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The halophyte Suaeda salsa L., exposed to different NaCl concentrations (100 and 400 mmol/L) and polyethylene glycol (isoosomotic to 100 mmol/L NaCl) containing nutrient solutions under normal or K+-deficient conditions for 7 days, was used to study effects of NaCl salinity and osmotic stress on chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, malonedialdehyde (MDA) content, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoform activities. Photosynthetic capacity was not decreased by NaCl treatment, indicating that S. salsa possesses an effective antioxidative response system for avoiding oxidative damage. Seven SOD activity bands were detected in S. salsa leaf extracts, including an Mn-SOD and several isoforms of Fe-SOD and CuZn-SOD. It turned out that NaCl salinity and osmotic stress lead to a differential regulation of distinct SOD isoenzymes. This differential regulation is suggested to play a major role in stress tolerance of S. salsa.  相似文献   

Genetic manipulation technologies have been limited in the halophyte Suaeda salsa L. due to the lack of an efficient transformation system. Here, we examined factors affecting transformation and developed an efficient transformation system at the cell level using S. salsa hypocotyl as starting material. S. salsa hypocotyl explants from 10-day-old seedlings were precultured for 2 days on a hygromycin (hyg)-free callus induction medium (CIM) and then inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens suspension at a concentration of 0.5 at OD600 for 5–10 min. After cocultivation with A. tumefaciens for 4 days in the dark, followed by selection on carbenicillin (carb) for 3 days, explants were placed on CIM containing 10 mg l−1 hyg and 500 mg l−1 carb with three to four consecutive subcultures for up to 45 days. β-Glucuronidase assays showed an average transformation frequency of 62.89%. Gene integration was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction analysis and Northern blot analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in the C3 halophyte S. salsa.  相似文献   

Salt stress is one of the most serious factors limiting the productivity of agricultural crops. Increasing evidence has demonstrated that vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporters play a crucial role in plant salt tolerance. In the present study, we expressed the Suaeda salsa vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter SsNHX1 in transgenic rice to investigate whether this can increase the salt tolerance of rice, and to study how overexpression of this gene affected other salt-tolerant mechanisms. It was found that transgenic rice plants showed markedly enhanced tolerance to salt stress and to water deprivation compared with non-transgenic controls upon salt stress imposition under outdoor conditions. Measurements of ion levels indicated that K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ contents were all higher in transgenic plants than in non-transformed controls. Furthermore, shoot V-ATPase hydrolytic activity was dramatically increased in transgenics compared to that of non-transformed controls under salt stress conditions. Physiological analysis also showed that the photosynthetic activity of the transformed plants was higher whereas the same plants had reduced reactive oxygen species generation. In addition, the soluble sugar content increased in the transgenics compared with that in non-transgenics. These results imply that up-regulation of a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene in transgenic rice might cause pleiotropic up-regulation of other salt-resistance-related mechanisms to improve salt tolerance.Fengyun Zhao and Zenglan Wang contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Li W  Zhang C  Lu Q  Wen X  Lu C 《Journal of plant physiology》2011,168(15):1743-1752
Under natural conditions or in the field, plants are often subjected to a combination of different stresses such as salt stress and heat shock. Although salt stress and heat shock have been extensively studied, little is known about how their combination affects plants. We used proteomics, coupled with physiological measurements, to investigate the effect of salt stress, heat shock, and their combination on Suaeda salsa plants. A combination of salt stress and heat shock resulted in suppression of CO2 assimilation and the photosystem II efficiency. Approximately 440 protein spots changed their expression levels upon salt stress, heat shock and their combination, and 57 proteins were identified by MS. These proteins were classified into several categories including disease/defense, photosynthesis, energy production, material transport, and signal transduction. Some proteins induced during salt stress, e.g. choline monooxygenase, chloroplastic ATP synthase subunit beta, and V-type proton ATPase catalytic subunit A, and some proteins induced during heat shock, e.g. heat shock 70 kDa protein, probable ion channel DMI1, and two component sensor histidine kinase, were either unchanged or suppressed during a combination of salt stress and heat shock. In contrast, the expression of some proteins, including nucleoside diphosphate kinase 1, chlorophyll a/b binding protein, and ABC transporter I family member 1, was specifically induced during a combination of salt stress and heat shock. The potential roles of the stress-responsive proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

