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Tachykinins are a family of structurally related peptides, including substance P (SP), hemokinin-1 (HK-1), neurokinin A (NKA), and neurokinin B. SP and NKA have been shown to modulate hematopoiesis and rat/mouse HK-1 has been found to be involved in the survival and differentiation of mouse B-cells. This study was designed to assess the expression of tachykinins with a focus on human HK-1 (hHK-1) in human B lymphocytes and the role of these peptides in cell differentiation, apoptosis and proliferation. Expression of tachykinin and tachykinin receptor mRNA was determined quantitatively in human B lymphoproliferative malignancies and compared to normal B-cells. Expression of hHK-1 and NK1 receptor, but not SP, was detected in human B-lymphocytes, and was up-regulated in B-lymphocytes from chronic lymphocytic leukemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, while it was down-regulated in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Moreover, hHK-1, in contrast to SP, was able to induce proliferation of human pre-B lymphocytes through a NK1 receptor-independent mechanism. These data suggest a role for hHK-1 in normal and pathological B lymphopoiesis, and open the door to a better understanding of the physiopathological mechanisms leading to lymphoproliferative malignancies.  相似文献   

Influenza viruses continue to emerge and re-emerge, posing new threats for public health. Control and treatment of influenza depends mainly on vaccination and chemoprophylaxis with approved antiviral drugs. Identification of specific epitopes derived from influenza viruses has significantly advanced the development of epitope-based vaccines. Here, we explore the idea of using HLA binding data to design an epitope-based vaccine that can elicit heterosubtypic T-cell responses against circulating H7N9, H5N1, and H9N2 subtypes. The hemokinin-1(HK-1) peptide sequence was used to induce immune responses against the influenza viruses. Five conserved high score cytotoxic T lymphocyte(CTL) epitopes restricted to HLA-A*0201-binding peptides within the hemagglutinin(HA) protein of the viruses were chosen, and two HA CTL/HK-1 chimera protein models designed. Using in silico analysis, which involves interferon epitope scanning, protein structure prediction, antigenic epitope determination, and model quality evaluation, chimeric proteins were designed. The applicability of one of these proteins as a heterosubtypic epitopebased vaccine candidate was analyzed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to improve knowledge about histamine radioprotective potential investigating its effect on reducing ionising radiation-induced injury and genotoxic damage on the rat small intestine and uterus. Forty 10-week-old male and 40 female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups. Histamine and histamine-5Gy groups received a daily subcutaneous histamine injection (0.1 mg/kg) starting 24 h before irradiation. Histamine-5Gy and untreated-5Gy groups were irradiated with a dose of whole-body Cesium-137 irradiation. Three days after irradiation animals were sacrificed and tissues were removed, fixed, and stained with haematoxylin and eosin, and histological characteristics were evaluated. Proliferation, apoptosis and oxidative DNA markers were studied by immunohistochemistry, while micronucleus assay was performed to evaluate chromosomal damage. Histamine treatment reduced radiation-induced mucosal atrophy, oedema and vascular damage produced by ionising radiation, increasing the number of crypts per circumference (239±12 vs 160±10; P<0.01). This effect was associated with a reduction of radiation-induced intestinal crypts apoptosis. Additionally, histamine decreased the frequency of micronuclei formation and also significantly attenuated 8-OHdG immunoreactivity, a marker of DNA oxidative damage. Furthermore, radiation induced flattening of the endometrial surface, depletion of deep glands and reduced mitosis, effects that were completely blocked by histamine treatment. The expression of a proliferation marker in uterine luminal and glandular cells was markedly stimulated in histamine treated and irradiated rats.The obtained evidences indicate that histamine is a potential candidate as a safe radio-protective agent that might increase the therapeutic index of radiotherapy for intra-abdominal and pelvic cancers. However, its efficacy needs to be carefully investigated in prospective clinical trials.Key words: histamine, ionising radiation, radio-protectors, small intestine, uterus.  相似文献   

