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Mutualisms or interspecific interactions involving net mutual benefits, are an important component of ecological theory, although effectively demonstrating mutualism is notoriously difficult. Among two New Zealand endemics, a slightly elevated germination rate of Fuchsia excorticata (Onagraceae) seeds after passage through tree weta (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae) compared with seeds manually extracted from fruit, led to the proposal that a mutualistic relationship exists between this plant and animal. An improved germination rate, or any other single trait, however, does not alone constitute evidence for mutualism; the relative costs and benefits of numerous components of the interaction need to be accounted for. We considered the costs and benefits to F. excorticata of the putative seed dispersal mutualism with tree weta. Tree weta provided with F. excorticata fruits destroyed 78% of the seeds they consumed, did not move fruit; and faeces containing seeds were deposited near their roost holes (which are naturally in trees). The seeds remaining after fruit consumption and those that are ingested but survive gut passage are unlikely to be deposited in suitable habitat for seedling survival. Plant food preferences of captive tree weta assessed using pairwise leaf choice tests showed that the leaves of F. excorticata were the least preferred of six commonly encountered plants. In addition, we found that tree weta did not show a preference for F. excorticata fruit over a standard leafy diet, indicating they are unlikely to be actively seeking fruit in preference to other sources of food. These observations indicate that any interaction between tree weta and F. excorticata is likely to be opportunistic rather than mutualistic, and highlight the difficulty of characterizing such interactions.  相似文献   

In a leaf flavonoid analysis of six Fuchsia species and seven Fuchsia hybrids, flavonols were found to be abundant in all taxa except F. procumbens. Flavone glycosides were found in only three species: luteolin 7-glucoside in F. splendens; and luteolin and apigenin 7-glucuronides and 7-glucuronidesulphates, tricin 7-glucuronidesulphate and diosmetin 7-glucuronide from one or both of the New Zealand species F. procumbens and F. excorticata. Luteolin 7- glucuronidesulphate is reported for the first time. Other less common phenolics identified include the flavanone, eriodictyol 7-glucoside from F. excorticata, a galloylglucose from F. triphylla, and a galloylglucosesulphate present in all taxa. Eight of the flavonoid glycosides proved useful as marker substances for particular Fuchsia species: quercetin 3- rhamnoside, 3-glucuronide and 3-rutinoside for F.fulgens; quercetin and kaempferol 3-galactosides for F. boliviana var. luxurians; diosmetin 7-glucuronide for F. excorticata and apigenin 7-glucuronide and 7-glucuronidesulphate for F. procumbens. The chemical results on the hybrids support the view that the cultivar ‘Mary’ is a hybrid of F. boliviana var. luxurians and F. triphylla and that both F.fulgens and F. triphylla are involved as parents of the cultivars ‘Koralle’ and ‘Traudchen Bondstedt’.  相似文献   


Fuchsia excorticata is a gynodioecious tree (endemic to New Zealand) which is pollinated by honeyeater birds. Red, tubular flowers are common among bird-pollinated plants, and the tubular flowers of F. excorticata change colour from green to red. The purpose of the present study was to describe the timing of the colour change, dropping of the floral tube, and nectar production of F. excorticata and to determine how bellbirds (Anthornis melanura) and two introduced species of nectar robbers (Zosterops lateralis and Bombus sp.) respond to the different colour phases.

Floral tubes fell off about 11 days after anthesis in both sexes, with colour change occurring on about Day-4 for female trees and on about Day-5 for hermaphrodite trees. Green-phase hermaphrodite flowers produced significantly more nectar/day than did green-phase female flowers, while red-phase flowers did not produce nectar in either sex. All three floral visitors studied preferentially visited green-phase flowers and virtually ignored the nectarless flowers in the red phase. These results contrast with the general association between red, bird-pollinated flowers and the presence of a nectar reward. We suggest that the non-migratory habit of the New Zealand honeyeaters and the lack of native insect visitors to this species may account for this anomalous green-to-red colour change.  相似文献   

