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Punishment is an important mechanism promoting the evolution of altruism among non-relatives. We investigate the coevolution of altruism and punitive behavior, considering four possible strategies: the altruist punisher (AP, a cooperator who punishes defectors), the altruist non-punisher (AN, a pure cooperator), the selfish punisher (SP, a defector who punishes defectors), and the selfish non-punisher (SN, a pure defector). The SP uses a paradoxical strategy as it punishes other defectors. We analyse the effects of SP and AN on the coevolution of altruism and punishment. We study both the score-dependent viability model (whereby the game's score affects survivorship only) and the score-dependent fertility model (whereby the score affects fertility only). In the viability model of a completely mixed population, SP first drives out SN, and hence it helps cooperators (AP and AN) to evolve. In contrast, in the fertility model of a completely mixed population, neither SP nor AN helps the evolution of cooperation. In both the viability and fertility models of a lattice-structured population, SP promotes the spread of AP. In contrast, AN discourages the evolution of AP. These results can be understood that punishment is a form of spite behavior, paying a cost to reduce the fitness of the opponents, and that different models give different magnitude of advantage to spite behavior.  相似文献   

Group selection theory has a history of controversy. After a period of being in disrepute, models of group selection have regained some ground, but not without a renewed debate over their importance as a theoretical tool. In this paper I offer a simple framework for models of the evolution of altruism and cooperation that allows us to see how and to what extent both a classification with and one without group selection terminology are insightful ways of looking at the same models. Apart from this dualistic view, this paper contains a result that states that inclusive fitness correctly predicts the direction of selection for one class of models, represented by linear public goods games. Equally important is that this result has a flip side: there is a more general, but still very realistic class of models, including models with synergies, for which it is not possible to summarize their predictions on the basis of an evaluation of inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

The evolution of cooperation is one of the great puzzles in evolutionary biology. Punishment has been suggested as one solution to this problem. Here punishment is generally defined as incurring a cost to inflict harm on a wrong-doer. In the presence of punishers, cooperators can gain higher payoffs than non-cooperators. Therefore cooperation may evolve as long as punishment is prevalent in the population. Theoretical models have revealed that spatial structure can favor the co-evolution of punishment and cooperation, by allowing individuals to only play and compete with those in their immediate neighborhood. However, those models have usually assumed that punishment is always targeted at non-cooperators. In light of recent empirical evidence of punishment targeted at cooperators, we relax this assumption and study the effect of so-called ‘anti-social punishment’. We find that evolution can favor anti-social punishment, and that when anti-social punishment is possible costly punishment no longer promotes cooperation. As there is no reason to assume that cooperators cannot be the target of punishment during evolution, our results demonstrate serious restrictions on the ability of costly punishment to allow the evolution of cooperation in spatially structured populations. Our results also help to make sense of the empirical observation that defectors will sometimes pay to punish cooperators.  相似文献   

Understanding the emergence of cooperation is a central issue in evolutionary game theory. The hardest setup for the attainment of cooperation in a population of individuals is the Public Goods game in which cooperative agents generate a common good at their own expenses, while defectors “free-ride” this good. Eventually this causes the exhaustion of the good, a situation which is bad for everybody. Previous results have shown that introducing reputation, allowing for volunteer participation, punishing defectors, rewarding cooperators or structuring agents, can enhance cooperation. Here we present a model which shows how the introduction of rare, malicious agents - that we term jokers - performing just destructive actions on the other agents induce bursts of cooperation. The appearance of jokers promotes a rock-paper-scissors dynamics, where jokers outbeat defectors and cooperators outperform jokers, which are subsequently invaded by defectors. Thus, paradoxically, the existence of destructive agents acting indiscriminately promotes cooperation.  相似文献   

