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In northwest Europe, sheltered rocky shores are dominated by fucoid canopy algae and barnacles are rare, although the latter are extremely abundant on exposed shores. The supply of the intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides (L.) to sheltered, fucoid dominated rocky shores was investigated to determine the importance of larval supply in limiting the abundance of adults in shelter. Larval supply was measured at two spatial scales, at the scale of shore (100s of metres), by comparing larval concentrations at exposed and sheltered sites, and at a smaller spatial scale (m), by examining the role of fucoid canopies in limiting supply to the substratum. Replicate plankton trawls were carried out above the intertidal zone at high water at two sheltered sites and nearby exposed headlands. The concentration of S. balanoides cyprid larvae was significantly higher at the sheltered sites on two out of three sampling occasions with up to 14 times greater larvae on one occasion than the nearby exposed site. The effect of the macroalgal canopy on supply to the substratum was assessed in two ways: directly, by pumping water from the substratum in areas with and without Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis, and indirectly by measuring cyprid settlement in a canopy-manipulation experiment. Pumped plankton samples from mid tide level showed that the A. nodosum canopy did not form a barrier to larval supply and may have had a positive effect on larval concentrations at the substratum. Cyprid settlement was assessed in the mid shore A. nodosum and low shore Fucus serratus L. zones to areas with canopy algae (but protected from the sweeping effects of macroalgal fronds) and without canopy. Settlement over three consecutive 24-h periods showed a consistent pattern; settlement was consistently lower beneath the F. serratus canopy than in cleared areas, suggesting that this algal species forms a barrier, limiting supply of cyprid larvae to the substratum.  相似文献   

Agriculture originated independently in many distinct regions at approximately the same time in human history. This synchrony in agricultural origins indicates that a global factor may have controlled the timing of the transition from foraging to food-producing economies. The global factor may have been a rise in atmospheric CO2 from below 200 to near 270 μol mol?1 which occurred between 15,000 and 12,000 years ago. Atmospheric CO2 directly affects photosynthesis and plant productivity, with the largest proportional responses occurring below the current level of 350 μol mol?1. In the late Pleistocene, CO2 levels near 200 μol mol?1 may have been too low to support the level of productivity required for successful establishment of agriculture. Recent studies demonstrate that atmospheric CO2 increase from 200 to 270 μol mol?1 stimulates photosynthesis and biomass productivity of C3 plants by 25% to 50%, and greatly increases the performance of C3 plants relative to weedy C4 competitors. Rising CO2 also stimulates biological nitrogen fixation and enhances the capacity of plants to obtain limiting resources such as water and mineral nutrients. These results indicate that increases in productivity following the late Pleistocene rise in CO2 may have been substantial enough to have affected human subsistence patterns in ways that promoted the development of agriculture. Increasing CO2 may have simply removed a productivity barrier to successful domestication and cultivation of plants. Through effects on ecosystem productivity, rising CO2 may also have been a catalyst for agricultural origins by promoting population growth, sedentism, and novel social relationships that in turn led to domestication and cultivation of preferred plant resources.  相似文献   

Summary The Goldcrest is an interesting species for studies of physiological and behavioural adaptions to cold, since it is the smallest species present in Europe. Although many small birds have to lower their metabolic rate and enter hypothermia in order to make their energy reserves last throughout the night, our measurements of oxygen consumption of five Goldcrests suggest that these birds may be able to balance their nocturnal energy budget during the winter at normothermic body temperatures, provided that the available food supply is adequate. These results are in agreement with those of another small bird, the Common Bushtit, which, like the Goldcrest, reduce nocturnal heat loss by contact roosting. Since the energy saved by hypothermia decreases with decreasing ambient temperature and also decreasing body weight, this strategy might not be such an advantage for the smallest birds living at very low ambient temperatures.
Zusammenfassung Am Wintergoldhähnchen als dem kleinsten europäischen Vogel interessieren besonders seine physiologischen und Verhaltens-Anpassungen an niedere Temperaturen. Viele Kleinvögel senken ihre Stoffwechselaktivität und verfallen in Hypothermie, um mit ihren Energie-Reserven während der langen Winternächte auszukommen. Unsere Untersuchungen über den O2-Verbrauch von 5 Wintergoldhähnchen legen jedoch nahe, daß sich das nächtliche Energie-Budget auch im Tiefwinter auf Normalniveau bewegt und daß sie bei ausreichendem Nahrungsangebot ihre normale Körpertemperatur auch nachts beibehalten. Ähnliche Befunde liegen von den vergleichbaren kleinen amerikanischen Buschmeisen vor, die wie Goldhähnchen den nächtlichen Wärmeverlust durch Schlafen auf engem Gefiederkontakt reduzieren. Es ist anzunehmen, daß die Hypothermie als Überwinterungsstrategie für unsere kleinsten Vögel garnicht so vorteilhaft wäre: Die durch Hypothermie eingesparte Energie geht mit abnehmender Umgebungstemperatur und mit geringerer Körpergröße wieder verloren.