New Zealand is home to giant king crickets called weta, which are the only insects known to consume fleshy-fruits and disperse seeds after gut passage. Although they disperse seeds in viable condition after consumption, their importance as seed dispersers is unknown. We conducted a series of field observations and laboratory experiments to investigate intraspecific variation in the capacity of Wellington tree weta (Hemidenina crassidens) to disperse seeds of tree fuchsia (Fuchsia excorticata). We asked three questions. How frequently do weta disperse fuchsia seeds? Do seed passage rates differ between sexes and different-sized weta? Might weta select for particular seed sizes via differential seed mortality after ingestion? A total of 2,272 F. excorticata seedlings germinated from 241 scats (i.e., faecal pellets) that were collected from the field. Experimental results showed that, on average, 15% of seeds ingested by weta successfully germinated, whereas 75% germinated in control trials. Larger weta dispersed greater numbers of seeds in experimental trials, while no differences in dispersal rates were observed between sexes. Regardless of sex and size, weta preferentially dispersed larger seeds. When interpreted collectively, results indicate that (1) weta are frequent seed dispersers of F. excorticata, although many seeds are destroyed during ingestion, (2) larger-bodied weta consistently disperse greater quantities of seeds, which is unusual in seed dispersal mutualisms, and (3) weta preferentially disperse larger seeds, suggesting that they might interact evolutionarily with New Zealand plants.  相似文献   

The effects of leaf leachates derived from six forest trees on algal biomass development was examined in a 3-week experiment in a New Zealand spring. The trees all occur in riparian zones and were Fagus sylvatica and Alnus glutinosa from Europe, Eucalyptus globulus from Australia, Pinus radiata from western North America, and two New Zealand species, Fuchsia excorticata and Nothofagus solandri. Leachates from five species inhibited algal growth relative to controls, whereas leachate from a sixth species (F. excorticata) was stimulatory. In contrast, cellulose breakdown was unaffected by five leachates and inhibited by the other (F. sylvatica). In a second experiment, colonization of leaves and inert substrata (polythene strips) by algae was examined with SEM after 16 days. Algal abundance was greatest on polythene strips and leaves of F. sylvatica, and substantially lower on the other species. Our results indicate that both leaf texture and chemical composition can affect algal colonization and growth, and that chemicals derived from leaves have the potential to both inhibit and stimulate ecosystem processes in streams.  相似文献   

RISHBETH  J. 《Annals of botany》1951,15(1):1-22
F. annosus produces conidia abundantly in culture but rarelyunder natural conditions. Sporophorea are formed on stumps anddying trees throughout the year provided that the humidity issufficiently high. Spore discharge in the plantations may occurat any time of year, but slowa down or ceases during very dryweather. It takes place at low temperatures, ceasing only whensporophores freeze. In the laboratory, F. annosus basidiospores germinate in relativehumidity exceeding 92 per cent. on freshly cut, unsterilizedpine wood. Viability is lost rapidly in light at temperaturesabove 15°C. Under humid conditions F. annosus spores will infect freshlycut pine stumps. There is evidence that spores of F. annosus washed down intosoil remain viable for at least a short period and that stumpscovered with soil are infected from this source. F. annosusspores can infect stumps for only a few weeks after felling,colonization after a longer interval probably beingprevdntedby competing fungi. In stumps inoculated with a mixed suspensionof F. annosus and Peniophora gigantea spores, Fomes at firstcolonized the wood but was soon replaced by P. gigantea. Otheraspects of competition are discussed. The incidence of natural infection in stumps and the factorsaffecting it are discussed Growth rates of F. annosus on malt agar and in lengths of pineroot are given. The fungus grows in stump roots at about 1 m.per year, and so closely approaches adjacent trees within ayear of thinning the plantation: In large stumps, F. annosusmay survive 15 or even 30 years after felling. Data are givenwhich suggest that the infective capacity of stumps containingF. annosus is greater in alkaline than in acid mils, while replacementby other fungi is slower. Competition of F. annosus with other fungi during colonizationof stumps is discussed. The parasite can grow along roots alreadyoccupied by certain fungi but not along roots containing others.The probable course of succession in stumps rotted by F. annousis described.  相似文献   

In a leaf flavonoid investigation of all species and one hybrid of Fuchsia sect. Skinnera flavonol glycosides were found in all except F. procumbens and F. perscandens. Flavone glycosides and their sulphates previously characterized in F. excorticata, F. procumbens and their hybrid were found additionally in F. perscandens and F. colensoi but were absent from F. cyrtandroides. However, the rare Fuchsia constituents diosmetin 7-glucuronide and eriodictyol 7-glucoside were identified only in F. excorticata, F. excorticata x F. procumbens and F. colensoi, supporting the suggestion that the latter species is of hybrid origin with F. excorticata as one of the parents. The chemical evidence also indicates that sect. Skinnera is monophyletic with the Tahitian F. cyrtandroides, a sister species to a clade incorporating all the New Zealand species and thus not necessarily derived from a New Zealand ancestor.  相似文献   