Plants often compete with closely related individuals due to limited dispersal, leading to two commonly invoked predictions on competitive outcomes. Kin selection, from evolutionary theory, predicts that competition between relatives will likely be weaker. The niche partitioning hypothesis, from ecological theory, predicts that competition between close relatives will likely be stronger. We tested for evidence consistent with either of these predictions by growing an annual legume in kin and nonkin groups in the greenhouse. We grew plant groups in treatments of symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria differing in strain identity and composition to determine if differences in the microbial environment can facilitate or obscure plant competition patterns consistent with kin selection or niche partitioning. Nonkin groups had lower fitness than expected, based on fitness estimates of the same genotypes grown among kin. Higher fitness among kin groups was observed in mixtures of N‐fixing bacteria strains compared to single inoculations of bacteria strains present in the soil, which increased fitness differences between kin and nonkin groups. Lower fitness in nonkin groups was likely caused by increased competitive asymmetry in nonkin groups due to genetic differences in plant size combined with saturating relationships with plant size and fitness‐ i.e. Jensen's inequality. Our study suggests that microbial soil symbionts alter competitive dynamics among kin and nonkin. Our study also suggests that kin groups can have higher fitness, as predicted by kin selection theory, through a commonly heritable trait (plant size), without requiring kin recognition mechanisms.  相似文献   

The evolution and maintenance of cooperation fascinated researchers for several decades. Recently, theoretical models and experimental evidence show that costly punishment may facilitate cooperation in human societies. The puzzle how the costly punishment behaviour evolves can be solved under voluntary participation. Could the punishers emerge if participation is compulsory? Is the punishment inevitably a selfish behaviour or an altruistic behaviour? The motivations behind punishment are still an enigma. Based on public goods interactions, we present a model in which just a certain portion of the public good is divided equally among all members. The other portion is distributed to contributors when paying a second cost. The contributors who are willing to pay a second cost are called the persistent cooperators (PC), indicating their desire to retrieve the proportion of the payoff derived from their own contributions with persistent efforts. We show that the persistent cooperators can be costly punishers, which may account for the origin of human costly punishment behaviour under compulsory participation. In this sense our models may show theoretically that the original motivation behind punishment is to retrieve deserved payoff from their own contributions, a selfish incentive. But the persistent cooperators can also flourish or dominate the population in other situations. We list many real examples in which contributors are the persistent cooperators, and they benefit. This indicates a simple norm promoting cooperation: contributing more and gaining more.  相似文献   

The standard model for direct reciprocity is the repeated Prisoner's Dilemma, where in each round players choose between cooperation and defection. Here we extend the standard framework to include costly punishment. Now players have a choice between cooperation, defection and costly punishment. We study the set of all reactive strategies, where the behavior depends on what the other player has done in the previous round. We find all cooperative strategies that are Nash equilibria. If the cost of cooperation is greater than the cost of punishment, then the only cooperative Nash equilibrium is generous-tit-for-tat (GTFT), which does not use costly punishment. If the cost of cooperation is less than the cost of punishment, then there are infinitely many cooperative Nash equilibria and the response to defection can include costly punishment. We also perform computer simulations of evolutionary dynamics in populations of finite size. These simulations show that in the context of direct reciprocity, (i) natural selection prefers generous tit-for-tat over strategies that use costly punishment, and (ii) that costly punishment does not promote the evolution of cooperation. We find quantitative agreement between our simulation results and data from experimental observations.  相似文献   

Nature abounds with a rich variety of altruistic strategies, including public resource enhancement, resource provisioning, communal foraging, alarm calling, and nest defense. Yet, despite their vastly different ecological roles, current theory typically treats diverse altruistic traits as being favored under the same general conditions. Here, we introduce greater ecological realism into social evolution theory and find evidence of at least four distinct modes of altruism. Contrary to existing theory, we find that altruistic traits contributing to "resource-enhancement" (e.g., siderophore production, provisioning, agriculture) and "resource-efficiency" (e.g., pack hunting, communication) are most strongly favored when there is strong local competition. These resource-based modes of helping are "K-strategies" that increase a social group's growth yield, and should characterize species with scarce resources and/or high local crowding caused by low mortality, high fecundity, and/or mortality occurring late in the process of resource-acquisition. The opposite conditions, namely weak local competition (abundant resource, low crowding), favor survival (e.g., nest defense) and fecundity (e.g., nurse workers) altruism, which are "r-strategies" that increase a social group's growth rate. We find that survival altruism is uniquely favored by a novel evolutionary force that we call "sunk cost selection." Sunk cost selection favors helping that prevents resources from being wasted on individuals destined to die before reproduction. Our results contribute to explaining the observed natural diversity of altruistic strategies, reveal the necessary connection between the evolution and the ecology of sociality, and correct the widespread but inaccurate view that local competition uniformly impedes the evolution of altruism.  相似文献   

