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Four peptides possessing both natriuretic activity and smooth muscle relaxant activity were isolated from rat atrium and their amino acid sequences determined. The four peptides designated ANF-I, ANF-II, ANF-III and ANF-IV containing 35, 31, 30 and 25 amino acid residues, respectively, were obtained in a molar ratio of 4:60:20:16. The predominant species ANF-II, which may represent the native form of ANF, has the following sequence: (H2N)-G-P-R-S-L-R-R-S-S-C-F-G-G-R-I-D-R-I-G-A-Q-S-G-L-G-C-N-S-F-R-Y-(COOH) in which Cys-10 and Cys-26 are disulfide linked. Cleavage of the aspartyl linkage at position 16 by staphylococcal protease caused complete inactivation, indicating that the ring conformation is essential. The dose-response relationships determined for the four pepdides in relaxing norepinephrine-induced contraction of rabbit thoracic aorta showed half-maximum relaxation at concentrations ranging from 1.5 × 10?9 to 2.5 × 10?9 M. Comparable dose-response relationships were observed in relaxation of carbacol-induced contraction of chick rectum strips as tested with ANF-II and ANF-IV.  相似文献   

Recently several peptides with natriuretic and diuretic potencies were isolated from human and rat atrial extract, and the precursors of the peptides were sequenced. Of the peptides, -human and rat atrial natriuretic polypeptides (-hANP, -rANP), consisting of 28 amino acids, are thought to be essential to the potency and to play an important role in the blood pressure regulation system. The amino acid sequence of -hANP is different from that of -rANP only at the position 12 (isoleucine in -rANP). In the present study, we synthesized ANPs and their analogs using a new deprotection procedure based on the concept of push-pull mechanism. Using the synthetic ANP analog, we also developed a radioimmunoassay for -ANP and examined the structure-activity relationship. Synthetic -hANP caused potent, rapid, and short-acting increases in Na+ and Cl excretion, and also an increase in urine flow and K+ excretion of lesser magnitude, when injected into rat. Also, we synthesized a cyclic part of -hANP, -ANP(7–23)-NH2. Since this peptide had a little diuretic and natriuretic potency, we attempted to synthesize a chemically stable -hANP analog. We considered that the disulfide bond would be equivalent to propylene with regard to interatomic distance and employed 8-aminocaprylic acid instead of cystine. This cyclic peptide, named cyclonatrin-54, had a somewhat higher potency than -hANP(7–23)-NH2 for diuresis and natriuresis, as expected. Furthermore, using a synthetic intermediate of cyclonatrin-54, we prepared a linear ANP analog, -hANP(8–22), Phe-Gly-Gly-Arg-Met-Asp-Arg-Ile-Gly-Ala-Gln-Ser-Gly-Leu-Gly. This linear 15-amino acid peptide had a dose-dependent natriuretic and diuretic activity, but no hypotensive effect. It was surprising that a linear peptide exhibited a potent natriuretic activity. For the first time, a linear peptide has been prepared that has substantial natriuretic and diuretic potency. We synthesized some analogs of this 15-amino acid peptide and investigated the structure-activity relationship.This article was presented during the proceedings of the International Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function, held at the National Defence Medical College, Tokorozawa, Japan, December 1985.  相似文献   

