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Understanding the genetic regulatory network comprising genes, RNA, proteins and the network connections and dynamical control rules among them, is a major task of contemporary systems biology. I focus here on the use of the ensemble approach to find one or more well-defined ensembles of model networks whose statistical features match those of real cells and organisms. Such ensembles should help explain and predict features of real cells and organisms. More precisely, an ensemble of model networks is defined by constraints on the "wiring diagram" of regulatory interactions, and the "rules" governing the dynamical behavior of regulated components of the network. The ensemble consists of all networks consistent with those constraints. Here I discuss ensembles of random Boolean networks, scale free Boolean networks, "medusa" Boolean networks, continuous variable networks, and others. For each ensemble, M statistical features, such as the size distribution of avalanches in gene activity changes unleashed by transiently altering the activity of a single gene, the distribution in distances between gene activities on different cell types, and others, are measured. This creates an M-dimensional space, where each ensemble corresponds to a cluster of points or distributions. Using current and future experimental techniques, such as gene arrays, these M properties are to be measured for real cells and organisms, again yielding a cluster of points or distributions in the M-dimensional space. The procedure then finds ensembles close to those of real cells and organisms, and hill climbs to attempt to match the observed M features. Thus obtains one or more ensembles that should predict and explain many features of the regulatory networks in cells and organisms.  相似文献   

Boolean networks are simplified models of gene regulatory networks. We derive an approximation of the size distribution of perturbation avalanches in Boolean networks based on known results in the theory of branching processes. We show numerically that the approximation works well for different kinds of Boolean networks. It has been suggested that gene regulatory networks may be dynamically critical. To study this, as an application of the presented theory we present a novel method for estimating an order parameter from microarray data. According to the available data and our method, we find that gene regulatory networks appear to be stable and reside near the phase transition between order and chaos.  相似文献   

Boolean networks have been used as a discrete model for several biological systems, including metabolic and genetic regulatory networks. Due to their simplicity they offer a firm foundation for generic studies of physical systems. In this work we show, using a measure of context-dependent information, set complexity, that prior to reaching an attractor, random Boolean networks pass through a transient state characterized by high complexity. We justify this finding with a use of another measure of complexity, namely, the statistical complexity. We show that the networks can be tuned to the regime of maximal complexity by adding a suitable amount of noise to the deterministic Boolean dynamics. In fact, we show that for networks with Poisson degree distributions, all networks ranging from subcritical to slightly supercritical can be tuned with noise to reach maximal set complexity in their dynamics. For networks with a fixed number of inputs this is true for near-to-critical networks. This increase in complexity is obtained at the expense of disruption in information flow. For a large ensemble of networks showing maximal complexity, there exists a balance between noise and contracting dynamics in the state space. In networks that are close to critical the intrinsic noise required for the tuning is smaller and thus also has the smallest effect in terms of the information processing in the system. Our results suggest that the maximization of complexity near to the state transition might be a more general phenomenon in physical systems, and that noise present in a system may in fact be useful in retaining the system in a state with high information content.  相似文献   

In a previous study it was shown that a simple random Boolean network model, with two input connections per node, can describe with a good approximation (with the exception of the smallest avalanches) the distribution of perturbations in gene expression levels induced by the knock-out of single genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we address the reason why such a simple model actually works: we present a theoretical study of the distribution of avalanches and show that, in the case of a Poissonian distribution of outgoing links, their distribution is determined by the value of the Derrida exponent. This explains why the simulations based on the simple model have been effective, in spite of the unrealistic hypothesis about the number of input connections per node. Moreover, we consider here the problem of the choice of an optimal threshold for binarizing continuous data, and we show that tuning its value provides an even better agreement between model and data, valuable also in the important case of the smallest avalanches. Finally, we also discuss the choice of an optimal value of the Derrida parameter in order to match the experimental distributions: our results indicate a value slightly below the critical value 1.  相似文献   

