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PBX1 is a homeodomain protein that functions in complexes with other homeodomain-containing proteins to regulate gene expression during developmental and/or differentiation processes. A yeast two-hybrid screen of a fetal liver-hematopoietic cDNA library using PBX1a as bait led to the discovery of a novel non-homeodomain-containing protein that interacts with PBX1 as well as PBX2 and PBX3. RNA analysis revealed it to be expressed in CD34(+) hematopoietic cell populations enriched in primitive progenitors, as is PBX1; search of the expressed sequence tag data base indicated that it is also expressed in other early embryonic as well as adult tissues. The full-length cDNA encodes a 731-amino acid protein that has no significant homology to known proteins. This protein that we have termed hematopoietic PBX-interacting protein (HPIP) is mainly localized in the cytosol and in small amounts in the nucleus. The region of PBX that interacts with HPIP includes both the homeodomain and immediate N-terminal flanking sequences. Strikingly, electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that HPIP inhibits the ability of PBX-HOX heterodimers to bind to target sequences. Moreover, HPIP strongly inhibits the transactivation activity of E2A-PBX. Together these findings suggest that HPIP is a new regulator of PBX function.  相似文献   

Zinc is required for folding and binding of a single zinc finger to DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A synthetic peptide corresponding to zinc finger 31 of the Xenopus protein Xfin adopts a folded conformation in the presence of zinc. The same peptide in the absence of zinc is not folded in a stable tertiary conformation, as determined by NMR. Binding experiments have shown that the peptide binds non-specifically to DNA only in the presence of zinc. Moreover, competitive DNA binding experiments indicate interaction with 3.9 +/- 0.4 base pairs.  相似文献   

In a yeast two-hybrid screen, RING finger protein 1 (RFP-1) and UBR1 were identified as potential binding partners of C. elegans UBC-1, a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme with a high degree of identity to S. cerevisiae UBC2/RAD6. The interaction of RFP-1 and UBC-1 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Yeast interaction trap experiments mapped the region of interaction to the basic N-terminal 313 residues of RFP-1. The acidic carboxy-terminal extension of UBC-1 was not required for the interaction with RFP-1. Western blot analysis and indirect immunohistochemical staining show that RFP-1 is present in embryos, larvae, and adults, where it is found in intestinal, nerve ring, pharyngeal, gonadal, and oocyte cell nuclei. Double-stranded RNA interference experiments against rfp-1 indicate that this gene is required for L1 development, vulval development, and for egg laying. By contrast, RNA interference against ubc-1 gave no obvious phenotype, suggesting that ubc-1 is nonessential or is functionally redundant.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 origin-binding protein, OBP, is a DNA helicase encoded by the UL9 gene. The protein binds in a sequence-specific manner to the viral origins of replication, two OriS sites and one OriL site. In order to search for efficient inhibitors of the OBP activity, we have obtained a recombinant origin-binding protein expressed in Escherichia coli cells. The UL9 gene has been amplified by PCR and inserted into a modified plasmid pET14 between NdeI and KpnI sites. The recombinant protein binds to Box I and Box II sequences and possesses helicase and ATPase activities. In the presence of ATP and viral protein ICP8 (single-strand DNA-binding protein), the initiator protein induces unwinding of the minimal OriS duplex (≈80?bp). The protein also binds to a single-stranded DNA (OriS?) containing a stable Box I-Box III hairpin and an unstable AT-rich hairpin at the 3′-end. In the present work, new minor groove binding ligands have been synthesized which are capable to inhibit the development of virus-induced cytopathic effect in cultured Vero cells. Studies on binding of these compounds to DNA and synthetic oligonucleotides have been performed by fluorescence methods, gel mobility shift analysis and footprinting assays. Footprinting studies have revealed that Pt-bis-netropsin and related molecules exhibit preferences for binding to the AT-spacer in OriS. The drugs stabilize structure of the AT-rich region and inhibit the fluctuation opening of AT-base pairs which is a prerequisite to unwinding of DNA by OBP. Kinetics of ATP-dependent unwinding of OriS in the presence and absence of netropsin derivatives have been studied by measuring the efficiency of Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorophores attached to 5′- and 3′- ends of an oligonucleotide in the minimal OriS duplex. The results are consistent with the suggestion that OBP is the DNA Holiday junction (HJ) binding helicase. The protein induces conformation changes (bending and partial melting) of OriS duplexes and stimulates HJ formation in the absence of ATP. The antiviral activity of bis-netropsins is coupled with their ability to inhibit the fluctuation opening of АТ base pairs in the А?+?Т cluster and their capacity to stabilize the structure of the АТ-rich hairpin in the single-stranded oligonucleotide corresponding to the upper chain in the minimal duplex OriS. The antiviral activities of bis-netropsins in cell culture and their therapeutic effects on HSV1-infected laboratory animals have been studied.  相似文献   

