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Rhizobium meliloti competitiveness and the alfalfa agglutinin   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
We have isolated two types of isolates having identical colony morphologies from stock cultures of two different Rhizobium meliloti strains. One isolate was agglutinated at a high-dilution titer (HA, highly agglutinable) of the alfalfa agglutinin and was sensitive to phage F20, and the other was agglutinated at a lower agglutinin titer (LA) and was sensitive to phage 16B. All LA isolates from the original slant produced nodules on alfalfa earlier than did HA strains from the original slant. When these HA and LA strains were mixed and used as the inoculum in both vermiculite and field soil in the laboratory, LA strains were always the predominant strains recovered from the nodules. LA strains were obtained from HA cells by selection for resistance to phage F20, and HA strains were obtained from LA cells by selection for resistance to phage 16B. All of the strains with the HA phenotype that were derived from LA strains by phage selection had the nodulation properties of the HA strains from the original slant. Two classes of strains with the LA phenotype were obtained from HA cells by phage selection. One was identical to the original LA strains from the slant, and the other had the nodulation properties of the HA strains. Thus, we have shown that some cell surface properties change the nodulation abilities of R. meliloti strains and, furthermore, that specific phages can be used to enrich for more competitive rhizobia.  相似文献   

Interaction of nod and exo Rhizobium meliloti in alfalfa nodulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Among the genes of Rhizobium meliloti SU47 that affect nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with alfalfa are nod genes, in which mutations block nodule induction, and exo genes, in which mutations allow nodule formation but block rhizobial exopolysaccharide production as well as nodule invasion and nitrogen fixation. To investigate whether an exo+ bacterium can "help" (that is, reverse the symbiotic defect of) an exo mutant in trans, we have coinoculated alfalfa with pairs of rhizobia of different genotypes. Coinoculant genotypes were chosen so that the exo+ helper strain was nif while the exo "indicator" strain was nif+, and thus any fixation observed was carried out by the exo coinoculant. We find that a nod exo+ coinoculant can help an exo mutant both to invade nodules and to fix nitrogen. However, a nod+ exo+ coinoculant cannot help an exo mutant: Few exo bacteria are recovered from nodules, some bacteroids differentiate into bizarre aberrant forms, and the nodules fail to fix nitrogen. In a triple coinoculation, the effect of nod+ helper supersedes that of nod helper. Implications of these results for interaction of nod and exo gene products are discussed.  相似文献   

An assessment was made of the relative contributions of a spontaneous mutation to rifampin resistance and a cryptic plasmid, pTA2, to competitive nodulation of Medicago sativa by a strain of Rhizobium meliloti. This was facilitated by use of rifampin-resistant derivatives of this strain in which pTA2 was originally present, cured, or reintroduced. Both curing of pTA2 and spontaneous mutation to rifampin resistance significantly influenced nodulating competitiveness, but the effect of rifampin resistance was greater and such that the contribution of pTA2 was evident only in cases in which paired competitors had the common rifampin resistance background. The data suggest that rifampin-resistant derivatives contain an altered RNA polymerase insensitive to the action of rifampin. All R. meliloti derivatives had symbiotic characteristics and phage susceptibility patterns similar to those of the wild type. Plasmid pTA2 transfer or other genetic interchange was not detected in nodules of M. sativa inoculated with paired competitors.  相似文献   

A stock culture of Rhizobium meliloti 102F51 contains colonies of two distinct phenotypes (Handelsman et al., J. Bacteriol. 157:703-707, 1984); one colony type is agglutinated by high dilutions of the alfalfa agglutinin, is sensitive to phage F20, and is resistant to phage 16B, and the other is agglutinated only by low dilutions of the alfalfa agglutinin, is resistant to phage F20, and is sensitive to phage 16B. Cells of the latter phenotype have an inner-membrane-bound galactosyltransferase activity that transfers galactose from UDP-galactose to a water-insoluble anionic polymer. This enzymatic activity is absent in cells of the first phenotype. All of the phage 16B-resistant mutants selected from a sensitive strain were agglutinated by high dilutions of the alfalfa agglutinin, were sensitive to phage F20, and lacked galactosyltransferase activity. The galactose-containing polymer prepared in vitro was immunologically cross-reactive with the cell surface.  相似文献   

The Rhizobium-legume symbiosis involves the formation of a novel plant organ, the nodule, in which intracellular bacteria reduce molecular dinitrogen in exchange for plant photosynthates. Nodule development requires a bacterial signal referred to as Nod factor, which in Sinorhizobium meliloti is a beta-(1,4)-linked tetramer of N-acetylglucosamine containing N-acyl and O-acetyl modifications at the nonreducing end and a critical 6-O-sulfate at the reducing end. This sulfate modification requires the action of three gene products: nodH, which catalyzes the sulfonyl transfer, and nodPQ, which produce the activated form of sulfate, 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate. It was previously reported that S. meliloti cell surface polysaccharides are also covalently modified by sulfate in a reaction dependent on NodPQ. We have further characterized this unique form of bacterial carbohydrate modification. Our studies have determined that one of the nodPQ mutant strains used in the initial study of sulfation of cell surface harbored a second unlinked mutation. We cloned the gene affected by this mutation (referred to as lps-212) and found it to be an allele of lpsL, a gene previously predicted to encode a UDP-glucuronic acid epimerase. We demonstrated that lpsL encoded a UDP-glucuronic acid epimerase activity that was reduced in the lps-212 mutant. The lps-212 mutation resulted in an altered lipopolysaccharide structure that was reduced in sulfate modification in vitro and in vivo. Finally, we determined that the lps-212 mutation resulted in a reduced ability to elicit the formation of plant nodules and by altered infection thread structures that aborted prematurely.  相似文献   

