

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