The energy status of the cell is mainly dependent on adenine nucleotides and can be expressed as energy charge (EC). EC is known to be kept at narrow limits near 0.90 under normal conditions in most cells. We recently reported remarkably low EC values in the human uterus under apparent steady-state conditions. The present paper is an extension of previous work. It shows that EC varies in different regions of the uterus in that the isthmic part in pregnant women displays a higher EC than the fundus of the uterus. There were no intergroup differences between non-pregnant and term pregnant women, nor between those who were in active normal labour, dysfunctional labour or those who were not in labour at all. On the other hand, EC in uterine muscle of post-menopausal women showed a significantly lower EC value. Human uterus seems to manage its metabolic requirements under different functional conditions in spite of low ATP and EC values. This suggests that ATP occurs in sufficient amounts to pertinent enzyme reactions, especially ATPases, which means Km values adapted for this unusually low ATP concentration.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of the mammalian tachykinin neurokinin A on salt intake in the rat. Intracerebroventricular injection of neurokinin A inhibited salt intake elicited by sodium depletion, by subchronic deoxycorticosterone treatment and by adrenalectomy. It also inhibited the need-free salt intake of female rats that had been previously depleted of sodium. Since different brain mechanisms elicit salt intake in these experimental models, it is concluded that neurokinin A exerts a general antinatriorexic effect. Apparently, its inhibitory effect on salt intake is not due to malaise or competing behaviors, as shown by the fact that the doses of neurokinin A which suppress salt intake do not suppress milk intake. In comparison to the amphibian tachykinin kassinin, neurokinin A possesses a similar spectrum of antinatriorexic activities, but is markedly less potent and less effective in all the experimental models investigated. These findings suggest that activation of neurokinin A receptors cannot solely account for the potent antinatriorexic effect of kassinin and of other nonmammalian tachykinins.  相似文献   

The actions of three isozymes of human pancreatic alpha-amylase (HPA) on phenyl alpha-maltopentaoside, phenyl alpha-maltotetraoside, and their derivatives which have an iodo, an amino, or a carboxyl group at their first or penultimate glucopyranosyl residue from the non-reducing-end were examined. The results revealed that there was no difference in the actions of the three isozymes on the modified substrates and suggested the presence of five subsites (S3, S2, S1, S1', and S2') and a hydrophobic amino acid residue at subsite S3 in the active site of HPA. As compared with the action of human salivary alpha-amylase (HSA) on the same substrates, HPA had a tendency to release more phenyl alpha-glucoside from every substrate; however, an iodo, an amino, and a carboxyl group of the substrates had the same effects on the binding modes of the substrates to the active site of HPA as seen in the case of the salivary enzyme. This result indicates that the three-dimensional structures of the active sites of both alpha-amylases are quite similar except for some minor changes at subsites S3 and S2'.  相似文献   

Ketamine hydrochloride caused dose-related analgesia and ataxia in rats. In mice, ketamine caused dose-related analgesia and stimulation of locomotor activity. None of these actions of ketamine were appreciably altered by the narcotic antagonist naloxone. Thus, these actions of ketamine do not appear to be mediated by opiate receptors.  相似文献   