Explaining cooperation remains a central topic for evolutionary theorists. Many have argued that group selection provides such an explanation: theoretical models show that intergroup competition could have given rise to cooperation that is costly for the individual. Whether group selection actually did play an important role in the evolution of human cooperation, however, is much debated. Recent experiments have shown that intergroup competitions do increase human cooperation, which has been taken as evidence for group selection as a mechanism for the evolution of cooperation. Here we challenge this standard interpretation. Competitions change the payoff structure by creating a threshold effect whereby the group that contributes more earns an additional prize, which creates some incentive for individuals to cooperate. We present four studies that disentangle competition and thresholds, and strongly suggest that it is thresholds – rather than competitions per se – that increase cooperation. Thus, prior intergroup competition experiments provide no evidence of a unique or special role for intergroup competition in promoting human cooperation, and shed no light on whether group selection shaped human evolution.  相似文献   

We carried out an ecosystem service (ES) assessment at Soto de Pajares, a 400 ha active gravel quarry site located close to protected areas in the southeast of the Community of Madrid, Spain. The currently approved restoration plan is for quarry‐made excavations to be restored back to agricultural land. However, the site has been identified as being important for nature, so different restoration strategies should be considered. To better understand how these compare in terms of ES provision, which had not previously been done at mineral extraction sites in Spain, we used an established toolkit: the Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site‐based Assessments (TESSA). We compared the agriculture‐focused restoration plan and two nature‐focused alternative scenarios, one without public access (conservation scenario) and the other with public access (compromise scenario). Monetary estimations of the value of agricultural production, climate change mitigation, and recreation were calculated in three scenarios. Results indicated that the compromise scenario provided the greatest annual value (€91,409), mainly due to its potential visitors, surpassing both agricultural (€68,504) and conservation (€48,556) scenarios. Considering the higher costs associated with restoring sites to agricultural production, nature conservation may be an attractive option for extraction companies. The use of TESSA at this site has provided valuable information to quarry managers to help guide their decision‐making.  相似文献   

The theory of indirect reciprocation explains the evolution of cooperation among unrelated individuals, engaging in one-shot interaction. Using reputation, a player acquires information on who are worth cooperating and who are not. In a previous paper, we formalized the reputation dynamics, a rule to assign a binary reputation (good or bad) to each player when his action, his current reputation, and the opponent's reputation are given. We then examined all the possible reputation dynamics, and found that there exist only eight reputation dynamics named "leading eight" that can maintain the ESS with a high level of cooperation, even if errors are included in executing intended cooperation and in reporting the observation to the public. In this paper, we study the nature of these successful social norms. First, we characterize the role of each pivot of the reputation dynamics common to all of the leading eight. We conclude that keys to the success in indirect reciprocity are to be nice (maintenance of cooperation among themselves), retaliatory (detection of defectors, punishment, and justification of punishment), apologetic, and forgiving. Second, we prove the two basic properties of the leading eight, which give a quantitative evaluation of the ESS condition and the level of cooperation maintained at the ESS.  相似文献   

Genetic variability among root voles (Microtus oeconomus [Pallas, 1776]) originating from two distantly separate regions of Norway (Valdres and Finnmark) was studied by DNA fingerprinting using the probes 33.15, 33.6 and M13. All three probes revealed polymorphic, although relatively simple, patterns. DNA fingerprint banding patterns were clearly diagnostic of the animals' region of origin. Notably, Valdres animals display a high molecular-weight cluster of bands not found in Finnmark, reflective of the isolation, and possibly an indication of separate colonization events, of the two groups. On the local level in Finnmark, bands associating with a specific trap site were observed in trappings on consecutive years. Comparisons of Finnmark animals taken at three trap sites at approximately 10 km intervals show a gradient of genetic similarity. Captive bred siblings were also compared, yielding average values significantly higher than those seen from same-site comparisons. We suggest that the sensitivity provided by DNA fingerprinting with multi-locus minisatellite probes is appropriate for population genetic studies in M. oeconomus. Also, because band-sharing correlates to spacing in M. oeconomus, we propose that DNA fingerprinting may be used to study dispersal, recruitment and other population processes in this and possibly other rodent species.  相似文献   

