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Summary Four types of striated muscle fibers with distinctive ultrastructure were defined in the Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa, L.): white, intermediate, and red fibers of m. parietalis, and red fibers of m. craniovelaris.White fibers are thick, contain very few mitochondria and fat vacuoles, and possess distinct and separate myofibrils with thin Z-disks and distinct M-lines. Intermediate fibers are thinner, possess largely similar myofibrils that often are even better separated due to a higher content of fat vacuoles and especially mitochondria and glycogen granules. Red fibers of m. parietalis contain large amounts of mitochondria, fat vacuoles, and glycogen granules. Their myofibrils possess M-lines, and although branching more, the myofibrils of red fibers conform with a Fibrillenstruktur pattern like those of white and intermediate fibers. Red fibers of m. craniovelaris are very thin, possess many smaller fat vacuoles, and large amounts of mitochondria and glycogen granules. The myofibrils are significantly thinner than in m. parietalis fibers, run as quite independent well separated units, possess thicker Z-disks, and lack M-lines. Large amounts of myosatellite cells are associated with these red fibers.Triads are located near A/I-junctions in all four fiber types and occur irregularly, the density of triads being different in the various fiber types.We are indebted to Dr. Finn Walvig, Biological Station, University of Oslo, Drøbak, for supply of hagfishes, and we also wish to thank Dr. Jan K. S. Jansen, Institute of Physiology, University of Oslo, for valuable suggestions during this study.  相似文献   

Myelin from adult rat brains was separated on a discontinuous sucrose gradient into three subfractions. Analysis of light, heavy and membrane fraction lipid classes was performed by HPTLC and densitometry while fatty acid composition was determinated by GLC. The more interesting results observed are: i) the membrane fraction resembles in its lipid and fatty acid composition other cell membranes (particulary oligodentrocytes); ii) light and heavy myelin are quite similar between them but the former has a higher content of sphingomyelin, a lower hydroxy/nohhydroxy cerebrosides ratio and a lower content of monoenoic fatty acids than the heavy subfraction. The results obtained could explain the different structures observed in each myelin subfraction since fatty acid composition, hydroxy fatty acids, sphingomyelin and cholesterol play a key role in the stability and structure of membranes.  相似文献   

Summary Myotendinous junctions in the myotomal tail muscles of the tadpole of Rana rugosa were examined by electron microscopy. At the site of the myotendinous junction, the sarcolemma is covered on its sarcoplasmic aspect by the connecting filament layer and the attachment layer, and on the extracellular aspect by the intermediary layer and the external lamina, with associated collagen fibrils. The intermediary layer consists of filamentous structures which closely resemble microfibrils (Hanak and Böck, 1971), spine-like or thread-like profiles (Korneliussen, 1973) and intermediary layer (Nakao, 1975a, b) in the myotendinous junctions of other vertebrate skeletal muscles.Particularly interesting is the fact that all the coverings and linings of the sarcolemma, including the external lamina, are completely absent in the terminal segment of the finger-like sarcolemmal invagination characteristic of the myotendinous junction. Furthermore, special types of coupling between a sac of sarcoplasmic reticulum and a part of the sarcolemmal invagination are frequently observed. These couplings always occur along the region of the sarcolemma where the external lamina is absent. The couplings show features similar to those of the triad, such as SR feet , scalloped SR membranes and granular content of the SR sac, suggesting that they are analogous and functionally similar to the triad and other equivalent structures.  相似文献   