Hypertension is a life-threatening disease that is associated with increased cardiovascular risks. Causes and mechanisms for hypertension development remain poorly understood. Methylglyoxal (MG), a highly reactive molecule, is a metabolite of sugar. Increased circulation and tissue levels of MG have been documented not only in diabetes but also in hypertension. Many recent studies also link MG-induced vascular damage to the pathogenic process of hypertension. As such, an etiological role of MG in hypertension development is proposed.  相似文献   

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is among the most important and top ranked causes of death in the world, and its preventive and interventional mechanisms are actively being investigated. Preconditioning may still be beneficial in some situations such as IHD. Development of cardioprotective agents to improve myocardial function, to decrease the incidence of arrhythmias, to delay the onset of necrosis, and to limit the total extent of infarction during IHD is of great clinical importance. In order to reduce morbidity, a new treatment modality must be developed, and oxytocin may indeed be one of the candidates. There is increasing experimental evidence indicating that oxytocin may have cardioprotective effects either by decreasing the extent of reperfusion injury or by pharmacologic preconditioning activity. This review shows that in the presence of oxytocin, the cardioprotective effects may be increased to some extent. The presented board of evidence focuses on the valuable effects of oxytocin on myocardial function and candidates it for future clinical studies in the realm of ischemic heart diseases.  相似文献   

1. Some syngnathid species show varying degrees of sex role reversal aside from male pregnancy, with females competing for access to mates and sometimes presenting conspicuous secondary sexual characters. Among other variables, brooding space constraints are usually considered a key element in female reproductive success, contributing strongly to the observed morphological and behavioural sexual differences. Nevertheless, a close relationship between sex role reversal and male brooding space limitation has not yet been accurately demonstrated in field studies. 2. The present work, conducted over two consecutive breeding seasons in a wild population of the sex role-reversed pipefish Syngnathus abaster, simultaneously analysed egg number and occupied space, as well as the free area in the male's marsupium. The number of eggs that would fit in the observed unoccupied space was estimated. 3. Contrary to what would be expected, given the marked sexual dimorphism observed in the population studied, where females were larger and more colourful, male brooding space did not appear to limit female reproduction as neither large nor small individuals presented a fully occupied pouch. Interestingly, the largest unoccupied areas of marsupium were found in the larger individuals, although they received more and larger eggs. Laboratory data also showed that larger females lay larger eggs. 4. Together, these results suggest the existence of assortative mating, which may result from: (i) the reluctance of larger males (which tend not to receive small eggs usually laid by small females) to mate with lower quality females, even at the expense of a smaller number of offspring; or (ii) female-female competition, which might strongly reduce the hypothesis of a small female mating with a large male. The potential impact of temperature on reproduction and population dynamics is also discussed in the light of ongoing climatic changes.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β is a pleiotropic secretory protein which inhibits and potentiates tumour progression during early and late stage of tumourigenicity, respectively. However, it still remains veiled how TGF-β signalling reveals its two faces. Hoshino et al. (Autocrine TGF-β protects breast cancer cells from apoptosis through reduction of BH3-only protein, Bim, J. Biochem. 2011;149:55-65) demonstrated a new aspect of TGF-β as a survival factor in highly metastatic breast cancer cells from which TGF-β1 and TGF-β3 are abundantly expressed. They found that TGF-β suppressed the expression of BH3-only protein Bim which promotes programmed death signalling via release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. Further interestingly, forkhead box C1 (Foxc1) whose expression is suppressed upon TGF-β stimulation is involved in the expression of Bim. Based on their results, autocrine TGF-β signalling in certain breast cancers promotes cell survival via inhibition of apoptotic signalling. Thus, the inhibitors for activin receptor-like kinase (ALK)5 kinase might exert a curative influence on certain types of metastatic breast cancers.  相似文献   

