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【目的】研究极端自然环境对链霉菌线型和环型质粒分布的影响。【方法】从西藏高原采集了20份土壤样品,分离和初步鉴定链霉菌,提取和检测质粒DNA。【结果】从中分离到46株链霉菌,其中有23株菌含有1 4个线型质粒,大小在19 650 kb之间,8个菌株含有1 4个环型质粒,大小在4 80 kb之间。【结论】西藏土壤来源的链霉菌含有大量的、多样的线型质粒和环型质粒,暗示极端环境中诸如强紫外辐射等可能会引发DNA损伤和修复,进而造成质粒的多样性。  相似文献   

The ability of linear replicons to propagate their DNA after telomere damage is essential for perpetuation of the genetic information they carry. We introduced deletions at specific locations within telomeres of streptomycete linear plasmids and investigated mechanisms that enable survival. Here, we report that rescue of such plasmids in Streptomyces lividans occurs by three distinct types of events: (i) repair of the damaged telomere by homologous recombination; (ii) circularization of the plasmid by non-homologous end-to-end joining; and (iii) formation of long palindromic linear plasmids that duplicate the intact telomere by a non-recombinational process. The relative frequency of use of these survival mechanisms depended on the location and length of the telomeric DNA deletion. Repair by intermolecular recombination between the telomeres of chromosomes and plasmids, deletion of additional DNA during plasmid circularization, and insertion of chromosomal DNA fragments into plasmids during end-to-end joining were observed. Our results show that damage to telomeres of Streptomyces linear replicons can promote major structural transformations in these replicons as well as genetic exchange between chromosomes and extrachromosomal DNA. Our findings also suggest that spontaneous circularization of linear Streptomyces chromosomes may be a biological response to instances of telomere damage that cannot be repaired by homologous recombination.  相似文献   

本室从西藏采集的土壤样品中分离到了一批链霉菌,利用脉冲电泳确定了其中5株链霉菌含有较小的线型质粒。【目的】克隆、测序和分析5个线型质粒的端粒。【方法】采用改良的"在凝胶中进行DNA碱处理和限制性内切酶酶切"的方法来克隆线型质粒的端粒DNA。【结果】克隆和测序了5个线型质粒的端粒DNA。通过与链霉菌典型端粒进行比较,发现这5个新的线型质粒的端粒序列同样含有多个回文序列。但是有的端粒保守的回文序列I不一定能够"折返"与内部序列配对形成"超级发卡"结构,回文序列的"突出环"不一定都为3nt。【结论】采用改良的方法克隆和鉴定了5个线型质粒新的端粒序列,这些新端粒的特征暗示:回文序列I的"折返"和3nt的回文序列的"突出环"不是端粒复制必需的。  相似文献   

Break-induced replication (BIR) is a mechanism used to heal one-ended DNA double-strand breaks, such as those formed at collapsed replication forks or eroded telomeres. Instead of utilizing a canonical replication fork, BIR is driven by a migrating D-loop and is associated with a high frequency of mutagenesis. Here we show that when BIR encounters an interstitial telomere sequence (ITS), the machinery frequently terminates, resulting in the formation of an ectopic telomere. The primary mechanism to convert the ITS to a functional telomere is by telomerase-catalyzed addition of telomeric repeats with homology-directed repair serving as a back-up mechanism. Termination of BIR and creation of an ectopic telomere is promoted by Mph1/FANCM helicase, which has the capacity to disassemble D-loops. Other sequences that have the potential to seed new telomeres but lack the unique features of a natural telomere sequence, do not terminate BIR at a significant frequency in wild-type cells. However, these sequences can form ectopic telomeres if BIR is made less processive. Our results support a model in which features of the ITS itself, such as the propensity to form secondary structures and telomeric protein binding, pose a challenge to BIR and increase the vulnerability of the D-loop to dissociation by helicases, thereby promoting ectopic telomere formation.  相似文献   

Abstract A survey of the total cellular DNA from five β-lactam antibiotic-producing Streptomyces spp. by pulsed field gel electrophoresis was conducted to investigate the presence of linear plasmids. Streptomyces clavuligerus NRRL 3585 contained two giant linear plasmids of 120 and 430 kb, in addition to the well-characterized 11.7 kb linear plasmid. Streptomyces griseus NRRL 3851 contained a single giant linear plasmid of 120 kb, and Streptomyces jumonjinensis NRRL 5741 contained two giant linear plasmids (220 and 280 kb), and two smaller linear plasmids. No plasmids were identified in Streptomyces cattleya NRRL 3841 or Streptomyces lipmannii NRRL 3584. Southern hybridization did not reveal any homology shared by these plasmids, and β-lactam antibiotic synthesis gene clusters were located on the chromosome.  相似文献   