RAPDs were employed as genetic markers to detect interspecific hybridization between the closely related oak speciesQuercus robur andQ. petraea. Fourteen primers were used in order to check the genetic status (pure or hybrid) of individuals classified morphologically. Among the 147 PCR fragments obtained 11 appear to be species-specific. In the phenotypically intermediate individuals different combinations of these species-specific bands were obtained. The patterns in these putative hybrids were not additive, which may be either the result of repeated backcrossing and introgression between the two species or of heterozygosity within the parental species. The results of the RAPD study are consistent with morphological analyses and allozyme data obtained for theGot-2 locus. Thus the RAPD markers used in this study may provide a powerful genetic tool for the identification of hybrids and the discrimination between the two pure species.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit stellt die Frage nach den Kriterien des fossil belegten Biologischen Aufstiegs der Organismenwelt, d.h. derjenigen Vervollkommnung, die sich nicht innerhalb des Rahmens eines gegebenen Bauplans hält, wie die Anpassungsvervollkommnung, sondern über verschiedenrangige Baupläne hinweg zu höheren Typen führt, z.B. von den Fischen über die Amphibien und Reptilien zu den Säugern bzw. Vögeln. Ausführlich werden zwei Gruppen von Kriterien besprochen, ihr Inhalt dargelegt und ihre Eindeutigkeit zur Charakterisierung des Biologischen Aufstiegs untersucht. Die erste Gruppe umfasst die Kriterien der zunehmenden Differenzierung und harmonischeren Integration. Diese legen die morphologisch-physiologische Differenzierung oder genauer die Ganzheit der Organismen zugrunde, d.h. ihre Vielheit in der Einheit. Die zweite Kriteriengruppe, nämlich zunehmende Umweltunabhängigkeit und zunehmende individuelle Autonomie, geht von den Beziehungen des Organismus zur Umwelt und zu andern Lebensformen aus und betont die Subsistenz der Individuen, d.h. ihr grösseres oder geringeres Losgelöstsein oder ihre Selbständigkeit. Da nun Ganzheit und Subsistenz die entscheidenden Elemente einer biologischen Definition des Individuums sind, lässt sich sagen, dass der Biologische Aufstieg eines Organismus um so höher ist, je stärker seine Ganzheit und Subsistenz und damit sein Individuumsein ist.Eindeutigkeit kommt allen genannten Kriterien nicht zu. Die Gründe für ihre Unschärfe sind verschiedener Art. Zunächst gibt es noch keine eindeutige und vollständige Definition des biologischen Individuums, so dass sich nicht eindeutig umreissen lässt, was einem Organismus eine stärkere oder weniger starke Individualität verleiht. Dann sind die Linien, über die sich Vervollkommnungen vollziehen und von denen die eine innerhalb des Bauplans bleibt (Anpassungsvervollkommnung), die andere aber über ihn hinausführt (Biologischer Aufstieg) so innig und in so eigenartiger Weise miteinander verflochten, dass sie sich nicht sauber scheiden und in ihren charakteristischen Merkmalen genau beschreiben lassen. Jeder Vertreter eines Bauplans, ganz gleich von welcher Ranghöhe, ist nämlich notwendig in eine Umwelt eingepasst und irgendwie spezialisiert. Es gibt keine Typen mit reinen Bauplanmerkmalen, die nach keiner Richtung hin eine Anpassungsvervollkommnung, sondern nur Merkmale des Biologischen Aufstiegs aufweisen. Schliesslich kennen wir fossil nur die Entfaltung oder Ausgestaltung der Grossbaupläne des Tierreichs, nämlich des Wirbeltierstammes und der verschiedenen Gruppen der Wirbellosen, nicht aber das Interessanteste und Wichtigste, nämlich ihren Biologischen Aufstieg zu der organisatorischen Höhe, mit der sie sich im Silur bzw. im Kabrium bereits vorstellen. Das erst würde einen tieferen Einblick in das Wesen des Biologischen Aufstiegs vermitteln.
Summary This article deals with the question of the criteria for the biological ascent (Biologischer Aufstieg) of the organic world, resting on fossil evidence. That is, of that improvement which is not only restricted to the framework of a given general structure (Bauplan) as is the improvement of adaptation, but which also leads beyond general structures (Baupläne) of differentiated levels to a higher type,e.g. from the fishes through the amphibians and reptiles to the mammals or birds. Two groups of criteria are discussed at length, their content exposed and their univocity for the characterisation of this biological ascent is examined. The first group includes the criteria of increasing differentiation and more harmonious integration. The basis for these is the morphological-physiological differentiation, or more exactly, the totality of the organisms,i.e., their variety-in-unity. The second group of criteria, increasing independence of environment and increasing individual autonomy, is derived from the relationships of the organism to its environment and to other living forms, and stresses the subsistence of individuals,i.e., their greater or lesser degree of independence or self-sufficiency. Now since totality and subsistence are the decisive elements in a biological definition of the individual, it may be said that the biological ascent of an organism is higher, the more perfect its totality and subsistence and therefore its individuality is.The criteria mentioned are not univocal. The reasons for this lack of clarity are varied. First of all, there is no univocal and complete definition of the biological individual, so that it cannot be exactly stated just what gives an organism a more or less perfect individuality. Then the lines, along which improvements are made, and according to which the one remains within the general structure (improvement of adaptation) and the other goes beyond the general structure (biological ascent), are so intimately and singularly bound together, that they cannot be cleanly distinguished, and their characteristic notes exactly described. For each representative of a general structure, regardless of its level, is necessarily fitted into an environment and somehow or other specialised. There are no types with only notes of the general structure which show in no direction an improvment of adaption, but only the signs of biological ascent. Finally, we only have fossil evidence for the development or deployment of the great general structures (Grossbaupläne) of the animal world, namely that of the vertebrates and of the different groups of invertebrates, not for the most interesting and most important, that is, their biological ascent to the level of organisation with which they are found in the Silurian or Cambrian periods. Only that would give us a deeper insight into the essence of biological ascent.

