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 The teleomorph of Erysiphe necator var. necator [≡Uncinula necator var. necator], hitherto unknown in Japan, was found on Vitis vinifera and Ampelopsis brevipedunculata var. heterophylla (Vitaceae) in Okayama, Japan. Morphological characteristics of the fungus are described and illustrated. Received: December 13, 2002 / Accepted: January 22, 2003 Correspondence to:Y. Nomura  相似文献   

Fewer than 10(5) elementary bodies of Chlamydia psittaci could be detected by using DNA hybridisation with a plasmid probe specific for avian chlamydial strains. PCR amplification of chlamydial DNA using primers specific for conserved regions of the major outer membrane protein gene enabled the detection of fewer than 10 elementary bodies. DNA could be amplified from 22 of the 24 chlamydial strains tested including avian, feline, ovine, caprine, koala and lymphogranuloma venereum strains.  相似文献   

根据报道的TTV全序列设计引物和探针,建立PCR-微孔板杂交法,检测81例正常人群、92例职业献血员123例甲-庚型肝炎、32例非甲-庚型肝炎、48型发性肝癌患者的TTV DNA。结果表明TTV在以上五种人群中的阳性率分别为3.7%、4.3%、21.1%、28.1%、52.0%,前者与后三者比较有显著性差异(P<0.05),TTV合并HBV二重感染重叠感染的54.0%,这揭示不同人群均存在TTV感染,正常人群和职业献血员存在健康携带状态,甲-庚型肝炎和非甲-庚肝炎病人为高危人群,TTV可与各型肝炎存在重叠感染,TTV除经血传播外,存在其它传播途径,TTV感染与ALT及TBIL的升高密切相关。  相似文献   

本文报导用地高辛标记核酸探针和分子斑点杂交技术检测轮状病毒基因重配株L-3株活疫苗中残余MA-104细胞DNA含量的方法。提取和纯化MA-104细胞DNA,将其AluI酶切片段用随机引物法引导DNA标记为探针。待检样品抽提核酸后点膜进行斑点杂交。此法灵敏度高,可检出0.14pg的DNA,特异性强,与非同源性DNA无杂交。用此法检测轮状病毒基因重配株L-3株制备的疫苗,MA-104细胞残余DNA含量低于14pg低于WHO限量标准,结果表明此重配株用于研制疫苗是安全的。  相似文献   

文章讨论了DNA芯片的制作原理和杂交信号的检测方法。依其结构,DNA芯片可分为两种形式,DNA阵列和寡核苷酸微芯片。DNA芯片的制作方法主要有光导原位合成法和自动化点样法。DNA芯片与标记的探针或DNA样品杂交,并通过探测杂交信号谱型来实现DNA序列或基因表达的分析。适应于DNA芯片的发展,同时出现了许多新型的杂交信号检测方法。主要有激光荧光扫描显微镜、激光扫描共焦显微镜、结合使用CCD相机的荧光显微镜、光纤生物传感器、化学发生法、光激发磷光物质存储屏法、光散射法等。  相似文献   

用多聚酶链反应(PCR)方法扩增人型、牛型结核杆菌基因组 DNA,获得特异的158 bpDNA 片段,而从另外十三种分枝杆菌未见到特异的扩增产物.回收158 bpDNA 片段作探针,它除与人型、牛型结核杆菌有特异的杂交信号外,与金黄色葡萄球菌、绿脓杆菌及一些分枝杆菌皆没有杂交反应.结果表明,PCR 可用于检测结核杆菌基因组 DNA,扩增产物158 bp DNA 片段可作为探针用于检测人型、牛型结核杆菌并鉴别结核杆菌与其它分枝杆菌.  相似文献   

