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Female axillary secretions influence women''s menstrual cycles: A critique   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Preti, Cutler, Garcia, Huggins, and Lawley report (1986, Horm. Behav. 20, 474-482) that women's menstrual cycles can be modulated with applications of female-derived secretions. An experimental sample of 10 women who reported that they had 29.5 +/- 3 day menstrual cycles was treated on a 22- to 25-day cycle with an extract of axillary secretions from a group of female donors. After two menstrual cycles, the mean absolute difference between the women's menses onsets and the treatment applications decreased significantly. A control sample of 9 women similarly treated with blank/ethanol showed no significant change. Reanalysis of the data indicates that four subjects in the extract sample synchronized with the extract cycles because of "errors" in the extract applications and another four synchronized as a result of experimental design, mathematical properties of cocycling menses onsets, and chance variations. After these factors are accounted for, no evidence suggests that the cycles of the subjects in the extract sample were modulated by the female-derived axillary secretion.  相似文献   

Menstrual synchrony in human females has previously been demonstrated among women attending a predominantly female university as well as among women attending coeducational universities. In each of these studies, women who spent the most time together were most likely to show the menstrual synchrony. In this experiment, the possibility that substances in axillary secretions might mediate this effect was tested using a prospective, double-blind research design and a combined axillary extract from a group of female donors. Female subjects who reported themselves to have normal (29.5 +/- 3 day) cycles were exposed to the axillary extracts or blank/ethanol for 10 to 13 weeks. Recipients of the axillary extracts showed a significant reduction in "days' difference in menses onset" relative to the donor cycle, no change was evident for recipients of blank/ethanol. These results demonstrate that constituents from the axillary region of donor females can shift the time of menstrual onset of another group to conform with the donors' cycle and that this effect can occur even in the absence of social contact.  相似文献   

Menstrual cycle lengths of 29.5 +/- 3 days ("normal cycles") are more frequent in women who have weekly coital activity than in women who do not. In order to investigate potential mechanisms controlling the association between heterosexual activity and menstrual cycle length, and in light of the nonhuman literature suggesting that a chemical signal from males could be involved, menstrual cycle lengths of nulliparous women were evaluated following regular application of axillary extract from donor males. Compared to controls receiving only blank/ethanol applications, women receiving axillary extracts for 12.5 to 14.5 weeks showed the following changes: a reduced incidence in variability of cycle lengths; and a reduced proportion of aberrant length cycles.  相似文献   

From an evolutionary point of view, female sexual desire contributes greatly to the success of reproduction by coordinating sexual behavior. It is known that female sexual desire fluctuates with the menstrual cycle. However, little is known about the role of basic emotions during menstrual cycle.We designed a facial EMG study to investigate facial expressions of joy during the menstrual cycle. 35 healthy women underwent 2 EMG sessions (T1 and T2). T1 took place in the follicular phase, T2 in the luteal phase. IAPS pictures of nude men (erotic stimuli) or of animals (control stimuli) were presented at both sessions. The activity of musculus zygomaticus major (responsible for expressing joy) was measured. We tested the hypothesis that zygomaticus activity is more pronounced in the follicular phase than in the luteal phase.The main result was that during the follicular phase, significantly more zygomaticus reactions were observed than during the luteal phase. This effect was restricted only to erotic stimuli. We concluded that an increased positive emotional responsiveness to erotic stimuli during the follicular phase is an important precondition for the probability of sexual activity during the conceptive days and thus for the success of reproduction.  相似文献   

Plasma progesterone concentrations and the occurrence of oestrous cycles were studied in isolated woolly opossums subsequently subjected to male influences during a 40-day period. Pairing (N = 48) or exposure to male urine (N = 15) resulted in all females exhibiting oestrous during the stimulation phase, providing evidence that the activation of ovarian activity in the woolly opossum involves pheromonal cues from males. The latency of occurrence of oestrous in stimulated females depended upon their sexual state before male stimulation. In anoestrous females, the mean latency was 20.7 +/- 0.9 days (N = 35), a value which agrees with the duration of the follicular phase. In females which first entered oestrous before male stimulation, the latency of induced oestrous was inversely correlated to the date of occurrence of the previous oestrous. The inter-oestrous interval was normal (38.1 +/- 1 days, N = 5) when females were in oestrous at the beginning of male stimulation. In contrast, the inter-oestrous interval was significantly shortened (28.7 +/- 2 days, N = 7) or lengthened (51.1 +/- 1.7 days, N = 16) depending on whether females were in the luteal or follicular phases at the beginning of male stimulation. During pairing several females became pregnant and gave birth 24 +/- 0.9 days (N = 13) after copulation. In the woolly opossum, the response to male influences involves mechanisms similar to those observed in eutherians and results in enhancement and synchronization of oestrous cycles in females. Pheromonal interactions could play an important role in synchronizing oestrous cycles in wild females during the dry season, a period when animals regroup to feed on spatially localized food resources.  相似文献   