The chenopodiaceae Suaeda salsa L. is a leaf succulent euhalophyte. Shoots of the S. salsa are larger and more succulent when grown in highly saline environments. This increased growth and water uptake has been correlated with a large and specific cellular accumulation of sodium. S. salsa does not have salt glands or salt bladders on its leaves. Thus, this plant must compartmentalize the toxic Na+ in the vacuoles. The ability to compartmentalize sodium may result from a stimulation of the proton pumps that provide the driving force for increased sodium transport into the vacuole. In this work, we isolated the cDNA of the vacuolar membrane proton-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) from S. salsa. The SsVP cDNA contains an uninterrupted open reading frame of 2292 bp, coding for a polypeptide of 764 amino acids. Northern blotting analysis showed that SsVP was induced in salinity treated leaves. The activities of both the V-ATPase and the V-PPase in Arabidopsis overexpressing SsVP-2 is higher markedly than in wild-type plant under 200 mM NaCl and drought stresses. The Overexpression of SsVP can increase salt and drought tolerance of transgenic Arabidopsis. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. Shanli Guo, Haibo Yib: These authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

向亮  王艳杰  陈佳勃  赵迎 《生态学报》2023,43(8):3307-3318
为探究Zn、Cu与盐复合胁迫对翅碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)萌发生长的影响机理及其调控措施,以翅碱蓬为研究对象,采用水培试验方法,测定Zn、Cu和盐复合胁迫条件下翅碱蓬种子发芽率、萌发速率和幼苗渗透调节物质含量等指标,分析1.5 mg/L吲哚乙酸(IAA)、100 mg/L赤霉素(GA)和0.3%硝酸钾(KNO3)处理对Zn、Cu与盐复合胁迫条件下翅碱蓬萌发与生长的影响。结果表明:(1) Zn、Cu与高盐复合胁迫极显著降低翅碱蓬种子的发芽率,中高浓度的Zn、Cu与盐复合胁迫极显著降低翅碱蓬种子的萌发速率,Zn、Cu和盐复合胁迫对翅碱蓬种子的萌发生长影响表现为低促高抑效应,影响因子间存在明显的协同效应;(2)Zn、Cu和盐复合胁迫条件下,随着盐浓度的升高,翅碱蓬幼苗体内过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)3种抗氧化酶活性呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,Zn、Cu和高盐复合胁迫使翅碱蓬幼苗体内丙二醛(MDA)含量增加近2.5倍;(3)1.5 mg/L IAA溶液浸种12 h可显著提高Zn、Cu与高盐复合胁迫条件下翅碱蓬种子的发芽率和萌发速...  相似文献   

Suaeda salsa, a leaf succulent shrub in the family Chenopodiaceae, is one of the most important halophytes in China. Suaeda salsa produces dimorphic seeds (soft brown seeds and hard black seeds). Seeds of S. salsa were collected from the coastal salt flats near Huanghua City, China. Experiments were conducted to determine the salinity-alleviating effect of plant growth regulators, nitric oxide, nitrate, nitrite and light on the germination of dimorphic seeds of S. salsa. Brown seeds had a higher germination rate than black seeds in all experiments. Black seeds were more sensitive to salt in the absence of light in comparison to brown seeds. Brown seeds absorbed water more quickly in comparison to black seeds and were found to be more tolerant of salt stress. Our results showed that 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC, the immediate precursor of ethylene), nitrite, GA4 and BA improved seed germination in the presence of salt. However, nitrate, GA1, GA3 failed to alleviate salt stress. ABA inhibited seed germination and seedling growth. Possible mechanisms involved in the alleviation of salt stress in S. salsa seeds and the ecological adaptation of the seeds to the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific age-dependent changes were observed in Na+K+-, Ca2+-, and Mg2+-ATPase activities in tropical tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta Drury. Maximum enzyme activity was recorded in all the tissues on day 12 (before spinning) in control group of animals. In testis, Na+K+-, Ca2+-, and Mg2+-ATPase activities gradually increased from day 2 to day 12 during fifth larval age and level was maintained up to adult eclosion while, in ovary, a marked decline was noted up to day of adult emergence. Further, a significant and sharp rise was found in ATPase activity in silk gland tissue up to day 12 and afterwards a drastic fall was noted on day 15 (end of spinning) during fifth larval age.Administration of T4 to fifth stage larvae (1 hr old) at doses 0.5–2.0 μg/g significantly elevated the Na+K+-, Ca2+-, and Mg2+-ATPase activities in larval and pupal gonads in a dose-dependent fashion. But, in moths, the enhancement was very much confined to Na+K+- and Ca2+-ATPase in testes and only Ca2+-ATPase in ovaries. Again, in silk glands thyroxine (0.5–2.0 μg/g) caused a significant rise in the all ion-dependent ATPase activities only during the fifth larval stage. Interestingly, higher doses of T4 (4.0 μg/g) caused a significant reduction in Na+K+-, Ca2+- and Mg2+-ATPase in all the tissues almost all the days studied so far. However, lower doses of T4 (0.1 and 0.25 μg/g) remained ineffective in altering the different ion-specific ATPase activities. This study suggests, that mammalian thyroxine has a metabolic influence showing biphasic nature of action in tasar silkworm ATPase system.  相似文献   