We generalize random Boolean networks by softening the hard binary discretization into multiple discrete states. These multistate networks are generic models of gene regulatory networks, where each gene is known to assume a finite number of functionally different expression levels. We analytically determine the critical connectivity that separates the biologically unfavorable frozen and chaotic regimes. This connectivity is inversely proportional to a parameter which measures the heterogeneity of the update rules. Interestingly, the latter does not necessarily increase with the mean number of discrete states per node. Still, allowing for multiple states decreases the critical connectivity as compared to random Boolean networks, and thus leads to biologically unrealistic situations.Therefore, we study two approaches to increase the critical connectivity. First, we demonstrate that each network can be kept in its frozen regime by sufficiently biasing the update rules. Second, we restrict the randomly chosen update rules to a subclass of biologically more meaningful functions. These functions are characterized based on a thermodynamic model of gene regulation. We analytically show that their usage indeed increases the critical connectivity. From a general point of view, our thermodynamic considerations link discrete and continuous models of gene regulatory networks.  相似文献   

Driven by the desire to understand genomic functions through the interactions among genes and gene products, the research in gene regulatory networks has become a heated area in genomic signal processing. Among the most studied mathematical models are Boolean networks and probabilistic Boolean networks, which are rule-based dynamic systems. This tutorial provides an introduction to the essential concepts of these two Boolean models, and presents the up-to-date analysis and simulation methods developed for them. In the Analysis section, we will show that Boolean models are Markov chains, based on which we present a Markovian steady-state analysis on attractors, and also reveal the relationship between probabilistic Boolean networks and dynamic Bayesian networks (another popular genetic network model), again via Markov analysis; we dedicate the last subsection to structural analysis, which opens a door to other topics such as network control. The Simulation section will start from the basic tasks of creating state transition diagrams and finding attractors, proceed to the simulation of network dynamics and obtaining the steady-state distributions, and finally come to an algorithm of generating artificial Boolean networks with prescribed attractors. The contents are arranged in a roughly logical order, such that the Markov chain analysis lays the basis for the most part of Analysis section, and also prepares the readers to the topics in Simulation section.  相似文献   

Understanding the integrated behavior of genetic regulatory networks, in which genes regulate one another's activities via RNA and protein products, is emerging as a dominant problem in systems biology. One widely studied class of models of such networks includes genes whose expression values assume Boolean values (i.e., on or off). Design decisions in the development of Boolean network models of gene regulatory systems include the topology of the network (including the distribution of input- and output-connectivity) and the class of Boolean functions used by each gene (e.g., canalizing functions, post functions, etc.). For example, evidence from simulations suggests that biologically realistic dynamics can be produced by scale-free network topologies with canalizing Boolean functions. This work seeks further insights into the design of Boolean network models through the construction and analysis of a class of models that include more concrete biochemical mechanisms than the usual abstract model, including genes and gene products, dimerization, cis-binding sites, promoters and repressors. In this model, it is assumed that the system consists of N genes, with each gene producing one protein product. Proteins may form complexes such as dimers, trimers, etc. The model also includes cis-binding sites to which proteins may bind to form activators or repressors. Binding affinities are based on structural complementarity between proteins and binding sites, with molecular binding sites modeled by bit-strings. Biochemically plausible gene expression rules are used to derive a Boolean regulatory function for each gene in the system. The result is a network model in which both topological features and Boolean functions arise as emergent properties of the interactions of components at the biochemical level. A highly biased set of Boolean functions is observed in simulations of networks of various sizes, suggesting a new characterization of the subset of Boolean functions that are likely to appear in gene regulatory networks.  相似文献   

Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) are parallel information processing systems, binding past events to future actions. Since cell types stably remain in restricted subsets of the possible states of the GRN, they are likely the dynamical attractors of the GRN. These attractors differ in which genes are active and in the amount of information propagating within the network. Using mutual information (I) as a measure of information propagation between genes in a GRN, modeled as finite-sized Random Boolean Networks (RBN), we study how the dynamical regime of the GRN affects I within attractors (I(A)). The spectra of I(A) of individual RBNs are found to be scattered and diverse, and distributions of I(A) of ensembles are non-trivial and change shape with mean connectivity. Mean and diversity of I(A) values maximize in the chaotic near-critical regime, whereas ordered near-critical networks are the best at retaining the distinctiveness of each attractor's I(A) with noise. The results suggest that selection likely favors near-critical GRNs as these both maximize mean and diversity of I(A), and are the most robust to noise. We find similar I(A) distributions in delayed stochastic models of GRNs. For a particular stochastic GRN, we show that both mean and variance of I(A) have local maxima as its connectivity and noise levels are varied, suggesting that the conclusions for the Boolean network models may be generalizable to more realistic models of GRNs.  相似文献   