An initial group of 200 girls, 7-17 years old, was investigated longitudinally 4 times at 1.5-, 1.5- and 5-year intervals. The present study gives information of the impact of early menarche, a risk factor for breast cancer, on some physical and endocrine characteristics in these subjects. The frequency of ovulation depended significantly on both the time since menarche and the age at menarche. Early menarche was associated with early onset of ovulatory cycles. Even in early puberty, before menarche, the subjects who displayed early menarche during follow-up had higher serum FSH and estradiol concentrations than the girls whose menarche took place after the age of 13.0 years. Adrenal androgen secretion (dehydroepiandrosterone) was not influenced by age at menarche but it increased, as expected, on the basis of chronological age. The group with early menarche was characterized by high circulating estradiol concentrations also after menarche, even in the oldest subjects so far studied, 17-25 years of chronological age. At these ages, the differences in the frequencies of ovulatory cycles were disappearing between the groups formed on the basis of age at menarche. The present findings in pre- and postmenarcheal subjects suggest that the increased risk of breast cancer associated with early menarche is created over several years of exposure to high-level estrogen stimulus.  相似文献   

We report maintenance of apparently normal ovulatory menstrual cycles in cynomolgus monkeys up to 3 months after their placement in a vest and mobile tether assembly, with or without chronic cannulation via a femoral to vena caval catheter. Since menstrual cyclicity and characteristic hormonal profiles of the principal ovarian steroids remained normal in these monkeys, use of the vest and mobile tether apparatus described here permits long-term study of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis during chronic cannulation without introducing overt aberrancies as a part of the experimental model.  相似文献   

Measures of testosterone among women are potentially useful in behavioral research, but information is needed on how much error is introduced by variability across the menstrual cycle. Morning and evening salivary testosterone concentrations were measured at weekly intervals across one menstrual cycle in each of 22 women, using the luteinizing hormone surge to mark midcycle. Menstrual cycles were statistically significant but smaller than daily cycles or individual differences. Menstrual cycle effects can be ignored in most research relating psychological and behavioral variables to individual differences in testosterone.  相似文献   

Bacterial taxonomy: a critique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Quantitative genetics: a critique   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
E A Murphy 《Social biology》1979,26(2):126-141

The psychological construct of sociosexuality—one's sexual openness or propensity to engage in uncommitted sexual relationships—has been broadly examined within numerous cultures and mating contexts. Although there is some evidence suggesting that components of sociosexuality, namely behavior, desire and attitude, change within-person, relatively little research has investigated potential sources of such variation. The aim of our study was to explore if the individual components of sociosexuality change across the menstrual cycle, either as a function of cycle phase or ovarian hormones. One hundred and two naturally cycling women, both single and in a committed relationships, completed questions from the the SOI-R (Sociosexuality Revised) questionnaire three times during a menstrual cycle, scheduled to coincide with their early follicular, peri-ovulatory, and luteal phases. Women provided saliva samples and performed luteinizing hormone tests to distinguish between ovulatory and anovulatory cycles. Women reported slightly more openness to uncommitted sexual relationships during the peri-ovulatory session, but significant differences were restricted only to women who exhibited the luteinizing hormone surge. Ovarian hormone concentrations within cycles significantly predicted SOI Attitude and Desire scores, with estradiol positively related, and progesterone negatively related to openness to uncommitted sexuality. These effects were generally modest in size. The results of this study suggest that sociosexuality can vary within short periods of time, such as a single menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

Daily plasma concentrations of FSH, LH, oestradiol-17 beta and progesterone were compared for 12 cycles with a short luteal phase and 19 cycles with a luteal phase of normal length (i.e. cycles in which the luteal phase lasted 12 or more days). FSH and LH concentrations were suppressed in short luteal-phase cycles in the early follicular phase and the length of the follicular phase was prolonged (median duration, 14.5 days, range 13-21 days: compared with 12 days, range 9-17, in control cycles; P less than 0.025). Preovulatory oestradiol-17 beta values and the mid-cycle concentrations of FSH and LH were similar in both groups. Plasma progesterone values in the luteal phase were similar in both groups over the 2nd to 5th days inclusive after the midcycle LH peak but declined in the short luteal phases thereafter. In short luteal-phase cycles, menstruation occurred in the presence of higher levels of oestradiol-17 beta and progesterone than in cycles of normal length and the rise of gonadotrophin in the late luteal phase of the cycle was delayed. These findings suggest that in cycles with a short luteal phase there is a lack of synchrony between the ovarian and menstrual events.  相似文献   