【目的】利用亚硝基胍(NTG)消除链霉菌FR-008线性质粒以简化其基因组,获得背景清晰的菌株,作为抗生素异源生物合成的底盘细胞。【方法】NTG溶液处理链霉菌FR-008孢子悬液,从存活的诱变株中筛选砷敏感的突变株,再通过脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)检测线性质粒是否被消除;用生测实验定性检测各个线性质粒消除突变株杀念菌素合成的能力,最后通过HPLC定量比较突变株和野生型产生杀念菌素的差异。【结果】从103个诱变株中筛选到3株砷敏感的突变株(10#、59#、115#)。PFGE检测发现它们均丢失了大线性质粒p SSFR1,此外,42#突变株的小线性质粒p SSFR2被消除,在此基础上,第二轮NTG诱变获得了双质粒消除的突变株。大线性质粒p SSFR1消除率约为3%,小线性质粒p SSFR2消除率约为1%。发酵结果显示:10#、115#突变株杀念菌素有效组分III产量分别提高了40%和30%。【结论】首次发现NTG是一种有效消除链霉菌线性质粒的诱变剂,2株大线性质粒消除的突变株杀念菌素的产量得到提高。此方法可以用来消除特定链霉菌菌株中的巨型线性质粒以高效简化其基因组,因而是一种有效的抗生素遗传育种的方法。  相似文献   

Diversity among Streptomyces Strains Causing Potato Scab   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eighty Streptomyces isolates, including 35 potato scab-inducing strains and 12 reference strains of Streptomyces scabies, were physiologically characterized by a total of 329 miniaturized tests. Overall similarities of all strains were determined by numerical taxonomy, with the unweighted average linkage (UPGMA) algorithm and simple matching (S(sm)) and Jaccard (S(j)) coefficients used as measures for similarity. Three cluster groups (A to C) were defined at a similarity level of 80.1% (S(sm)); these groups contained 14 clusters and 24 unclustered strains defined at a similarity level of 86.5% (S(sm)). Cluster group A contained strains phenotypically related to S. griseus or S. exfoliatus, whereas cluster group B contained strains which were phenotypically related to S. violaceus or S. rochei. The majority of the pathogenic isolates and reference strains were assigned to S. violaceus (57%) and S. griseus (22%). A DNA probe derived from the rRNA operon of S. coelicolor IMET 40271 was used to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RELPs) among 40 pathogenic and nonpathogenic Streptomyces isolates. Southern blots revealed a high degree of diversity among the pathogenic strains tested. No significant correlation between numerical classification and RFLP grouping of Streptomyces strains could be revealed. The results obtained suggest that RFLP data are of minor importance in classification of Streptomyces species and that genes for pathogenicity determinants are spread among different Streptomyces species by mobilizable elements.  相似文献   

The interspecific transfer of two giant linear plasmids was investigated in sterile soil microcosms. Plasmids pRJ3L (322 kb) and pRJ28 (330 kb), both encoding mercury resistance, were successfully transferred in amended soil microcosms from their streptomycete hosts, the isolates CHR3 and CHR28, respectively, to a plasmidless and mercury-sensitive strain, Streptomyces lividans TK24. Transconjugants of S. lividans TK24 were first observed after 2 to 3 days of incubation at 30 degrees C, which corresponded to the time taken for the formation of mycelia in soil. Transfer frequencies were 4.8 x 10(-4) and 3.6 x 10(-5) CFU/donor genome for pRJ3L and pRJ28, respectively. Transconjugants were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis for the presence of plasmids, and plasmid identity was confirmed by restriction digests. Total genomic DNA digests confirmed that transconjugants were S. lividans TK24. The mercury resistance genes were shown to be on the plasmid in the transconjugants by hybridization analysis and were still functional. This is the first demonstration of transfer of giant linear plasmids in sterile soil microcosms. Giant linear plasmids were detected in many Streptomyces spp. isolated from mercury-contaminated sediments from Boston Harbor (United States), Townsville Harbor (Australia), and the Sali River (Tucuman, Argentina). Mercury resistance genes were shown to be present on some of these plasmids. Our findings that giant linear plasmids can be transferred between Streptomyces spp. and are common in environmental Streptomyces isolates suggest that these plasmids are important in gene transfer between streptomycetes in the environment.  相似文献   