Genes interact with each other as basic building blocks of life, forming a complicated network. The relationship between groups of genes with different functions can be represented as gene networks. With the deposition of huge microarray data sets in public domains, study on gene networking is now possible. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the reconstruction of gene networks from gene expression data. Recent work includes linear models, Boolean network models, and Bayesian networks. Among them, Bayesian networks seem to be the most effective in constructing gene networks. A major problem with the Bayesian network approach is the excessive computational time. This problem is due to the interactive feature of the method that requires large search space. Since fitting a model by using the copulas does not require iterations, elicitation of the priors, and complicated calculations of posterior distributions, the need for reference to extensive search spaces can be eliminated leading to manageable computational affords. Bayesian network approach produces a discretely expression of conditional probabilities. Discreteness of the characteristics is not required in the copula approach which involves use of uniform representation of the continuous random variables. Our method is able to overcome the limitation of Bayesian network method for gene-gene interaction, i.e. information loss due to binary transformation.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Our goal is to construct a model for genetic regulatory networks such that the model class: (i) incorporates rule-based dependencies between genes; (ii) allows the systematic study of global network dynamics; (iii) is able to cope with uncertainty, both in the data and the model selection; and (iv) permits the quantification of the relative influence and sensitivity of genes in their interactions with other genes. RESULTS: We introduce Probabilistic Boolean Networks (PBN) that share the appealing rule-based properties of Boolean networks, but are robust in the face of uncertainty. We show how the dynamics of these networks can be studied in the probabilistic context of Markov chains, with standard Boolean networks being special cases. Then, we discuss the relationship between PBNs and Bayesian networks--a family of graphical models that explicitly represent probabilistic relationships between variables. We show how probabilistic dependencies between a gene and its parent genes, constituting the basic building blocks of Bayesian networks, can be obtained from PBNs. Finally, we present methods for quantifying the influence of genes on other genes, within the context of PBNs. Examples illustrating the above concepts are presented throughout the paper.  相似文献   

We present a simple model of genetic regulatory networks in which regulatory connections among genes are mediated by a limited number of signaling molecules. Each gene in our model produces (publishes) a single gene product, which regulates the expression of other genes by binding to regulatory regions that correspond (subscribe) to that product. We explore the consequences of this publish-subscribe model of regulation for the properties of single networks and for the evolution of populations of networks. Degree distributions of randomly constructed networks, particularly multimodal in-degree distributions, which depend on the length of the regulatory sequences and the number of possible gene products, differed from simpler Boolean NK models. In simulated evolution of populations of networks, single mutations in regulatory or coding regions resulted in multiple changes in regulatory connections among genes, or alternatively in neutral change that had no effect on phenotype. This resulted in remarkable evolvability in both number and length of attractors, leading to evolved networks far beyond the expectation of these measures based on random distributions. Surprisingly, this rapid evolution was not accompanied by changes in degree distribution; degree distribution in the evolved networks was not substantially different from that of randomly generated networks. The publish-subscribe model also allows exogenous gene products to create an environment, which may be noisy or stable, in which dynamic behavior occurs. In simulations, networks were able to evolve moderate levels of both mutational and environmental robustness.  相似文献   