In the present study we evaluated the effect of acute homocysteine (Hcy) administration on Na+,K+-ATPase activity, as well as on some parameters of oxidative stress such as total radical-trapping antioxidant potential (TRAP) and on activities of antioxidant enzymes catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in rat hippocampus. Results showed that Hcy significantly decreased TRAP, Na+,K+-ATPase and CAT activities, without affecting the activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. We also verified the effect of chronic pretreatment with vitamins E and C on the reduction of TRAP, Na+,K+-ATPase and CAT activities caused by Hcy. Vitamins E and C per se did not alter these parameters, but prevented the reduction of TRAP, Na+,K+-ATPase and CAT activities caused by Hcy. Our results indicate that oxidative stress is probably involved in the pathogenesis of homocystinuria and that reduction of Na+,K+-ATPase activity may be related to the neuronal dysfunction found in homocystinuric patients.  相似文献   

Hepatic Na+-K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities of male green lizards declined during the maturation phase (juvenile to 1-year-old) and stabilized thereafter. On the other hand, the Ca2+-ATPase activity of the liver declined during the later half of the life span (1-year-old to 2–4-year-old). Starvation stress induced a decline in hepatic Na+-K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities of juvenile lizards and caused an increase in 1-year-old and 2–4-year-old counterparts. The Ca2+-ATPase activity declined only in starved 1-year-old lizards. Following cold stress, the hepatic Na+-K+-ATPase activity of juvenile lizards showed a higher degree of decline than 2–4-year-old counterparts. The Mg2+-ATPase activity declined in cold-stressed juvenile lizards, but the parameter was elevated in similarly treated 1-year-old lizards. On the other hand, the increase in Ca2+-ATPase activity in response to cold stress was confined only to 2–4-year-old lizards.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of unidirectional calcium fluxes in stripped intestinal epithelium of the tilapia,Oreochromis mossambicus, in the presence of ouabain or in the absence of sodium indicated that calcium absorption via the fish intestine is sodium dependent. Active Ca2+ transport mechanisms in the enterocyte plasma membrane were analyzed. The maximum capacity of the ATP-dependent Ca2+ pump (V m :0.63 nmol·min–1 mg–1,K m : 27nm Ca2+) is calculated to be 2.17 nmol·min–1·mg–1, correcting for 29% inside-out oriented vesicles in the membrane preparation. The maximum capacity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger with high affinity for Ca2+ (V m :7.2 nmol·min–1·mg–1,K m : 181nm Ca2+) is calculated to be 13.6 nmol·min–1·mg–1, correcting for 53% resealed vesicles and assuming symmetrical behavior of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. The high affinity for Ca2+ and the sixfold higher capacity of the exchanger compared to the ATPase suggest strongly that the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger will contribute substantially to Ca2+ extrusion in the fish enterocyte. Further evidence for an important contribution of Na+/Ca2+ exchange to Ca2+ extrusion was obtained from studies in which the simultaneous operation of ATP-and Na+-gradient-driven Ca2+ pumps in inside-out vesicles was evaluated. The fish enterocyte appears to present a model for a Ca2+ transporting cell, in which Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity with high affinity for Ca2+ extrudes Ca2+ from the cell.  相似文献   