A PCR analysis of mitochondrial (mt) genomes of cybrid rapeseed plants revealed substoichiometric concentrations of molecules bearing different configurations of the gene (orf138) responsible for Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). These sub-stoichiometric molecules are also present in plants bearing the unmodified Ogura cytoplasm. In one cybrid family, which shows reversion of the male sterile phenotype, we observed changes in the respective proportions of these molecules. The phenotypic (sterility-fertility) reversion occurs as a result of a modification of the equilibrium state between the different forms of the orf138 gene and is very probably determined by the level of expression of this gene. Stable situations are always characterized by one predominant form; the others, when present, exist in substoichiometric amounts. We report results indicating that the different forms of the orf138 gene are continuously interconverted by recombination and that an active mechanism is involved in the maintenance of some substoichiometric molecules. Received: 14 July 1997 / Accepted: 16 September 1997  相似文献   

A PCR analysis of mitochondrial (mt) genomes of cybrid rapeseed plants revealed substoichiometric concentrations of molecules bearing different configurations of the gene (orf138) responsible for Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). These sub-stoichiometric molecules are also present in plants bearing the unmodified Ogura cytoplasm. In one cybrid family, which shows reversion of the male sterile phenotype, we observed changes in the respective proportions of these molecules. The phenotypic (sterility-fertility) reversion occurs as a result of a modification of the equilibrium state between the different forms of the orf138 gene and is very probably determined by the level of expression of this gene. Stable situations are always characterized by one predominant form; the others, when present, exist in substoichiometric amounts. We report results indicating that the different forms of the orf138 gene are continuously interconverted by recombination and that an active mechanism is involved in the maintenance of some substoichiometric molecules.  相似文献   

A massive enlargement of the gill surface proved to be an important factor in the hypoxia survival of young cichlids. Because the heads of cichlids are densely packed with structures related to both feeding and breathing, we hypothesized that the extra space needed for gill enlargement requires such large structural reorganizations that outer head shape is affected. We used a three-dimensional model to describe changes in the outer head shape of cichlids. Broods of cichlids of different phylogenetic lineages, habitats, and trophic specialization were split and raised at either 10% or 80–90% air saturation. Despite the above-mentioned differences between the species that were used, all hypoxia raised groups showed similar volume enlargements. Volume increases were most prominent in the ventral suspensorial and ventral opercular subcompartments. A relation with the enlarged gills of hypoxia raised fish is likely because the gills are mainly located in these compartments. The differences in ventral width correspond to those found in other studies comprising a wide variety of genotypic and phenotypic variations. The present study shows that such variation in the ventral width is conceivable by phenotypic plasticity alone.   © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 608–619.  相似文献   

Foldback (FB) elements are transposable elements found in many eukaryotic genomes; they are thought to contribute significantly to genome plasticity. In Drosophila melanogaster, FBs have been shown to be involved in the transposition of large chromosomal regions and in the genetic instability of some alleles of the white gene. In this report we show that FB mediated transposition of w 67C23, a mutation that deletes the promoter of the white gene and its first exon, containing the start codon, can restore expression of the white gene. We have characterized three independent events in which a 14-kb fragment from the w 67C23 locus was transposed into an intron region in three different genes. In each case a local promoter drives the expression of white, producing a chimeric mRNA. These findings suggest that, on an evolutionary timescale, FB elements may contribute to the creation of new genes via exon shuffling.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by G. P. Georgiev  相似文献   

The canonical factors typically thought to determine herbivore community structure often explain only a small fraction of the variation in herbivore abundance and diversity. We tested how macronutrients and relatively understudied micronutrients interacted to influence the structure of insect herbivore (orthopteran) communities. We conducted a factorial fertilisation experiment manipulating macronutrients (N and P, added together) and micronutrients (Ca, Na and K) in large plots (30 × 30 m2) in a Texas coastal prairie. Although no single or combination of micronutrients affected herbivore communities in the absence of additional macronutrients, macronutrients and sodium added together increased herbivore abundance by 60%, richness by 15% and diversity by 20%. These results represent the first large‐scale manipulation of single micronutrients and macronutrients in concert, and revealed an herbivore community co‐limited by macronutrients and Na. Our work supports an emerging paradigm that Na may be important in limiting herbivore communities.  相似文献   

