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Pattern of 3H-uridine incorporation into RNA of spores of Onoclea sensibilis imbibed in complete darkness (non-germinating conditions) and induced to germinate in red light was followed by oligo-dT cellulose chromatography, gel electrophoresis coupled with fluorography and autoradiography. In dark-imbibed spores, RNA synthesis was initiated about 24 h after sowing, with most of the label accumulating in the high mol. wt. poly(A) -RNA fraction. There was no incorporation of the label into poly(A) +RNA until 48 h after sowing. In contrast, photo-induced spores began to synthesize all fractions of RNA within 12 h after sowing and by 24 h, incorporation of 3H-uridine into RNA of irradiated spores was nearly 70-fold higher than that into dark-imbibed spores. Protein synthesis, as monitored by 3H-arginine incorporation into the acid-insoluble fraction and by autoradiography, was initiated in spores within 1-2 h after sowing under both conditions. Autoradiographic experiments also showed that onset of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm of the germinating spore is independent of the transport of newly synthesized nuclear RNA. One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of 35S-methionine-labelled proteins revealed a good correspondence between proteins synthesized in a cell-free translation system directed by poly(A) +RNA of dormant spores and those synthesized in vivo by dark-imbibed and photo-induced spores. These results indicate that stored mRNAs of O. sensibilis spores are functionally competent and provide templates for the synthesis of proteins during dark-imbibition and germination.  相似文献   

A library of complementary DNA (cDNA) clones has been prepared from poly(A)+RNA of spores of the sensitive fern, Onoclea sensibilis L. By differential hybridization with labeled probes made to poly(A)+ RNA of spores, gametophytes and leaves, two spore-specific clones (pOSS68 and pOSS194) were selected and characterized. Northern blot analysis showed that RNA sequences homologous to the two cDNA clones first appear in the post-meiotic spore and increase in abundance during spore maturity. Both RNA sequences decay during photoinduced germination of the spores and do not reappear in the gametophytes. In spores imbibed in the dark under conditions which do not favor germination, no significant decrease in pOSS194-mRNA abundance is noted. In contrast, the decrease in pOSS68 mRNA in dark-imbibed spores parallels that observed in photoinduced spores. The predicted amino-acid sequence of pOSS194 has a striking similarity to the early light-inducible proteins expressed during the greening of etiolated pea and barley seedlings, whereas that of pOSS68 shows some homology to proteins encoded by late-embryogenesis-abundant mRNAs of angiosperm embryos.Abbreviations bp base pairs - cDNA complementary DNA - ds double-stranded - ELIP early light-inducible proteins - LEA late embryogenesis abundant - nt nucleotide - ss single stranded This work was partially supported by a NASA grant (NAGW-901) and by an allocation from the Research Challenge Investigators' Fund of the Ohio State University to V.R. Thanks are due to Mr. Clayton L. Rugh for sequencing our clones and to Dr. Paul A. Fuerst for help in the computer search of sequence alignments.  相似文献   

During spore germination in the fern, Onoclea sensibilis L., the nucleus moves from a central position to one end, and an asymmetrical cell division partitions the spore into two cells of greatly unequal size. The smaller cell differentiates directly into a rhizoid, whereas the larger cell and its derivatives give rise to the prothallus. In the presence of 5 mM caffeine, the nuclei of most of the spores undergo mitotic replication, whereas cell wall formation is blocked. Multinucleate single cells are produced, which are capable of growth, but no rhizoid differentiation occurs. In some cases a partial cell wall is produced, but the nucleus moves through the discontinuity back to the center of the spore, and the enucleate, incompletely partitioned small “cell” fails to differentiate into a rhizoid. In less than 1% of the spores a broad protuberance, whose wall is yellow-brown, is formed in a multinucleate single cell. The color, staining reaction to ruthenium red, and ultrastructural appearance of the protuberance resemble that of the rhizoid wall. It appears that infrequently in the caffeine-treated spores, a feature which is characteristic of rhizoids is expressed, in the absence of asymmetric cell division, in a cell which otherwise is unable to produce a rhizoid. The results are interpreted to mean that the spore has a highly localized, persistent differentiated region. For rhizoid differentiation to occur, a nucleus must be confined in that region – a confinement which normally is accomplished by the geometrically asymmetric first cell division of germination.  相似文献   

