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Exposure of quiescent, serum-starved 3T3-L1 cells to insulin promotes phosphorylation of initiation factors eIF-4F, eIF-4B, and eIF-3 p120, as well as ribosomal protein S6. Phosphorylation of both the p25 and p220 subunits of eIF-4F is stimulated typically by 2.5-5-fold, with a 2-4-fold increase in phosphorylation of eIF-4B and eIF-3 p120. Optimal stimulation is observed by 10(-9) M insulin. A similar pattern of stimulation is seen upon treatment of 3T3-L1 cells with 1 x 10(-6) M phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Two-dimensional phosphopeptide mapping of p25, isolated from quiescent, insulin- or PMA-stimulated cells, results in a single tryptic phosphopeptide, indicating a single phosphorylation site identical to that obtained with protein kinase C. A more complex phosphopeptide map is observed with the p220 subunit. Following PMA-stimulation of 3T3-L1 cells, phosphopeptide mapping of p220 results in a pattern similar to that observed in vitro with Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C). Following insulin stimulation, mapping of p220 results in the appearance of novel peptides. Upon prolonged exposure to PMA, the cells are no longer responsive to this mitogen and no stimulation of phosphorylation of eIF-4F, eIF-4b, eIF-3 p120, or S6 via a protein kinase C-dependent mechanism is observed. Addition of insulin to these down-regulated cells leads to stimulation of phosphorylation of eIF-4F p220, ribosomal protein S6, and to a lesser extent, eIF-4B; little or no stimulation of phosphorylation of eIF-4F p25 and eIF-3 p120 is observed. Thus, eIF-4F p220, eIF-4B and ribosomal protein S6 are phosphorylated via PMA-dependent and insulin-dependent pathways, whereas phosphorylation of eIF-4F p25 and eIF-3 p120 is stimulated only upon activation of protein kinase C. Phosphopeptide maps of eIF-4F p220 and ribosomal protein S6 suggest that protease-activated kinase II is one of the protein kinases involved in the insulin-stimulated response in protein kinase C-depleted cells.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factors are found in the postribosomal supernatant as well as bound to the 40S ribosomal subunits. We have analyzed the factor activities from the supernatant by means of zonal centrifugation followed by Sepharose-heparin affinity chromatography. They exist both as free factors, sedimenting in a broad range from 4 to 7S, and complexed with other protein(s) with a sedimentation value of 16–20S. This complexed fraction contains besides eIF-2 another activity which exhibits a profound stimulation on amino acid incorporation in crude lysates and appears to counteract the heme-regulated inhibitor.Abbreviations eIF-2, eIF-3, eIF-4A and eIF-4B are eukaryotic initiation factors, see FEBS Letters 76, 1-10 (1977).  相似文献   

Initiation factor eIF-2 from rat liver was reacted with the hetero-bifunctional cross-linking reagents ABAI or APTPI without diminishing its ability to form the quaternary initiation complex with Met-tRNAf, GDPCP and the small ribosomal subunit. Upon irradiation with UV light, subunits alpha and gamma of eIF-2 became covalently linked to 18S ribosomal RNA. The subunits were identified electrophoretically after isolation of the covalent protein-rRNA complexes and subsequent degradation of the rRNA by nuclease and alkali treatments. The close proximity of the two factor subunits to sequences of ribosomal RNA within the quaternary complex could be confirmed in a second set of experiments using unmodified, 125I-labeled factor and diepoxybutane as cross-linking reagent.  相似文献   

Initiation factor eIF-3 from rat liver forms a binary complex with the small ribosomal subunit. Within this complex, 18S ribosomal RNA can be cross-linked to the 66 000 dalton subunit of eIF-3 by treating the complex with a short bifunctional reagent, diepoxybutane, with a distance of 4A between the reactive groups. In binary complexes containing eIF-3 premodified with the heterobifunctional reagent, methyl-p-azido-benzoylaminoacetimidate (10A), the 66 000 dalton subunit of eIF-3 became covalently bound to 18S rRNA after irradiation of the complex with ultraviolet light. The involvement of only one of the eight eIF-3 subunits in the formation of the covalent RNA-protein complexes indicates a highly specific interaction between 18S rRNA and eIF-3 at the attachment site of the factor on the 40S subunit.  相似文献   

