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Aberrant metal homeostasis may enhance the formation of reactive oxygen species and Aβ oligomerization and may therefore be a contributing factor in Alzheimer’s disease. This study investigated the effect of chronic high intake of dietary Zn or Cu on brain metal levels and the accumulation and solubility of Aβ in vivo, using a transgenic mouse model that over expresses the C-terminal containing Aβ fragment of human amyloid precursor protein but does not develop amyloid deposits. Exposure to chronic high Zn or Cu in the drinking water resulted in only slight elevations of the respective metals in the brain. Total Aβ levels were unchanged although soluble Aβ levels were slightly decreased, without visible plaque formation, enhanced gliosis, antioxidant upregulation or neuronal loss. This study indicates that brain metal levels are only marginally altered by long term oral exposure to extremely high Cu or Zn levels, and that this does not induce Aβ-amyloid formation in human Aβ expressing, amyloid-free mice, although this is sufficient to modulate Aβ solubility in vivo.  相似文献   

During brain aging and progression of Alzheimer’s disease, the levels of Aβ and proinflammatory cytokines accumulate very early in the pathogenic process prior to any major degenerative changes. Accumulation of these molecules may impair with signal transduction pathways critical for neuronal health. Neurotrophin signaling is a critical mechanism involved in synaptic plasticity, learning and memory and neuronal health. We have recently shown that exposure to low levels of Aβ impairs BDNF trkB signal transduction, suppressing the Ras/ERK, and the PI3-K/Akt pathways but not the PLCγ pathway. As a result, downstream regulation of gene expression and neuronal viability are impaired. Recently, we have found that at least three agents – Aβ, TNFα, Il-1β – suppress TrkB signaling and act via a common and novel mechanism. These factors all regulate the docking proteins (e.g., IRS and Shc) that link the activated Trk receptor to downstream effectors. While this is a novel mechanism underlying regulation of Trk signaling, such a mechanism has been identified for the insulin/IGF-1 receptor in the presence of proinflammatory cytokines and is one of the mechanisms for insulin/IGF-resistance, which is a key risk factor for type II diabetes (1). We suggest that accumulation of AB and proinflammatory cytokines during aging generates in the brain a “neurotrophin resistance” state that places the brain at risk for cognitive decline and dementia.  相似文献   

Here we report an unusual case of disseminated cryptococcosis in a patient with AIDS. Although typical Cryptococcus neoformans micromorphology was observed in tongue biopsy, cervical lymph node examination revealed atypical histopathologic findings. These included pseudohyphae, chains of budding yeasts and structures resembling germ tubes. Cryptococcus neoformans infection in supraclavicular lymph nodes was also confirmed by culture. The importance of using special histochemical techniques—Mayer’s mucicarmine stain for mucicarminophilic capsule and Grocott’s silver stain—in the diagnosis of cryptococcosis is reinforced.  相似文献   

Adsorption and Polymerization of Amino Acids on Mineral Surfaces: A Review   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The present paper offers a review of recent (post-1980) work on amino acid adsorption and thermal reactivity on oxide and sulfide minerals. This review is performed in the general frame of evaluating Bernal's hypothesis of prebiotic polymerization in the adsorbed state, but written from a surface scientist's point of view. After a general discussion of the thermodynamics of the problem and exactly what effects surfaces should have to make adsorbed-state polymerization a viable scenario, we examine some practical difficulties in experimental design and their bearing on the conclusions that can be drawn from extant works, including the relevance of the various available characterization techniques. We then present the state of the art concerning the mechanisms of the interactions of amino acids with mineral surfaces, including results from prebiotic chemistry-oriented studies, but also from several different fields of application, and discuss the likely consequences for adsorption selectivities. Finally, we briefly summarize the data concerning thermally activated amide bond formation of adsorbed amino acids without activating agents. The reality of the phenomenon is established beyond any doubt, but our understanding of its mechanism and therefore of its prebiotic potential is very fragmentary. The review concludes with a discussion of future work needed to fill the most conspicuous gaps in our knowledge of amino acids/mineral surfaces systems and their reactivity.  相似文献   

The oxygen mass transfer is a critical design parameter for most bioreactors. It can be described and analyzed by means of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient K L a. This coefficient is affected by many factors such as geometrical and operational characteristics of the vessels, type, media composition, rheology and microorganism’s morphology and concentration. In this study, we aim to develop and characterize a new culture system based on the surface aeration of a flexible, single-used bioreactor fixed on a vibrating table. In this context, the K L a was evaluated using a large domain of operating variables such as vibration frequency of the table, overpressure inside the pouch and viscosity of the liquid. A novel method for K L a determination based on the equilibrium state between oxygen uptake rate and oxygen transfer rate of the system at given conditions was also developed using resting cells of baker’s fresh yeast with a measured oxygen uptake rate of 21 mg g−1 h−1 (at 30°C). The effect of the vibration frequency on the oxygen transfer performance was studied for frequencies ranging from 15 to 30 Hz, and a maximal K L a of 80 h−1 was recorded at 30 Hz. A rheological study of the medium added with carboxymethylcellulose at different concentrations and the effect of the liquid viscosity on K L a were determined. Finally, the mixing time of the system was also measured using the pH method.  相似文献   