Résumé Ce travail pose la question des critères de la progression biologique (Biologischer Aufstieg), d'après les documents fossiles, dans le monde des organismes, c'est-à-dire de ce perfectionnement qui ne s'arrête pas à l'intérieur du cadre d'un phylum (Bauplan) donné, comme le perfectionnement de l'adaptation, mais qui conduit, au-de-là de phylums (Baupläne) de rang différent, à des types supérieurs, par exemple, des Poissons pas les Amphibies et les Reptiles jusqu'aux Mammifères ou aux Oiseaux. Deux groupes de critères y sont recensés en détail, leur contenu est exposé, et on les examine pour voir s'ils caractérisent sans ambiguïté la progression biologique. Le premier groupe comprend les critères de différenciation croissante et d'intégration harmonique. Ils sont fondés sur la différenciation morphophysiologique ou plus exactement sur la totalité des organismes, c'est-à-dire leur multiplicité dans l'unité. Le second groupe de critères, à savoir indépendance croissante du milieu et autonomie individuelle croissante, part des relations de l'organisme au milieu et aux autres formes vivantes et souligne la subsistence des individus, c'est-à-dire leur plus ou moins grande indépendence ou leur stabilité interne. Comme totalité et subsistence sont les éléments décisifs d'une définition biologique de l'individu, on peut dire que la progression biologique d'un organisme est d'autant plus élevée que sa totalité et subsistence et par là son être individuel sont plus accusés.Tous les critères mentionnés ne sont pas uniformes. Les motifs de leur imprécision sont divers. Tout d'abord, il n'y a pas encore de définition unique et complète de l'individu biologique, de sorte qu'on ne peut circonscrire d'une manière univoque ce qui confère à un organisme une individualité plus forte ou moins forte. Ensuite les lignées au-delà desquelles s'accomplissent des perfectionnements, et dont l'une reste intérieur au phylum (perfectionnement de l'adaptation), tandis que l'autre le transcende (progression biologique), sont entrelacées si intimement et d'une façon si particulière qu'elles ne se laissent pas séparer franchement et décrire rigoureusement selon leurs signes distinctifs. Tout représentant d'un phylum, peu importe son palier, est en effet nécessairement inséré dans un milieu et en quelque façon spécialisé. Il n'existe pas des types à caractères phylétiques purs, qui ne montrent dans aucune direction un perfectionnement de l'adaptation, mais seulement des marques caractéristiques de la progression biologique. Enfin nous ne connaissons pas les restes fossiles que le développement ou la formation des grands phylums (Grossbaupläne) du règne animal, à savoir du rameau des Vertébrés et des divers groupes des Invertébrés, mais non pas le plus intéressant et le plus important, leur progression biologique jusqu'au degré d'organisation qu'ils présentent déjà à l'époque du Silurien ou plutôt du Cambrien. C'est cela seulement qui permettrait une vue plus profonde sur la nature de la progression biologique.

