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Polymorphisms of fluorescent variants of 469 human karyotypes from five subpopulations of the Northern Khanty were studied. Significant frequency variability of Q-polymorphic variants of chromosomes was shown. Wahlund's variance for 12 chromosome polymorphic segments was 0.0121, while the total inbreeding coefficient was 0.0069 with a negative nonrandom component. Heterozygosity estimated for chromosome fluorescent polymorphism (0.189) agrees well with that for blood group systems and less for enzymes. The frequencies of Q-polymorphic variants corresponded to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, except for chromosome 13 which gave the significant excess of heterozygotes. Possible explanations of this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

E S Dement'eva 《Genetika》1975,10(7):122-130
The article comprises the results on the analysis of the structure of the great Pamirs' population (of a higher rank) and of one of its parts, the subpopulation of the valley of the river Bartang. Wright's F coefficient was used for the statistical treatment of the data obtained in the course of the analysis. The FST estimates were obtained from the variances of the frequencies of the genes located in 5 loci (ABO, MN, P, Rh and P.T.C.) culculated for 23 samples of the great populations of the Pamirs and for 9 samples of the population of the Bartang river valley. The general inbreeding coefficient for the Pamirs FIT=0,0323, its random component FST=0,0017 and the non-random component FIS=0.0306.  相似文献   

We have investigated the local and regional scale genetic structure of Siberian primrose (Primula nutans) populations in Northern Europe. The genetic diversity and structure of fifteen populations sampled from the Bothnian Bay in Finland, the Barents Sea in Norway and the White Sea in Russia were assessed using eleven microsatellite markers. We investigated the distribution of genetic variation within and between populations, and studied the local genetic structure using spatial autocorrelation analysis. We found very low genetic and allelic diversity in the Bothnian Bay and Barents Sea populations, and only slightly higher in the White Sea population. The level of genetic differentiation between the regions was very high, whereas differentiation between the populations within the regions was moderate. We found no spatial structuring of populations in any region suggesting efficient dispersal on a local scale. Clonal reproduction seemed to have no effect on genetic structure.  相似文献   

Distribution of phenotypes and gene frequencies for 5 polymorphic loci as well as frequencies of incidence of some anthroposcopic parameters in five subpopulations of the North Khanty population is presented. A comparative analysis was performed for the traits studied among the people of Finno-Ugric group and of North Asia. Wahlund's variance values point to significant subdivision of the population in question. Disruption of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for haptoglobin locus was observed in two subpopulations. Estimates of inbreeding coefficients obtained by different ways (from gene frequencies, genealogy and isonymy) are compared.  相似文献   

Polyphagous insect herbivores experience different selection pressures on their various host plant species. How this affects population divergence and speciation may be influenced by the bacterial endosymbionts that many harbor. Here, we study the population structure and symbiont community of the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum), which feeds on a range of legume species and is known to form genetically differentiated host-adapted populations. Aphids were collected from eight legume genera in England and Germany. Extensive host plant associated differentiation was observed with this collection of pea aphids comprising nine genetic clusters, each of which could be associated with a specific food plant. Compared to host plant, geography contributed little to genetic differentiation. The genetic clusters were differentiated to varying degrees, but this did not correlate with their degree of divergence in host use. We surveyed the pea aphid clones for the presence of six facultative (secondary) bacterial endosymbionts and found they were nonrandomly distributed across the aphid genetic clusters and this distribution was similar in the two countries. Aphid clones on average carried 1.4 species of secondary symbiont with those associated with Lathyrus having significantly fewer. The results are interpreted in the light of the evolution of specialization and ecological speciation.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic examination of the population of the villages of Karakent and Ishan consisted of two directions: the study on the frequency of chromosome aberrations in the culture of lymphocytes and the diagnostics of anomalies and variants of karyotype. The frequency of chromosome aberrations of 40 individuals was studied. It is shown that the frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations of the individuals in different villages does not differ and on the average is 1,4%. The distribution of lymphocyte culture according to the number of aberrations corresponds to that of theoretical Puassonian. Chromatide breaks are the main type of the aberrations. Among 250 karyotypically examined individuals no evident structure reformations were found. In the caryotype of a 7-year old girl trisomia of the 21st autosome was detected. On the basis of differential staining of chromosomes by Hiemse's dye 18 individuals (7,2%) were diagnosed to have insignificant changes in morphology of some chromosomes, considered as variants of caryotype. In the majority of cases these changes were of a family nature. On the medical examination mnay individuals were diagnosed to have different pathological features, though we did not succeed in revealing any correlation between a certain microanomaly of chromosomes and a pathological feature.  相似文献   