We studied the role of stimulant processing and presentation and of IL 1 in monocyte-mediated activation of human lymphoproliferative responses. The effects of two lysosomotropic agents, ammonium chloride and chloroquine, on the capacity of human monocytes to activate T lymphocyte responses to the soluble antigen streptolysin O (SLO) and to the polyclonal stimulant S. aureus protein A (SpA) were investigated. These agents inhibited the presentation of SLO and SpA by human monocytes in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibition occurred if monocytes were treated with ammonium chloride and chloroquine for 1.5 hr, starting only 30 min after exposure to the stimulants, whereas only minimal inhibition occurred when monocytes were treated with the two lysosomotropic compounds 2 hr after pulsing with SLO or SpA. In contrast, cell membrane alloantigen presentation by monocytes in the MLR was not affected by ammonium chloride or chloroquine treatment. Thus, these reversible inhibitors of monocyte phagosome-lysosome functions presumably interfere with intracellular processing of the stimulants but do not seem to interfere with alloantigen presentation at the cell surface. Furthermore, we investigated whether gently fixed monocytes were still capable of passively presenting stimulant or whether active metabolic processes as well as IL 1 were required. We observed that only monocytes treated with paraformaldehyde after SLO or SpA pulsing stimulated a proliferative response by T lymphocytes, provided 50 U/ml of partially purified human IL 1 were added back to cultures. In contrast, monocytes fixed before exposure to SLO or SpA were not able to stimulate T lymphocytes even if supplemented by IL 1. Taken together these data suggest that a finite incubation period is required for human monocytes to become able to present SLO or SpA to T lymphocytes. During this time the soluble stimulants presumably undergo some metabolic process in viable macrophages perhaps at the phagosome-lysosome level, to become recognizable by T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Pulmonary vasomotor actions of histamine and the possible relationship of histamine to hypoxic pulmonary vasconstriction were studied in anaesthetized cats with one lobe of lung perfused at constant flow and in isolated perfused rat and ferret lungs. In the cat histamine caused dilatation, biphasic responses and constriction with increasing doses. Histamine induced dilatation was better demonstrated during hypoxic vasoconstriction and was reduced by an H2 histamine antagonist; constriction with histamine was abolished by an H1 antagonist. Histamine also caused both vasodilatation and vasoconstriction in ferret lungs. A mast cell stabilizing agent had no effect on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in cats or rats. This response was unaffected in cats but greatly reduced in rats and ferrets by cyproheptadine, a combined histamine and 5-hydroxy-tryptamine inhibitor. It was unaffected in cats but abolished in ferrets an H1 histamine inhibitor. It was again unaffected in cats but greatly reduced in rats and ferrets by an H2 histamine inhibitor. These species differences may reflect differences in mechanism but more probably reflect non-specific effects of the inhibitors in certain circumstances. However, when drugs nearly abolished hypoxic vasoconstriction, ATP still caused vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

This study was carried out on the effect of histamine hydrochloride and its antagonists on the production of interleukin-1 (IL-1) by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated adherent human monocytes (AHM) from normal healthy blood donors. IL-1 activity was evaluated by incorporation of [3H]-thymidine in mouse thymocytes in samples of 1:3 dilution. The result indicated that histamine hydrochloride significantly suppressed IL-1 production by AHM at 10(-3) M and 10(-10) M in 14 donors with maximal suppression observed at 10(-3) M. A 1-hr incubation with histamine hydrochloride (10(-3) M) before addition of LPS was found to be appropriate. Cimetidine, an H2-antagonist at 10(-3) M, 10(-5) M, and 10(-7) M significantly inhibited the effect of histamine hydrochloride (10(-3) M) and gave maximum inhibition at 10(-5) M, whereas chlorpheniramine maleate, and H1-antagonist had no significant inhibitory effect at the concentrations studied (10(-4) M, 10(-5) M, and 10(-7) M). Histamine hydrochloride (10(-3) M) added alone had no significant suppressive effect, while cimetidine (10(-5) M) alone had a significant stimulatory effect on IL-1 production by AHM.  相似文献   

H C Becker 《Life sciences》1988,43(7):643-650
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the imidazobenzodiazepine RO15-4513, a partial inverse agonist at benzodiazepine (BDZ) receptors, on the stimulant and depressant actions of ethanol in mice. For comparative purposes, another BDZ inverse agonist, FG-7142, was examined as well. Neither RO15-4513 nor FG-7142 influenced the low-dose excitatory effects of ethanol on spontaneous locomotor activity. However, both RO15-4513 and FG-7142 significantly antagonized the depressant effects of ethanol, and this antagonism was completely reversed by pretreatment with the BDZ receptor antagonist, RO15-1788. These data suggest that RO15-4513 is capable of antagonizing only some of the behavioral effects of ethanol, and in particular, those responses to ethanol that are mediated by modulation of the GABA/BDZ-chloride channel receptor complex.  相似文献   