Summary Twenty mutants isolated from Latisail, Jhingasail and Pankaj varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were screened for two aspects of nutritive quality, namely crude protein content and distribution pattern of protein in the endosperm. Observations revealed a wide variation for both characters, and while there was no consistent association between protein content and test grain weight, which varied between varieties, a positive correlation between protein content and grain sterility was noted. In a few mutants protein distribution was observed to be varied and showed a similarity to optimum milling characteristics.  相似文献   

It is shown in the preceding paper that neurons with two-dimensional spatio-temporal properties to linear acceleration behave like one-dimensional rate sensors: they encode the component of angular velocity (associated with a rotating linear acceleration vector) that is normal to their response plane. During off-vertical axis rotation (OVAR) otolith-sensitive neurons are activated by the gravity vector as it rotates relative to the head. Unlike one-dimensional linear accelerometer neurons which exhibit equal response magnitudes for both directions of rotation, two-dimensional neurons can be shown to respond with unequal magnitudes to clockwise and counterclockwise off-vertical axis rotations. The magnitudes of the sinusoidal responses of these neurons is not only directionally selective but also proportional to rotational velocity. Thus, responses from such two-dimensional neurons may represent the first step in the computations necessary to generate the steady-state eye velocity during OVAR. An additional step involving a nonlinear operation is necessary to transform the sinusoidally modulated output of these neurons into a signal proportional to sustained eye velocity. Similarly to models of motion detection in the visual system, this transformation is proposed to be achieved through neuronal operations involving mathematical multiplication followed by a leaky integration by the velocity storage mechanism. The proposed model for the generation of maintained eye velocity during OVAR is based on anatomical and physiological properties of vestibular nuclei neurons and capable of predicting the experimentally observed steady-state characteristics of the eye velocity.  相似文献   

S. T. C. Wright 《Planta》1969,86(1):10-20
Summary Wheat seedlings were grown under a 14-hour photoperiod and the first leaves excised at the end of the eighth dark period. The effect of treatments causing wilting on the inhibitor- content of such leaves was studied.When leaves were rapidly wilted (i.e. to a 6% fresh weight loss) and extracted immediately, the amount of inhibitor- per leaf was found to be the same as in fresh turgid leaves. However, when the leaves were maintained in a wilted condition in darkness for a period of 110 minutes, there was a marked increase in inhibitor- content.The greater the degree of wilting (i.e. up to about a 9% loss in fresh weight) the greater the eventual inhibitor- content. Moreover, the increment in inhibitor- was shown to be temperature dependent.The time lapse requirement and the temperature dependency of the inhibitor- formation suggest an enzymic conversion from a precursor.If a similar phenomenon occurs during the wilting of intact plants then the increase in this growth inhibitor might play a role in some of the physiological changes which accompany water stress.  相似文献   

The ratios between the indices of relative abundance for different trophic life forms have been used to characterize bionomical types of a rocky intertidal zone. It has been shown that the distribution of life forms is determined by the geomorphological peculiarities of the surveyed intertidal areas. A brief critical historical review has been provided of the terms bionomy and bionomical type.  相似文献   

Summary Declining yields of radiation-induced dicentric chromosomes in human G0 lymphocytes were observed in split-dose experiments with time intervals varied up to 8 h. In agreement with microdosimetric intratrack-intertrack interaction models, only the dose-squared yield component was reduced and approached an asymptotic value equal to one half of the corresponding single exposure yield. For 150 kV X-rays and 13 MeV electrons, at total doses up to 6 Gy, the time constant of the approximately exponential decline was practically dose- and quality-independent within a range of 100–180 min. For 10 kV X-rays, in the presence of a dominant linear yield component, only a small split-dose effect, but with a consistent-value, was observed for a total dose of 5 Gy. Since can be interpreted as the mean life time of primary lesions in chromatin fibres, its independence from absorbed dose and radiation quality means that radiation damage of the split-dose recovery mechanism can be excluded for doses up to 6 Gy. By correlating the observed split-dose reduction of the acentric fragment yield to the reduction of the dicentric yield, (1.64 ± 0.03) acentrics/dicentric for 150 kV X-rays and (1.51 ± 0.11) acentrics/dicentric for 13 MeV electrons were obtained. Acentrics formed in the course of dicentric formation as well as in other binary interactions of primary lesions are represented in these ratios. Post-irradiation recovery during time intervals between irradiation and cell stimulation up to 24 h did not occur. The relations to comparable results in cell lethality experiments are discussed, and a hypothesis of fast and slow binary interactions of primary lesions is put forward.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. Muth on the occasion of his 65th birthdayThis work was supported by the Bundesministerium des Innern, Bonn, FRG  相似文献   