Erwinia herbicola was isolated from roots of plants derived from surface-sterilized seeds of all alfalfa varieties that were tested. Some of these E. herbicola strains affected nodulation by certain strains of Rhizobium meliloti. In previously published work we presented the isolation of slow-and fast-nodulating variants from a single culture of R. meliloti 102F51. In the absence of E. herbicola, the slow-nodulating variant induced the formation of nodules on alfalfa as rapidly as the faster-nodulating strain. The rates of nodulation by the faster-nodulating variant were the same in the presence and absence of E. herbicola. All of the previously reported slower-nodulating strains derived from R. meliloti 102F51 nodulated more rapidly on sterilized plants than in the presence of certain E. herbicola isolates.  相似文献   

Nodulation of alfalfa by exoB mutants of Rhizobium meliloti occurred without root hair curling or infection thread formation. nod exoB double mutants had the same nodulation deficiency as single nod mutants. Therefore, all the known nod genes are involved in nodule induction by exoB mutants, which apparently occurs via intercellular invasion.  相似文献   

Erwinia herbicola was isolated from roots of plants derived from surface-sterilized seeds of all alfalfa varieties that were tested. Some of these E. herbicola strains affected nodulation by certain strains of Rhizobium meliloti. In previously published work we presented the isolation of slow-and fast-nodulating variants from a single culture of R. meliloti 102F51. In the absence of E. herbicola, the slow-nodulating variant induced the formation of nodules on alfalfa as rapidly as the faster-nodulating strain. The rates of nodulation by the faster-nodulating variant were the same in the presence and absence of E. herbicola. All of the previously reported slower-nodulating strains derived from R. meliloti 102F51 nodulated more rapidly on sterilized plants than in the presence of certain E. herbicola isolates.  相似文献   

A Rhizobium meliloti DNA region (nodD1) involved in the regulation of other early nodulation genes has been delimited by directed Tn5 mutagenesis and its nucleotide sequence has been determined. The sequence data indicate a large open reading frame with opposite polarity to nodA, -B and -C, coding for a protein of 308 (or 311) amino acid residues. Tn5 insertion within the gene caused a delay in nodulation of Medicago sativa from four to seven days. Hybridization of nodD1 to total DNA of Rhizobium meliloti revealed two additional nodD sequences (nodD2 and nodD3) and both were localized on the megaplasmid pRme41b in the vicinity of the other nod genes. Genetic and DNA hybridization data, combined with nucleotide sequencing showed that nodD2 is a functional gene, while requirement of nodD3 for efficient nodulation of M. sativa could not be detected under our experimental conditions. The nodD2 gene product consists of 310 amino acid residues and shares 86.4% homology with the nodD1 protein. Single nodD2 mutants had the same nodulation phenotype as the nodD1 mutants, while a double nodD1-nodD2 mutant exhibited a more severe delay in nodulation. These results indicate that at least two functional copies of the regulatory gene nodD are necessary for the optimal expression of nodulation genes in R. meliloti.  相似文献   

Nodulation (nod) genes are required for invasion of legumes by Rhizobium bacteria. Mutant WL131 is a derivative of 102F51 that has a severe Nod- phenotype on alfalfa. Upon examination of the extended DNA region containing host-specific nodulation genes nodFEG and nodH, we found that the nodG gene of WL131 bears a novel insertion sequence, ISRm3. Complementation studies implied, however, that the phenotype on alfalfa correlated with the nodH locus. We found that nodH in WL131 encodes an altered gene product. Correlation of the WL131 defect with nodH was also supported by phenotypic behavior. Each mutation affected nodulation more severely on alfalfa (Medicago sativa) than on sweet clover (Melilotus albus). However, we found that the degree of requirement for nodH in nodulation varied with the conditions under which the plant was grown.  相似文献   

