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1. Anthropogenic impacts on the biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) affect natural ecosystems worldwide. Modelling is required to predict where and when these key nutrients limit primary production in freshwaters. 2. We reviewed 382 nutrient‐enrichment experiments to examine which factors promote limitation of microphytobenthos biomass by N or P in streams and rivers. Using regression models, we examined whether the response of microphytobenthos biomass to N and P additions could be predicted by the absolute N and P concentrations in the water, the water N:P ratio or a combination of the two. 3. The absolute N concentration in the water was the best predictor of the magnitude of the response of microphytobenthos biomass to N additions. In comparison, the N:P ratio was the best predictor of whether or not N was limiting. However, predictions were uncertain except at extreme N:P ratios <1 : 1 and >100 : 1. 4. The absolute P concentration in the water was the best predictor of the magnitude of the response of microphytobenthos biomass to P additions. Neither the absolute nor the relative N and P concentrations predicted whether or not P was limiting. 5. The absolute and the relative N and P water concentrations contribute significant and complementary insights into the responses of microphytobenthos biomass to nutrient enrichment in running waters. However, ability to predict nutrient limitation from these concentrations is constrained by substantial error in the models. In the future, the prediction ability of models of nutrient limitation might be improved by focussing on regional scales and accounting for additional factors such as light and disturbance.  相似文献   

R. Aerts  H. de Caluwe  B. Beltman 《Oikos》2003,101(3):489-498
Correlative studies have shown a ‘hump‐backed’ relation between the vegetation N:P ratio and plant species diversity with the highest diversity at balanced N:P ratios (between 10 and 14). We tested the hypothesis that adding growth‐limiting nutrients to mesotrophic grasslands that were in shortage of either N (N:P ratio<10) or P (N:P ratio>14) would lead to an increase of plant diversity. Thereto, we studied the effects of long‐term (11 yr) experimentally increased N and/or P supply on soil nutrient pools, vegetation nutrient dynamics and biodiversity in a riverine grassland in the Netherlands with a low soil N:P ratio (N shortage) and a peat grassland with a high soil N:P ratio (P shortage), respectively. Eleven years of nutrient addition hardly had any effects on the total stocks of C, N and P in the soils of both sites, due to the large size of the soil nutrient pools already present and to the management at both sites (annual hay‐making and ‐removal). However, in the riverine grassland the treatments increased the cycling of the small pool of labile N and P compounds resulting in large increases in annual fluxes of especially N. In the unfertilised controls, species establishments balanced more or less species losses during an 11 year period, thus leading to a dynamic equilibrium of the species pool. However, contrary to our hypothesis, addition of the growth‐limiting nutrient led at both sites to a reduction of species diversity even when total biomass remained below critical levels. Species diversity and species evenness were strongly determined by N mineralisation and to a lesser extent by total soil N and extractable P, respectively. Total aboveground biomass of the vegetation was determined by total soil N. Our study shows that patterns found in correlative studies of the relation between plant diversity and soil and vegetation N:P ratio can not be translated into successful experimental manipulations to enhance biodiversity. The most likely explanation is that colonization limitation occurred in the fertilized plots and that not sufficient diaspores of potentially new species could reach and/or colonize the plots to compensate for the species extinctions as a result of increased nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition has shifted many ecosystems from nitrogen (N) limitation to phosphorus (P) limitation. Although well documented in plants, no study to date has explored whether N deposition exacerbates P limitation at higher trophic levels, or focused on the effects of induced plant P limitation on trophic interactions. Insect herbivores exhibit strict N : P homeostasis, and should therefore be very sensitive to variations in plant N : P stoichiometry and prone to experiencing deposition‐induced P limitation. In the current study, we investigated the effects of N deposition and P availability on a plant‐herbivorous insect system. Using common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) and two of its specialist herbivores, the monarch caterpillar (Danaus plexippus) and milkweed aphid (Aphis asclepiadis) as our study system, we found that experimental N deposition caused P limitation in milkweed plants, but not in either insect species. However, the mechanisms for the lack of P limitation were different for each insect species. The body tissues of A. asclepiadis always exhibited higher N : P ratios than that of the host plant, suggesting that the N demand of this species exceeds P demand, even under high N deposition levels. For D. plexippus, P addition increased the production of latex, which is an important defense negatively affecting D. plexippus growth rate. As a result, we illustrate that P limitation of herbivores is not an inevitable consequence of anthropogenic N deposition in terrestrial systems. Rather, species‐specific demands for nutrients and the defensive responses of plants combine to determine the responses of herbivores to P availability under N deposition.  相似文献   