Protease activities were detected in quiescent and germinating spores of the ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris [L.] Todaro). Peak endopeptidase, aminopeptidase, and carboxypeptidase activities were detected 12 to 24 hours after spores began imbibing under light. There was a correlation between activities of proteases, the onset of a decline in levels of soluble protein, and an increase in levels of free amino acids. The earliest visible event of spore germination, breakage of the spore coat and protrusion of a rhizoid cell, was observed after peak protease activity, 48 to 72 hours after the start of imbibition. Results of this study demonstrate similarities in the pattern of protease activities during germination of ostrich fern spores to those of some seeds.  相似文献   

Phytochrome is confirmed to be the photoreceptor pigment in the germination response of Onoclea sensibilis L. by demonstrating red-far-red (R-FR) photoreversibility. External Ca2+ is required for this response with a threshold at a submicromolar concentration. Ethylene glycol-bis(-amino-ethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid, La3+ and Co2+ reversibly inhibit germination. Lanthanum only inhibits germination when applied before or during irradiation, indicating that the external Ca2+ requirement is transient, although in the absence of Ca2+ the R-stimulated system remains maximally poised to accept the ion for over 4 h after irradiation. The ability to respond to Ca2+ 4.1 h after R-irradiation is not reversed by FR-irradiation, indicating that Ca2+ transport has been uncoupled from phytochrome. Barium and Sr2+, but not Mg2+ can substitute for Ca2+. Artificially increasing the concentration of intracellular free Ca2+ with the ionophore A 23187 stimulates germination in the dark. The Ca2+-calmodulin antagonists, trifluoperizine and chlorpromazine, reversibly inhibit germination. Calcium is required in phytochrome-mediated fern spore germination; it may be acting as a second messenger.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - FR far-red light - R fed light  相似文献   

Summary Germinating spores of the sensitive fern,Onoclea sensibilis L., undergo premitotic nuclear migration before a highly asymmetric cell division partitions each spore into a large protonemal cell and a small rhizoid initial. Nuclear movement and subsequent rhizoid formation were inhibited by the microtubule (MT) inhibitors, colchicine, isopropyl-N-3-chlorophenyl carbamate (CIPC) and griseofulvin. Colchicine prevented polar nuclear movement and cell division so that spores developed into enlarged, uninucleate single cells. CIPC and griseofulvin prevented nuclear migration, but not cell division, so that spores divided into daughter cells of approximately equal size. In colchicine-treated spores, MT were not observed at any time during germination. CIPC prevented MT formation at a time coincident with nuclear movement in the control and caused a disorientation of the spindle MT. Both colchicine and CIPC appeared to act at a time prior to the onset of normal nuclear movement. The effects of colchicine were reversible but those of CIPC were not. Cytochalasin b had no effect upon nuclear movement or rhizoid differentiation. These results suggests that MT mediate nuclear movement and that a highly asymmetric cell division is essential for rhizoid differentiation.  相似文献   

Pattern of 3H-uridine incorporation into RNA of spores of Onocleasensibilis imbibed in complete darkness (non-germinating conditions)and induced to germinate in red light was followed by oligo-dTcellulose chromatography, gel electrophoresis coupled with fluorographyand autoradiography. In dark-imbibed spores, RNA synthesis wasinitiated about 24 h after sowing, with most of the label accumulatingin the high mol. wt. poly(A)RNA fraction. There was noincorporation of the label into poly(A) + RNA until 48 h aftersowing. In contrast, photo-induced spores began to synthesizeall fractions of RNA within 12 h after sowing and by 24 h, incorporationof 3H-uridine into RNA of irradiated spores was nearly 70-foldhigher than that into dark-imbibed spores. Protein synthesis,as monitored by 3H-arginine incorporation into the acid-insolublefraction and by autoradiography, was initiated in spores within1–2 h after sowing under both conditions. Autoradiographicexperiments also showed that the onset of protein synthesisin the cytoplasm of the germinating spore is independent ofthe transport of newly synthesized nuclear RNA. One-dimensionalsodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of35S-methionine-labelled proteins revealed a good correspondencebetween proteins synthesized in a cell-free translation systemdirected by poly(A) +RNA of dormant spores and those synthesizedin vivo by dark-imbibed and photo-induced spores. These resultsindicate that stored mRNAs of O. sensibilis spores are functionallycompetent and provide templates for the synthesis of proteinsduring dark-imbibition and germination. Key words: Onoclea sensibilis, fern spore germination, gene expression, protein synthesis, sensitive fern, stored mRNA  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to test the effects of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) on germination and subsequent development of the gametophytes of the sensitive fern Onoclea sensibilis. AFB1 concentrations used were 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5 M.Preliminary studies indicated that, under all AFB1 concentrations tested, germination was maximum after 144 hrs. Additional studies revealed that during this time period protonemal growth was in the log phase.Percent germination was inhibited by increasing concentrations of AFB1; a 50% inhibition was noted at 12.5 M. In addition, increasing concentrations of AFB1 caused a reduction in the total number of cells per protonema. Preliminary analysis indicated that this was caused by a reduction of the rate of cell production rather than total inhibition of cell division. A comparison of the doseresponse curves for both of the above effects demonstrated that sensitivity to AFB1 starts at 2.5 M. This may indicate that AFB1 is acting on a process common to both phenomena.The fern spore germination system could be a simple model system in which to study the site and mode of action of AFB1.  相似文献   