We analyse recent ESR measurements on Ca2+ ATPase and Myelin proteolipid apoprotein reconstituted in phosphatidylcholine bilayer membranes. Our intention is to discover whether the measurements indicate significant protein-protein repulsive or attractive interactions. In order to do so we have studied a model of a lipid bilayer membrane containing transbilayer proteins. It represents the proteins by hexagons moving on a triangular lattice interacting via an energy E 0 which can be attractive, repulsive or zero. The last-named represents the random case studied earlier. We find that all of the Ca2+ ATPase data is best described either by the random model or one in which there is always at least one layer of lipid chains between every pair of proteins. We find that all of the Myelin PLA data is best described by a random distribution of hexamers and not by an annulus model of hexamers. We suggest measurements that can be done in order to unambiguously settle the question of whether these systems are best described by a random-type model or an annulus-type model.Abbreviations PC phosphatidylcholine - DMPC dimyristoyl PC - DPPC dipalmitoyl PC - EYPC egg yolk PC - 14-PCSL 1-acyl-2-[14-(4,4-dimethyloxazolidine-N-oxyl)steroyl]-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - DPH 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene - PLA proteolipid apoprotein - ESR electron spin resonance - T c temperature of main lipid phase transition Work supported by NSERC of Canada  相似文献   

A novel approach was used to compare male and female recombination rates in wheat. Doubled haploid lines were developed from an F1 using two distinct approaches: the anther-culture technique and the Hordeum bulbosum system, from which sets of lines were developed from male and female meioses, respectively. The genotype of the lines was established at RFLP and isozyme markers polymorphic on chromosomes of homoeologous groups 6 and 7, and male and female linkage maps were calculated using this information. The markers in one segment of chromosome 6B exhibited disturbed segregation frequencies in the anther-culture population. The male and female maps differed significantly in recombination frequency between some markers on two chromosomes, and these were consistent in direction within chromosomes and inconsistent in direction between chromosomes. In two of the four chromosomes studied the male map was much longer than the female map. These results suggest that significant differences may exist in male and female recombination frequencies in bread wheat which are specific to certain chromosomal segments but are inconsistent in direction between chromosomes. Other factors, such as environmental influences, may also be important in creating differences.  相似文献   

In log-phase cells of staphylococci, cultivated under high, non-lytic concentrations of penicillin G, there occurred a novel killing process hitherto hidden behind seemingly bacteriostatic effects. Two events are essential for the apprearance of this hidden death: (i) the failure of the dividing cell to deposit enough fibrillar cross-wall material to be welded together, and (ii) a premature ripping up of incomplete cross walls along their splitting system. Hidden death started as early as 10–15 min after drug addition, already during the first division cycle. It was the consequence of a loss of cytoplasmic constituents which erupted through peripheral slit-like openings in the incomplete cross walls. The loss resulted either in more or less empty cells or in cell shrinkage. These destructions could be prevented by raising the external osmotic pressure. In contrast, the conventional non-hidden death occurred only much later and exclusively during the second division cycle and mainly in those dividing cells, whose nascent cross walls of the first division plane had been welded together. These welding processes at nascent cross walls, resulting in tough connecting bridges between presumptive individual cells, were considered as a morphogenetic tool which protects the cells, so that they can resist the otherwise fatal penicillin-induced damages for at least an additional generation time (morphogenetic resistance system). Such welded cells, in the virtual absence of underlying cross-wall material, lost cytoplasm and were killed via ejection through pore-like wall openings or via explosions in the second division plane and after liberation of their murosomes, as it was the case in the presence of low, lytic concentrations of penicillin. Bacteriolysis did not cause any of the hitherto known penicillin-induced killing processes.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Georg Henneberg on the occasion of his 85th birthday  相似文献   

Two sets of backcross matings were performed to test for linkage between genes coding for the Ia-like antigens (Ia) and the B erythrocyte antigens (Ea-B) of the chicken. Evidence is presented which indicates that the la antigens are determined by a single codominant locus and that theEa-B and Ia loci are on the same chromosome. Failure to detect a single recombinant between theEa-B and Ia loci out of 208 progeny suggests close linkage of the two genes with a map distance of up to about 2 centimorgans. The Ia genes are thus included in theB major histocompatibility complex of the chicken.  相似文献   

Summary According to the program Palynological Italian Flora, Aeropalynological section, the pollen morphological card ofPinus pinea L. is presented. The study is carried out on pollen coming from three Italian localities and regards fresh and acetolyzed pollen. For each sample, measurements are carried out on 30 fresh pollen grains in glicerol jelly with fuchsin and on 30 acetolyzed pollen grains in water/glicerol (1/1); general observations regard 1000 fresh and 1000 acetolyzed pollen grains/sample. Some observations on the main differences between fresh and acetolyzed pollen are mentioned.
Riassunto Nell'ambito della Flora Palinologica Italiana, Sezione Aeropalinologica, è presentata la scheda morfopalinologica diPinus pinea L. nella versione su polline fresco e polline acetolizzato, su tre campioni di diversa provenienza. Vengono notate le principali differenze tra polline fresco e polline acetolizzato.