The prophage of coliphage N15 is not integrated into the bacterial chromosome but exists as a linear plasmid molecule with covalently closed ends. Upon infection of an Escherichia coli cell, the phage DNA circularizes via cohensive ends. A phage-encoded enzyme, protelomerase, then cuts at another site, telRL, and forms hairpin ends (telomeres). Purified protelomerase alone processes circular and linear plasmid DNA containing the target site telRL to produce linear double-stranded DNA with covalently closed ends in vitro. N15 protelomerase is necessary for replication of the linear prophage through its action as a telomere-resolving enzyme. Replication of circular N15-based miniplasmids requires the only gene repA that encodes multidomain protein homologous to replication proteins of bacterial plasmids replicated by theta-mechanism, particularly, phage P4 alpha-replication protein. Replication of the N15 prophage is initiated at an internal ori site located within repA. Bidirectional replication results in formation of the circular head-to-head, tail-to-tail dimer molecule. Then the N15 protelomerase cuts both duplicated telomeres generating two linear plasmid molecules with covalently closed ends. The N15 prophage replication thus appears to follow the mechanism distinct from that employed by poxviruses and could serve as a model for other prokaryotic replicons with hairpin ends, and particularly, for linear plasmids and chromosomes of Borrelia burgdorferi.  相似文献   

Typical telomeres of linear chromosomes and plasmids of soil bacteria Streptomyces consist of tightly packed palindromic sequences with a terminal protein (‘TP’) covalently attached to the 5′ end of the DNA. Replication of these linear replicons is initiated internally and proceeds bidirectionally toward the telomeres, which leaves single-strand overhangs at the 3′ ends. These overhangs are filled by DNA synthesis using the TPs as the primers (‘end patching’). The gene encoding for typical TP, tpg, forms an operon with tap, encoding an essential telomere-associated protein, which binds TP and the secondary structures formed by the 3′ overhangs. Previously one of the two translesion synthesis DNA polymerases, DinB1 or DinB2, was proposed to catalyze the protein-primed synthesis. However, using an in vitro end-patching system, we discovered that Tpg and Tap alone could carry out the protein-primed synthesis to a length of 13 nt. Similarly, an ‘atypical’ terminal protein, Tpc, and its cognate telomere-associated protein, Tac, of SCP1 plasmid, were sufficient to achieve protein-primed synthesis in the absence of additional polymerase. These results indicate that these two telomere-associated proteins possess polymerase activities alone or in complex with the cognate TPs.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of the Gram-positive soil bacteria Streptomyces are linear DNA molecules, usually of about 8 Mb, containing a centrally located origin of replication and covalently bound terminal proteins (which are presumably involved in the completion of replication of the telomeres). The ends of the chromosomes contain inverted repeats of variable lengths. The terminal segments of five Streptomyces chromosomes and plasmids were cloned and sequenced. The sequences showed a high degree of conservation in the first 166–168 bp. Beyond the terminal homology, the sequences diverged and did not generally cross-hybridize. The homologous regions contained seven palindromes with a few nucleotide differences. Many of these differences occur in complementary pairs, such that the palindromicity is preserved. Energy-optimized modelling predicted that the 3' strand of the terminal palindromes can form extensive hairpin structures that are similar to the 3' ends of autonomous parvovirus genomes. Most of the putative hairpins have a GCGCAGC sequence at the loop, with the potential to form a stable single C-residue loop closed by a sheared G:A pairing. The similarity between the terminal structures of the Streptomyces replicons and the autonomous parvoviral genomes suggests that they may share some structural and/or replication features.  相似文献   

覃重军 《微生物学通报》2013,40(10):1822-1830
近年来, 随着大质粒提取和检测技术的发展, 尤其是高通量DNA测序技术的应用, 使得链霉菌大的环型质粒和线型质粒的研究取得了较快的进展。相比于研究透彻的细菌Theta型复制的质粒, 链霉菌Theta型质粒在复制区的结构、复制蛋白和调控蛋白作用的分子机理等方面具有多样性和新颖性。新鉴定的许多线型质粒的中心复制区表明中心复制的起始可以靠近端粒, 一个质粒也可以有2个以上的复制区。新分离的端粒序列显示端粒“折返”不是必需的, 而形成二级结构对于端粒复制是重要的。链霉菌环型和线型质粒的测序分析显示它们之间存在亲缘关系。环型质粒可以与噬菌体共整合, 实验证明它们在一定条件下可以相互转换。这些研究结果表明, 链霉菌环型、线型质粒和噬菌体从结构到功能到进化具有多样性、新颖性和亲缘关系。  相似文献   

The linear DNA killer plasmids (pGKL1 and pGKL2) isolated from a Kluyveromyces lactis killer strain are also maintained and expressed its killer character in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. After these killer plasmid DNAs isolated from S. cerevisiae were treated with alkali, four terminal fragments from each plasmid DNAs were cloned separately. Using these and other cloned DNA fragments, the terminal nucleotide sequences of pGKL2 and the complete nucleotide sequence of pGKL1 were determined. The inverted terminal repetitions of 202 bp and 182 bp were found in pGKL1 and pGKL2, respectively. The pGKL1 sequence showed an extremely high A + T content of 73.2% and it contained five large open reading frames. The largest of these open reading frame was suggested to code for a membrane-bound precursor of glycoprotein subunit of the killer toxin.  相似文献   

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