Phosphorus: a limiting nutrient for humanity?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Highlights? P is essential to build key molecules, such as RNA needed for rapid growth. ? P is often limiting to productivity in ecosystems, including to crops. ? Large amounts of P are mined annually to make fertilizer to produce food. ? Current P use is unsustainable owing to ecosystem impacts and uncertainties about fertilizer production. ? A food system redesign to combine P-efficient crops with P recycling is needed.  相似文献   

There is considerable attention being given to the association of Alzheimer's disease and cholesterol homeostasis. To that end, some have suggested that elevated cholesterol levels are a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. If elevated cholesterol is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, then it would be expected that patients with Alzheimer's disease would have elevated serum and brain cholesterol levels. Studies were reviewed that have examined cholesterol levels in Alzheimer's patients and control subjects, including prospective studies, and based on that review, the conclusion is reached that the majority of studies do not support elevated cholesterol levels in serum and brain as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Alternative hypotheses are discussed, including cholesterol domains and subgroups of individuals with hypercholesteremia.  相似文献   

Chen Y  Gibson SB 《Autophagy》2008,4(2):246-248
Autophagy is a conserved lysosomal degradation pathway that has been extensively studied in recent years. However, the mechanism of autophagy induction is still not clear. Mitochondria are important regulators of both apoptosis and autophagy. One of the triggers for mitochondrial mediated apoptosis is the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Recently, several studies have indicated that ROS may be also involved in induction of autophagy. ROS are molecules or ions that are formed by the incomplete one-electron reduction of oxygen, including superoxide (O2 (*-)), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxyl radical ((*)OH), nitric oxide (NO), and peroxynitrite (ONOO-). Our recent studies provide strong evidences for the involvement of mitochondrially-generated ROS production in the induction of autophagy as determined by the formation of autophagosomes and autolysosomes. This was accomplished through treatment with mitochondrial toxins that inhibit the electron transport chain in transformed and cancer cells. In addition, we have determined that H2O2 and 2-methoxyestradiol (inhibitor of superoxide dismutases and electron transport chain) induce autophagy leading to cell death. In contrast, normal astrocytes fail to induce autophagy following treatment with mitochondrial toxins. Herein, we discuss several important points of our studies and provide a model for mitochondrially-induced autophagic cell death mediated by ROS.  相似文献   

Extensive sheep grazing in the West Carpathians is a very important management tool for the protection of the traditional landscape character of the Central European countryside, as well as providing biologically valuable habitats of pastures and meadows. In this paper we describe the main characteristics of sheep farming in the Beskydy region and test the hypothesis that large carnivores are a limiting factor for sheep grazing management of landscapes in this region, the only area of the Czech Republic where all three species of large European carnivores – the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), grey wolf (Canis lupus) and brown bear (Ursus arctos) – occur. Data obtained from the monitoring of large carnivores and a questionnaire-based survey of the perspective of sheep farmers in the Beskydy region were analysed. Although the lynx is the most abundant large predator within the study area, the highest number of attacks on sheep was attributed to wolves. However, the annual frequency of attacks was very low and, moreover, an important number of the attacks could have been committed by dogs rather than wolves. From the perspective of sheep breeders, the major economic factor is a low consumer demand for sheep products, and not the presence of large carnivores. However farmers expressed a view that some level of safeguarding was needed and this should come in the form of financial compensation for damage resulting from attacks on sheep by large predators and a modification of the current system of agricultural subsidies. Subsidies for sheep breeders should respect the regional specifics including the risk arising from the presence of large carnivores and provide support for active measures to protect the livestock against them. Regarding the protection of populations of large carnivores in the Beskydy Mountains, it will be necessary to continue to monitor their presence.  相似文献   