It is known that the number of limiting nutrients may affect the species richness of plant communities, but it is unclear whether the type of nutrient limitation is also important. I place the results from a study in Patagonia (elsewhere in this issue) in the context of the number and types of nutrients that are limiting. I present four mechanisms through which N or P limitation may potentially influence species richness. These mechanisms are related to: (i) the number of forms in which P or N are present in soil and the plant traits needed to acquire them, (ii) the mechanisms and traits that control species competition and coexistence under N or P limitation, (iii) the regional species pools of plants capable of growing under N- and P-limited conditions, and (iv) the interaction between the type of nutrient limitation and community productivity. It appears likely that P limitation can favour a higher species richness than N limitation, in at least in a variety of low productive plant communities, but evidence to support this conclusion is so far lacking. The four mechanisms proposed here offer a framework for exploring whether the type of nutrient limitation per se, or an interaction with productivity, is a potential driver for variation in species diversity.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the impact of domestication process on the physiological stress response of cultured Eurasian perch confronted to a chronic stress situation. Briefly, F1 and F4 juveniles were submitted to chronic confinement and investigated on days 5, 15 and 30. Capture and 15min-anesthesia were imposed on fish to assess the effect of preceding confinement on acute stress response. On day 30, the fish were finally challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila and sampled after 5 and 10 days for immune parameter measurements. Cortisol and glucose levels were not affected by confinement but increased significantly after acute stressor exposure. Moreover, cortisol rise following capture and anesthesia was higher in F1 confined-fish, suggesting that they have previously been affected by chronic confinement. A higher HSP70 level was also observed on day 30 in F1 confined-juveniles. During bacterial challenge, regardless of confinement level, F4 juveniles displayed higher lysozyme activity and agglutination response than F1 which may indicate a higher immune capacity in domesticated fish. In conclusion, chronic confinement stressor induced few physiological responses but may increase the responsiveness to other aquacultural stressors. Domestication process also seems to improve chronic stress resistance, growth as well as the immune status of the fish.  相似文献   

Our study aimed to analyze the effects of chronic nutrient loading on the capacity of headwater streams to retain phosphorus and ammonium pulses of different duration. For this purpose, we selected nine headwater streams located across a gradient of increasing agricultural land use and eutrophication. In each stream, we performed sequential plateau additions with increasing nutrient concentrations in summer 2015 and instantaneous slug additions in summer 2016 under similar hydrological conditions. We modelled kinetic uptake curves from the slug additions via the Tracer Additions for Spiraling Curve Characterization method and calculated ambient uptake parameters. Ambient uptake rates generally increased (1.4–20.8 µg m?2 s?1 for NH4–N and 0.3–10.3 µg m?2 s?1 for SRP, respectively), while ambient uptake velocities decreased from oligotrophic to polytrophic streams (1.8–14.0 mm min?1 for NH4–N and 1.6–9.9 mm min?1 for SRP, respectively). However, correlations between ambient uptake parameters and background concentrations were weak. Concentration-dependent uptake rates followed either a linear or a Michaelis–Menten saturation model, regardless of the degree of nutrient loading. Uptake rate curves showed counter-clockwise hysteresis in oligotrophic streams and clockwise hysteresis in streams of higher trophic states, indicating a reduced significance of hyporheic uptake with increasing nutrient loading. Comparisons of slug and plateau additions revealed that oligotrophic streams were most efficient in uptake during short nutrient pulses, while eutrophic streams profited from longer pulse duration. The results indicate that nutrient uptake is increasingly transport-controlled in polluted streams where increased biofilm thickness and clogging of sediments restrict nutrient transport to reactive sites.  相似文献   