Four sympatric species of Fundulus (F. heteroclitus, F. majalis,F. diaphanus, and F. luciae) are distributed along tidal heightand salinity gradients such that F. heteroclitus co-occurs witheach species, while the remaining species rarely occur together.Feeding habitats of all the species are similar, and food hasbeen shown to limit population size of F. heteroclitus. Thispaper examines whether competition is an important structuringforce within this guild by addressing two questions: 1) is thespatial separation exhibited by three of the species due tophysiological barriers or due to competitive exlusion? and 2)when F. heteroclitus occurs with other Fundulus species doescompetition for resources take place? Laboratory studies indicate that all four species are tolerantof a wide range of environmental conditions; available evidencesuggests that physiological barriers are an unlikely explanationfor spatial segregation among some members of this guild. Competitiveexclusion seems a likely alternate explanation, but is supportedonly by studies of diet overlap. Similarly, only inference fromdiet overlap is available to answer the second question. A fieldexperiment is presented here in which F. heteroclitus and F.majalis were placed in enclosures separately and together. Competitionbetween these species appears to be important, and similar fieldexperiments are recommended to investigate competitive interactionsamong other species pairs within the genus  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and secretion of the secretory cells of theglandular trichomes ofFagonia mollisandF. glutinosawere studied.The most important finding of this study is that two speciesof the same genus produce the lipophilic component of the secretorymaterial in completely different ways and at different siteswithin the cell. In the early stages of development of secretorycells ofF. mollis,numerous mitochondria, containing myelin-likestructures, occur in the basal part of the cell. Above them,highly-elongate elements, which are suspected to develop frommitochondria with myelin-like structures, are present. Thesehave been termed ‘modified mitochondria’. It issuggested that the myelin-like structures are precursors ofthe lipophilic material ofF. mollis.InF. glutinosa,the lipophilicmaterial appears first in the plastids as plastoglobuli. Polysaccharidesappear to be produced by dictyosomes in both species. Secretionof the secretory substance to the outside of the protoplastappears to be granulocrine.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Fagonia mollis,Fagonia glutinosa,glandular trichomes, secretory cell, mitochondria, modified mitochondria, plastids, dictyosomes, lipophilic material, myelin-like structures, polysaccharides  相似文献   

Lamella preparations of spinach, Chlorella, Phaeodactylum, Anabatnaand Porphyra were treated with a hydrophobic reagent, lutein,and the absorption and fluorescence spectra in the red regionbefore and after treatment were compared for changes causedby the treatment. Absorption spectra of all these preparationsunderwent the same spectral change, transformation of a bandat 684 nm into a band at 666 nm. The longer the maximum wavelengthof the red peak, the greater was the fractional absorbance decreaseat 684 nm. The content of C684 (the chlorophyll form responsiblefor the 684 nm band) in the lamellae was estimated from thefractional decreases as being progressively higher in the orderof Phaeodactylum, Porphyra, Anabatna, Chlorella and spinach.The fluorescence spectra at liquid nitrogen temperature beforetreatment showed two bands. The longer wavelength band was transformedby the treatment into a shorter wavelength band(s), as describedbelow, according to the maximum wavelengths: spinach, F735F695(or F686); Chlorella, F715F700 (or F686); Phaeodactylum, anunidentified componentF690; Anabaena, F732F685 (or F695); Porphyra,F726F683. These chlorophyll forms with fluorescence maxima between715 and 735 nm were, therefore, designated C684 based on absorptionspectrophotometry, and are considered to play a role in photosystemII. (Received August 15, 1972; )  相似文献   

The Atlantic and Mediterranean flabellinid Flabellina affinis(Gmelin, 1791) (Opisthobranchia, Nudi-branchia, Aeolidoidea)is examined morphologically, anatomically and histologicallywith special emphasis on characters which have been widely neglectedin recent literature (e.g. the histological structure of theoral glands, typhlosole). The study provides detailed data aboutall organ systems which are compared to existing data of otherauthors. The species described as Flabellina affinis by Bergh(1875; 1886) is considered not to be conspecific with the Flabellinaaffinis examined in this and other studies. Furthermore, Flabellinaaffinis is compared to other Mediterranean species, especiallyF. ischitana (Hirano & Thompson, 1990). F. ischitana differsfrom F. affinis mainly by the structure of the genital system.The phylogenetic trees presented for the genus by Gosliner &Kuzirian (1990) and Gosliner & Willan (1991) are discussed. (Received 5 August 1996; accepted 9 June 1997)  相似文献   