Increased oxidative stress and energy metabolism deficit have been regarded as an important underlying cause for neuronal damage induced by cerebral ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. In this study, we investigated the oxidative mechanisms underlying the neuroprotective effects of resveratrol, a potent polyphenol antioxidant found in grapes, on structural and biochemical abnormalities in rats subjected to global cerebral ischemia. Experimental model of transient global cerebral ischemia was induced in Wistar rats by the four vessel occlusion method for 10 min and followed by different periods of reperfusion. Nissl and fluoro jade C stained indicated extensive neuronal death at 7 days after I/R. These findings were preceded by a rapid increase in the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO), lipid peroxidation, as well as by a decrease in Na+K+-ATPase activity and disrupted antioxidant defenses (enzymatic and non-enzymatic) in hippocampus and cortex. Administrating resveratrol 7 days prior to ischemia by intraperitoneal injections (30 mg/kg) significantly attenuated neuronal death in both studied structures, as well as decreased the generation of ROS, lipid peroxidation and NO content. Furthermore, resveratrol brought antioxidant and Na+K+-ATPase activity in cortex and hippocampus back to normal levels. These results support that resveratrol could be used as a preventive, or therapeutic, agent in global cerebral ischemia and suggest that scavenging of ROS contributes, at least in part, to resveratrol-induced neuroprotection.  相似文献   

The data presented in this work suggest that in human umbilical artery (HUA) smooth muscle cells, the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) is active and working in the reverse mode. This supposition is based on the following results: (i) microfluorimetry in HUA smooth muscle cells in situ showed that a Ca(2+)-free extracellular solution diminished intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)), and KB-R7943 (5microM), a specific inhibitor of the Ca(2+) entry mode of the exchanger, also decreased [Ca(2+)](i) (40.6+/-4.5% of Ca(2+)-free effect); (ii) KB-R7943 produced the relaxation of HUA rings (-24.7+/-7.3gF/gW, n=8, p<0.05); (iii) stimulation of the NCX by lowering extracellular Na(+) increases basal [Ca(2+)](i) proportionally to Na(+) reduction (Delta fluorescence ratio=0.593+/-0.141 for Na(+)-free solution, n=8) and HUA rings' contraction (peak force=181.5+/-39.7 for 130mM reduction, n=8), both inhibited by KB-R7943 and a Ca(2+)-free extracellular solution. In conclusion, the NCX represents an important Ca(2+) entry route in HUA smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

The effect of an intracellular cryoprotectant glycerol on human erythrocyte Ca2+-ATPase activity and possible involvement of calmodulin in the regulation of Ca2+-pump under these conditions were investigated. The experiments were carried out using saponin-permeabilized cells and isolated erythrocyte membrane fractions (white ghosts). Addition of rather low concentrations of glycerol to the medium increased Ca2+-ATPase activity in the saponin-permeabilized cells; the maximal effect was observed at 10% glycerol. Subsequent increase in glycerol concentrations above 20% was accompanied by inhibition of Ca2+-ATPase activity. Lack of stimulating effect of glycerol on white ghost Ca2+-ATPase may be attributed to removal of endogenous compounds regulating activity of this ion transport system. Inhibitory analysis using R24571 revealed that activation of Ca2+-ATPase by 10% glycerol was observed only in the case of inhibitor administration after modification of cells with glycerol; in the case of inhibitor addition before erythrocyte contact with glycerol, this phenomenon disappeared. These data suggest the possibility of regulation of human erythrocyte Ca2+-ATPase by glycerol; this regulatory effect may be attributed to both glycerol-induced structural changes in the membrane and also involvement of calmodulin in modulation of catalytic activity of the Ca2+-pump.  相似文献   

This study examined the status of sarcolemmal Na+/K+-ATPase activity in rat heart under conditions of Ca2+-paradox to explore the existence of a relationship between changes in Na+/K+-pump function and myocardial Na+ as well as K+ content. One min of reperfusion with Ca2+ after 5 min of Ca2+-free perfusion reduced Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the isolated heart by 53% while Mg2+-ATPase, another sarcolemmal bound enzyme, retained 74% of its control activity. These changes in sarcolemmal ATPase activities were dependent on the duration and Ca2+ concentration of the initial perfusion and subsequent reperfusion periods; however, the Na+/K+-ATPase activity was consistently more depressed than Mg2+-ATPase activity under all conditions. The depression in both enzyme activities was associated with a reduction in Vmax without any changes in Km values. Low Na+ perfusion and hypothermia, which protect the isolated heart from the Ca2+-paradox, also prevented reperfusion-induced enzyme alterations. A significant relationship emerged upon comparison of the changes in myocardial Na+ and K+ content to Na+/K+-ATPase activity under identical conditions. At least 60% of the control enzyme activity was necessary to maintain normal cation gradients. Depression of the Na+/K+-ATPase activity by 60-65% resulted in a marked increase and decrease in intracellular Na+ and K+ content, respectively. These results suggest that changes in myocardial Na+ and K+ content during Ca2+-paradox are related to activity of the Na+/K+-pump; the impaired Na+/K+-ATPase activity may lead to augmentation of Ca2+-overload via an enhancement of the Na+/Ca2+-exchange system.  相似文献   