Multidimensional statistical analysis for a set of morpho- and physiological traits (anthropological, hemodynamic and biochemical) was done by the principal components method with interpretation of the latter. Special features of phenotype relationships were established for some traits of pathogenetic values for human chronic pathology. Heterogeneity of distributions of genotype frequencies for polymorphic traits and chromosome Q segments in histogramms of principal components was shown. The distributions are considered to be of nonrandom patterns and reflect common population genetics processes affecting both classes of traits under study.  相似文献   

Three separate and reproductively isolated populations living at present in boreal forest and tundra area in Eastern Siberia were studied. Blood groups (AB0, MNSs, Rhesus, Duffy, P. Diego), immunoglobulin allotypes--G1m (z, a, x, f), G3m (b, b0, b1, b3, s, t), Hp, Tf, PGM1, AcP, 6-PGD were tested in blood samples obtained from total 570 individuals. Analysis of covariance and variance matrices containing gene frequencies of the Nganasans, Reindeer Chukchi, the Yugaghir and the Evens has revealed major aspects of regional genetic structure which is in good accordance with regional history and geography.  相似文献   

Similarity coefficients were quantified for the ecosystems of the West Siberian Plain on the basis of the air-dry masses of dominant and subdominant plant species in five life forms (mosses, lichens, grasses, dwarf shrubs, shrubs, and trees) indicated in the formation ranges of the phytogeographic map of the West Siberian Plain. The resultant matrix was studied with cluster analysis and two classifications were made: one averaged over the formation ranges and the other over groups of the formation ranges. Expected informativity of the proposed classifications expressed in explained variance was 11–16% higher than that of the vegetation-based division used in the original phytogeographic map.  相似文献   

Five natural populations of D. melanogaster in Japan were surveyed for male recombination frequency in terms of the quantities of the mean and variance after crossing with cn bw females. The experimental condition enabled P-M system hybrid dysgenesis to take place. The means were not so different from one another, but there was a vast variation in the variances between them. Using one of these populations, two additional experimental populations were started, and the male recombination frequencies were monitored for 30 generations. Both the means and variances decreased in value at 25 degrees C. The regression line was Y = -0.000030X + 0.001706 on generation for the mean values, and was Y = -0.000098X + 0.005068 for the standard deviations in the cage population. There was no correlation between the means or the standard deviations and the copy numbers of the members of P element family as a whole. The experimental results indicate that the complete P transposable elements still retained in population were decreased in frequency and replaced by its degenerative nonautonomous forms.  相似文献   

A number of parameters were evaluated in order to determine the level of isolation of a small Brazilian community existing in partial geographic isolation and thereby evaluate the random genetic drift potential in the population. On a theoretical basis, it is concluded that the probability of genetic drift is low but cannot be excluded. The relatively small proportion of migrants (26%), the limited individual mobility, as given by marital distance (29 +/- 7 km), the mean migrational distance (46 +/- 11 km), the small effective size (122), and the value of the product Neme (26) agree with the possibility of genetic drift in this population. The observed coefficient of inbreeding (0.00239) is lower than that expected (0.0066) for random mating, suggesting some pressures against consanguineous marriage.  相似文献   

An oil palm experiment was set up in the Ivory Coast to compare the effects of crossing and selfing within two origins, Deli and La Mé, on the mean and the variability of Deli x between-origin hybrids. The originality of the experiment lay in the crossing plan, which provided access to genetic parameters related to additivity, dominance and different components of epistasis. This first part covers the analysis of the components of the mean. The parents used were obtained from four palms, two from each origin. Those of La Mé origin were half-sibs. The common parent came from a wild stand in the Ivory Coast. Those of Deli origin were from two different populations bred in Southeast Asia for several generations from a narrow genetic base. These four parents gave rise to nine Deli x La Mé hybrid populations with double-cousintype links. The additive component is more important within the Deli origin than within the La Mé origin. This may be explained by the large genetic divergence between the two Deli parent palms. On the other hand, the additive* additive epistasis is more substantial within the La Mé origin, probably because of inbreeding. The discussion concentrates on how this information should be used when choosing parents to be crossed and tested and to produce improved populations. The crossing plan proposed can be of general use and is suitable for other species in a reciprocal recurrent selection programme.  相似文献   

In Finland there is a substantial but geographically limited Swedish-speaking minority (in 1980 6.3% of the total population) which originates mainly from Swedish immigrants during the years 1100-1300 AD. The admixture of this population with the neighbouring Finns was studied using more than 20 blood marker loci. The reference populations, Swedes and Finns, in spite of being part of the genetically rather uniform European populations, differ from each other genetically. These quantitative and also qualitative differences in gene frequencies are mostly due to the Finnish population possessing a number of genetic markers absent or rare in the rest of Europe. The results based on a sample of 620 individuals from the Swedish-speaking population in Finland showed a rather high degree of Finnish admixture, which was estimated to about 60%. This admixture most probably occurred at an early stage since it has reached such a high and geographically homogeneous degree.  相似文献   