黄淑帧  王启松 《遗传学报》1989,16(6):475-482
本文报道应用DNA扩增技术对国内首例镰状细胞特征患者(Hb s杂合子)进行基因诊断。方法是从患者干血标本中微量抽提基因组DNA,通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增其β珠蛋白基因,经限制性内切酶MstⅡ消化后作电泳分析直接检测Hb S基因。本文介绍的DNA诊断技术快速、灵敏、简便,它不需要放射性同位素标记的探针,可以采用干血抽提的DNA,因此,对遗传病基因诊断和携带者的筛查具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Is the epithelial lining of the mammalian gastrointestinal (GI) tract a tight barrier against the uptake of ingested foreign DNA or can such foreign DNA penetrate into the organism? We approached this question by pipette-feeding circular or linearized double-stranded phage M13 DNA to mice or by adding M13 DNA to the food of mice whose fecal excretions had previously been shown to be devoid of this DNA. At various post-prandial times, the feces of the animals was tested for M 13 DNA sequences by Southern or dot blot hybridization or by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). On Southern blot hybridization, the majority of M13 DNA fragments were found in the size range between < 200 and 400 by (base pairs). For the PCR analysis, synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide primers were spaced on the M13 DNA molecule such that the sizes of the persisting M13 DNA fragments could be determined. We also extracted DNA from whole blood or from sedimented blood cells of the animals at different times after feeding M t3 DNA and examined these DNA preparations for the presence of M13 DNA by dot blot hybridization or by PCR. M13 DNA fragments were found between 1 and 7 h postprandially in the feces of mice. By PCR analysis, fragments of 712, 976, and 1692 by in length were detected. In DNA from blood, M13 DNA fragments of up to 472 by were found by PCR between 2 and 6 h after feeding. Dot blot or Southern blot hybridization revealed M13 DNA at 2 and 4 h, but not at 1, 8 or 24 h after feeding. This DNA was shown to be DNase sensitive. M13 DNA was found both in blood cells and in the serum. A segment of about 400 by of the DNA amplified by PCR from feces or blood was analyzed for its nucleotide sequence which was found to be identical to that of authentic M13 DNA, except for a few deviations. M13 DNA could not be detected in the feces or in the blood of the animals prior to feeding or prior to 1 h and later than 7 h after feeding. These controls attest to the validity of the results and also argue against the possibility that the murine GI tract had been colonized by phage M13. Moreover, M13 DNA-positive bacterial colonies were never isolated from the feces of animals that had ingested M13 DNA. The results of reconstitution experiments suggested that 2 to 4% of the orally administered M13 DNA could be detected in the GI tract of mice. A proportion of about 0.01% to 0.1% of the M13 DNA fed could be retrieved from the blood.  相似文献   

未经抗病毒治疗慢乙肝患者YMDD变异检测及HBV基因分型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :探讨未接受拉米呋啶及干扰素抗病毒治疗的慢性乙型肝炎患者中YMDD是否存在变异及HBV的基因亚型。方法 :采用PCR荧光分子信标探针检测技术及PCR微板核酸杂交 ELISA技术进行HBVYMDD变异株 (YIDD YVDD)及HBV基因分型检测。结果 :2 9例慢性乙肝患者HBVYMDD变异阳性 6例 ,阳性率为 2 0 6%。 5例变异阳性中 3例为YIDD阳性 ,2例为YVDD阳性 ,6例均为YMDD野生株和变异株同时存在 ;HBV基因亚型以C、B、D亚型为主 ,分别占41 3% ( 1 2 2 9)、2 4 1 % ( 7 2 9)、2 0 6% ( 6 2 9)。结论 :在未经抗病毒治疗的慢乙肝患者中存在YMDD变异株 ,临床上在应用拉米呋啶对慢性乙型肝炎患者进行抗病毒治疗前 ,应对患者是否存在YMDD变异加以重视 。  相似文献   

大麦DNA导入小麦产生抗白粉病变异的遗传研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本研究将抗白粉病的大麦DNA通过花粉管途径直接导入感病的小麦品种花76中,后代出现13株抗白粉病变异株。其中5株在以后的世代中抗性稳定,另8株则继续分离。第2带分离株系的抗病株形成的第3代株系(或株行)中,抗性有分离的株行与无分离的株行比例为1.9:1,而分离株行内抗病株与不抗病株之比为3.35:1。抗性稳定株系与感病亲本杂交,F1表现高抗病,再与感病亲本回交,后代抗感病株比例为1:1,自交F2的比例为2.8:1。说明所获得的抗白粉病性受一对完全显性基因控制,抗病为显性。与已知抗白粉病基因的比较表明,这个抗病基因可能是来自大麦的一个新基因。13 Variant plants with immunity and high-resistance to powdery mildew were found in D1 generation from introducing resistant barley DNA into susceptible wheat cultivar, through pollen tube pathway after self pollination.Of the variants, 5 plants for the resistance had been stable and the other 8 plants segregated insuccessive generation.The ratio of segregating and stable plant-rows was 1.9:1 in D3 plant-rows derived from resistant plants of segregating D2-lines,and the ratio of resistant plants and susceptible plants was 3.35:1 among the segregating D3 plant-rows.The F1 -plants from crosses between stable resistant variants and susceptible parents were higgh resistant to powdery mildew.The ratio of resistant and susceptible plants was 1:1 in progenies of backcross of the F1 and susceptible parents, and this ratio was 2.8:1 in the F2 generation from the F1 selfing. Thus it can be seen that the resistance obtained is camtrolled by a pair of genes, the resistance is dominant. The results in comparison with known powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat indicated that the resistant gene obtained would be a new one from barley.  相似文献   