Germination of spores of the fungus Botryodiplodia theobromae was inhibited by the antilipogenic antibiotic cerulenin. The spores remained viable in the presence of the antibiotic, however, and after prolonged incubation they were able to overcome the inhibition. Cerulenin inhibition of germination was reversed by Tween 40 and Tween 60 (derivatives of palmitate and stearate, respectively), but not by representatives of a range of free fatty acids or their soaps. Cerulenin abolished incorporation of [14C]acetate into sterols and triglycerides and reduced its incorporation into fatty acids by 69%. Cyanide-sensitive oxygen consumption by spores incubated in the presence of cerulenin was greatly reduced throughout germination, and the activity of cytochrome c oxidase was no more than 13% of the activity in untreated spores, even after prolonged incubation. However, low-temperature difference spectra of mitochondrial extracts showed that the cerulenin-treated spores accumulated a threefold excess of cytochrome a, whereas the cellular concentrations of cytochroms c and b were identical to those of untreated spores. Cerulenin treatment sharply reduced the rates of whole spore protein and RNA synthesis. Cerulenin had no effects upon mitochondrial morphology which could be discerned with an electron microscope.  相似文献   

Bacillus cereus T spores were prepared on fortified nutrient agar, and the spore coat and outer membrane were extracted by 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate-100 mM dithiothreitol in 0.1 M sodium chloride (SDS-DTT) at pH 10.5 (coat-defective spores). Coat-defective spores in L-alanine plus adenosine germinated slowly and to a lesser extent than spores not treated with SDS-DTT, as determined by decrease in absorbance and release of dipicolinic acid and Ca2+. Spores germinated in calcium dipicolinate only after treatment with SDS-DTT. Biphasic and triphasic germination kinetics were observed with normal and coat-defective spores, respectively, in an environment with temperature increasing from 20 to 65 degrees C at a rate of 1 degree C/min. Therefore, the physical and biochemical processes involved in germination are modified by coat removal. The data suggest that a portion of the germination apparatus located interior to the coat may be protected by the coat and outer membrane or that the coat and outer membrane otherwise enhance germination in L-alanine plus adenosine. When coat-defective spores were heat activated with the dialyzed (12,000-Mr cutoff) components extracted from the spores, germination of the SDS-DTT-treated spores was enhanced; thus, one or more components located in the spore coat or outer membrane with a molecular weight greater than 12,000 were essential for fast germination.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial respiratory cytochrome contents of dormant and germinating conidia of Botryodiplodia theobromae were examined. Oxidized versus reduced difference spectra at 77 degrees K of whole mitochondria from physiologically mature germinated spores showed a typical a-band pattern for cytochromes c, b, and a, with absorption maxima at 549, 554 + 559, and 604 nm, respectively, whereas the difference spectrum of the counterpart mitochondrial fraction from dormant spores showed no cytochrome a bands. However, a fraction prepared from dormant spore mitochondria by detergent extraction and (NH4)2SO4 fractionation contained readily detectable quantities of cytochromes c and b (as shown by the a and Soret absorption bands), but it did not contain the a or Soret bands of cytochrome a observed in a counterpart preparation from germinated spores. The pyridine hemochromogen preparation from the dormant spore mitochondria contained no material that is spectroscopically characteristic of a-type heme and protoheme. These results suggest that cytochrome a is not present as a functional molecule in dormant spores. The first spectroscopically detectable cytochromes were observed in whole mitochondria at 210 min of spore germination, and the amount of each of the cytochromes increased with cell growth. A precursor of the heme porphyrin, delta-[4-14C]aminolevulinic acid, was first incorporated (at accelerating rates) into acid-insoluble spore material at 180 min of germination, which appears to be the approximate time of organization of new mitochondria in these spores.  相似文献   