Sholl’s analysis has been used for about 50years to study neuron branching characteristics based on a linear, semi-log or log—log method. Using the linear two- dimensional Sholl’s method, we call attention to a relationship between the number of intersections of neuronal dendrites with a circle and the numbers of branching points and terminal tips encompassed by the circle, with respect to the circle radius. For that purpose, we present a mathematical model, which incorporates a supposition that the number of dendritic intersections with a circle can be resolved into two components: the number of branching points and the number of terminal tips within the annulus of two adjoining circles. The numbers of intersections and last two sets of data are also presented as cumulative frequency plots and analysed using a logistic model (Boltzmann’s function). Such approaches give rise to several new morphometric parameters, such as, the critical, maximal and mean values of the numbers of intersections, branching points and terminal tips, as well as the abscissas of the inflection points of the corresponding sigmoid plots, with respect to the radius. We discuss these parameters as an additional tool for further morphological classification schemes of vertebrate retinal ganglion cells. To test the models, we apply them first to three groups of morphologically different cat’s retinal ganglion cells (the alpha, gamma and epsilon cells). After that, in order to quantitatively support the classification of the rat’s alpha cells into the inner and outer cells, we apply our models to two subgroups of these cells grouped according to their stratification levels in the inner plexiform layer. We show that differences between most of our parameters calculated for these subgroups are statistically significant. We believe that these models have the potential to aid in the classification of biological images.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al), a neurotoxic agent, has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which is characterized by cholinergic dysfunction in the central nervous system. In this study, we evaluated the effect of long-term exposure to aluminum on acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the central nervous system in different brain regions, in synaptosomes of the cerebral cortex and in erythrocytes. The animals were loaded by gavage with AlCl3 50 mg/kg/day, 5 days per week, totalizing 60 administrations. Rats were divided into four groups: (1) control (C); (2) 50 mg/kg of citrate solution (Ci); (3) 50 mg/kg of Al plus citrate (Al + Ci), and (4) 50 mg/kg of Al (Al). AChE activity in striatum was increased by 15% for Ci, 19% for Al + Ci and 30% for Al, when compared to control (P < 0.05). The activity in hypothalamus increased 23% for Ci, 26% for Al + Ci and 28% for Al, when compared to control (P < 0.05). AChE activity in cerebellum, hippocampus and cerebral cortex was decreased by 11%, 23% and 21% respectively, for Al, when compared to the respective controls (P < 0.05). AChE activity in synaptosomes was increased by 14% for Al, when compared to control (P < 0.05). Erythrocyte AChE activity was increased by 17% for Al + Ci and 11% for Al, when compared to control (P < 0.05). These results indicate that Al affects at the same way AChE activity in the central nervous system and erythrocyte. AChE activity in erythrocytes may be considered a marker of easy access of the central cholinergic status.  相似文献   

Common property arrangements govern the subsistence harvest of berries in the Gwich’in region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. Some of these arrangements, including rules for resource access, sharing information and harvest sharing, enable the Gwich’in to deal with ecological variability. The rules change in response to year-to-year variations in the abundance and distribution of the species, spatially and temporally across the region. This paper illustrates the interrelationships between ecosystem dynamics and local institutions, a neglected area of commons research.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

This study explored the importance of using relevant measures when evaluating the effectiveness of early childhood interventions. Data from the federally-funded evaluation of the Comprehensive Child Development Program were used to examine whether the behavior measure, the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), was an appropriate tool for the diverse community-based sample of young, low-income children. Results demonstrated no confirmation of the CBCL syndromes composing the Externalizing and Internalizing behavioral dimensions used to determine program impacts. Exploratory analyses revealed that two-thirds of the clinical behavior problems included in the CBCL were of very low prevalence in this community-based sample. These findings stress the importance of measurement fit in national evaluations of early childhood programs serving these vulnerable children.  相似文献   