To assess gene dosages for clinical application, especially for prognostication of cancer, we developed a direct quantification method for polymerase chain reaction products. We report on an application of field amplified sample injection (FASI) to capillary zone electrophoresis which allows the quantification of PCR products without sample preparation. Using an external standard and UV detection for the quantification of DNA, a low coefficient of variation has been obtained. Overall, the described method provides a fast and easy tool for PCR product quantification in clinical laboratories.  相似文献   

Abstract In this study we tried to detect DNA Naegleria fowleri in artificially contaminated environmental samples, with or without sediments, containing 104 cysts of this pathogenic amoeba. We used two assays to extract DNA from samples: first, direct DNA extraction, which gave positive results only for water samples without sediment; second, DNA extraction after sample incubation on agar plates, which allowed us to remove amoeba growing out of the sediments, and which gave positive results for all samples, even those initially with sediments (5, 500 or 500 mg). Thus, this molecular identification appears as a powerful tool to investigate N. fowleri growth in environmental samples.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus isolates (n = 126), collected during two different periods from patients hospitalised in pediatric wards, were analysed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) mediated genotyping. These isolates were compared with 29 isolates from individuals attending the out-patient clinic of the same hospital and 13 isolates from pediatric hospital personnel. Within a group of 99 isolates gathered from 48 individuals during surveillance period I, 22 distinct genotypes were identified by application of two PCR assays. Among the 58 isolates collected in surveillance period II from pediatric and out-clinic patients, 25 genotypes were detected by a single PCR assay only. Based on these results it was demonstrated that patients can be colonised with multiple strains that may persist in a certain anatomical location for prolonged periods of time. It is shown that persistence of a S. aureus strain in a pediatric ward can be deduced from the PCR genotyping studies. As such PCR can be used for longitudinal monitoring of bacterial infections in hospital departments, analysis of patient-to-patient and personnel-to-patient transmission and for detection of genetic variation in general in S. aureus. Also, isolate-specific DNA probes can be generated for S. aureus by PCR genotyping. The probes can be used for the recognition of re-emerging S. aureus epidemics.  相似文献   

Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) gives rise to red tides along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and is known to produce brevetoxins. This investigation establishes baseline information showing the presence of H. akashiwo along the central California coast based on water samples collected from the Santa Cruz pier in Monterey Bay (on the open coast) and the Berkeley pier in San Francisco Bay. Light and electron microscopy as well as two species-specific DNA probe methods based on cell homogenates preparations were employed to detect H. akashiwo during the 2001–2002 field study. The DNA probe methods consisted of a sandwich hybridization assay (SHA), which targets ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and an end-point polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, which targets internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of rRNA genes. The SHA was used to provide semi-quantitative data showing the intermittent presence of the species during a 13-month period in Monterey Bay. Samples that showed a variety of responses in the SHA (negative as well as the highest) were then subjected to the PCR assay in an attempt to confirm species identification using an independent DNA probe method that employs cell homogenates; samples included those from Monterey Bay and one from a red tide event in San Francisco Bay. SHA and PCR assays agreed on the presence or absence of H. akashiwo. Gene products from two field samples positive for H. akashiwo by PCR were cloned and sequenced and found to be identical to those of that species in GenBank. When the same samples were viewed by light microscopy, however, H. akashiwo cells were only seen in the sample with the highest abundance of that species, as evidenced by SHA. It was extremely difficult to recognize naturally occurring H. akashiwo using light microscopy in field samples that had been preserved with Lugol's iodine, including samples that gave positive results by cell homogenate methods. Results of this study indicate that H. akashiwo is present along the open California coast and could easily be missed in routine phytoplankton surveys. Despite its presence, H. akashiwo does not appear to routinely bloom with sufficient densities to cause harmful outbreaks of the frequency and severity documented in some other coastal environments. Molecular identification techniques may be the preferred approach over light microscopy when there is a need to rapidly screen many samples for fragile, harmful species and those that are otherwise problematic to identify based on their gross morphology alone.  相似文献   