The Meat Standards Australia (MSA) grading scheme has the ability to predict beef eating quality for each ‘cut×cooking method combination’ from animal and carcass traits such as sex, age, breed, marbling, hot carcass weight and fatness, ageing time, etc. Following MSA testing protocols, a total of 22 different muscles, cooked by four different cooking methods and to three different degrees of doneness, were tasted by over 19 000 consumers from Northern Ireland, Poland, Ireland, France and Australia. Consumers scored the sensory characteristics (tenderness, flavor liking, juiciness and overall liking) and then allocated samples to one of four quality grades: unsatisfactory, good-every-day, better-than-every-day and premium. We observed that 26% of the beef was unsatisfactory. As previously reported, 68% of samples were allocated to the correct quality grades using the MSA grading scheme. Furthermore, only 7% of the beef unsatisfactory to consumers was misclassified as acceptable. Overall, we concluded that an MSA-like grading scheme could be used to predict beef eating quality and hence underpin commercial brands or labels in a number of European countries, and possibly the whole of Europe. In addition, such an eating quality guarantee system may allow the implementation of an MSA genetic index to improve eating quality through genetics as well as through management. Finally, such an eating quality guarantee system is likely to generate economic benefits to be shared along the beef supply chain from farmers to retailors, as consumers are willing to pay more for a better quality product.  相似文献   

Nascent actin requires interactions with the highly conserved and essential eukaryotic chaperonin-containing TCP-1 (CCT) for its correct folding to the native state in vivo. Biochemical and structural analysis of the interaction between actin and CCT has been studied extensively but the underlying energetics and kinetics of the CCT-dependent actin folding process are not understood. We investigated the unfolding and folding pathways of actin, using stopped flow fluorescence and biochemical techniques. By using very low concentrations of actin, taking account of temperature and ATP concentration dependences we were able to determine accurately the activation energy of unfolding to a stable intermediate, I(3). Use of the fluorescent calcium chelator Quin-2 and consideration of the ATP concentration dependence on the unfolding rate has allowed the intrinsic kinetics to be linked to the accepted reaction scheme for actin denaturation. A free energy of -28.7(+/-0.2) kJ mol(-1) was determined for the loss of ATP from Ca-free G-actin, in good agreement with previous studies. Understanding the K(eq) value for this step then allowed the temperature dependence of the unfolding reaction of co-factor-free actin to be evaluated, yielding an activation energy for the unfolding of G-actin of 81.3(+/-3.3) kJ mol(-1). By chemical coupling of the extrinsic probe, Alexa Fluor 488 to cysteine 374 of native alpha-actin, we were able to follow the binding and folding of I(3) by CCT, observing for the first time, in vitro re-folding of EDTA-denatured G-actin. The high value of the activation energy between native actin and a non-native folding intermediate (I(3)) is characteristic of a partially folded, molten globule state expected to contain partial secondary structure.  相似文献   

Understanding how abiotic factors influence organisms at present is the necessary first step to predict how species assemblages could be affected by climate change in the future. We examined how wind, a poorly studied abiotic factor, affects the distribution and abundance of two aphid species, Uroleucon aeneum and Brachycaudus cardui (hereafter black and green aphids, respectively), that live on the thistle Carduus thoermeri (Asteraceae) in a windy region of Patagonia, Argentina. First, considering the prevailing wind direction, we described the distribution of both aphid species around plant stems. Then, we performed a bi‐factorial experiment in which we cut stems with aphids to manipulate their position respect to wind (exposed/unexposed) and to control wind incidence (protected/unprotected). Finally, using the species most affected by wind, we examined possible mechanisms through which wind could affect aphids. Both aphid species were less abundant on the side of the stem exposed to wind respect to the unexposed side; and this pattern was stronger for the black aphid. When black aphids were positioned exposed to wind and without protection, their proportion changed towards the unexposed side of the stem; while green aphids showed a weaker response to wind. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that wind triggered both the detachment of black aphids and their movement towards the unexposed side of the stem. Our results showed that wind can explain the asymmetric distribution of aphids around plants and that stems can act as windbreaks. In a less windy future scenario, aphids could expand their foraging area, reaching higher infestation rates, which could affect their role in structuring ant assemblages and their status as crop pests. This work highlights the importance of testing the effects of less studied abiotic factors to fully understand how climate change could impact on the abundance and distribution of animals in the future.  相似文献   

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