Regions of the Rhizobium meliloti symbiotic plasmid (20 to 40 kilobase pairs long) containing nodulation (nod) genes were transferred to Agrobacterium tumefaciens or Escherichia coli by conjugation. The A. tumefaciens and E. coli transconjugants elicited root hair curling and the formation of ineffective pseudonodules on inoculated alfalfa plants. A tumefaciens elicited pseudonodules formed at a variable frequency, ranging from 15 to 45%, irrespective of the presence of the Ti plasmid. These pseudonodules developed characteristic nodule meristems, and in some nodules, infection threads were found within the interior of nodules. Infrequently, infection threads penetrated deformed root hairs, but these threads were found only in a minority of nodules. There was no evidence of bacterial release from the infection threads. In addition to being found within threads, agrobacteria were also found in intercellular spaces and within nodule cells that had senesced . In the latter case, the bacteria appeared to invade the nodule cells independently of infection threads and degenerated at the same time as the senescing host cells. No peribacteroid membranes enclosed any agrobacteria , and no bacteroid differentiation was observed. In contrast to the A. tumefaciens-induced pseudonodules , the E. coli-induced pseudonodules were completely devoid of bacteria; infection threads were not found to penetrate root hairs or within nodules. Our results suggest that relatively few Rhizobium genes are involved in the earliest stages of nodulation, and that curling of root hairs and penetration of bacteria via root hair infection threads are not prerequisites for nodule meristem formation in alfalfa.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of Rhizobium meliloti nodulation genes   总被引:43,自引:4,他引:39       下载免费PDF全文
A Rhizobium meliloti DNA region, determining nodulation functions common in different Rhizobium species, has been delimited by directed Tn5 mutagenesis and its nucleotide sequence has been determined. The sequence data indicates three large open reading frames with the same polarity coding for three proteins of 196, 217 and 402 (or 426) amino acid residues, respectively. We suggest the existence of three nod genes on this region, which were designated as nodA, B and C, respectively. Comparison of the R. meliloti nodA, B, C nucleotide and amino acid sequences with those from R. leguminosarum, as reported in the accompanying paper, shows 69-72% homology, clearly demonstrating the high degree of conservation of common nod genes in these Rhizobium species.  相似文献   

Succinate dehydrogenase mutant of Rhizobium meliloti.   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A succinate dehydrogenase mutant strain of Rhizobium meliloti was isolated after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. It failed to grow on succinate, glutamate, acetate, pyruvate, or arabinose but grew on glucose, sucrose, fructose, and other carbohydrates. The mutant strain showed delayed nodulation of lucerne plants, and the nodules were white and ineffective. A spontaneous revertant strain of normal growth phenotype induced red and effective nodules.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucose isomerase mutant of Rhizobium meliloti.   总被引:13,自引:11,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A mutant strain of complex phenotype was selected in Rhizobium meliloti after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. It failed to grow on mannitol, sorbitol, fructose, mannose, ribose, arabitol, or xylose, but grew on glucose, maltose, gluconate, L-arabinose, and many other carbohydrates. Assay showed the enzyme lesion to be in phosphoglucose isomerase (pgi), and revertants, which were of normal growth phenotype, contained the enzyme again. Nonpermissive substrates such as fructose and xylose prevented growth on permissive ones such as L-arabinose, and in such situations there was high accumulation of fructose 6-phosphate. The mutant strain had about 20% as much exopolysaccharide as the parent. Nitrogen fixation by whole plants was low and delayed when the mutant strain was the inoculant.  相似文献   

alpha-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase mutant of Rhizobium meliloti.   总被引:26,自引:19,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A mutant of Rhizobium meliloti selected as unable to grow on L-arabinose also failed to grow on acetate or pyruvate. It grew, but slower than the parental strain, on many other carbon sources. Assay showed it to lack alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (kgd) activity, and revertants of normal growth phenotype contained the activity again. Other enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and of the glyoxylate cycle were present in both mutant and parent strains. Enzymes of pyruvate metabolism were also assayed. L-Arabinose degradation in R. meliloti was found to differ from the known pathway in R. japonicum, since the former strain lacked 2-keto-o-deoxy-L-arabonate aldolase but contained alpha-ketoglutarate semialdehyde dehydrogenase; thus, it is likely that R. meliloti has the L-arabinose pathway leading to alpha-ketoglutarate rather than the one to glycolaldehyde and pyruvate. This finding accounts for the L-arabinose negativity of the mutant. Resting cells of the mutant were able to metabolize the three substrates which did not allow growth.  相似文献   

Rhizobium meliloti mutants altered in ammonium utilization.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Derivatives of Rhizobium meliloti 2011 required trace amounts of glutamate to use ammonium as the nitrogen source for growth, although they could use serine as the sole nitrogen source. Specific activities of ammonium assimilatory enzymes were similar to those in strain Rm2011. The mutants were deficient in nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Transfer of an IncP plasmid carrying the Rhizobium meliloti nodFE, nodG, and nodH genes to Rhizobium trifolii enabled R. trifolii to nodulate alfalfa (Medicago sativa), the normal host of R. meliloti. Using transposon Tn5-linked mutations and in vitro-constructed deletions of the R. meliloti nodFE, nodG, and nodH genes, we showed that R. meliloti nodH was required for R. trifolii to elicit both root hair curling and nodule initiation on alfalfa and that nodH, nodFE, and nodG were required for R. trifolii to elicit infection threads in alfalfa root hairs. Interestingly, the transfer of the R. meliloti nodFE, nodG, and nodH genes to R. trifolii prevented R. trifolii from infecting and nodulating its normal host, white clover (Trifolium repens). Experiments with the mutated R. meliloti nodH, nodF, nodE, and nodG genes demonstrated that nodH, nodF, nodE, and possibly nodG have an additive effect in blocking infection and nodulation of clover.  相似文献   

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