The likely concentrations of free magnesium ions in assay systems measuring ternary complex formation with the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF-2 and the exchange of bound GDP have been calculated. Contrary to the suggestion of Roy et al. (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 146, 114-120) amounts of added tRNA are unlikely to sequester sufficient magnesium ions to affect significantly their role in the assays. There seems little correlation between methionyl-tRNA added and the extent of ternary complex formation in published data other than that expected from mass action. In vivo the concentration of methionyl-tRNA is probably greater than or equal to that of eIF-2 which is shown to be necessary for efficient functioning of the initiation factor.  相似文献   

S E Carberry  D J Goss 《Biochemistry》1991,30(28):6977-6982
The interaction of wheat germ eIF-3 with the wheat germ cap-binding proteins eIF-(iso)4F and eIF-4F as a function of pH and ionic strength is described. Direct fluorescence titration experiments are used to measure the equilibrium association constants (Keq) for the binary protein/protein complexes as well as for the interaction of eIF-3 with methylated cap analogues and rabbit alpha-globin mRNA oligonucleotide analogues. The Keq values for ternary eIF-3/eIF-(iso)4F/analogue and eIF-3/eIF-4F/analogue interactions were also measured. The equilibrium binding constants were used to calculate coupling free energies, which provide an estimate of the cooperativity for the interaction of the mRNA analogues, eIF-3, and either eIF-4F or eIF-(iso)4F. These data suggest a mechanism in which the binding of eIF-(iso)4F or eIF-4F to mRNA enhances the subsequent binding of eIF-3 to the message. This may lead to favorable positioning of the complex on the ribosome and thereby enhance translation.  相似文献   

Published data dealing with the formation of the ternary complex eIF-2 X GTP X met-tRNAi involved in eukaryotic initiation have been evaluated to calculate the expected inhibition by GDP and the role of eIF-2B in limiting this inhibition. It is concluded that cellular levels of GDP are unlikely seriously to inhibit ternary complex formation if the reaction can proceed to equilibrium. However, derivation of 'on' and 'off' rates for the interaction of GTP and GDP with eIF-2 demonstrates that these are too slow in the absence of eIF-2B to support active protein synthesis, particularly if eIF-2 is released from ribosomes as eIF-2 X GDP. Whilst eIF-2 X GDP and eIF-2 X GTP appear to dissociate equally slowly, it is concluded that GDP binds to eIF-2 100-times faster than GTP. Addition of eIF-2B has the effect of raising k-1 for both GDP and GTP several hundred-fold and k+1 50- and 7000-fold, respectively. Thus, a kinetic block can be relieved even if there is no change in the thermodynamic state. Phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eIF-2 appears to affect only those parameters influenced by eIF-2B. The reported rescue of inhibited lysates by addition of 1 mM GTP is not by mass action but by some other mechanism. Consideration of the kinetic parameters favours the formation of a ternary complex of eIF-2 X eIF-2B X GDP en route to eIF-2 X GTP as opposed to displacement of GDP from eIF-2 X GDP by eIF-2B.  相似文献   