Summary A complex network of atrial natriuretic factor-producing cells has been delineated by biochemical and morphological techniques in the rat ventricular myocardium. The chordae tendineae spuriae (CTS; false tendons) contain ANF mRNA and the ANF propeptide (Asn 1-Tyr 126) as assessed by Northern blot analysis, high-pressure liquid chromatography and immunohisto- and -cytochemistry, using three different affinity-purified antibodies: monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against C-terminal ANF (Arg 101-Tyr 126) and polyclonal antibodies against N-terminal ANF (Asp 11-Ala 37). Two types of cells harboring ANF-containing secretory granules constitute the CTS: the majority (Purkinje type I) have ultrastructural similarities with both atrial and classical Purkinje fibers. Purkinje type-II fibers resemble working ventricular cardiocytes. Both cell types harbor a large paranuclear Golgi complex. The subendocardial Purkinje network is also made up of these two cell types. In this location, Purkinje type-I fibers form cable-like structures while Purkinje type-II fibers are either located beneath the former or abut directly on the endocardium. The latter are not separated from adjacent working ventricular cardiocytes by connective tissue septa. Coronary arteries and arterioles, as in birds, are surrounded by a cushion of Purkinje type-II fibers which blend with the surrounding myocardium. These results indicate that, in the rat, the entire intraventricular conduction system is constituted of endocrine cells producing ANF.Supported by a Medical Research Council of Canada Group Grant to the Multidisciplinary Research Group on Hypertension, by the National Research Council of Canada, the Pfizer Company (England), Bio-Méga Inc. and the Canadian Heart Foundation  相似文献   

The atrial natriuretic activity of rat heart has been found to exist in multiple forms. One of these factors has been purified to apparent homogeneity by a combination of gel filtration and high pressure liquid chromatography in two different systems and its amino acid composition determined. The purified active peptide is shown to have a molecular weight of approximately 3800. In addition, the vasorelaxant activity of rat atrium has been purified and found to cochromatograph with the natriuretic activity in all chromatographic systems employed. Thus, the vasorelaxant activity resides in the natriuretic factor. The existence of this new multifunctional peptide implies a higher level of complexity for cardiovascular control of blood volume and pressure.  相似文献   

Summary This study was undertaken to investigate intracoronary production and systemic release of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and cyclic-guanosine monophosphate (c-GMP) during coronary angioplasty (PTCA). three coronary blood samples were collected, through a balloon catheter, from the area distal to the lesion: before balloon inflation, at maximum inflation and 5 min later. Four additional venous samples were collected: before PTCA, and 5 min, 2 h and 24 h after the procedure. Local intracoronary c-GMP production increased from the baseline level of 7.5±0.9 pmol/ml to 11.1±1.3 pmol/ml at maximum balloon inflation (p<0.01) and decreased 5 min later to 9.5 ±1.0 pmol/ml (p=NS). In contrast, intracoronary ANF production failed to show any significant change at any time during the procedure. Peripheral venous ANF levels increased from 79.1±11.1 pmol/ml to 99.9±16.6 pmol/ml 5 min after balloon inflation (p<0.05) and gradually decreased 2 h (91.9±13.6 pmol/ml) and 24 h (85.6±10.4 pmol/ml) after the procedure. Similarly, peripheral venous c-GMP levels increased from 11.3±1.7 pmol/ml before PTCA to 14.9±1.9 pmol/ml 5 min after balloon inflation (p<0.05), and then gradually decreased 2 h (10.8±1.4 pmol/ml) and 24 h (8.2±1.4 pmol/ml) after the procedure (p<0.01 and <0.0001 compared to the peak value, respectively). In conclusion, acute vessel occlusion and distension during balloon inflation stimulates intracoronary c-GMP production without affecting ANF release.  相似文献   

Visualization of [125I]ANF binding sites in rat brain by an autoradiographic technique demonstrated that these sites are highly localized in areas such as the olfactory bulb, subfornical organ, area postrema and nucleus tractus solitarius. This distribution suggests that certain cardiovascular effects of ANF could be centrally mediated and that the existence of brain ANF-related peptides should be considered. Finally, moderate densities of [125I]ANF binding sites are found in the rat and guinea pig eye while low densities are seen in pituitary and pineal gland.  相似文献   

The atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) is a cardiac hormone whose gene and receptor are widely expressed in extracardiac tissues and organs. ANF induces its biological effects by binding to its specific guanylyl-cyclase-A receptor, which synthesizes the intracellular second messenger cGMP. Increasing evidences indicate that the testis shows the highest reactivity of stimulation of guanylate cyclase by ANF. The well-established functionally active ANF receptors in seminiferous tubules raise the question of the origin and function of ANF in the testis. Therefore, the current study was carried out to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of ANF in the rat testis by use of immunocytochemistry. Our immunocytochemical results showed that at different pre- and postnatal ages of testicular development ANF was constantly expressed in Leydig cell cytoplasm. However, the intensity of immunoreaction varied between the different Leydig cell populations (fetal, progenitor and immature) and apparently depends on the acquisition of testosterone producing ability. In seminiferous tubules ANF staining was established in the cytoplasm of the developing spermatocytes, in degenerating germ cells (23-day of age) in the cytoplasm of Sertoli cells, cap phase of acrosomal development and in the spermatids (55-day of age). The observed staining patterns suggest a broader spectrum of ANF activities and a possible participation in the whole process of regulation of germ cell development. Our data provide additional support for the hypothesis that ANF plays a major role in autocrine/paracrine regulation of the rat male gonad.  相似文献   

An intravenous (IV) bolus injection (10 μg) of synthetic rat atrial natriuretic factor [ANF (Arg 101-Tyr 126)] into normal conscious Sprague-Dawley rats produced a significant decrease of plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) while 1-, 2-, and 5-μg doses exerted no such effect. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was lowered about 15 mmHg by an IV 10 μg bolus injection of ANF. When plasma AVP rose significantly in rats exposed to such osmotic stimuli as 600 mM NaCl and 900 mM mannitol intraperitoneally (IP), subsequent IV injection of ANF (10 μg) markedly depressed this parameter. Lower doses of ANF were ineffective against 600 mM NaCl IP. The significant elevation of plasma AVP levels by hypertonic sucrose 900 mM IP was not modified by ANF (10 μg). Blood pressure remained unchanged after IP administration of various osmotic stimuli, except mannitol, and in all these experiments an IV bolus of ANF exerted a lowering effect on MAP. Seventy-two hr water deprivation (mixed osmotic and volume stimulus) resulted in elevated plasma AVP levels which were unaffected by an IV bolus injection of ANF at doses of 0.06–10 μg. Immunoreactive ANF (IR-ANF) rose in plasma to 39.3±13 ng/ml 1 min after an IV bolus injection of 10 μg ANF, dropping to 1.01±0.2 ng/ml after 5 min and to 0.32±0.01 ng/ml after 10 min (when ANF and AVP interactions were studied), but still remained approximately six times higher than in control rats. These results suggest that, in the conscious rat, only pharmacological levels of ANF observed after an IV bolus infusion may influence both resting and osmotically-stimulated AVP levels.  相似文献   

The endothelial cell has a unique intrinsic feature: it produces a most potent vasopressor peptide hormone, endothelin (ET-1), yet it also contains a signaling system of an equally potent hypotensive hormone, atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). This raises two related curious questions: does the endothelial cell also contain an ET-1 signaling system? If yes, how do the two systems interact with each other? The present investigation was undertaken to determine such a possibility. Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial (BPAE) cells were chosen as a model system. Identity of the ANF receptor guanylate cyclase was probed with a specific polyclonal antibody to the 180 kDa membrane guanylate cyclase (mGC) ANF receptor. A Western-blot analysis of GTP-affinity-purified endothelial cell membrane proteins recognized a 180 kDa band; the same antibody inhibited the ANF-stimulated guanylate cyclase activity; the ANF-dependent rise of cyclic GMP in the intact cells was dose-dependent. By affinity cross-linking technique, a predominant 55 kDa membrane protein band was specifically labeled with [125I]ET-1. ET-1 treatment of the cells showed a migration of the protein kinase C (PKC) activity from cytosol to the plasma membrane; ET-1 inhibited the ANF-dependent production of cyclic GMP in a dose-dependent fashion with an EC50 of 100 nM. This inhibitory effect was duplicated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), a known PKC-activator. The EC50 of PMA was 5 nM. A PKC inhibitor, 1-(5-isoquinolinyl-sulfonyl)-2-methyl piperazine (H-7), blocked the PMA-dependent attenuation of ANF-dependent cyclic GMP formation. These results demonstrate that the 180 kDa mGC-coupled ANF and ET-1 signaling systems coexist in endothelial cells and that the ET-1 signal negates the ANF-dependent guanylate cyclase activity and cyclic GMP formation. Furthermore, these results support the paracrine and/or autocrine role of ET-1.  相似文献   