Activity-dependent modulation of synaptic transmission is an essential mechanism underlying many brain functions. Here we report an unusual form of synaptic modulation that depends on Na+ influx and mitochondrial Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger, but not on Ca2+ influx. In Ca(2+)-free medium, tetanic stimulation of Xenopus motoneurons induced a striking potentiation of transmitter release at neuromuscular synapses. Inhibition of either Na+ influx or the rise of Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i) at nerve terminals prevented the tetanus-induced synaptic potentiation (TISP). Blockade of Ca2+ release from mitochondrial Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger, but not from ER Ca2+ stores, also inhibited TISP. Tetanic stimulation in Ca(2+)-free medium elicited an increase in [Ca2+]i, which was prevented by inhibition of Na+ influx or mitochondrial Ca2+ release. Inhibition of PKC blocked the TISP as well as mitochondrial Ca2+ release. These results reveal a novel form of synaptic plasticity and suggest a role of PKC in mitochondrial Ca2+ release during synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Summary Proteolytic digestion of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles with trypsin has been used as a structural modification with which to examine the interaction between the ATP hydrolysis site and calcium transport sites of the (Ca2++Mg2+)-ATPase. The kinetics of trypsin fragmentation were examined and the time course of fragment production compared with ATP hydrolytic and calcium uptake activities of the digested vesicles. The initial cleavage (TD 1) of the native ATPase to A and B peptides has no effect on the functional integrity of the enzyme, hydrolytic and transport activities remaining at the levels of the undigested control. Concomitant with the second tryptic cleavage (TD 2) of the A peptide to A1 and A2 fragments, calcium transport is inhibited. Kinetic analysis demonstrates that the rate constant for inhibition of calcium uptake is correlated with the rate constant of a fragment disappearance. Both Ca2+-dependent and total ATPase activities are unaffected by this second cleavage. Passive loading of vesicles with calcium and subsequent efflux measurements show that transport inhibition is not due to increased permeability of the membrane to calcium even at substantial extents of digestion. Steady-state levels of acidstable phosphoenzyme are unaffected by either TD 1 or TD 2, indicating that uncoupling of the hydrolytic and transport functions does not increase the turnover rate of the enzyme and that TD 2 does not change the essential characteristics of the ATP hydrolysis site. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles were examined for the presence of tightly bound nucleotides and are shown to contain 2.8–3.0 nmol ATP and 2.6–2.7 nmol ADP per mg SR protein. The ADP content of SR remains essentially unchanged with TD 1 cleavage of the ATPase enzyme to A and B peptides, but declines upon TD 2 in parallel with the digestion of the A fragment and the loss of calcium uptake activity of the vesicles. The ATP content is essentially constant throughout the course of trypsin digestion. The results are discussed in terms of current models of the SR calcium pump and the molecular mechanism of energy transduction.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) in plasma membranes either moves Ca(2+) out of (forward mode) or into (reverse mode) cells depending on the electrochemical gradient of these ions across the membrane. In this report, we characterize the sources responsible for the elevation in [Ca(2+)](i) elicited by reverse mode NCX activity. The elevation in [Ca(2+)](i) elicited by reverse mode NCX activity was significantly diminished by thapsigargin. KB-R7943 could only partially suppress the [Ca(2+)](i) change. Measurement of the [Ca(2+)](i) concurrent with reverse mode NCX current by perforated whole-cell patch showed that elevation in [Ca(2+)](i), but not the current, was inhibited by thapsigargin. The change in [Ca(2+)](i) response elicited by nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist was inhibited by thapsigargin. These suggest the importance of intracellular Ca(2+) stores in facilitating the [Ca(2+)](i) elevation elicited by reverse mode NCX activity under physiological condition.  相似文献   

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