Variability profiles measured over a set of aligned sequences can be used to estimate evolutionary freedom to vary. Differences in variability profiles between clades can be used to identify shifts in function at the molecular level. We demonstrate such a shift between the alpha and beta subunits of hemoglobin. We also show that the variability profiles for myoglobin are different between whales and primates and speculate that the differences between the two clades may reflect a shift associated with the novel oxygen storage demands in the lineage leading to whales. We discuss the relationship between sequence variability and ``evolutionary opportunity' and explore the utility of Maynard Smith's multidimensional evolutionary opportunity space metaphor for exploring functional constraints, genetic redundancy, and the context dependency of the genotype-phenotype map. This work has implications for quantitatively defining and comparing protein function. Supplementary data is available from bioinfo.mbb.yale.edu/align. Received: 16 September 1999 / Accepted: 19 May 2000  相似文献   

A simple and rapid procedure for the preparation of yeast and fungal DNA samples useful in PCR amplification was developed. The DNA was purified from proteins, lipids, polysaccharides, and other impurities by high-temperature extraction (in a boiling water bath) with buffer solutions containing chaotropic salts. Under these conditions, yeast and fungal cell envelopes remain unbroken and retain the original DNA and RNA that could be used for direct PCR amplification. We called the proposed PCR technique as the PCR using DNA-containing cell envelopes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to construct a balanced chlorine budget for a small forested catchment, focusing on the interaction between chloride (Clinorg) and organic-matter-bound chlorine (Clorg). Data from the actual catchment are combined with secondary data from other sites to elucidate more clearly which parts of the cycle are fairly well known and which are more or less unknown. The budget calculations show that the principal input and output fluxes of Cl in the catchment are inorganic but that the main pool is Clorg in the soil. In addition, the budget calculations suggest that a considerable portion of Clinorg in soil is transformed to Clorg and subsequently leached to deeper soil layers, that net mineralization of Clorg takes place in soil, preferably in deeper soil layers, and that degrading organic matter is a major source of Clinorg in runoff. The loss of Clorg through runoff is small to negligible in relation to other fluxes. It appears as if dry deposition of Clinorg is at risk of being underestimated if Clinorg is assumed to be conservative in soil. The pool of organic-matter-bound chlorine in soil is considerably larger than the annual flux of chloride through the system. The estimates suggest that the amount of Clorg in the upper 40 cm of the soil at the investigated site is approximately twice as large as the Clinorg. Furthermore, the amount of Clorg biomass is small in relation to the occurrence of Clorg in soil. Finally, the estimates indicate that the transport of volatile Clorg from the soil to the atmosphere may influence the chlorine cycle.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new approach to evaluate the inner structure (including a main constriction and its localization) of the water lumen of an ion channel. The method is based on the determination of channel filling by different nonelectrolyte molecules through each side of an ion channel. The method has two characteristic features that make its use attractive: (i) the possibility to ascertain the existence, localization and size of a narrow part inside an ion channel water lumen and (ii) the chances to determine the maximal size of both entrances of an ion channel and to obtain additional information about the geometry of its water lumen at the same time. Determinations were made on colicin Ia ion channels inserted into planar lipid bilayers. This channel was chosen because there is an apparent contradiction between its low single channel conductance and the large diameter of its water lumen. Our results show that the water lumen of the colicin Ia channel has a funnel-like structure with a small trans-entrance, with a diameter of about 1.0 nm, and a large cis-entrance, with a diameter of approximately 1.8 nm. A constriction with a diameter of approximately 0.7 nm is shown to be located close to the trans-entrance of the channel. The method can also be applied to patch clamp studies of single ion channels. Received: 20 February 1997/Revised: 19 August 1997  相似文献   

In recent years, heavy metal pollution accidents have occurred in many regions of China, and the public has become increasingly concerned about its health. Based on a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency model and using Monte Carlo simulation techniques, this article presents a procedure for health risk assessment of heavy metal pollution. A case study was conducted in the Qixia lead and zinc mining area. Based on the magnitude of heavy metal contamination in the mine factory, vicinal Qixia scenic site and village, the potential health risk calculated for a lifetime of exposure (through ingestion and dermal contact) was determined as the cumulative carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk for workers, tourists, and local residents (including children and adults), respectively. The risk assessment indicated that the carcinogenic risk is not significant. However, Pb poses a significant cumulative non-carcinogenic risk, which tends to be serious for workers. Additionally, local children are more vulnerable than adults to the risks associated with heavy metal contamination. Accordingly, risk alleviation and preventive measures should be taken, especially for children and workers.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been applied for assessing emerging technologies, where large‐scale production data are generally lacking. This study introduces a standardized scheme for technology and manufacturing readiness levels to contextualize a technology's development stage. We applied the scheme to a carbon nanotube (CNT) LCA and found that, regardless of synthesis technique, CNT manufacturing will become less energy intensive with increased levels of readiness. We examined the influence of production volume on LCA results using primary data from a commercial CNT manufacturer with approximately 100 grams per day production volume and engineering design of a scaled‐up process with 1 tonne per day production capacity. The results show that scaling up could reduce 84% to 94% of its cradle‐to‐gate impacts, mainly as a result of the recycling of feedstock that becomes economically viable only beyond certain minimum production volume. This study shows that LCAs on emerging technologies based on immature data should be interpreted in conjunction with their technology and manufacturing readiness levels and reinforces the need of standardizing and communicating information on these readiness levels and scale of production in life cycle inventory practices.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined the relationship between the production of sites with feces (i.e., latrines) and river otter (Lontra canadensis) abundance to determine whether scat surveys were adequate for monitoring relative population size for species leaving activity signs in a clumped distribution on the landscape. We conducted winter riparian transects to simultaneously monitor otter abundance via snow tracks and latrine sites along the rivers of Kouchibouguac National Park and surrounding area in New Brunswick, Canada. Our data showed that latrine abundance poorly reflected otter abundance for given stretches of rivers because the relationship was nonlinear and reached a plateau. The number of latrine sites was not related to the time period since last snowfall, which indicated that otters repetitively defecated at the same sites. Individual otters and groups did not produce activity signs over larger distances as a function of time, which indicated that they tend to stay in their home ranges in winter. We discuss why scat survey protocols based on determining presence—absence of a species at predetermined search sites may poorly reflect population size, as well as population fluctuations in time. Caution is advised when interpreting data from such surveys for species for which feces or other activity signs surveyed play a role in intraspecific communication and tend to be in a clumped distribution on the landscape.  相似文献   