Summary Production of cephamycin and clavulanic acid by Streptomyces clavuligerus is controlled by the phosphate concentration. Phosphate represses the biosynthesis of cephamycin synthetase, expandase and clavulanic acid synthetase. In the presence of 2 mM phosphate, the specific activities of expandase, cephamycin synthetase and clavulanic acid synthetase were higher than in the presence of 75 mM phosphate. The specific activity of cephamycin synthetase is maximal with an initial phosphate concentration of 10 mM, whereas the specific activity of expandase is maximal with 1 mM phosphate. A correlation between cephamycin synthetase specific activity and expandase specific activity was established at phosphate concentrations higher than 10 mM. This shows that the expandase is an important enzyme in the mechanism by which the phosphate concentration affects the biosynthesis of cephamycin.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Meerschweinchenzirbeldrüse lassen sich elektronenmikroskopisch helle und dunkle Pinealzellen sowie einzelne Gliazellen nachweisen. In den bei weitem überwiegenden hellen Pinealzellen zeichnet sich ein Teil der vesicle-crowned rodlets (VCR) durch lokale Auftreibungen aus. Von VCR deutlich abzugrenzen sind die vesicle-crowned balls (VCB). Erstmalig beschrieben wird das Vorkommen von sog. Zylindern, die als Vorstufen von VCB aufgefaßt werden. In den relativ seltenen dunklen Pinealzellen, die sich durch chromatinreiche Kerne und elektronendichtes Zytoplasma auszeichnen, sind Vesikel, VCR, VCB und Zylinder seltener als in hellen Pinealzellen. Die reichlich vorhandenen marklosen Nervenfasern finden sich vor allem in perivasculären Räumen, seltener im Parenchym. Synapsen zwischen Nerven und Pinealzellen wurden nicht beobachtet. In den Zirbeldrüsen trächtiger Meerschweinchen zeichnen sich in der 2. Hälfte der Tragzeit die hellen Pinealzellen durch stärkere Lappung der Kerne, gehäuftes Auftreten von laktiven Zonen, Vermehrung von Mitochondrien, glattem ER, agranulären Vesikeln, VCR, VCB und Zylindern aus. Die dunklen Pinealzellen nehmen während der Tragzeit an Zahl zu. Post partum bilden sich diese Veränderungen innerhalb einer Woche zurück. Längerer Aufenthalt der Tiere in Dunkelheit führt zu einer Aktivierung der hellen Pinealzellen mit auffallender Vermehrung der VCR und zu einer Zunahme der dunklen Zellen. Unter Dauerbelichtung kommt es in den hellen Zellen zu einer Abnahme fast aller Zellorganellen und zu einer starken Vermehrung der VCR, die nach 70 Tagen auch Formveränderungen aufweisen. Nach Reserpinbehandlung beobachtet man eine Verminderung und degenerative Veränderungen der VCR. Es wird diskutiert, daß die VCR als prae- bzw. postsynaptische Strukturen der Erregungsübertragung von Nerven zu Pinealzellen bzw. von Pinealzellen untereinander dienen könnten.
The fine structure of the pineal gland of normal, pregnant and experimentally affected guinea-pigs
Summary By means of electron microscopy light and dark pinealocytes can be distinguished in the guinea-pig pineal gland. Glial cells are rare. In the light pinealocyte. the most frequent cell type, some vesicle-crowned rodlets (VCR) show circumscribed thickenings. From these structures vesicle-crowned balls (VCB) have to be clearly distinguished. Furthermore cylinders occur, which, it is suggested, are precursors of VCB. Dark pinealocytes characterized by chromatin-rich nuclei and electron-dense cytoplasm are rare and contain fewer vesicles, VCR, VCB and cylinders than light pinealocytes. Numerous non-myelinated nerve fibres are situated within perivascular spaces, a few also in the parenchyma. Synapses between nerve fibres and pinealocytes were not observed. In the pineal gland of pregnant guinea-pigs the following changes can be observed in the second half of gestation. The light cells show many nuclear indentations and an increase of active zones, mitochondria, smooth ER, agranular vesicles, VCR, VCB, and cylinders respectively. The dark cells increase in number. After birth these changes reverse to normal within one week. Constant darkness leads to an activation of the light cells accompanied by an increase of the VCR and to an increase in number of the dark cells. Under constant illumination the light cells show a decrease of their organelles and a strong increase of the VCR. After 70 days the VCR also show a change in shape. Following reserpine treatment the VCR decrease in number and show signs of degeneration. It is discussed that the VCR function as pre- or postsynaptic structures and that they are involved either in transmitting impulses from nerve fibres to pinealocytes or from one pinealocyte to the other.
Untersuchung unter Leitung von Univ.-Doz. Dr. L. Vollrath.  相似文献   