The structure of a CCHHC zinc-binding domain from neural zinc finger factor-1 (NZF-1) has been determined in solution though the use of NMR methods. This domain is a member of a family of domains that have the Cys-X(4)-Cys-X(4)-His-X(7)-His-X(5)-Cys consensus sequence. The structure determination reveals a novel fold based around a zinc(II) ion coordinated to three Cys residues and the second of the two conserved His residues. The other His residue is stacked between the metal-coordinated His residue and a relatively conserved aromatic residue. Analysis of His to Gln sequence variants reveals that both His residues are required for the formation of a well-defined structure, but neither is required for high-affinity metal binding at a tetrahedral site. The structure suggests that a two-domain protein fragment and a double-stranded DNA binding site may interact with a common two-fold axis relating the two domains and the two half-sites of the DNA-inverted repeat.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA ligases are composed of a conserved catalytic domain flanked by unrelated sequences. At the C-terminal end of the catalytic domain, there is a 16-amino acid sequence, known as the conserved peptide, whose role in the ligation reaction is unknown. Here we show that conserved positively charged residues at the C-terminal end of this motif are required for enzyme-AMP formation. These residues probably interact with the triphosphate tail of ATP, positioning it for nucleophilic attack by the active site lysine. Amino acid residues within the sequence RFPR, which is invariant in the conserved peptide of mammalian DNA ligases, play critical roles in the subsequent nucleotidyl transfer reaction that produces the DNA-adenylate intermediate. DNA binding by the N-terminal zinc finger of DNA ligase III, which is homologous with the two zinc fingers of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, is not required for DNA ligase activity in vitro or in vivo. However, this zinc finger enables DNA ligase III to interact with and ligate nicked DNA at physiological salt concentrations. We suggest that in vivo the DNA ligase III zinc finger may displace poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase from DNA strand breaks, allowing repair to occur.  相似文献   

The ADR1 protein recognizes a six base-pair consensus DNA sequence using two zinc fingers and an adjacent accessory motif. Kinetic measurements were performed on the DNA-binding domain of ADR1 using surface plasmon resonance. Binding by ADR1 was characterized to two known native binding sequences from the ADH2 and CTA1 promoter regions, which differ in two of the six consensus positions. In addition, non-specific binding by ADR1 to a random DNA sequence was measured. ADR1 binds the native sites with nanomolar affinities. Remarkably, ADR1 binds non-specific DNA with affinities only approximately tenfold lower than the native sequences. The specific and non-specific binding affinities are conferred mainly by differences in the association phase of DNA binding. The association rate for the complex is strongly influenced by the proximal accessory region, while the dissociation reaction and specificity of binding are controlled by the two zinc fingers. Binding kinetics of two ADR1 mutants was also examined. ADR1 containing an R91K mutation in the accessory region bound with similar affinity to wild-type, but with slightly less sequence specificity. The R91K mutation was observed to increase binding affinity to a suboptimal sequence by decreasing the complex dissociation rate. L146H, a change-of-specificity mutation at the +3 position of the second zinc finger, bound its preferred sequence with a slightly higher affinity than wild-type. The L146H mutant indicates that beneficial protein-DNA contacts provide similar levels of stabilization to the complex, whether they are hydrogen-bonding or van der Waals interactions.  相似文献   

The effect of neomycin, a phosphoinositide-binding aminoglycoside, on herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection of BHK cells was studied. We showed earlier that it specifically inhibits HSV-1 production but not HSV-2 production (Langeland et al., Biochem Biophys. Res. Commun. 141:198-203, 1986). We now show that neomycin had no effect on cellular protein synthesis, as judged by the appearance of 35S-labeled polypeptides separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Virus-induced polypeptides, however, were strongly inhibited at neomycin concentrations above 2 mM. Comparison among different aminoglycosides showed a variation in inhibition of HSV-1 production that paralleled the cationic charge of the aminoglycosides. HSV-1 receptor binding at 4 degrees C was completely inhibited by neomycin. At 37 degrees C both receptor binding and internalization, as measured by an indirect assay, appeared to be inhibited by more than 90%. The effect of neomycin on the infection was almost immediate upon the addition of the drug and preceded virus internalization. Possible mechanisms of the neomycin effect are discussed.  相似文献   

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