Nucleotide residues in E. coli tRNA(Phe) interacting directly with proteins in pre- and posttranslocated ribosomal complexes have been identified by UV-induced cross-linking. In the tRNA(Phe) molecule located in the Ab-site (pretranslocated complex) residues A9, G18, A26 and U59 are cross-linked with proteins S10, L27, S7 and L2, respectively. In tRNA(Phe) located in the Pt-site (posttranslocated complex) residues C17, G44, C56 and U60 are cross-linked with proteins L2, L5, L27 and S9, respectively. The same cross-links (except for G44-L5) have been found for tRNA in the Pb-site of the pretranslocated ribosomal complex. None of the tRNA(Phe) residues cross-linked with proteins in the complexes examined by us are involved in the stabilization of the secondary structure, but residues A9, G18, A26, G44 and C56 participate in stabilization of tRNA tertiary structure. Since translocation of tRNA(Phe) from Ab- to P-site is accompanied by changes of tRNA contacts with proteins L2 and L27, we postulate that this translocation is coupled with tRNA turn around the axis joining the anticodon loop with the CCA-end of the molecule. This is in agreement with the idea about the presence of a kink in mRNA between codons located in the ribosomal A- and P-sites. In all E. coli tRNAs with known primary structure positions 18 and 56, interacting with L27 protein, when tRNA is located either in A- or P-site, are invariant, whereas positions 17 and 60, interacting with proteins only when tRNA is in the P-site, are strongly conserved. In positions 9, 26 and 59 purines are the preferred residues. In most E. coli tRNAs deviations from the consensus in these three positions is strongly correlated.  相似文献   

Native small ribosomal subunits (40SN) from rat liver and rabbit reticulocytes prepared at different KC1 concentrations have been investigated by electron microscopy after negative staining. Subunits of both origins show identical features. The initiation factor eIF-3 is located in the middle region of the convex rear side of the particles and covers an area extending from the protuberance at the interface up to the external surface. eIF-3 has the shape of a flat triangular prism and is attached with its triangular base to the ribosomal surface.  相似文献   

M Gribskov 《Gene》1992,119(1):107-111
Initiation of translation is a complicated process involving numerous accessory factors whose functions remain incompletely understood. Bacterial ribosomal protein S1 is known to contain a repeated sequence motif (S1-RM), also found in polynucleotide phosphorylase, that is thought to be involved in binding to RNA. Using the technique of profile analysis, the S1-RM can also be found in bacterial and chloroplast translation initiation factor IF-1 sequences, and in the sequences of eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF-2 alpha chains. The significance of the similarity of the sequences is very high suggesting that the occurrence of the S1-RM in these diverse proteins represents homology. The similarity of S1 to IF-1 further suggests that S1 has evolved from an IF-1 like ancestor, and therefore that the two proteins have a similar or competitive function. The most obvious common function of the proteins containing the S1-RM seems to be RNA binding, suggesting that IF-1 and eIF-2 alpha may bind to RNA.  相似文献   

eIF-2 purified from neuroblastoma cells consists of three subunits, which appear to be of molecular weight identical to those of the subunits of rabbit reticulocyte eIF-2. A protein fraction has been isolated from neuroblastoma cells with characteristics similar to eRF from reticulocytes: stimulation of amino acid incorporation in a hemin-deprived reticulocyte lysate, the removal of GDP from eIF-2-GDP complexes, a 4-5-fold stimulatory effect in a two-step reaction measuring 40 S preinitiation complex formation and a 3-3.5-fold stimulation in the methionyl-puromycin synthesis. In the methionyl-puromycin-synthesizing system phosphorylated eIF-2 is not responsive to the addition of this fraction from neuroblastoma cells. The protein fraction contains eRF which seems to be similar to the eRF isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and somewhat distinct from the reticulocyte factor. Incubation of neuroblastoma cell lysate in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP results in the phosphorylation of a protein of Mr 36 000, migrating on SDS-polyacrylamide gels to the position of eIF-2 alpha. This protein is also phosphorylated in vitro by HRI from reticulocytes. These results may reflect a common underlying principle for the quantitative regulation of protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factors and regulators   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Significant progress has been made over the past several years on structural studies of the eukaryotic translation initiation factors that facilitate the assembly of a translation-competent ribosome at the initiation codon of an mRNA. These structural studies have revealed the repeated use of a set of common structural folds, highlighted the evolutionary conservation of the translation apparatus, and provided insight into the mechanism and regulation of cellular and viral protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Complexes were prepared containing 30S ribosomal subunits from Escherichia coli and the three initiation factors IF1, IF2, and IF3. In different experiments, each of the factors was radiolabeled with the others unlabeled. The complexes were allowed to react with 2-iminothiolane and then oxidized to promote the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds, some of which were between factors and ribosomal proteins. Each of the labeled factors becomes covalently cross-linked to the complex as judged by its failure to dissociate when centrifuged in a sucrose gradient containing a high salt concentration. Proteins from the complexes were extracted and analyzed on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels by nonequilibrium isoelectric focusing and sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. Spots corresponding to cross-linked dimers that contained initiation factors, as indicated on autoradiographs, were cut out and analyzed further. The following cross-linked dimers between factors and ribosomal proteins were identified: IF1-S12, IF1-S18, IF2-S13, IF3-S7, IF3-S11, IF3-S13, and IF3-S19. Cross-links between factors IF1-IF2 and IF3-IF2 were also identified. A model integrating these findings with others on the protein topography of the ribosome is presented.  相似文献   