We have assigned the human histamine H1-receptor gene to chromosome 3 by Southern blot analysis of a chromosome mapping panel constructed from humanhamster somatic cell hybrids. This assignment was confirmed by in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes and involved bands 3p14–p21.  相似文献   

R Y Pun 《Peptides》1982,3(3):249-257
The postsynaptic action of the classical neurotransmitter noradrenaline (NA), the reversal potential of the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) and the effects of divalent cations on EPSPs in dissociated spinal cord cultures are described. In co-cultures of locus coeruleus explant and spinal cord cells, it was found that NA could mimic the response evoked by stimulation of the explant on the spinal cord cells surrounding the explants. Both depolarization and hyperpolarization responses were observed. On a few occasions, a biphasic response consisting of a hyperpolarization followed by a depolarization was observed. The depolarizing response was associated with an increase in input resistance of the membrane. This would suggest that NA may have a facilitatory effect on synaptic transmission. The depolarizations were antagonized by the α-antagonist piperoxane, and were not affected by the β-antagonist propranolol at the concentrations tested, indicating that the receptor mediating these responses is of the α-type. The reversal potential for dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord cells was +8±3.2 mV (mean±s.e.m.), and that for spinal cord and spinal cord cells was ?4±4.3 mV (mean±s.e.m.). These values are different from those previously reported for glutamate in spinal cord cultures. The effects of high and low concentrations of calcium ions on quantal output and mean quantal amplitude or quantal size of the EPSP were further examined. As expected, the cation had an effect mainly on the release process: increasing the concentration of calcium increased the amount of neurotransmitter released, while reducing the concentration of calcium reduced release. Quantal size was slightly or not affected by alteration of external calcium. In comparing the postsynaptic actions of classical neurotransmitters to those of peptides, there is apparently no evidence that the actions of the two groups of agents on central neurons are different. It appears, however, that the peptides generally elicit responses at lower concentrations than the classical neurotransmitters. Further experimentation is required to fully elucidate the actions of peptides on mammalian central neurons.  相似文献   

Understanding of the molecular determinants responsible for antagonist binding to the oxytocin receptor should provide important insights that facilitate rational design of potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of preterm labor. To study ligand/receptor interactions, we used a novel photosensitive radioiodinated antagonist of the human oxytocin receptor, d(CH(2))(5) [Tyr(Me)(2),Thr(4),Orn(8),Phe(3(125)I,4N(3))-NH(2)9]vasotocin. This ligand had an equivalent high affinity for human oxytocin and V(1a) vasopressin receptors expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Taking advantage of this dual specificity, we conducted photoaffinity labeling experiments on both receptors. Photolabeled oxytocin and V(1a) receptors appeared as a unique protein band at 70-75 kDa and two labeled protein bands at 85-90 and 46 kDa, respectively. To identify contact sites between the antagonist and the receptors, the labeled 70-75- and the 46-kDa proteins were cleaved with CNBr and digested with Lys-C and Arg-C endoproteinases. The fragmentation patterns allowed the identification of a covalently labeled region in the oxytocin receptor transmembrane domain III consisting of the residues Leu(114)-Val(115)-Lys(116). Analysis of contact sites in the V(1a) receptor led to the identification of the homologous region consisting of the residues Val(126)-Val(127)-Lys(128). Binding domains were confirmed by mutation of several CNBr cleavage sites in the oxytocin receptor and of one Lys-C cleavage site in the V(1a) receptor. The results are in agreement with previous experimental data and three-dimensional models of agonist and antagonist binding to members of the oxytocin/vasopressin receptor family.  相似文献   

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