1. Recent data have clearly shown the existence of specific receptor binding sites for atrial natriuretic factors (ANF) or polypeptides in mammalian brain tissues. 2. Ligand selectivity pattern and coupling to cGMP production suggest that brain ANF sites are similar to high-affinity/low-capacity sites found in various peripheral tissues (kidney, adrenal gland, blood vessels). These brain ANF sites possibly are of the B-ANP subtype. 3. High densities of ANF binding sites are found especially in areas of the central nervous system associated with the control of various cardiovascular parameters (such as the subfornical organ and area postrema). However, high densities of sites are also present in other regions such as the hippocampus, cerebellum, and thalamus in the brain of certain mammalian species, suggesting that brain ANF could act as a neuromodulator of noncardiovascular functions. 4. The density of brain ANF binding sites is modified in certain animal models of cardiovascular disorders and during postnatal ontogeny, demonstrating the plasticity of these sites in the central nervous system (CNS). 5. Specific ANF binding sites are also found in various other CNS-associated tissues such as the eye, pituitary gland, and adrenal medulla. In these tissues ANF appears to act as a modulator of fluid production and hormone release. 6. Thus, ANF-like peptides and ANF receptor sites are present in brain and various peripheral tissues, demonstrating the existence of a family of brain/heart peptides.  相似文献   

Jiang HY  Jin QH  Li YJ  Xu DY  Jin YZ  Jin XJ 《生理学报》2005,57(2):175-180
心房钠尿肽(atriaI natriuretic peptide,ANP)作为一种神经递质或调质可能参与心血管活动的中枢调节。本实验在清醒大鼠室旁核(paraventricular nucleus,PVN)注射ANP,探讨其对压力感受性反射敏感性的影响,并通过侧脑室注射血管升压素受体Ⅰ阻断剂OPC-21268,观察ANP对压力感受性反射敏感性的调节是否与中枢血管升压素有关。实验中观察到,在PVN内微量注射ANP(6、60 ng/0.2μl)可明显提高压力感受性反射敏感性(P<0.05),侧脑室预先注射OPC-21268 (0,45 μg/3 μl)后,ANP对压力感受性反射敏感性的增强作用明显减弱(P<0.05)。静脉注射ANP(60 ng/0.04 ml)不影响压力感受性反射敏感性。上述结果提示,心房钠尿肽对压力感受性反射活动起易化作用,心房钠尿肽的这种中枢作用可能部分通过中枢血管升压素介导。  相似文献   

The cystine‐bridged cyclic peptide hormones (CBCPHs) represent signature structural feature as well as unique biological activity. In this study, three CBCPHs have been identified and characterized, namely, oxytocin, atrial natriuretic peptides (ANPs), and brain natriuretic peptides (BNPs). Because research has shown that ANPs and BNPs are powerful diagnostic biomarkers for heart disease, a highly laudable endeavor would be to develop a novel sensor for detecting ANP or BNP levels. Therefore, an amphiphilic monomer Acr‐His‐NHNH‐Fmoc was synthesized to form molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for targeted CBCPH detection. First, oxytocin, a cardiovascular hormone and a CBCPH, was used as a template to fabricate MIPs on quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) chips. On the other hand, fabricated selected ANP segment or BNP segment as an epitope is able to construct epitope‐mediated MIPs (EMIPs) for ANP or BNP. The developed oxytocin or ANP sensor reached a detection limitation of 0.1nM with the dissociation constants being 30pM for oxytocin and 20pM for ANP. Moreover, BNP sensor achieved a detection limitation of 2.89pM with an even lower Kd value as 2pM. Compared with the performance of EMIPs, the imprinted films showed high affinity and selectivity in special binding to CBCPHs. The developed MIPs‐QCM biosensors thus provide an improved sensing platform using an amphiphilic monomer and may be useful for applications toward cyclotides, cystine knot motifs, or insulin‐like peptides.  相似文献   