In the quaternary initiation complex, eIF-2.GMPPCP.Met-tRNAf.40S ribosomal subunit, the Met-tRNAf can be cross-linked to the beta subunit of initiation factor eIF-2 as well as to ribosomal proteins S3a and S6 by treatment with the bifunctional reagent, diepoxybutane. Using 40S subunits, modified in advance with the heterobifunctional reagent, methyl-rho-azido-benzoylaminoacetimidate, Met-tRNAf is covalently bound to the same ribosomal proteins (S3a and S6) upon irradiation of the complex with ultraviolet light. Under both conditions proteins S3a and S6, together with a limited number of other ribosomal proteins, are covalently bound to 18S ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

The binding site for eIF-3 on the small ribosomal subunit was studied (a) by use of a complex of eIF-3 and derived 40 S ribosomal subunit from rat liver, and (b) by use of native small ribosomal subunits from rabbit reticulocytes. After treatment of both complexes with dimethyl 4,7-dioxo-5,6-dihydroxy-3,8-diazadecanbisimidate ribosomal proteins S3a, S4, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S23/24 and S27 became covalently linked to eIF-3 and were isolated together with the factor by gradient centrifugation. The ribosomal proteins were identified by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after periodate cleavage of the link(s).  相似文献   

We investigated the possibility that insulin could stimulate translation of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) mRNA in a murine fibroblast cell line that expresses large numbers of human insulin receptors (HIR 3.5 cells). Within 3 h after exposure to 70 nM insulin, ODC enzyme activity increased approximately 50-fold and mRNA accumulation 3-fold in the HIR 3.5 cells but not in normal fibroblasts. Pretreatment of cells with cycloheximide completely inhibited insulin-stimulated ODC expression; actinomycin D partially inhibited this effect. To determine the influence of the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) of ODC mRNA on insulin-regulated ODC expression, plasmids were constructed which contained sequences from the 5'UTR of a rat ODC mRNA interposed between the ferritin promoter and the coding region of the human growth hormone gene. These constructions were then expressed transiently in HIR 3.5 cells. Insulin stimulated a 2-4-fold change in growth hormone accumulation in the medium of cells transiently expressing plasmids containing the entire 5'UTR of ODC mRNA or just the 5'-most 115 bases, a G/C-rich conserved sequence predicted to form a stem-loop structure and shown previously to be responsible for constitutive inhibition of translation. There was a direct correlation between the extent of insulin stimulation and the predicted secondary structure of the added 5'UTR sequences. To determine whether this effect might be due to insulin activation of initiation factors responsible for melting mRNA secondary structure, we examined the effect of insulin on the phosphorylation states of two such factors, eucaryotic initiation factors eIF-4B and eIF-4E. Insulin stimulated the phosphorylation of both initiation factors; this stimulation was evident at 15 min and maximal by 60 min. These results suggest a potential general mechanism by which insulin could preferentially stimulate translation of mRNAs whose 5'UTRs exhibit significant secondary structure by activating initiation factors involved in melting such secondary structures.  相似文献   

Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against eukaryotic protein synthesis initiation factor eIF-3 were produced and used to determine the factor concentration and its association with ribosomes in rabbit reticulocyte and HeLa cell lysates. In rabbit reticulocyte lysate we found 3-5 micrograms eIF-3 per mg total protein and in HeLa cell lysate 8-15 micrograms eIF-3 per mg total protein. The initiation factor eIF-3 was found both associated with 40 S ribosomal subunits and free in the post-ribosomal supernatant. However, no eIF-3 could be detected on mono- or polyribosomes.  相似文献   

1. Studies on the function of initiation factor 1 (IF-1) in the formation of 30 S initiation complexes have been carried out. IF-1 appears to prevent the dissociation of initiation factor 2 (IF-2) from the 30 S initiation complex. The factor has no effect on either the initial binding of IF-2 nor does it increase the amount of IF-2 dependent fMet-tRNA and GTP bound to the 30 S subunit. Bound fMet-tRNA remains stable to sucrose gradient centrifugation even in the absence of IF-1. 2. It is postulated that the presence of IF-2 on the 30 S complex is necessary so that at the time of junction with the 50 S subunit to form a 70 S complex, the 70 S-dependent GTPase activity of IF-2 can hydrolyze GTP. This hydrolysis provides a means by which GTP can be removed to facilitate formation of a 70 S initiation complex active in peptidyl transfer. In support of this postulate, it was observed that 30 S initiation complexes formed in the absence of IF-1 could be depleted of their complexes were still able to accept 50 S subunits to form 70 S complexes which could still donate fMet-tRNA into peptide linkages. These results indicate that 30 S complexes lacking GTP do not require IF-2 for formation of active 70 S complexes. 3. IF-1, which is required to prevent dissociation of IF-2 from the 30 S initiation complex, is also required for release of IF-2 from ribosomes following 70 S initiation complex formation. The mechanisms of the release of IF-2 has been studied in greater detail. Evidence is presented which rules out the presence of a stable IF-2 GDP complex on the surface of the 70 S ribosome following GTP hydrolysis and of any exchange reactions between IF-1 and guanine nucleotides necessary for effecting the release of IF-2. IF-2 remains on the 70 S initiation complexes after release of guanine nucleotides and can be liberated solely by addition of IF-1.  相似文献   

Ribosome binding to mRNA requires the concerted action of three initiation factors, eIF-4A, eIF-4B, and eIF-4F, and the hydrolysis of ATP in a mechanism that is not well understood. Several lines of evidence support a model by which these factors bind to the 5' end of mRNA and unwind proximal secondary structure, thus allowing 40S ribosomal subunits to bind. We have previously used an unwinding assay to demonstrate that eIF-4A or eIF-4F in combination with eIF-4B functions as an RNA helicase. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of RNA unwinding, we used a mobility shift electrophoresis assay which allows the simultaneous analysis of unwinding and complex formation between these factors and RNA. eIF-4F forms a stable complex (complex A) with duplex RNA in the absence of ATP. Addition of eIF-4B results in the formation of a second complex (complex B) of slower mobility in the gel. In the presence of ATP, both complexes dissociate, concomitant with the unwinding of the duplex RNA. We present evidence to suggest that unwinding occurs in a processive as opposed to distributive manner. Thus, we conclude that helicase complexes that are formed in the absence of ATP on duplex RNA translocate processively along the RNA in an ATP-dependent reaction and melt secondary structure. These helicase complexes therefore represent intermediates in the unwinding process of mRNA that could precede ribosome binding.  相似文献   

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