The Japanese morning glory carrying the recessive mutable speckledallele with the dominant speckled-activator bears colorlessflowers with fine and round colored spots distributed over thecorolla whereas the plant without the speckled-activator producespale yellow flowers. Previous chemical analysis has indicatedthat a mutation in the gene for flavanone 3-hydroxylase (F3H)is a likely candidate for the speckled allele. However, theF3HmRNA without sequence alteration accumulates normally inthe pale yellow flowers, indicating that the speckled alleleis neither the F3H gene nor a regulatory gene acting on theF3H gene expression. (Received April 4, 1997; Accepted June 2, 1997)  相似文献   

A hypothesis of the evolutionary relationships of thirty-fourspecies of Fundulus and their closer relatives is presented.The study is restricted to morphological characters which couldbe determined to be primitive or derived using the methods ofphylogenetic systematics. Following Parenti, a family Fundulidaeis recognized. It is composed of four genera of North Americankillifishes. (Cyprinodontidae as usually constitutedis polyphyletic.)No convincing characters demonstrate that Fundulus is a naturalgroup (a monophyletic group). However, all species of Fundulusshare four derived characters with Lucania. The sister group(closest genealogical relative) of Fundulus plus Lucania isa group composed of the genera Adinia and Leptolucania. Fourmonophyletic groups of Fundulus can be recognized based on sharedderived characters: (1) subgenus Fundulus (seven species excludingthree species placed in Fontinus); (2) subgenus Fonlinus (sixspecies); (3) subgenus Xensima (five species); and (4) subgenusZygonectes (thirteen species). Three species, F. (Plancterus)zebrinus, F. lima, and F. parvipinnis are of uncertain affinitieswithin the Lucania-Fundulus clade  相似文献   

The abundance and species composition of diatoms adhering tothe loricae of four agglutinated Tintinnina species, Laackmanniellanaviculaefera, Codonellopsis gaussi, Cd.balechi and Tintinnopsislobiancoi, were determined. Diatoms from the Fragdariopsis group,F.cylindrus and F.pseudonana, dominated on tintinnid loricaefrom the Antarctic waters, whilst Thalassiosira spp. were predominanton loricae from the Baltic Sea. Although tintinnids utilizeddiatoms in the environment, it is not a rule that they use onlythese which are dominant. Our results suggest that certain diatomsare actively selected and agglutinated by particular tintinnidspecies.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the phylogeographic patterns of widely distributedand common freshwater mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionidae) mayprovide insight into unionid evolution and speciation. The Wabashpigtoe, Fusconaia flava, is currently recognized as a single,polytypic species that is widely distributed and common throughoutthe Mississippi River drainage and parts of the Canadian Interior,Great Lakes and Gulf Coast drainages. Sequence analysis of themitochondrial COI gene revealed two divergent (3.43%) clades.Clade A consisted of specimens located throughout the upperand lower Mississippi River drainage and in the Red River (Canada)and Lake Erie drainages and all F. cerina specimens. All haplotypeswithin clade A differed by three (0.55%) or fewer nucleotidesubstitutions from the most widely distributed and abundanthaplotype, F1. Clade B, consisting of specimens located in thefar western portion of the species' range, may comprise an undescribedspecies. There was no evidence of genetic differentiation amongF. flava inhabiting headwater and intermediate-sized river localitiesof the Muskingum River system and large river localities ofthe nearby Ohio River. The divergence among F. flava haplotypescomprising clade A (0.18–1.10%) was similar to the divergencebetween the F. cerina haplotypes and the F. flava haplotypescomprising clade A (0–1.10%). This study illustrates theimportance of accessing genetic diversity across the distributionof a polytypic species. Additional analyses based on a combinationof morphology and genetics are needed to determine the taxonomicstatus of clade B and to strengthen our understanding of therelationship between F. flava and F. cerina. (Received 28 May 2007; accepted 13 August 2007)  相似文献   