Protoplasts obtained from sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) cell suspensions were found to be highly intact and to retain a high rate of O2 consumption. If the protoplasts were taken up and expelled through a fine nylon mesh, all the protoplasts were ruptured, leaving the fragile amyloplasts largely intact. Distribution of enzymes of glycolysis in plastids and soluble phase of sycamore protoplasts indicated that the absolute maximum activity for each glycolytic enzyme under optimum conditions exceeded the estimates of the maximal rate at which sycamore cells oxidize triose phosphate. Passage of protoplasts through the fine nylon mesh produced a 3-5-fold decrease in O2 consumption. However, addition of saturating amounts of respiratory substrates and ADP restored an O2 consumption equal to that observed with uncoupled intact protoplasts. Taken together, these results demonstrated that neither the overall capacity of the glycolytic enzymes in sycamore cells nor the availability of respiratory substrates for the mitochondria is ultimately responsible for determining the rate of uncoupled respiration in sycamore cells.  相似文献   

Because arginase hydrolyzes arginine to produce ornithine and urea, it has the potential to regulate nitric oxide (NO) and polyamine synthesis. We tested whether expression of the cytosolic isoform of arginase (arginase I) was limiting for NO or polyamine production by activated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells. RAW 264.7 cells, stably transfected to overexpress arginase I or beta-galactosidase, were treated with interferon-gamma to induce type 2 NO synthase or with lipopolysaccharide or 8-bromo-cAMP (8-BrcAMP) to induce ornithine decarboxylase. Overexpression of arginase I had no effect on NO synthesis. In contrast, cells overexpressing arginase I produced twice as much putrescine after activation than did cells expressing beta-galactosidase. Cells overexpressing arginase I also produced more spermidine after treatment with 8-BrcAMP than did cells expressing beta-galactosidase. Thus endogenous levels of arginase I are limiting for polyamine synthesis, but not for NO synthesis, by activated macrophage cells. This study also demonstrates that it is possible to alter arginase I levels sufficiently to affect polyamine synthesis without affecting induced NO synthesis.  相似文献   

Innate immunity relies on effectors, which produce cytotoxic molecules that have not only the advantage of killing pathogens but also the disadvantage of harming host tissues and organs. Although the role of dietary antioxidants in invertebrate immunity is still unknown, it has been shown in vertebrates that carotenoids scavenge cytotoxic radicals generated during the immune response. Carotenoids may consequently decrease the self-harming cost of immunity. A positive relationship between the levels of innate immune defence and circulating carotenoid might therefore be expected. Consistent with this hypothesis, we show that the maintenance and use of the prophenoloxidase system strongly correlate with carotenoid concentration in haemolymph within and among natural populations of the crustacean Gammarus pulex.  相似文献   

Is sludge retention time a decisive factor for aerobic granulation in SBR?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Li Y  Liu Y  Xu H 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(16):7672-7677
This study investigated the role of sludge retention time (SRT) in aerobic granulation under negligible hydraulic selection pressure. Results showed that no successful aerobic granulation was observed at the studied SRTs in the range of 3-40 days. A comparison analysis revealed that hydraulic selection pressure in terms of the minimum settling velocity would be much more effective than SRT for enhancing heterotrophic aerobic granulation in sequencing batch reactor (SBR). It was shown that SRT would not be a decisive factor for aerobic granulation in SBR.  相似文献   

Anthropologists and demographers have devoted considerable attention to testing the fertility-polygyny hypothesis, which posits that polygynously married women have lower fertility than their monogamously married counterparts. Much less attention has been paid to the potential impact of polygynous marriages on the health and well-being of children. The objective of this paper was to assess whether polygynous marital status is a risk factor for poor nutritional status and growth performance among a cohort of young Tanzanian children. Using data collected from both wet and dry season periods, we tested for an association from both cross-sectional and longitudinal perspectives. Despite relatively high nutritional status compared to other agropastoralists and horticultural populations, as well as the presence of various socioecological factors that were expected to mitigate any "costs" to polygynous marriage, we found that among our target population, polygynous marital status is a risk factor for poor growth performance. This association is most pronounced in the wet season, and maintains even after allowing for the potential influences of child age and sex, and household characteristics. These results counter our original expectation, and suggest that polygyny is costly to children in this population; this does not appear to be the result of difference in early child environment or household wealth.  相似文献   

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