旅游活动及伴随的人流、车流逐渐成为野生动物的主要干扰源,威胁着濒危物种的繁殖和生存。准确认识旅游活动对野生动物的影响是制定保护对策和提高保护成效的基础,但生态学领域有关旅游对野生动物影响的量化研究还比较少,可借鉴的评估方法仍较为缺乏。本研究比较唐家河国家级自然保护区旅游开发前(2000年)和开发后(2012年)大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)痕迹点距离路线的平均回避距离和最小回避距离,发现大熊猫对徒步路线表现出明显的回避效应,表明近年来的旅游活动对大熊猫确实产生了影响。通过最小回避距离和距离递增法确定旅游活动对大熊猫的影响等级和阈值距离。确定了距离徒步路线和自驾路线的第一等级距离阈值分别为0~57 m和0~460 m、第二等级为57~800 m和460~1 000 m、第三等级为800~1 400 m和大于1 000 m。基于距离徒步路线和自驾路线一定范围内的痕迹点分布数量,大熊猫对不同路线两侧每100 m的栖息地平均利用频率分别为1.9±0.23和0.8±0.15,通过Mann-Whitney U检验,发现二者间存在显著性差异(Z=﹣3.48,P=0.000)。通过对每100 m海拔区间内大熊猫痕迹距离自驾路线和徒步路线的距离分析,发现二者差异显著(t=3.76,P=0.003),对自驾路线,大熊猫在海拔2 000~2 100 m时回避距离最小,而对徒步路线,最小回避距离发生在2 100~2 200 m。基于本研究,为自然保护区内最小接触区或禁止旅游区的划分提供了依据,同时为其他保护区探索适合的生态旅游影响评价方法提供了示范和经验。  相似文献   

北京城市鸟类对食源植物利用规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何海燕  王楠  董路 《动物学杂志》2021,56(4):491-499
园林植物为城市生活的鸟类提供重要食物资源,园林中的植物配置会影响城市中鸟类的种类、数量和群落结构.研究城市鸟类与食源植物的关系,可明确鸟类对食源植物的取食关系,为提高城市鸟类多样性提供技术支撑.2017至2019年,在北京市范围内,以直接观察法和野外照片识别法记录鸟类取食的食源植物种类和数量.共选取6个研究地点,每个研...  相似文献   

I have estimated nocturnal home-range size for 24 individuals of the adult Japanese fluvial sculpin, Cottus pollux (large-egg type) by direct observation on a single night. On average, sculpin used 10.5 focal points (where they executed ambush predation) at night and stayed for 93.1 min at each point. Home-range size (mean 9.8 m2, range 0.3–79.9 m2), which was calculated by use of the minimum convex polygon method, was positively correlated with the number of focal points. The swimming paths and focal points used by each sculpin often depended on the configuration of rocks on the streambed, suggesting the importance of bottom topography to home-range use by the sculpin. More than one-third of the sculpins returned to within 1 m2 of the point of original capture and release; this provided evidence of their homing ability. Comparison of nocturnal home-range size and Schoener’s ratio (the amount of temporal autocorrelation) with the length of sampling intervals suggested that sampling intervals of 2 h through the dark period, which resulted in a 70% match with real home-range measurements and approximately half of the data sets became independent, provide the most accurate information for predicting the nocturnal home-range size of the sculpin.  相似文献   

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