Summary The putative second messenger of certain atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) signal transductions is cyclic GMP. Recently, we purified a 180-kDa protein, apparently containing both ANF receptor and guanylate cyclase activities, and hypothesized that this is one of the cyclic GMP transmembrane signal transducers. The enzyme is ubiquitous and appears to be conserved. Utilizing the 180-kDa membrane guanylate cyclase, we now show that the 180-kDa guanylate cyclase is regulated in opposing fashions by two receptor signals—ANF stimulating it and protein kinase C inhibiting it. Furthermore, protein kinase C phosphorylates the 180-kDa enzyme. This suggests a novel switch on and switch off mechanism of the cyclic GMP signal transduction. Switch off represents the phosphorylation while switch on the dephosphorylation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The independent isolation and sequence determination in our laboratories of three closely related Atrial Natriuretic Factor peptides from rat atria confirm the sequences of ANF peptides reported by Seidah et al and synthesized by Nutt et al [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., (1984) in press] and contain the sequences reported by Flynn et al [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1983) 117: 859-865] and by Currie et al [Science (1984) 223: 67-69]. In addition, we provide proof for a C-terminal tyrosine rather than tyrosine amide in our isolated peptides.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical distribution of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) has been studied in the brain and pituitary of the anuran Rana esculenta during development and in juvenile animals. Using human ANF and rat α-ANF antisera, immunoreactive cell bodies and nerve fibers were revealed in stage II–III tadpoles and in successive larval stages. Soon after hatching, stages II–III, the ANF-like-immunoreactive elements were confined to the preoptic area-median eminence complex. During successive stages of development, new groups of ANF-immunoreactive cell bodies appeared. In larval stage VI, immunoreactive perikarya were found in the rostral part of the anteroventral area of the thalamus and numerous ANF-like-immunoreactive cells appeared in the pars distalis of the pituitary. In larval stages XIV and XVIII, the distribution of ANF immunoreactivity was virtually similar. The ANF-immunoreactive cells in the preoptic nucleus and in the pituitary pars distalis were comparatively more abundant than in stage VI. During the metamorphic climax (stages XXI–XXII), a new group of ANF-immunoreactive cell bodies appeared in the rostral part of the ventrolateral area of the thalamus. During this stage, ANF-immunoreactive fiber projections were found in the pars intermedia for the first time. However, the pars distalis cells were very weakly immunofluorescent. The pattern of ANF immunoreactivity in the brain of juvenile animals was very similar to that described for stages XXI and XXII, whereas the pars distalis cells showed no immunoreactivity. It is conceivable that, early during development, ANF-related peptides may be involved in the regulation of pituitary secretion by means of autocrine mechanisms or may act as a classic pituitary hormone. Received: 28 July 1997 / Accepted: 8 December 1997  相似文献   

Summary An immunohistochemical study of rat fetal hearts at 20 days of gestation revealed the presence of immunoreactive atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in cardiocytes of the left and right atria as well as in certain cells is the left and right ventricles. In the atria, cells of the adluminal pectinate muscles appear more densely labeled than the more peripheral mural cells. In the ventricles, immunoreactive cells were found only in adluminal cardiocytes of the presumptive trabeculae and papillary muscles. The results indicate that ANF is synthesized in the perinatal heart, and that the presence of this hormone in the ventricular cardiocytes may be of only temporary nature during certain stages of pre- and postnatal development.Supported by Miami Valley Chapter of American Heart Association MVH-86-019 and MVH-86-010  相似文献   