Sex ratio variation is commonly observed in natural populations of many organisms with separate sexes and genetic sex determination, including bryophytes. Most bryophyte populations exhibit female-skewed expressed adult sex ratios, generally inferred from counts of sexually mature plants. For the rarely sexually reproducing perennial dioicous moss Drepanocladus lycopodioides, we showed that a female bias also exists in the genetic adult sex ratio, using a specifically designed molecular sex-associated marker. Here, we investigated whether the meiotic spore sex ratio contributes to the observed bias in genetic adult sex ratio in natural populations. Earlier attempts to study meiotic sex ratios have involved commonly cultivated ruderals that rapidly express sex in the laboratory. We established single-spore cultures from field-collected sporophytes from these populations and used the marker to assess the sex of individual sporelings. Spore germinability was (near) complete, and mortality among sporelings was virtually absent. The true meiotic sex ratio did not differ from equality, but strongly differed both from the observed genetic sex ratios in the natural adult populations, and from the European scale genetic sex ratio. We conclude that the biased population sex ratios in this species arise at life cycle stages after spore germination. Sexual dimorphism may selectively favour female proliferation during some phase of gametophyte development. Based on methodological progress, we successfully used a perennial study species with rare sexual reproduction, which significantly broadens the life history spectrum investigated in bryophyte sex ratio studies.  相似文献   

treA and osmY expression and RpoS protein levels were investigated in glucose-limited continuous culture. The level of induction of these stationary-phase markers became as high during growth at a D of 0.1 to 0.2 h(-1) as in carbon-starved batch cultures but only in rpoS+ bacteria. The stress protectant trehalose was actually produced at higher levels at low growth rates than in stationary-phase cultures. The pattern of induction of RpoS-dependent activities could be separated from those regulated by cyclic AMP (cAMP) or endoinduction, and the induction occurred at extreme glucose limitation. Escherichia coli turns to a protective stationary-phase response when nutrient levels fall below approximately 10(-7) M glucose, which is insufficient to saturate scavenger transporters regulated by cAMP plus endoinducers, and this response is optimally expressed at 10(-6) M glucose. The high-level induction of protective functions also explains the maintenance energy requirement of bacterial growth at low dilution rates.  相似文献   

Northern Australia's savannas are among the most fire‐prone biomes on Earth and are dominated by eucalypts (Eucalyptus and Corymbia spp.). It is not clear what processes allow this group to dominate under such extreme fire frequencies and whether a superior ability to compete for nutrients and water might play a role. There is evidence that eucalypts are adapted to frequent fires; juvenile eucalypts escape the fire trap by growing rapidly in height between fires. However, non‐eucalypts are less able to escape the fire trap and tend to have stand structures strongly skewed toward suppressed juveniles. The mechanisms that drive these contrasting fire responses are not well understood. Here, we describe the results of a controlled glasshouse seedling experiment that evaluated the relative importance of nutrient and water availability in determining height growth and biomass growth of two eucalypt and one noneucalypt tree species, common in northern Australian savannas. We demonstrate that growth of eucalypt seedlings is particularly responsive to nutrient addition. Eucalypt seedlings are able to rapidly utilize soil nutrients and accumulate biomass at a much greater rate than noneucalypt seedlings. We suggest that a seasonal spike in nutrient availability creates a nutrient‐rich microsite that allows eucalypt seedlings to rapidly gain height and biomass, increasing their likelihood of establishing successfully and reaching a fire‐resistant size. Our results extend our understanding of how eucalypts dominate northern Australian savannas under extremely high fire frequencies.  相似文献   