检测特异DNA片段的方法中,传统Southern blot技术由于其高度可重复性及能够显示条带大小的特性,一直是DNA检测的“黄金标准”.但是杂交时间长,步骤复杂,放射性污染等问题亟待解决.为了简化Southern blot,研究使用了一种液相杂交快速检测DNA的方法,即使用异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)标记的dUTP掺入探针后,在溶液中与待检测DNA样本42℃下杂交,然后琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测荧光杂交信号.利用质粒为模板,优化了探针制作、杂交液组成、杂交时间和温度等参数.在FITC-dUTP∶ dTTP比例为1∶3、模板质粒浓度为50μg、1×杂交缓冲液(25 mmol/LTris,10mmol/L EDTA,8mmol/L Nacl,PH =8.0)中95℃变性5~9 min和42℃杂交3h的实验条件下,可检出1.2μg的质粒,探针灵敏度为7.3 ng/μl.这种方法不需要转膜,曝光,大大节约了时间,简化了操作,荧光检测也为该方法同时检测多色样本提供了可能,可广泛应用于核酸检测.  相似文献   

Abstract: A method based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed for a rapid and specific detection of toluene degradative genes in soil. The xylE gene coding for catechol 2,3-dioxygenase was chosen as a target gene. The detection threshold was evaluated in microcosms using a sterilized standard soil inoculated with various amounts of a degradative strain of Pseudomonas putida (mX). The extracted DNA was used as a template to amplify the xylE gene. PCR followed by hybridization with an internal probe allowed us to detect 102 bacteria per g of soil. In polluted soils, quantification of target DNA by competitive PCR was compared with enumeration of degradative microflora. This molecular method appeared to be rapid, sensitive and more suitable than the microbiological approach to estimate the biodegradative potential of a polluted soil.  相似文献   

Variants of the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis technique were used in conjunction with two-dimensional DNA gel electrophoresis (2-DDGE) to determine the ratio of physical to genetic distance in two genetically defined intervals on barley chromosome 1H.2-DDGE analysis demonstrated that two loci that define a 0.3 cM interval, as determined by hybridization with BCD249, reside on a single 450-kbMluI fragment. This result indicates a maximum ratio of physical to genetic distance in this interval of 1500 kb/cM as compared to 3.7–4.2 Mb/cM for the barley genome as a whole. High molecular weight (HMW) DNA restricted withNotI and probed sequentially with MWG068 and BCD249 yield diffuse bands at approximately 2.8 Mb and 3.0 Mb in the C.I. 16151 and C.I. 16155 parental lines, respectively. These results suggest the maximum ratio of physical to genetic distance in the interval defined by these probes is 7.8 Mb/cM. unique HMW DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) were attributed to the presence of recombination breakpoints. Data from the recombination breakpoint analysis were used to estimate a ratio of physical to genetic distance of 2.5 Mb/cM in theXbcd249.2-Xmwg068 interval and 0.465 Mb/cM in theXbcd249.1-Xbcd249.2 interval. Both physical linkage and recombination breakpoint analysis indicate theXbcd249.1-Xbcd249.2 interval is approximately five-fold smaller, physically, than theXbcd249.2-Xmwg068 interval.Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable  相似文献   

A procedure for the non-radioactive detection of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was developed and designated as digoxigenin (DIG)-based RAPD. Using this procedure, we analyzed somaclonal variation in cultured cells of rice. Somaclonal variation was found to increase with culture age. More than 50 polymorphic fragments were identified with the four primers tested. Random sequencing of 10 clones generated one intron, one 5′-noncoding, and eight non-redundant expressed sequences. A database search for homology showed that the eight exon sequences displayed a significant similarity to sequences already stored in EMBL, GenBank and DDBJ. The sources of the known genes ranged from microorganism to human, including three rice genes. The results showed that somaclonal variation might have occurred in transfer RNA, ribosomal protein, and other genes during cell culture. Received: 14 November 1997 / Revision received: 21 August 1998 / Accepted: 31 August 1998  相似文献   

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