Summary The concept of protein precipitation potential has recently been introduced by Wisdom et al. (1987) as a means to combine chemical and protein precipitation assays of tannins for ecological studies. The definition of protein precipitation potential was not theoretically rigorous, and data analysis was obscure. Our attempts to repeat the tannin extraction procedure gave incomplete recovery (24% loss of quebracho) of condensed tannins, the only type considered by Wisdom et al. In contrast we found their method efficient for hydrolysable tannins (80% recovery of tannic acid) which were undetected by their chemical assay of tannins. Their protein precipitation assay was confounded by chemical interference from both types of tannins. We conclude with recommendations for this type of analysis.  相似文献   

Baird  Donald J.  Barber  Ian  Bradley  Mairead  Calow  Peter  Soares  Amadeu M. V. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):403-406
Daphnia magna is used widely as a standard ecotoxicological indicator organism, and protocols exist for its use in assessing the toxicity of substances under acute and chronic experimental conditions. Problems exist in repeatability of such bioassays between laboratories. Sources of variation are identified using a simple quantitative genetics model. Presenting specific examples, we conclude that these problems are tractable, but only if the genotype and culture conditions prior to and during tests are strictly controlled.  相似文献   

This article reviews some of the most prominent books in the field of race studies in the USA and identifies their shared assumptions: that racial inequality is the primary principle of stratification in the USA; that is has transformed but not lessened since the civil rights era; that it can be explained by the racist inclinations of the white majority, which operates as a collective, strategic actor to preserve its dominance; and finally, that racial domination plays a similarly crucial role around the world. I explore what kind of questions would need to be answered in order to put these assumptions on firmer empirical and theoretical ground and outline a corresponding research agenda. Some empirical evidence is provided to question the assumption that race plays a dominant role around the world and is associated with more political inequality than ethnic divisions.  相似文献   

Like any other society France is increasingly diversified culturally and in terms of collective identities. Clearly it is a multicultural, multi-identificational society, but it is not often willing to discuss openly the changes needed to accommodate its diversity and its de facto multicultural character. Michel Wieviorka has been courageous in trying to launch this crucial debate. In France his work is often appreciated but it is also often held to be ‘politically incorrect’ precisely because it questions the validity of the French republican model and its adequacy for the deep social changes at work in French society, and also because it raises the issue of the necessity of building a French multiculturalism. In this article the most important insights of Wieviorka's perspectives on multiculturalism are presented and some of the problems it implies are discussed.  相似文献   

It is a long held assumption that women have concealed ovulation,which means that men do not know when women's menstrual cyclesare in their most fertile phase. Recent empirical results haveprovided evidence that ovulation may not be totally concealedfrom pair-bonded males, but the generality and the mechanismsof the finding demand further study. To examine the possibleadaptive value of the phenomenon, it is necessary to study whetherthe ability to detect ovulation is confined to males. We studiedthese questions in an experiment in which male and female ratersrated the sexual attractiveness and intensity of T-shirts' odorsworn by 42 women using oral contraceptives (pill users) andby 39 women without oral contraceptives (nonusers). Males ratedthe sexual attractiveness of nonusers highest at midcycle. However,female raters showed only a nonsignificant trend for this relationship.Neither sex rated attractiveness of the odors of pill usersaccording to their menstrual cycle. The results indicate thatmen can use olfactory cues to distinguish between ovulatingand nonovulating women. Furthermore, the contrasting resultsbetween pill users and nonusers may indicate that oral contraceptivesdemolish the cyclic attractiveness of odors. Together, thesefindings give more basis for the study of the role of odorsin human sexual behavior.  相似文献   

H A Saroff 《Biochemistry》1991,30(42):10085-10090
Ligand-dependent site-site (or subunit-subunit) interactions provide the basis for explaining cooperativity in chemical reactions. Even in the simplest possible nonaggregating system, interpretation of the interactions in terms of structural details requires an explicit assumption (or model) for the binding of the ligand to the sites when there are no interactions. This paper develops in detail the processes by which aggregation will yield ligand-dependent cooperativity. Two conceptually distinct free energy differences may contribute to cooperativity in an aggregation reaction. One is the free energy difference in ligand binding between the monomer and the aggregate. The other is derived from ligand-dependent interactions between the sites of the aggregate. In this analysis an explicit distinction is made between the experimentally accessible constants and those derived from assumed models. Experimental measurements of an aggregation cycle in which all of the species in equilibrium are defined do not allow for an evaluation of the energies of interaction without some model (or assumption). In the analysis presented, an explicit assumption is employed relating the constant for binding of the ligand to the isolated monomer and the constant for the binding of the ligand to aggregate under conditions where there are no ligand-dependent interactions.  相似文献   

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