Cycloheximide inhibited initiation and elongation of the protonemal cell during germination of the spores of bracken fern. Incorporation of 14C-leucine into protein was also profoundly affected by the drug. Concentration of actinomycin D sufficient to inhibit incorporation of 3Huridine into heavy RNA fractions of spores did not prevent initiation of the protonema, but inhibited its subsequent elongation. Protein synthesis during initiation and growth of protonema was not appreciably sensitive to actinomycin D. As in the case of rhizoid initiation, protein synthesis necessary for initiation of protonema during germination appears to involve preformed messenger RNA.  相似文献   

The metal ion content of spores of five Streptomyces species was studied. A general feature of this study was the finding of a very high calcium content (1.1 to 2.1% of the dry weight). Accumulation of calcium occurred preferentially during the sporulation process. Spore calcium was located in the integument fraction, and more than 95% of the calcium was removed from intact spores by ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N-tetraacetic acid. Several divalent cations (Mg2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, and Fe2+) which induced darkening of spores and loss of heat resistance also caused the release of calcium from spores. In addition, darkening of spores was blocked by metabolic inhibitors, whereas calcium excretion was not affected. Two different categories of events in the initiation of germination may be differentiated; first, calcium release from spores which is not energy dependent and is a consequence of triggering of germination by some divalent cations, and second, some other events including loss of heat resistance, loss of spore refractility, and a decrease in absorbance, with at least one energy-dependent step.  相似文献   

Population density affected the sex expression of agar-growngametophytes of Onoclea sensibilis L. The time of onset of sexualitywas advanced, the proportion of females was increased, and thegrowth rate of individuals was greater at lower densities. Populationdensity had no effect on the sex expression of Onoclea grownon ashed soil, and there was no difference in growth rate ofindividuals grown on ashed soil at different densities. Covariateanalysis, using thallus width as a measure of growth rate, indicatedthat the effect of density on sex expression was mostly associatedwith growth rate. The differing effects of population densityon agar and ashed soil demonstrate that substrate influencessex expression in Onoclea. This influence is most dramatic insingle-gametophyte cultures, where agar cultures produced 97per cent females and ashed soil cultures 100 per cent males. Onoclea sensibilis L., sensitive fern, fern gametophytes, sexuality, population density  相似文献   

Y Sakae  Y Yasuda    K Tochikubo 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(21):6294-6296
Ultrastructural localization of GerAB, one of the proteins of Bacillus subtilis spores related to L-alanine-initiated germination, was investigated by immunoelectron microscopy with antipeptide (residues 61 to 80 of GerAB) antiserum and a colloidal gold-immunoglobulin G complex. Immunogold particles were visualized in the boundary region between the cortex and coat of dormant spores, and they were broadly dispersed into the cortex region after germination.  相似文献   

Dormant spores of Bacillus megaterium contained no detectable reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) or reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) despite significant levels of the oxidized forms of these nucleotides (NAD and NADP). During the first minutes of spore germination there was rapid accumulation of NADH and NADPH. However, this accumulation followed the fall in optical density that is characteristic of the initiation of spore germination. Accumulation of NADH and NADPH early in germination was not blocked by fluoride or cyanide, and it occurred even when germination was carried out in the absence of an exogenous source of reducing power. In addition to pyridine nucleotide reduction, de novo synthesis also began early in germination as the pyridine nucleotide levels increased to those found in growing cells. Midlog-phase cells grown in several different media had 20 to 35 times as much total pyridine nucleotide as did dormant spores. However, as growth and sporulation proceeded, the NADH plus NAD level fell four- to fivefold whereas the NADPH plus NADP level fell by a lesser amount. From min 10 of spore germination until midway through sporulation the value for the ratio of NADH/NAD is about 0.1 (0.03 to 0.18) while the ratio of NADPH/ANDP is about 1.4 (0.3 to 2.4). Comparison of these ratios in log-phase versus stationary phase (sporulation) growth in all three growth media tested did not reveal any common pattern of changes.  相似文献   

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