Structural differences and functional wear of the radula inthree species of the gastropod Fissurella from Isla de Margarita,Venezuela, were examined using light and electron microscopy.Wear patterns indicate between 6 and 9 transverse rows of teethare comonly used during feeding. Mechanical wear was most noticeableon the cusps of the outer lateral tooth; this wear varied fromrounding (F. nimbosa) to blunting (F. barbadensis) to squaring(F. nodosa) of the cusps. Morphological changes were additionallycharacterized by a significant decrease in the cusp length ofmarginal cusps in F. nodosa and breakage of the central toothand inner lateral teeth in F. barbadensis. Interspecific differencesin wear patterns suggest that the rhipidoglossate radula maybe used differently by congeneric Fissurella. Despite considerable variation, rasping rates while feedingon the same substrate were comparable among species; however,food passage rates through the digestive system differed amongspecies studied. Fissurella barbadensis requires 12 hours topass its food through the digestive tract, taking almost twiceas much time as F. nodosa and F. nimbosa. These data highlightdifferences in the feeding ecology of Fissurella species andcorrelate well with individual activity patterns and grazinghabits. *Present address: La Salle University, Department of Biology,20th Street at Olney Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USA. (Received 4 October 1988; accepted 16 February 1989)  相似文献   

UV-A* irradiation caused increases in total protein in Fusariumsolani, while its effect on Alternaria alternata was variable,and not as clear-cut as in F. solani. On the other hand, UV-Birradiation stimulated protein production in both fungi. UV-Airradiation showed an inhibitory effect on total DNA in bothfungi, while the effect on RNA was stimulatory in F. solanibut had no effect on A. alternata. Short fluences of UV-B inhibitedDNA production to some extent in both fungi, however longerfluences increased DNA content especially in F. solani. Theeffect of UV-B on RNA production was inhibitory in F. solanibut not in A. alternata. A. alternata is much more resistantto UV-irradiation than is F. solani, and increases in proteinin the former after UV-irradiation suggests that protein mayplay a part in protection against the harmful effect of UV-irradiation. UV-A, UV-B, fluence, protein, nucleic acids, Alternaria alternata, Fusarium solani  相似文献   

Finegoldia magna (formerly Peptostreptococcus magnus), a memberof the Gram-positive anaerobic cocci (GPAC), is a commensalbacterium colonizing human skin and mucous membranes. Moreover,it is also recognized as an opportunistic pathogen responsiblefor various infectious diseases. Here, we report the completegenome sequence of F. magna ATCC 29328. The genome consistsof a 1 797 577 bp circular chromosome and an 189 163bp plasmid (pPEP1). The metabolic maps constructed based onthe genome information confirmed that most F. magna strainscannot ferment most sugars, except fructose, and have variousaminopeptidase activities. Three homologs of albumin-bindingprotein, a known virulence factor useful for antiphagocytosis,are encoded on the chromosome, and one albumin-binding proteinhomolog is encoded on the plasmid. A unique feature of the genomeis that F. magna encodes many sortase genes, of which substratesmay be involved in bacterial pathogenesis, such as antiphagocytosisand adherence to the host cell. The plasmid pPEP1 encodes sevensortase and seven substrate genes, whereas the chromosome encodesfour sortase and 19 substrate genes. These plasmid-encoded sortasesmay play important roles in the pathogenesis of F. magna byenriching the variety of cell wall anchored surface proteins.  相似文献   

Four co-existing species (Deschampsia flexuosa, Festuca ovina,Juncus squarrosus and Nardus stricta) were subjected to clippingand the net photosynthetic and dark respiration rates were followedafter this treatment for 50 d. Concurrently carbon partitioningin F. ovina plants clipped initially and again at 50 and 100d was examined. An expansion of new leaf lamina was observed with F. ovina,which had a greater net photsynthetic rate per unit leaf areathan unclipped lamina. The remaining leaf lamina (stubble) afterclipping also showed net photosynthetic and dark respirationrates greater than unclipped lamina; these responses were uniqueto F. ovina plants. N. stricta was the only other species toattain a pre-clipping photosynthetic rate within 6 d. Clipped F. ovina plants showed a change in carbon allocationpattern, with a reduction in carbon allocated to roots. 14Caccumulated in roots and stubble was shown to have a role inregrowth, as was current assimilate via the production of newleaf lamina. Plants initially clipped before exposure to 14C,redistributed less 14C to new shoot growth and, therefore, lostless when subsequently clipped. Further redistribution of 14Ccame from leaf stubble tissue and not at the expense of roots.The variation between species in clipping response are discussedin terms of the implications for coexistence. Carbon partitioning, clipping, gas exchange, grasses  相似文献   

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