Recently a state-space model with time delays for inferring gene regulatory networks was proposed. It was assumed that each regulation between two internal state variables had multiple time delays. This assumption caused underestimation of the model with many current gene expression datasets. In biological reality, one regulatory relationship may have just a single time delay, and not multiple time delays. This study employs Boolean variables to capture the existence of the time-delayed regulatory relationships in gene regulatory networks in terms of the state-space model. As the solution space of time delayed relationships is too large for an exhaustive search, a genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to determine the optimal Boolean variables (the optimal time-delayed regulatory relationships). Coupled with the proposed GA, Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and probabilistic principle component analysis (PPCA) are employed to infer gene regulatory networks with time delays. Computational experiments are performed on two real gene expression datasets. The results show that the GA is effective at finding time-delayed regulatory relationships. Moreover, the inferred gene regulatory networks with time delays from the datasets improve the prediction accuracy and possess more of the expected properties of a real network, compared to a gene regulatory network without time delays.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical framework for the analysis of the effect of a fully differentiated cell population on a neighboring stem cell population in Multi-Cellular Organisms (MCOs). Such an organism is constituted by a set of different cell populations, each set of which converges to a different cycle from all possible options, of the same Boolean network. Cells communicate via a subset of the nodes called signals. We show that generic dynamic properties of cycles and nodes in random Boolean networks can induce cell differentiation. Specifically we propose algorithms, conditions and methods to examine if a set of signaling nodes enabling these conversions can be found. Surprisingly we find that robust conversions can be obtained even with a very small number of signals. The proposed conversions can occur in multiple spatial organizations and can be used as a model for regeneration in MCOs, where an islet of cells of one type (representing stem cells) is surrounded by cells of another type (representing differentiated cells). The cells at the outer layer of the islet function like progenitor cells (i.e. dividing asymmetrically and differentiating). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work showing a tissue-like regeneration in MCO simulations based on random Boolean networks. We show that the probability to obtain a conversion decreases with the log of the node number in the network, showing that the model is relevant for large networks as well. We have further checked that the conversions are not trivial, i.e. conversions do not occur due to irregular structures of the Boolean network, and the converting cycle undergoes a respectable change in its behavior. Finally we show that the model can also be applied to a realistic genetic regulatory network, showing that the basic mathematical insight from regular networks holds in more complex experiment-based networks.  相似文献   

The power-law size distributions obtained experimentally for neuronal avalanches are an important evidence of criticality in the brain. This evidence is supported by the fact that a critical branching process exhibits the same exponent . Models at criticality have been employed to mimic avalanche propagation and explain the statistics observed experimentally. However, a crucial aspect of neuronal recordings has been almost completely neglected in the models: undersampling. While in a typical multielectrode array hundreds of neurons are recorded, in the same area of neuronal tissue tens of thousands of neurons can be found. Here we investigate the consequences of undersampling in models with three different topologies (two-dimensional, small-world and random network) and three different dynamical regimes (subcritical, critical and supercritical). We found that undersampling modifies avalanche size distributions, extinguishing the power laws observed in critical systems. Distributions from subcritical systems are also modified, but the shape of the undersampled distributions is more similar to that of a fully sampled system. Undersampled supercritical systems can recover the general characteristics of the fully sampled version, provided that enough neurons are measured. Undersampling in two-dimensional and small-world networks leads to similar effects, while the random network is insensitive to sampling density due to the lack of a well-defined neighborhood. We conjecture that neuronal avalanches recorded from local field potentials avoid undersampling effects due to the nature of this signal, but the same does not hold for spike avalanches. We conclude that undersampled branching-process-like models in these topologies fail to reproduce the statistics of spike avalanches.  相似文献   

An evolutionary model of genetic regulatory networks is developed, based on a model of network encoding and dynamics called the Artificial Genome (AG). This model derives a number of specific genes and their interactions from a string of (initially random) bases in an idealized manner analogous to that employed by natural DNA. The gene expression dynamics are determined by updating the gene network as if it were a simple Boolean network. The generic behaviour of the AG model is investigated in detail. In particular, we explore the characteristic network topologies generated by the model, their dynamical behaviours, and the typical variance of network connectivities and network structures. These properties are demonstrated to agree with a probabilistic analysis of the model, and the typical network structures generated by the model are shown to lie between those of random networks and scale-free networks in terms of their degree distribution. Evolutionary processes are simulated using a genetic algorithm, with selection acting on a range of properties from gene number and degree of connectivity through periodic behaviour to specific patterns of gene expression. The evolvability of increasingly complex patterns of gene expression is examined in detail. When a degree of redundancy is introduced, the average number of generations required to evolve given targets is reduced, but limits on evolution of complex gene expression patterns remain. In addition, cyclic gene expression patterns with periods that are multiples of shorter expression patterns are shown to be inherently easier to evolve than others. Constraints imposed by the template-matching nature of the AG model generate similar biases towards such expression patterns in networks in initial populations, in addition to the somewhat scale-free nature of these networks. The significance of these results on current understanding of biological evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Robustness to perturbation is an important characteristic of genetic regulatory systems, but the relationship between robustness and model dynamics has not been clearly quantified. We propose a method for quantifying both robustness and dynamics in terms of state-space structures, for Boolean models of genetic regulatory systems. By investigating existing models of the Drosophila melanogaster segment polarity network and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell-cycle network, we show that the structure of attractor basins can yield insight into the underlying decision making required of the system, and also the way in which the system maximises its robustness. In particular, gene networks implementing decisions based on a few genes have simple state-space structures, and their attractors are robust by virtue of their simplicity. Gene networks with decisions that involve many interacting genes have correspondingly more complicated state-space structures, and robustness cannot be achieved through the structure of the attractor basins, but is achieved by larger attractor basins that dominate the state space. These different types of robustness are demonstrated by the two models: the D. melanogaster segment polarity network is robust due to simple attractor basins that implement decisions based on spatial signals; the S. cerevisiae cell-cycle network has a complicated state-space structure, and is robust only due to a giant attractor basin that dominates the state space.  相似文献   