The consumption of saccharide-rich foods such as floral nectar is crucial for the survival of many adult parasitoid wasps. The importance to parasitoids of nectar quality, with regards to its sucrose:hexose ratio, was investigated. Nectar, an aqueous solution of sugars, amino acids and other compounds, differs between plant species. Nectar composition is dominated by sucrose, glucose and fructose. Previous studies have shown that the ratio of sucrose to hexose (glucose+fructose) sugars can explain nectar associations in a range of flower visiting arthropods. It has been suggested that this ratio may be important in terms of parasitoid fitness. Analysis of floral nectar from fourteen plant species confirmed that the sucrose/hexose ratio significantly differed between species. An opportunity to select floral resources based on this measure of nectar quality arose and highlighted the potential to utilize native flowering plant species in place of the seven most commonly deployed, which are usually not native to the countries in which they are used.Results presented in this paper indicate, however, that the sucrose/hexose ratio is not a significant factor explaining parasitoid longevity. The hymenopteran parasitoids Diadegma semiclausum (Ichneumonidae) and Dolichogenidea tasmanica (Braconidae) were fed 40% w/w sugar solutions, differing in their sugar ratios. Solutions were classified as either sucrose-dominant (ratio >0.99), sucrose-rich (ratio 0.5–0.99), hexose-rich (ratio 0.1–0.499) or hexose-dominant (ratio <0.1). No significant differences in parasitoid longevity were found between the different treatments for either species. This suggests there is not an optimal sucrose/hexose ratio for parasitoid wasps, although a greater number of parasitoid species should ideally be tested to confirm if this is true for the wider parasitoid taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

We investigated whether phosphorus limitations of primary producers propagate upwards through the food web, not only to the primary consumer level but also onto the secondary consumers’ level. A tri-trophic food chain was used to assess the effects of phosphorus-limited phytoplankton (the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina) on herbivorous zooplankters (the copepod Acartia tonsa) and finally on zooplanktivores (the ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus). The algae were cultured in phosphorus-replete and phosphorus-limited media before being fed to two groups of copepods. The copepods in turn were fed to the top predator, P. pileus, in a mixture resulting in a phosphorus-gradient, ranging from copepods having received only phosphorus-replete algae to copepods reared solely on phosphorus-limited algae. The C:P ratio of the algae varied significantly between the two treatments, resulting in higher C:P ratios for those copepods feeding on phosphorus-limited algae, albeit with a significance of 0.07. The differences in the feeding environment of the copepods could be followed to Pleurobrachia pileus. Contrary to our expectations, we found that phosphorus-limited copepods represented a higher quality food source for P. pileus, as shown by the better condition (expressed as nucleic acid content) of the ctenophore. This could possibly be explained by the rather high C:P ratios of ctenophores, their resulting low phosphorus demand and relative insensitivity to P deficiency. This might potentially be an additional explanation for the observed increasing abundances of gelatinous zooplankton in our increasingly phosphorus-limited coastal seas.  相似文献   

Theory proposes that sexually dimorphic, polygynous species are at particularly high risk of sex-biased predation, because conspicuous males are more often preyed upon compared to females. We tested the effects of predation on population sex ratio in a highly sexually dimorphic insect genus (Hemideina). In addition, introduction of a suite of novel mammalian predators to New Zealand during the last 800 years is likely to have modified selection pressures on native tree weta. We predicted that the balance between natural and sexual selection would be disrupted by the new predator species. We expected to see a sex ratio skew resulting from higher mortality in males with expensive secondary sexual weaponry; combat occurs outside refuge cavities between male tree weta. We took a meta-analytic approach using generalized linear mixed models to compare sex ratio variation in 58 populations for six of the seven species in Hemideina. We investigated adult sex ratio across these populations to determine how much variation in sex ratio can be attributed to sex-biased predation in populations with either low or high number of invasive mammalian predators. Surprisingly, we did not detect any significant deviation from 1 : 1 parity for adult sex ratio and found little difference between populations or species. We conclude that there is little evidence of sex-biased predation by either native or mammalian predators and observed sex ratio skew in individual populations of tree weta is probably an artefact of sampling error. We argue that sex-biased predation may be less prevalent in sexually dimorphic species than previously suspected and emphasize the usefulness of a meta-analytic approach to robustly analyse disparate and heterogeneous data.  相似文献   

Although it is universally accepted that protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm, the possibility that translation can also take place in the nucleus has been hotly debated. Reports have been published claiming to demonstrate nuclear translation, but alternative explanations for these results have not been excluded, and other experiments argue against it. Much of the appeal of nuclear translation is that functional proofreading of newly made mRNAs in the nucleus would provide an efficient way to monitor mRNAs for the presence of premature termination codons, thereby avoiding the synthesis of deleterious proteins. mRNAs that are still in the nucleus-associated fraction of cells are subject to translational proofreading resulting in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay and perhaps nonsense-associated alternate splicing. However, these mRNAs are likely to be in the perinuclear cytoplasm rather than within the nucleus. Therefore, in the absence of additional evidence, we conclude that nuclear translation is unlikely to occur.  相似文献   