It is known that various heart disorders are accompanied by an elevated level of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a regulator of cardiovascular homeostasis, in the pericardial fluid. Which cells produce ANP in the pericardial cavity is unclear. Using immunoelectron microscopy, we examined ANP localization in human and rat pericardium. ANP-immunobinding material was found in granules of mast cells (MC) localized in pericardial connective tissue. In rat pericardium, the average MC size is 6.5 × 12.5 μm and the MC density is about 50 cells per 1 mm2 section area. For the human pericardium, these parameters are 9.1 × 13.6 μm and 10 cells per 1 mm2, respectively. The results show that MCs are probably implicated in the pericardial endocrine function and in controlling the ANP level in the pericardial cavity.  相似文献   

Summary Studies are presented on the fermentation of recombinantEscherichia coli that express rat atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) as a fusion protein. Our objective was to achieve high cell density while maintaining ANF expression at the same level as observed in shake flasks. Improved fermentation conditions included: maintaining glucose concentrations at 1 g/l, using an enriched medium, adding concentrates of medium throughout the fermentation, and blending oxygen for adequate aeration. Cell densities of 12 g/l (dry weight) were achieved, which represented a 10-fold increase over non-improved conditions, while maintaining ANF levels at 7 mg/g of dry cell mass. When galactose was used as an initial carbon source or as a feed supplement, there was a 2-3-fold increase in the expression of ANF from these high-cell-density fermentations. The recombinant ANF was biologically active.  相似文献   

The 98 amino acid (a. a.) N-terminus of the 126 a. a. atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) prohormone contains three peptides consisting of a. a. 1–30 (proANF 1–30), a. a. 31–67 (proANF 31–67) and a. a. 79–98 (proANF 79–98) with blood pressure lowering, sodium and/or potassium excreting properties similar to atrial natriuretic factor (a. a. 99–126, C-terminus of prohormone). ProANF 1–30 and proANF 31–67 have separate and distinct receptors from ANF in both vasculature and in the kidney to help mediate the above effects. At the cellular level proANFs 1–30, 31–67, and 79–98 as well as ANF's effects are mediated by enhancement of the guanylate cyclase (EC — cyclic GMP system in vasculature and in the kidney. These peptides from the N-terminus of the ANF prohormone circulate normally in man and in all animal species tested. The object of the present investigation was to determine if these peptides have the ability to enhance either guanylate cyclase and/or adenylate cyclase in a variety of other tissues in addition to kidney and vasculature. ProANF 1–30, proANF 31–67, proANF 79–98, and ANF all increased rat lung, liver, heart and testes, but not spleen, particulate guanylate cyclase 2- to 3-fold at their 100 nM concentrations. Dose response curves revealed that maximal stimulation of particulate guanylate cyclase activity by these newly discovered peptides was at their 1 M concentrations, with no further increase in activity above their 1 M concentrations. Half-maximal (EC50) enhancement of particulate guanylate cyclase occurred at 0.15 ± 0.01, 0.3 ± 0.02, 0.5 ± 0.03, and 0.9 ± 0.03 nM for proANF 1–30, proANF 31–67, proANF 79–98 and ANF, respectively. ProANFs 1–30, 31–67, 79–98, and 99–126 (i.e., ANF) each increased cyclic GMP but not cyclic AMP levels in tissue slices of liver, lung, small intestine, heart, and testes. None of these peptides enhanced either adenylate cyclase or the soluble 100,000 G form of guanylate cyclase. The ability of these N-terminal peptides to enhance particulate guanylate cyclase activity in a wide variety of tissues suggests that they may have effects in a much wider variety of tissues than presently thought.  相似文献   

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