Endocrine cells in the human fetal small intestine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In this report we describe the time of appearance and ultrastructural features of enteroendocrine cells (EECs) in the human fetal small intestine (SB) between 9 and 22 weeks gestation. Thirteen distinctive EECs were identified in fetal SB. Two of these, not found in normal adult SB, appeared within the stratified epithelium of the proximal SB at 9–10 weeks. They were arbitrarily termed primitive and precursor cells. As in all fetal EECs, the pale cytoplasm of the primitive cell contains a distinctive population of secretory granules (SGs). Primitive cell SGs average 200–330 nm; some have dense cores with lucent halos while others are filled with a homogeneous dense or flocculent material. The SGs of the precursor cells are larger, averaging up to 1 m in diameter and their contents vary in electron density. A third group of cells not described in normal adult SB was arbitrarily termed transitional cells. These have two populations of SGs; one resembles the SGs of the precursor cells, and the other resembles the SGs of some of the specific adult type EECs. Transitional EC, S, I and G cells are seen. In addition, mature appearing EC, S, G, I, L, D, and D1 cells were identified by 12 weeks of gestation. The primitive, precursor, and transitional cells may represent sequential developmental precursors of adult type EECs.Supported by Research Grant AM-17537 from the National Institutes of Health, Besthesda, MarylandThe authors would like to thank Ms. Linda Barstein for her excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary Ethidium bromide (EB) and ultraviolet light (UV) in combination are known to produce a synergistic induction of petite mutants in yeast. Two other agents were combined with EB, 3-Carbethoxypsoralene (3 CPs) activated by 365 nm light or rays. EB in combination with 3 CPs also resulted in an enhanced production of petite mutants. After the photoaddition of 3 CPs in exponential phase cells, recovery of the petite mutation during dark liquid holding was inhibited by the presence of EB producing an enhanced number of petite mutants. The behavior of mitochondrial antibiotic resistance markers after individual and combined treatments with EB and 3 CPs indicates a random loss of markers after EB and a preferential loss of a certain region for the 3 CPs photoaddition. The combination of the two agents leads to an additivity of total drug marker losses rather than a synergistic loss. The combination of EB with rays produced no enhancement in petite induction. A combination of UV and 3 CPs showed a synergistic interaction for petite induction. These results indicate that the three agents, EB, UV and 3 CPs photoaddition may share a common repair step for mitochondrial lesions.  相似文献   

Summary Secretory activities of bicellular microhairs from grasses belonging to the subfamilies Chloridoideae, Arundinoideae, Panicoideae, and Bambusoideae, and including the chloridoid, panicoid and Enneapogon microhair morphological types, have been investigated. Light microscopic histochemistry indicated that all microhairs studied secrete polysaccharide and protein (or glycoprotein), including those which also secrete salt. Localization of polysaccharide at ultrastructural level using periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazidesilver proteinate staining revealed that in panicoid type microhairs dictyosomes are involved in polysaccharide secretion, whereas in the chloridoid and Enneapogon types partitioning membranes seem to be involved instead.Abbreviations Ag silver precipitates representing localization of polysaccharide - BC basal cell - C cuticle - CC cap cell - CH cuticular chamber - CN system of membrane bound channels and vesicles - CP chloroplast - CW cell wall - D dictyosomes - M mitochondria - N nucleus - PTM partitioning membranes - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - S secretory material - St starch grain - US unstained dictyosome cisternae - V vesicle  相似文献   

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