Boolean networks and, more generally, probabilistic Boolean networks, as one class of gene regulatory networks, model biological processes with the network dynamics determined by the logic-rule regulatory functions in conjunction with probabilistic parameters involved in network transitions. While there has been significant research on applying different control policies to alter network dynamics as future gene therapeutic intervention, we have seen less work on understanding the sensitivity of network dynamics with respect to perturbations to networks, including regulatory rules and the involved parameters, which is particularly critical for the design of intervention strategies. This paper studies this less investigated issue of network sensitivity in the long run. As the underlying model of probabilistic Boolean networks is a finite Markov chain, we define the network sensitivity based on the steady-state distributions of probabilistic Boolean networks and call it long-run sensitivity. The steady-state distribution reflects the long-run behavior of the network and it can give insight into the dynamics or momentum existing in a system. The change of steady-state distribution caused by possible perturbations is the key measure for intervention. This newly defined long-run sensitivity can provide insight on both network inference and intervention. We show the results for probabilistic Boolean networks generated from random Boolean networks and the results from two real biological networks illustrate preliminary applications of sensitivity in intervention for practical problems.  相似文献   

Models are of central importance in many scientific contexts. Mathematical and computational modeling of genetic regulatory networks promises to uncover the fundamental principles of living systems. Biological models, such as gene regulatory models, can help us better understand interactions among genes and how cells regulate their production of proteins and enzymes. One feature shared among living systems is their ability to cope with perturbations and remain stable, a property that is the result of evolutionary fine-tuning over many generations. In this study we use random Boolean networks (RBNs) as an abstract model of gene regulatory systems. By applying Differential Evolution (DE), an evolution-based optimization technique, we produce networks with increased stability. DE requires relatively few user-specified parameters, has fast convergence and does not rely on initial conditions to find the global minima within multi-dimensional search spaces.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Intervention in a gene regulatory network is used to help it avoid undesirable states, such as those associated with a disease. Several types of intervention have been studied in the framework of a probabilistic Boolean network (PBN), which is essentially a finite collection of Boolean networks in which at any discrete time point the gene state vector transitions according to the rules of one of the constituent networks. For an instantaneously random PBN, the governing Boolean network is randomly chosen at each time point. For a context-sensitive PBN, the governing Boolean network remains fixed for an interval of time until a binary random variable determines a switch. The theory of automatic control has been previously applied to find optimal strategies for manipulating external (control) variables that affect the transition probabilities of an instantaneously random PBN to desirably affect its dynamic evolution over a finite time horizon. This paper extends the methods of external control to context-sensitive PBNs. RESULTS: This paper treats intervention via external control variables in context-sensitive PBNs by extending the results for instantaneously random PBNs in several directions. First, and most importantly, whereas an instantaneously random PBN yields a Markov chain whose state space is composed of gene vectors, each state of the Markov chain corresponding to a context-sensitive PBN is composed of a pair, the current gene vector occupied by the network and the current constituent Boolean network. Second, the analysis is applied to PBNs with perturbation, meaning that random gene perturbation is permitted at each instant with some probability. Third, the (mathematical) influence of genes within the network is used to choose the particular gene with which to intervene. Lastly, PBNs are designed from data using a recently proposed inference procedure that takes steady-state considerations into account. The results are applied to a context-sensitive PBN derived from gene-expression data collected in a study of metastatic melanoma, the intent being to devise a control strategy that reduces the WNT5A gene's action in affecting biological regulation, since the available data suggest that disruption of this influence could reduce the chance of a melanoma metastasizing.  相似文献   

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