We examined genetic variation on the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome (NRY) to investigate the paternal population structure of indigenous Siberian groups and to reconstruct the historical events leading to the peopling of Siberia. A set of 62 biallelic markers on the NRY were genotyped in 1432 males representing 18 Siberian populations, as well as nine populations from Central and East Asia and one from European Russia. A subset of these markers defines the 18 major NRY haplogroups (A-R) recently described by the Y Chromosome Consortium (YCC 2002). While only four of these 18 major NRY haplogroups accounted for -95% of Siberian Y-chromosome variation, native Siberian populations differed greatly in their haplogroup composition and exhibited the highest phiST value for any region of the world. When we divided our Siberian sample into four geographic regions versus five major linguistic groupings, analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated higher phiST and phiCT values for linguistic groups than for geographic groups. Mantel tests also supported the existence of NRY genetic patterns that were correlated with language, indicating that language affiliation might be a better predictor of the genetic affinity among Siberians than their present geographic position. The combined results, including those from a nested cladistic analysis, underscored the important role of directed dispersals, range expansions, and long-distance colonizations bound by common ethnic and linguistic affiliation in shaping the genetic landscape of Siberia. The Siberian pattern of reduced haplogroup diversity within populations combined with high levels of differentiation among populations may be a general feature characteristic of indigenous groups that have small effective population sizes and that have been isolated for long periods of time.  相似文献   

J I Weller  J Z Song  D W Heyen  H A Lewin  M Ron 《Genetics》1998,150(4):1699-1706
Saturated genetic marker maps are being used to map individual genes affecting quantitative traits. Controlling the "experimentwise" type-I error severely lowers power to detect segregating loci. For preliminary genome scans, we propose controlling the "false discovery rate," that is, the expected proportion of true null hypotheses within the class of rejected null hypotheses. Examples are given based on a granddaughter design analysis of dairy cattle and simulated backcross populations. By controlling the false discovery rate, power to detect true effects is not dependent on the number of tests performed. If no detectable genes are segregating, controlling the false discovery rate is equivalent to controlling the experimentwise error rate. If quantitative loci are segregating in the population, statistical power is increased as compared to control of the experimentwise type-I error. The difference between the two criteria increases with the increase in the number of false null hypotheses. The false discovery rate can be controlled at the same level whether the complete genome or only part of it has been analyzed. Additional levels of contrasts, such as multiple traits or pedigrees, can be handled without the necessity of a proportional decrease in the critical test probability.  相似文献   

The review considers the results of genome research on the Russian program Human Genome carried out in the Institute of Medical Genetics (Tomsk) from 1990. The three major fields were molecular cytogenetics and chromosomal disorders, genomics of Mendelian and high-incidence diseases, and ethnogenomics of the North Asian population. Several human genes were cytogenetically mapped, and numerical and structural abnormalities associated with human diseases studied by fluorescence hybridization. Procedures of DNA diagnostics were developed for 15 hereditary diseases. New data were obtained on genetic heterogeneity of idiopathic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The genetic bases of multifactorial (atopic bronchial asthma) and infectious (tuberculosis) diseases were analyzed. The North Eurasian population (41 local populations of 21 ethnic groups) was tested for genetic diversity with numerous genetic markers, including Y-chromosomal haplotypes, autosomal microsatellites, and polymorphic Alu insertions.  相似文献   

The paper comprises results of studying some demographic and populaton characteristics of the inhabitans of the Samarkand region as a whole and two villages, Karakent and Ishan, inhabited with Uzbeks-Khoja, a special religious-social caste in the past. It is shown that 87.4% of marriages in the Samarkand region are of international character (the information has been obtained on 7995 married couples). The frequency of consanguineous marriages is 11.6%, and among them 40.5% are first-cousin marriages and 39.1% are marriages of remote relatives. The coefficients of inbreeding are rather high among the Jewish, Tajik and Uzbek communities. The coefficient of inbreeding as a whole is F=0.0042 in this region and approaches to the maximal level, characterizing a panmix population. The average size of a family in the villages of Karakent and Ishan is approximately 4.0 persons. The values of reproductive performance, the nature of termination of pregnancies do not differ from those of panmix population. The percentage of intravillage and consanguineous marriages are 56% and 12.5% for the first village, and 25% and 2% for the second one respectively. The coefficient of inbreeding for karakent is F=0.0064, for Ishan--F=0.0014. Taking into consideration the historical development of the two villages and the cumulative data, the conclusion is drawn that Karakent is an isolate on a religious ground whereas Ishan is a disintegrated isolate.  相似文献   

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