The attainment of sexual maturity has been shown to affect measures of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and adult sex ratios in several groups of vertebrates. Using data for turtles, we tested the model that sex ratios are expected to be male‐biased when females are larger than males and female‐biased when males are larger than females because of the relationship of each with the attainment of maturity. Our model is based on the premise that the earlier‐maturing sex remains smaller, on average throughout life, and predominates numerically unless the sexes are strongly affected by differential mortality, differential emigration, and immigration, or biased primary sex ratios. Based on data for 24 species in seven families, SSD and sex ratios were significantly negatively correlated for most analyses, even after the effect of phylogenetic bias was removed. The analyses provide support for the model that SSD and adult sex ratios are correlated in turtles as a result of simultaneous correlation of each with sexual differences in attainment of maturity (bimaturism). Environmental sex determination provides a possible mechanism for the phenomenon in turtles and some other organisms. © 2014 The Authors. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 142–149.  相似文献   

Carbon or nitrogen limitation in marine copepods?   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The elemental limitation of copepod production can be studiedusing stoichiometric models, which balance carbon (C) and nitrogen(N) in ingested food and predator biomass, and assume that theelement in shortest supply is used as efficiently as possible.A model of this type was developed which has two important features:(i) it is assumed that a maximum N net production efficiencyof 1.0 is possible, although assimilation of N may be <1.0;and (ii) assimilation of C in the gut is handled by dividingfood into biochemical compounds. Model results suggested thatmarine copepods should commonly be limited by C, owing to theirlow C net production efficiency, and the low food C:N ratiostypical of the upper ocean. Nevertheless, the work demonstratedthat copepods might still preferentially ingest protein-richprey to maximize production because the associated C is easilyassimilated. A comparison of model predictions with two experimentalstudies, however, revealed that in the studies copepods werenot utilizing N as efficiently as would be expected by stoichiometrictheory. This finding suggests that copepod nutrition is morecomplicated than simple elemental limitation by C or N: imbalancesof specific compounds, such as essential amino acids, may becontrolling production. In addition, the nutritional requirementsof copepods may vary on a seasonal basis in a complex manner.  相似文献   

Against the odds? Nestling sex ratio variation in green-rumped parrotlets   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
We investigated nestling sex ratio variation in the green-rumpedparrotlet (Forpus passerinus), a small neotropical parrot breedingin central Venezuela. There are strong theoretical reasons topredict a female-biased sex ratio in this system according tothe local resource hypothesis; juvenile males are philopatricand there are high levels of competition between male siblingsfor access to breeding females. Data were collected from twobreeding sites over a 14-year period incorporating 564 broodswith a total of 2728 nestlings. The mean percentage of malenestlings across years was 51%. Despite extreme hatching asynchronyin this system and increased survival of earlier hatched offspring,there was no bias in sex allocation associated with egg sequence.Patterns in sex allocation were not associated with clutch size,age, or size of the breeding female or breeding site. The potentialfor selective resorption of eggs was considered; however, nosignificant relationship was found between extended laying intervalsand the sex of subsequent eggs. Together, these results suggestthat female parrotlets are unable to regulate the sex ratioof their clutch at laying or that facultative manipulation ofnestling sex ratio may not confer a fitness benefit to breedersin these populations.  相似文献   

In order to account for the accumulation of metabolites in plant vacuoles, the existence of a proton-pumping ATPase has been widely suggested in the literature. The demonstration of such a tonoplast-bound ATPase was merely based on the characterization of a nitrate-sensitive microsomal fraction. In some examples, this ATPase activity has been evidenced on vacuole preparations obtained under conditions which were criticized by Boller. The application of the reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography method (RP-HPLC) to the simultaneous separation of adenine nucleotides, in the presence of tonoplast vesicles isolated from Catharanthus roseus, showed results not necessarily correlated with the ATPase hypothesis. Moreover, in light of the H+-quenching of quinacrine fluorescence observed during ATP hydrolysis by vacuoles or tonoplast vesicles, the existence of a proton-pumping ATPase may be questioned.  相似文献   

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